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Soybean (Glycine max L. [Merr] cv. Ransom II) seedlings were grown under a light/ dark regime or in continuous darkness. Cotyledons were harvested daily for measurements of reserve mobilization, net carbon exchange rate, chlorophyll content and activities of certain enzymes involved in sucrose metabolism. Seedlings lost dry weight for the first 3 to 4 days after planting, then maintained a constant dry weight in the etiolated seedlings, and gained dry weight (via net fixation of CO2) in the light-grown seedlings. In general, the patterns of reserve mobilization were as expected based on the collective work of other investigators. Soluble sugars were mobilized first, followed by protein and lipid. Galactinol, previously uncharacterized in soybean cotyledons, was present at low concentrations and was rapidly depleted within 2 days after planting. Mobilization of reserves was most important during the first 8 days after planting, whereas net cotyledonary photosynthesis began at 6 days after planting and was the primary source of assimilates after 8 days. Maximum rates of cotyledon photosynthesis were higher [up to 18 mg CO2 (g dry weight)?1 h?1] than previously reported and accounted for about 75% of the assimilates transported from the cotyledons to the growing seedling during the functional life of the cotyledon. Enzyme activities in light-grown cotyledons peaked 7 to 10 days after planting and then declined. Sucrose phosphate synthase (EC and sucrose synthase (EC activities were similar in etiolated and light-grown seedlings, whereas uridine-5′-di-phosphatase (EC activity was substantially higher in light-grown seedlings. During the period of reserve mobilization, the maximum sucrose phosphate synthase activity in cotyledonary extracts was in excess of the calculated rate of sucrose formation. However, when the cotyledons had highest net photosynthetic rates (14 days after planting), sucrose phosphate synthase activity was similar to the rate of carbon assimilation. It appears that soybean cotyledons are adapted for high rates of sucrose formation (from reserve mobilization and/or photosynthesis) for export to the rapidly growing tissues of the seedling.  相似文献   

脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)是一种重要的植物激素,在种子休眠的建立、种子萌发、根发育和非生物胁迫反应过程中发挥作用。F-box蛋白是E3泛素连接酶SCF复合体的组成部分,通过特异识别和调节底物蛋白水平而调控植物生长发育过程。通过分析GEO基因芯片,筛选到38个受ABA调节的拟南芥候选F-box基因。选择其中6个F-box基因,进行实时荧光定量PCR分析。研究结果与基因芯片结果基本一致。分析启动子,发现候选基因含有大量ABA、干旱和胁迫相关的顺式作用元件。分析基因表达谱,发现部分基因在保卫细胞、种皮、花粉和衰老叶片中呈现高表达;大部分基因在ABA处理、胁迫和种子吸胀过程中表达量改变显著。这些分析结果为深入研究ABA调节植物生长发育和抗逆的分子机制提供了线索。  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA:glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) catalyzes the first step during de novo synthesis of glycerolipids. Mammals have at least four GPAT isoforms. Here we report the further characterization of the two recently identified microsomal GPAT3 and GPAT4. Both enzymes are highly expressed in adipose tissues. However, while GPAT3 is highly (∼60-fold) induced during adipocyte differentiation, GPAT4 induction is only modest (∼5-fold), leading to a lower abundance of GPAT4 mRNA in adipocytes. While overexpression of GPAT3 and GPAT4 in either insect or mammalian cells results in a comparable increase of GPAT activity, shRNA-mediated knockdown of GPAT3, but not GPAT4, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes led to a significant decrease in GPAT activity, a profound inhibition of lipid accumulation, and a lack of expression of several adipogenic markers during adipocyte differentiation. These data suggest that GPAT3 may encode the major GPAT isoform in adipocytes and play an important role in adipogenesis. Furthermore, we have shown that both GPAT3 and GPAT4 are phosphorylated by insulin at Ser and Thr residues, leading to increased GPAT activity that is sensitive to wortmannin. Our results reveal a link between the lipogenic effects of insulin and microsomal GPAT3 and GPAT4, implying their importance in glycerolipid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Plants dynamically regulate water use by the movement of stomata on the surface of leaves. Stomatal responses to changes in vapour pressure deficit (VPD) are the principal regulator of daytime transpiration and water use efficiency in land plants. In angiosperms, stomatal responses to VPD appear to be regulated by the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA), yet the origin of this ABA is controversial. After a 20 min exposure of plants, from three diverse angiosperm species, to a doubling in VPD, stomata closed, foliar ABA levels increased and the expression of the gene encoding the key, rate‐limiting carotenoid cleavage enzyme (9‐cis‐epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase, NCED) in the ABA biosynthetic pathway was significantly up‐regulated. The NCED gene was the only gene in the ABA biosynthetic pathway to be up‐regulated over the short time scale corresponding to the response of stomata. The closure of stomata and rapid increase in foliar ABA levels could not be explained by the release of ABA from internal stores in the leaf or the hydrolysis of the conjugate ABA‐glucose ester. These results implicate an extremely rapid de novo biosynthesis of ABA, mediated by a single gene, as the means by which angiosperm stomata respond to natural changes in VPD.  相似文献   

Several plant hormones, including auxin, brassinosteroids and gibberellins, are required for skotomorphogenesis, which is the etiolated growth that seedlings undergo in the absence of light. To examine the growth of abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient mutants in the dark, we analysed several aba1 loss-of-function alleles, which are deficient in zeaxanthin epoxidase. The aba1 mutants displayed a partially de-etiolated phenotype, including reduced hypocotyl growth, cotyledon expansion and the development of true leaves, during late skotomorphogenic growth. In contrast, only small differences in hypocotyl growth were found between wild-type seedlings and ABA-deficient mutants impaired in subsequent steps of the pathway, namely nced3, aba2, aba3 and aao3. Interestingly, phenocopies of the partially de-etiolated phenotype of the aba1 mutants were obtained when wild-type seedlings were dark-grown on medium supplemented with fluridone, an inhibitor of phytoene desaturase, and hence, of carotenoid biosynthesis. ABA supplementation did not restore the normal skotomorphogenic growth of aba1 mutants or fluridone-treated wild-type plants, suggesting a direct inhibitory effect of fluridone on carotenoid biosynthesis. In addition, aba1 mutants showed impaired production of the beta-carotene-derived xanthophylls, neoxanthin, violaxanthin and antheraxanthin. Because fluridone treatment of wild-type plants phenocopied the phenotype of dark-grown aba1 mutants, impaired carotenoid biosynthesis in aba1 mutants is probably responsible for the observed skotomorphogenic phenotype. Thus, ABA1 is required for skotomorphogenic growth, and beta-carotene-derived xanthophylls are putative regulators of skotomorphogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim was to determine the function of peroxisomal NAD+-malate dehydrogenase (PMDH) in fatty acid β-oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle in Arabidopsis. Seeds in which both PMDH genes are disrupted by T-DNA insertions germinate, but seedling establishment is dependent on exogenous sugar. Mutant seedlings mobilize their triacylglycerol very slowly and growth is insensitive to 2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyric acid. Thus mutant seedlings are severely impaired in β-oxidation, even though microarray analysis shows that β-oxidation genes are expressed normally. The mutant phenotype was complemented by expression of a cDNA encoding PMDH with either its native peroxisome targeting signal-2 (PTS2) targeting sequence or a heterologous PTS1 sequence. In contrast to the block in β-oxidation in mutant seedlings, [14C]acetate is readily metabolized into sugars and organic acids, thereby demonstrating normal activity of the glyoxylate cycle. We conclude that PMDH serves to reoxidize NADH produced from fatty acid β-oxidation and does not participate directly in the glyoxylate cycle.  相似文献   

The polar-planar compound hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA) can inhibit HT29 colon carcinoma cell growth and induce a more benign phenotype, as defined by decreased anchorage-independent clonogenicity, loss of a cell surface malignancy marker, and decreased in vivo tumorigenicity. The principle aim of this study was to determine whether HMBA's effects on HT29 cell growth and biologic behavior correlate with effects on intestinal differentiation. Parallel studies were performed with sodium butyrate (NaBT), a potent inducer of intestinal differentiation HT29 cell growth, proliferation, and markers of intestinal differentiation were assayed after short- and long-term treatment with HMBA, NaBT, or the combination. Both 5 mM HMBA and 5 mM NaBT were potent inhibitors of monolayer growth; in combination their effects were nearly additive. Inhibition of DNA synthesis was detectable within 6 h of treatment and was preceded by down-regulation of c-myc expression. Soft agar clonogenicity was also decreased by 90%, > 99%, and > 99% by HMBA, NaBT, and the combination, respectively. Despite these parallel effects on growth and in vitro markers of a benign phenotype, effects on intestinal differentiation were discordant. NaBT induced significant increases in membrane-associated alkaline phosphatase activity, cytosolic mucin content, PAS+/diastase-resistant cells, and ultrastructural evidence of intestinal cell differentiation. HMBA not only failed to induce markers of intestinal differentiation, but attenuated NaBT's effects when used in combination. These data suggest that growth and intestinal differentiation may be independently regulated in HT29 cells. They also suggest that expression of intestinal markers of differentiation is not a prerequisite for the acquisition of a more benign phenotype. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determination of ploidy levels in embryos of GA-deficient, ABA-deficient mutant and isogenic wild type tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) seeds revealed that, large amount of 2C DNA signals existed both in wild type and GA-deficient mutant seeds, showing that most cells had arrested in the cell cycle at presynthesis Gl, whereas a relative amount of 4C proportion which is a sign of seed germination was found in ABA-deficient mutant seeds, indicating that endogenous ABA play a role in regulating the switch from development to germination in seeds. DNA replication was stimulated 1 d after the seed was imbibed in water and a visible germination occurred subsequently either in wild type GA-deficient mutant seeds. But it was not the case for ABA-deficient mutant seeds unless an exogenous GA was supplemented. This demonstrated that DNA replication in embryo root tips cells was subjected to be a compulsory factor for seed germination, whereas endogenous GA triggered DNA synthesis. It was evident that exogenous ABA could inhibit seed germination not by suppressing DNA synthesis but by bloking the route leading to mitosis since a great amount of 4C proportion was found in the germinating wild type and GA-deficient mutant seeds in the ABA solution when visible ger mination did not occur. Finally a simple mode of hormonal regulation on cell cycle in high plants was hypothesized.  相似文献   

Action of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) is absent in the ABA-deficient and -insensitive double mutant ( aba-1abi3–1 ) seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana . Thus, responses to osmotic stress and dehydration can be studied without interference of endogenous ABA. Seeds of this double mutunt are viable hut desiceation-intolerant. However, desiccation tolerance can he induced by either (1) slow dehydration of immature seeds; (2) treatment of immature seeds with osmotica or; (31 due to the leakiness of the ABA-insensitivty mutation, by application of exogenous ABA. Consequently it is concluded that either ABA or osmotic- or dehydration-stress and related gene expression meets the minimal requirements for acquisition of desiccation tolerance in seeds of Arabidopsis thalianna .  相似文献   

细胞膜的流动性和渗透性的改变是植物衰老过程中一个内在的、具有破坏性的变化。膜脂组成中,溶血磷脂的出现是膜伤害的一个重要标志;膜脂双键数目的变化是影响膜流动性的主要因素。应用脂类组学的方法,检测了拟南芥野生型及其磷脂酶Dδ (PLDδ)缺失型突变体在离体诱导的、脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)和乙烯(ethylene)促进的衰老过程中,溶血磷脂(lysophospholipids, lysoPLs)的分子变化,并通过计算膜脂双键指数(double bond index, DBI)表征了膜流动性的变化。结果表明,在离体诱导的衰老过程和乙烯促进的衰老过程中,溶血磷脂的总含量和各溶血磷脂分子的变化不显著,而在ABA促进的衰老过程中溶血磷脂总含量和部分溶血磷脂分子均显著升高;在上述三种衰老处理下,总膜脂的DBI均下降,但是离体诱导和激素促进的的衰老过程中各类膜脂的DBI的变化却不同。同时我们还发现,抑制PLDδ基因表达降低了ABA促进的衰老过程中溶血磷脂的产生、减缓了ABA和乙烯促进的衰老过程中总的膜脂的DBI的降低。  相似文献   

Raab S  Toth Z  de Groot C  Stamminger T  Hoth S 《Planta》2006,224(4):900-914
The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) regulates essential growth and developmental processes in plants. Recently, RNA-binding proteins have been described as components of ABA signaling during germination. We have identified ten ABA-regulated RNA-binding proteins in Arabidopsis seedlings. Among those genes, AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 are highly expressed in seedlings. Using promoter:reporter gene analyses, we showed that both AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 were in particular expressed in photosynthetically active organs like green cotyledons, leaves, and petioles. The analysis of CFP-fusion proteins demonstrates that cpRNP29 localized to chloroplasts and AtCSP41B to chloroplasts and stromules. Whereas RNA-binding of cpRNP29 has previously been shown, we demonstrated through in vitro RNA-binding assays that recombinant AtCSP41B binds to RNA, and that chloroplast petD RNA can serve as a target of AtCSP41B. Developmental or environmental stimuli affected the expression of AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 in seedlings. Both genes were repressed during senescence, but only AtCSP41B was significantly repressed upon water stress. In addition, AtCSP41B and cpRNP29 exhibited low expression in etiolated seedlings compared to green seedlings, and cpRNP29 was regulated during the day photoperiod. Homozygous T-DNA insertion lines were isolated, characterized on the molecular level, and monitored for phenotypic changes. Taken together, the data show that both proteins are regulated during processes that are known to involve ABA signaling. Their localization in chloroplasts and RNA-binding activity suggest a role in chloroplast RNA metabolism in Arabidopsis seedlings.  相似文献   

G D Schuler  M D Cole 《Cell》1988,55(6):1115-1122
Regulation of mRNA turnover has emerged as an important control point in lymphokine and oncogene expression. We have studied a monocytic tumor in which activation of GM-CSF expression results from the constitutive stabilization of the normally short-lived GM-CSF mRNA. Linkage of the germ-line 3' untranslated region of the GM-CSF gene to a neo reporter gene demonstrated that mRNA stabilization is mediated by a tumor-specific trans-acting factor(s), rather than by an alteration of the GM-CSF gene itself. Significantly, similar fusions of the c-myc and c-fos 3' untranslated regions to neo yielded mRNAs that turned over rapidly in all cells, including the tumor cells. These results demonstrate that AU-rich mRNA turnover signals are recognized differentially in trans within the same cell.  相似文献   

Mobilization of seed storage reserves is essential for seed germination and seedling establishment. Here, we report that AtDSEL, an Arabidopsis thalianaDAD1-like Seedling Establishment-related Lipase, is involved in the mobilization of storage oils for early seedling establishment. AtDSEL is a cytosolic member of the DAD1-like acylhydrolase family encoded by At4g18550. Bacterially expressed AtDSEL preferentially hydrolyzed 1,3-diacylglycerol and 1-monoacylglycerol, suggesting that AtDSEL is an sn-1-specific lipase. AtDSEL-overexpressing transgenic Arabidopsis plants (35S:AtDSEL) were defective in post-germinative seedling growth in medium without an exogenous carbon source. This phenotype was rescued by the addition of sucrose to the growth medium. In contrast, loss-of-function mutant plants (atdsel-1 and atdsel-2) had a mildly fast-growing phenotype regardless of the presence of an exogenous carbon source. Electron microscopy revealed that 5-day-old 35S:AtDSEL cotyledons retained numerous peroxisomes and oil bodies, which were exhausted in wild-type and mutant cotyledons. The impaired seedling establishment of 35S:AtDSEL was not rescued by the addition of an exogenous fatty acid source, and 35S:AtDSEL seedling growth was insensitive to 2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyric acid, indicating that β-oxidation was blocked in AtDSEL-overexpressers. These results suggest that AtDSEL is involved in the negative regulation of seedling establishment by inhibiting the breakdown of storage oils.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) are key signalling molecules produced in response to various stimuli and involved in a diverse range of plant signal transduction processes. Nitric oxide and H(2)O(2) have been identified as essential components of the complex signalling network inducing stomatal closure in response to the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). A close inter-relationship exists between ABA and the spatial and temporal production and action of both NO and H(2)O(2) in guard cells. This study shows that, in Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells, ABA-mediated NO generation is in fact dependent on ABA-induced H(2)O(2) production. Stomatal closure induced by H(2)O(2) is inhibited by the removal of NO with NO scavenger, and both ABA and H(2)O(2) stimulate guard cell NO synthesis. Conversely, NO-induced stomatal closure does not require H(2)O(2) synthesis nor does NO treatment induce H(2)O(2) production in guard cells. Tungstate inhibition of the NO-generating enzyme nitrate reductase (NR) attenuates NO production in response to nitrite in vitro and in response to H(2)O(2) and ABA in vivo. Genetic data demonstrate that NR is the major source of NO in guard cells in response to ABA-mediated H(2)O(2) synthesis. In the NR double mutant nia1, nia2 both ABA and H(2)O(2) fail to induce NO production or stomatal closure, but in the nitric oxide synthase deficient Atnos1 mutant, responses to H(2)O(2) are not impaired. Importantly, we show that in the NADPH oxidase deficient double mutant atrbohD/F, NO synthesis and stomatal closure to ABA are severely reduced, indicating that endogenous H(2)O(2) production induced by ABA is required for NO synthesis. In summary, our physiological and genetic data demonstrate a strong inter-relationship between ABA, endogenous H(2)O(2) and NO-induced stomatal closure.  相似文献   

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