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西双版纳傣族利用野生蔬菜种类变化及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用民族植物学的方法,选择西双版纳自然及社会经济发展不同的三个傣族村寨曼安、曼伞和曼广囡为研究对象,调查当地村民利用野生蔬菜情况,并探讨利用种类变化的原因。三个傣族村寨村民利用的野生蔬菜有228种,分属于75个科,其中曼安村寨147种,曼伞村寨144种,曼广囡村寨105种。通过Multivariate方差分析(P<0.05)表明:不同村寨的村民平均每人提及的野生蔬菜物种数存在显著差异;年轻组平均每人提及的野生蔬菜物种数明显低于年长组,不同性别之间差异不显著;野生蔬菜知识的流失在男性之间比女性更为严重。最后对影响野生蔬菜利用的因素,野生蔬菜利用变化的原因以及传统野生蔬菜知识的流失进行了分析,就如何保护传统知识进行了探讨。  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族村寨对湿地植物的传统利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者用半结构访谈与关键人物访谈相结合,并佐以证据标本采集的民族植物学研究方法,对云南省西双版纳3个自然环境和经济社会条件差异较大的典型傣族村寨(曼降,曼安,曼伞)居民的湿地植物知识,以及不同性别、年龄人群掌握湿地植物知识的差异作了统计分析。研究结果表明:(1)西双版纳傣族村寨利用的湿地植物种类丰富,经鉴定的有46科102种,以湿生植物为主;利用类型有食用类、药用、代茶类和宗教类等,以食用类为主。(2)三个村寨中以曼伞调查和采集到的植物种类最多,曼安次之,曼降最低。3个村寨利用的湿地植物种类的相似性低。这与村寨周围的自然植被类型及其干扰程度密切相关。(3)统计分析显示,村寨的自然环境与经济发展状况对该村村民传统湿地知识的掌握有重要的影响。食用和药用、代茶植物知识在3个村寨都表现为年长组(>45岁)明显高于年轻组(≤45岁,P<0.05),而男性和女性对不同知识的掌握则因村寨自然环境和经济发展状况的不同而各不相同。植物多样性和民族传统文化多样性的关系显示出传统知识的传承对植物多样性保护是十分重要的。  相似文献   

应用户级水平农业生物多样性评价方法,对云南省西双版纳州3个少数民族村寨(哈尼族大卡老寨、基诺族巴卡小寨和傣族曼那龙寨)的旱稻(Oryza sativa)品种进行收集,就旱稻品种的管理和利用等问题进行了问卷调查和农户访谈,并基于农艺性状的统计分析,初步探讨了社区旱稻品种多样性的就地保护措施。结果如下:(1)在3个调查村寨共记载收集到31个旱稻品种,多样的旱稻品种满足了人们的不同需求;(2)主成分分析结果表明,旱稻品种农艺性状多样性主要表现在产量性状和剑叶形态两个方面,其中巴卡小寨和大卡老寨的品种多样性均高于曼那龙寨,并且这些早稻品种中存在具优良性状的稻种资源;(3)3个少数民族村寨具有不同的民族文化背景,不同民族间或不同村寨农户间自发的种子交换以及他们传统的轮作、间作耕作方式,维持和提高了旱稻品种多样性;(4)通过保护民族文化和传统习俗,充分利用当地民族的旱稻种植管理知识,促进民间自发的种子交换,由政府、科研机构和农户共同参与,通过示范和培训加强科学指导,是对西双版纳社区旱稻品种资源多样性进行就地保护的有效措施。  相似文献   

西安和宝鸡木本植物花期物候变化及温度敏感度对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶泽兴  葛全胜  徐韵佳  王焕炯 《生态学报》2020,40(11):3666-3676
植物物候是指示生态系统对气候变化响应的重要证据。已有研究多基于代表性站点的物候观测数据研究物候特征及其对气候变化的响应规律。同一气候区内,不同站点的物候变化及对温度变化响应的敏感度是否一致仍需深入探讨。本文选择同属于暖温带湿润区汾渭平原气候区的西安和宝鸡为研究区,利用"中国物候观测网"在两个站点21个共有物种的开花始期和开花末期数据,比较了1987—2016年两站点各植物花期物候变化特征及其对温度变化响应的敏感度差异。结果表明,西安和宝鸡各物种的开花始期和开花末期均以提前趋势为主。大部分物种开花始期在西安的提前趋势(平均趋势-0.57 d/a)明显强于在宝鸡的提前趋势(平均趋势-0.29 d/a),但开花末期趋势差异不显著。除紫薇和迎春的敏感度差异较大外,其他物种开花始期和开花末期的温度敏感度在两站点间非常接近,无显著差异。由此可见,在同一气候区的不同站点,因增温幅度不同,植物的始花期变化存在较大差异,不能用单站点的物候变化反映整个气候区的物候变化。但同一植物在单站点的温度敏感度可以较好的反映同一气候区其他站点的植物物候-气候关系。本文研究结果可为利用有限站点的物候观测数据分析区域物候变化及对气候变化的响应提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文应用户级水平的农业生物多样性评价方法 ,在 2个热带山地村寨 (大卡老寨、巴卡小寨 )和一个热带坝区村寨 (曼那龙寨 )按 39%的比例随机抽取农户 ,利用半结构访谈 ,问卷调查等方法进行旱稻种植情况以及社会经济状况调查 ,并对传统旱稻品种进行收集和鉴定。结果表明 :在 3个村寨中 ,旱稻品种存在丰富的形态多样性和遗传多样性 ;一些需肥 ,优质的旱稻品种已经或濒于消失 ,而耐瘠 ,米质差的旱稻品种占绝对优势 ,旱稻品种趋于单一化 ;农户保存的旱稻品种数及类型不仅受旱稻种植面积、轮歇地面积的影响 ,还受各农户饮食习惯、种植技术、市场需要、以及民族文化的影响。因此 ,必须采取多种措施对旱稻品种多样性进行保护  相似文献   

广西龙胜平安寨传统利用植物资源的民族植物学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用民族植物学的研究方法,以桂北地区的平安寨为例,对广西龙胜平安寨壮族传统植物的利用进行实地调查,了解当地壮族对植物的利用现状,收集日常生产生活的植物利用知识。本次研究记录了壮族传统植物67科157种:其中食用植物有41种,隶属23个科;传统药用植物有86种,隶属47个科;传统历法和民间信仰植物有16种,隶属13科;日常生产生活的植物有34种,隶属22个科。总结和探讨了植物在壮族文化发展过程中的地位和作用,从壮族传统知识中挖掘具有科学性、合理性和实用性特征的植物利用知识,为促进当地及相似生态环境地区生物多样性保护、植物文化多样性的发展,以及建设"美丽广西"提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

丹江口水库消落带土壤种子库与地上植被和环境的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以丹江口水库消落带为研究区域,利用层次聚类法将海拔140~145 m区域内37个样地的土壤种子库分为6个组,比较不同组间的种子库物种组成、密度及多样性指数之间的差异;利用相似性指数分析土壤种子库与地上植被的差异;运用主成分分析和多元回归分析土壤种子库密度与地上植被、环境因素的关系.结果表明: 在丹江口水库消落带同海拔区域内,土壤种子库在物种组成上呈明显的异质性,不同组间的种子库密度、多样性指数均存在显著差异;土壤种子库与地上植被的差异较大,而且土壤种子库中的物种数明显少于地上植被中的物种数;土壤种子库密度与地上植被盖度、地上物种数和土壤质地呈显著正相关,而与田间持水量和土壤孔隙度呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

为明确药用植物委陵菜与其同属植物星毛委陵菜在不同基原之间的代谢差异,更有效的利用药用植物资源。基于气相色谱与质谱联用技术对两药用植物间的小分子初生代谢物进行非靶向代谢组学分析,利用主成分分析和偏最小二乘法分析,寻找可区分两物种的差异代谢物以及在初生代谢途径上的差异。结果:利用GC-MS在两植物中共检测到134个色谱峰,通过与数据库比对,共鉴定出43种初生代谢产物。PCA分析结果显示代谢物在委陵菜和星毛委陵菜间的分布有较大的差异;采用OPLS-DA筛选获得导致2物种区分的差异代谢物共33种,两物种在半乳糖代谢、淀粉和蔗糖代谢、氨酰生物合成、氨基糖和核苷酸糖代谢和果糖和甘露糖代谢途径有显著的差异。委陵菜和星毛委陵菜的初生代谢方面存在较大差异,虽然两植物来源于同科同属植物,但是星毛委陵菜不适合代替委陵菜作为药材使用。  相似文献   

生物多样性与生产力的关系是当前生态学中研究的重点之一,以呼伦贝尔草原为研究对象,通过连续两个生长季的野外监测,从草地植物功能型的角度探讨了在不同利用方式下草地物种丰富度与地上生物量的关系,结果表明:(1)不同草地利用方式显著影响草地生物多样性和生产力,在3种不同利用方式中,生物多样性总体的趋势是割草〉围封〉放牧,其中Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和物种丰富度均差异显著;割草草地地上生物量最高,围封草地次之,放牧草地最少。(2)将草地植物按照植物功能型分类,放牧草地1、2年生植物占优势,随着物种丰富度的增加,1、2年生植物生物量没有明显的变化趋势;割草草地以禾本科植物和非禾本科植物为主,随着物种丰富度的增加,禾本科植物生物量呈下降趋势,而非禾本科植物变化不明显;围封草地中禾本科植物占优势,其他功能型植物分布较均匀,多度、频度和生物量等差异不显著。(3)3种草地利用方式中只有围封草地物种丰富度和地上生物量存在显著的正相关,即随着物种丰富度的增加,生物量也随之升高。其他两种利用方式下,物种丰富度对地上生物量没有显著影响。  相似文献   

周静帆  欧杨  周丽  刘昕岑  包蓉 《广西植物》2019,39(3):346-358
传统村落的植物景观反应了一个民族在长期实践中积累的植物认知和应用经验,该研究对云南省德宏州大盈江、瑞丽江流域的19个傣族传统村落进行了植物景观及应用调查。结果表明:德宏傣族传统村落植物景观水平分布为寨外(山林绿块+农田绿块+护堤绿带)——寨边(防护绿环+高山榕绿块)——寨内(绿点+绿线)的格局;垂直分布有5个景观层次;村寨内常见植物共181种,73科;村寨内植物多为人工栽培,具较强实用性,主要应用功能集中在食用、药用、观赏、防护隔离、香薰调味等方面;傣寨植物人文景观具宗教色彩。建议加强植物水平分布的空间联系,建立稳定的绿地系统格局;保持植物垂直景观层次,推广植物的建造功能应用;充分利用植物资源,形成产业优势;传承优秀的植物文化景观。推广植物在村落建设中的传统应用经验,促进民族村落与植物的可持续保护与发展,为德宏傣族人居环境建设与民族植物学应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

One hundred and fourteen plant species which belonging to 43 families and 93 genera were recorded in this study. All these species were used as traditional beverage plants by Dai people in two Dai villages (Man’an and Mansan)of xishuangbanna and 65 . 8% of the plants may hold medicinal functions. The results indicated that the species and the number of species were quite different between the two villages , and the difference between genders was not significant. However, the results of ANOVA showed that there was not significant difference between the average number of plant species mentioned in the villages and among genders, and the mean number of plant species mentioned in young group was significantly lower than that in old group, especially inMan’an village where transportation is much convenient. The study suggested that the indigenous knowledge was on the way of loss with the influence of exotic culture.  相似文献   

生物多样性的快速流失 ,使传统分类工作在热带物种多样性评估中显出不足 ,而民间分类系统在区域性物种多样性快速评估中的作用已经引起人们的重视。前人对西双版纳傣族民间植物命名和分类系统已做过研究 ,该文在此基础上 ,探讨能否将这种知识用于区域性物种多样性快速评估。利用生物多样性快速编目、样方调查及民族植物学中民间访谈的方法 ,考察了三个傣族村寨原住民的植物识别能力。结果表明 ,傣族原住民的植物识别程度与其年龄呈显著正相关 ,中年以后识别能力趋于稳定 ,识别率高达 91 %以上。通过与长期在西双版纳地区工作的野外植物分类学家相比较 ,我们发现傣族原住民的植物识别率不低于分类学家 ,且所需时间比分类学家少。作者认为 ,民间植物分类系统可以用于局部地区的物种多样性快速评估。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Wild food plants (WFPs) contribute to the nutrition, economy and even cultural identity of people in many parts of the world. Different factors determine the preference and use of WFPs such as abundance, availability, cultural preference, economic conditions, shortage periods or unsecure food production systems. Understanding these factors and knowing the patterns of selection, use and cultural significance and value of wild food plants for local communities is helpful in setting priorities for conservation and/or domestication of these plants. Thus in this study knowledge of wild food plant use among four groups namely Dai, Lahu, Hani and Mountain Han in Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve ((NRWNNR), Xishuangbanna were documented and analyzed to find the similarity and difference among their plant use. METHODS: Data on wild food plant use was collected through freelisting and semi-structured interviews and participatory field collection and direct observation. Botanical plant sample specimens were collected, prepared, dried and identified. RESULTS: A total of 173 species and subspecies from 64 families and one species of lichen (Ramalina sp.) are used as WFP. There were differences on the saliency of wild food plant species among four ethnic groups. Consensus analysis revealed that knowledge of wild food plant use for each ethnic group differs from others with some variation in each group. Among informant attributes only age was related with the knowledge if wild food plant use, whereas no significant relationship was found between gender and age*gender and informants knowledge of wild food plant use. CONCLUSION: Wild food plants are still used extensively by local people in the NRWNNR, some of them on a daily base. This diversity of wild food plants provide important source of nutrients for the local communities which much of their caloric intake comes from one or few crops. The results also show the role of ethnicity on the preference and use of wild food plants. There is a big potential for harvesting, participatory domestication and marketing of WFPs especially in the tourism sector in the area.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in five villages around the Nazinga Game Ranch, Burkina Faso. Fifty informants of the Gourounsi ethnic group were used. Eighty-one useful woody species were identified, out of a total of 110 woody species in the area. Woody plant use was quantified as: edible fruits (28 species), vegetable sauce (22 species), firewood (33 species), construction (29 species) and medicine (64 species and 167 remedies). Further, species accumulation curves were used to estimate that more than 650 remedies for medicine are used in the area. The community's knowledge of plants was analysed in relation to age, gender, village of residence and amount of intercultural visits. The knowledge pattern was remarkably uniform, with only two variations: (1) men generally identified more edible fruit trees than women, and (2) one village reported more firewood species than the other four villages. The informants had a variety of opinions concerning the availability of useful plants, but the majority found the availability to be fine and 47% of the informants searched for useable products in the savanna on a daily basis. No correlation was found between an informant's impression of useful products availability and his/her frequency of visits into the savanna. The results show that the Gourounsi people live in intimate relation with the savanna surrounding their villages. They are aware of the environment and are willing to learn and adopt new conservation practices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the wealth of medicinal plants used by the Apatani tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. Apatani have traditionally settled in seven villages in the Ziro valley of Lower Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh in the Eastern Himalayan region of India. The present study has resulted in the documentation of 158 medicinal plant species used by the Apatani group of villages. These medicinal plant species were distributed across 73 families and 124 genera. Asteraceae was the most dominant family (19 species, 11 genera) of medicinal plants, followed by Zingiberaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae and Araceae. For curing ailments, the use of aboveground plant parts was higher (80%) than the belowground plant parts in the Apatani group of villages. Of the aboveground plant parts, leaf was used in the majority of cases (56 species), followed by fruit. Different belowground plant forms such as root, tuber, rhizome, bulb and pseudo-bulb were used by Apatani as a medicine. About 52 types of ailments were cured by using these 158 medicinal plant species. The results of this study are further discussed in the changing socio-economic contexts.  相似文献   

Comparison of the Homegardens of Eight Cultural Groups in Jinping County, Southwest China. Species growing in 124 homegardens in 15 villages inhabited by 8 cultural groups living in Jinping County, southwest China, were recorded, together with information on the uses of the species and other features of the gardens. Data were gathered using key informant interviews, participatory observation, and ecological sampling. The results showed that production of food for domestic use was the main function of the gardens. Other uses included plants for income generation, household-level construction, local health care, and for ecological purposes (confined to higher altitude homegardens). The primary floristic variation in the gardens was related to climatic change with altitude, with variations in the use of the gardens to grow plants for local healthcare being also significant. Homegardens can be clustered into two groups based on floristic composition—lower altitude gardens (including Dai, Zhuang, Homg, and Lahu) and higher altitude gardens (including Yao, Yi, Hani, and Han). Both cultural conservatism and a readiness to adapt to new economic conditions are reflected in the characteristics of the gardens. Homegardens maintain considerable conservation value as repositories of several species of endangered plants and several species of medicinal plants that are over-collected in the wild.  相似文献   

We studied species composition, similarity, and structure of homegardens in two Yucatecan Maya communities, Tixpeual and Tixcacaltuyub, Yucatan, Mexico. The number of gardens sampled per village was 20 and 22; total area sampled was very similar, 45,265 m2 and 40,150 m2; the number of trees and shrubs present was 5651 and 5603; and number of species was 135 and 133, respectively. Diversity was low for both sites (H′= 1.6), as were the correlation coefficients (r) for the species-area and individuals-area correlations. The relatively low values obtained for the structural parameters reflect the random pattern of plant incorporation to the gardens, the variability in the proportion of constantly used and not constantly used garden area, and a certain uniformity in the number of species used and number of individuals present, and the relationship between these parameters and garden size. All these reflect the uniqueness of each homegarden, which depends upon the cultural background of the owner. We noticed a trend towards a change in homegarden structure and function in response to the modernization process. Homegardens in villages in the outskirts of cities tend to have more ornamental species and commercial fruit plants than homegardens in isolated villages.  相似文献   

Road verges in the Prince Albert district, South Africa were examined to determine whether they are important refugia for plant species in the Karoo biome. Vascular plants at 50 sites on road verges were compared with those plant communities in the adjacent grazed rangelands. Verges were found to support a greater mean number of species, total plant cover, and number of individual plants. Road verges were found to contain 11 unique species compared with 20 unique species in rangelands. Plant community composition varied with more forbs and succulents on the verge and more shrubs in the rangeland. Significantly greater cover of unpalatable plants was found on the ungrazed road verge, and no difference in palatable and highly palatable plant cover was recorded, indicating that herbivory is not a major driver in defining community differences in these environments. No significant differences in soil moisture or texture were found between verge and rangeland. We argue that road maintenance and construction activities have an over-riding controlling influence on road verge community composition. Although it is not possible to discount the possibility that road verges provide an important refuge for certain species, it appears that they are disturbed environments that do not contribute significantly to the plant conservation needs of this biome.  相似文献   

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