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Aims:  This study sought to evaluate the performance of two chromogenic media designed for the isolation of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and compare them with a traditional bile-esculin medium for the isolation of VRE from stool samples.
Methods and Results:  A total of 285 stool samples were inoculated onto Chromogenic VRE Agar (AES VRE agar; AES Chemunex), chromID VRE (bioMérieux) and VRE Agar (Oxoid) both directly and also following broth enrichment. In total 18 strains of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium were recovered, including 17 harbouring the vanA gene and one with vanB . On direct culture, the sensitivity of the three media was 66·7%, 77·8% and 44·4% and after broth enrichment 66·7%, 83·3% and 77·8% using AES VRE Agar, chromID VRE and Oxoid VRE Agar respectively.
Conclusions:  All three media are useful tools for the isolation of VRE from stool samples. AES VRE Agar and bioMérieux chromID VRE are easier to use than Oxoid VRE Agar due to diffusion of black coloration from the latter.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This is the first study to evaluate the performance of AES VRE Agar and the first to compare two media containing synthetic chromogens for the isolation of VRE.  相似文献   

Abstract Streptococcus faecium strain 3 produced a bacteriocin (enterococcin Sf3) and contained a homogeneous species of plasmid DNA (pJK3) with an M r of 3.5 · 106. Plasmid pJK3 was transferable in a filter mating procedure to S. faecium M16. The non-bacteriocinogenic strain M16 was susceptible to enterococcin Sf3 and harboured a non-selftransferable 19.1 MDa plasmid, which was responsible for erythromycin resistance. Transcipient cells of S. faecium M16 contained the 19.1 MDa and the pJK3 plasmid, produced the enterococcin Sf3 and were resistant against the inhibitory action of this bacteriocin.  相似文献   

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) infections have been linked to increased mortality and costs. A new model of a VRE-infested intensive care unit (ICU) is introduced. It incorporates critical features including the difference between colonization and infection, the role of special preventive care treatment cycles, fitness cost, and antibiotic use. Five patient stages are considered: susceptible, colonized with and without special preventive care, and infected with and without treatment. Parameter ranges are determined representing different ICUs and incorporated to numerically simulate the model. Basic reproductive number of the infection is derived and the impacts of the parameters are analysed. Strategies to minimize VRE infections and outbreak risk are explored with a focus on efficient and simultaneous control of critical parameters. In particular, threshold values of the level of special preventive care and ICU compliance rate are given to achieve desired goals under various constraints.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize bacteriocin production, antimicrobial spectrum and plasmid content in bacteriocinogenic enterococci from foods. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacteriocinogenic Enterococcus faecium (14 isolates) and Enterococcus faecalis (three isolates) showed two different patterns of bacteriocin production in liquid broth: exponential-phase and stationary-phase production. Bacteriocin concentrates from all enterococci were inactivated by trypsin, but seldom by heat (100-117 degrees C), extremes of pH (2.0 to 9.0) or reducing agents (such as dithiothreitol). All bacteriocin concentrates were active against Listeria innocua and Listeria monocytogenes, and most were also active against many Ent. faecalis and Ent. faecium isolates. Enterococci clustered in three main groups according to their plasmid content (which included plasmids from 2.0 to 53 kb). Several isolates from different foods showed almost identical plasmid profiles. The enterocin P structural gene (entP) was detected by hybridization on plasmids of c. 19, 26 and/or 35-38 kb. CONCLUSIONS: Enterococci from food show different patterns of bacteriocin production and different plasmid content in spite of carrying similar bacteriocin-encoding genes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study provides information on the diversity of bacteriocinogenic enterococci from food sources carrying apparently similar enterocin genes.  相似文献   

Enterococci are lactic acid bacteria of importance in food, public health and medical microbiology. Many strains produce bacteriocins, some of which have been well characterized. This review describes the structural and genetic characteristics of enterocins, the bacteriocins produced by enterococci. Some of these can be grouped with typical bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria according to traditional classification, whereas others are atypical and structurally distinct from the general classes of bacteriocins. These atypical enterocins recently played an important role in and prompted reclassification of the class II bacteriocins into a new scheme. In this review, a more simplified classification scheme for enterocins based on amino acid sequence homologies is proposed. Enterocins are of interest for their diversity and potential for use as food biopreservatives. The emergence of multiple antibiotic-resistant enterococci among agents of nosocomial disease and the presence of virulence factors among food isolates requires a careful safety evaluation of isolates intended for potential biotechnical use. Nevertheless, enterococcal bacteriocins produced by heterologous hosts or added as cell-free preparations may still be attractive for application in food preservation.  相似文献   

Abstract Streptococcus faecium strain 25 produced a bacteriocin (enterococcin Sf25), metabolized sucrose and contained three plasmids of 2.4, 4.7 and 13.0 MDa. Plasmids Sfp2.4 and Sfp4.7 were cotransferred in a filter mating procedure to sucrose negative and bacteriocin negative S. faecium strain M16. Strain M16 harboured a nonselftransferable plasmid Sfp 19.1 MDa, which was responsible for erythromycin resistance. Transcipient cells of S. faecium M16 contained the 19.1-MDa plasmid and plasmids Sfp2.4 and Sfp4.7, produced the enterococcin Sf25 and gained the ability to degrade sucrose.  相似文献   

Like any form of cooperative behavior, quorum sensing (QS) inbacteria is potentially vulnerable to cheating, the occurrenceof individuals that contribute less but still profit from thebenefits provided by others. In this paper, we explore the evolutionarystability of QS as a regulatory mechanism of antibiotics productionin a spatially structured population, using cellular automaton(CA) modeling. QSg is supposed to regulate the excretion ofa bacteriocin (anticompetitor toxin) in a population of bacteriapolymorphic for the ability to produce and to be immune to thebacteriocin. Both the social interactions resulting from QSand the competitive interactions resulting from the bacteriocinexcretion are supposed to be only effective at the local scale,that is, restricted to the immediately neighboring cells. Thisimplies a rather diffuse kind of group selection. The CA modelis contrasted to a model assuming no spatial structure but withotherwise identical assumptions. Our analysis predicts thatQS as a regulatory mechanism of bacteriocin excretion is evolutionarilyunstable when the competitive interactions between bacteriocin-producing,resistant, and sensitive strains only involve closely relatedstrains which can share the signaling and responding genes involvedin QS. However, when the competition is between unrelated strainsand the QS alleles can only be carried by the bacteriocin-producingstrains, stable QS may evolve provided its costs are small andthe critical quorum threshold is neither too low nor too high.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. BW11M1 produces a novel type of bacteriocin that inhibits the growth of Pseudomonas putida GR12-2R3 and some phytopathogenic fluorescent Pseudomonas. A collection of mutants was screened for altered bacteriocin production phenotypes. Strongly reduced bacteriocin production was found to be caused by inactivation of the recA gene or the spoT gene. Conversely, in a recJ mutant, the bacteriocin was constitutively overproduced. The same phenotype was observed for a mutant hit in a gene of unknown function. The predicted gene product belongs to a distinct subgroup of prokaryotic helicase-like proteins within the SWI/SNF family of regulatory proteins. One mutant that also exhibited a bacteriocin overproducer phenotype was deficient in the production of the peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein OprL. This study shows that various environmental stress response pathways are involved in controlling expression of the Pseudomonas sp. BW11M1 bacteriocin.  相似文献   

Production of the bacteriocin enterocin 1146 (E1146) by Enterococcus faecium DPC1146 was studied in batch and continuous fermentation. Growth was strongly inhibited by lactic acid. In batch fermentations maximum E1146 activity (2.8 MBU L−1) was obtained in 9 h with 20 g L−1 glucose. Increase in initial glucose concentration did not lead to a proportional increase in E1146 activity. A simple linear model was found to be adequate to explain the relationship between specific bacteriocin production rate and specific growth rate in batch fermentations with initial glucose concentration higher than 20 g L−1. Maximum bacteriocin activity (2.9–3.2 MBU L−1) was obtained in continuous fermentations at dilution rates between 0.12 and 0.17 h−1 and specific bacteriocin production rate increased linearly with dilution rate. Received 31 July 1996/ Accepted in revised form 01 November 1996  相似文献   

Aims: Several bacteriocins (BCNs) that were identified from chicken commensal bacteria dramatically reduced Campylobacter colonization in poultry and are being directed toward on‐farm control of this important foodborne human pathogen. A recent study has shown that BCN resistance in Campylobacter jejuni is very difficult to develop in vitro. In this study, in vivo development and stability of BCN resistance in Campylobacter was examined. Methods and Results: Chickens infected with Camp. jejuni NCTC 11168 were treated with BCN E‐760 at the dose of 5 mg kg?1 body weight day?1 via oral gavages for three consecutive days, which selected BCN‐resistant (BCNr) mutants in the treated birds. However, all the in vivo‐selected mutants only displayed low levels of resistance to BCN (MIC = 2–8 mg l?1) when compared to parent strain (MIC = 0·5 mg l?1). Inactivation of CmeABC efflux pump of the BCNr mutants led to increased susceptibility to BCN (8–32 fold MIC reduction). Three different BCNrCampylobacter strains (in vitro‐ or in vivo‐derived) were examined for the stability of BCN resistance using both in vitro and in vivo systems. The low level of BCN resistance in these strains was not stable in vitro or in vivo in the absence of BCN selection pressure. Conclusions: Usage of BCN E‐760 only selected low‐level BCNrCamp. jejuni mutants in vivo, and the low‐level BCN resistance was not stable in vitro and in vivo. Significance and Impact of the Study: The study provides helpful information for risk assessment of the future practical application of the anti‐Campylobacter BCNs in animals.  相似文献   

The production of antimicrobial activities as well as the presence of bacteriocin structural genes (entA, entB, entP, entQ, cylL, entAS-48, bac31, and entL50A/B) were studied in 140 non-selected faecal enterococcal isolates recovered from wild animals. Eight different indicator strains (including Listeria monocytogenes, Pediococcus pentosaceus, and different enterococcal species) were used for antimicrobial activity detection. Twenty-five of the 140 enterococci (18%) showed antimicrobial activity against L. monocytogenes and 33 additional isolates (24%) showed antimicrobial activity against other indicator strains, but Listeria. At least one bacteriocin structural gene was detected in 17 of the 25 enterococci with antimicrobial activity against L. monocytogenes and different combinations of entA, entB, entP, entQ, entL50A/B, and cylL genes were detected; entA and entB were the most prevalent detected genes, and they were generally associated. Bacteriocin structural genes were detected in 10 of 33 isolates with antimicrobial activity against indicator strains other than Listeria, and the cylL gene was the most prevalent one, especially in E. faecalis isolates.  相似文献   

One-hundred and twenty-eight enterococcal isolates were examined for their ability to form biofilm in relation to the presence of the gene encoding the enterococcal surface protein (esp), production of gelatinase and to the source of isolation. Neither esp nor gelatinase seemed to be required for biofilm formation: both Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium did not show a correlation between the presence of either esp or the production of gelatinase and biofilm formation. However, in E. faecium while esp was found in isolates from either source, the presence of both esp and biofilm together was only found in strains from clinical settings, suggesting that there exists a synergy between these factors which serves as an advantage for the process of infection.  相似文献   

Genetic typing of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) can be performed using a variety of methods, but comparative analyses of the quality of these methods are still relatively scarce. We here compare random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of DNA macrorestriction fragments as examples of two of the recent and well-accepted molecular typing methods. For the latter method, empirical guidelines for the interpretation of the DNA fingerprints have been proposed in the international literature. Based on our experimental analyses, we define similar criteria for RAPD fingerprinting. A collection of 100 strains of VRE, comprising Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus avium, Enterococcus gallinarum and Enterococcus casseliflavus, was assembled. Fifty isolates were Dutch, another 50 were isolated in the UK. Strains were selected on the basis of previously determined putative identity, close relatedness or uniqueness. The strains were analysed using well-standardised RAPD and PFGE protocols. Resulting fingerprints were interpreted with computerised methods involving band positioning and we show that typing of VRE by PFGE and RAPD generates highly congruent DNA fingerprint clustering. When the proposed international criteria for interpretation of PFGE fingerprints were applied in our case, 86% PFGE homology as discriminating value between close relatedness and uniqueness, a 75% homology cut-off for the comparison of the RAPD-generated DNA fingerprints revealed essentially identical strain clusters. As a spin-off it is revealed that strains from the different species can be efficiently discriminated, that strains from the UK and The Netherlands form separate clusters and that strains from veterinary origin can be identified separately as well.  相似文献   

AIMS: Identification of the bacteriocin produced by Enterococcus mundtii QU 2 newly isolated from soybean and fermentative production of the bacteriocin. METHODS AND RESULTS: The bacteriocin produced by Ent. mundtii QU 2 inhibited the growth of various indicator strains, including Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus and Listeria. The bacteriocin activity was stable at wide pH range and against heat treatment, but completely abolished by proteolytic enzymes. The bacteriocin was purified from the culture supernatant by the three-step chromatographic procedure. Mass spectrometry, amino acid sequencing and DNA sequencing revealed that the bacteriocin was similar to class IIa bacteriocins produced by other Ent. mundtii strains. The bacteriocin production decreased in the absence of glucose, nitrogen sources, or Tween 80 in MRS medium. Additionally, it was strongly suppressed by addition of Ca(2+) (CaCO(3) or CaCl(2)). In pH-controlled fermentations, the highest bacteriocin production was achieved at pH 6.0, whereas the highest cell growth was obtained at pH 7.0. CONCLUSIONS: Ent. mundtii QU 2 produced a class IIa bacteriocin. Some growth factors (e.g. Ca(2+) and pH) influenced the bacteriocin production. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A new soybean isolate, Ent. mundtii QU 2 was found to be a class IIa bacteriocin producer. Factors influencing the bacteriocin production described herein are valuable for applications of the bacteriocins from Ent. mundtii strains.  相似文献   

The genetic determinants responsible for the resistances against the antibiotics tetracycline [tet(M), tet(O), tet(S), tet(K) and tet(L)], erythromycin (ermA,B,C; mefA,E; msrA/B; and ereA,B) and chloramphenicol (cat) of 38 antibiotic-resistant Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis strains from food were characterised. In addition, the transferability of resistance genes was also assessed using filter mating assays. The tet(L) determinant was the most commonly detected among tetracycline-resistant enterococci (94% of the strains), followed by the tet(M) gene, which occurred in 63.0% of the strains. Tet(K) occurred in 56.0% of the resistant strains, while genes for tet(O) and tet(S) could not be detected. The integrase gene of the Tn916-1545 family of transposons was present in 81.3% of the tetracycline resistant strains, indicating that resistance genes might be transferable by transposons. All chloramphenicol-resistant strains carried a cat gene. 81.8% of the erythromycin-resistant strains carried the ermB gene. Two (9.5%) of the 21 erythromycin-resistant strains, which did not contain ermA,B,C, ereA,B and mphA genes harboured the msrC gene encoding an erythromycin efflux pump, which was confirmed by sequencing the PCR amplicon. In addition, all E. faecium strains contained the msrC gene, but none of the E. faecalis strains. Transfer of the genetic determinants for antibiotic resistance could only be demonstrated in one filter mating experiment, where both the tet(M) and tet(L) genes were transferred from E. faecalis FAIR-E 315 to the E. faecalis OG1X recipient strain. Our results show the presence of various types of resistance genes as well as transposon integrase genes associated with transferable resistances in enterococci, indicating a potential for gene transfer in the food environment.  相似文献   

Aims: Temperate bacteriophages are bacterial viruses that transfer genetic information between bacteria. This phenomenon is known as transduction, and it is important in acquisition of bacterial virulence genes and antimicrobial resistance determinants. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the role of bacteriophages in gene transfer (antibiotic resistance) in enterococci. Methods and Results: Three bacteriophages from environmental samples isolated on pig host strains of Enterococcus gallinarum and Enterococcus faecalis were evaluated in transduction experiments. Antibiotic resistance was transferred from Ent. gallinarum to Ent. faecalis (tetracycline resistance) and from Ent. faecalis to Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus hirae/durans and Enterococcus casseliflavus (gentamicin resistance). Conclusions: Bacteriophages play a role in transfer of antibiotic resistance determinants in enterococci. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study confirms previous suggestions on transduction in enterococci, in particular on interspecies transduction. Interspecies transduction is significant because it widens the range of recipients involved in antimicrobial resistance transfer.  相似文献   

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