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Continuous fluorometric assay of phenol sulfotransferase.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phenol sulfotransferases (EC catalyze the sulfation of the acceptor hydroxyl group using 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) as the donor substrate. Previous assays of these enzymes, which exhibit varied acceptor substrate specificities, have required termination of the catalysis followed by isolation and quantitation of formed sulfate ester. In this report, the sulfation of the fluorescent compound, resorufin, is investigated. Reaction of PAPS with resorufin, catalyzed by bovine lung phenol sulfotransferase, bleaches the emission of this acceptor at the pH of the reaction (pH 6.4 optimum). It is thereby possible to continuously record the sulfation reaction. Analysis of single progress curves by integrated replot can be used to determine the initial velocities and also indicates the formation of a product inhibitor, probably resorufin sulfate ester, with Ki less than Km. Sensitivity of the reaction is less than 1 pmol/min. The maximal rate of resorufin sulfation by the bovine lung enzyme is estimated at 57 nmol/mg/min, which is 10% of the rate with an optimal substrate 2-naphthol. This assay may be most sensitive for phenol sulfotransferases with optimal activities at greater than pH 6, due to the acid-base properties of resorufin (pK alpha 6), which becomes nonfluorescent upon protonation.  相似文献   

A new, rapid, and sensitive method for assaying phenol sulfotransferase activity toward 2-naphthol is described. The product 2-naphthyl sulfate is quantitated fluorometrically. Optimal wavelengths for excitation and emission were determined by recording the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of the substrate and the product. The new method is applicable to crude cell or tissue homogenates as well as to further purified preparations. A comparison to another widely used method is given to point out the advantages provided by the new procedure. In particular, sensitivity and accuracy of both methods are evaluated and the influence of interfering substances on both systems is compared. These results clearly indicate the superiority of the new method.  相似文献   

One conjugative pathway for the inactivation of endogenous and exogenous hydroxylated aromatic compounds is catalyzed by phenol (aryl) sulfotransferases (PSTs), which esterify phenolic acceptors with sulfate. The tracheobronchial epithelium is commonly exposed to phenolic drugs and pollutants, and metabolic sulfation and PST activity in this tissue have been previously demonstrated. To determine what factors may control PST expression, extracts of serum-free, growth factor-supplemented cultures of bovine bronchial epithelial cells were assayed for PST activity and PST antigen. The most significant finding was dose-dependent, apparent stimulated expression by hydrocortisone (EC50 = 4 nM, maximal stimulation at 20 nM). Time-course experiments, however, revealed progressive loss of PST in the absence of corticosteroid. After decay of extant PST in steroid-free medium, hydrocortisone reinduced the expression of PST three to fivefold. Western blots using mouse anti-bovine PST revealed corresponding increases in 32 kDa PST protein levels in response to hydrocortisone. Steady state kinetic analyses indicated apparent Km values of 1—3 μM for 2-naphthol regardless of culture conditions. These results suggest that detoxification of phenolic compounds by sulfation may be regulated by corticosteroids.  相似文献   

Biomarkers for the detection of early hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are urgently needed. To identify biomarkers of HCC, we performed a comparative proteomics analysis, based on 2‐DE of HCC tissues and surrounding non‐tumor tissues. Six xenobiotic enzymes were significantly down‐regulated in the HCC tissue. Among these, phenol sulfotransferase (SULT1A1) was confirmed by Western blot analysis in 105 HCC patients. SULT1A1 showed a significant decrease in 98.1% of the HCC tissues, with 88.6% sensitivity and 66.7% specificity for the detection of HCC. Immunohistochemistry for SULT1A1 was performed and compared with glypican‐3, which is a well‐known marker of HCC. The results showed down‐regulation of SULT1A1 and up‐regulation of glypican‐3 in 52.6 and 71.9% of the HCCs, and the use of both markers improved the sensitivity up to 78.9%. Moreover, SULT1A1 was useful in differentiating early HCC from benign dysplastic nodules. Clinically, the down‐regulation of SULT1A1 was closely associated with an advanced International Union Against Cancer stage and high levels of serum α‐fetoprotein. In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that the loss of SULT1A1 appears to be a characteristic molecular signature of HCC. SULT1A1 might be a useful biomarker for the detection of early HCC and help predict the clinical outcome of patients with HCC.  相似文献   

Phenol sulfotransferase was localized as a soluble enzyme in platelets from human blood. The enzyme was found to esterify a variety of endogenous phenolic biogenic amines including tyramine, dopamine, norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine as well as phenol. Of the substrates tested dopamine was found to be most rapidly conjugated when present at a concentration of 30 μM while tyramine was found to be the best substrate at a concentration of 100 μM. The Km value for tyramine was 59 μM and tyramine concentrations of 400 μM or greater resulted in apparent substrate inhibition. The possible clinical implications of of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The phase II metabolic reactions, sulfation and glucuronidation, were studied in a human colon carcinoma cell line (Caco-2), which has been developed as a model of intestinal enterocytes. Phenol sulfotransferase (PST, EC was isolated from Caco-2 cells cultured for 7, 14 and 21 days. The enzyme catalyzed the sulfation of both p-nitrophenol and catecholamines (e.g., dopamine) as well as most catecholamine metabolites. The affinity (Km) of PST for dopamine was much higher than for p-nitrophenol, and the specific activity of PST with both substrates increased with the age of the cells. The thermal stability of Caco-2 PST increased with cell age and was not dependent on the acceptor substrate used. The thermolabile PST from 7-day old cells was more sensitive to NEM than was the thermostable enzyme from 21-day old cells. No UDP-glucuronyltransferase (EC activity was detected in 7-, 14- and 21-day old Caco-2 cells with any of the methods used.  相似文献   

Phenol sulfotransferases (PSTs, EC catalyze sulfonyl group transfer from 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to the hydroxyl oxygen of aromatic acceptor substrates. The structural overlap between PAPS and coenzyme A (CoA) suggested a possible role of this common acyl carrier in modulating PST activity. To test this hypothesis, purified recombinant bovine PST was examined by kinetic and affinity chromatographic approaches. After demonstrating PST enzyme inhibition by CoA, systematic variation of CoA and PAPS concentrations indicated simple competitive inhibition with K(i) = 1. 3 microM. PST bound to CoA-agarose, attached via the pantetheinyl thiol group, was eluted with PAP but not by 2-naphthol. This observation was consistent with the pattern of inhibition. Additional members of the sulfotransferase superfamily, as well as acylated CoAs, should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Notch receptors are expressed in neurons and glia in the adult nervous system, but why this expression persists is not well-understood. Here we examine the role of the Notch pathway in the postnatal mouse main olfactory system, and show evidence consistent with a model where Notch2 is required for maintaining sustentacular cell function. In the absence of Notch2, the laminar nature of these glial-like cells is disrupted. Hes1, Hey1, and Six1, which are downstream effectors of the Notch pathway, are down-regulated, and cytochrome P450 and Glutathione S-transferase (GST) expression by sustentacular cells is reduced. Functional levels of GST activity are also reduced. These disruptions are associated with increased olfactory sensory neuron degeneration. Surprisingly, expression of Notch3 is also down-regulated. This suggests the existence of a feedback loop where expression of Notch3 is initially independent of Notch2, but requires Notch2 for maintained expression. While the Notch pathway has previously been shown to be important for promoting gliogenesis during development, this is the first demonstration that the persistent expression of Notch receptors is required for maintaining glial function in adult.  相似文献   

Phenol sulfotransferases (PST) esterify hydroxylated aromatic compounds with sulfate, and therefore play a role in the metabolism of xenobiotics. In this investigation, a bovine PST gene of 2372 bp was amplified from genomic DNA. Sequence overlap with the cognate cDNA revealed seven exons, with all introns containing GT/AG splicing donor/acceptor sites. This product was subcloned into an SV40-based expression vector and transfected into WI-26 human lung fibroblasts. Immunoblot analyses revealed production of the anticipated 32-kDa protein, and the active enzyme displayed steady-state kinetic properties consistent with the enzyme characterized in bovine lung (apparent Km=6.5 μM for 2-naphthol).  相似文献   

Phenol sulfotransferases (SULT1s, EC catalyze sulfuryl group transfer from 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to the hydroxyl oxygen of aromatic acceptor substrates. Previous work with the bovine SULT1A1 has utilized the highly fluorescent substrate 7-hydroxycoumarin (7-HC, umbelliferone) as an acceptor substrate [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 261 (1999) 815]. Here we report that adenosine-3',5'-bisphosphate (PAP)-dependent binding of 7-HC to bSULT1A1 can be observed due to the appearance of a 400-420-nm shoulder in the emission spectrum, using an excitation wavelength of 280 nm. This emission was observed by placing 7-HC in ethanol, which is consistent with bSULT1A1 phenol binding site hydrophobicity. Titrations with 7-HC indicate a K(d) for 7-HC of 0.58 microM and substoichiometric binding to the homodimeric enzyme. The bSULT1A1:PAP:7-HC complex could be disrupted with pentachlorophenol (PCP), titrations with which indicated 0.5 equivalents per enzyme subunit. Titrations of enzyme plus 7-HC with PAP also indicated 0.5 equivalents per enzyme subunit. These results suggest a model of homodimeric bSULT1A1 in which subunit interactions favor half-site reactivity in the formation of a dead end complex.  相似文献   

Phenol sulfotransferases (SULTs), which normally bind 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate as the donor substrate, are inhibited by CoA and its thioesters. Here, we report that inhibition of bovine SULT1A1 by CoA is time-dependent at neutral pH under non-reducing conditions. The rates of inactivation by CoA indicate an initial reversible SULT:CoA complex with a dissociation constant of 5.7 microM and an inactivation rate constant of 0.07 min(-1). Titrations with CoA and prolonged incubations reveal that inactivation of the dimeric enzyme is stoichiometric, consistent with the observation of complete conversion of the protein to a slightly decreased electrophoretic mobility. Both activity and normal electrophoretic migration are restored by 2-mercaptoethanol. Mutagenesis demonstrated that Cys168 is the site of CoA adduction, and a consistent model was constructed that reveals a new SULT molecular dynamic. Cysteine reaction kinetics with Ellman's reagent revealed a PAPS-induced structural change consistent with the model that accounts for binding of CoA.  相似文献   

Human monoamine (M)-form phenol sulfotransferase (PST) was PCR-cloned and transiently expressed in COS-7 cells. The recombinant enzyme was demonstrated to display not only the previously reported sulfotransferase activity toward dopamine, but also novel manganese-dependent Dopa/tyrosine sulfotransferase activities. These results imply a new functional role of the human M-form PST in the homeostatic regulation of Dopa and tyrosine.  相似文献   

Zonal organization of the mammalian main and accessory olfactory systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zonal organization is one of the characteristic features observed in both main and accessory olfactory systems. In the main olfactory system, most of the odorant receptors are classified into four groups according to their zonal expression patterns in the olfactory epithelium. Each group of odorant receptors is expressed by sensory neurons distributed within one of four circumscribed zones. Olfactory sensory neurons in a given zone of the epithelium project their axons to the glomeruli in a corresponding zone of the main olfactory bulb. Glomeruli in the same zone tend to represent similar odorant receptors having similar tuning specificity to odorants. Vomeronasal receptors (or pheromone receptors) are classified into two groups in the accessory olfactory system. Each group of receptors is expressed by vomeronasal sensory neurons in either the apical or basal zone of the vomeronasal epithelium. Sensory neurons in the apical zone project their axons to the rostral zone of the accessory olfactory bulb and form synaptic connections with mitral tufted cells belonging to the rostral zone. Signals originated from basal zone sensory neurons are sent to mitral tufted cells in the caudal zone of the accessory olfactory bulb. We discuss functional implications of the zonal organization in both main and accessory olfactory systems.  相似文献   

Phenol sulfotransferase activity is often measured by incubating dopamine with a source of the enzyme and the sulfate donor 35S-3'-phosphoadensine-5'-phosphosulfate and then separating the product, 35S-dopamine sulfate, from the substrates using precipitation with barium hydroxide and zinc sulfate. Using dopamine sulfate standards and high performance liquid chromatography with dual-electrode electrochemical detection, we investigated the effects of several parameters on product recovery obtained with this procedure. Amounts of precipitants needed to produce maximal sample-to-blank ratios were determined using crude enzyme preparations from rat brain and human platelets incubated under conditions generating approximately 3 nM dopamine sulfate. Under these conditions, recovery of 3H-DAS standards was 70-80%. Increasing either the concentration of dopamine sulfate or the amounts of precipitants used resulted in concentration-dependent decreases in dopamine sulfate recovery. These data indicate that the recovery of product in this assay may vary with assay conditions, and should be carefully monitored and optimized. Caution should be exercised when using substrates other than dopamine in this assay procedure, since similar factors might also contribute to variable recovery of other products.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity and affinity of two forms of phenol sulfotransferase (PST) from Rhesus macaque brain cortex were studied. Catecholamines, their methylated metabolites (normetanephrine, metanephrine) and methylated precursor, -methylDOPA, were examined as substrates for both the cationic (PST I) and the anionic (PST II) forms of the enzyme. Sulfation of hypertensive drugs (phenylephrine, octopamine, metaraminol), hypotensive drugs (-methylDOPA, minoxidil), and related agents without a free hydroxy group on the benzene ring were also studied. Results indicated that both PST forms sulfated -methylDOPA and minoxidil, but only PST II transferred the sulfate group to catecholamines and most of the adrenergic agents examined.  相似文献   

High performance liquid chromatography with radioactive flow detection was used to examine the accumulation and sulfoconjugation of dopamine by human and dog platelets. Platelets from both species accumulated similar amounts of dopamine from the incubation medium, but only human platelets were found to convert 3H-dopamine to 3-H-dopamine sulfate. This difference between the two species was associated with a relative absence of phenol sulfotransferase activity in dog platelets as compared to human platelets. Dog platelets did not appear to contain an inhibitor of phenol sulfotransferase activity. Despite the apparent difference in the ability of platelets to form dopamine sulfate, conc concentrations of dopamine-3-O-sulfate and dopamine-4-O-sulfate were similar in dog and human plasma. These data suggest that platelets may represent a potential source of at least some of the dopamine sulfate found in human plasma, but not in dog plasma.  相似文献   

In the present communication, ultrastructural and cytochemical aspects of mature bovine Sertoli cells and their relationship to the different stages of germ cell development are described. As in other mammalian species, different types of junctional specializations exist between Sertoli and germ cells in the bovine seminiferous epithelium, including desmosome-like junctions, Sertoli cell ectoplasmic specializations and tubulobulbar complexes. The functional significance of the morphological results and the interactions of Sertoli and germ cells during spermatogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST) catalyzes the 3'-sulfation of galactose residues in several glycolipids. Its major product in the mammalian brain is sulfatide, which is an essential myelin component. Using epitope-tagged variants, murine CST was found to localize to the Golgi apparatus, but in contrast to previous assumptions, not to the trans-Golgi network. An examination of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged CST suggests that CST forms homodimers and that dimerization is mediated by the lumenal domain of the enzyme, as shown by immunoprecipitation and density gradient centrifugation. In order to verify that dimerization of CST observed by biochemical methods reflects the behavior of the native protein within living cells, the mobility of CST-EGFP was examined using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. These experiments confirmed the homodimerization of CST-EGFP fusion proteins in vivo. In contrast to full-length CST, a fusion protein of the amino-terminal 36 amino acids of CST fused to EGFP was exclusively found as a monomer but nevertheless showed Golgi localization.  相似文献   

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