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During interspecies matings betweenBacillus subtilisandBacillus thuringiensissubsp.israelensis,transfer of conjugative transposon Tn916was detected at a frequency of 1.1 × 10−4transconjugants per donor. Tn916-dependent transfer of plasmids pC194 and pE194 was detected at frequencies of 1.4 × 10−5and 3.2 × 10−7transconjugants per donor, respectively. Similar frequencies were obtained during parallel matings with otherwise isogenic strains that contain Tn925instead of Tn916. Tn916- or Tn925-dependent transfer of plasmids pC194 or pUB110 from the recipient to the donor (retrotransfer) was not observed during inter- or intraspecies matings. Transposon-mediated plasmid transfer by Tn916and Tn925is a Rec independent event. Thus, the data from studies in which otherwise isogenic donor and recipient strains were used indicated that Tn916and Tn925are, from a functional point of view, much more similar than previously suggested.  相似文献   

In Lactococcus lactis excision of Tn916 is limited by the concentration of integrase and is increased by providing more excisionase. However, even with increased excision of Tn916 in L. lactis, no conjugative transfer is detectable. This suggests that L. lactis is deficient in a host factor(s) required for conjugative transposition.  相似文献   

A limitation of genetic studies of the rumen bacterium, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, has been the availability of suitable vectors and transfer systems. Using the conjugative tetracycline resistant transposon, Tn916, the Staphylococcus aureus plasmid, pUB110, and the pUB110-based shuttle vector, pUBLRS, a conjugative transfer system was developed for B. fibrisolvens. B. fibrisolvens donor strains H17c2 and H17c12, containing Tn916 and pUB110 or pUBLRS, respectively, were used in mating experiments with selected B. fibrisolvens strains. Kanamycin resistant transconjugants, containing pUB110, of strains 193, 194, and 195 were detected at a combined average frequency of 7.78 × 10-7 per donor and 1.11 × 10-5 per recipient. Transconjugants of strains 193 and 194, containing pUBLRS, were detected at an average frequency of 1.22 × 10-6 per donor and 4.70 × 10-8 per recipient. Southern hybridization analysis confirmed the presence of pUB110 and pUBLRS in transconjugants. Results indicated that Tn916 was necessary for mobilization of pUB110 as transconjugants were not detected when the transposon was absent from the donor strains. The ability to mobilize pUB110 and pUBLRS between B. fibrisolvens strains provides a conjugative transfer system that circumvents problems encountered with electroporation.  相似文献   

Summary Three plasmids containing the transposon Tn5, i.e. pSUP201::Tn5, pACYC184::Tn5 and pJB4JI were transferred from Escherichia coli to Rhodopseudomonas capsulata in order to mutagenize the genome. Mutants defective in bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis and mutants unable to form the photochemical reaction center or one of the light-harvesting complexes were isolated. Of special interest were mutants that could not form the light-harvesting complex B800-850. Two of these mutants synthesized only two of the three polypeptides of this complex whereas the corresponding near infrared absorbance bands were not observed. Complementation analysis with the Rprime plasmid pRPS404, which contains a 50 kb region of the genome of R. capsulata carrying most genes responsible for expression of photosynthetic apparatus, revealed that some genes of the B800-850 light-harvesting complex lie outside this photosynthetic gene cluster.Abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - Cm chloramphenicol - Km kanamycin - Tc tetracycline - Ap ampicillin - Gm gentamicin - Spc spectinomycin  相似文献   

An analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence of the composite tetracycline-resistance transposon Tn10 (9147 bp) from the Salmonella typhi conjugative plasmid R27 is presented. A comparison of the protein sequences from IS10-right and IS10-left transposases has identified four amino acid differences. These residues appear to play an important role in normal transposase function and may account for the differences in exhibited transposition activities. The tetracycline determinants encoded by this version of Tn10 share >99% identity with those of Tn10R100, demonstrating the conservation that exists between these transposons. A previously uncharacterized 3000-bp region of Tn10 contains four putative open reading frames. One of these open reading frames shares 55% identity with the glutamate permease protein sequence from Haemophilus influenzae although it was unable to complement an Escherichia coli glutamate permease mutant, with which it shares 51% identity. The three remaining putative open reading frames are arranged as a discrete genetic unit adjacent to the glutamate permease homolog and are transcribed in the opposite direction. Two of these open reading frames are homologous with Bacillus subtilis proteins of unknown functions while the other has no homologs in the database. The presence of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase class II motif in one of these open reading frames in combination with the glutamate permease homolog allows us to postulate that this region of Tn10 could once have played a role in amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

目的: 转座突变技术是发现新功能基因和获得高产天然产物菌株的一种有效策略。通过理性设计和构建Tn5型转座突变系统,并将其应用于阿维链霉菌,筛选高产阿维菌素的工程菌株。方法: 在转座突变载体pUCTN转座插入片段的上游和下游分别引入链霉菌常用的强启动子kasOp*和P21,强化插入位置上游和下游基因的转录表达;在插入片段两端分别添加双向转录终止子T1和T2,有效终止插入序列两端靶基因的转录,引入强启动子和终止子的目的在于增强对转座突变株生理代谢活动的扰动。结果: 通过优化供体菌和受体菌的比例,转座效率显著提高。随机选择500株转座突变株进行发酵和阿维菌素产量测试,筛选到3株突变株的阿维菌素产量明显高于出发菌株产量的50%以上。结论: Tn5转座突变系统为研究阿维链霉菌的基因功能和生理代谢提供了有效的分子遗传工具。  相似文献   

Summary Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris was tested for its ability to maintain various plasmids after they had been transferred by conjugation from Escherichia coli donors. Broad host-range plasmids belonging to incompatibility groups P and Q could be maintained but X. campestris was unable to support replication of narrow host-range ColE1, pACYC184 and pBR325 replicons. Delivery systems based on E. coli donors of suicide plasmids and on X. campestris Hfrs were used to introduce Tn7 and Tn5 into X. campestris. Tn7 insertions were recovered at high frequency while Tn5 transposed at low frequency. Three auxotrophic Tn5 insertions were isolated but transposition of Tn7 into the X. campestris genome did not generate any auxotrophs. DNA hybridization analysis showed that Tn7 had inserted into the same hot spot(s) in all cases tested.  相似文献   

Food-borne antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacteria have received growing attention in the past few years. We have recently identified tetracycline-resistant Lactobacillus paracasei in samples of milk and natural whey starter cultures employed in the manufacturing process of a typical Italian fermented dairy product, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana. In the present study, we have characterized at the molecular level the genetic context of tetracycline resistance determinants in these natural strains, which we have identified as tet(M). This gene was present in 21 independent isolates, whose fingerprinting profiles were distributed into eight different repetitive extragenic palindromic groups by cluster analysis. We provide evidence that the gene is associated with the broad-host, conjugative transposon Tn916, which had never before been described to occur in L. paracasei. PCR analysis of four independent isolates by use of specifically designed primer pairs detected the presence of a circular intermediate form of the transposon, carrying a coupling sequence (GGCAAA) located between the two termini of Tn916. This novel coupling sequence conferred low conjugation frequency in mating experiments with the recipient strain JH2-2 of Enterococcus faecalis.Several genetic determinants conferring tetracycline resistance have been described to occur in gram-positive, nonpathogenic bacteria (2, 20). Among them, tet(M), encoding a ribosomal protection protein, is most commonly found in lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The issue of antibiotic resistance spreading among commensal bacteria has received great interest in recent years, and the presence of antibiotic-resistant species in the environment, including food products, has been extensively reported (reviewed in references 2 and 20). Conjugative transposons represent important vehicles for dissemination of antimicrobial resistance within gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (23). These elements can move from the genome of a donor bacterium to that of a recipient by conjugation (6). Tn916, an 18-kb element containing the genetic determinant for tetracycline resistance, was the first conjugative transposon to be identified. It carries the tet(M) gene and has a broad host range, comprising both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (7). Along with the tetracycline resistance gene, Tn916 carries the genes responsible for its own excision (xis) and integration (int) as well as the mob genes, which mediate conjugal transfer (4). The transposition process starts with excision of the transposon, mediated by the Int and Xis proteins, leading to the formation of a nonreplicative circular intermediate which is transferred to the recipient and integrates into a new target site. Excision represents the rate-limiting step and occurs through reciprocal, site-specific recombination between the nonhomologous regions located at the two termini of the integrated transposon, known as coupling sequences, which are retained in the circular intermediate (17).Lactobacillus paracasei belongs to the microbial group of LAB and represents, along with the closely related species Lactobacillus casei, one of the most common bacterial species employed in the food industry. It is naturally present in raw milk and in dairy products, such as typical cheeses obtained by traditional manufacturing procedures in different Mediterranean countries (1, 11, 18, 26). Moreover, due to its probiotic functions, it is also employed as food additive (3, 5). Among its beneficial properties for human health, a recent study suggested that L. paracasei can be considered a potential enhancer of systemic immunity (22). However, only a few studies analyzed antibiotic resistance in L. paracasei (15, 19).In the past few years, our studies have focused on the identification of genes responsible for antibiotic resistance in LAB isolated from traditional dairy foods manufactured without employing commercial starter cultures. Fermentation in such products is therefore carried out by natural starters, mostly reflecting the microbiological composition of raw milk, which is affected in turn by the environment in which the animals live. Moreover, selective pressure exerted by technological steps along the manufacturing procedure often has a deep impact on bacterial composition in the final product. The widespread use and misuse of antibiotics have applied strong selective pressure in the environment, favoring survival and spread of antibiotic-resistant species. It is therefore of special relevance to identify antibiotic resistance determinants in food-borne bacteria, their persistence along the production line of specific products, and their capability of horizontal transfer to those species that can colonize the human gut.In the present study, we have characterized at the molecular level a group of tetracycline-resistant L. paracasei isolates, previously identified in raw milk and natural whey starter cultures employed in the manufacture of the Italian traditional cheese Mozzarella di Bufala Campana (9). We provide evidence that in these isolates, tetracycline resistance is due to the presence of the conjugative transposon Tn916, carrying the tet(M) gene and capable of horizontal, interspecies transfer to the opportunistic pathogen Enterococcus faecalis via a circular intermediate containing a novel coupling sequence that confers a low-frequency-conjugation phenotype. Molecular analysis of the resulting primary E. faecalis transconjugants revealed the presence of a circular intermediate of Tn916 carrying the same coupling sequence found in the L. paracasei donor strains.  相似文献   

Tn916-dependent mobilization of nonconjugative plasmids pUB110 and its derivative pUB110Deltam was compared. Deleting a 787-bp fragment from the pUB110 mob region created plasmid pUB110Deltam. Deletion of the mob region of pUB110 rendered the plasmid nontransferable by the conjugative plasmids of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. During matings between Bacillus subtilis (Tn916) and B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, however, Tn916-dependent mobilization of plasmids pUB110 and pUB110Deltam was observed at a frequency of approximately 2 x 10(-6) transconjugants per donor. The results show that Tn916-mediated conjugal transfer of plasmids is a mob-independent event. Jaworski and Clewell (J. Bacteriol 177; 6644-6651) recently demonstrated the presence of an IncP-like nicking site in the oriT of Tn916. These data suggest that a IncP-like nickling site is essential for Tn916-mediated plasmid transfer.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of tetracycline on transfer of the conjugative, tetracycline-resistance transposon, Tn925, as well as the ability of the transposon to promote the transfer of chromosomal genes was examined in Enterococcus faecalis and Bacillus subtilis. To test for chromosomal transfer, multiply-marked strains of each organism, each carrying a single chromosomal copy of Tn925, were mated on filters with suitable recipient strains, under conditions where transformation and transduction were precluded. In both cases, transfer of a variety of chromosomal genes, at frequencies comparable to the frequency of Tn925 transfer, was detected readily. The presence of Tn925 in one of the members of the mating pair was absolutely required for chromosomal transfer, but transfer of Tn925 did not accompany every chromosomal transfer event. The results were consistent with a mating event resembling a type of cell fusion, allowing for extensive recombination between the genomes of the mating partners. Growth of Tn925-containing donor cells in the presence of tetracycline increased the transfer frequency of Tn925 by about tenfold in E. faecalis, but not in B. subtilis.Deceased, 7/89. O. Torres and R. Korman contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Tn916 and similar elements are very common in clinical enterococcal isolates, and are responsible for transmission of a variety of resistance determinants. It is commonly assumed that clinical strains carrying Tn916 have a single copy, although the actual number of copies in clinical isolates has never been systematically studied. We report a clinical isolate of Enterococcus faecium in which three distinct and excision-proficient copies of Tn916-like elements are present in the genome. All of the elements contain tet(M) genes, at least one of which confers resistance to tetracycline and minocycline. Two elements (Tn6085a, Tn6085b) are indistinguishable, containing an inserted 2758 bp Group II intron at the start of open reading frame Tn916ORF_06. The third (Tn6084) also contains the intron, but also has an ISEfa11 integrated upstream of tet(M). All three copies are able to excise from plasmid vectors when cloned in E. coli, and at least two of the elements can transfer to an E. faecium recipient strain. These data indicate that nearly identical Tn916-like elements encoding Tet(M)-mediated tetracycline/minocycline resistance can coexist in clinical E. faecium isolates.  相似文献   

Summary Transposon insertion mutagenesis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO chromosome with Tn1 and Tn501 was carried out using a mutant plasmid of R68::Tn501 temperature-sensitive for replication and maintenance. This method consists of three steps. Firstly, the temperature-independent, drug-resistant clones were selected from the strain carrying this plasmid. In the temperature-indepent clones, the plasmid was integrated into the chromosome by Tn1- or Tn501-mediated cointegrate formation. Secondly, such clones were cultivated at a permissive temperature to provoke the excision of the integrated plasmid from the chromosome. Excision occurred by the reciprocal recombination between the two copies of Tn1 or Tn501 flanking the integrated plasmid, leaving one Tn1 or Tn501 insertion on the chromosome. Thirdly, the excised plasmid was cured by cultivating these isolates at a non-permissive temperature without selection for the drug resistance. Using this method, we isolated 1 Tn1-induced and 43 Tn501-induced auxotropic mutations in this organism. Genetic mapping allowed us to identify two new genes, pur-8001 and met-8003. The Tn501-induced auxotrophic mutations were distributed non-randomly among auxotrophic genes, and the reversion of the mutations by precise excision of the Tn501 insertion occurred very rarely.  相似文献   

Summary Various segments of Tn3 transposase were fused individually to -galactosidase, and the resulting fusion proteins were examined for their DNA binding ability by a nitrocellulose filter binding assay. Analyses of a series of the fusion proteins revealed that the N-terminal segment of the transposase (amino acid positions 1–242; the transposase gene encodes 1004 residues in all) had specific DNA binding ability for the 38 bp terminal inverted repeat (IR) sequence, and the central segment (amino acid positions 243–632) had non-specific DNA binding ability. Further analyses of each of the two regions revealed that the N-terminal segment could be divided into at least two subsegments (amino acid positions 1–86 and 87–242), neither of which had specific DNA binding ability, but which both possessed nonspecific DNA binding ability. The central segment included two subsegments (amino acid positions 243–289 and 439–505) with non-specific DNA binding ability. These results and other observations suggest that Tn3 transposase has several domains including those responsible for non-specific DNA binding, and a combination of two or more domains gives rise to specific DNA binding activity. The C-terminal segment of the transposase (amino acid positions 633-1004), which is very well conserved among transposases encoded by Tn3 family transposons, had no DNA binding ability. This segment may represent the main part of the catalytic domain responsible for the initiation step of transposition.  相似文献   

A new staphylococcal composite transposon, designated Tn5405,carrying the genesaphA-3andaadE,which encode resistance to aminoglycosides, was partially characterized. The transposon is 12 kb long and is flanked by inverted repeated sequences displaying the characteristic features of an insertion sequence, named IS1182.This insertion sequence is 1864 bp long and has 23/33-bp imperfect inverted repeats at its ends. One of the IS1182copies delimiting Tn5405contains a copy of IS1181flanked by 8-bp direct repeats. Tn5405was found in the chromosome of MRSA clinical isolate BM3121, within a Tn552-related transposon, Tn5404.Tn5404was previously characterized following its transposition onto a β-lactamase plasmid harbored by BM3121. Two forms of the recombinant β-lactamase-encoding plasmid generated by the inversion of Tn5405within Tn5404were detected. IS1182was not detected in the DNA of 4 of the 17 tested MRSA isolates containingaphA-3and resistant to streptomycin. Thus,aphA-3andaadEgenes are not disseminated only by Tn5405or related transposons delimited by IS1182.  相似文献   

The binding of two chimeric proteins, consisting of the N-terminal or C-terminal DNA binding domain of Tn916 Int fused to maltose binding protein, to specific oligonucleotide substrates was analyzed by gel mobility shift assay. The chimeric protein with the N-terminal domain formed two complexes of different electrophoretic mobilities. The faster-moving complex, whose formation displayed no cooperativity, contained two protein monomers bound to a single DNA molecule. The slower-moving complex, whose formation involved cooperative binding (Hill coefficient > 1.0), contained four protein monomers bound to a single DNA molecule. Methylation interference experiments coupled with the analysis of protein binding to mutant oligonucleotide substrates showed that formation of the faster-moving complex containing two protein monomers required the presence of two 11-bp direct repeats (called DR2) in direct orientation. Formation of the slower-moving complex required only a single DR2 repeat. Binding of the N-terminal domains in vivo could serve to position two Int monomers on the DNA near each end of the transposon and assist in bringing together the ends of the transposon so that excision can occur. The chimeric protein with the C-terminal domain of Int also formed two complexes of different electrophoretic mobilities. The major, slower-moving complex, whose formation involved cooperative binding, contained two protein molecules bound to one DNA molecule. This finding suggested that while the C-terminal domain of Int can bind DNA as a monomer, a cooperative interaction between two monomers of the C-terminal domain may help to bring the ends of the transposon together during excision.  相似文献   

The complete 50,237-bp DNA sequence of the conjugative and mobilizing multiresistance plasmid pRE25 from Enterococcus faecalis RE25 was determined. The plasmid had 58 putative open reading frames, 5 of which encode resistance to 12 antimicrobials. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and the 23S RNA methylase are identical to gene products of the broad-host-range plasmid pIP501 from Streptococcus agalactiae. In addition, a 30.5-kb segment is almost identical to pIP501. Genes encoding an aminoglycoside 6-adenylyltransferase, a streptothricin acetyltransferase, and an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase are arranged in tandem on a 7.4-kb fragment as previously reported in Tn5405 from Staphylococcus aureus and in pJH1 from E. faecalis. One interrupted and five complete IS elements as well as three replication genes were also identified. pRE25 was transferred by conjugation to E. faecalis, Listeria innocua, and Lactococcus lactis by means of a transfer region that appears similar to that of pIP501. It is concluded that pRE25 may contribute to the further spread of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms via food into the human community.  相似文献   

The ability of the bacterial transposon Tn5 to undergo sequence inversion in Rec+ Escherichia coli cells as a result of recombination between its duplicated IS50 elements was examined using specially designed plasmid constructs. Surprisingly, recombination events in the IS50 elements that led to crossover and therefore Tn5 inversion could be detected at a frequency of only 10–5. This was approximately an order of magnitude lower than the frequency of IS50 recombination that led to conversion events (i.e. non-reciprocal recombination) without crossover, and at least two orders of magnitude lower than the frequency of intermolecular recombination between IS50 elements on two different plasmids. These rare conversion and inversion events in Tn5 appeared to be due to intramolecular recombination and not simply to multiple rounds of reciprocal crossing over, since the heterodimeric intermediates that would be generated during the latter process could be readily isolated but were shown to yield a completely different set of plasmid products upon resolution.  相似文献   

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