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As in several Central European areas, in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem (Germany and the Czech Republic), fenced feeding enclosures are used for the winter management of red deer (Cervus elaphus), which is an important component of the Eurasian lynx’s (Lynx lynx) winter diet. Using GPS telemetry data, we tested whether (1) lynx hunted red deer mainly selecting for high prey densities and environmental characteristics like a good level of habitat heterogeneity, independently of the enclosures’ presence; (2) enclosures attracted lynx and (3) positively influenced their predation on red deer, being predictable and abundant prey sources throughout the winter; or (4) extremely high deer densities inside the enclosures rather negatively influenced lynx predation on this species. We first compared lynx space usage and predation on red deer inside and outside the enclosures. Then, we investigated the effects of the environment, prey densities and the enclosure distance for the area outside of enclosures. Prey densities positively influenced lynx space usage, whilst the probability of predation on red deer was highest at medium to low red deer densities. Habitat heterogeneity and terrain ruggedness influenced both lynx space usage and probability of predation on red deer. Regarding the effect of enclosures, the ratio “area used during night vs. daytime” was larger by a factor of 2 inside compared to outside enclosures, and the probability of predation on red deer was three times higher inside rather than outside of enclosures; however, these differences were not statistically significant, suggesting that the influence of the enclosures is not very pronounced.  相似文献   

Summary Most life-history theory assumes that short-term variation in an organism's environment does not affect the survivorships and fecundities of the organisms. This assumption is rarely met. Here we investigate the population and evolutionary biology of red deer,Cervus elephas, to see if relaxation of this assumption is likely to make significant differences to the predicted evolutionary biology of this species. To do this we used 21 years of data from a population of deer on Rum, Western Isles, Scotland. Population growth rates in a stochastic environment were estimated using Tuljapurkar's small noise approximation, confirmed by bootstrap simulation. Numerical differentiation was used to see if the selection pressures (i.e. sensitivities of population growth rate to changes in the vital rates) differ between the stochastic and deterministic cases. The data also allow the costs of reproduction to be estimated. These costs, incorporated as trade-offs into the sensitivity analysis, allow investigation of evolutionary benefits of different life-history tactics. Environmentally induced stochastic variation in the red deer vital rates causes a slight reduction ( 1%) in the predicted population growth rate and has little impact on the estimated selection pressures on the deer's life-history. We thus conclude that, even though density-independent stochastic effects on the population are marked, the deer's fitness is not markedly affected by these and they are adapted to the average conditions they experience. However, the selected life-history is sensitive to the trade-offs between current fecundity, survivorship and future fecundity and it is likely that the environmental variance will affect these trade-offs and, thus, affect the life-history favoured by selection. We also show that the current average life-history is non-optimal and suggest this is a result of selection pressures exerted by culling and predation, now much reduced. As the use of stochastic or deterministic methods provide similar estimates in this case, the use of the latter is justified. Thus,r (the annual per capita rate of population growth) is an appropriate measure of fitness in a population with stochastic numerical fluctuations. In a population of constant size lifetime reproductive success is the obvious measure of fitness to use.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine nitration--functional alteration or just a biomarker?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein 3-nitrotyrosine is a posttranslational modification found in many pathological conditions from acute to chronic diseases. Could 3-nitrotyrosine formation participate on the basis of these diseases or is it just a marker connected with the associated nitroxidative stress? In vitro and in vivo data, including proteomic research, show that protein tyrosine nitration is a selective process where only a small amount of proteins is found nitrated and one or a few tyrosine residues are modified in each. Accumulating data suggest a strong link between protein 3-nitrotyrosine and the mechanism involved in disease development. In this review, we analyze the factors determining protein 3-nitrotyrosine formation, the functional and biological outcome associated with protein tyrosine nitration, and the fate of the nitrated proteins.  相似文献   

We combined chemical and dendroecological analyses to understand the mechanisms that are involved in escaping deer browse by young Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) exposed to browsing by Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitchensis) on Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada). We compared chemical defences (terpenes), nutritive compounds (nitrogen, non-structural constituents, cellulose, and lignin), as well as age and radial growth of two young spruce categories growing side by side: (1) stunted spruces that were heavily browsed, shorter than the browse line, and (2) escaped spruces that were taller than the browse line but still browsed below the browse line. Escaped and stunted spruces did not differ in terpene concentrations, or in nutritive compound contents, suggesting that they had similar palatability. Escaped spruces were older that stunted spruces. Stunted and escaped trees had similar slow growth when young, suggesting no difference in initial browsing between the two spruce categories. For escaped spruce, there was a dramatic increase in radial growth at about 12-13 years old, suggesting that the apex of the trees had escaped deer browse. Because the two categories of spruces were equally accessible and did not differ in chemical defences or in nutritive compounds, and because escaped spruces were older than stunted trees and had a similar slow radial growth in their first 12-13 years, we conclude that morphological differences between stunted and escaped browsed trees are due to age and that it is only a matter of time before spruce escape deer on Haida Gwaii.  相似文献   

A number of observations support molecular mimicry as a possible pathogenetic mechanism in diseases such as acute rheumatic fever, reactive arthritis after enteric infection or associated with Reiter''s syndrome, myasthenia gravis, or even in rheumatoid arthritis. Molecular mimicry can be defined as a sharing of epitopes in linear or 3-dimensional presentation on disparate proteins from entirely different sources--for instance, group A streptococcal membranes and human cardiac myosin. How exposure to or infection with organisms sharing molecular similarity with antigens of the human host can evade tolerance and actually induce a self-reacting humoral or cellular immune response is still not clear; however, a large body of evidence has now been accumulated that documents apparent molecular mimicry mechanisms in these disorders. In some diseases, the molecular mimicry appears to involve human target organs and specific components of the infectious organism, whereas in others the host HLA cell surface molecules appear to share antigens with presumed bacterial or viral initiators of disease.  相似文献   

The presence of the giant devil ray (Mobula mobular) in the Adriatic Sea was evaluated based on new records collected through field research, information from interviews with fisherman and marine biology experts, and a review of existing data from the literature and Internet sources. Presented are 14 new records of 20 individual giant devil rays collected between 2008 and 2011, doubling the number of animals recorded in the Adriatic in the previous 125 years. In total, 28 records of 42 giant devil rays exist for the Adriatic to date. The cryptic life history of the species, its pelagic distribution and lack of systematic data collection have resulted in a low number of historical records. The results suggest that the species is not as rare as previously considered. Occurring mainly in the central and southern Adriatic Sea from early spring to early autumn, its appearance coincides with the general increase in local prey abundance. Interaction with fisheries is identified as a source of potential mortality, and the monitoring of multi‐gear schemes should be carried out at the regional level. Further research on the distribution and abundance of the giant devil ray is crucial for the elaboration of any effective conservation strategy for this endangered species.  相似文献   

Brockie PJ  Maricq AV 《Neuron》2010,68(6):1017-1019
The recent discovery that vertebrate homologs of Drosophila cornichon associate with AMPA receptors led to the unexpected notion that cornichons play a role in synaptic transmission. In this issue of Neuron, Kato et al. find that cornichons modulate the gating of TARP-associated AMPA receptors by preventing their resensitization to glutamate.  相似文献   

Sequences from gapA, gyrA and ompA were used to evaluate the relationships of the enterobacterial plant pathogens, and assess whether a robust phylogeny can be ascertained using this group of housekeeping genes. Up to 48 taxa were included in a combined phylogenetic analysis to explore the evolutionary distribution of plant pathogenic species across the family Enterobacteriaceae. Phylogenies were reconstructed from gapA, gyrA and ompA gene sequences using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood algorithms, and phylogenetic congruence was evaluated by the incongruence length difference test and the partition addition bootstrap alteration approach. The resulting gene trees were found to be incongruent, with gapA supporting a monophyletic origin for the plant pathogenic species. In contrast, gyrA and ompA supported multiple polyphyletic origins of Erwinia, Brenneria, Pectobacterium and Pantoea in conjunction with a previously published 16S rDNA phylogeny. However, none of the trees (not even the published 16S rDNA gene tree) supports the current taxonomic classification of these genera into four clades, with Pantoea forming the only monophyletic group in the gapA, gyrA and 16S rDNA trees. Finally, the gapA, gyrA and previously published 16S rDNA phylogenies differ in the taxonomic placement of several bacterial strains which are separated in the three trees. The observed incongruence among the four gene histories is likely to be the result of horizontal transfer events, confounding the search for a robust set of housekeeping genes with a shared evolutionary history that could be used to confidently characterize the relationships of the plant pathogenic enterobacteria. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

Wildlife water development can be an important habitat management strategy in western North America for many species, including both pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). In many areas, water developments are fenced (often with small-perimeter fencing) to exclude domestic livestock and feral horses. Small-perimeter exclosures could limit wild ungulate use of fenced water sources, as exclosures present a barrier pronghorn and mule deer must negotiate to gain access to fenced drinking water. To evaluate the hypothesis that exclosures limit wild ungulate access to water sources, we compared use (photo counts) of fenced versus unfenced water sources for both pronghorn and mule deer between June and October 2002–2008 in western Utah. We used model selection to identify an adequate distribution and best approximating model. We selected a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution for both pronghorn and mule deer photo counts. Both pronghorn and mule deer photo counts were positively associated with sampling time and average daily maximum temperature in top models. A fence effect was present in top models for both pronghorn and mule deer, but mule deer response to small-perimeter fencing was much more pronounced than pronghorn response. For mule deer, we estimated that presence of a fence around water developments reduced photo counts by a factor of 0.25. We suggest eliminating fencing of water developments whenever possible or fencing a big enough area around water sources to avoid inhibiting mule deer. More generally, our results provide additional evidence that water development design and placement influence wildlife use. Failure to account for species-specific preferences will limit effectiveness of management actions and could compromise research results. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Oak reproduction is characterized by mast seeding with high inter-annual fluctuations in fruit production. Such resource pulses can greatly affect ecosystem functioning and may cause seed consumers to alter their mobility, demography, or diet. Consequences of mast seeding for seed consumers remain poorly understood as their long timescale makes them difficult to study. We investigated impacts of oak mast seeding on the feeding behavior of two sympatric European deer species: red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). We analyzed their rumen content over a 31-year period in tandem with 10 years of data on oak fructification (i.e. 8 years of field monitoring and two modelled years). Acorn production is strongly correlated with consumption by both deer species. In years of high fructification, acorns represent more than 50% and 35% of red and roe deer diet, respectively, confirming assumptions that deer favor acorns when these are available. Red deer eat more acorns than roe deer both between and within years. High acorn production in mast years appears to saturate the capacity of deer to consume acorns. As the proportion of acorns increase in their diet, red deer eat more grasses and less conifer browse. No dietary shift was found for roe deer. By inducing dietary shifts in consumers, oak mast seeding can have cascading effects on ecosystem processes, notably on the damages on conifers caused by red deer and the consequences for forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Despite periods of extensive government-funded control, fluctuating commercial exploitation and ongoing recreational hunting, little is known about how red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus L?nnberg) in New?Zealand respond to the cessation of harvesting in terms of population growth rate and resource use. We describe the population dynamics and resource use of red deer in a montane catchment over 5?years (1962?67) following cessation of intensive government-funded control in 1961. Locations and sex?age classes of deer were observed monthly along a fixed route in the Harper-Avoca catchment, inland Canterbury. A total of 2036 red deer groups were observed. The number of groups observed annually increased during the study but no trends in median (2 or 3) or modal (1 or 2) group sizes were found. Population growth rates (r) of deer were extraordinarily high in the first two years (e.g. 2.33 ? 0.22 for adult females and 1.61 ? 0.23 for adult males), but decreased in subsequent years and were not biologically possible without substantial immigration and/or changes in detectability of deer. Sexual segregation and selection of vegetation types (alpine grassland, montane grassland, and forest) and 10 topographic landforms showed stronger intra-annual than inter-annual patterns. Segregation was greatest in spring and summer, least in the rut, and variable in winter. In all seasons, sexual segregation was greatest at 25- and 50-ha scales, moderate at 100-ha, and absent at the 500- and 1000-ha scales. Selection of vegetation types also varied seasonally, with deer of both sexes preferring montane grasslands in spring and summer and alpine grasslands in the rut. Backslopes were preferred landforms in spring and summer, spurs during spring and the rut, and hollows during the rut. Our results highlight the need to consider spatial scale, immigration, and detectability in the design of red deer culling and harvesting programmes. Studies of home-range size and use, migration patterns, dispersal rates and distances are required to better understand the impacts of red deer on New?Zealand ecosystems and the effects of management on red deer populations.  相似文献   

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