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Résumé Le rubidium et le césium introduits à l'état de chlorure dans le milieu de culture ont à faible dose un effet stimulant sur la croissance de Chara fragilis et de Chara vulgaris. La résistance de ces végétaux à l'action toxique des deux ions est accrue par l'addition de potassium au milieu.Les analyses chimiques confirment que le rubidium et le césium sont antagonistes vis-à-vis du potassium et du sodium alors qu'ils ne modifient pas de manière significative le taux de calcium.
Chara fragilis and Chara vulgaris were cultivated in a natural medium containing rubidium and caesium as chloride.The growth of Characeae was increased after culture in the solutions containing Rb and Cs in small amount. The resistance to the toxic effects of these two ions is enhanced if potassium chloride is added to the medium.Quantitative analyses indicate that Rb and Cs decrease the rate of Na and K but have no significative influence on the rate of Ca.
Université de Dijon, Laboratoire de Nutrition minérale des Végétaux  相似文献   

Résumé La tolérance au chlorure de sodium de trois souches deRhizobium meliloti dont deux isolées de nodules de luzernes poussant en sols salins a été étudiée. Pour deux souches, la croissance est ralentie par 600 mmol/l de NaCl et inhibée par 750 mmol/l mais les bactéries restent vivantes. Une des souches isolées de sol salin se développe encore en présence de 750 mmol/l de NaCl. Avec 900 mmol/l de NaCl la croissance est inhibée et la viabilité altérée. Le sodium et le potassium intra-cellulaires ont été dosés. Les trois souches accumulent du K en présence de NaCl. La souche la plus tolérante au NaCl contient plus de Na et accumule moins de K que les autres souches. La germination des graines de deux luzernes (européenne et marocaine) est inhibée à partir de 0.5% et totale à 1.4% de NaCl pour la première, et à partir de 0.9% et totale à 2% de NaCl pour la seconde. Les trois souches deR. meliloti infectent de jeunes plantes de luzerne en présence de 1.5% de NaCl et les nodules formés contiennent des bactéroïdes d'aspect normal. Cependant les nodules restent blancs à partir de 1% de NaCl et les plantes sont moins développées. L'activité nitrogénasique mesurée sur ces plantes nodulées en présence de NaCl est ralentie à partir de 0.4% de NaCl, très faible avec 1% et totalement inhibée avec 1.5%. La plante-hôte et par suite l'activité fixatrice symbiotique semblent ainsi plus sensibles au NaCl que la bactérie elle-même.
Effect of sodium chloride on in vitro growth, infectivity and effectiveness of Rhizobium meliloti
Summary The tolerance to sodium chloride shown by three strains ofRhizobium meliloti, two of them isolated from nodules of lucerne cultivated in a saline soil, was studied. The growth of two strains is slowed by NaCl at 600 mmol/l and inhibited at 750 mmol/l, but the bacteria remain visible. One of the strains isolated from saline soil grows in the presence of 750 mmol/l NaCl. With NaCl at 900 mmol/l the growth is inhibited and viability impaired. The intracellular concentrations of Na and K has been determined. All three strains accumulate K in the presence of NaCl. The most tolerant strain contains more Na and accumulates less K than the other two. The germination of seeds of two varieties of lucerne (European and Moroccan) is inhibited at 0.5% and suppressed completely at 1.5% NaCl for the first variety, and inhibited at 0.9% and suppressed at 2% NaCl for the second. In the presence of 1.5% NaCl the threeR. meliloti strains infect the young lucerne plants and the nodules formed certain morphologically normal bacteroids. With 1% NaCl, however, the nodules are colourless and the plants are less well developed. Nitrogenase activity measured on plants nodulated in the presence of NaCl is decreased at 0.4%, very weak at 1% and inhibited completely at 1.5% NaCl. Therefore, the host plant and the symbiotic nitrogen fixation process appear to be more sensitive to NaCl than are the bacteria themselves.

Efecyo del cloruro sodico en el crecimiento in vitro, la infectividady la eficacia de Rhizobium meliloti
Resumen Se ha estudiado la tolerancia al cloruro sódico de très cepas deRhizobium meliloti, dos de ellas aisladas de nodulos de alfalfa cultivada en suelos salinos. La presencia de NaCl a concentración de 600 mmol/l disminuye la velocidad de crecimiento de dos de las cepas, quedando este totalmente inhibido en 700 mmol/1. La bacteria, permanece, sin embargo, viable. Una de las cepas aisladas del suelo salino crece incluso en presencia de 750 mmol/1 de NaCl y su crecimiento no se inhibe hasta llegar a una concentración de 900 mmol/l quedando noobstante disminuida la viabilidad de la bacteria. Se han determinado las concentraciones intracelulares de Na y K observandose que las tres cepas acumulan K en presencia de NaCl. La cepa m tolerante a la salinidad contiene más Na y acumula menos K que las otras dos. Se ha estudiado la germinación de dos variedades de semillas de alfalfa: europea y marroquí. La germinación de la variedad europea es inhibida parcialmente a 0.5% NaCl y completamente a 1.5%. En la variedad marroquí la inhibición parcial occure a 0.9% y la supresión de la germinación a 2% de NaCl. En presencia de 1.5% de NaCl las tres cepas deR. meliloti infectan las plantulas de alfalfa formando nódulos que contienen bacteroides morfologicamente normales. A pesar de ello in 1% de Na Cl los nódulos son incoloros y las plantas no se desarrollan tan bien. En plantas que han nodulado en presencia de NaCl la actividad nitrogenasa disminuye a 0.4%, es muy debil a 1% y esta inhibida totalmente a 1.5% de NaCl. De todo ello podemos concluir que la planta húesped y el proceso de fijación simbiótico de nitrógeno parecen ser más sensibles al cloruro sódico de lo que lo son las bacterias por sí mismas.

Résumé L'étude de l'activité spontanée de 21 rats mesurée pendant 73 jours en cage à tambour permet les conclusions suivantes: les fluctuations naturelles de l'activité des animaux sont influencées par les variations de pression atmosphérique. Les hausses de pression barométrique entrainent une augmentation de la motilité spontanée alors que les baisses barométriques tendent à produire un effet inverse; cependant les chutes très brutales de pression provoquent, elles aussi, un surcroit d'activité. Des travaux récents permettent d'interpréter cette apparente contradiction.Ces corrélations disparaissent si les animaux sont protégés de l'ionisation atmosphérique par des cages reliées à la terre.Sachant que les variations de pression atmosphérique entrainent des modifications de l'ionisation atmosphérique, on peut donc admettre que cette dernière est en fait le facteur météorologique efficace sur la motilité spontanée, d'autant plus que l'aéro-ionisation est connue comme affectant nettement l'activité du rat.Enfin, au niveau neurohumoral, la sérotonine semble être l'intermédiaire par lequel l'ionisation intervient sur le comportement.
Influence of variations of barometric pressure on the spontaneous activity in the bat
Summary Changes in the spontaneous activity of 21 rats were studied for 73 days with the help of a revolving wheel.Natural fluctuations of spontaneous activity of the animals are influenced by variations of barometric pressure. When rises of barometric pressure occur, the spontaneous activity is increased, whereas barometer on the fall tends to produce an opposite effect; however, sudden and important falls in atmospheric pressure may also induce an increased activity, an observation which is discussed in the light of recent results.These correlations between activity and barometric pressure disappear when animals are shielded from atmospheric ionization by means of grounded cages.Knowing that atmospheric ionization is depending upon atmospheric pressure variation, one may admit that ionization is the main meteorological factor really effective in the action reported on activity. In other words, changes observed in spontaneous activity of the rat are mediated by variations of air ionization, themselves influenced by changes of atmospheric pressure. These data are in agreement with previous observations, by other authors demonstrating that aeroionization is acting on rat activity.Finally, the physiological link between these meteorological factors and animal behaviour appears to be a modulation of serotonin metabolism; arguments in favour of this mediation are discussed.

In 1979 and 1980, batch culture experiments were conducted to observe the inhibitory effect of copper ion (concentrations of 10, 50, 100, 200 and 400 µg Cu · l–1) on the standing crops and photosynthesis of phytoplankton of the Saguenay River (for 124 hours) and in Chlorella vulgaris (for 8 days). These algal assays were carried out using the surface water of the Saguenay River. In natural populatoins of phytoplankton, it was found that photosynthesis was more sensitive than growth: at the lowest concentrations, such as 10 µg Cu · 1–1, copper seemed to increase the chlorophyll concentrations whereas the rates of primary production show a decrease of 60% with respect to the control. At higher concentrations of copper, the effect is weak in chlorophyll concentrations and more pronounced in the rates of primary production (decrease of 86 to 90%). The pennate diatoms are dominant (in all the samples) and these organisms are known as relatively resistant to copper. In Chlorella vulgaris, it was observed that with 100 µg Cu · 1–1, chlorophyll concentrations and rates of photosynthesis respectively decrease by 63 and 99% with respect to the control. At higher concentrations of copper, a maximum decrease of 70% and 99% respectively for chlorophyll concentrations and rates of primaryproduction are observed.

Effects of gibberellic acid and kinetic on α-amylase production during the germination of barley. - The action of gibberellic acid and kinetin, alone or combined at different concentrations, has been studied on α-amylase production in whole barley seedlings and in embryoless endosperms in course of the six first days of development in the dark. The classic activation of α-amylase synthesis by gibberellic acid has been confirmed both in whole seeds and in embryoless endosperms. Kinetin inhibits α-amylase synthesis after the third day of germination but has no effect on isolated endosperms. When gibberellic acid and kinetin are given simultaneously gibberellic acid stimulated during the three first days just as it does alone, kinetin inhibits after the third day also as it was alone so that the two regulators act, without interactions, at different stages in the time. These effects of kinetin are be independent. A critical examination of the techniques used in the literature in the stud of amylase is made.  相似文献   

Résumé La fréquence des gouttelettes de miellat excrétées par Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer de F.) augmente en la présence de Tapinoma simrothi Krausse., mais le phénomène est seulement important quand les aphides sont familiarisés avec la visite des fourmis. En présence d'ouvrières pourvoyeuses âgées, le nombre de gouttelettes de miellat excrétées par une colonie d'aphides est multiplié par 4,9. Les meilleures performances sont obtenues avec les larves, qui défèquent plus vite que les adultes. Les jeunes ouvrières âgées de moins de deux semaines et isolées juste avant la naissance, sont capables d'augmenter la production de gouttelettes, et ceci sans apprentissage. Mais l'effet est plutôt faible. Dans tous les cas, le nombre de sollicitations pour la nourriture est plus élevé que le nombre des gouttelettes excrétées. Habituellement, les fourmis collectent le miellat directement sur les aphides. Néanmoins, le miellat restant sur les feuilles peut être ramassé, mais cette récolte n'est pas très importante.
Summary The frequency of honeydew droplets excreted by Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer de F.) increases in the presence of Tapinoma simrothi Krausse., but the phenomenon is only important when aphids are familiarized with ant-attendance. In presence of old foraging workers, the number of honeydew droplets excreted by an aphid colony is multiplied by 4.9. The best performances are obtained with larvae, which defecate faster than adults. Young workers less than two weeks old and isolated just before birth, are able to increase the droplets production, and this without apprenticeship. But the effect is rather slight. In all cases, the number of food sollicitations is higher than the number of excreted droplets. Usually, ants collect honeydew directly on aphids. Nevertheless, honeydew remaining on leaves can be picked up, but this gathering is not very important.

Seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), movements were investigated between June and November 1993 using acoustic telemetry under semi-natural conditions. In the thermal range tested (5–27 °C), two decreases in activity appeared at 12 and 22 °C and swimming activity increased at night for oxygen content greater than 10 mg L−1. Light levels also modified swimming activity at the extremes: low or high values both decreased swimming. Moreover, swimming activity was demonstrated to be sensitive to wind and showed an increase for wind speeds higher than 8 m s−1. Under cyclonic weather conditions, fish displayed higher activity levels than in anti-cyclonic conditions. We also observed that an individual, studied under contrasted ambiant conditions, showed more fluctuating activity levels than those displayed by several individuals studied in similar weather conditions. This emphasizes the weight of naturally combined environmental factors on fish behaviour. Finally, the behavioural responses produced by meteorological factors sustain the hypothesis of fish anticipating their habitat changes.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether intermittent fasting induces malnutrition that, according to many authors, accentuates the cytotoxic effects of environmental pollutants, or caloric restriction that reduces these effects. Ninety six male Wistar rats (180g) were divided into two groups: one group was fed daily (N) and the other group was fed every second day (J) for one month. At the end of one month, each group was then divided into two subgroups, one subgroup received an injection of 0.9% NaCI (groups NO and JO), the other subgroup received an injection of 4 mg/kg NiCIb2 (groups NNi and JNi). Intermittent fasting was continued in parallel to treatment for 1, 3, 5 and 10 days. Under these experimental conditions, nickel increased testicular aromatase activity and altered total RNA, while no alteration of these biomarkers was observed with intermittent fasting. The combination of these two factors, nickel and intermittent fasting, did not amplify these effects. In contrast, protection of RNA by intermittent fasting was observed, especially overexpression of aromatase mRNA.  相似文献   

Résumé Les Auteurs ont démontré que, en conditions histochimiques sur du matériel fixé au formol, les acides phosphotungstique et phosphomolybdique ont une double action: 1. une action oxydative à la charge des radicaux PAS-positifs (vic-glycols et éthyleniques) en milieu aqueux, et à la charge des radicaux aminiques en milieu anhydre; cette action entraine la transformation de ces radicaux en aldéhydes; 2. la formation d'une liaison chimique entre les aldéhydes et les molécules des acides phosphomolybdique et phosphotungstique. — La coloration du collagène, au contraire, n'est pas due ni aux radicaux aminiques ni vic-glycols et implique un mécanisme encore inconnu.
Observations about the specificity of staining of phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acid
Summary The authors demonstrated that phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acid applied to formol-fixed tissues explete two following actions: 1. An oxidative action on the PAS-positive radicals (double bonds, vic-glycols groups) if in water solution and on aminogroups if in anhydrous solution. This oxidation results in a production of aldehydic radicals 2. The formation of chemical bonds between the aldehydic new-formed groups and the molecules of phosphotungstic or phosphomolybdicacid.— However, the above mentioned mechanism of action is not applicable to the collagen staining for which a different explanation has to be supposed.

Radiation therapy plays a major role in the curative management of numerous neoplasms, such as Hodgkin's disease or testicular cancer. However, the adverse effects of low-dose radiation scattered to radiosensitive normal tissues adjacent to the radiation fields, such as the testes, have been recognized. Experimental studies performed on healthy volunteers showed that no lesion was detectable on sperm counts or testicular biopsies after single doses of less than 10 cGy. Oligospermia has been reported after 15 cGy and 100 cGy result in a 90% incidence of azoospermia. In the radiotherapy of cancer, fractionated regimens are used to increase the differential effect between normal and tumoral tissues. For the same dose, a fractionated radiation regimen results in a higher incidence and a longer period of azoospermia than a single dose irradiation. Fractionated doses of >50 cGy result in a 100% incidence of azoospermia. For doses up to 200 cGy, recovery occurs but normal sperm production remains uncertain. Although the recovery time can be very long (more than 10 years), there is a risk of definitive azoospermia after doses of >200 cGy. Spermatogonia are the most radio-sensitive cell type and their depletion after small irradiation doses explain the effect of radiotherapy on fertility. Clinical hypogonadism is very unfrequent in usual practice, what seems to prove a relative radio-resistance of the Leydig cells. However, functionals studies show that there is a rise in serum LH with increasing dose to the testes. A decrease in testosterone levels has been reported after high testicular doses.  相似文献   

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