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The regulation of the mouse tyrosinase gene expression is controlled by a highly conserved element at -100 bp, the M-box, and an enhancer at -12 kb. In most vertebrates, the length of intergenic sequences makes it difficult to analyze the whole gene and the complete regulatory region. We took advantage of the compact Fugu genome to identify regulatory regions involved in pigment cell-specific expression. We isolated the Fugu tyrosinase gene, and identified putative cis-acting regulatory elements within the promoter. We then asked whether the Fugu promoter sequence functions in mouse pigment cells. We showed that E11.5 transgenic embryos bearing 6 kb or 3 kb of Fugu tyrosinase 5' sequence fused to the reporter gene lacZ revealed melanoblast and RPE-specific expression. This is the first evidence that the tyrosinase promoter is active at midgestation in melanoblasts, long before the onset of pigmentation.  相似文献   

Pigment cells of mammals are characterized by two different developmental origins: cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) originate from the optic cup of the developing forebrain, whereas melanocytes arise from the neural crest. The pigmentation gene tyrosinase is expressed in all pigment cells but differentially regulated in melanocytes and RPE. The tyrosinase promoter does not confer strong expression in pigment cells in vivo, while inclusion of a distal regulatory element at position -15 kb is necessary and sufficient to provide strong expression in melanocytes. Nevertheless, the regulatory elements responsible for correct spatial and temporal tyrosinase expression in the RPE remained unidentified so far. In this report, we show that a 186 kb BAC containing the tyrosinase gene provides transgene expression in both RPE and melanocytes indicating the presence of regulatory sequences required for expression in the RPE. A deletion analysis of the BAC was performed demonstrating that a RPE-regulatory element resides between -17 and -75 kb. Using multi-species comparative genomic analysis we identified three conserved sequences within this region. When tested in transgenic mice one of these sequences located at -47 kb targeted expression to the RPE. In addition, deletion of this regulatory element within a tyrosinase::lacZ BAC provided evidence that this sequence is not only sufficient but also required for correct spatial and temporal expression in the RPE. The identification of this novel element demonstrates that tyrosinase gene expression is controlled by separate distal regulatory sequences in melanocytes and RPE.  相似文献   

Racemic RS‐4‐(4‐hydroxyphenyl)‐2‐butanol (rhododendrol, RD) was used as a topical skin‐whitening agent until it was recently reported to induce leukoderma. We then showed that oxidation of RD with mushroom tyrosinase rapidly produces RD‐quinone, which is quickly converted to RD‐cyclic quinone and RD‐hydroxy‐p‐quinone. In this study, we examined whether either or both of the enantiomers of RD can be oxidized by human tyrosinase. Using a chiral HPLC column, racemic RD was resolved optically to R(?)‐RD and S(+)‐RD enantiomers. In the presence of a catalytic amount of l ‐dopa, human tyrosinase, which can oxidize l ‐tyrosine but not d ‐tyrosine, was found to oxidize both R(?)‐ and S(+)‐RD to give RD‐catechol and its oxidation products. S(+)‐RD was more effectively oxidized than l ‐tyrosine, while R(?)‐RD was less effective. These results support the notion that the melanocyte toxicity of RD depends on its tyrosinase‐catalyzed conversion to toxic quinones and the concomitant production of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

The paired box gene 3 (Pax3) is expressed during pigment cell development. We tested whether the targeted allele Pax3(GFP) can be used as a reporter gene for pigment cells in the mouse. We found that enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) can be seen readily in every melanoblast and melanocyte in the epidermis and hair follicles of Pax3(GFP/+) heterozygotes. The GFP was detected at all differentiation stages, including melanocyte stem cells. In the dermis, Schwann cells and nestin-positive cells of the piloneural collars resembling the nestin-positive hair follicle multipotent stem cells exhibited a weaker GFP signal. Pigment cells could be purified by fluorescent activated cell sorting and grown in vitro without feeder cells, giving pure cultures of melanocytes. The Schwann cells and nestin-positive cells of the piloneural collars were FACS-isolated based on their weak expression of GFP. Thus Pax3(GFP) can discriminate distinct populations of cells in the skin.  相似文献   

A SNP within intron4 of the interferon regulatory factor4 (IRF4) gene, rs12203592*C/T, has been independently associated with pigmentation and age‐specific effects on naevus count in European‐derived populations. We have characterized the cis‐regulatory activity of this intronic region and using human foreskin‐derived melanoblast strains, we have explored the correlation between IRF4 rs12203592 homozygous C/C and T/T genotypes with TYR enzyme activity, supporting its association with pigmentation traits. Further, higher IRF4 protein levels directed by the rs12203592*C allele were associated with increased basal proliferation but decreased cell viability following UVR, an etiological factor in melanoma development. Since UVR, and accompanying IFNγ‐mediated inflammatory response, is associated with melanomagenesis, we evaluated its effects in the context of IRF4 status. Manipulation of IRF4 levels followed by IFNγ treatment revealed a subset of chemokines and immuno‐evasive molecules that are sensitive to IRF4 expression level and genotype including CTLA4 and PD‐L1.  相似文献   

Accumulation of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) triggers the unfolded protein response (UPR), comprising three signaling pathways initiated by Ire1, Perk and Atf6 respectively. Unfolded protein response activation was compared in chemically stressed murine wildtype melanocytes and mutant melanocytes that retain tyrosinase in the ER. Thapsigargin, an ER stressor, activated all pathways in wildtype melanocytes, triggering Caspase 12-mediated apoptosis at toxic doses. Albino melanocytes expressing mutant tyrosinase showed evidence of ER stress with increased Ire1 expression, but the downstream effector, Xbp1, was not activated even following thapsigargin treatment. Attenuation of Ire1 signaling was recapitulated in wildtype melanocytes treated with thapsigargin for 8 days, with diminished Xbp1 activation observed after 4 days. Atf6 was also activated in albino melanocytes, with no response to thapsigargin, while the Perk pathway was not activated and thapsigargin treatment elicited robust expression of the downstream effector CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein homologous protein. Thus, melanocytes adapt to ER stress by attenuating two UPR pathways.  相似文献   

The platelet-derived growth factor -receptor (PDGFR-) displays a lineage-specific expression pattern in the mouse embryo and is required for normal development of mesoderm and cephalic neural crest derivatives. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the in vivo promoter function of genomic DNA fragments representing the 5′-flanking part of the human PDGFRA gene. 2.2, 0.9 and 0.4 kb PDGFRA promoter fragments, ligated to a lacZ reporter gene, were microinjected into fertilized mouse eggs and transgenic mouse lines were established. The expression patterns were basically similar in the 2.2 and 0.9 kb lines and overlapped grossly the endogenous Pdgfra gene expression pattern. The transgenic line with the highest expression level was chosen for detailed analysis. Expression was, as expected, mainly confined to tissues of mesodermal and neural crest origin. No expression was found in epithelial tissues of endo- or ectodermal origin. The promoter fragments were also active in neuroepithelium and in certain neuronal cell types that did not faithfully express PDGFR- mRNA, while they failed to specify reporter expression in PDGFR- expressing O-2A progenitor cells and other glial elements of the central nervous system. Thus, the isolated human PDGFRA promoter contains most but not all of the regulatory elements that are necessary to establish tissue specific gene expression during development.  相似文献   

越来越多的证据表明压力可能会导致头发颜色发生变化,但其潜在机制尚不完全清楚。本研究采用雌性C57BL/6小鼠脚底电刺激结合束缚来建立慢性应激小鼠模型,并用比色法检测小鼠皮肤和B16F10黑色素瘤细胞中黑色素含量和酪氨酸酶活性;通过酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)测定小鼠皮肤中肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factorα, TNF-α)、白细胞介素1β(interleukin-1β, IL-1β)和白细胞介素6 (interleukin-6, IL-6)含量;通过免疫荧光染色评估小鼠皮肤中核因子κB (nuclear factorκB, NFκB)/p65亚基的含量。结果显示:C57BL/6小鼠在慢性应激下由于皮肤中的毛囊黑色素细胞和酪氨酸酶活性降低,其毛皮颜色从暗色变为棕色。同时,慢性应激小鼠皮肤炎症反应增加,表现为皮肤中NFκB活性和TNF-α表达增加。在体外,TNF-α以剂量依赖性方式降低B16F10黑色素瘤细胞中黑色素生成和酪氨酸酶活性。以上结果表明,慢性应激通过降低雌性C57BL/6小鼠的毛囊黑色素细胞和酪氨酸酶活性来诱导皮毛颜色改变,而TNF-α可能在应激诱导的毛色改变中起重要作用。  相似文献   

We have used in situ hybridization and computer-aided reconstruction to study the spatial distribution of expression of the mammary tumor proto-oncogene int-1 during mouse embryogenesis. int-1 RNA accumulation is restricted to specific regions of the neural plate and its derivatives between 9 and 14.5 days of development. int-1 RNA accumulates throughout the neural plate at the anterior head folds of the 9 day embryo but only at its lateral tips in more posterior regions. Following neural tube closure, int-1 expression is restricted to specific regions of the dorsal wall of the brain ventricles and spinal cord, the ventral wall of the midbrain and the diencephalon, and the lateral walls of the neuroepithelium at the midbrain-hindbrain junction. These data suggest that int-1 has a role in the early stages of central nervous system development in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Expression of the physiological cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is remarkably regulated during differentiation and activation of cells of the immune system. Among these, dendritic cells (DCs) display particularly high levels of membrane PrP(C), which increase upon maturation, in parallel with that of molecules involved in Ag presentation to T cells. Freshly isolated mouse Langerhans cells, dermal DCs, and DCs from thymus, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes expressed low to intermediate levels of PrP(C). Highest levels of both PrP(C) and MHC class II molecules were displayed by lymph node CD8alpha(int) DCs, which represent fully mature cells having migrated from peripheral tissues. Maturation induced by overnight culture resulted in increased levels of surface PrP(C), as did in vivo DC activation by bacterial LPS. Studies on Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand bone marrow-differentiated B220(-) DCs confirmed that PrP(C) expression followed that of MHC class II and costimulatory molecules, and correlated with IL-12 production in response to TLR-9 engagement by CpG. However, at variance with conventional DCs, B220(+) plasmacytoid DCs isolated from the spleen, or in vitro differentiated, did not significantly express PrP(C), both before and after activation by TLR-9 engagement. PrP knockout mice displayed higher numbers of spleen CD8alpha(+) DCs, but no significant differences in their maturation response to stimulation through TLR-4 and TLR-9 were noticed. Results are discussed in relation to the functional relevance of PrP(C) expression by DCs in the induction of T cell responses, and to the pathophysiology of prion diseases.  相似文献   

Using gene targeting, we inserted a high-affinity variant of the reverse tetracycline controlled transactivator (rtTA) into the genomic Sox10 locus. This rtTA transgene faithfully recapitulated Sox10 expression in the emerging neural crest, several of its derivatives, and in oligodendrocytes. It was furthermore able to induce expression of a tetracycline inducible transgenic reporter gene in a doxycycline-dependent manner. Induction was fast, with substantial reporter gene expression visible 6 h after the onset of doxycycline treatment. Shut-off, in contrast, exhibited delayed kinetics, which probably correlated with doxycycline clearance rates. This mouse provides a useful tool for generating tetracycline-controlled gene expression in neural crest and oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice are an effective model to study gene function in vivo; however, position effects can complicate tissue-specific transgene analysis. To facilitate precise targeting of a transgenic construct into the mouse genome, we combined the Cre/lox and Flp/FRT recombination systems to allow for rapid transgene replacement and conditional transgene expression from the endogenous beta-actin locus. Flp/FRT recombination was used to rapidly exchange FRT-flanked transgene cassettes by recombinase-mediated cassette exchange in embryonic stem cells, while transgene expression can be activated in mice after Cre-mediated excision of a floxed STOP cassette. To validate our system, we analyzed the expression profile of an EGFP reporter gene after integration into the beta-actin locus and Cre-mediated excision of the floxed STOP cassette. Breeding of EGFP reporter mice with various Cre mouse lines resulted in the expected expression profiles, demonstrating the feasibility of the model to facilitate predictable and strong transgene expression in a spatially and temporally controlled manner.  相似文献   

The formation of the nervous system is initiated when ectodermal cells adopt the neural fate. Studies in Xenopus demonstrate that inhibition of BMP results in the formation of neural tissue. However, the molecular mechanism driving the expression of early neural genes in response to this inhibition is unknown. Moreover, controversy remains regarding the sufficiency of BMP inhibition for neural induction. To address these questions, we performed a detailed analysis of the regulation of the soxB1 gene, sox3, one of the earliest genes expressed in the neuroectoderm. Using ectodermal explant assays, we analyzed the role of BMP, Wnt and FGF signaling in the regulation of sox3 and the closely related soxB1 gene, sox2. Our results demonstrate that both sox3 and sox2 are induced in response to BMP antagonism, but by distinct mechanisms and that the activation of both genes is independent of FGF signaling. However, both require FGF for the maintenance of their expression. Finally, sox3 genomic elements were identified and characterized and an element required for BMP-mediated repression via Vent proteins was identified through the use of transgenesis and computational analysis. Interestingly, none of the elements required for sox3 expression were identified in the sox2 locus. Together our data indicate that two closely related genes have unique mechanisms of gene regulation at the onset of neural development.  相似文献   

Heaney JD  Rettew AN  Bronson SK 《Genomics》2004,83(6):1072-1082
The hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) locus has been shown to have minimal influence on transgene expression when used as a surrogate site in the mouse genome. We have developed a method to transfer bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) as a single copy into the partially deleted Hprt locus of embryonic stem cells. BACs were modified by Cre/loxP recombination to contain the sequences necessary for homologous recombination into and complementation of the partially deleted Hprt locus. Modified BACs were shown to undergo homologous recombination into the genome intact, to be stably transmitted through the germ line of transgenic mice, and to be expressed in the proper tissue-specific manner. This technology will facilitate many studies in which correct interpretation of data depends on developmentally appropriate transgene expression in the absence of rearrangements or deletions of endogenous DNA.  相似文献   

Sea urchin arylsulfatase (Ars) gene locus has features of an insulator, i.e., blocking of enhancer and promoter interaction, and protection of a transgene against positional effects [Akasaka et al. (1999) Cell. Mol. Biol. 45, 555-565]. To examine the effect of Ars insulator on long-term expression of a transgene, the insulator was inserted into LTR of retrovirus vector harboring hrGFP gene as a reporter, and then introduced into mouse myoblast cells. The isolated clones transduced with the reporter gene with or without Ars insulator were cultured for more than 20 wk in the absence of a selection reagent, and the expression of hrGFP was periodically determined. Expression of hrGFP in four clones transduced with the reporter gene without Ars insulator was completely silenced after 20 wk of culture. On the other hand, hrGFP was expressed in all clones with Ars insulator inserted in one of the two different orientations. Histone H3 deacetylation and DNA methylation of the 5'LTR promoter region, signs for heterochromatin and silencing, were suppressed in the clones that were expressing hrGFP. Ars insulator is effective in maintaining a transgene in mouse cells in an orientation-dependent manner, and will be a useful tool to ensure stable expression of a transgene.  相似文献   

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