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An apparatus was devised which utilizes local cooling to reversibly interrupt the axonal transport of dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) in rabbit sciatic nerves in vitro. Lowering the temperature of a short region of nerve to between 1 and 3°C, while keeping the remainder at 37°C, caused DBH activity to accumulate in and proximal to the cooled region. This accumulation was evident after 0.5 hr of cooling and increased in a nearly linear fashion with time for about 3 hr. The cooling-induced interruption in transport was rapidly reversed when nerves were rewarmed to 37°C. Upon rewarming after local cooling for 1.5 hr, a peak of accumulated DBH activity migrated toward the distal end of the nerve at a velocity of 300 ± 17 mm/day. This velocity was maintained for as long as the peak could be followed and was four times greater than the average velocity estimated from the rate of accumulation of DBH activity above a ligature at the distal end of these same nerves. It is concluded that ligation experiments grossly underestimate the true velocity of axonal transport of DBH and that the present technique offers great advantages in permitting direct study of the migration of separate axonal compartments of transported materials.  相似文献   

A new technique was devised for the dynamic detection of the axoplasmic transport of beta-radioactively labeled materials in which a semiconductor radiation detector was used as the beta-ray counter. The detector element is a silicon p-n junction diode and has a diameter of 2.0 mm. With this detector, the beta-radioactive distribution of axoplasmic transport could be measured in a axon maintained physiologically without cutting nerves. This method makes possible determination of the transport rate using one bundle of peripheral nerves. The rate in the bullfrog was 6.4 mm per hour at 24.0 degrees D. Temperature effects on the bullfrog axoplasmic transport were also observed at different temperatures, ranging from 5.0 to 24.0 degrees C. At these temperatures the rate increased as an exponential function of temperature from 1.1 to 6.4 mm per hour. Within this temperature range, the Q10 is 2.5 and an Arrhenius plot of the natural logarithm of velocity versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature yielded an apparent activation energy of 14.8 Kcal. this technique offers great advantages in permitting direct study of the axoplasmic flow of the axon in a physiological condition.  相似文献   

A new technique was devised for the dynamic detection of the axoplasmic transport of β-radioactively labeled materials in which a semiconductor radiation detector was used as the β-ray counter. The detector element is a silicon p-n junction diode and has a diameter of 2.0 mm. With this detector, the β-radioactive distribution of axoplasmic transport could be measured in an axon maintained physiologically without cutting nerves. This method makes possible determination of the transport rate using one bundle of peripheral nerves. The rate in the bullfrog was 6.4 mm per hour at 24.0 °C. Temperature effects on the bullfrog axoplasmic transport were also observed at different temperatures, ranging from 5.0 to 24.0 °C. At these temperatures the rate increased as an exponential function of temperature from 1.1 to 6.4 mm per hour. Within this temperature range, the Q10 is 2.5 and an Arrhenius plot of the natural logarithm of velocity versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature yielded an apparent activation energy of 14.8 Kcal. This technique offers great advantages in permitting direct study of the axoplasmic flow of the axon in a physiological condition.  相似文献   

A model for slow axonal transport is developed in which the essential features are reversible binding of cytoskeletal elements and of soluble cytosolic proteins to each other and to motile elements such as actin microfilaments. Computer simulation of the equations of the model demonstrate that the model can account for many of the features of the SCa and SCb waves observed in pulse experiments. The model also provides a unified explanation for the increase and decrease of neurofilament transport rates observed in various toxicant-induced neuropathies.  相似文献   

植物根系研究新技术Minirhizotron的起源、发展和应用   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
根系是土壤和植物的动态界面,对植物和土壤均具有重要意义。但由于根系深处地下,观测研究十分不便,导致根系研究在广度、深度上均落后于地上部分。随着对根系在生态系统以及全球碳平衡中重要作用的认识,根系渐渐成为国际相关领域的研究热点之一。Minirhizotron(微根区管或小观察窗)技术的诞生和应用,使根系研究手段得到了进一步发展,成为根系研究技术发展的重要里程碑。Minirhizotron技术主要由透明观察管、观测设备和记录设备组成,观测设备曾先后使用了普通镜子、观察镜和相机(或摄像机),记录设备也相应地经历了手工绘制、传统黑白、彩色相片或录像带以及高清晰数字图像。同时,还开发了多种图像自动分析系统,使该项技术日臻完善。Minirhizotron技术可以以非破坏方式,定期对同一根系的出现、生长、衰老、死亡和消失进行连续观察,对根系伸长、根系密度、扎根深度、侧根伸展、分枝特性、菌根特性以及细根动态、根系生命周期和分解等进行观测研究,同时,也可开展根系对不同处理响应的研究。因此,Minirhizotron技术必将在农业、林业和环境等科学领域得到越来越广泛的应用。  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that generate efficient and directed transport of proteins and organelles in axons remain poorly understood. In the past year, many studies have identified specific transmembrane or scaffold proteins that might link motor proteins to their cargoes. These studies have also identified previously unsuspected pathways and raised the intriguing possibility that pre-packaged groups of functionally related proteins are transported together in the axon. Evidence suggests that fast molecular motor proteins have a role in slow axonal transport, and the axonal transport machinery has been implicated in the genesis of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Subclinical elevation of urinary albumin excretion is a good predictor of later clinical proteinuria. A simple, sensitive and rapid immunoturbidimetric method was developed to quantify urinary albumin excretion (URIN-PAK ImmunoMICRO LAB, Miles Italia Spa). In the presence of polyethylene glycol 6000, immunocomplex between human albumin and its specific antibody are rapidly formed (5-50 min, at room temperature). Absorbance reading are mode U 340 nm (Automatic Analyzer RA 1000, Technicon). The test is specific for albumin failing to cross react with other plasma proteins present in urine, as well as with glibenclamide, chlorpropamide, phenformin, hemoglobin, glucose, urea and thymol. The present method correlates with SCLAVO H-ALBUMIN RIA Kit (r = 0.9917). The test is suitable for clinical use.  相似文献   

Gene therapy has become a treatment method for many diseases. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is one of the most common virus vectors, is also widely used in the gene therapy field. During the past two decades, the retrograde axonal transportability of AAV has been discovered and utilized. Many studies have worked on the retrograde axonal transportability of AAV, and more and more people are interested in this field. This review describes the current application, influence factors, and mechanism of retrograde axonal transportability of AAV and predicted its potential use in disease treatment in near future.  相似文献   

The fate of tetanus toxin (mol wt 150,000) subsequent to its retrograde axonal transport in peripheral sympathetic neurons of the rat was studied by both electron microscope autoradiography and cytochemistry using toxin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) coupling products, and compared to that of nerve growth factor (NGF), cholera toxin, and the lectins wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), and ricin. All these macromolecules are taken up by adrenergic nerve terminals and transported retrogradely in a selective, highly efficient manner. This selective uptake and transport is a consequence of the binding of these macromolecules to specific receptive sites on the nerve terminal membrane. All these ligands are transported in the axons within smooth vesicles, cisternae, and tubules. In the cell bodies these membrane compartments fuse and most of the transported macromolecules are finally incorporated into lysosomes. The cell nuclei, the parallel golgi cisternae, and the extracellular space always remain unlabeled. In case the tetanus toxin, however, a substantial fraction of the labeled material appears in presynaptic cholinergic nerve terminals which innervate the labeled ganglion cells. In these terminals tetanus toxin-HRP is localized in 500-1,000 A diam vesicles. In contrast, such a retrograde transsynaptic transfer is not at all or only very rarely detectable after retrograde transport of cholera toxin, NGF, WGA, PHA, or ricin. An atoxic fragment of the tetanus toxin, which contains the ganglioside-binding site, behaves like intact toxin. With all these macromolecules, the extracellular space and the glial cells in the ganglion remain unlabeled. We conclude that the selectivity of this transsynaptic transfer of tetanus toxin is due to a selective release of the toxin from the postsynaptic dendrites. This release is immediately followed by an uptake into the presynaptic terminals.  相似文献   

Microtubule proteins, isolated by cycles of assembly, will undergo ATP-dependent gelation-contraction in vitro. A particulate component is present in these preparations, which is required for the gelation-contraction of microtubules assembled from purified tubulin. These particulates contain tubulin, neurofilament, spectrin, MAP2, and other as yet unidentified proteins. The particulates have a microtubule-stimulated ATPase that may be unique and is the likely motor for microtubule gelation-contraction. The basic structural unit of these particulates appears to be a crescent-shaped, or hemispherical, granule about 20 nm in diameter. The particles move along microtubule walls at a rate of about 1 micron. When compared to known physiological phenomena, microtubule gelation-contraction has striking similarities to component a of slow axonal transport (SCa), but displays no relationship to slow component b or to fast transport. On the basis of their similarities in composition, solubility, and rate of movement, we have proposed that the particulates responsible for microtubule gelation-contraction are the insoluble protein complexes, which have been suggested to be the transported component of SCa. We have termed these structures "slow component a particulates" or "SCAPs." It is probable that similar motile protein complexes exist in cells other than neurons, and we propose the term "dynasome" to describe such structures in general.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of intra-axonal transport is proposed that presupposes a carrier system moving down the axon in a distal direction. Protein and particle transport is achieved by their reversible association with the distally moving carriers. Mathematical equations representing the concentrations of moving carriers and proteins and/or particles within the axon at any position and time are proposed. Analysis of the equations demonstrates that a traveling wave solution for the particle concentration (an experimental fact) is possible provided the chemical interaction between particles and carriers exhibits positive cooperativity. The phase velocity of the wave solution is interpreted as the observed velocity of the intra-axonal transport, known to be independent of position of observation. In addition, the theory predicts a spectrum of transport velocities for different proteins, in agreement with observations. The velocity of a given protein is dependent on its affinity to the carrier.  相似文献   

Fluphenazine-4-chlorophenoxy-isobutyrate ester, a new phenothiazine derivative was synthesized in the Institute for Drug Research Budapest. Radioimmunoassay was developed for the therapeutic monitoring of the drug level after intramuscular depot injection. The fluphenazine hapten was coupled to BSA by mixed-anhydride method. Antisera were produced to this conjugation in New-Zealand white rabbits and were tested for the antibody-titer. The specificity was tested by the cross-reaction with phenothiazine-analogues and other psychotropics. Strong cross-reaction was found with compounds possessing piperazine in side chain (trifluoperazine, perphenazine), but other psychotropic drugs did not react. Tritium-labelled trifluoperazine (spec. activity: 3.5 TBq/mmol) was used as a tracer in the radioimmunoassay. The detection limit was 75 pg with a CV of < 5% in 50 microliters plasma sample (equivalent to 1.5 ng/ml concentration) and a standard curve in the 3 ng/ml-50 ng/ml GYKI-22441 concentration range showed a CV of < 10%. Preliminary pharmacokinetic study was performed in Beagle dogs after intramuscular depot injection with GYKI-22441 in sesame oil in a dose of 0.1 mg/kg. The GYKI-22441 concentration of the plasma samples were measured by the RIA method during a 28-day interval after the treatment and was evaluated by the MultiCalc Immunoassay Data Management program (Pharmacia).  相似文献   

A new technique for studying axonal transport has been developed. The technique, which is based on histofluorescence techniques, enables the measurement of several different accumulated substances and parameters within a single nerve in relation to a nerve crush or local cooling. Any substance that can be made to fluoresce can be measured. The tissue is treated according to the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence method of Hillarp and Falck for visualization of monoamines, or according to the indirect immunofluorescence method. For immunofluorescence the nerve is cryostat-sectioned and various sections can be incubated with primary antisera against different antigens. After incubation and mounting the sections are placed in a cytofluorimeter (Leitz MPV II). They are passed under a measuring slit at a steady speed by a motor driven cross-table. The fluorescence intensity passing through the measuring slit is continuously registered by a recording unit with an integrator. This recorder produces a graphical nerve accumulation profile, and the area under the profile, relating to the fluorescence, is expressed in arbitrary units. This article presents data on the accumulation of noradrenaline, dopamine beta-hydroxylase, and tyrosine hydroxylase in crush-operated rat sciatic nerve. The time-course accumulations for noradrenaline (visualized by the Falck and Hillarp method) and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (visualized by immunofluorescence) demonstrated a striking similarity, which is to be expected since the two substances are stored in the same organelle. Tyrosine hydroxylase (visualized by immunofluorescence) showed a slower accumulation with time, but faster than would be expected had the enzyme been 100% soluble. Colchicine but not lumi-colchicine blocked the transport of noradrenaline organelles. With the new scanning technique we have the potential to study accumulation profiles of several different substances within a single nerve. Morphometric data, morphological observations, and photograph documentation of the same nerve section are also available.  相似文献   

It is shown that the dielectrophoretic behaviour (motion in non-uniform a.c. electric fields) of micro-organisms can conveniently and reproducibly be measured by monitoring the decrease in optical absorbance of a cell suspension as the cells are collected at a micro-electrode array. The dielectrophoretic behaviour, as a function of the frequency of the applied electric field and conductivity of the supporting solution, can be determined more quantitatively and rapidly than by methods so far described in the literature. Results are presented for Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli for the frequency range 20 Hz to 4 MHz and theoretical considerations are presented for the effect of solution conductivity. A value of 0.2 S/m has been derived for the effective conductivity of M. lysodeikticus.  相似文献   

Reversal of axonal transport at a nerve crush.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract— —We have compared retrograde axonal transport of 3H-labeled protein in normal rat motor and sensory axons, and axons which were injured by a distal ligation of the sciatic nerve. After injection of L-[3H]leucine into the vicinity of the neuron cell bodies, labeled protein was transported into the axons. A premature return of protein towards the cell bodies occurred in the injured axons, which we interpret as a reversal of axonal transport occurring at the site of injury. We estimate that reversal of transport occurred within 1.9–2.4 h of the arrival of labeled protein at the injury, and that the minimum velocity of the subsequent retrograde transport was 112–133 mm day?1. The ability of the injured axons to reverse transport developed about 0.8 h after making the injury. A large fraction of the orthograde transported protein was returned towards the cell body: it is estimated that by 28 h after labeled protein in sensory axons reached the injury, 46% of the3H-labeled protein originally transported to the injury site had been returned. In intact sensory nerves at this time only 15% of the transported protein had returned. It is suggested that axonal injury produces a sudden increase in the return of newly synthesized protein to the cell body, and that this might serve as a signal for chromatolysis.  相似文献   

A radiometric technique for measuring as little as 1 × 10?13 moles (100 femtomoles) of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is presented. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) (EC is used to oxidize 1-[3H]-ethanol to acetaldehyde in the presence of NAD. The [3H]-NAD so produced is used to reduce pyruvate to [3H]-lactate in the presence of lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) (EC In this manner, [3H]-lactate is generated, and NAD is regenerated, permitting the reactions to cycle.After a suitable incubation period, unreacted 1-[3H]-ethanol and acetaldehyde in the reaction mixture are evaporated. Nonvolatile [3H]-lactate is quantitated in a scintillation spectrometer. The applicability of the technique to the measurement of NAD in isolated islets of Langerhans is presented.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic protein transport in axons (‘slow axonal transport’) is essential for neuronal homeostasis, and involves Kinesin‐1, the same motor for membranous organelle transport (‘fast axonal transport’). However, both molecular mechanisms of slow axonal transport and difference in usage of Kinesin‐1 between slow and fast axonal transport have been elusive. Here, we show that slow axonal transport depends on the interaction between the DnaJ‐like domain of the kinesin light chain in the Kinesin‐1 motor complex and Hsc70, scaffolding between cytoplasmic proteins and Kinesin‐1. The domain is within the tetratricopeptide repeat, which can bind to membranous organelles, and competitive perturbation of the domain in squid giant axons disrupted cytoplasmic protein transport and reinforced membranous organelle transport, indicating that this domain might have a function as a switchover system between slow and fast transport by Hsc70. Transgenic mice overexpressing a dominant‐negative form of the domain showed delayed slow transport, accelerated fast transport and optic axonopathy. These findings provide a basis for the regulatory mechanism of intracellular transport and its intriguing implication in neuronal dysfunction.  相似文献   

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