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Immunization of BALB/c mice with a cadmium-chelate-protein conjugate resulted in the isolation of two hybridoma cell lines (A4 and E5) that synthesized antibodies with different variable regions, but similar metal-chelate affinity. The ability of these two monoclonal antibodies to interact with 12 different metal-chelate complexes was studied using the KinExA 3000 immunoassay instrument. The two antibodies showed the highest affinity for cadmium and mercury complexes of ethylenediamine N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EDTA). The E5 antibody bound to EDTA complexes of cadmium and mercury with equilibrium dissociation constants (K(d)) of 1.62 x 10(-)(9) M and 3.64 x 10(-)(9) M, respectively. The corresponding values for the A4 antibody were 14.7 x 10(-)(9) M and 3.56 x 10(-)(9) M. Addition of a cyclohexyl ring to the EDTA backbone increased the affinity of E5 for the metal-chelate haptens, while decreasing the binding of A4 to the same haptens. Based on available crystal structures, molecular models were constructed for five different divalent metal-chelate complexes. The models were compared to determine structural features of the haptens that may influence antibody recognition. Difference distance matrixes were used to identify areas of the metal-chelate haptens that differed in three-dimensional space. Antibody affinity correlated well with the extent of total structural difference for these metal-EDTA complexes.  相似文献   

Five monoclonal antibodies (MAb), 7D4, 4C3, 6C3, 4D3, and 3C5, were produced in mice immunized with high buoyant density embryonic chick bone marrow proteoglycans (PGs) as antigen. All of these MAb recognized epitopes in native chick bone marrow and cartilage PGs which could be selectively removed by chondroitinase ABC and chondroitinase AC II, indicating that their epitopes were present in chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). These MAb recognized epitopes present in purified cartilage PGs obtained from a wide variety of different vertebrate species. However, none of the new MAb detected epitopes in Swarm rat chondrosarcoma PG. On the basis of these results, we propose that these MAb recognize novel epitopes located in chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate glycosaminoglycan (CS/DS GAG) chains, representing at least four and possibly five different structures. Immunocytochemical studies have shown that the epitopes identified by these new MAb are differentially distributed in tissues. All of these MAb immunocytochemically detected epitopes in embryonic chick cartilage and bone marrow. Three of them (4C3, 7D4, and 6C3) recognized epitopes in adult human skin. All three detected epitopes in the epidermis, one (6C3) strongly detected epitopes in the papillary dermis, and two (4C3, 7D4) detected epitopes in the reticular dermis. Immunostaining patterns in skin using the new MAb directed against native CS/DS structures were distinctly different from those obtained using MAb against the common CS isomers. The distribution of these CS epitopes in functionally distinct domains of different tissues implies that these structures have functional and biological significance.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies directed against human platelet myosin heavy chains (MCH) that recognize homologous sequences contained within the functionally active subfragment-1, in platelet and rabbit skeletal muscle myosin were studied. These antibodies are distinguished by their affinities to different myosins and their differential effect on various ATPase activities. Epitope mapping was accomplished by analyzing antibody binding to proteolytic peptides of myosin head subfragment-1 under various experimental conditions. The epitopes recognized by these anti-human platelet MHC monoclonal antibodies reside within a small region of the 50 kDa fragment, beginning 9 kDa from its C-terminus and extending a stretch of 6 kDa towards the N-terminus. These epitopes lie between residues 535-586, and are contained within a highly conserved area of myosin heavy chain.  相似文献   

Two hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies to poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) [poly(ADP-Rib)] were established. One antibody, 10H (IgG3, kappa), bound to most of the poly(ADP-Rib) preparation, which consisted of molecules of various sizes of more than 20 ADP-Rib residues. The binding of this antibody was inhibited by not only poly-(ADP-Rib) but also a monomer unit of poly(ADP-Rib), Ado(P)-Rib-P. The sites protected by antibody 10H were isolated and analyzed by hydrolysis with alkaline phosphomonoesterase and then snake venom phosphodiesterase. The sites contained the same amounts of monomer units and branched portions [Ado(P)-Rib(P)-Rib-P] as the original poly(ADP-Rib) molecules but a lower average number of branched portions per molecule than in the original molecules. The other antibody, 16B (IgM, lambda), reacted with only 50% of the radioactive poly(ADP-Rib), and its binding was not inhibited by a monomer unit. This antibody protected 25% of all the poly(ADP-Rib) molecules from hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase. The protected sites contained twice as many branched portions per molecule as the original poly(ADP-Rib) molecules. These results show that the two monoclonal antibodies recognize different structures of poly-(ADP-Rib); 10H antibody recognizes the linear structure with ribose-ribose linkages, and 16B antibody may recognize specific structures, including the branched portions of poly-(ADP-Rib).  相似文献   

Two monoclonal anti-fibronectin antibodies that inhibit fibronectin-mediated cell adhesion have been established and characterized. One antibody, FN12-8, inhibited attachment of rat kidney fibroblasts on the fibronectin-coated substrate in a concentration-dependent manner, attaining a maximal inhibition of greater than 85% at 850 micrograms/ml. Another antibody, FN30-8, caused about 70% inhibition at a concentration as low as 0.85 microgram/ml, although further increase of the antibody concentration did not significantly augment the inhibitory effect. Immunoblot analysis with defined proteolytic fragments revealed that both antibodies are directed to the cell-binding domain of fibronectin. The epitopes for these antibodies were further narrowed down using recombinant cell-binding fragments expressed in Escherichia coli. FN12-8 recognized the 11.5-kDa cell-binding fragment previously characterized by Pierschbacher et al. (1981, Cell 26, 259-267), suggesting that FN12-8 blocks the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) cell adhesion signal. FN30-8 could not bind this fragment but did recognize a longer cell-binding fragment containing additional greater than 111 amino acid residues upstream of the 11.5-kDa fragment. Since the RGD-dependent cell adhesion seems to require another signal located at a region 50-160 residues upstream of the 11.5-kDa fragment for full activity, FN30-8 may exert its inhibitory effect by blocking the latter signal.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies produced against chondroitinase-treated human adult cartilage proteoglycans were selected for their ability to recognize epitopes on native proteoglycans. Binding analyses revealed that four of these monoclonal antibodies (BCD-4, BCD-7, EFG-4 and KPC-190) each recognized a different epitope on the same proteoglycan molecule which represents a subpopulation of a high buoyant density (D1) fraction of human articular cartilage proteoglycans (10, 30, 50 and 60% in fetal-newborn, 1.5 years old, 15 years old and 52-56 years old cartilages, respectively). Analysis of epitope specificities revealed that BCD-7 and EFG-4 monoclonal antibodies recognized epitopes on proteoglycan monomer which are associated with the protein structure in that they are sensitive to cleavage by Pronase, papain and alkali treatment and do not include keratan sulphate, chondroitin sulphate or oligosaccharides. The BCD-4 and KPC-190 epitopes also proved to be sensitive to Pronase or papain digestion or to alkali treatment, but keratanase or endo-beta-galactosidase also reduced the immunoreactivity of these epitopes. These observations indicate that the BCD-4 and KPC-190 epitopes represent peptides substituted with keratan sulphate or keratan sulphate-like structures. The BCD-4 epitope is, however, absent from a keratan sulphate-rich fragment of human adult proteoglycan, while the other three epitopes were detected in this fragment. None of these four epitopes were detected in the link proteins of human cartilage, in the hyaluronic acid-binding region of human newborn cartilage proteoglycan, in Swarm rat chondrosarcoma proteoglycan, in chicken limb bud proteoglycan monomer and in the small dermatan sulphate-proteoglycan of bovine costal cartilage. EFG-4 and KPC-190 epitopes were not detected in human fetal cartilage proteoglycans, although fetal molecules contained trace amounts of epitopes reactive with BCD-4 and BCD-7 antibodies.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies for the human insulin receptor were produced following immunization of mice with IM-9 lymphocytes and/or purified placental receptor. Four separate fusions yielded 28 antibodies, all of which reacted with receptor from human placenta, liver and IM-9 cells. Some antibodies cross-reacted to varying degrees with receptor from rabbit, cow, pig and sheep, but none reacted with rat receptor. At least 10 distinct epitopes were recognized as indicated by species specificity and binding competition experiments. All of these epitopes appeared to be on extracellular domains of the receptor as shown by binding of antibodies to intact cells. In some cases the epitopes were further localized to alpha or beta subunits by immunoblotting. Several antibodies inhibited binding of 125I-insulin to the receptor, some had no effect on binding, and others enhanced the binding of 125I-insulin. It is concluded that these antibodies will be valuable probes of receptor structure and function.  相似文献   

Laminin, a glycoprotein of basement membranes, binds to a specific receptor on the surface of neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells. The laminin receptor purified from human breast carcinoma plasma membranes was used as an antigen to generate two types of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Both types of mAbs bind to (a) the purified receptor coated on a solid phase; (b) isolated breast carcinoma plasma membranes; and (c) the surface of cultured MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells by immunohistology. Using immunoblotting, both types of mAbs recognize a single 67 000 Dalton protein among all the proteins extracted from breast carcinoma plasma membranes. The mAbs differed in their ability to block binding of laminin to the plasma membrane receptor. Antibody LR1 inhibited virtually 100% of the specific binding of laminin to both the isolated human breast carcinoma plasma membranes or the living MCF-7 cells. In contrast, antibody LR2 had no effect on laminin binding under identical conditions. Thus, the two types of mAbs may recognize structurally distinct sites on the laminin receptor. These mAbs should be useful to dissect the biology and the molecular genetics of the laminin receptor.  相似文献   

Three murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the 61-residue amino-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the human transferrin receptor (TR) have been produced by immunization of mice with recombinant human TR produced in a baculovirus expression system. Mutant human TRs expressed in chick embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) with point mutations or deletions in their cytoplasmic tails have been used to map the epitopes defined by each of the mAbs. One mAb, H68.4, previously shown to block receptor internalization, binds proximal to the carboxy-terminal side of the YTRF internalization signal of TR. The second mAb, H73.2, binds near to the carboxy-terminal side of the H68.4 epitope, whereas the third mAb, 160.1, binds closer to the transmembrane region. H68.4 and H73.2 are auto-antibodies consistent with their epitopes mapping to a region of the human TR that has an identical amino acid sequence to the mouse TR. All three mAbs crossreact with the cytoplasmic tail of Chinese hamster TR. Double labelling of recombinant human TRs on chick embryo fibroblast (CEF) cell membrane preparations with B3/35 and H68.4 antibody-gold conjugates established that receptors in clathrin-coated pits were not labeled with H68.4, implying that associated coated pit proteins may block binding of this mAb.  相似文献   

Several membrane proteins prevent host cells from homologous complement attack. In humans, one such protein, decay-accelerating factor (DAF), exists as two isoforms, a GPI anchored form and a secreted form, which are generated by alternative splicing. DAF in mouse is also expressed as two isoforms, a GPI anchored form (GPI-DAF) and a transmembrane form (TM-DAF), which are produced from two separate genes. In this study, we transfected cDNA of mouse GPI-DAF or TM-DAF into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Both isoforms of DAF on CHO cells were shown to regulate mouse complement C3 deposition mediated by the classical and alternative pathways and the inhibitory activity of both isoforms was species restricted. The two mouse DAF isoforms were effective against rat complement but not against human and guinea pig complement. Furthermore, we produced hamster mAbs to mouse DAF using GPI-DAF transfectant cells and established seven unique mAbs (RIKO-1-7). Western blotting analysis using RIKO-3, which reacts with both GPI-DAF and TM-DAF, and RIKO-4, which is an anti-GPI-DAF specific mAb, indicated that GPI-DAF was expressed on erythrocytes, spleen and testis, and that TM-DAF was expressed only in testis.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies with distinct epitopes were prepared against antithrombin III. None of them is directed against the heparin-binding region nor the active site, yet two mAb namely A36 and B108, interfere with antithrombin III inhibition of thrombin. The epitope of monoclonal antibody A36 is located within amino acid residues 1-393, at a site different from the active site since it recognizes antithrombin III and antithrombin-III-thrombin complexes with the same affinity. A36 partially prevents the intrinsic antithrombin III activity and has no effect on the heparin-enhanced antithrombin III activity when added to the antithrombin-III--heparin complex. If A36 is first reacted with antithrombin III and then heparin is added to the reaction mixture, A36 fixes the conformation of antithrombin III so that heparin binds to antithrombin III, but is not able to induce the conformational change in the antithrombin III molecule required for the enhanced activity. The epitope for monoclonal antibody B108 is located within residues 282-393, close to the active site. It does not recognize antithrombin-III-thrombin complexes by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Its binding to antithrombin III induces a conformational change that enhances antithrombin III activity in a manner that resembles the heparin effect, but its effect is additive to the heparin effect, since when it was added to a reaction mixture which contained a saturating amount of heparin, inhibition of thrombin was enhanced. The epitope for monoclonal antibody A5 is located within residues 1-393, and its recognition of antithrombin III or antithrombin-III-thrombin is strongly dependent on the integrity of the disulfide bonds. A5 has no effect on antithrombin III activities. The epitope for monoclonal antibody A10 is well defined within a narrow range of 55 amino acid residues, 339-393, on the antithrombin III molecule, close to the active site, yet it has no effect on antithrombin III inhibitory activity. These monoclonal antibodies may be developed for various diagnostic or clinical purposes and offer a powerful tool for studying the conformational changes and structure/activity relationships in the antithrombin III molecule.  相似文献   

H Sato  J Hirata  N Kuroda  H Shiraki  Y Maeda    K Okochi 《Journal of virology》1991,65(10):5485-5490
We identified and mapped the regions responsible for neutralization in the human parvovirus B19 structural protein by using region-specific human antibodies derived from seropositive blood donors. The region-specific antibodies were purified by using affinity columns coupled with synthetic peptides of the hydrophilic regions including the beta-turn structure deduced by the predicted secondary structure of VP2. Fifteen highly specific antibodies against the synthetic peptides were obtained. Ten of them were able to precipitate the radiolabeled virus. Six of them proved to be able to protect the colony-forming unit erythroid cells in human bone marrow cell cultures from injury by the virus. The sequences recognized by the six neutralizing antibodies were sites corresponding to amino acids 253 to 272, 309 to 330, 325 to 346, 359 to 382, 449 to 468, and 491 to 515 from the amino-terminal portion of VP2. These observations suggest that the neutralizing epitopes were distributed in the region from amino acid 253 in the amino-terminal portion of VP2 to the carboxyl terminus of VP2.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies have been prepared that represent the internal image of nicotine and are specific for the nicotine binding site on rat brain receptor. Specificity of these antibodies for the combining site on anti-nicotine was demonstrated by their ability to inhibit binding of monoclonal anti-nicotine to immobilized nicotine-polylysine. Furthermore, purified rat brain nicotine receptor but not acetylcholine receptor from fish electric organ effectively competed with anti-nicotine for immobilized nicotine and for immobilized anti-idiotype. Only 9 pmoles of naturally occurring (-)-nicotine inhibited idiotype-anti-idiotype binding by 50% whereas 11 times more (+)-nicotine was required. Acetylcholine, several cholinergic agonists and antagonists, nicotine metabolites, and other structurally related compounds were poor inhibitors.  相似文献   

To map structural and functional epitopes of the cytomatrix protein plectin, a set of mAbs was prepared by immunization of mice. Using immunoblot analysis of plectin fragments obtained after limited digestion with various proteases, two groups of mAbs were distinguished. The epitopes of one group (1) were located on a 130-kD terminal segment of the plectin 300-kD polypeptide chain, whereas those of the other group (2) bound within a 40kD segment confined to a central domain of the polypeptide chain. Domains containing the epitopes of group 2 mAbs were shown to include in vitro phosphorylation sites for kinase A, whereas kinase C phosphorylation sites were found on the same terminal segment that contained group 1 mAb epitopes. Rotary shadowing EM of mAb (Fab fragment) -decorated plectin molecules at various states of aggregation, ranging from characteristic dumbbell-shaped single molecules to highly complex multimeric structures, revealed that the epitopes of group 1 as well as those of group 2 mAbs were located on plectin's roughly 200-nm long rod domain interlinking its two globular end domains. Epitopes of group 1 mAbs were localized within a region near the center of the rod, those of group 2 in more peripheral sections near the globular end domains. Solid-phase binding assays carried out in the presence of Fab fragments of mAbs demonstrated an interference of certain group 1 mAbs in the interactions of plectin with vimentin and lamin B. On the other hand, plectin's self-interaction was inhibited mainly by Fab fragments with epitopes in the peripheral rod domain (group 2 mAbs). Together, these results suggested that the molecular binding sites of plectin for vimentin and lamin B, as well as the phosphorylation sites for kinase C, were confined to a defined central section of plectin's rod domain. In addition, they suggest an involvement of peripheral rod sections in plectin self-association.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies that detect live salmonellae.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Nine immunoglobulin G and nine immunoglobulin M murine monoclonal antibody-producing hybridomas reactive with live Salmonella bacteria were obtained from several fusions of immune spleen cells and Sp2/0 myeloma cells. The antibodies were selected by the magnetic immunoluminescence assay. The monoclonal antibodies were reactive with serogroups A, B, C1, C2, D, E, and K and Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. diarizonae. Each monoclonal antibody proved to be reactive with a distinct serotype. Clinical isolates belonging to these Salmonella serogroups could be detected. Reactivity with non-Salmonella bacteria proved to be minor.  相似文献   

Natural and induced antitubulin antibodies were compared for their epitope recognition on alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits by immunoenzymatic assays and Western blot techniques on partially digested tubulin molecules. Our results indicated that natural autoantibodies recognized different epitopes from those recognized by induced antibodies, because: 1) all polyspecific natural autoantibodies tested so far recognized the same or very overlapping epitopes in the central part of both alpha- and beta-subunits (between positions 100 and 300 on the tubulin amino acid sequence) and that this epitope differed from the various epitopes recognized by induced antitubulin antibodies on the amino-terminal or carboxy-terminal parts of the tubulin subunits; 2) one human myeloma protein (monoclonal (m)IgA, kappa) with a monospecific antitubulin activity bound to an epitope around position 310 on both alpha- and beta-subunits and a second human mIg (mIgM, kappa) with a monospecific anti-beta activity bound to an epitope on the carboxy-terminal part of the subunit around amino acid position 350. Both epitopes differed from epitopes recognized by induced antitubulin antibodies. These results thus confirmed our previous findings indicating that natural and induced antitubulin antibodies do not share cross-reactive idiotopes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies for human thrombomodulin, a cofactor for thrombin-catalyzed activation of protein C, were prepared and their epitopes characterized. All six antibodies (MFTM-1-MFTM-6) bound to an elastase-digested active fragment of thrombomodulin, which contains six consecutive EGF domains. Binding of thrombomodulin to these antibodies did not depend on Ca2+ concentration. MFTM-4, MFTM-5, and MFTM-6 strongly inhibited protein C activation by thrombin and thrombomodulin. MFTM-4 and MFTM-5 inhibited thrombin binding to fixed thrombomodulin and bound to a recombinant mutant EGF456 protein, which contained the fourth, fifth, and sixth EGF domains of thrombomodulin. However, MFTM-6 did not inhibit thrombin binding to thrombomodulin and did not bind to EGF456 protein. Binding of thrombomodulin to fixed MFTM-4 or MFTM-5 was competitively inhibited by a recombinant mutant EGF45 protein which contained the fifth and sixth EGF-domains. These results suggest that epitopes of MFTM-4 and MFTM-5 are located in the fifth EGF domain of thrombomodulin. Thus, the binding site for thrombin is located in the fifth EGF domain. These results also suggest that an epitope for MFTM-6 is located at a region near the binding site for gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues of protein C via Ca2+ on thrombomodulin.  相似文献   

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