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Chinese hamster cells were treated with ethyl methanesulfonate or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, and mutants resistant to 8-azaguanine were selected and characterized. Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity of sixteen mutants is extremely negative, making them suitable for reversion to HGPRTase(+). Ten of the extremely negative mutants revert at a frequency higher than 10(-7) suggesting their point mutational character. The remaining mutants have demonstrable HGPRTase activity and are not useful for reversion analysis. Five of these mutants have < 2% HGPRTase and are presumably also HGPRTase point mutants. The remaining 14 mutants utilize exogenous hypoxanthine for nucleic acid synthesis poorly, and possess 20-150% of wild-type HGPRTase activity in in vitro. Their mechanism of 8-azaguanine resistance is not yet defined.  相似文献   

B. C. Myhr  J. A. DiPaolo 《Genetics》1975,80(1):157-169
With V79 Chinese hamster cell cultures treated with a mutagen, the maximum frequency of colonies resistant to 8-azaguanine (AZG) was attained when the cells were dispersed after a suitable expression time before adding the selection medium. V79–4 cells were exposed to 500 µM MMS, 7 µM AFAA, or 10 µM MNNG and allowed to multiply before being reseeded at 4 x 104 cells/60 mm dish and selected with 10 µg/ml AZG. Maximum frequencies of 4 x 10-5, 4 x 10-4, and 2.4 x 10-3 were obtained about 100, 130, and 200 hrs after exposure to MMS, AFAA, and MNNG, respectively. The maximum frequencies following MMS or MNNG treatments were about 10-fold greater than those obtained when induction and selection of AZG-resistant colonies were performed in the same culture dish. The reseeding of treated cells eliminated the possibility of metabolic cooperation within mosaic colonies of wild-type and mutant cells and achieved expression of the induced changes before intercolony crossfeeding reduced the frequency of resistant colonies.—AZG-resistant colonies were selected in medium containing dialyzed fetal bovine serum, and the selection medium was replaced at least twice. Both serum dialysis and selection medium replacement were necessary for consistent achievement of background frequencies of resistant colonies near 10-6. Reconstruction experiments with AZG-resistant V79 lines showed that the efficiency of recovery of resistant cells in the selection medium was constant over a range of 0–20 colonies observed/dish. A mixed population of V79 and AZG-resistant cells was also correctly analyzed by the procedure used in mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive clones have been selected from a mutagenized culture of Chinese hamster lung cells by a procedure involving bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and irradiation with black light. The selection procedure used in these studies was adapted from methods developed by others to yield mutants that cease DNA replication within a short time after they are transferred to nonpermissive temperature. After mutagenesis with ethyl methanosulfonate ten clones survived the selection procedure. Three of the clones (mutants) were temperature-sensitive as measured by growth properties. Two mutants ceased DNA synthesis within six hours of being shifted to 39degrees and the third mutant continued to synthesize DNA at nonpermissive temperature at a reduced rate for at least 24 hours. Thus, all three mutants survived the selection procedure for understandable reasons, since each was unable to incorporate sufficient BrdU at 39degrees to lethally protosensitize its DNA during the standard exposure period. The two mutants that cease DNA synthesis at high temperature (clones 115-47 and 115-53) also stop incorporating radioactive amino acids and uridine within six hours at 39degrees. Their complex phenotype, i.e. defective DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis, is reversible. When these mutants were returned to 33 degrees after 8 hours at 39 degrees, both resumed DNA synthesis immediately (less than 1 hour). Reversal of defective DNA synthesis in both mutants were sensitive to drugs that inhibit protein biosynthesis specifically. Those same drugs, as well as toxic amino acids analogs, also effected a striking mutant phenocopy in wild-type cells. The phenocopy produced by amino acid analogs that are incorporated into mammalian proteins suggested that one or more proteins must be synthesized continuously to support mammalian cells engaged in programmed DNA replication.  相似文献   

A method for life cycle analysis in mammalian cells which utilizes the collection function has been applied to the Chinese hamster ovary grown in suspension. The following durations were found for the various parts of the life cycle: S, 4.13 hours; G1, 4.71 hours; G2, 2.81 hours; mitosis, 0.81 hours. The cell has a total generation time of 12.4 hours as opposed to 20.1 hours for the S3 HeLa cell. However, the relative lengths of each phase of the life cycle are identical within experimental uncertainty in the two cells.  相似文献   

A mammalian plasma membrane protein(s) which catalyzes ATP-dependent transbilayer movement (flip-flop) of phosphatidylserine (PS) has been suggested to be involved in the formation and maintenance of membrane lipid asymmetry. Flip-flop of PS in the cell surface of nucleated cells was first described by O. C. Martin and R. E. Pagano (1987,J. Biol. Chem.262, 5890–5898). It has been suggested that flip-flop is involved in the internalization of exogenous PS in cultured cells. In the present study we report that incubation with an excess amount of PS is cytotoxic to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, while the same amount of phosphatidylcholine gives no effect. This effect allowed us to obtain PS-resistant cells among mutagenized CHO cells. Endocytosis-independent internalization of exogenous fluorescent PS analog was defective in 40% of the PS-resistant mutants. One of the mutants, PSR (phosphatidylserine resistant) 406 was further characterized. Unlike wild-type CHO cells, this mutant did not transport fluorescent PS significantly at 15°C. Fluorescent PS was not metabolized at 15°C in either wild-type or mutant cells. These results suggest that transbilayer movement of cell surface PS is defective in PS-resistant cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of the effects of actinomycin and puromycin on the G2 and mitotic parts of the life cycle in Chinese hamster ovary cells grown in suspension and synchronized by thymidine treatment has been carried out. Rates of division of partially synchronized cell populations were measured in the presence and absence of the drugs, and various controls were performed to test for absence of complex side effects. Actinomycin produces a block 1.9 hr before completion of division, while puromycin produces a block almost coinciding with the initiation of mitosis. Evidence is presented that the puromycin block may be a double one, inhibiting one kind of protein synthesis that virtually coincides with the beginning of mitosis and another that occurs about 8 min earlier. The data are interpreted in terms of the time interval between messenger formation and its associated protein synthesis in this region of the life cycle. The various events studied have been provisionally mapped in the G2 and mitotic periods of the life cycle.  相似文献   

A hydroxyproline (HYP) resistant cell line of Chinese aneurolepidium (Aneurolepidium chinense (Trin.) Kitag. ) was isolated under selection pressure of 20 mmol/L HYP. Comparison of the free amino acid pool levels in the cell line with that of donor showed substantial accumulation of proline (6.6 × ). Enzyme examination indicated that γ-glutamyl kinase controlling proline biosynthesis in HR20-8 cell line had 2.5 times as much activity as that of the donor. Exogenous L-proline inhibited the enzyme activities both in the HR20-8 and the donor by the same rate of 30% at 100 mmol/L. The responses of HR20-8 cell line to NaC1, PEG and cold temperature (5 ℃) were also compared with those of donor and the former exhibited remarkably increased tolerance to the tested stress condition. The results showed that changes of γ-glutamyl kinase property exhibited the phenomenon of extra accumulation of proline which might favor the increased tolerance to NaC1, PEG and cold temperature in the resistant cell line.  相似文献   

Carrot suspension cultures resistant to growth inhibition byp-fluorophenylalanine, ethionine. aminoethylcysteine, and 5-methyltryptophanwere obtained by sequential selection for resistance to eachamino acid analogue. Resistance was increased at least 100-foldfor each analogue and the resistance was retained after growthaway from the inhibitors for 40 cell doublings. After each selection,the corresponding free natural amino acid was increased andthe line resistant to all four analogues showed levels of phenylalanine,methionine, lysine, and tryptophan which were 7, 6, 5, and 32times that of the parental wild type line, respectively. Thetotal free amino acid level was doubled in this line. Only afterselection for 5-methyltryptophan resistance did the anthranilatesynthetase show altered feedback sensitivity to tryptophan.  相似文献   

孟紫强 《遗传学报》1997,24(5):403-409
本文研究了亚砷酸钠对CHO-AS52细胞gpt基因的致突变作用。实验结果表明,亚砷酸钠能诱发该基因发生突变,且其突变频率随砷浓度的增加而增高。PCR分析指出,绝大多数亚砷酸钠诱发的CHO-AS52突变体的gpt基因完全缺失。在CHO-AS52细胞自发的、50μmol/L和100μmol/L亚砷酸钠诱发的突变体中,gpt基因完全缺失者所占比率分别为36.00%、54.72%及66.67%。对亚砷酸钠诱发的非缺失型gpt基因突变的PCR产物直接进行DNA序列分析表明,在9个突变细胞克隆中,有2个发生移码突变,其余7个突变细胞克隆的gpt基因结构未发现改变,碱基的改变可能发生在基因启动子区。  相似文献   


The human ileum neurokinin NK2 receptor has been stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) expression system. Amplified cell populations expressing approximately 7×105 NK2 receptors/cell were selected in the presence of the DHFR inhibitor methotrexate. Cross-linking of [125I]NKA to NK2 receptor transfected cells revealed a specifically labeled protein of apparent molecular weight 64 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This protein was deglycosylated by the enzymes N-glycosidase F and endoglycosydase F to a protein of apparent molecular weight of 39 kDa. The NK2 receptor was solubilized in an active form from CHO cell membranes using the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS. This method represents a valuable approach for the production of significant amounts of NK2 receptor protein from mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Mutations were induced in synchronous Chinese hamster cells by bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) incorporated into cells for one-hour periods in the cell cycle. There was a very pronounced temporal dependence during the first half of the DNA synthesis period for the induction of damage leading to 6-thioguanine (6TG) and ouabain resistance. No mutants above background were induced by exposure to BUdR in G1 and G2 cells, and very few mutants were induced in the latter part of the DNA synthesis period. The peak for the induction of 6TG resistance occurs at about two hr in the DNA synthesis period; one hour later there is a peak for the induction of ouabain resistance. Both peaks occur before the time of maximum incorporation of BUdR into DNA. These results suggest that the mutagenesis by BUdR is associated with at least two nuclear genes, which replicate at two hr and three hr in the DNA synthesis period.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B (CB) shows a marked concentration-dependent inhibition of the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into Chinese hamster ovary cells. This inhibition was shown to result from an inhibition of thymidine uptake, not from an inhibition of DNA synthesis. Cells normally acquire the capacity to transport thymidine as they move from the G1 stage of the cell cycle into the S phase. If CB is added to cells while they are in G1, they do not acquire the ability to transport thymidine as they enter S. However, the addition of CB to cells that are already in S has no effect on their ability to transport thymidine. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which elements involved in thymidine transport enter the cell surface membrane as the cells move from G1 to S. It is proposed that CB prevents this structural transition by binding to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Mutations in PINK1 (PTEN-induced putative kinase 1) are tightly linked to autosomal recessive Parkinson disease (PD). Although more than 50 mutations in PINK1 have been discovered, the role of these mutations in PD pathogenesis remains poorly understood. Here, we characterized 17 representative PINK1 pathogenic mutations in both mammalian cells and Drosophila. These mutations did not affect the typical cleavage patterns and subcellular localization of PINK1 under both normal and damaged mitochondria conditions in mammalian cells. However, PINK1 mutations in the kinase domain failed to translocate Parkin to mitochondria and to induce mitochondrial aggregation. Consistent with the mammalian data, Drosophila PINK1 mutants with mutations in the kinase domain (G426D and L464P) did not genetically interact with Parkin. Furthermore, PINK1-null flies expressing the transgenic G426D mutant displayed defective phenotypes with increasing age, whereas L464P mutant-expressing flies exhibited the phenotypes at an earlier age. Collectively, these results strongly support the hypothesis that the kinase activity of PINK1 is essential for its function and for regulating downstream Parkin functions in mitochondria. We believe that this study provides the basis for understanding the molecular and physiological functions of various PINK1 mutations and provides insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of PINK1-linked PD.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and c-MET receptors are expressed on many non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells. Current single agent therapeutic targeting of a mutant EGFR has a high efficacy in the clinic, but is not curative. Here, we investigated the combination of targeting EGFR and c-MET pathways in NSCLC cells resistant to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), using RNA interference and inhibition by TKIs. Different NSCLC cell lines with various genomic characteristics (H358, H1650 and H1975) were transfected with EGFR-specific-siRNA, T790M-specific-siRNA, c-MET siRNA or the combination. Subsequently EGFR TKIs (gefitinib, erlotinib or afatinib) or monoclonal antibody cetuximab were combined respectively with the c-MET-specific TKI su11274 in NSCLC cell lines. The cell proliferation, viability, caspase−3/7 activity and apoptotic morphology were monitored by spectrophotometry, fluorimetry and fluorescence microscopy. The combined effect of EGFR TKIs, or cetuximab and su11274, was evaluated using a combination index. The results showed that the cell lines that were relatively resistant to EGFR TKIs, especially the H1975 cell line containing the resistance T790M mutation, were found to be more sensitive to EGFR-specific-siRNA. The combination of EGFR siRNA plus c-MET siRNA enhanced cell growth inhibition, apoptosis induction and inhibition of downstream signaling in EGFR TKI resistant H358, H1650 and H1975 cells, despite the absence of activity of the c-MET siRNA alone. EGFR TKIs or cetuximab plus su11274 were also consistently superior to either agent alone. The strongest biological effect was observed when afatinib, an irreversible pan-HER blocker was combined with su11274, which achieved a synergistic effect in the T790M mutant H1975 cells. In a conclusion, our findings offer preclinical proof of principle for combined inhibition as a promising treatment strategy for NSCLC, especially for patients in whom current EGFR-targeted treatments fail due to the presence of the T790M-EGFR-mutation or high c-MET expression.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is formulated for the development of a population of cells in which the individual members may grow and divide or die. A given cell is characterized by its age and volume, and these parameters are assumed to determine the rate of volume growth and the probability per unit time of division or death. The initial value problem is formulated, and it is shown that if cell growth rate is proportional to cell volume, then the volume distribution will not converge to a time-invariant shape without an added dispersive mechanism. Mathematical simplications which are possible for the special case of populations in the exponential phase or in the steady state are considered in some detail. Experimental volume distributions of mammalian cells in exponentially growing suspension cultures are analyzed, and growth rates and division probabilities are deduced. It is concluded that the cell volume growth rate is approximately proportional to cell volume and that the division probability increases with volume above a critical threshold. The effects on volume distribution of division into daughter cells of unequal volumes are examined in computer models.  相似文献   

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