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The specific physiological responses induced by pleasant stimuli were investigated in this study. Various physiological responses of the brain (encephaloelectrogram; EEG), autonomic nervous system (ANS), immune system and endocrine system were monitored when pleasant stimuli such as odors, emotional pictures and rakugo, a typical Japanese comical story-telling, were presented to subjects. The results revealed that (i) EEG activities of the left frontal brain region were enhanced by a pleasant odor; (ii) emotional pictures related to primitive element such as nudes and erotic couples elevated vasomotor sympathetic nervous activity; and (iii) an increase in secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) and a decrease in salivary cortisol (s-cortisol) were induced by rakugo-derived linguistic pleasant emotion. Pleasant emotion is complicated state. However, by considering the evolutionary history of human being, it is possible to assess and evaluate pleasant emotion from certain physiological responses by appropriately summating various physiological parameters.  相似文献   

Human swallowing involves the integration of sensorimotor information with complexities such as taste; however, the interaction between the taste of food and its effects on swallowing control remains unknown. We assessed the effects of pleasant (sweet) and aversive (bitter) tastes on human cortical swallowing motor pathway excitability. Healthy adult male volunteers underwent a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) mapping study (n = 9, mean age: 34 yr) to assess corticobulbar excitability before and up to 60 min after 10-min liquid infusions either 1) as swallowing tasks or 2) delivered directly into the stomach. Infusions were composed of sterile water (neutral), 10% glucose (sweet), and 0.5 mM quinine hydrochloride (bitter). The order of delivery was randomized, and each infusion was given on separate days. Pharyngeal motor-evoked potentials (PMEPs) were recorded from an intraluminal catheter as a measure of corticobulbar excitability and compared using repeated-measures and one-way ANOVA. After the swallowing task (water, glucose, or quinine), repeated-measures ANOVA revealed a significant time interaction across tastants (P 相似文献   

The effects of sodium deprivation for 10 d, a period sufficient to induce sodium appetite, on gustatory nerve discharges in rats were determined. Chorda tympani responses to concentration series of sodium chloride, sucrose, hydrochloric acid, and quinine hydrochloride were recorded and analyzed without the experimenter knowing the animal's deprivation condition. After deprivation, both whole nerve and single nerve fiber responses to sodium chloride were smaller; NaCl-best fibers, those more responsive to sodium chloride than to sucrose, hydrochloric acid, or quinine, were most affected. Thresholds had not changed; however, slopes of the stimulus-response functions for sodium chloride were lowered. Comparable changes in responses to the other stimuli did not occur. These results were discussed with respect to a possible relationship between changes in sodium chloride responsivity and changes in sodium intake, differences between methods of inducing sodium appetite, coding of taste quality and intensity, and mechanisms which might effect the responsivity change.  相似文献   

Exposure of rats to positive atmospheric ions for four days or longer results in an increase in aversive response times (tail flick and hot-plate). While these effects are similar to those produced after opiate administration, they could not be inhibited by naloxone treatment. Prompt reversal of the positive ion analgesic effect, however was brought about by treatment with parachlorophenylalanine which lowers brain serotonin levels. The data suggest that the action of positive ions on the pain inhibitory system is dependent upon an intact serotonin pathway and that the effects on this system are mediated via central rather than peripheral neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

1. To understand the mechanism underlying the gustatory response for acid stimuli, the characteristics of glossopharyngeal neural responses elicited by 1 mM hydrochloric acid (HCl) in bullfrogs were examined by changing the ionic composition of adapting solutions flowed on the tongue surface. 2. The amplitude of the gustatory neural response for HCl was increased with an increase of Ca2+ concentration in the adapting solution. 3. The action of Ca2+ in the adapting solution could be replaced by Ba2+ and Sr2+, and was inhibited by Co2+, suggesting that the Ca2+ channel in the receptor membrane of taste cells is related to a gustatory neural response to acid.  相似文献   

Acid‐sensing ion channels (ASICs) generate H+‐gated Na+ currents that contribute to neuronal function and animal behavior. Like ASIC1, ASIC2 subunits are expressed in the brain and multimerize with ASIC1 to influence acid‐evoked currents and facilitate ASIC1 localization to dendritic spines. To better understand how ASIC2 contributes to brain function, we localized the protein and tested the behavioral consequences of ASIC2 gene disruption. For comparison, we also localized ASIC1 and studied ASIC1?/? mice. ASIC2 was prominently expressed in areas of high synaptic density, and with a few exceptions, ASIC1 and ASIC2 localization exhibited substantial overlap. Loss of ASIC1 or ASIC2 decreased freezing behavior in contextual and auditory cue fear conditioning assays, in response to predator odor and in response to CO2 inhalation. In addition, loss of ASIC1 or ASIC2 increased activity in a forced swim assay. These data suggest that ASIC2, like ASIC1, plays a key role in determining the defensive response to aversive stimuli. They also raise the question of whether gene variations in both ASIC1 and ASIC2 might affect fear and panic in humans .  相似文献   

Visual neuroscience has long sought to determine the extent to which stimulus-evoked activity in visual cortex depends on attention and awareness. Some influential theories of consciousness maintain that the allocation of attention is restricted to conscious representations [1, 2]. However, in the load theory of attention [3], competition between task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimuli for limited-capacity attention does not depend on conscious perception of the irrelevant stimuli. The critical test is whether the level of attentional load in a relevant task would determine unconscious neural processing of invisible stimuli. Human participants were scanned with high-field fMRI while they performed a foveal task of low or high attentional load. Irrelevant, invisible monocular stimuli were simultaneously presented peripherally and were continuously suppressed by a flashing mask in the other eye [4]. Attentional load in the foveal task strongly modulated retinotopic activity evoked in primary visual cortex (V1) by the invisible stimuli. Contrary to traditional views [1, 2, 5, 6], we found that availability of attentional capacity determines neural representations related to unconscious processing of continuously suppressed stimuli in human primary visual cortex. Spillover of attention to cortical representations of invisible stimuli (under low load) cannot be a sufficient condition for their awareness.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC)-derived cytokines play a key role in specifying adaptive immune responses tailored to the type of pathogen encountered and the local tissue environment. However, little is known about how DCs perceive the local environment. We investigated whether endogenous Notch signaling could affect DC responses to pathogenic stimuli. We demonstrate that concurrent Notch and TLR stimulation results in a unique cytokine profile in mouse bone-marrow derived DCs characterized by enhanced IL-10 and IL-2, and reduced IL-12 expression compared with TLR ligation alone. Unexpectedly, modulation of cytokine production occurred through a noncanonical Notch signaling pathway, independent of γ-secretase activity. Modulation required de novo protein synthesis, and PI3K, JNK, and ERK activity were necessary for enhanced IL-2 expression, whereas modulation of IL-10 required only PI3K activity. Further, we show that this γ-secretase-independent Notch pathway can induce PI3K activity. In contrast, expression of the canonical Notch target gene Hes1 was suppressed in DCs stimulated with Notch and TLR ligands simultaneously. Thus, our data suggest that Notch acts as an endogenous signal that modulates cytokine expression of DCs through a noncanonical pathway and therefore has the potential to tailor the subsequent adaptive immune response in a tissue- and/or stage-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The responses of 3687 neurons in the macaque primary taste cortex in the insula/frontal operculum, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and amygdala to oral sensory stimuli reveals principles of representation in these areas. Information about the taste, texture of what is in the mouth (viscosity, fat texture and grittiness, which reflect somatosensory inputs), temperature and capsaicin is represented in all three areas. In the primary taste cortex, taste and viscosity are more likely to activate different neurons, with more convergence onto single neurons particularly in the OFC and amygdala. The different responses of different OFC neurons to different combinations of these oral sensory stimuli potentially provides a basis for different behavioral responses. Consistently, the mean correlations between the representations of the different stimuli provided by the population of OFC neurons were lower (0.71) than for the insula (0.81) and amygdala (0.89). Further, the encoding was more sparse in the OFC (0.67) than in the insula (0.74) and amygdala (0.79). The insular neurons did not respond to olfactory and visual stimuli, with convergence occurring in the OFC and amygdala. Human psychophysics showed that the sensory spaces revealed by multidimensional scaling were similar to those provided by the neurons.  相似文献   

Behavioral management of risk, in which organisms must balance the requirements of obtaining food resources with the risk of predation, has been of considerable interest to ethologists for many years. Although numerous experiments have shown that animals alter their foraging behavior depending on the levels of perceived risk and demand for nutrients, few have considered the role of genetic variation in the trade-off between these variables. We performed a study of four zebrafish (Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822)) strains to test for genetic variation in foraging behavior and whether this variation affected their response to both aversive stimuli and nutrient restriction. Zebrafish strains differed significantly in their latency to begin foraging from the surface of the water under standard laboratory conditions. Fish fed sooner when nutrients were restricted, although this was only significant in the absence of aversive stimuli. Aversive stimuli caused fish to delay feeding in a strain-specific manner. Strains varied in food intake and specific growth rate, and feeding latency was significantly correlated with food intake. Our results indicate significant genetic variation in foraging behavior and the perception of risk in zebrafish, with a pattern of strain variation consistent with behavioral adaptation to captivity.  相似文献   

To explore sex differences in the response of seven brain regions to an aversive pelvic visceral stimulus, functional magnetic resonance images were acquired from 13 healthy adults (6 women) during 15 s of cued rectal distension at two pressures: 25 mmHg (uncomfortable), and 45 mmHg (mild pain), as well as during an expectation condition (no distension). Random-effects analyses combining subject data voxelwise found 45-mmHg pressure significantly activated the insular and anterior cingulate cortices in both sexes. In men only, the left thalamus and ventral striatum were also activated. Although all activations appeared more extensive in men, no sex difference attained significance. To explore the presence of deactivations, which are generally cancelled by more numerous activations when subjects are combined for each voxel, the number of activated voxels, number of deactivated voxels, and ratio of deactivated voxels to total voxels affected were assessed via random-effects, mixed-model analyses combining subject data at the region level. Greater insula activation in men compared with women was seen during the expectation condition and during the 25-mmHg distension. Greater deactivations in women were seen in the amygdala (25-mmHg distension) and midcingulate (45-mmHg distension). Women had a significantly higher proportion of deactivated voxels than men in all four subcortical structures during 25-mmHg distension. Greater familiarity of females with physiological pelvic visceral discomfort may have enhanced brain systems that dampen arousal networks during lower levels of discomfort.  相似文献   

Because tactile perception relies on the response of large populations of receptors distributed across the skin, we seek to characterize how a mechanical deformation of the skin at one location affects the skin at another. To this end, we introduce a novel non-contact method to characterize the surface waves produced in the skin under a variety of stimulation conditions. Specifically, we deliver vibrations to the fingertip using a vibratory actuator and measure, using a laser Doppler vibrometer, the surface waves at different distances from the locus of stimulation. First, we show that a vibration applied to the fingertip travels at least the length of the finger and that the rate at which it decays is dependent on stimulus frequency. Furthermore, the resonant frequency of the skin matches the frequency at which a subpopulation of afferents, namely Pacinian afferents, is most sensitive. We show that this skin resonance can lead to a two-fold increase in the strength of the response of a simulated afferent population. Second, the rate at which vibrations propagate across the skin is dependent on the stimulus frequency and plateaus at 7 m/s. The resulting delay in neural activation across locations does not substantially blur the temporal patterning in simulated populations of afferents for frequencies less than 200 Hz, which has important implications about how vibratory frequency is encoded in the responses of somatosensory neurons. Third, we show that, despite the dependence of decay rate and propagation speed on frequency, the waveform of a complex vibration is well preserved as it travels across the skin. Our results suggest, then, that the propagation of surface waves promotes the encoding of spectrally complex vibrations as the entire neural population is exposed to essentially the same stimulus. We also discuss the implications of our results for biomechanical models of the skin.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(2):112056
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Eric B.  Keverne 《Journal of Zoology》1987,213(3):395-408
The prosimian primates have much in common with the non-primate mammals in that reproduction is strictly limited by the physical environment. This determines the onset of the ovarian cycle which in turn synchronizes reproductive behaviour with ovulation. In simian species (monkeys and apes), however, the reproductive cycle does not directly depend on such environmental factors as temperature, rainfall or day length. Indirectly, of course, such factors exert an influence in so far as they dictate the nature of the habitat which in the long term has shaped social organization and in the short term determines the availability of food. It is through these factors, social organization and food availability, that the physical environment determines the timing of reproduction. The seasonal onset of reproductive cycles is principally related to the changing nature of mother-infact interactions, which in annual breeders is influenced by the availability of food. This availability depends in part on climatic conditions, but also on social status: high rank determines priority of access to food, so that dominant females resume cycling after giving birth earlier than do females of low rank. Another way in which social status operates to enhance the reproductive success of animals that achieve high rank is by the suppression of sexual behaviour in subordinate males and inhibition of fertility in low-ranking females. Of importance in this context has been the emancipation of reproductive behaviour (proceptivity/receptivity) from strict gonadal control. The degree to which this emancipation from both the external, physical environment and the internal, gonadal environment has been made possible is related to the growth of the neocortex and its domination of the limbic brain.  相似文献   

The effects of two benzodiazepine derivatives (diazepam, 0.5-1 mg/kg; alprazolam, 1.25-2.5 mg/kg) on ultrasonic calling elicited in adult rats by unavoidable aversive stimuli (footshocks) were investigated. The results show that either diazepam or alprazolam affected the duration of ultrasonic calls. In particular, a significant decrease in the length of ultrasounds was found in the group of animals treated with these benzodiazepines. The effects of diazepam were counteracted by the benzodiazepine-antagonist Ro 15-1788. On the other hand, neither a neuroleptic agent, such as haloperidol (0.5-1 mg/kg), nor an antidepressant, such as desipramine (5-10 mg/kg) influenced the parameters of ultrasonic emission in this experimental situation. The present results suggest that ultrasonic vocalization in response to unavoidable aversive stimuli could be considered as a potential new tool for studying drugs with antianxiety properties.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to investigate whether elevated extravascular pressure modulates responses of isolated rat coronary arteries to constrictor and dilator stimuli. Isolated segments of rat coronary artery were mounted in a modified pressure myograph system that allowed independent modulation of both intra- and extravascular pressures. The influence of elevated extravascular pressure on stable levels of myogenic tone and on responses to vasoconstrictor and vasodilator stimuli was investigated at constant overall transmural pressures. Stable levels of myogenic tone were independent of the relative levels of intra- and extravascular pressure, as were responses to depolarization and to addition of the thromboxane agonist U-46619. Elevating extravascular pressure, however, significantly reduced dilatory responses to introduction of intraluminal flow and to addition of endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vasodilatory agonists. These results support the notion that elevated extravascular pressure may attenuate responses of coronary arteries to a variety of dilatory stimuli. This finding may be of relevance to cardiac disorders associated with elevated ventricular pressures.  相似文献   

The assessment of positive and negative short-term affective states (emotions) in animals and their modulation by long-term affective states (mood) is an on-going challenge. This study investigated the use of behavioural and physiological measures to assess emotions and their modulation by mood in sheep. To induce a more Positive and more Negative mood, two groups of sheep (n = 10 and 9) were kept under different housing conditions for 3 weeks. The Positive mood group was placed in a predictable environment rich in stimuli and with a calm human–animal interaction whereas sheep in the Negative mood group experienced a relatively barren and unpredictable environment with a harsher human–animal interaction. In the subsequent test week, 15 (8 and 7) experimental animals were exposed to four situations intended to elicit emotional reactions: separation from group members (negative valence), sham-grooming (low intensity negative), non-grooming (neutral), and grooming (positive valence). Data were tested for interactions between mood group and valence of the test situation using linear mixed models. More frequent ear-posture changes, a higher proportion of asymmetric ears, shorter inter-heartbeat intervals and higher respiration rates were observed during separation than during the other situations. Interactions between mood group and test situation showed that sheep in the Negative mood group reacted more negatively to the negative and more positively to the positive situation (proportion of asymmetric ears, inter-heartbeat interval, respiration rate). In conclusion, our findings suggest that sheep in a Positive mood reacted more weakly to an emotional situation independent of its valence, thus buffering negative events but also degrading positive events. In addition, this investigation showed the potential of using observations of ear postures and cardio-respiratory measures in sheep to assess the valence of short-term emotional states and their modulation by mood states.  相似文献   

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