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A membrane-bound alpha-L-fucosyltransferase, which is involved in the synthesis of a developmentally regulated carbohydrate antigen, SSEA-1, was purified about 2000-fold from F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. The procedures used were solubilization with Triton X-100, column chromatography on SP-Sephadex, DEAE-Sephadex, RCA-agarose and on GDP-agarose. Upon sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, the purified preparation gave a protein band with a relative molecular mass of 65 000. The optimum pH of the enzyme was between 6.0 and 7.0 and the Km toward N-acetyllactosamine was 0.55 mM. The enzyme was active with asialofetuin, but not with intact fetuin. Susceptibility of the product to alpha-L-fucosidase I from almond emulsin verified that the enzyme transferred fucose to C-3 hydroxyl of N-acetylglucosamine in the N-acetyllactosamine structure. Activities of beta-galactoside alpha 1----2-fucosyltransferase and N-acetylglucosaminide alpha 1----4-fucosyltransferase acting on synthetic substrates were not detected in the purified enzyme nor in the crude extract of F9 cells. PYS-2 parietal endoderm cells lacked all the fucosyltransferases mentioned above.  相似文献   

Structures of glycolipids present in the human embryonal carcinoma cell PA1, were elucidated by fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry, methylation analysis, and exo- and endoglycosidase digestion. PA1 cells contain globotriaosylceramide, sialosylgangliotriaosylceramide, sialylated and nonsialylated lacto-N-neotetraosylceramide, and the following glycolipids with a blood group type 1 sequence: (formula; see text) The two former glycolipids, lacto-N-tetraosylceramide and sialosyllacto-N-tetraosylceramide, reacted with monoclonal antibodies, K21 and K4, respectively. K21 and K4 antigens are present in many of the human embryonal carcinoma cells but not in a variety of other cell lines, suggesting that sialylated but not fucosylated blood group type 1 sequences are characteristic markers for human embryonal carcinoma cells and malignant teratocarcinomas.  相似文献   

We have identified a mannosidase in rat liver that releases alpha 1----2, alpha 1----3 and alpha 1----6 linked manose residues from oligosaccharide substrates, MannGlcNAc where n = 4-9. The end product of the reaction is Man alpha 1----3[Man alpha 1----6]Man beta 1----4GlcNAc. The mannosidase has been purified to homogeneity from a rat liver microsomal fraction, after solubilization into the aqueous phase of Triton X-114, by anion-exchange, hydrophobic and hydroxyapatite chromatography followed by chromatofocusing. The purified enzyme is a dimer of a 110-kDa subunit, has a pH optimum between 6.1 and 6.5 and a Km of 65 microM and 110 microM for the Man5GlcNAc-oligosaccharide or Man9GlcNAc-oligosaccharide substrates, respectively. Enzyme activity is inhibited by EDTA, by Zn2+ and Cu2+, and to lesser extent by Fe2+ and is stabilized by Co2+. The pattern of release of mannose residues from a Man6GlcNAc substrate shows an ordered hydrolysis of the alpha 1----2 linked residue followed by hydrolysis of alpha 1----3 and alpha 1----6 linked residues. The purified enzyme shows no activity against p-nitrophenyl-alpha-mannoside nor the hybrid GlcNAc Man5GlcNAc oligosaccharide. The enzyme activity is inhibited by swainsonine and 1-deoxymannojirimycin at concentrations 50-500-fold higher than required for complete inhibition of Golgi-mannosidase II and mannosidase I, respectively. The data indicate strongly that the enzyme has novel activity and is distinct from previously described mannosidases.  相似文献   

Methyl glycosides of the title linear trisaccharide and branched tetrasaccharide were synthesized by stepwise glycosylation. These oligosaccharides represent the fragments of O-antigenic polysaccharides of Shigella flexneri serotypes 2b, 3a, 5b, and X.  相似文献   

Two disaccharide alcohols, alpha-D-Galp(1----3)-GalNAcol and beta-D-Galp-(1----3)-GalNAcol, together with a GalNAcol-containing tetra- or penta-saccharide alcohol, were released from human embryonal carcinoma cells of line PA1 by reductive beta-elimination. The disaccharides were identified by exoglycosidase digestions and by periodate oxidation. The results were confirmed by affinity chromatography of the disaccharide alcohols on immobilized Bandeirea simplicifolia lectin and by chromatography of the parent glycopeptides on immobilized peanut lectin.  相似文献   

The secretor-type beta-galactoside alpha 1----2-fucosyltransferase from human serum was purified by hydrophobic chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose, ion-exchange chromatography on sulfopropyl-Sepharose, and affinity chromatography on GDP-hexanolamine-Sepharose. Final purification of the enzyme was achieved by high pressure liquid chromatography gel filtration and resulted in a homogeneous protein as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the radiolabeled protein. The native enzyme appears as a molecule of apparent Mr 150,000 as determined by gel filtration high pressure liquid chromatography. The apparent Mr of the enzyme resolved in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was determined to be 50,000, indicating a multisubunit structure of the enzyme. Secretor-type alpha 1----2-fucosyltransferase is a glycoprotein as determined by WGA binding properties. A comparison of the Mr of the native blood group H gene encoded with the secretor-type beta-galactoside alpha 1----2-fucosyltransferases as well as comparison of subunit Mr for both enzymes suggests structural similarity. The alpha 1----2 linkage formed between alpha-L-fucose and terminal beta-D-galactose by the purified H- and secretor-type alpha 1----2-fucosyltransferases was determined by 1H NMR homonuclear cross-irradiation analysis of the oligosaccharide products. The substrate specificity and Km values calculated from the initial rate using various oligosaccharide acceptors showed that purified enzymes differ primarily in affinity for phenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside and GDP-fucose as well as type 1 (Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc), 2 (Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc), and 3 (Gal beta 1----3GalNAc) oligosaccharide acceptors. The secretor-type alpha 1----2-fucosyltransferase shows significantly lower affinity than the H enzyme for phenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside and GDP-fucose as well as for type 2 oligosaccharide acceptors. On the contrary, type 1 and 3 oligosaccharide acceptors are preferentially utilized by the secretor-type enzyme as compared with the H enzyme. The enzymes also differ in several physicochemical properties, implying nonidentity of the two enzymes (Sarnesto, A., K?hlin, T., Thurin, J., and Blaszczyk-Thurin, M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 15067-15075).  相似文献   

The structure of sialylated carbohydrate units of bronchial mucins obtained from cystic fibrosis patients was investigated by 500-MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with sugar analysis. After subjecting the mucins to alkaline borohydride degradation, sialylated oligosaccharide-alditols were isolated by anion-exchange chromatography and fractionated by high performance liquid chromatography. Five compounds could be obtained in a rather pure state; their structures were established as the following: A-1, NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----4) [Fuc alpha(1----3)]GlcNAc beta(1----3)Gal-NAc-ol; A-2, NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----4)GlcNAc beta(1----6)-[GlcNAc beta (1----3)]GalNAc-o1; A-3, NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta-(1----4)[Fuc alpha(1----3)]GlcNAc beta(1----3)Gal beta(1----3) GalNAc-o1; A-4, NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----4)[Fuc alpha(1----3)]Glc-NAc NAc beta(1----6)[GlcNAc beta(1----3)]GalNAc-o1; A-6,NeuAc alpha-(2----3) Gal beta(1----4)[Fuc alpha(1----3)]GlcNAc beta(1----6)[Gal beta-(1----4) GlcNAc beta(1----3)]GalNAc-o1. The simultaneous presence of sialic acid in alpha(2----3)-linkage to Gal and fucose in alpha(1----3)-linkage to GlcNAc of the same N-acetyllactosamine unit could be adequately proved by high resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy. This sequence constitutes a novel structural element for mucins.  相似文献   

E Yoon  R A Laine 《Glycobiology》1992,2(2):161-168
Development of tandem mass spectral methods for direct linkage determination in oligosaccharides requires sets of trisaccharides differing only in one structural parameter. In this case, we chose the position of linkage to the reducing-end hexose. These sets of compounds would also be useful for the development of high-resolution separation techniques geared to resolve linkage types. Conventional organic synthesis of such a set could take as long as 2-5 months for each member of the set. Each trisaccharide would require 10-20 steps of synthesis. Instead, we utilized low pH to induce a loose acceptor specificity for bovine milk galactosyltransferase (lactose synthase: EC and by this method, within 2 weeks, generated four novel oligosaccharides for NMR and mass spectral studies. The disaccharides cellobiose (beta 1----4), laminaribiose (beta 1----3), gentiobiose (beta 1----6) and maltose (alpha 1----4) acted as acceptors for EC under these conditions. The beta 1----2-linked disaccharide, sophorose, was not commercially available and is not included in this study. The alpha-linked disaccharides were also examined, but except for the alpha 1----4 disaccharide maltose, were very poor acceptors under a variety of conditions. From these four acceptors, the following four novel trisaccharides were synthesized in micromole amounts, suitable for studies of linkage position using low-energy collision-induced-dissociation tandem mass spectrometry (FAB-MS-CID-MS), and for NMR: Galp(beta 1----4)Glcp(beta 1----3)-Glc, Galp(beta 1----4)Glcp(beta 1----4)Glc, Galp(beta 1----4)Glcp(beta 1----6)-Glc and Galp(beta 1----4)Glcp(alpha 1----4)Glc.  相似文献   

Human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells represent the stem cells of testicular germ cell tumours (TGCTs) and are morphologically, antigenically and functionally related to the stem cells of early mammalian embryos. Despite the large capacity for differentiation displayed by TGCT stem cells, little is known of the factors controlling their developmental potency. We have analyzed the differentiation elicited in NT2D1 human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells by Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) and compared it with that elicited by retinoic acid (RA). We have found that while RA induced expression of neuronal, endodermal and epithelial markers in NT2D1 human EC cells, treatment with BMPs resulted in a predominantly epithelial phenotype. We also provide evidence to suggest that at least some of the effects elicited by RA in human EC cells might be mediated through RA-induced expression of BMP-7. Thus BMPs may play an important role in specifying the type of differentiation arising from human multipotent stem cells. The manipulation of BMP signalling in human embryonic multipotent stem cells may therefore prove a useful approach in attempts to generate specific differentiated cell types in vitro, and loss of the malignant and/or transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

This ganglioside is highly immunogenic, and immunization of mice with this disialoganglioside fraction coated on Salmonella minnesota followed by fusion of immunized spleen cells with mouse myeloma and selection of the hybridoma by positive reactivity with the purified disialoganglioside resulted in the establishment of a hybridoma secreting immunoglobulin G2a antibody FH9 that reacts specifically with the ganglioside antigen above but not with monosialosyllactotetraosylceramide I (IV3NeuAcLc4), monosialosyllactotetraosylceramide II (III6NeuAcLc4), or any other gangliosides tested.  相似文献   

Based on the partial amino acid sequence, the cDNA encoding UDP-GalNAc:Fuc alpha 1----2Gal alpha 1----3GalNAc transferase, the specific primary gene product of histo-blood group A gene (A transferase), was cloned and sequenced. Poly(A)+ RNA from human stomach cancer cell line MKN45, expressing high levels of A antigen, was used for construction of a lambda gt10 cDNA library. Degenerate synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides were used for polymerase chain reactions to detect the presence of the sequence of interest in cDNA (presence test) and to identify the correct clones (identification test) after screening the library with a radiolabeled polymerase chain reaction amplified fragment. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a coding region of 1062 base pairs encoding a protein of 41 kDa. Hydrophobicity plot analysis shows the existence of three domains: N-terminal short stretch, transmembranous hydrophobic region, and a long C-terminal domain (a feature common to all glycosyltransferases cloned so far). Southern hybridization analysis has shown that this DNA does not represent a multigene family. No restriction fragment length polymorphism was found to correlate with ABO blood group type. Bands were detected in Northern hybridization of mRNAs from cell lines expressing A, B, AB, or H antigens. These results suggest that sequences of ABO genes are essentially very similar (with minimal differences), and the inability of the O gene to encode A or B transferases is probably due to structural differences rather than A or B transferase expression failure.  相似文献   

The crystal and molecular structure of a synthetic mannosyl disaccharide, methyl O-alpha-D-mannopyranosyl-(1----2)-alpha-D-mannopyranoside, has been determined from X-ray diffractometer data by direct methods by use of the Multan programs. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P2 with unit cell dimensions, a 8.086(1), b 9.775(1), c 9.975(2) A, beta 104.58(1) degrees, Z 2, and Dm 1.54 g/cm3. The structure was refined to an R-value of 0.033 for 1359 reflections measured with CuK alpha radiation. The mannopyranose units have the chair conformations 4C(D) with C-5' and C-2' deviating from the best plane through the other four atoms of the ring by -0.68 and +0.53 A in the nonreducing group, and C-3 and O-5 deviating from the mean plane through the other four atoms by +0.57 and -0.66 A, respectively, in the "potentially" reducing residue. The ring-to-ring conformation can be described as (phi, psi) = (-64.5, 105.5 degrees). The conformation across the C-5--C-6 bond is gauche-gauche in both the sugars. The crystal structure is stabilized by a network of intermolecular O-H...O hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Incubation of honeybee (Apis mellifica) venom-gland extracts with GDP-[14C]fucose and GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha 1----6(GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha 1----3)Man beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----4(Fuc alpha 1----6)GlcNAc beta 1----N-Asn-peptide(NAc) gave a labeled product in 40% yield. Analysis by 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy indicated the transferred fucose-(Fuc) residue to be alpha 1----3-linked to the Asn-bound GlcNAc. Further proof was provided by one-dimensional and two-dimensional 1H-NMR analysis of the incubation mixture, after incubation with beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase. The established carbohydrate structure (formula; see text) proves the existence of a novel alpha 1----3-fucosyltransferase with the ability to effect difucosylation of the Asn-bound GlcNAc in N-glycans.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of mouse alpha 2(IV) collagen which is 1707 amino acids long. The primary structure includes a putative 28-residue signal peptide and contains three distinct domains: 1) the 7 S domain (residues 29-171), which contains 5 cysteine and 8 lysine residues, is involved in the cross-linking and assembly of four collagen IV molecules; 2) the triple-helical domain (residues 172-1480), which has 24 sequence interruptions in the Gly-X-Y repeat up to 24 residues in length; and 3) the NC1 domain (residues 1481-1707), which is involved in the end-to-end assembly of collagen IV and is the most highly conserved domain of the protein. Alignment of the primary structure of the alpha 2(IV) chain with that of the alpha 1(IV) chain reported in the accompanying paper (Muthukumaran, G., Blumberg, B., and Kurkinen, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 6310-6317) suggests that a heterotrimeric collagen IV molecule contains 26 imperfections in the triple-helical domain. The proposed alignment is consistent with the physical data on the length and flexibility of collagen IV.  相似文献   

Two glycopeptides present in equal amounts were isolated from a pronase digest of alpha1-protease inhibitor of human plasma by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The carbohydrate side chains in both glycopeptides are linked through asparaginyl residues. The glycopeptides were digested sequentially with specific glycosidases; and after each step, the released sugars as well as the composition of the residual peptides were determined. The linear structures of these glycopeptides deduced from these data are shown below. Based on the total carbohydrate content of the intact protein and with these structural data, it is postulated that 4 oligosaccharide units are attached to 1 molecule of the protein; 2 of these were represented as in Equation 1, the other 2 as in Equation 2.  相似文献   

Type XII collagen is a member of the FACIT (fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices) group of extracellular matrix proteins. Like the other members of this group, collagen types IX and XIV, type XII has alternating triple-helical and non-triple-helical domains. Because of its structure, its association with collagen fibrils, and its distribution in dense connective tissues, type XII is thought possibly to act as a cross-bridge between fibrils and resist shear forces caused by tension. A portion of the ffuse gene was isolated by screening a genomic library with a chicken alpha 1 (XII) cDNA probe, followed by subcloning and sequence analysis. Comparison of exon sequences with the sequence of a mouse cDNA clone allowed the mouse gene to be identified as the alpha 1 (XII) collagen gene. In the mouse, Col12a1 is located on chromosome 9, as determined by linkage analysis using DNA from interspecific backcrosses with Mus spretus. Screening of a human genomic library also allowed the isolation of a human alpha 1(XII)-like gene (CoL12A1). This gene was mapped to chromosome 6 by blot hybridization to DNA from human/hamster hybrid cell lines. This information should prove useful in determining the role of type XII collagen genes as candidate genes in inheritable connective tissue diseases.  相似文献   

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