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Synopsis Sex ratios of least brook lamprey,Lampetra aepyptera, larvae varied widely among 12 geographically-diverse streams of the eastern United States. The extremes were 29 and 71% male, and the proportion of males increased significantly with relative population density, which was estimated among the streams from the number of larvae collected per m2 of substrate. The skewed sex ratios were not likely due to differential mortality between the sexes or differential recruitment to the adult stock, since they were established at the time of gonadal differentiation (at ca. 2 years of age) and remained relatively constant over the subsequent 2–3 years of larval life. Furthermore, although females seemed to predominate in the oldest larval age class, thus appearing to metamorphose later than males, their numbers were small and were omitted from the overall sex ratio. Sex ratio did not vary significantly with water hardness, pH, annual thermal units, or latitude. The possible adaptive significance of density-dependent sex determination in lampreys, however, remains elusive. It has been proposed that growth-promoting conditions might yield female-biased sex ratios as a tactic for ensuring that relatively large individuals become females, thereby increasing their fecundity. As predicted, larval size at a given age was generally greater in low-density populations, but there was no relationship between sex ratio and larval size, and female larvae were not consistently larger than the males.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental sources of egg size, fecundity and body size (forewing length) were examined in the butterfly, Parnara guttata guttata. Phenotypic and genetic correlation and heritability were estimated for these traits under different day-length and temperature conditions. Egg size and fecundity had relatively high heritabilities, and body sizes in males and females had moderate and high heritability, respectively. Negative phenotypic and genetic correlations between egg size and fecundity were estimated in treatments corresponding to the natural conditions during larval development of the first and second generations. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between body size and egg size differed considerably between insects reared under long and short day-lengths. Next, genotype–environment interactions were estimated by comparing reaction norms to day-length or temperature of these traits among families. ANOVA analysis revealed significant genotype–environment interactions in egg size and forewing length in both sexes for day-length and temperature. These results suggested that a large additive genetic variance for egg size might have been maintained by a genetic trade-off and/or by genotype–environment interactions in P. g. guttata.  相似文献   

Horizontal agarose gel electrophoresis of 24 allozyme loci in four species of Central European lampreys (321 Lampetra planeri , 83 L. fluviatilis , 11 Eudontomyzon mariae and nine Petromyzon marinus ) was used to study the 'paired species' L. fluviatilis and L. planeri . The genetic differentiation of the anadromous river lamprey ( L. fluviatilis ) from the stationary brook lamprey ( L. planeri ) was within the range of ingroup differentiation of the latter, but L. fluviatilis exhibited much greater population cohesion over a more extended geographic range: G ST = 0.0537 versus G ST = 0.3398, N em = 4.402 versus N em = 0.4856, mean genetic among-stock distances D = 0.0047 versus D = 0.0257. L. planeri populations coexisting geographically with L. fluviatilis in the Rhine and Elbe river systems were genetically more cohesive than L. planeri stocks from the Danubian basin where L. fluviatilis is absent. Danubian L. planeri populations exhibit a lower degree of heterozygosity than brook lampreys from the Rhine river system, but comprise deeper genetic lineages ( G ST = 0.4629 versus G ST = 0.2434), despite being sampled from a much more restricted area. Isolation-by-distance is observed for L. planeri from the Danubian but not from the Atlantic drainage basins. Transspecific gene flow between L. planeri from Atlantic drainage basins and the long-distant migrating L. fluviatilis is inferred, raising doubt on the validity of two separate biospecies. E. mariae and P. marinus are clearly differentiated from Lampetra spp. at several allozyme loci.  相似文献   

The general female bias in body size of animals is usually attributed to fecundity selection. While many studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between body size and fecundity, the most common interpretation of fecundity selection is that larger females have larger abdomens and can hold more eggs, yet the relationship between abdomen size and fecundity has rarely been examined. For the waterstrider, Aquarius remigis, we find a significant relationship between body size and fecundity and demonstrate that the target of fecundity selection is abdomen size. Thus, larger females have higher fecundities because they have larger abdomens and not because of their total size per se. The rate at which fecundity increases with increasing abdomen size exceeds that which would be expected due to a simple volume constraint and suggests that other factors, such as increased ability to obtain resources, may contribute to the increase in fecundity with body size. Selection intensities estimated from our data indicate that fecundity selection could be a significant selective force on both total and abdomen lengths. Previous studies have found that abdomen size increased faster than body size and thus, larger females had relatively larger abdomens. The relationship of abdomen length and thorax length in A. remigis is hypoallometric and indicates that larger females have relatively smaller abdomens. We hypothesize that this may reflect conservation of abdomen size in females developing under poor conditions. Finally, while egg size is not directly related to body size, we find a trade-off between egg size and number when female abdomen length is held constant, suggesting that selection on egg size may influence abdomen length only indirectly through its effects on fecundity.  相似文献   

The relationships between fecundity, egg size and female size of sea-run form were compared with resident form, using white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis. Both fecundity and egg size increase with female size. However, the relationship between egg size and female size differed significantly between the resident and sea-run forms. Egg sizes of sea-run and resident were similar even though sea-run fish were much larger. ? 1998 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles  相似文献   

Pan XF  Yang JX  Chen XY  Li ZY 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):196-203
2007—2010年,对滇池金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus grahami)进行了亲鱼培育、繁殖力和卵径(egg diameter,ED)大小的研究。滇池金线鲃的催产率、核偏位率和孵化率分别由2007年的25.2%、61.5%和30.4%到2010年的91.3%、85.2%和44.5%。四年间这3项指标均有不同程度提高,其中,催产率提高的幅度最大。提供适合滇池金线鲃营养全面的饵料可以保证亲鱼培育的最佳效果,获得高质量的鱼卵和鱼苗。滇池金线鲃绝对怀卵量与体长的关系是F=0.0004826SL3.166(R2=0.6424,P<0.05)。四年来滇池金线鲃的平均产卵量为(2118.4±899.1)粒,平均绝对怀卵量为(2402.9±881.9)粒,平均相对怀卵量为(70.4±20.8)粒。产卵量、绝对怀卵量和相对怀卵量都有随着体长增加而增加的趋势。卵的大小与胚胎存活相关,在胚胎发育的前两天,不同批次胚胎的死亡呈现一种稳定的或低的死亡率;而后5~7d不同大小的卵呈现不同的死亡率,即小的卵具有更高的死亡率;而卵径>2.0mm的胚胎死亡率趋于稳定;大的卵有更高的生存潜力,能保证仔鱼开口前继续完善身体器官的形成或发生所需要的能量。  相似文献   

Snakes are free of the pelvic girdle's constraint on maximum offspring size, and therefore present an opportunity to investigate the upper limit to offspring size without the limit imposed by the pelvic girdle dimension. We used the king ratsnake (Elaphe carinata) as a model animal to examine whether follicle ablation may result in enlargement of egg size in snakes and, if so, whether there is a fixed upper limit to egg size. Females with small sized yolking follicles were assigned to three manipulated, one sham-manipulated and one control treatments in mid-May, and two, four or six yolking follicles in the manipulated females were then ablated. Females undergoing follicle ablation produced fewer, but larger as well as more elongated, eggs than control females primarily by increasing egg length. This finding suggests that follicle ablation may result in enlargement of egg size in E. carinata. Mean values for egg width remained almost unchanged across the five treatments, suggesting that egg width is more likely to be shaped by the morphological feature of the oviduct. Clutch mass dropped dramatically in four- and six-follicle ablated females. The function describing the relationship between size and number of eggs reveals that egg size increases with decreasing clutch size at an ever-decreasing rate, with the tangent slope of the function for the six-follicle ablation treatment being -0.04. According to the function describing instantaneous variation in tangent slope, the maximum value of tangent slope should converge towards zero. This result provides evidence that there is a fixed upper limit to egg size in E. carinata.  相似文献   

以蛋白核小球藻为食物 ,应用群体累积培养法研究了食物浓度对角突臂尾轮虫种群增长、个体大小和卵大小等的影响 .结果表明 ,食物浓度对角突臂尾轮虫种群增长率、个体大小和卵大小均有极显著影响 .其中 ,轮虫种群增长率与食物浓度间呈曲线相关 ;当食物浓度为 8.2 4 5 3× 10 6cells·ml-1时 ,种群增长率达最大值 0 .6 0 85d-1;在所研究的食物浓度范围内 ,轮虫个体具有随食物浓度的增大而增大的趋势 ,轮虫卵体积在中等食物浓度范围 (6 .0× 10 6~ 9.0× 10 6cells·ml-1)时较大  相似文献   

Summary Early and late season clutch parameters were examined over a three year period in the Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi. Precipitation levels were monitored throughout the study. In the early and late season of 1984 and the early season of 1986 precipitation levels approximated long-term mean levels of precipitation. In 1985 a severe winter drought occurred. Clutch size was positively related to body size in all samples in every year. In 1984 and 1986, egg size was not related to clutch size, whereas, in 1985 egg size was negatively related to clutch size. In 1985, females produced large clutches of small eggs early in the season and small clutches of large eggs late in the season. In 1984, no seasonal changes in egg or clutch size occurred. In the late season of 1986, females produced the largest clutches and the smallest eggs of all the samples, but egg and clutch size were not statistically different from the early season egg and clutch size of 1986. Total clutch dry weight, an estimate of total clutch energy, was not different in any of the six sampling periods. These data do not support current adaptationist models that attempt to explain the control of clutch and egg size in lizards. It is argued in this paper that egg and clutch size may vary in response to past environments that affect a female's physical condition, as well as, current resources that may be important for maintenance and reproduction. Egg and clutch size appear to be plastic traits selected to respond to proximal environmental variation, whereas, the investment of total dry matter/clutch has been optimized.  相似文献   

Relationships between egg size, egg components, and neonate size have been investigated across a wide range of oviparous taxa. Differences in egg traits among taxa reflect not only phylogenetic differences, but also interactions between biotic (i.e., maternal resource allocation) and abiotic (i.e. nest environment conditions) factors. We examined relationships between egg mass, egg composition, and hatchling size in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) because of the unique egg and reproductive characteristics of this species and of sea turtles in general. Albumen comprised 63.0%+/-2.8% (mean+/-S.D.) of egg mass and explained most of the variation in egg mass, whereas yolk comprised only 33.0%+/-2.7%. Additionally, leatherback albumen dry mass was approximately 16% of albumen wet mass. Whereas hatchling mass increased significantly with egg mass (n = 218 clutches), hatchling mass increased by only approximately 2 g for each 10 g increase in egg mass and was approximately 10-20 g greater than yolk mass. Taken together, our results indicate that albumen might play a particularly significant role in leatherback embryonic development, and that leatherback eggs are both capable of water uptake from the nest substrate and also possess a large reservoir of water in the albumen. Relationships between egg mass and egg components, such as variation in egg mass being largely explained by variation in albumen mass and egg mass containing a relatively high proportion of albumen solids, are more similar to bird eggs than to eggs of other non-avian reptiles. However, hatchling mass correlates more with yolk mass than with albumen mass, unlike patterns observed in bird eggs of similar composition.  相似文献   

Synopsis Larval, metamorphosing and adult representatives of the southern brook lamprey,Ichthyomyzon gagei, were collected from Choclafaula Creek in Alabama to provide information on aspects of its life cycle. The proportional length of the prebranchial, branchial, trunk and tail regions changed throughout larval life in a pattern similar to that demonstrated in other lampreys. Body depth changed also throughout much of larval life. Oral disc, dorsal fin height, and eye diameter increased through all or most of metamorphosis and the adult interval. Length-frequency curves for larvae indicate a larval life of 3 1/4–4 1/4 years. Growth rate, reflected by change in total length, was constant throughout the year for each age group. Sex ratio of larvalI. gagei was 1: 1.02. Metamorphosis is initiated in early September and is completed between early February and mid March. Adult 1. gagei spawn between mid April and early May. The number of oocytes ranged from 820–2485 between 95–150 mm total length. The maximum gonadosomic ratio in males was 17.1 and 26.3% in females.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence for a trimeric structure for purine nucleoside phosphorylase in the brook lamprey is presented. This enzyme is encoded by a single locus with two alleles segregating at frequencies of 0.98 and 0.02 in a Welsh population. It is suggested that this enzyme is likely to be a trimer in all classes of vertebrates.B. J. McAndrew and G. P. Wallis were supported by NERC Research Studentships.  相似文献   

The egg size of a landlocked goby, Rhinogobius sp. (the orange form), in the Lake Biwa water system was compared between the fluvial-lacustrine and lacustrine types. The former spawned larger eggs than the latter in the laboratory under the same environmental conditions of water temperature and current. This difference in egg size was also found in the field among six local populations from tributary rivers and lake shore. These results suggested that egg size is largely associated with the life history type that has experienced a different selection regimen, such as the risk of larval starvation, associated with their respective life cycles.  相似文献   

Abstract In many organisms, large offspring have improved fitness over small offspring, and thus their size is under strong selection. However, due to a trade-off between offspring size and number, females producing larger offspring necessarily must produce fewer unless the total amount of reproductive effort is unlimited. Because differential gene expression among environments may affect genetic covariances among traits, it is important to consider environmental effects on the genetic relationships among traits. We compared the genetic relationships among egg size, lifetime fecundity, and female adult body mass (a trait linked to reproductive effort) in the seed beetle, Stator limbatus , between two environments (host-plant species Acacia greggii and Cercidium floridum ). Genetic correlations among these traits were estimated through half-sib analysis, followed with artificial selection on egg size to observe the correlated responses of lifetime fecundity and female body mass. We found that the magnitude of the genetic trade-off between egg size and lifetime fecundity differed between environments–a strong trade-off was estimated when females laid eggs on C. floridum seeds, yet this trade-off was weak when females laid eggs on A. greggii seeds. Also differing between environments was the genetic correlation between egg size and female body mass–these traits were positively genetically correlated for egg size on A. greggii seeds, yet uncorrelated on C. floridum seeds. On A. greggii seeds, the evolution of egg size and traits linked to reproductive effort (such as female body mass) are not independent from each other as commonly assumed in life-history theory.  相似文献   

Egg sizes of marine invertebrates vary greatly, both within and between species. Among the proposed causes of this are a trade-off between egg size, egg number and survival probability of offspring, and a selection pressure exerted by sperm limitation during external fertilization. Although larger eggs are indeed a larger target for sperm, producing larger eggs also implies making fewer of them. There has been discussion about whether sperm limitation can (theoretically) and does (in nature) select for larger egg size than under ad libitum sperm. In one specific model, based on a particular fertilization kinetics model and an empirically derived mortality function, the theoretical possibility of a negative shift in optimal egg size with sperm concentration was demonstrated. Here we present a generalized analytical model to explore the effects of survival and fertilization probabilities on optimal egg size. It is demonstrated that incorporating fertilization kinetics greatly increases the scope for intermediate optimal egg size, as opposed to eggs of minimal or maximal size. Second, we present a general analytical qualitative solution to the question whether optimal egg size depends on sperm concentration. It is shown that, under the condition that an intermediate optimal egg size exists, this qualitative outcome of the model (positive, negative or no relation between optimal egg size and sperm limitation) depends on the structure of the fertilization kinetics part of the model. Finally, we evaluate fertilization kinetics models with respect to the general solution, using two previously published kinetics models ('Don Giovanni' and 'Don Ottavio') and a novel alteration of one of them in which sperm concentration covaries with egg concentration (Don Ottavio 'tango'). For all three models the relationship between optimal egg size and sperm concentration is shown to be always negative. This paper thus shows how biologically realistic relationships between egg size on the one hand and survival and fertilization probability on the other hand predict optimal egg size to be intermediate, and that this optimum is in general expected to increase when sperm become more limiting.  相似文献   

1. The relationships between parasitoid egg load, size, and age (3–72 h) for Trichogramma minutum, T. platneri, and T. pretiosum, reared from two factitious hosts, Ephestia kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella, were evaluated to test the hypothesis that 24‐h egg load can be used to estimate the fecundity of Trichogramma parasitoids. 2. Egg load increased in relation to female age over the first 3 days of adult life for all three Trichogramma species to a mean egg storage capacity of 46.7 eggs for T. minutum, 41.1 for T. pretiosum, and 35.7 for T. platneri. At 24 h of age, T. minutum had matured enough eggs to fill 67% of its storage capacity, in comparison with 74% for T. pretiosum and 91% for T. platneri. There was a positive relationship between egg load and parasitoid size for all ages of the three Trichogramma species reared from both hosts (with the exception of T. platneri at 3 h post emergence), accounting for 14–69% of the variance in egg load. 3. The potential fecundity, realised (3 day cumulative) fecundity, and oviposition rate (potential fecundity/longevity) of T. platneri were all related linearly to size‐dependent variation in 24‐h egg load, but only the realised fecundity of T. pretiosum, and none of the reproductive characteristics of T. minutum. It is suggested that 24‐h egg load may not be an accurate measure of egg storage capacity in parasitoids and should be used cautiously to represent fecundity. 4. The potential fecundity of seven Trichogramma species reared from E. kuehniella varied from 55 to 150, but neither potential fecundity nor oviposition rate was related significantly to egg load (represented by eggs laid during first 24 h). Selection to avoid egg depletion in the attack of gregarious hosts appears most likely to account for the variation in potential fecundity among Trichogramma species.  相似文献   

Size and structure of a South Swedish population of Lampetra planeri larvae were studied during 5 yr. Population size fluctuated considerably within the studied section of stream with a general decline. The fluctuations were positively and strongly correlated (multiple R2= 0.85) with the population density at the beginning of each analysed period, while poorly correlated with such variables as heavy precipitation and temperature. Several factors suggest the entire larval population drifts downstream: fluctuations in the studied stream section, increasing mean size downstream, and incongruity in longitudinal distribution in surveys, performed with a 5-yr interval. Growth, estimated both in caged larvae and from length frequency data, occurred mainly in autumn. High density in cages reduced the growth rate of larvae.  相似文献   

  • 1 Among-population differences in pupal mass were studied in a geometrid, Epirrita autumnata. Some Epirrita autumnata populations regularly reach outbreak densities while others are never known to do so. Because adults do not feed, pupal mass of females correlates strongly with fecundity.
  • 2 Larvae were collected from twelve field sites. Ten of our sample populations originated within the outbreak range of the species and represented different phases of outbreaks. Two populations originated outside the outbreak range.
  • 3 Pupal mass of field-collected E. autumnata varied significantly among populations. The peak phase populations had the smallest pupae and the biggest were found in low density populations outside the outbreak range.
  • 4 Offspring of moths from each population were reared under identical conditions in two larval densities. Significant differences were not found in pupal mass among populations. That is, the inherent size, correlated with fecundity of moths, was not different between populations originating within and outside the outbreak range, nor among collections from different densities or phases of the outbreaks.
  • 5 Rearing density did not interact in a consistent way with population.
  • 6 As far as size and fecundity are concerned, the results do not support Chitty's hypothesis that differences in genetic composition of the population at low and high density phases generate cyclic fluctuations of population density.
  • 7 Because no hereditary or maternal differences were found in size and fecundity between E.autumnata originating within and outside the outbreak range, variation in reproductive capacity cannot explain why outbreaks occur only in some populations.

Life‐history traits such as fecundity and offspring size are shaped by investment trade‐offs faced by mothers and mediated by environmental conditions. We use a 21‐year time series for three populations of wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to test predictions for such trade‐offs and responses to conditions faced by females during migration, and offspring during incubation. In years when their 1100 km upstream migration was challenged by high water discharges, females that reached spawning streams had invested less in gonads by producing smaller but not fewer eggs. These smaller eggs produced lighter juveniles, and this effect was further amplified in years when the incubation water was warm. This latter result suggests that there should be selection for larger eggs to compensate in populations that consistently experience warm incubation temperatures. A comparison among 16 populations, with matching migration and rearing environments but different incubation environments (i.e., separate spawning streams), confirmed this prediction; smaller females produced larger eggs for their size in warmer creeks. Taken together, these results reveal how maternal phenotype and environmental conditions can shape patterns of reproductive investment and consequently juvenile fitness‐related traits within and among populations.  相似文献   

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