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CIN85 is a multifunctional protein that plays key roles in endocytic down-regulation of receptor tyrosine kinases, apoptosis, cell adhesion, and cytoskeleton rearrangement. Its three SH3 domains (CIN85A, CIN85B, and CIN85C) allow it to recruit multiple binding partners. To understand the manifold interactions of CIN85, we present a detailed high-resolution solution structural study of CIN85A and CIN85B binding to proline-arginine peptides derived from the cognate ligands Cbl and Cbl-b. We report the structure of CIN85B and provide evidence that both CIN85A and CIN85B, in isolation or when linked, form heterodimeric complexes with the peptides. We report unusual curved chemical shift changes for several residues of CIN85A when titrated with Cbl-b peptide, indicating the existence of more than one complex form. Here we demonstrate that CIN85A and CIN85B use different mechanisms for peptide binding.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TyrH) catalyzes the hydroxylation of tyrosine to form 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine in the biosynthesis of the catecholamine neurotransmitters. The activity of the enzyme is regulated by phosphorylation of serine residues in a regulatory domain and by binding of catecholamines to the active site. Available structures of TyrH lack the regulatory domain, limiting the understanding of the effect of regulation on structure. We report the use of NMR spectroscopy to analyze the solution structure of the isolated regulatory domain of rat TyrH. The protein is composed of a largely unstructured N-terminal region (residues 1–71) and a well-folded C-terminal portion (residues 72–159). The structure of a truncated version of the regulatory domain containing residues 65–159 has been determined and establishes that it is an ACT domain. The isolated domain is a homodimer in solution, with the structure of each monomer very similar to that of the core of the regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Two TyrH regulatory domain monomers form an ACT domain dimer composed of a sheet of eight strands with four α-helices on one side of the sheet. Backbone dynamic analyses were carried out to characterize the conformational flexibility of TyrH65–159. The results provide molecular details critical for understanding the regulatory mechanism of TyrH.  相似文献   

Recent 15N and 13C spin-relaxation dispersion studies of fast-folding mutants of the Fyn SH3 domain have established that folding proceeds through a low-populated on-pathway intermediate (I) where the central beta-sheet is at least partially formed, but without interactions between the NH2- and COOH-terminal beta-strands that exist in the folded state (F). Initial studies focused on mutants where Gly48 is replaced; in an effort to establish whether this intermediate is a general feature of Fyn SH3 folding a series of 15N relaxation experiments monitoring the folding of Fyn SH3 mutants N53P/V55L and A39V/N53P/V55L are reported here. For these mutants as well, folding proceeds through an on-pathway intermediate with similar features to those observed for G48M and G48V Fyn SH3 domains. However, the 15N chemical shifts extracted for the intermediate indicate pronounced non-native contacts between the NH2 and COOH-terminal regions not observed previously. The kinetic parameters extracted for the folding of A39V/N53P/V55L Fyn SH3 from the three-state folding model F<-->I<-->U are in good agreement with folding and unfolding rates extrapolated to zero denaturant obtained from stopped-flow experiments analyzed in terms of a simplified two-state folding reaction. The folding of the triple mutant was studied over a wide range of temperatures, establishing that there is no difference in heat capacities between F and I states. This confirms a compact folding intermediate structure, which is supported by the 15N chemical shifts of the I state extracted from the dispersion data. The temperature-dependent relaxation data simplifies data analysis because at low temperatures (< 25 degrees C) the unfolded state (U) is negligibly populated relative to I and F. A comparison between parameters extracted at low temperatures where the F<-->I exchange model is appropriate with those from the more complex, three-state model at higher temperatures has been used to validate the protocol for analysis of three-site exchange relaxation data.  相似文献   

We have carried out a detailed structural and dynamical characterisation of the isolated fifth repeat of the gelation factor (ABP-120) from Dictyostelium discoideum (ddFLN5) by NMR spectroscopy to provide a basis for studies of co-translational folding on the ribosome of this immunoglobulin-like domain. The isolated ddFLN5 can fold autonomously in solution into a structure that resembles very closely the crystal structure of the domain in a construct in which the adjacent sixth repeat (ddFLN6) is covalently linked to its C-terminus in tandem but deviates locally from a second crystal structure in which ddFLN5 is flanked by ddFLN4 and ddFLN6 at both N- and C-termini. Conformational fluctuations were observed via 15N relaxation methods and are primarily localised in the interstrand loops that encompass the C-terminal hemisphere. These fluctuations are distinct in location from the region where line broadening is observed in ddFLN5 when attached to the ribosome as part of a nascent chain. This observation supports the conclusion that the broadening is associated with interactions with the ribosome surface [Hsu, S. T. D., Fucini, P., Cabrita, L. D., Launay, H., Dobson, C. M. & Christodoulou, J. (2007). Structure and dynamics of a ribosome-bound nascent chain by NMR spectroscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 16516-16521]. The unfolding of ddFLN5 induced by high concentrations of urea shows a low population of a folding intermediate, as inferred from an intensity-based analysis, a finding that differs from that of ddFLN5 as a ribosome-bound nascent chain. These results suggest that interesting differences in detail may exist between the structure of the domain in isolation and when linked to the ribosome and between protein folding in vitro and the folding of a nascent chain as it emerges from the ribosome.  相似文献   

CHD7 is a member of the chromodomain helicase DNA binding domain (CHD) family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling enzymes. It is mutated in CHARGE syndrome, a multiple congenital anomaly condition. CHD7 is one of a subset of CHD proteins, unique to metazoans that contain the BRK domain, a protein module also found in the Brahma/BRG1 family of helicases. We describe here the NMR solution structure of the two BRK domains of CHD7. Each domain has a compact betabetaalphabeta fold. The second domain has a C-terminal extension consisting of two additional helices. The structure differs from those of other domains present in chromatin-associated proteins.  相似文献   

The neuronal scaffolding protein AIDA-1 is believed to act as a convener of signals arising at postsynaptic densities. Among the readily identifiable domains in AIDA-1, two closely juxtaposed sterile alpha motif (SAM) domains and a phosphotyrosine binding domain are located within the C-terminus of the longest splice variant and exclusively in four shorter splice variants. As a first step towards understanding the possible emergent properties arising from this assembly of ligand binding domains, we have used NMR methods to solve the first structure of a SAM domain tandem. Separated by a 15-aa linker, the two SAM domains are fused in a head-to-tail orientation that has been observed in other hetero- and homotypic SAM domain structures. The basic nuclear import signal for AIDA-1 is buried at the interface between the two SAM domains. An observed disparity between the thermal stabilities of the two SAM domains suggests a mechanism whereby the second SAM domain decouples from the first SAM domain to facilitate translocation of AIDA-1 to the nucleus.  相似文献   

A thermally unfolded disulfide-deficient mutant of the starch-binding domain of glucoamylase refolds into a kinetically trapped metastable intermediate when subjected to a rapid lowering of temperature. We attempted to characterise this intermediate using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectrum after a rapid temperature decrease (the spectrum of the intermediate) showed good chemical shift dispersion but was significantly different from that of the native state, suggesting that the intermediate adopts a nonnative but well-structured conformation. Large chemical shift changes for the backbone amide protons between the native and the intermediate states were observed for residues in the β-sheet consisting of strands 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 as well as in the C-terminal region. These residues were found to be in close proximity to aromatic residues, suggesting that the chemical shift changes are mainly due to ring current shifts caused by the aromatic residues. The two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy experiments showed that the intermediate contained substantial, native-like NOE connectivities, although there were fewer cross peaks in the spectrum of the intermediate compared with that of the native state. It was also shown that there were native-like interresidue NOEs for residues buried in the protein, whereas many of the NOE cross peaks were lost for the residues involved in a surface-exposed aromatic cluster. These results suggest that, in the intermediate, the aromatic cluster at the surface is structurally less organised, whereas the interior of the protein has relatively rigid, native-like side-chain packing.  相似文献   

Voltage-sensor domains (VSDs) are specialized transmembrane segments that confer voltage sensitivity to many proteins such as ion channels and enzymes. The activities of these domains are highly dependent on both the chemical properties and the physical properties of the surrounding membrane environment. To learn about VSD-lipid interactions, we used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure and phospholipid interface of the VSD from the voltage-dependent K+ channel KvAP (prokaryotic Kv from Aeropyrum pernix). The solution structure of the KvAP VSD solubilized within phospholipid micelles is similar to a previously determined crystal structure solubilized by a nonionic detergent and complexed with an antibody fragment. The differences observed include a previously unidentified short amphipathic α-helix that precedes the first transmembrane helix and a subtle rigid-body repositioning of the S3-S4 voltage-sensor paddle. Using 15N relaxation experiments, we show that much of the VSD, including the pronounced kink in S3 and the S3-S4 paddle, is relatively rigid on the picosecond-to-nanosecond timescale. In contrast, the kink in S3 is mobile on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale and may act as a hinge in the movement of the paddle during channel gating. We characterized the VSD-phospholipid micelle interactions using nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy and showed that the micelle uniformly coats the KvAP VSD and approximates the chemical environment of a phospholipid bilayer. Using paramagnetically labeled phospholipids, we show that bilayer-forming lipids interact with the S3 and S4 helices more strongly than with S1 and S2.  相似文献   

The structures of a dimeric mutant of the Lac repressor DNA-binding domain complexed with the auxiliary operators O2 and O3 have been determined using NMR spectroscopy and compared to the structures of the previously determined Lac-O1 and Lac-nonoperator complexes. Structural analysis of the Lac-O1 and Lac-O2 complexes shows highly similar structures with very similar numbers of specific and nonspecific contacts, in agreement with similar affinities for these two operators. The left monomer of the Lac repressor in the Lac-O3 complex retains most of these specific contacts. However, in the right half-site of the O3 operator, there is a significant loss of protein-DNA contacts, explaining the low affinity of the Lac repressor for the O3 operator. The binding mode in the right half-site resembles that of the nonspecific complex. In contrast to the Lac-nonoperator DNA complex where no hinge helices are formed, the stability of the hinge helices in the weak Lac-O3 complex is the same as in the Lac-O1 and Lac-O2 complexes, as judged from the results of hydrogen/deuterium experiments.  相似文献   

Filamentous type 1 pili are responsible for attachment of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains to host cells. They consist of a linear tip fibrillum and a helical rod formed by up to 3000 copies of the main structural pilus subunit FimA. The subunits in the pilus interact via donor strand complementation, where the incomplete, immunoglobulin-like fold of each subunit is complemented by an N-terminal donor strand of the subsequent subunit. Here, we show that folding of FimA occurs at an extremely slow rate (half-life: 1.6 h) and is catalyzed more than 400-fold by the pilus chaperone FimC. Moreover, FimA is capable of intramolecular self-complementation via its own donor strand, as evidenced by the loss of folding competence upon donor strand deletion. Folded FimA is an assembly-incompetent monomer of low thermodynamic stability (− 10.1 kJ mol− 1) that can be rescued for pilus assembly at 37 °C because FimC selectively pulls the fraction of unfolded FimA molecules from the FimA folding equilibrium and allows FimA refolding on its surface. Elongation of FimA at the C-terminus by its own donor strand generated a self-complemented variant (FimAa) with alternative folding possibilities that spontaneously adopts the more stable conformation (− 85.0 kJ mol− 1) in which the C-terminal donor strand is inserted in the opposite orientation relative to that in FimA. The solved NMR structure of FimAa revealed extensive β-sheet hydrogen bonding between the FimA pilin domain and the C-terminal donor strand and provides the basis for reconstruction of an atomic model of the pilus rod.  相似文献   

The intrinsically disordered amino-proximal domain of hamster prion protein (PrP) contains four copies of a highly conserved octapeptide sequence, PHGGGWGQ, that is flanked by two polycationic residue clusters. This N-terminal domain mediates the binding of sulfated glycans, which can profoundly influence the conversion of PrP to pathological forms and the progression of prion disease. To investigate the structural consequences of sulfated glycan binding, we performed multidimensional heteronuclear (1H, 13C, 15N) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence studies on hamster PrP residues 23-106 (PrP 23-106) and fragments thereof when bound to pentosan polysulfate (PPS). While the majority of PrP 23-106 remain disordered upon PPS binding, the octarepeat region adopts a repeating loop-turn structure that we have determined by NMR. The β-like turns within the repeats are corroborated by CD data demonstrating that these turns are also present, although less pronounced, without PPS. Binding to PPS exposes a hydrophobic surface composed of aligned tryptophan side chains, the spacing and orientation of which are consistent with a self-association or ligand binding site. The unique tryptophan motif was probed by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, which displayed enhanced fluorescence of PrP 23-106 when bound to PPS, consistent with the alignment of tryptophan side chains. Chemical-shift mapping identified binding sites on PrP 23-106 for PPS, which include the octarepeat histidine and an N-terminal basic cluster previously linked to sulfated glycan binding. These data may in part explain how sulfated glycans modulate PrP conformational conversions and oligomerizations.  相似文献   

The AAA + (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) superfamily protein ClpC is a key regulator of cell development in Bacillus subtilis. As part of a large oligomeric complex, ClpC controls an array of cellular processes by recognizing, unfolding, and providing misfolded and aggregated proteins as substrates for the ClpP peptidase. ClpC is unique compared to other HSP100/Clp proteins, as it requires an adaptor protein for all fundamental activities. The NMR solution structure of the N-terminal repeat domain of ClpC (N-ClpCR) comprises two structural repeats of a four-helix motif. NMR experiments used to map the MecA adaptor protein interaction surface of N-ClpCR reveal that regions involved in the interaction possess conformational flexibility and conformational exchange on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale. The electrostatic surface of N-ClpCR differs substantially from the N-domain of Escherichia coli ClpA and ClpB, suggesting that the electrostatic surface characteristics of HSP100/Clp N-domains may play a role in adaptor protein and substrate interaction specificity, and perhaps contribute to the unique adaptor protein requirement of ClpC.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway is critical for many developmental processes and requires complex trafficking of both Notch receptor and its ligands, Delta and Serrate. In Drosophila melanogaster, the endocytosis of Delta in the signal-sending cell is essential for Notch receptor activation. The Neuralized protein from D. melanogaster (Neur) is a ubiquitin E3 ligase, which binds to Delta through its first neuralized homology repeat 1 (NHR1) domain and mediates the ubiquitination of Delta for endocytosis. Tom, a Bearded protein family member, inhibits the Neur-mediated endocytosis through interactions with the NHR1 domain. We have identified the domain boundaries of the novel NHR1 domain, using a screening system based on our cell-free protein synthesis method, and demonstrated that the identified Neur NHR1 domain had binding activity to the 20-residue peptide corresponding to motif 2 of Tom by isothermal titration calorimetry experiments. We also determined the solution structure of the Neur NHR1 domain by heteronuclear NMR methods, using a 15N/13C-labeled sample. The Neur NHR1 domain adopts a characteristic β-sandwich fold, consisting of a concave five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet and a convex seven-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. The long loop (L6) between the β6 and β7 strands covers the hydrophobic patch on the concave β-sheet surface, and the Neur NHR1 domain forms a compact globular fold. Intriguingly, in spite of the slight, but distinct, differences in the topology of the secondary structure elements, the structure of the Neur NHR1 domain is quite similar to those of the B30.2/SPRY domains, which are known to mediate specific protein-protein interactions. Further NMR titration experiments of the Neur NHR1 domain with the 20-residue Tom peptide revealed that the resonances originating from the bottom area of the β-sandwich (the L3, L5, and L11 loops, as well as the tip of the L6 loop) were affected. In addition, a structural comparison of the Neur NHR1 domain with the first NHR domain of the human KIAA1787 protein, which is from another NHR subfamily and does not bind to the 20-residue Tom peptide, suggested the critical amino acid residues for the interactions between the Neur NHR1 domain and the Tom peptide. The present structural study will shed light on the role of the Neur NHR1 domain in the Notch signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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