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大型野生动物种群数量估算的理想条件是使用数学模型以及严格的实验设计来选择样本。可是,野外条件状况往往违背数学模型假设前提,不可能随机地选择样本。于是,计算的结果不但不可靠,而且很可能没有意义。就野生动物管理来说,不需要获得一个准确的种群数量,只需一个长期的数量趋势,就足以指导相关管理工作。在中国大型哺乳动物长期监测还没有纳入常规。本文报道了位于青海省野牛沟和甘肃省阿克塞县两个野生有蹄类动物种群数量的长期趋势监测项目。我们这些年里一直用相同的方法持续监测,并明确了监测数值结果包含有不确定性。尽管存在不确定性,仍可以发现监测地点野生有蹄类动物种群变化趋势,这些结果可以帮助野生动物管理者据此变化及时作出相应管理计划。  相似文献   

祁慧博  杜萌萌  龙飞  高晓玮 《生态学报》2023,43(9):3607-3624
在林业碳汇项目设计与作业标准基础上,将中国东北地区典型人工林生长与经营相关多源数据融合,运用系统动力学理论与方法,构建人工林生态经济系统模型,通过设计实施主伐/间伐、营造混交林、补植补造等不同生态调控情景,模拟并预测人工林可持续经营的生态—经济收益,以此掌握人工林生态调控机制,并为人工林可持续经营决策提供参考。模拟结果显示:(1)高初植密度能有效增汇,而低初植密度相比基准情景则减少了碳汇;(2)高主伐率使得木材收益大幅提升,而无主伐限制了木材收益,且从长期来看碳汇收益有限;(3)高密度-无主伐情景下的累计碳汇量最大,高密度-高主伐情景下的木材收益净现值和总收益净现值最大;若以可持续经营为目标,平衡生态收益和经济收益,则高密度-高主伐情景为理想选择,该情景的累计碳汇量相比高密度-无主伐情景损失有限,对应碳汇收益净现值为357.9万元,以5%贴现率计算的木材总收益和累计总收益的净现值分别为1219.35万元和1577.25万元。由此证实了以林业碳汇项目为依托,因地制宜地构建将造林、抚育、采伐、再造林更新于一体的人工林可持续经营项目,平衡发挥森林生态系统的综合功能,可纾解因无法采伐所带来的高...  相似文献   

玛可河林区是青海玛可河林区省长江流域大渡河源头最集中的一片天然原始林区,是大渡河流域高山峡谷重点生态公益型林区,具有涵养水源、调节气候、保持水土等重要的生态功能。因此,玛可河林区森林资源的可持续经营成为当前主要任务。本文通过对玛可河林区的现状、可持续发展经营存在的问题以及对解决问题的对策进行了研究。  相似文献   

第二届国际可持续农业会议于9月8—13日在北京蟹岛绿色生态度假村举行。此次会议经国家科技部批准,由中国科学院植物研究所主办,北京蟹岛绿色生态度假村、北京植物园和中国农业工程学会协办,并得到国家自然基金委、中国科学院南南合作基金、意大利环境部、德国信息技术研究所等单位的支持。 会议的主题为:发展可持续  相似文献   

中国经过遗传改良的重要造林树种有100多种,全国年均提供各类林木种子2300万kg,年均生产各类良种壮苗约130亿株。林木良种在生产上的应用产生了明显的综合增益,其中用材林平均生长增益达10%~30%,经济林平均产量增益达15%~68%。中国每年进口林木种子15万kg以上,涉及50多个树种;每年出口林木种子30万kg和苗木400多种。近10年来,中国林木遗传资源的可持续经营和利用已取得了明显的进步,但与一些发达国家相比还存在一定差距。今后,应优先考虑对已保存的林木遗传资源的维护和资金补贴,加强种苗市场监管和信息服务,进一步提高林木良种的基地供种率和良种使用率。  相似文献   

可持续发展是一种被人们广泛接受的理念,它能够最大限度地维持经济需求与环境保护之间的平衡。这一理念的提出缓解了目前自然资源稀缺,人口快速增长,环境恶劣的现状,并对森林资源管理提出了一个积极的反思,带领人类更好地接受自然给我们带来的各种挑战。本文围绕可持续经营观下森林资源管理应遵循的原则,及可持续经营观下森林资源管理中存在的问题,基于可持续经营观下森林资源管理的几点建议,三个方面展开讨论,对基于可持续经营观下的森林资源管理进行了研究。  相似文献   

海洋生物资源与可持续利用对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海洋生态环境恶化和不合理的开发利用,使我国海洋生物资源严重衰退。开展海洋生物资源学相关基础研究,重点进行海洋环境与生物资源保护,运用海洋生物技术等高新技术,科学、合理地开发利用生物资源,是实现海洋生物资源可持续利用和长久发展的可行策略。着重分析了海洋生物资源状况及其生态环境问题,提出了未来我国海洋生物资源的发展对策。  相似文献   

稻飞虱灾变机理及可持续治理的基础研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
娄永根  程家安 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):231-238
稻飞虱(褐飞虱、白背飞虱和褐飞虱)是威胁我国粮食安全最大的生物灾害。本文基于稻飞虱致害能力的高度变异性、对农药的高适应性、传播病毒病和具有远距离迁飞能力等特点,以及研究中存在的稻飞虱迁飞动态、致害性变异和种间互作关系等灾变机理机制不清楚,提出了稻飞虱迁飞时空动态、致害性变异、稻飞虱传播的病毒病、农药对稻飞虱及其天敌的生态毒理效应、稻飞虱基因组数据分析和稻田生态系统对稻飞虱种群数量调控功能6个研究发展方向以阐明稻飞虱灾变的内在机理,为稻飞虱可持续治理体系建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

农业生态系统的服务功能与可持续利用对策探讨   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
生态系统服务功能是当今生态学的一个热点研究领域。农业生态系统作为一类特殊的人工 -自然复合生态系统 ,它不仅具有高效的、直接的产品生产功能 ,而且还具有环境服务功能、旅游服务功能以及文化教育与美学功能等。因此 ,需要加强农业生态资源与生物多样性的保护 ,加强生态农业与生态农村建设 ,开展农业生态服务价值评估与生态补偿工作 ,同时要大力开发农业的生态旅游功能和文化教育功能  相似文献   

可持续生计研究热点与前沿的可视化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏飞  应蓉蓉  曾佳苗 《生态学报》2016,36(7):2091-2101
可持续生计目前已成为全球环境变化研究的热点领域,正日益发展为可持续性科学的重要研究范式之一。论文以Web of science核心库为数据源,应用可视化分析软件CiteS paceⅢ,采取关键词共现分析、文献共被引分析、突现词分析等方法对国际可持续生计研究现状进行系统分析。研究发现,可持续生计研究文献数量呈逐年上升趋势,主要分布在生态、环境、资源及管理相关学科;瓦赫宁恩大学、中国科学院、昆士兰大学、哥伦比亚大学、博茨瓦纳大学等研究机构表现出较强的研究实力;研究人员及机构的成规模的合作网络已经形成。Scoones I、Chambers R、Conway G、Ellis F和Ostrom E等学者及其代表作品对可持续生计理论知识基础的构建及相关研究的推进奠定了坚实的基础。生计与生态环境的相互关系一直是研究重点,交叉学科的综合集成研究将成为可持续生计研究的新热点。  相似文献   

甘肃省国际盘羊狩猎场的管理与综合评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
甘肃省的肃北、阿克塞、马鬃山同际盘羊狩猎场已开猎运作10年,共狩猎33次,猎获盘羊只,其现状令人关注。本文通过对猎场的多次考究分析,确定了10个反映猎场优劣的因子并赋值,对盘羊猎场进行了综合评估。对3个猎场现状的评估表明,猎场的综合善良好,如果在防范盗猎及管理上加大力度,猎场可望进入优级水平。文中还对猎场的资源和管理进行了研究。  相似文献   

Abstract We analyzed harvest data to describe hunting patterns and harvest demography of brown bears (Ursus arctos) killed in 3 geographic regions in Sweden during 1981–2004. In addition, we investigated the effects of a ban on baiting, instituted in 2001, and 2 major changes in the quota system: a switch to sex-specific quotas in 1992 and a return to total quotas in 1999. Brown bears (n=887) were harvested specifically by bear hunters and incidentally by moose (Alces alces) hunters. Both hunter categories harvested bears 1) using dogs (37%), 2) by still hunting (30%), 3) with the use of bait (18%), and 4) by stalking (16%). The proportion of bears killed with different harvest methods varied among regions and between bear- and moose-oriented hunters. We found differences between male (52%) and female bears (48%) with respect to the variables that explained age. Moose-oriented hunters using still hunting harvested the youngest male bears. Bears harvested during the first management period (1981–1991) were older and had greater odds of being male than during the subsequent period. It appears that hunters harvesting bears in Sweden are less selective than their North American counterparts, possibly due to differences in the hunting system. When comparing the 4 years immediately prior to the ban on baiting with the 4 years following the ban, we found no differences in average age of harvested bears, sex ratio, or proportion of bears killed with stalking, still hunting, and hunting with dogs, suggesting that the ban on baiting in Sweden had no immediate effect on patterns of brown bear harvest demography and remaining hunting methods. As the demographic and evolutionary side effects of selective harvesting receive growing attention, wildlife managers should be aware that differences in harvest systems between jurisdictions may cause qualitative and quantitative differences in harvest biases. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(1):79–88; 2008)  相似文献   

Hunting by Iban forest farmers in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, is an important part of their subsistence economy, and as such became a focus of study as part of a conservation project in the Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve. In this paper, we examine Iban hunting of nonhuman primates with comparison to other large mammals. We analyze rates of encounter and capture, comparing encounters, hunting trips, and animal numbers. Information on habitats hunted shows the importance of secondary and old growth forest. Also examined are Iban attitudes, game preferences, and taboos. The significance of these findings is discussed with regard to the threats to wildlife from increases in the use of shotguns, human population, and habitat destruction, showing that conservation may be aided by promoting or enhancing certain aspects of the traditional Iban agroforestry system.  相似文献   

This article describes the hunting tactics and prey selection of the Valley Bisa, a matrilineal, subsistence-oriented society in the Luangwa Valley of Zambia. Although Valley Bisa hunters explain their behavior in their own idioms, many of their tactics, including the stimuli for and timing of hunts, the circular morphology of their hunting patterns, and randomized searches, appear functionally related to the behavior and ecology of their prey. The effects of outlawing traditional harvest techniques and the imposition and enforcement of external constraints on Valley Bisa hunting patterns are discussed. Data on habitats, density of cover, wind direction, species, and initial distance to prey from 50 hunts, in which 16 mammals were killed, are compared and related to success and failure of stalking attempts. Graphs, comparing the numbers of observations for each of four variables with the frequency of stalking attempts, illustrate the cultural style of predation for this group of hunters.This article was initially presented as part of my contribution to a graduate seminar, Public Management of the African Environment, African Studies Program, Indiana University, October 9, 1975. I wish to thank Professor J. Gus Liebenow for extending the invitation to participate in this program.  相似文献   

区域生态系统持续利用管理初探--以青岛市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用生态系统管理的相关理念,对青岛市的生态系统进行了分析。在此基础上,构建了结构合理、功能完备的区域生态系统持续利用发展的框架。该构架由4类生态空间组成:①由林木植被及山体等构成的主体生态结构区;②以河流、湖泊、水库等为重点控制区;③城市生态廊道如城市绿色通道、蓝色通道和绿色海岸线等;④以广大农田等为开阔腹地的非控制性组分。最后探讨了区域生态系统持续管理的对策建议:①维护和强化区域整体山水格局的连续性;②保护和恢复区域湿地生态系统;③以循环经济理念推行工业生态化策略;④基于环境友好的空间整合;⑤资源的可持续利用与环境保护工程;⑥实施城市生物多样性保护规划。  相似文献   

Reported effects of trophy harvest often are controversial. The subject is nuanced and many studies lack details necessary to place their results in context. Consequently, many studies are misunderstood or their conclusions misapplied. We propose that all dialogues about trophy hunting include a definition of how they use the term trophy, details of variables measured and why they were selected, and explanations of temporal and spatial scales employed. Only with these details can potential effects of trophy hunting be understood in context and used for management and policy decisions. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Surveys and monitoring of 37 caves in and around the Ankarana Special Reserve, northern Madagascar, yielded evidence of hunting of bats and potential disturbance of bats by miners and tourists, and colony counts for several bat species of potential conservation concern. Colony size decreased by 95% and 14% for a colony of Hipposideros commersoni and a colony of Eidolon dupreanum, respectively, when recent evidence of hunting occurred at those colonies and those declines are probably attributable to hunting. Evidence of hunting occurred commonly at the roosts of those species and most commonly at the roosts of Rousettus madagascariensis. Hunting of pteropodids was associated with high vulnerability of roosts to hunters, little forest buffer between the cave and open savannah and the absence of tombs in the cave. Roost sites of the hunted species persisted for at least several years and this regularity may facilitate hunting. This work supports the ranking of E. dupreanum, R. madagascariensis and H. commersoni as species of conservation concern. Managers should consider the impact of tourist visits on bats and of increasing access to caves for tourism. Conservation efforts for the hunted species should also seek to protect vulnerable and unprotected cave roosts.  相似文献   

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