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The goal of this study was to assess the extent to which transposable elements (TEs) have contributed to protein-coding regions in Arabidopsis thaliana. To do this, we first characterized the extent of chimeric TE-gene constructs. We compared a genome-wide TE database to genomic sequences, annotated coding regions, and EST data. The comparison revealed that 7.8% of expressed genes contained a region with close similarity to a known TE sequence. Some groups of TEs, such as helitrons, were underrepresented in exons relative to their genome-wide distribution; in contrast, Copia-like and En/Spm-like sequences were overrepresented in exons. These 7.8% percent of genes were enriched for some GO-based functions, particularly kinase activity, and lacking in other functions, notably structural molecule activity. We also examined gene family evolution for these genes. Gene family information helped clarify whether the sequence similarity between TE and gene was due to a TE contributing to the gene or, instead, the TE co-opting a portion of the gene. Most (66%) of these genes were not easily assigned to a gene family, and for these we could not infer the direction of the relationship between TE and gene. For the remainder, where appropriate, we built phylogenetic trees to infer the direction of the TE-gene relationship by parsimony. By this method, we verified examples where TEs contributed to expressed proteins. Our results are undoubtedly conservative but suggest that TEs may have contributed small protein segments to as many as 1.2% of all expressed, annotated A. thaliana genes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A Model for DNA Sequence Evolution within Transposable Element Families   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
J. F. Y. Brookfield 《Genetics》1986,112(2):393-407
A quantitative model is proposed for the expected degree of relationship between copies of a family of transposable elements in a finite population of hosts. Special cases of the model (in which the process of homogenization of element copies either is or is not limited by transposition rate) are presented and illustrated, using data on mobile sequences from different species. It is shown that transposition will be expected, in large populations, to result in only a rather distant relationship between transposable elements at different genomic sites. Possible inadequacies of the model are suggested and quantified.  相似文献   

转座因子 (transposableelement ,TEs)是指在生物细胞中能从同一条染色体的一个位点转移到另一个位点或者从一条染色体转移到另一条染色体上的DNA序列。 1 947年美国冷泉港实验室的“玉米夫人”McClintock首先在玉米中发现并描述了转座因子。转座因子的发现 ,打破了传统遗传学上关于基因在染色体上固定排列及同源染色体交换的观念 ,揭示了基因的流动性 ,具有重要的意义。1 .转座因子的结构特点和分类到目前报道为止 ,至少在 32种植物上有转座因子存在 ,其中研究最多的是玉米、金鱼草、拟南芥等[1] 。其…  相似文献   

Background. IS605, a transposable element-like sequence identified in the virulence-associated cag region of Helicobacter pylori reference strain NCTC11638, is unusual in containing two oppositely-oriented open reading frames whose products are homologues of the single transposases of the unrelated elements, IS200 and IS1341. Methods. One hundred independent H. pylori isolates from different parts of the world were screened by PCR and dot blot hybridization to determine the presence of IS605. For some positive isolates, southern hybridizations and sequence analyses were done. Results. Of the 100 isolates, 31 were found to contain sequences related to each ORF with orientation and spacing matching those in canonical IS605-hybridizing sequences. No isolate containing just one ORF and not the other was found. The frequencies of IS605 carriage were independent of geographical origin (U.S. vs. non-U.S.), and of the probable virulence of the isolate (cag status, toxin production or vacA alleles, patient symptoms). Southern blot hybridization of six IS605-containing strains revealed one to nine IS605 copies per genome. Two types of DNA sequence diversity were found: first, a specific 100 bp deletion in two isolates; second, base substitution divergence of 0.4% to 7.5% in pairwise comparisons among the eight isolates characterized, a level of divergence similar to that seen in other H. pylori chromosomal genes. Conclusions. Based on these findings, we speculate that IS605 is a relatively ancient component of the H. pylori gene pool that has proliferated in this species by horizontal gene transfer, homologous recombination, and transposition.  相似文献   

转座元件mariner   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张卉  王小珂  马世俊 《遗传》2004,26(5):756-762
自mariner转座元件在Drosophila mauritiana中首次发现至今已经在包括人类在内的多种生物体中证实了mariner及类mariner元件(MLEs)的存在。MLEs属于mariner/Tc1超家族-II型转座元件中分布最广、种类最多的超家族之一。MLEs的转座酶都具有“D,D(34)D”的结构,并能催化MLEs通过“剪切和粘贴”机制进行转座。它们的宿主广泛和多样,能够进行种系传递,这都表明MLEs的转座不需要宿主特异元件的参与。 MLEs对多种生物尤其对脊椎动物的成功转化更支持了它们的不依赖宿主的转座机制,而且让人们看到了它们作为转基因载体的巨大潜能。 Abstract: Mariner and mariner-like elements (MLEs) have been found in a wide range of organisms including human since its discovery in Drosophila mauritiana. MLEs belong to the mariner/Tc1 superfamily, one of the most diverse and widespread Class II transposable elements. MLEs have a conserved “D,D(34)D” motif in their transposases and they transpose by cut-and-paste mechanisms. Their extraordinarily wide host range and horizontal transmission in distantly related species indicate that they do not need additional host-specific factors for transposition. The evidence that MLEs could transform a wide variety of organisms especially the vertebrates supported the host-independent mechanism and suggested the availability as a kind of potential transforming vector.  相似文献   

Transposable Element Distribution in Drosophila   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
C. Biemont  A. Tsitrone  C. Vieira    C. Hoogland 《Genetics》1997,147(4):1997-1999

Transposable Element Distributions in Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Almost half the human genome consists of mobile DNA elements, and their analysis is a vital part of understanding the human genome as a whole. Many of these elements are ancient and have persisted in the genome for tens or hundreds of millions of years, providing a window into the evolution of modern mammals. The Golem family have been used as model transposons to highlight computational analyses which can be used to investigate these elements, particularly the use of molecular dating with large transposon families. Whole-genome searches found Golem sequences in 20 mammalian species. Golem A and B subsequences were only found in primates and squirrel. Interestingly, the full-length Golem, found as a few copies in many mammalian genomes, was found abundantly in horse. A phylogenetic profile suggested that Golem originated after the eutherian-metatherian divergence and that the A and B subfamilies originated at a much later date. Molecular dating based on sequence diversity suggests an early age, of 175 Mya, for the origin of the family and that the A and B lineages originated much earlier than expected from their current taxonomic distribution and have subsequently been lost in some lineages. Using publically available data, it is possible to investigate the evolutionary history of transposon families. Determining in which organisms a transposon can be found is often used to date the origin and expansion of the families. However, in this analysis, molecular dating, commonly used for determining the age of gene sequences, has been used, reducing the likelihood of errors from deleted lineages.  相似文献   

Most common methods for inferring transposable element (TE) evolutionary relationships are based on dividing TEs into subfamilies using shared diagnostic nucleotides. Although originally justified based on the “master gene” model of TE evolution, computational and experimental work indicates that many of the subfamilies generated by these methods contain multiple source elements. This implies that subfamily-based methods give an incomplete picture of TE relationships. Studies on selection, functional exaptation, and predictions of horizontal transfer may all be affected. Here, we develop a Bayesian method for inferring TE ancestry that gives the probability that each sequence was replicative, its frequency of replication, and the probability that each extant TE sequence came from each possible ancestral sequence. Applying our method to 986 members of the newly-discovered LAVA family of TEs, we show that there were far more source elements in the history of LAVA expansion than subfamilies identified using the CoSeg subfamily-classification program. We also identify multiple replicative elements in the AluSc subfamily in humans. Our results strongly indicate that a reassessment of subfamily structures is necessary to obtain accurate estimates of mutation processes, phylogenetic relationships and historical times of activity.  相似文献   

Townsend JP  Hartl DL 《Genetica》2000,108(3):229-237
Kinetic modeling of the self-regulatory mechanisms of transposable elements (TEs) involving interactions of one or a few gene products makes predictions that are often at odds with observed results. In particular, explanations of TE autorepression at high copy number that invoke a decrease in number of active monomers through dimerization, amyloidization, and protein-mRNA binding to create an inactive state are not supported by analysis of the corresponding kinetic models. This is also true for similar mRNA–mRNA binding models. Self-repression in marineras well as other TEs can, however, be explained by a host-independent model in which inactive dimers compete with monomers for TE binding sites at the ends of the element. This model would also allow heterodimer poisoning to down-regulate transposition in the presence of divergent nonautonomous elements, since nondivergent monomers would be required at both TE ends for transposition. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

G. Shalev  A. A. Levy 《Genetics》1997,146(3):1143-1151
The prominent repair mechanism of DNA double-strand breaks formed upon excision of the maize Ac transposable element is via nonhomologous end joining. In this work we have studied the role of homologous recombination as an additional repair pathway. To this end, we developed an assay whereby β-Glucuronidase (GUS) activity is restored upon recombination between two homologous ectopic (nonallelic) sequences in transgenic tobacco plants. One of the recombination partners carried a deletion at the 5' end of GUS and an Ac or a Ds element inserted at the deletion site. The other partner carried an intact 5' end of the GUS open reading frame and had a deletion at the 3' end of the gene. Based on GUS reactivation data, we found that the excision of Ac induced recombination between ectopic sequences by at least two orders of magnitude. Recombination events, visualized by blue staining, were detected in seedlings, in pollen and in protoplasts. DNA fragments corresponding to recombination events were recovered exclusively in crosses with Ac-carrying plants, providing physical evidence for Ac-induced ectopic recombination. The occurrence of ectopic recombination following double-strand breaks is a potentially important factor in plant genome evolution.  相似文献   

Not only are transposable elements profuse in the bacterial endosymbiont of maize weevils, but we found that their quantities also vary ~10-fold among individual weevils. Because multicopy elements can facilitate homologous recombination, this insertion sequence (IS) load variability suggests that these essentially asexual bacteria may exhibit substantial intraspecific genomic variation.  相似文献   

Tol1和Tol2是在青鳉基因组中发现的具有自主活性的DNA转座子,而Tol1转座子的自主活性是新近才发现的,因此对它的报道较少。较之Tol2,Tol1可以携带更大片段的DNA进行转座,且Tol1的转座不受转座酶"过量表达抑制"的影响。研究已证实,Tol1转座子在秀丽线虫、斑马鱼、爪蟾和人等多种生物中具有转座活性。因此,在动物转基因和基因功能研究等方面有重要的应用前景。从Tol1转座子的结构特征、转座机制和作为基因转移载体的优点,以及应用研究等方面进行了简要的综述。  相似文献   

The evolutionary dynamics of transposable element (TE) insertions have been of continued interest since TE activity has important implications for genome evolution and adaptation. Here, we infer the transposition dynamics of TEs by comparing their abundance in natural D. melanogaster and D. simulans populations. Sequencing pools of more than 550 South African flies to at least 320-fold coverage, we determined the genome wide TE insertion frequencies in both species. We suggest that the predominance of low frequency insertions in the two species (>80% of the insertions have a frequency <0.2) is probably due to a high activity of more than 58 families in both species. We provide evidence for 50% of the TE families having temporally heterogenous transposition rates with different TE families being affected in the two species. While in D. melanogaster retrotransposons were more active, DNA transposons showed higher activity levels in D. simulans. Moreover, we suggest that LTR insertions are mostly of recent origin in both species, while DNA and non-LTR insertions are older and more frequently vertically transmitted since the split of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. We propose that the high TE activity is of recent origin in both species and a consequence of the demographic history, with habitat expansion triggering a period of rapid evolution.  相似文献   

The i locus of the medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, is responsible for tyrosinase expression, and several mutant alleles have been identified. The genotype i1/i1 exhibits a complete albino phenotype, having pale orange-red skin and red eyes. This mutant lacks in vivo tyrosinase activity. The genotype i4/i4, on the other hand, shows a quasi-albino phenotype with skin as bright as that of i1/i1 but with red-wine-colored eyes. At the light microscope level, reduced pigmentation is observed both in the skin and eyes of this mutant. The tyrosinase genes for the i1 and the i4 alleles were cloned and sequenced, and compared with that of the wild-type tyrosinase gene. The i1 allele was found to contain a 1.9-kb transposable element in the 1st exon, and the i4 allele was found to contain a 4.7-kb transposable element in the 5th exon. Both i1 and i4 are alleles that were found in a commercial breeding population. The insertion of a transposable element thus appears to constitute a natural cause of mutations that cause albinism in this organism.  相似文献   

Evolution of the Transposable Element Mariner in Drosophila Species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
K. Maruyama  D. L. Hartl 《Genetics》1991,128(2):319-329
The distribution of the transposable element mariner was examined in the genus Drosophila. Among the eight species comprising the melanogaster species subgroup, the element is present in D. mauritiana, D. simulans, D. sechellia, D. yakuba and D. teissieri, but it is absent in D. melanogaster, D. erecta and D. orena. Multiple copies of mariner were sequenced from each species in which the element occurs. The inferred phylogeny of the elements and the pattern of divergence were examined in order to evaluate whether horizontal transfer among species or stochastic loss could better account for the discontinuous distribution of the element among the species. The data suggest that the element was present in the ancestral species before the melanogaster subgroup diverged and was lost in the lineage leading to D. melanogaster and the lineage leading to D. erecta and D. orena. This inference is consistent with the finding that mariner also occurs in members of several other species subgroups within the overall melanogaster species group. Within the melanogaster species subgroup, the average divergence of mariner copies between species was lower than the coding region of the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene. However, the divergence of mariner elements within species was as great as that observed for Adh. We conclude that the relative sequence homogeneity of mariner elements within species is more likely a result of rapid amplification of a few ancestral elements than of concerted evolution. The mariner element may also have had unequal mutation rates in different lineages.  相似文献   

Population studies of the distribution of transposable elements (TEs) on the chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster have suggested that their copy number increase due to transposition is balanced by some form of natural selection. Theory suggests that, as a consequence of deleterious ectopic meiotic exchange between TEs, selection can favor genomes with lower TE copy numbers. This predicts that TEs should be less deleterious, and hence more abundant, in chromosomal regions in which recombination is reduced. To test this, we surveyed the abundance and locations of 10 families of TEs in recombination-suppressing chromosomal inversions from a natural population. The sample of 49 chromosomes included multiple independent isolates of seven different inversions and a corresponding set of standard chromosomes. For all 10 TE families pooled, copy numbers were significantly higher overall within low frequency inversions than within corresponding regions of standard chromosomes. TEs occupied chromosomal sites at significantly higher frequencies within the In(3R)M0 and In(3R)K inversions than within the corresponding regions of standard 3R chromosomes. These results are consistent with the predictions of the ectopic exchange model.  相似文献   

G. Bryan  D. Garza    D. Hartl 《Genetics》1990,125(1):103-114
The transposable element mariner is active in both germline and somatic cells of Drosophila mauritiana. Activity of the element is greatly enhanced in the presence of Mos1, a genetic factor identified as an autonomous copy of mariner. A strain of D. mauritiana containing Mos1 and other copies of mariner was used to initiate a screen for visible mutations. More than 20 mutations were obtained, including alleles of white, yellow and vermilion. Six alleles were characterized at the molecular level, and all were found to contain a mariner element inserted into the affected gene. Four insertions into the white locus were sequenced to determine the exact site of insertion of mariner. There appears to be little sequence specificity requirement for mariner insertion, other than an absolute requirement for the dinucleotide TA, which is duplicated upon insertion. Sequences of phenotypically wild-type germline and somatic revertants obtained from various white alleles, including the previously isolated wpch allele, were obtained using the polymerase chain reaction. Mariner excision is imprecise in both germline and soma, and the most frequent excision events are the same in the two tissues. Mutant derivatives of wpch were also studied, and were found to exhibit a wide range of molecular structures and phenotypes.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that Om mutability in Drosophila ananassae (involving spontaneous mutation at 20 loci, resulting in semidominant, nonpleiotropic eye morphology defects) was due to insertion of a transposable element, tom. One particularly unstable X-linked Om allele produced several derivatives, one of which has a more extreme Om phenotype and was accompanied by a singed bristle mutant, sn 9g. DNA probes from the sn locus of D. melanogaster were used to clone the homologous region of D. ananassae. Analysis of sn9g DNA detected a 6.5-kb insert. Genomic Southern blotting and in situ hybridization techniques showed that this insert is repetitive and dispersed. The existence of the tom element is supported by genetic mapping that established homology between the 6.5-kb sn9g insert and Om mutants at the four X-linked loci tested.  相似文献   

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