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Similar to matrix metalloproteinases, glycosidases also play a major role in cartilage degradation. Carbohydrate cleavage products, generated by these latter enzymes, are released from degrading cartilage during arthritis. Some of the cleavage products (such as hyaluronate oligosaccharides) have been shown to bind to Toll-like receptors and provide endogenous danger signals, while others (like N-acetyl glucosamine) are reported to have chondroprotective functions. In the current study for the first time we systematically investigated the expression of glycosidases within the joints.


Expressions of β-D-hexosaminidase, β-D-glucuronidase, hyaluronidase, sperm adhesion molecule 1 and klotho genes were measured in synovial fibroblasts and synovial membrane samples of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis by real-time PCR. β-D-Glucuronidase, β-D-glucosaminidase and β-D-galactosaminidase activities were characterized using chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates. Synovial fibroblast-derived microvesicles were also tested for glycosidase activity.


According to our data, β-D-hexosaminidase, β-D-glucuronidase, hyaluronidase, and klotho are expressed in the synovial membrane. Hexosaminidase is the major glycosidase expressed within the joints, and it is primarily produced by synovial fibroblasts. HexA subunit gene, one of the two genes encoding for the alpha or the beta chains of hexosaminidase, was characterized by the strongest gene expression. It was followed by the expression of HexB subunit gene and the β-D-glucuronidase gene, while the expression of hyaluronidase-1 gene and the klotho gene was rather low in both synovial fibroblasts and synovial membrane samples. Tumor growth factor-β1 profoundly downregulated glycosidase expression in both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis derived synovial fibroblasts. In addition, expression of cartilage-degrading glycosidases was moderately downregulated by proinflammatory cytokines including TNFα, IL-1β and IL-17.


According to our present data, glycosidases expressed by synovial membranes and synovial fibroblasts are under negative regulation by some locally expressed cytokines both in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. This does not exclude the possibility that these enzymes may contribute significantly to cartilage degradation in both joint diseases if acting in collaboration with the differentially upregulated proteases to deplete cartilage in glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal progenitor cells in adult human articular cartilage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hiraoka K  Grogan S  Olee T  Lotz M 《Biorheology》2006,43(3-4):447-454
The transmembrane receptor Notch-1 regulates cell fate and differentiation and was suggested to identify a cell type with progenitor characteristics in newborn bovine articular cartilage. We show that Notch-1 is expressed on > 70% of BM-MSC in early passage monolayer culture. We also demonstrate that normal articular cartilage contains Notch-1+ cells and that the frequency is increased in OA. Most Notch-1+ cells in OA cartilage are located in the clusters of proliferating cells. These findings indicate that multipotential mesenchymal progenitor cells are present in articular cartilage from adult humans and that their frequency is increased in OA. This observation has implications for understanding the intrinsic repair capacity of articular cartilage and raises the possibility that these progenitor cells might be involved in the pathogenesis of arthritis.  相似文献   



Articular cartilage displays a poor repair capacity. The aim of cell-based therapies for cartilage defects is to repair damaged joint surfaces with a functional replacement tissue. Currently, chondrocytes removed from a healthy region of the cartilage are used but they are unable to retain their phenotype in expanded culture. The resulting repair tissue is fibrocartilaginous rather than hyaline, potentially compromising long-term repair. Mesenchymal stem cells, particularly bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC), are of interest for cartilage repair due to their inherent replicative potential. However, chondrocyte differentiated BMSCs display an endochondral phenotype, that is, can terminally differentiate and form a calcified matrix, leading to failure in long-term defect repair. Here, we investigate the isolation and characterisation of a human cartilage progenitor population that is resident within permanent adult articular cartilage.

Methods and Findings

Human articular cartilage samples were digested and clonal populations isolated using a differential adhesion assay to fibronectin. Clonal cell lines were expanded in growth media to high population doublings and karyotype analysis performed. We present data to show that this cell population demonstrates a restricted differential potential during chondrogenic induction in a 3D pellet culture system. Furthermore, evidence of high telomerase activity and maintenance of telomere length, characteristic of a mesenchymal stem cell population, were observed in this clonal cell population. Lastly, as proof of principle, we carried out a pilot repair study in a goat in vivo model demonstrating the ability of goat cartilage progenitors to form a cartilage-like repair tissue in a chondral defect.


In conclusion, we propose that we have identified and characterised a novel cartilage progenitor population resident in human articular cartilage which will greatly benefit future cell-based cartilage repair therapies due to its ability to maintain chondrogenicity upon extensive expansion unlike full-depth chondrocytes that lose this ability at only seven population doublings.  相似文献   

Ma WJ  Guo X  Liu JT  Liu RY  Hu JW  Sun AG  Yu YX  Lammi MJ 《Proteomics》2011,11(14):2881-2890
Kashin-Beck disease (KBD) is a chronic endemic osteochondropathy with unclear pathogenesis. It is a degenerative disease similar to osteoarthritis, but with different manifestations of cartilage damage. The aim of this investigation was to show the protein changes in KBD cartilage and to identify the candidate proteins in order to understand the pathogenesis of the disease. Proteins were extracted from the media of primary cell cultures of KBD and normal chondrocytes, and separated by two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE). MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis revealed statistically significant differences in 27 proteins from KBD chondrocyte cultures, which consisted of 17 up-regulated and ten down-regulated proteins. The results were further validated by Western blot analysis. The proteins identified are mainly involved in cellular redox homeostasis and stress response (MnSOD, Hsp27, Peroxiredoxin-1, and Cofilin-1), glycolysis (PGK-1, PGM-1, α-enolase), and cell motility and cytoskeletal organization (Actin, Calponin-2, and Keratin). These KBD-associated proteins indicate that cytoskeletal remodeling, glycometabolism, and oxidative stress are abnormal in KBD articular cartilage.  相似文献   

A method for studying the distribution of a high molecular weight solute (serum albumin) between physiological saline and human articular cartilage is described. Samples of normal and fibrillated articular cartilage from both femoral condyles and femoral heads have been studied. Limited studies have also been performed where the glycosaminoglycan content of normal cartilage has been reduced by chemical or enzymatic methods. With naturally occuring cartilage large a wide range of partition coefficients (0.3 to less than 0.002) was obtained. The partition coefficients are very dependent upon proteoglycan concentration, with the partitiion coefficient decreasing with increasing fixed charge density. An attempt is made to interpret the observed partitioning in terms of the steric exclusion by the proteoglycans.  相似文献   

A method for studying the distribution of a high molecular weight solute (serum albumin) between physiological saline and human articular cartilage is described. Samples of normal and fibrillated articular cartilage from both femoral condyles and femoral heads have been studied. Limited studies have also been performed where the glycosaminoglycan content of normal cartilage has been reduced by chemical or enzymic methods. With naturally occurring cartilage a wide range of partition coefficients (0.3 to less than 0.002) was obtained. The partition coefficients are very dependent upon proteoglycan concentration, with the partition coefficient decreasing with increasing fixed charge density. An attempt is made to interpret the observed partitioning in terms of the steric exclusion by the proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Summary Type III collagen in normal human articular cartilage has been detected biochemically and its location in a diffuse area around the chondrocytes demonstrated by immunofluorescence. It can be found pericellularly throughout the depth of the cartilage and is evident in specimens ranging in age from 17 to 81 years.  相似文献   



Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are highly attractive for use in cartilage regeneration. To date, MSC are usually recruited from subchondral bone marrow using microfracture. Recent data suggest that isolated cells from adult human articular cartilage, which express the combination of the cell-surface markers CD105 and CD166, are multi-potent mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPC) with characteristics similar to MSC. MPC within the cartilage matrix, the target of tissue regeneration, may provide the basis for in situ regeneration of focal cartilage defects. However, there is only limited information concerning the presence/abundance of CD105+/CD166+ MPC in human articular cartilage. The present study therefore assessed the relative percentage and particularly the zonal distribution of cartilage MPC using the markers CD105/CD166.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a joint disease characterized by cartilage degeneration, a thickening of subchondral bone, and formation of marginal osteophytes. Previous mechanical characterization of cartilage in our laboratory suggests that energy storage and dissipation is reduced in osteoarthritis as the extent of fibrillation and fissure formation increases. It is not clear whether the loss of energy storage and dissipation characteristics is a result of biochemical and/or biophysical changes that occur to hyaline cartilage in joints. The purpose of this study is to present data, on the strain rate dependence of the elastic and viscous behaviors of cartilage, in order to further characterize changes that occur in the mechanical properties that are associated with OA. We have previously hypothesized that the changes seen in the mechanical properties of cartilage may be due to altered mechanochemical transduction by chondrocytes. Results of incremental tensile stress-strain tests at strain rates between 100%/min and 10,000%/min conducted on OA cartilage indicate that the slope of the elastic stress-strain curve increases with increasing strain rate, unlike the reported behavior of skin and self-assembled collagen fibers. It is suggested that the strain-rate dependence of the elastic stress-strain curve is due to the presence of large quantities of proteoglycans (PGs), which protect articular cartilage by increasing the apparent stiffness. The increased apparent stiffness of articular cartilage at high strain rates may limit the stresses borne and prolong the onset of OA. It is further hypothesized that increased compressive loading of chondrocytes in the intermediate zone of articular cartilage occurs as a result of normal wear to the superficial zone or from excessive impact loading. Once the superficial zone of articular cartilage is worn away, the tension is decreased throughout all cartilage zones leading to increased chondrocyte compressive loading and up-regulation of mechanochemical transduction processes that elaborate catabolic enzymes.  相似文献   

Six glycosyltransferases (mannosyl-, glucosyl-, N-acetyl-glucosaminyl-, galactosyl-, sialyl- and fucosyltransferases) are studied and characterized for their optimal conditions and their relations with interfering reactions (glycosyl-nucleotide pyrophosphatases, glycosidases and proteinases) in chondrocytes from osteoarthritic and normal human articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis induces increased activities for five glycosyl-transferases. The observed modifications are not explained by alterations in physico-chemical parameters of the enzymes or by intervention of glycosyl-nucleotide pyrophosphatases, glycosidases or proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The extracellular framework and two-thirds of the dry mass of adult articular cartilage are polymeric collagen. Type II collagen is the principal molecular component in mammals, but collagens III, VI, IX, X, XI, XII and XIV all contribute to the mature matrix. In developing cartilage, the core fibrillar network is a cross-linked copolymer of collagens II, IX and XI. The functions of collagens IX and XI in this heteropolymer are not yet fully defined but, evidently, they are critically important since mutations in COLIX and COLXI genes result in chondrodysplasia phenotypes that feature precocious osteoarthritis. Collagens XII and XIV are thought also to be bound to fibril surfaces but not covalently attached. Collagen VI polymerizes into its own type of filamentous network that has multiple adhesion domains for cells and other matrix components. Collagen X is normally restricted to the thin layer of calcified cartilage that interfaces articular cartilage with bone.  相似文献   

The extracellular framework and two-thirds of the dry mass of adult articular cartilage are polymeric collagen. Type II collagen is the principal molecular component in mammals, but collagens III, VI, IX, X, XI, XII and XIV all contribute to the mature matrix. In developing cartilage, the core fibrillar network is a cross-linked copolymer of collagens II, IX and XI. The functions of collagens IX and XI in this heteropolymer are not yet fully defined but, evidently, they are critically important since mutations in COLIX and COLXI genes result in chondrodysplasia phenotypes that feature precocious osteoarthritis. Collagens XII and XIV are thought also to be bound to fibril surfaces but not covalently attached. Collagen VI polymerizes into its own type of filamentous network that has multiple adhesion domains for cells and other matrix components. Collagen X is normally restricted to the thin layer of calcified cartilage that interfaces articular cartilage with bone.  相似文献   

Reduced-minus-oxidized difference spectra were recorded on particle preparations of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. Physiological oxidation of anaerobic membranes was effected either by O2 or by light. In both cases the spectral changes observed in the 550-570nm region were essentially the same. The results were confirmed by dual-wavelength spectrophotometry. It is concluded that a membrane-bound cytochrome f-b complex participates in both respiratory and photosynthetic elevtron transport.  相似文献   

The degeneration of articular cartilage is the main cause of osteoarthritis (OA), a common cause of disability among elderly patients. The aim of this study is to understand the correlation between intrinsic fluorescence of articular cartilage and its biomechanical properties in patients with osteoarthritis. Cylindrical samples of articular cartilage 6 mm in diameter were extracted via biopsy punch from the femoral condyles of 6 patients with advanced OA undergoing knee replacement surgery. The mechanical stiffness and fluorescence of each cartilage plug were measured by indentation test and spectrofluorometry. Maps of fluorescence intensity, at excitation/emission wavelengths of 240–520/290‐530 nm, were used to identify wavelengths of interest. The mechanical stiffness and fluorescence intensity were correlated using a Spearman analysis. The excitation/emission maps demonstrated three fluorescence peaks at excitation/emission wavelength pairs 330/390, 350/430 and 370/460 nm. The best correlation between the fluorescence intensity and stiffness of cartilage was obtained for the 330 nm excitation band [R=0.82, p=0.04]. The intrinsic fluorescence of articular cartilage may have application in optically assessing the state of cartilage in patients with osteoarthritis.


Since articular cartilage possesses only a weak capac-ity for repair, its regeneration potential is considered one of the most important challenges for orthopedic surgeons. The treatment options, such as marrow stimulation techniques, fail to induce a repair tissue with the same functional and mechanical properties of native hyaline cartilage. Osteochondral transplantation is considered an effective treatment option but is as-sociated with some disadvantages, including donor-site morbidity, tissue supply limitation, unsuitable mechani-cal properties and thickness of the obtained tissue. Although autologous chondrocyte implantation results in reasonable repair, it requires a two-step surgical pro-cedure. Moreover, chondrocytes expanded in culture gradually undergo dedifferentiation, so lose morpho-logical features and specialized functions. In the search for alternative cells, scientists have found mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) to be an appropriate cellular mate-rial for articular cartilage repair. These cells were origi-nally isolated from bone marrow samples and further investigations have revealed the presence of the cells in many other tissues. Furthermore, chondrogenic dif-ferentiation is an inherent property of MSCs noticedat the time of the cell discovery. MSCs are known to exhibit homing potential to the damaged site at which they differentiate into the tissue cells or secrete a wide spectrum of bioactive factors with regenerative proper-ties. Moreover, these cells possess a considerable im-munomodulatory potential that make them the general donor for therapeutic applications. All of these topics will be discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Partial meniscectomy is believed to change the biomechanics of the knee joint through alterations in the contact of articular cartilages and menisci. Although fluid pressure plays an important role in the load support mechanism of the knee, the fluid pressurization in the cartilages and menisci has been ignored in the finite element studies of the mechanics of meniscectomy. In the present study, a 3D fibril-reinforced poromechanical model of the knee joint was used to explore the fluid flow dependent changes in articular cartilage following partial medial and lateral meniscectomies. Six partial longitudinal meniscectomies were considered under relaxation, simple creep, and combined creep loading conditions. In comparison to the intact knee, partial meniscectomy not only caused a substantial increase in the maximum fluid pressure but also shifted the location of this pressure in the femoral cartilage. Furthermore, these changes were positively correlated to the size of meniscal resection. While in the intact joint, the location of the maximum fluid pressure was dependent on the loading conditions, in the meniscectomized joint the location was predominantly determined by the site of meniscal resection. The partial meniscectomy also reduced the rate of the pressure dissipation, resulting in even larger difference between creep and relaxation times as compared to the case of the intact knee. The knee joint became stiffer after meniscectomy because of higher fluid pressure at knee compression followed by slower pressure dissipation. The present study indicated the role of fluid pressurization in the altered mechanics of meniscectomized knees.  相似文献   

Qi Y  Feng G  Yan W 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(5):5683-5689
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disorder and the restoration of the diseased articular cartilage in patients with OA is still a challenge for researchers and clinicians. Currently, a variety of experimental strategies have investigated whether mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) instead of chondrocytes can be used for the regeneration and maintenance of articular cartilage in OA. MSCs can modulate the immune response of individuals and positively influence the microenvironment of the stem cells already present in the diseased tissue. Through direct cell–cell interaction or the secretion of various factors, MSCs can initiate endogenous regenerative activities in the OA joint. Targeted gene-modified MSC-based therapy might further enhance the cartilage regeneration in OA. Conventionally, delivery of MSCs was attained by graft of engineered constructs derived from cell-seeded scaffolds. However, intra-articular MSCs transplantation without scaffolds is a more attractive option for OA treatment. This article briefly summarizes the current knowledge about MSC-based therapy for prevention or treatment of OA, discussing the direct intra-articular injection of MSCs for the treatment of OA in animal models and in clinical applications, as well as potential future strategies for OA treatment.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic mechanical properties of normal and osteoarthritic articular were analyzed based on data reported by Kempson [in: Adult Articular Cartilage (1973)] and Silver et al. (Connect. Tissue Res., 2001b). Results of the analysis of tensile elastic stress-strain curves suggest that the elastic modulus of cartilage from the superficial zone is approximately 7.0 GPa parallel and 2.21 GPa perpendicular to the cleavage line pattern. Collagen fibril lengths in the superficial zone were found to be approximately 1265 microm parallel and 668 microm perpendicular to the cleavage line direction. The values for the elastic modulus and fibril lengths decreased with increased extent of osteoarthritis. The elastic modulus of type II collagen parallel to the cleavage line pattern in the superficial zone approaches that of type I collagen in tendon, suggesting that elastic energy storage occurs in the superficial zone due to the tensile pre-tension that exists in this region. Decreases in the elastic modulus associated with osteoarthritis reflect decreased ability of cartilage to store elastic energy, which leads to cartilage fibrillation and fissure formation. We hypothesize that under normal physiological conditions, collagen fibrils in cartilage function to store elastic energy associated with weight bearing and locomotion. Enzymatic cleavage of cartilage proteoglycans and collagen observed in osteoarthritis may lead to fibrillation and fissure formation as a result of impaired energy storage capability of cartilage.  相似文献   

The reaction patterns of chondrocytes in osteoarthritis can be summarized in five categories: (1) proliferation and cell death (apoptosis); changes in (2) synthetic activity and (3) degradation; (4) phenotypic modulation of the articular chondrocytes; and (5) formation of osteophytes. In osteoarthritis, the primary responses are reinitiation of synthesis of cartilage macromolecules, the initiation of synthesis of types IIA and III procollagens as markers of a more primitive phenotype, and synthesis of active proteolytic enzymes. Reversion to a fibroblast-like phenotype, known as "dedifferentiation", does not appear to be an important component. Proliferation plays a role in forming characteristic chondrocyte clusters near the surface, while apoptosis probably occurs primarily in the calcified cartilage.  相似文献   

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