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Spiders that spin orb webs secrete seven types of silk. Although the spinning process of the dragline thread is beginning to be understood, the molecular events that occur in spiders' opisthosomal glands, which produce the other fibers, are unknown due to a lack of data regarding their initial and final structures. Taking advantage of the efficiency of Raman spectromicroscopy in investigating micrometer-sized biological samples, we have determined the secondary structure of proteins in the complete set of glands of the orb-weaving spider Nephila clavipes. The major and minor ampullate silks in the sac of their glands have identical secondary structures typical of natively unfolded proteins. Spidroins are converted into fibers containing highly oriented β-sheets. The capture spiral represents a distinct structural singleton. The proteins are highly disordered prior to spinning and undergo no molecular change or alignment upon spinning. The cylindrical, aciniform, and piriform proteins are folded in their initial state with a predominance of α-helices, but whereas the cylindrical gland forms a fiber similar to the major ampullate thread, the aciniform and piriform glands produce fibers dominated by moderately oriented β-sheets and α-helices. The conformation of the proteins before spinning is related to intrinsic characteristics of their primary structure. Proteins that are unfolded in the gland have repeat sequences composed of submotifs and display no sequence regions with aggregation propensity. By contrast, the folded proteins have neither submotifs nor aggregation-prone sequence regions. Taken together, the Raman data show a remarkable diversity of molecular transformations occurring upon spinning.  相似文献   

The conformation of an elastin-mimetic recombinant protein, [(VPGVG)4(VPGKG)]39, is investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The protein is extensively labeled with 13C and 15N, and two-dimensional 13C-13C and 15N-13C correlation experiments were carried out to resolve and assign the isotropic chemical shifts of the various sites. The Pro 15N, 13Calpha, and 13Cbeta isotropic shifts, and the Gly-3 Calpha isotropic and anisotropic chemical shifts support the predominance of type-II beta-turn structure at the Pro-Gly pair but reject a type-I beta-turn. The Val-1 preceding Pro adopts mostly beta-sheet torsion angles, while the Val-4 chemical shifts are intermediate between those of helix and sheet. The protein exhibits a significant conformational distribution, shown by the broad line widths of the 15N and 13C spectra. The average chemical shifts of the solid protein are similar to the values in solution, suggesting that the low-hydration polypeptide maintains the same conformation as in solution. The ability to measure these conformational restraints by solid-state NMR opens the possibility of determining the detailed structure of this class of fibrous proteins through torsion angles and distances.  相似文献   

Conformational transitions of human calcitonin (hCT) during fibril formation in the acidic and neutral conditions were investigated by high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. In aqueous acetic acid solution (pH 3.3), a local alpha-helical form is present around Gly10 whereas a random coil form is dominant as viewed from Phe22, Ala26, and Ala31 in the monomer form on the basis of the 13C chemical shifts. On the other hand, a local beta-sheet form as viewed from Gly10 and Phe22, and both beta-sheet and random coil as viewed from Ala26 and Ala31 were detected in the fibril at pH 3.3. The results indicate that conformational transitions from alpha-helix to beta-sheet, and from random coil to beta-sheet forms occurred in the central and C-terminus regions, respectively, during the fibril formation. The increased 13C resonance intensities of fibrils after a certain delay time suggests that the fibrillation can be explained by a two-step reaction mechanism in which the first step is a homogeneous association to form a nucleus, and the second step is an autocatalytic heterogeneous fibrillation. In contrast to the fibril at pH 3.3, the fibril at pH 7.5 formed a local beta-sheet conformation at the central region and exhibited a random coil at the C-terminus region. Not only a hydrophobic interaction among the amphiphilic alpha-helices, but also an electrostatic interaction between charged side chains can play an important role for the fibril formation at pH 7.5 and 3.3 acting as electrostatically favorable and unfavorable interactions, respectively. These results suggest that hCT fibrils are formed by stacking antiparallel beta-sheets at pH 7.5 and a mixture of antiparallel and parallel beta-sheets at pH 3.3.  相似文献   

The amino acid composition of Nephila clavipes dragline silk fiber was determined by conducting 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy experiments on acid-hydrolyzed material. N. clavipes dragline silk was found to consist of 43.0 ± 0.6% Gly, 29.3 ± 0.2% Ala, 9.1 ± 0.1% Glx, 4.0 ± 0.1% Leu, 3.3 ± 0.1% Tyr, 3.4 ± 0.2% Ser, 2.7 ± 0.1% Pro, 2.1 ± 0.1% Arg, 1.07 ± 0.05% Asx, 0.96 ± 0.05% Val, 0.48 ± 0.03% Thr, 0.35 ± 0.03% Phe, and 0.28 ± 0.03% Ile. Compared with standard chromatography-based amino acid analysis (AAA), the chemical resolution of NMR allows for an amino acid solution to be characterized without separation and is shown to provide considerably higher precision. This allows for more accurate statistics on the variability of amino acids in spider dragline silk. In general, this 1H NMR AAA technique is applicable to a large range of proteins and peptides for precise composition characterization, especially when the precise content of a minor component is critical and relatively large amounts of sample are available (microgram to milligram quantities).  相似文献   

The elasticity of vertebrate tissue originates from the insoluble, cross-linked protein elastin. Here, the results of variable-temperature (2) H NMR spectra are reported for hydrated elastin that has been enriched at the Hα position in its abundant glycines. Typical powder patterns reflecting averaged quadrupolar parameters are observed for the frozen protein, as opposed to the two, inequivalent deuterons that are detected in a powder sample of enriched glycine. The spectra of the hydrated elastin at warmer temperatures are dominated by a strong central peak with features close to the baseline, reflective of both isotropic and very weakly anisotropic motions.  相似文献   

Elastin is a crosslinked hydrophobic protein found in abundance in vertebrate tissue and is the source of elasticity in connective tissues and blood vessels. The repeating polypeptide sequences found in the hydrophobic domains of elastin have been the focus of many studies that attempt to understand the function of the native protein on a molecular scale. In this study, the central residues of the (LGGVG)(6) elastin mimetic are targeted. Using a combination of a statistical analysis based on structures in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB), 1D cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning (CPMAS) NMR spectroscopy, and 2D off-magic-angle-spinning (OMAS) spin-diffusion experiments, it is determined that none of the residues are found in a singular regular, highly ordered structure. Instead, like the poly(VPGVG) elastin mimetics, there are multiple conformations and significant disorder. Furthermore, the conformational ensembles are not reflective of proteins generally, as in the PDB, suggesting that the structure distributions in elastin mimetics are unique to these peptides and are a salient feature of the functional model of the native protein.  相似文献   

Solid‐state NMR studies of collagen samples of various origins confirm that the amplitude of collagen backbone and sidechain motions increases significantly on increasing the water content. This conclusion is supported by the changes observed in three different NMR observables: (i) the linewidth dependence on the 1H decoupling frequency; (ii) 13C CSA changes for the peptide carbonyl groups, and (iii) dephasing rates of 1H‐13C dipolar couplings. In particular, a nearly threefold increase in motional amplitudes of the backbone librations about C‐Cα or N‐Cα bonds was found on increasing the added water content up to 47 wt%D2O. On the basis of the frequencies of NMR observables involved, the timescale of the protein motions dependent on the added water content is estimated to be of the order of microseconds. This estimate agrees with that from wideline T2 1H NMR measurements. Also, our wideline 1H NMR measurements revealed that the timescale of the microsecond motions in proteins reduces significantly on increasing the added water content, i.e., an ~15‐fold increase in protein motional frequencies is observed on increasing the added water content to 45 wt% D2O. The observed changes in collagen dynamics is attributed to the increase in water translational diffusion on increasing the amount of added water, which leads to more frequent “bound water/free water” exchange on the protein surface, accompanied by the breakage and formation of new hydrogen bonds with polar functionalities of protein. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 246–256, 2014.  相似文献   

Many membrane peptides and protein domains contain functionally important cationic Arg and Lys residues, whose insertion into the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer encounters significant energy barriers. To understand how these cationic molecules overcome the free energy barrier to insert into the lipid membrane, we have used solid-state NMR spectroscopy to determine the membrane-bound topology of these peptides. A versatile array of solid-state NMR experiments now readily yields the conformation, dynamics, orientation, depth of insertion, and site-specific protein-lipid interactions of these molecules. We summarize key findings of several Arg-rich membrane peptides, including β-sheet antimicrobial peptides, unstructured cell-penetrating peptides, and the voltage-sensing helix of voltage-gated potassium channels. Our results indicate the central role of guanidinium-phosphate and guanidinium-water interactions in dictating the structural topology of these cationic molecules in the lipid membrane, which in turn account for the mechanisms of this functionally diverse class of membrane peptides.  相似文献   

The atomic resolution structure of Pf1 coat protein determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy of magnetically aligned filamentous bacteriophage particles in solution is compared to the structures previously determined by X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction, the structure of its membrane-bound form, and the structure of fd coat protein. These structural comparisons provide insights into several biological properties, differences between class I and class II filamentous bacteriophages, and the assembly process. The six N-terminal amino acid residues adopt an unusual "double hook" conformation on the outside of the bacteriophage particle. The solid-state NMR results indicate that at 30 degrees C, some of the coat protein subunits assume a single, fully structured conformation, and some have a few mobile residues that provide a break between two helical segments, in agreement with structural models from X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction, respectively. The atomic resolution structure determined by solid-state NMR for residues 7-14 and 18-46, which excludes the N-terminal double hook and the break between the helical segments, but encompasses more than 80% of the backbone including the distinct kink at residue 29, agrees with that determined by X-ray fiber diffraction with an RMSD value of 2.0 A. The symmetry and distance constraints determined by X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction enable the construction of an accurate model of the bacteriophage particle from the coordinates of the coat protein monomers.  相似文献   

The fully extended peptide conformation (2.0(5)-helix) has been investigated for the first time in the solid-state by 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR. The compounds examined are members of a terminally protected, homo-oligopeptide series (from monomer through hexamer) based on Calpha,beta-didehydroalanine.  相似文献   

The need for molecules with high specificity against noxious insects leads the search towards spider venoms that have evolved highly selective toxins for insect preys. In this respect, spiders as a highly diversified group of almost exclusive insect predators appear to possess infinite potential for the discovery of novel insect‐selective toxins. In 2003, a group of toxins was isolated from the spider Macrothele gigas and the amino acid sequence was reported. We obtained, by molecular biology techniques in a heterologous system, one of these toxins. Purification process was optimized by chromatographic methods to determine the three‐dimensional structure by nuclear magnetic resonance in solution, and, finally, their biological activity was tested. rMagi3 resulted to be a specific insect toxin with no effect on mice.  相似文献   

The relative merits of different isotopic enrichment strategies that might be used in solid state NMR protein structure determinations are explored. The basis for comparison of these merits is the determination of the relative uncertainties in rates measured by a generalized dipolar recoupling experiment. The different schemes considered use 13C, 15N and 2H labeling of ubiquitin with homonuclear magnetization-transfer type experiments under magic-angle spinning (MAS). Specific attention is given to the sensitivity of the predicted relative precisions to variation in natural nuclear density distribution and noise levels. A framework is suggested to gauge the precision of measurement of a given dipolar coupling constant, and the potential for a set of such measurements to constrain structure calculations is explored. The distribution of nuclei in homonuclear 15N and 1H dipolar recoupling spin-exchange experiments appear to provide the most promising tertiary structure information for uniformly labeled ubiquitin.  相似文献   

Lyophilized enzyme powder is often used in organic solvents. However, the enzymatic activity decreases during the reaction process. In the present study, the relation between structural stability and enzymatic activity in an organic solvent was investigated. 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the secondary structure of lyophilized papain in the solid-state. Deconvolution of the peaks of the backbone carbonyl carbons suggested that the proportion of beta-sheet conformation increased after lyophilization from a phosphate buffer solution. The esterification of N-benzyloxycarbonyl phenylalanylalanine amide was attempted using the lyophilized papain as a catalyst in anhydrous 1-propanol. The yield of ester was 46.1% after 48 h at 50 degrees C, but this reaction slowed remarkably after 48 h. When the lyophilized papain was suspended in anhydrous 1-propanol for 7 days without the substrate, the proportion of beta-sheet conformation was further increased and the suspended papain had no activity. These results suggest that the increase in beta-sheet conformation caused inactivation of papain. The increase in beta-sheet conformation caused by both lyophilization and suspension in propanol was found, which was related to a decrease in enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Aim There are currently few population genetic studies on widely distributed SE Asian terrestrial organisms. We have studied the genetic diversification pattern of the giant wood spider, Nephila pilipes (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) to see whether fluctuations in rain forest extents generated by Quaternary climatic changes left signatures on populations of this agile terrestrial arthropod. Location The collecting localities were distributed in the following seven regions: (1) N Australia; (2) India (Calcutta, Karziranga and Sukna); (3) SE Asia (N Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Bali); (4) SE China (Fujian, Guandong, Hong Kong and Hainan); (5) SW China (Guangxi and Yunnan); (6) E Asian islands (Ryukyu islands and Taiwan); and (7) the Philippine Islands. Methods A total of 374 specimens were collected from the East Asian continent and islands, SE Asia, India, and northern Australia. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene partial sequences were used as the molecular marker to infer the phylogeographic diversification patterns. Results From the specimens collected, 67 haplotypes were identified, which could be grouped into five major clades. The dominant clade contained populations in regions ranging from Okinawa to Bali (spanning a distance of more than 4000 km), but their genetic variations were not structured and were not significantly associated with geographical distances. Three clades contained specimens collected from peripheral regions of the distribution range of N. pilipes, such as India, N Australia, and NE Asia. Members of the clade distributed in NE Asia were sympatric but those of the clades distributed in Australia and India were allopatric with those of the dominant clade. Main conclusions The results of this study indicate that, during Quaternary glacial periods, the rain forests in SE Asia might have been more or less continuous and thus generated an unstructured genetic diversification pattern of N. pilipes inhabiting this region. However, during such periods, populations in peripheral regions such as India, N Australia and NE Asia might have been isolated in refugia, thus accounting for the observed genetic divergence from populations in the SE Asian region.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play many critical roles in cells, mediating flow of material and information across cell membranes. They have evolved to perform these functions in the environment of a cell membrane, whose physicochemical properties are often different from those of common cell membrane mimetics used for structure determination. As a result, membrane proteins are difficult to study by traditional methods of structural biology, and they are significantly underrepresented in the protein structure databank. Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SSNMR) has long been considered as an attractive alternative because it allows for studies of membrane proteins in both native-like membranes composed of synthetic lipids and in cell membranes. Over the past decade, SSNMR has been rapidly developing into a major structural method, and a growing number of membrane protein structures obtained by this technique highlights its potential. Here we discuss membrane protein sample requirements, review recent progress in SSNMR methodologies, and describe recent advances in characterizing membrane proteins in the environment of a cellular membrane.  相似文献   

Gradients inside substrate particles cannot be prevented in solid-state fermentation. These gradients can have a strong effect on the physiology of the microorganisms but have hitherto received little attention in experimental studies. We report gradients in moisture and glucose content during cultivation of Aspergillus oryzae on membrane-covered wheat-dough slices that were calculated from (1)H-NMR images. We found that moisture gradients in the solid substrate remain small when evaporation is minimized. This is corroborated by predictions of a diffusion model. In contrast, strong glucose gradients developed. Glucose concentrations just below the fungal mat remained low due to high glucose uptake rates, but deeper in the matrix glucose accumulated to very high levels. Integration of the glucose profile gave an average concentration close to the measured average content. On the basis of published data, we expect that the glucose levels in the matrix cause a strong decrease in water activity. The results demonstrate that NMR can play an important role in quantitative analysis of water and glucose gradients at the particle level during solid-state fermentation, which is needed to improve our understanding of the response of fungi to this nonconventional fermentation environment.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of transmembrane peptides (TMPs) is justified because transmembrane domains of membrane proteins appear to often function independently of the rest of the protein. However, the challenge in obtaining milligrams of isotopically labeled TMPs to study these highly hydrophobic peptides by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is significant. In the present work, a protocol is developed to produce, isotopically label, and purify TMPs in high yield as well as to initially characterize the TMPs with CD and both solution and solid-state NMR. Six TMPs from three integral membrane proteins, CorA, M2, and KdpF, were studied. CorA and KdpF are from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, while M2 is from influenza A virus. Several milligrams of each of these TMPs ranging from 25 to 89 residues were obtained per liter of M9 culture. The initial structural characterization results showed that these peptides were well folded in both detergent micelles and lipid bilayer preparations. The high yield, the simplicity of purification, and the convenient protocol represents a suitable approach for NMR studies and a starting point for characterizing the transmembrane domains of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The relative stability of alpha-helix and beta-sheet secondary structure in the solid state was investigated using poly(L-alanine) (PLA) as a model system. Protein folding and stability has been well studied in solution, but little is known about solid-state environments, such as the core of a folded protein, where peptide packing interactions are the dominant factor in determining structural stability. (13)C cross-polarization with magic angle spinning (CPMAS) NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the backbone conformation of solid powder samples of 15-kDa and 21.4-kDa PLA before and after various sample treatments. Reprecipitation from helix-inducing solvents traps the alpha-helical conformation of PLA, although the method of reprecipitation also affects the conformational distribution. Grinding converts the secondary structure of PLA to a final steady-state mixture of 55% beta-sheet and 45% alpha-helix at room temperature regardless of the initial secondary structure. Grinding PLA at liquid nitrogen temperatures leads to a similar steady-state mixture with 60% beta-sheet and 40% alpha-helix, indicating that mechanical shear force is sufficient to induce secondary structure interconversion. Cooling the sample in liquid nitrogen or subjecting it to high pressure has no effect on secondary structure. Heating the sample without grinding results in equilibration of secondary structure to 50% alpha-helix/50% beta-sheet at 100 degrees C when starting from a mostly alpha-helical state. No change was observed upon heating a beta-sheet sample, perhaps due to kinetic effects and the different heating rate used in the experiments. These results are consistent with beta-sheet approximately 260 J/mol more stable than alpha-helix in solid-state PLA.  相似文献   

This work follows a previous article that addressed the role of disulfide bonds in the behavior of the 1Dx5 subunit upon hydration. Here the roles of nonrepetitive terminal domains present and the length of the central repetitive domain in the hydration of 1Dx5 are investigated. This was achieved by comparing the hydration behavior of suitable model samples determined by (13)C- and (1)H-NMR: an alkylated 1Dx5 subunit (alk1Dx5), a recombinant 58-kDa peptide corresponding to the central repetitive domain of 1Dx5 (i.e., lacking the terminal domains), and two synthetic peptides (with 6 and 21 amino acid residues) based on the consensus repeat motifs of the central domain. The (13)C cross-polarization and magic angle spinning (MAS) experiments recorded as a function of hydration gave information about the protein or peptide fractions resisting plasticization. Conversely, (13)C single pulse excitation and (1)H-MAS gave information on the more plasticized segments. The results are consistent with the previous proposal of a hydrated network held by hydrogen-bonded glutamines and possibly hydrophobic interactions. The nonrepetitive terminal domains were found to induce water insolubility and a generally higher network hindrance. Shorter chain lengths were shown to increase plasticization and water solubility. However, at low water contents, the 21-mer peptide was characterized by higher hindrance in the megahertz and kilohertz frequency ranges compared to the longer peptide; and a tendency for a few hydrogen-bonded glutamines and hydrophobic residues to remain relatively hindered was still observed, as for the protein and large peptide. It is suggested that this ability is strongly dependent on the peptide primary structure.  相似文献   

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