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Feeding and sexual dimorphism in adult midges (Diptera: Chironomidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult chironomids feed readily on materials containing sucrose and glucose, and the addition of dyes is an easy way of demonstrating that food passes through the gut. Male and female flies are shown to make very different use of the food they take in. Males show no change in longevity but extend their flight time for an average of 160% over unfed males. Females, by contrast, show no detectable increase in flight time, but increase longevity by about 40%. Sexual dimorphism in the use of food seems appropriate to the roles of the sexes. We infer that males improve their swarming performance while females may benefit from increased longevity both in gaining time to find suitable mates and in the distance dispersed after mating. Males, and to a less extent females, are found on aphid infested trees near fresh water, and the suggested biological value of feeding is in sustaining the swarming flight especially for the males. Trichoptera adults are found feeding on aphid infested trees and the earlier findings that adult Trichoptera feed are confirmed.  相似文献   

The emergence of midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) from a wet gravel-pit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY. Emerging adult chironomids were captured from a wet gravel-pit in the Midlands in 1975 and 1976. The emergence period in 1976 was earlier than in 1975 and this change was attributed to the higher temperatures during the early part of 1976. Forty-seven species were identified of which twenty-one were found in both years. However, only eighteen species represented more than 5% of the monthly emergence from any one trap. The timing and location of emergence of the common species is discussed in relation to the physical parameters of substratum, depth of water and vegetation at each trap site. Similarity indices were used to compare samples from each trap site and revealed a progressive change in the chironomid assemblage with depth, caused by a succession of species and a change in the structure of the assemblage with 'equitability' decreasing with increasing depth. The predominant species in 1975 were Cricotopus sylvestris, C. intersectus and Procladius choreus with a number of Chironominae present in both May and June. A trap in the littoral zone caught maximum numbers earlier than traps in open water. In 1976 the above species were still predominant and Tanypus punctipennis and T. vilipennis were also numerous. The Chironominae became proportionally more abundant as the season progressed. The abundance of emerging midges was low compared with other surveys due to the restricted emergence period, imagines being abundant only in June, and also due to the low numbers emerging.  相似文献   

Inland aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity in Asia represent a wide spectrum along a complex continuum of interacting ecological, economic, socio-cultural and political gradients all of which determine their present and future. Whereas the diversity of biophysical environments ensures a rich inland aquatic biodiversity, their present status has been greatly influenced by human societies that have depended on them for millennia. Besides high population densities and developmental pressures, socio-cultural factors, economic considerations and various policies concerning land and water resources are major factors responsible for the degradation of habitats and loss of biodiversity. The looming global climate change may only worsen the situation unless remedial measures are taken on a large scale and urgently. The future of aquatic biodiversity in Asian countries will depend upon a radical change in national policies on water, and upon research that can support the development of appropriate policies.  相似文献   

  • 1 Rain-pools on granite exposures are common in tropical Africa and they are inhabited by the larvae of two midge species, Chironomus imicola Kieffer and Chironomus pulcher Wiedemann.
  • 2 These pools differ from other ephemeral island habitats such as carrion, fallen fruit, sap flows, mushrooms and dung in their high degree of spatial predictability. Most pools are predictably inhabited by either C.imicola or C.pulcher. This finding is considered in the light of contemporary competition theory.
  • 3 An arrangement whereby the same species repeatedly invades the same temporary habitat indicates that there is something about the habitat itself causing the discrimination. I suggest that degree of exposure to sunlight may provide a cue allowing females to discriminate between pools as oviposition sites.
  • 4 Both species survive the long dry season by retreating to pools of river water left by receding rivers. Dispersal to rain-pools by emerging adults occurs during the following season with imicola occupying rain-pools remote from shaded rivers. Appropriately, measured against pulcher, the biology of imicola is that of a colonizing species.
  • 5 The possibility is discussed that the chironomids in rock-pools do not survive to breed. Instead, these populations may be maintained externally, for example by invasions from breeding populations in the Great Lakes of Africa, where larval densities may be too low to be detected by sampling. The evolutionary implications of such a situation are considered.

Various genera of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) possess haemoglobins in larvae and adults. For certain species, these haemoglobins have been implicated in human allergic disease in several countries. The present study confirms and extends observations that haemoglobin is present in many species of Chironomidae, establishes that it is retained from the larval to the adult stage and shows that haemoglobin persists both in live and in dead dry flies. Previous suggestions that Chironomidae should be seen as important environmental and occupational allergens are clearly substantiated.  相似文献   

Colonization by midges, and temporal changes in their community structure, were examined in slow sand filter beds. The replicated beds allow the development of communities to be traced from a known starting point.The filter beds (rectangular concrete containers filled with water) have a substratum of sand on which a rich coating of organic particles develops during passage of the water through the bed. The containers (ponds) are drained from time to time and the organic layer is then scraped off the sand surface. This occurs on average, once a month. The length of time the ponds were filled with water (bed run) during the present study ranged from 16 to 77 days.In long bed runs small midges with a short aquatic phase (Cricotopus sylvestris, Psectrocladius limbatellus, Tanytarsus fimbriatus) produced adults after 16–20 days; other, larger midges,e.g. Psectrocladius barbimanus and the Tanypodinae required a longer aquatic phase. Of the Tanypodinae, the smallAblabesmyia phatta, had the shortest duration of the four species found, and was much the most numerous member of this subfamily. Some Chironomini only appeared when the organic coating had developed over the sand surface. Midges of this tribe frequently failed to complete their larval development within the duration of bed runs and were thus trapped on the substratum at the time of cleaning. When ponds were drained after short bed runs the succession in community structure observed in long runs was arrested.Three small midgesC. sylvestris, P. limbatellus andT. fimbriatus, were collected in high numbers throughout the life of all beds, except towards the end of the longest runs in the study. This suggests that small size, short life cycles, and the ability to colonize clean substrata, are important characteristics for the development of primary chironomid communities in short-lived temporary habitats.  相似文献   

Animals that dwell at different depths in the sediment, are adapted to different respiratory environments. It is possible that animals that occur deep in the sediment have a higher hemoglobin concentration than surface-dwelling animals. To test this hypothesis, hemoglobin concentrations and weights of eight chironomid species that dwell in the littoral zone were measured. High hemoglobin concentration and weight both seemed to contribute to an ability to cope with low oxygen concentrations, and determined the vertical distribution of chironomids in the sediment. A multiple regression equation, including these factors, was derived. It may be used to predict the median depth of occurrence for species that were not included in this study. High sensitivity of small animals to oxygen stress is discussed from a theoretical point of view.Research Assistant of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific ResearchResearch Assistant of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research  相似文献   

1. As part of a study designed to estimate the developmental costs of antipredator behaviour of larval chironomids, we used laboratory experiments to study effects of food and factors that could influence predation risk [presence of fish, cover from fish (simulated debris) and light level], on microhabitat selection by Chironomus tentans larvae in the third and fourth instar. 2. Larvae were more likely to build tubes where there was more food although their ability to move far to find food appeared limited. 3. Larvae did not avoid areas with fish and the presence of fish did not alter larval response to food. 4. Larvae avoided areas of cover (simulated debris) but cover did not alter larval response to food. 5. When provided with a choice between light and dark areas, larvae initially without tubes were found more often in the dark areas. Light level had no effect on location of larvae that had begun the experiment with tubes. 6. Results suggest the tubicolous life-style of larval Chironomus tentans limits their ability to select microhabitats that could alter their risk of predation.  相似文献   

Individual characteristic frequencies and directional sensitivity of the Johnston’s organ auditory receptors were measured in the midges Chironomus plumosus L. using the method of positive feedback stimulation: responses of receptors recorded with a glass microelectrode from their axons in the antennal nerve were amplified and fed to the stimulating speaker. With the amplitude and the stimulating signal phase properly adjusted, the whole feedback loop fell into auto-excitation with the frequency of oscillations close to the characteristic frequency of the receptor. Three separate groups of receptors were found with mean frequencies of 180, 221, and 264 Hz. These groups differ in their directional properties: the low-frequency receptors are mostly sensitive dorsoventrally, while the directional maxima of mid- and high-frequency ones are combined to provide equal sensitivity in the plane perpendicular to the flagellum. Our data suggest that in Chironomidae a single Johnston’s organ together with the antenna can provide spatial localization of conspecific sounds and also perform the initial stages of frequency analysis.  相似文献   


Two chironomid flies, Ziadeus kamili n. gen., n. sp. and Paicheleria magnifica n. gen., n. sp., respectively attributed to the recent subfamilies Tanypodinae and Prodiamesinae, are described from the Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber. Although very old, this non-biting midge fauna was very diverse with no less than 11 genera and species. However, it was also strongly different from the recent faunas for the complete absence of the Chironominae, that is today the dominant subfamily. The development of the modern chironomid fauna occurred during the Late Cretaceous and/or the Early Paleogene, but when and how?  相似文献   

1. Larval net-winged midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae) possess six ventral suckers that enable them to inhabit swift streams. Each sucker consists of a suction disc and a cavity with a piston. Large muscles are inserted within the piston, as well as at the base of the suction disc. This structure infers that both attachment and release of the sucker is achieved by vertical movements of the piston.
2. Live observations of blepharicerid larvae revealed that the sucker is indeed attached by an upward movement of the piston, but that the cavity is flooded when the sucker is released. The piston is lowered only at the end of a sucker 'step', expelling water from the cavity.
3. During foraging, the maxilla and the piston of the first sucker are moved synchronously, indicating that the first sucker functions as a holdfast thus facilitating grazing.
4. The adhesive forces, as well as the relative size of blepharicerid suckers, differ amongst species. They are highest in Hapalothrix lugubris and lowest in Liponeura cordata , which correlates with the hydraulic stress to which the larvae of these species are exposed in their preferred habitat. The balance between the efficiency of their retention structure and the hydraulic conditions of their preferred habitat defines a key dimension of their ecological niche.  相似文献   

The nonbiting midge subfamily Tanypodinae represents one of the most diverse lineages of Chironomidae. Despite the wide distribution and high diversity of tanypodine chironomids, the evolutionary history of the subfamily remains poorly understood. Here, we present the first phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Tanypodinae based on morphological data. Cladistic analyses were conducted using 86 morphological characters from 115 species belonging to 54 tanypodine genera, including the eight currently recognised tribes: Anatopyniini, Clinotanypodini, Coelopyniini, Macropelopiini, Natarsiini, Pentaneurini, Procladiini and Tanypodini. We use characters from fourth‐instar larvae, pupae and adults of both sexes. We examine the effects of implied weighting by reanalysing the data with varying values of concavity constant (k). Our analysis supports the monophyly of Tanypodinae with Podonominae as its sister group. All previously proposed tribes are recovered as monophyletic assemblages under a wide range of weighting factors. Under these conditions, the genus Fittkauimyia is the sister group of the remaining Macropelopiini and is erected as a new monobasic tribe, Fittkauimyiini trib.n . The tribe Pentaneurini is recovered as monophyletic with some internal relationships resolved. The genus Paramerina, recovered as sister of Reomyia + Zavrelimyia, is formally synonymised with Zavrelimyia syn.n. , based on morphological similarity in all three life stages and treated as a subgenus of the latter. Finally, the recently suggested synonymies of Gressittius and Guassutanypus with Alotanypus and the establishment of the subgenera Conchapelopia (Helopelopia), Macropelopia (Bethbilbeckia), Monopelopia (Cantopelopia), Thienemannimyia (Hayesomyia) and Zavrelimyia (Reomyia and Schineriella) are investigated. Our results support all proposed changes, except for the subgenus‐level status of Helopelopia and Cantopelopia. We suggest re‐establishment of Helopelopia as a genus, but refrain from promoting genus‐level status of Cantopelopia at present because the apparent sister‐relationship between Monopelopia + Nilotanypus likely is due to wing vein reduction caused by miniaturisation. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DF012C17‐AFB3‐4904‐83DC‐30DD94D0B376 .  相似文献   

Instars II and III of Polypedilum aviceps Townes, Polypedilum convictum (Walker), and Polypedilum illinoense (Malloch) can be identified to species by associating them with instar IV because key taxonomic characters remain relatively unchanged from instar to instar. Instars I cannot be identified to species or genus unless they are associated with older, identifiable larvae reared from the same egg masses. No single character evaluated on slide material can be used to clearly separate instars in all three species. Larvae of P. aviceps can be separated into instars based on any four of seven characters; P. convictum by either of two characters; and, P. illinoense by a combination of two characters. Changes in structures of instars II, III, and IV are described for all three species. Growth ratios for some structures are compared and discussed with regard to Dyar's Rule.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the Chironomidae subfamily Podonominae, significant in the history of phylogenetic biogeography, is estimated from an analysis of four genes. Fragments of two ribosomal genes (18S and 28S), one nuclear protein‐coding gene (CAD), and one mitochondrial protein‐coding gene (COI) were sequenced from specimens representing 13 of 15 genera, and analysed using mixed model Bayesian and maximum likelihood inference methods. Podonominae is monophyletic and sister to Tanypodinae – the shared development of the larval ligula is synapomorphic and diagnostic. Tribe Podonomini is monophyletic with the inclusion of Trichotanypus; tribe Boreochlini is a grade. Monophyly is confirmed for the genera Podonomus Philippi, Podonomopsis Brundin, Podochlus Brundin, Archaeochlus Brundin and Austrochlus Cranston, Edward & Cook: Parochlus Enderlein becomes monophyletic through the inclusion of Zelandochlus Brundin ( n.syn. ) with its type species, P. latipalpis (Brundin) n.comb. The ‘mandibulate’Archaeochlus plus Austrochlus is monophyletic with nonmandibulate Afrochlus weakly supported as a member of, or sister to, the African Archaeochlus. Subtending this group is Lasiodiamesa, although it associates in some analyses with the sister group Tanypodinae. Generic relationships coincide with those proposed based on morphology, particularly as understood via all life history stages of some problematic (autapomorphic, adult‐based) taxa. Divergence time analysis (beast ) allows inference of Mesozoic diversification of higher taxa in Podonominae, of appropriate timing for fragmentation of Gondwana, post‐African divergence, to have caused vicariance. Shallower nodes (within genera) imply both younger vicariance involving Antarctica and some recent dispersal, including southern to northern hemisphere movement in the New World. New Zealand taxa test controversial biogeographical relationships and show proximity to southern South America without direct Australian sister taxon pairs: dating implies persistence of midges through the ‘Oligocene’ bottleneck.  相似文献   

1. The larval chironomid community was studied quantitatively in three cross-sections of an impounded area of the River Danube between July 1985 and July 1986. 2. Sixty-six species were identified, most of which belonged to the subfamily Orthocladiinae, but species of the tribe Chironomini were numerically dominant. 3. The sections differed distinctly in terms of species number and diversity; a tendency towards increasing species richness and diversity was observed in the upstream sections of the impoundment. Marked fluctuations in these two parameters characterized the area close to the dam; the temporal oscillations in diversity values differed significantly between the sections (ANOVA: P<0.05). 4. Clear differences were found between sampling sites in terms of community resilience, the minimum eigenvalue of the community matrix defined as the rate of return of a disturbed system. Longer return times after ‘disturbances’ could be expected at sites further upstream from the dam. 5. Temporal persistence of species composition was estimated for each section with Kendal's correlation coefficient from 1985 to 1986. Sites further upstream of the dam illustrated a significantly greater temporal species persistence over time and a smaller degree of fluctuation, compared to the dam area (ANOVA: P<0.05). A significant negative relationship was found between overall persistence and cumulative monthly water discharge, at the dam site (P<0.01). 6. Classification of the larval chironomid community gave evidence of generally low spatio-temporal overlap between species in the impoundment area.  相似文献   

Chironomidae (Diptera) of Baldwin Lake,Illinois, a cooling reservoir   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The chironomid fauna of Baldwin Lake, a closed-cycle cooling reservoir for a power plant, was sampled monthly to semi-monthly for one year at four stations, two in the discharge channel and two in the main basin. Qualitative samples were also taken elsewhere and with multiple-plate samplers. Twenty-four species were collected. Annual mean population density was less than 100 larvae m–2 in the channel, 1037 M–2 in the main basin. Three species of Tanypodinae formed over 96 percent of the larval population in the main basin: Tanypus stellatus Coquillett, Procladius bellus (Loew), and Coelotanypus concinnus (Coquillett). The principal species on the multiple-plate samplers were Dicrotendipes nervosus (Staeger), Glyptotendipes lobiferus (Say), and Parachironomus monochromus (Wulp). Temperatures of 35°C or more in the channel virtually eliminated the chironomids, whereas temperatures up to 32°C in the main basin increased the number of generations of T. stellatus from the usual two to four at Station 3 and three at Station 4. Station 3 had almost 1,000 degree-days more heat than Station 4.  相似文献   

1. Larvae of Chironomus tentans Fab, decreased the amount of time they spent outside their tubes as the presence of predatory pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus L.) increased. Greatest reductions in activity occurred at low levels of fish presence; above a certain level further increases in fish presence had little effect on activity. 2. Whether the pattern of predator presence was ordered or random had no effect on larval behaviour. Larvae did not habituate to short- or long-term predator presence. 3. Larvae were less active when more food was available and predator-induced reductions in activity were negatively related to food availability. Larval activity was much higher in the dark than it was in the light. 4. Over 7 days, presence of fish reduced the proportion of third-instar larvae that moulted but did not affect head width or dry mass; low food availability reduced the number of larvae that moulted as well as head width and dry mass of larvae in the fourth instar. 5. Results indicate that the behavioural response of larval chironomids to predator presence depends strongly on environmental conditions and that estimating the developmental costs of these behavioural responses under field conditions will be complicated.  相似文献   

  • 1 The larval chironomid community of the sediment surface and the hyporheic inters titial was investigated in two longitudinal transects of an alpine gravel stream between September 1984 and August 1985. Eighty larval species and species groups were identified, most of which belonged to the subfamily Orthocladiinae. Of all larval individuals 51.1% inhabited the first 10cm of the bed sediments, and 93.2% occurred between the surface and 40cm depth.
  • 2 The spatial species turnover showed marked variations between horizontally adjacent sampling sites in each of the four sediment depth layers. In both transects the species composition showed a significantly lower turnover in the upper 10cm of the bed sediments than in the deeper layers.
  • 3 Spatial community stability showed an oscillating pattern between all sampling sites due to density shifts of larvae between depth layers. Temporal differences in resilience (local stability) were significantly and positively related to changes in the cumulative discharge pattern in the gravel brook, thus indicating the apparent ability of the community to recover quickly following disturbances.
  • 4 The five abundant species, Corynoneura lobata, Synorthocladius semivirens, Tvetenia calvescens, Micropsectra atrofasciata and Rheotanytarsus nigricauda, exhibited significant differences in their sediment depth distribution, with density maxima shifting between depth layers. Spatial autocorrelations suggest that these larvae form patches between neighbouring sampling sites with varying sizes and inter-patch distances in each of four sediment layers. A simulation test, in which individuals of each species were randomly permuted between microhabitats of each depth layer separately, indicated that the patches might have arisen by chance.
  • 5 To evaluate the significance of observed spatial resource overlap values amongst these five chironomid species, neutral models were developed based on 300 randomizations of each possible species pair-wise association of individuals and patches of species. The spatial organization of a larval chironomid assemblage in the stream Oberer Seebach seemed to be governed by coexistence due to random patch formation and dispersal patterns within the interstitial habitats, which reduce the probability of strong competitive interactions.

Chironomid communities were analyzed in systems with three types of predator regimes to determine hierarchical effects of predation; ponds without fish present, lakes with slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) present, and lakes with slimy sculpin present along with burbot (Lota Iota) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Samples were collected by coring bare sediment habitats in 4 systems of each type near the Toolik Lake field station in northern Alaska. Lakes with burbot and lake trout present in addition to slimy sculpin displayed significantly higher (P<0.05) biomass, density, richness, and diversity. This is likely due to the increased complexity of the predator regime. Ponds without fish had a significantly greater percentage of predacious chironomids present.  相似文献   

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