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Efficient gene transfer into murine embryonic stem cells by nucleofection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Genetic manipulation of embryonic stem (ES) cells is performed by non-viral as well as viral transfection methods. We tested the recently developed nucleofection method delivering plasmid DNA directly into the nucleus for the introduction of a plasmid encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) into murine ES cells. Cell viability decreased from 77% before to 40% 24 h after nucleofection. Transfection effciencies in viable stem cells were between 85% and 96% with high levels of EGFP expression [mean fluorescence intensity (MFI): 630 +/- 90] 24 h after nucleofection. After a two week culture in geneticin (G418) selection medium, nearly 50% of the stem cells were EGFP positive and continued transgene expression (MFIs: 120-240) for a two further weeks. We conclude that nucleofection is an efficient nonviral gene transfer method for the introduction of genes into murine ES cells.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes are terminally differentiated cells that to date have been characterized as poor targets for nonviral gene transfer. This study was therefore designed to determine the optimal nonviral gene transfer parameters in cell cultures of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and to compare them with the efficiency of gene transfer using adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV). Transfection efficiency was measured by quantitative chloramphenicol acetyltransferase type I (CAT)-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and β-galactosidase staining, based on overexpression of reporter genes (CAT and LacZ). The efficiency of CAT/LacZ overexpression was assessed using the following techniques: (1) liposomal reagents, such as: FuGENE 6, LipofectAMINE 2000, LipofectAMINE PLUS, GenePORTER, Metafectene, and LipoGen; (2) electroporation and nucleofector techniques; and (3) an AAV2 vector harboring a lacZ reporter gene. Toxicity was monitored by total protein measurement and by analyzing cell metabolism. On average, Lipofectamine 2000 was the most effective nonviral method examined yielding consistently high transfection rates (8.1% β-galactosidase-positive cells) combined with low toxicity. Electroporation also resulted in high transfection values (7.5%); however, cellular toxicity was higher than that of Lipofectamine 2000. Finally, transduction with AAV2 vectors provided the highest levels of transduction (88.1%) with no cellular toxicity. We conclude that although transduction with AAV is more efficient (88.1%), transfections with nonviral techniques, when optimized, may provide a useful alternative for overexpression of therapeutic genes in neonatal cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

The highly efficient novel methods to produce transgenic chickens were established by directly in-jecting the recombinant plasmid containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene into the cock's testis termed as testis-medianted gene transfer (TMGT), and transplanting transfected spermatogonial stem cells (TTSSCs). For the TMGT approach,four dosages of pEGFP-N1 DNA/cationic polymer complex were injected intratesticularly. The results showed: (1) 48 h after the injection,the percentages of testis cells expressing GFP were 4.0%, 8.7%, 10.2% and 13.6% in the 50, 100, 150 and 200 μg/mL group, re-spectively. The difference from the four dosage groups was significant (P<0.05). On day 25 after the injection, a dosage-dependent and time-dependent increase in the number of transgenic sperm was observed. The percentages of gene expression reached the summit and became stable from day 70 to 160, being 12.7%, 12.8%, 15.9% and 19.1%, respectively. The difference from the four dosage groups was also significant (P<0.05). (2) 70 d after the injection, strong green fluorescent could be observed in the seminiferous tubules by whole-mount in-situ hybridization. (3) 70 d after the injection, the semen was collected and used to artificially inseminate wild-type females. The blastoderms of F1 and F2 transgenic chicken expressed GFP were 56.2% (254/452) and 53.2% (275/517), respectively. The detec-tion of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of F1 and F2 transgenic chicken blood genomic DNA showed that 56.5% (3/23) of F1 and 52.9% (9/17) of F2 were positive. Southern blot showed GFP DNA was in-serted in their genomic DNAs. (4) Frozen whole mount tissue sections of F1 and F2 transgenic chicken liver, heart, kidney and muscle showed that the rates of green fluorescent positive were between 50.0% and 66.7%. (5) With the TTSSCs method, SSCs ex vivo transfected with GFP were transplanted into recipient roosters whose endogenic SSCs had been resoluted. The donor SSCs settled and GFP ex-pression became readily detectable in the frozen whole mount tissue sections of recepient testes. Moreover, sperms carrying GFP could be produced normally. The results of artificially inseminating wild-type females with these sperms showed 12.5% (8/64) of offspring embryo expressed GFP and 11.1% (2/18) hatched chicks were tested transgenic. Our data therefore suggest TMGT and TTSSCs are the feasible methods for the generation of transgenic chickens.  相似文献   

We describe the use of direct injection of circular plasmid DNA and subsequent in vivo electroporation (EP) for efficient gene delivery to the ovarian cells, including follicular cells and oocytes of mice. When Trypan blue (TB) was injected into the central portion of an ovary by a glass micropipette, rapid dispersion of TB to each preantral and antral follicle was observed. Injections of lacZ-expressing plasmid DNA and subsequent in vivo EP resulted in transfection of follicles with efficiencies ranging from 8-60%, together with cells in the thecal portion of the ovary. Of the lacZ-positive follicles, some oocytes were also positive for lacZ activity. These findings suggest that a solution introduced inside the ovary is rapidly dispersed to each follicle. With this technique, we expect great progress in genetic engineering in murine ovary.  相似文献   

Due to their abundance and accessibility, mesothelial cells may be suitable tools for recombinant reagent expression by gene transfer. Genetically modified porcine mesothelial cells (PMCs) may have the potential for the treatment of vascular diseases in humans. We studied the effect of various transfection reagents on the primary culture of PMCs and human mesothelial cells (HMCs). The cells were transfected with a plasmid encoding a reporter gene (luciferase or green fluorescent protein [GFP]) under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter. Transfection was achieved using cationic lipids (DOSPER and DOTAP) or calcium phosphate/deoxyribonucleic acid coprecipitation or Fugene 6. Results showed that Fugene 6 was the most efficient and reproducible transfection reagent with both PMCs and HMCs. With Fugene 6, luciferase activity in PMCs (1.5 x 10(8) relative light units [RLU]/10(6) cells) was at least 2.5-fold higher than with the other transfection reagents, and it was 100-fold higher than in HMCs. However, the proportion of transfected cells expressing GFP was only 1%. These preliminary findings open up new avenues for developing experimental studies on the use of genetically modified PMCs.  相似文献   

The quail oviduct (Coturnix c. japonica) is a natural candidate avian bioreactor, while the secretive quail oviduct epithelial cells (QOECs) are potential in vitro producers of recombinant proteins and vaccines. In view of the need for highly performing and transformable cell lines, QOEC may potentially act as an alternative bioreactor platform to the existing ones, for example, to the Chinese hamster ovary. The aim of this work was to characterize QOECs and their response to nucleofection with a nonviral plasmid DNA carrying the human interferon-α 2a gene (hIFNλ2a), in vitro. Primary QOEC cultures from laying quails (10-15 weeks old) were characterized by their proliferation rate, doubling time, and multilineage differentiation. Electroporation to cell nuclei (nucleofection) was used to deliver nonviral plasmid DNA containing a reporter GFP and hIFN under the ovalbumin promoter. The posttransfection analysis included polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. QOEC showed a typical epithelial characteristic in a primary 2D monolayer culture system and retained secretive potential up to the first passage. QOEC showed differentiation into osteoblastic lineage after stimulation. The nucleofection mean efficiency was low (2.3%). Differences of up to 10% in the proteomic profiles between nontransfected and transfected QOEC were found, the most important of these were related to the absence of keratins and cell-adhesion proteins in the transfected QOEC. Concluding, with the practical information provided here, QOEC have the potential to serve as an avian secreting cellular platform. QOEC may be further transformed to cell lineage to meet the requirement for a stable, electrocompetent, and transfectable model. The first proteomic comparison of QOEC delivered in this study showed, in the majority, a stable proteome of the nontransfected vs transfected QOEC.  相似文献   

Marine-derived Bacillus strains have been proved to be a very promising source for natural product leads.However,transformation of environmental strains is much more difficult than that of domesticated strains.Here,we report the development of an efficient and robust electroporation-based transformation system for marine-derived Bacillus marinus B-9987,which is a macrolactin antibiotics producer and a very promising biological control agent against fungal plant diseases.The transformation efficiency was greatly enhanced 103-fold by using unmethylated plasmid to bypass modification-restriction barrier,and using glycine betaine to protect cells from electrical damages during electroporation.Addition of HEPES and 2 mmol L?1MgCl2 further improved the efficiency by additional 2-fold,with a maximum value of 7.1×104 cfu/μg pHT3101.To demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the protocol,a green fluorescent protein reporter system was constructed;furthermore,phosphopantetheinyl transferase gene sfp,which is essential to the biosynthesis of polyketides and nonribosomal peptides,was overexpressed in B-9987,leading to increased production of macrolactin A by about 1.6-fold.In addition,this protocol is also applicable to marine-derived Bacillus licheniforms EI-34-6,indicating it could be a reference for other undomesticated Bacillus strains.To our knowledge,this is the first report regarding the transformation of marine-derived Bacillus strain.  相似文献   

A wide variety of mammalian cell types is used in gene transfection studies. Establishing transfection methods that enable highly efficient DNA uptake has become increasingly important. PC12 is an established rat pheochromocytoma cell line, which responds to exposure to NGF with cessation of growth, expression of cytoplasmic processes, and differentiation into cells resembling sympathetic neurons. Although PC12 cells represent an important model system to study a variety of neuronal functions, they proved relatively difficult to transfect. We have compared the efficiency of three different chemical transfection reagents (Lipofectamine 2000, Lipofectamine LTX and TransIT-LT1) and of two electroporation systems (Neon and Gene Pulser Xcell) in transiently transfecting undifferentiated PC12 cells. By comparing efficiencies from replicate experiments we proved electroporation (in particular Neon) to be the method of choice. By optimizing different parameters (voltage, pulse width and number of pulses) we reached high efficiency of transfection (90 %) and viability (99 %). We also demonstrated that, upon electroporation, cells are not altered by the transfection and maintain their ability to differentiate.  相似文献   

We have previously established mouse genetic models and identified the genetic components of quantitative trait loci (QTL) on mouse chromosomes that contribute to phenotypes such as bone size, bone density, and bone's anabolic response to mechanical loading. However, these regions contain dozens of unknown genes that are needed for functional testing. In this study, we provided a protocol of nucleoporation with high efficiency by using a commercial nucleofection buffer and Gene Pulser to deliver a test gene into bone cells for functional studies. We cloned an osteoblast differentiation-specific geneosterix (Osx) from a mouse bone cDNA library into a pHGCX expression vector and used nucleoporation to deliver pHGCX/Flag-Osx into the nuclei of MC3T3-E1 cells. We then examined the transfection efficiency transgene expression, and function. Our results have demonstrated that nucleoporation can deliver a transgene into MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells with approx 94% transfection efficiency, and express a functional Flag-Osx fusion protein capable of inducing cell differentiation as measured by an incease in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Therefore, this experimental system provides a rapid, safe, and efficient cell-based model of high-throughput phenotypic screening to identify candidate genes from physically mapped regions that are important for osteoblast differentiation.  相似文献   

The human retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a potential target tissue for directed transfer of candidate genes to treat age‐related macular degeneration (AMD). The RPE is uniquely suited to gene therapy protocols that use liposome‐mediated DNA transfer because of its high intrinsic phagocytic function in vivo. In these studies, we examined the efficacy of human RPE cell uptake and expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and neomycin resistance marker genes by polyplex‐mediated gene transfer in vitro. The effects of varying DNA and polyplex concentration and ratios on GFP transgene expression were examined. A narrow range of experimental conditions were found to maximize transgene expression; most important were the DNA concentration and the DNA:polyplex ratio. The transfection efficiency for human RPE cells was reproducibly 20\% in vitro by this method and reached a maximum level of expression after 48 h. There was a rapid decline in gene expression over 2 weeks following polyplex‐mediated gene transfer, but stable integration does occur at low frequencies with and without selection. J. Cell. Biochem. 76:153–160, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chick embryo electroporation is a powerful tool for the introduction of transgenes into tissues of interest for the study of developmental biology. This method often uses Fast Green to visualize the injected area by staining the solution containing DNA green. Here, we show that Fast Green fluoresces in a red color after electroporation, suggesting that researchers need to be cautious when detecting red fluorescence. Fast Green solution did not show any fluorescence before injection into chick embryos, but fluoresced red within 3 min post-injection into chick embryos. We identified Brilliant Blue as suitable alternative dye for use as an indicator of injection sites in ovo electroporation. We found that 0.2% of Brilliant Blue was sufficient to track the area of DNA injection. In addition, this chemical did not show red fluorescence after electroporation. Our findings demonstrate that Brilliant Blue can be used for detecting red fluorescent proteins introduced into chick embryos by electroporation. Our study also shows useful examples for the application of Brilliant Blue for the precise quantification of two fluorescence intensities after EGFP and mCherry co-electroporation.  相似文献   



Genetic marking of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with multiple fluorescent proteins (FPs) would allow analysis of their features, including interaction with adjacent cells. However, there are few red FPs that are comparable to green FPs in terms of low toxicity and high fluorescent intensity. This study has evaluated the usefulness of Kusabira Orange (KO) originated from the coral stone Fungia concinna as a red FP for marking of HSCs


A vector used was the MSCV‐type retroviral vector, DΔNsap that has the PCC4 cell‐passaged myeloproliferative sarcoma virus derived long terminal repeat devoid of a binding site for YY1 and the primer‐binding site derived from the dl587rev, respectively. The vector was cloned with the codon‐optimized KO cDNA for higher expression in mammalian cells (huKO) and converted to the corresponding retroviruses pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus G envelope protein, then transduced into c‐KIT+Sca‐1+Lineage? cells obtained from C57BL/6 (Ly5.1) mice followed by transplantation into lethally irradiated Ly5.2 mice.


Approximately 70% of donor‐derived cells highly expressed huKO at 16 weeks post‐transplantation. Furthermore, the high expression of huKO was also detected in serially transplanted mice, suggesting that expression of huKO per se had little deleterious effect on murine hematopoiesis. In double marking experiments, huKO‐expressing hematopoietic cells were easily distinguished from those expressing EGFP by flow cytometery and fluorescent microscope analysis.


Overall, the results obtained from the present study suggest that huKO can be used as a valuable and versatile red fluorescent marker for HSCs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The ability of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)to undergo indefinite self-renewal in vitro and to produce lineages derived from all three embryonic germ layers both in vitro and in vivo makes such cells extremely valuable in both clinical and research settings.However,the generation of specialized cell lineages from a mixture of differentiated hESCs remains technically difficult.Tissue specific promoter-driven reporter genes are powerful tools for tracking cell types of interest in differentiated cell populations.Here,we describc the construction of modular lentivectors containing different tissue-specific promoters(Tαl of α-tubulin:αP2 of adipocyte Protein 2;and AFP of alpha fetoprotein)driving expression of humanized Renilla green fluorescent protein(hrGFP).To this end,we used MultiSite gateway technology and employed the novel vectors to successfully monitor hESC differentiation.We present a versatile method permitting target cells to bc traced.Our system will facilitate research in developmental biology,transplantation,and in vivo stem cell tracking.  相似文献   

Low-volume jet injection for efficient nonviral in vivo gene transfer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transfer of naked deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) represents an alternative to viral and liposomal gene transfer technologies for gene therapy applications. Various procedures are employed to deliver naked DNA into the desired cells or tissues in vitro and in vivo, such as by simple needle injection, particle bombardment, in vivo electroporation or jet injection. Among the various nonviral gene delivery technologies jet injection is gaining increasing acceptance because it allows gene transfer into different tissues with deeper penetration of the applied naked DNA. The versatile hand-held Swiss jet injector uses pressurized air to force small volumes of 3 to 10 μL of naked DNA into targeted tissues. The β-galactosidase (LacZ) reporter gene construct and tumor necrosis factor α gene-expressing vectors were successfully jet injected at a pressure of 3.0 bar into xenotransplanted human tumor models of colon carcinoma. Qualitative and quantitative expression analysis of jet injected tumor tissues revealed the efficient expression of these genes in the tumors. Using this Swiss jet-injector prototype repeated jet injections of low volumes (3–10 μL) into one target tissue can easily be performed. The key parameters of in vivo jet injection such as jet injection volume, pressure, jet penetration into the tumor tissue, DNA stability have been defined for optimized nonviral gene therapy. These studies demonstrate the applicability of the jet injection technology for the efficient and simultaneous in vivo gene transfer of two different plasmid DNAs into tumors. It can be employed for nonviral gene therapy of cancer using minimal amounts of naked DNA.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal tissues regeneration requires rapid expansion of seeding cells both in vitro and in vivo while maintaining their multilineage differentiation ability. Human adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are considered to contain multipotent mesenchymal stem cells. Monolayer cultures of human ASCs were isolated from human lipoaspirates and passaged 3 times and then infected with replication-incompetent adenoviral vectors carrying green fluorescent protein (Ad/GFP) genes. Then, Ad/GFP infected human ASCs were transferred to osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipogenic, and myogenic medium. The morphological characterization of induced cells was observed using phase-contrast microscopy and fluorescence microscopy. The expression of marker proteins or genes was measured by immunocytochemical and RT-PCR analysis. Osteopontin (OPN), and osteocalcin (OCN) were positive in osteogenic lineages, aggrecan and SOX9 were positive in chondrogenic ones, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-γ2) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) were positive in adipogenic ones, and myogenin and myod1 was positive in myogenic ones. At the same time, the results of fluorescence microscopic imaging proved that the high level of GFP expression during ASCs differentiation maintained stable nearly 2 months. So the exogenous GFP and multilineage potential of human ASCs had no severe influences on each other. Since the human ASCs can be easily obtained and abundant, it is proposed that they may be promising candidate cells for further studies on tissue engineering. Imaging with expression of GFP facilitates the research on ASCs physiological behavior and application in tissue engineering during differentiation both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Intratumoral low-volume jet-injection for efficient nonviral gene transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jet-injection has become an applicable technology among other established nonviral delivery systems, such as particle bombardment or in vivo electroporation. The low-volume jet injector employed in this study uses compressed air to inject solutions of 1.5–10 μL containing naked DNA into the desired tissue. The novel design of this prototype makes multiple jet-injections possible. Therefore, repeated jet-injections into one target tissue can be performed easily. This jet-injector hand-held system was used for the direct in vivo gene transfer of plasmid DNA into tumors to achieve efficient expression of reporter genes (β-galactosidase, green fluorescent protein [GFP]) and of therapeutic genes (TNF-α) in different tumor models. The study presented here revealed the key parameters of efficient in vivo jet-injection (jet-injection volume, pressure, jet penetration, DNA stability) to define the optimal conditions for a jet-injection-aided nonviral gene therapy.  相似文献   

We simultaneously tested the transfection efficiency of NT2/D1 and HeLa cells with Lipofectamine (Life Technologies) and Effectene (Qiagen) transfection reagents using the pCH110 eukaryotic assay vector, which contains the lacZ reporter gene. Under our culture conditions for NT2/D1 and HeLa cells, Effectene transfection efficiency could be augmented by simply increasing the amount of plasmid DNA 1.5-3 times above the recommended concentration without any visible cytotoxicity. With the Lipofectamine reagent, optimal transfection efficiency was obtained for both cell lines within the recommended concentrations, but at the top of the range. The results indicate that optimization of the transfection process should include plasmid DNA concentrations above the levels suggested by the manufacturers, in order to accomplish the highest transfection efficiency.  相似文献   

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