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蕨类植物配子体发育的研究   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25  
曾汉元  丁炳扬 《植物研究》2003,23(2):154-158
研究了福建观音座莲、华南紫萁、粗齿紫萁、粗齿桫椤、溪边凤尾蕨、娱蚣草、狭翅铁角蕨、乌毛蕨等21种庆类植物的配子体发育过程。结果如下:(1)对孢子和配子体性状的UPG—MA法聚类分析结果表明,秦仁昌分类系统中亲缘关系近的种类在孢子和配子体性状方面相似性也高,但也有少数例外的情况;(2)蕨类植物的配子体发育有许多共性,但也存在许多不同点;(3)配子体发育中出现的某些性状是稳定的,可以作为分类的依据。  相似文献   

于丽杰  崔继哲 《植物研究》1996,16(4):496-499
利用连钱草成熟叶和茎尖为材料,在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察了三种不同种类的毛状体形态和发生。这三种毛状体是(1)8-细胞盾状腺毛,(2)2-细胞头状腺毛;(3)多细胞单毛。  相似文献   

石灰岩地区蕨类植物低头贯众的配子体发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用原生境腐殖土对低头贯众[Cyrtomium nephrolepioides (Christ) Cop.]孢子进行培养,在显微镜下详细观察了其配子体发育的全过程.结果表明:低头贯众孢子深棕褐色,二面体形,极面观椭圆形,孢子萌发不具假根或为书带蕨型(Vittaria-type);丝状体由3~8个细胞构成;片状体上偏斜具毛状体,宽达10个细胞;原叶体的发育为叉蕨型(Asplenium-type).成熟的原叶体为对称心形,具乳头状毛状体,假根分叉,根尖膨大,精子器壁由3细胞构成和颈卵器弯曲等表现出进化的特征,但假根含有叶绿体又表现了原始的系统学特征.研究认为孢子萌发较慢,假根尖膨大和毛状体等似乎是该种配子体对石灰岩土壤特殊生境的适应对策.  相似文献   

利用连钱草成熟叶和茎尖为材料,在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察了三种不同种类的毛状体形态和发生。这三种毛状体是①8—细胞盾状腺毛,②2—细胞头状腺毛,③多细胞单毛  相似文献   

蕨类植物孢子萌发及原叶体发育的观察   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以腐叶土为培养基质,对21种蕨类植物进行了孢子萌发和原叶体发育的研究,结果表明:①不同时期播种的同种蕨类的孢子,发育出原叶体和幼孢子体所历经的时间长短不同;②孢子萌发和配子体生长发育的适宜温度约为15~24℃;⑨稀有蕨类的孢子萌发率低,而在野外能形成较大种群的蕨类的孢子萌发率高;④用GA3处理孢子可以促进萌发;⑤当原叶体上长出幼孢子体时,原叶体由大变小,由绿变黄,21种蕨类的原叶体都在幼孢子体上长出第3片叶时消失;⑥幼孢子体上长出的第1、2片叶在形态上与以后长出的叶不同;⑦孢子萌发需要光;⑧1片原叶体尽管有多个颈卵器,但仅发育出1株幼孢子体;⑨利用腐叶土进行蕨类孢子繁殖是一种经济实用的繁殖方法。  相似文献   

采用“外类群对比准则”(OutgroupComparisonCriteria,Carcarft1983)的性状分析方法,对我国特有植物四棱草属Sohnabelia及其近缘属筋骨草属Ajuga,香科科属Teucrium(唇形科)和莸属Caryopteria大青属Clerdendron(马鞭草科)等5属6种主要植物比较研究,首次发现在这些植物叶片上,具有一种新的毛状体,其形状呈箭形,故定名为箭形毛(Arrow—shaped—hair),在扫描电子显微镜下观察是由头部、柄部和基部组成,在光学显微镜下,确认这类毛状体属于多细胞单列毛,由细胞变形而成形。此外,尚有长柔毛(Shag-hair),盾状毛(Peltate—hair)和鳞片毛(Scales—hair)等四种类型。从以上毛状体的微形态特征及其演化规律,作者认为四棱草属和近缘属在唇形科与马鞭草科系统演化框架里,可能是处于中间过渡类型。  相似文献   

戴锡玲  王赛赛  王全喜 《生物学通报》2012,47(9):52-53,F0004
团扇蕨[Gonocormus minutus (Blume) Bosch]是观察蕨类植物孢子囊发育过程的一种好材料.以团扇蕨为材料观察孢子囊发育具有取材容易、方便确定和获得孢子囊发育的各个时期、方便进行半薄切片和观察、可代表大多数蕨类植物孢子囊发育的特点(薄囊型)等优点,可为丰富《植物学实验》的教学材料提供资料.  相似文献   

应用电镜技术对蕨类植物分株紫萁(Osmunda cinnamomea L. var.asiatica Fernald)精子发育过程中的生毛体和多层结构的超微结构进行了研究。牛毛体在幼精了细胞中出现,正在分化的生毛体略呈球状,球状体的中央由一团染色深的颗粒状物质构成,外围分化出若干柱状体。已分化的生毛体由柱状体分散或辐射状排列构成,呈球状,球体中心不含染色深的物质。多层结构位于精子细胞内的基体和巨大线粒体之间,刚形成时仅由片层构成,片层相互平行排列形成片层带。多层结构在分化中期由微管带、片层带和蚀斑三层构成。多层结构在分化末期又形成附属微管带、嗜锇冠和嗜锇层。微管带从多层结构长出,沿细胞核的表面伸展,并与核膜之间形成复合结构。基体由柱状体转变而成,它向两端生长,在远端产生鞭毛的轴丝,在近轴端形成楔状结构。本文首次详细阐明了原始薄囊蕨分株紫其生毛体和多层结构发育的超微结构特点,并与其他蕨类进行了比较,发现其片层带出现在微管带形成之前。  相似文献   

蜈蚣草毛状体对砷的富集作用及其意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用配备EDX的环境扫描电子显微镜等手段研究了蜈蚣草羽叶的微形态及砷元素在蜈蚣草中的微区分布. 结果表明, 在羽叶的正反表皮观察到大量的毛状体, 其结构为多细胞组成, 呈匍匐状, 平均长度为160 μm, 平均直径28 μm. X射线能谱分析表明, 在加砷处理中, 蜈蚣草的表皮、羽叶毛状体存在有明显的砷峰, 并且毛状体中砷的含量分别为表皮细胞与叶肉细胞的2.4, 3.9倍, 在同一毛状体中, 帽细胞中的砷含量较低, 而在节细胞和基细胞中的砷含量较高. 这一发现为揭示蜈蚣草富集砷和耐砷毒的机理提供了新的线索.  相似文献   

蕨类植物桂皮紫萁颈卵器和精子器形态和发育的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹建国  包文美  戴绍军 《植物研究》2003,23(1):T005-T006
利用扫描电镜技术和树脂切片技术对蕨类植物桂皮紫萁(Osmunda cinnamomeaL.var.asiatica Fernald)的颈卵器和精子器的形态和发育进行了细致的研究。颈卵器发生于雌配子体的腹面,颈部由4列壁细胞构成,6-7个细胞高,内部含有颈沟细胞,腹沟细胞和卵细胞,卵细胞在整个发育过程中,造粉体和囊泡最为显著,颈卵器内的卵细胞成熟时产生卵膜和分离腔。精子器发生于雄配子体的边缘及腹面,由7-8个壁细胞螺旋状围绕而成,壁细胞内为产精组织,精子成熟时精子器盖细胞开裂释放出游动精子。  相似文献   

贯众属的叶表皮特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对贯众属(Cyrtomium)19种植物和近缘类群的15种植物的叶表皮形态特征进行了光学显微镜观察,并对包括贯众属3个亚系的模式种在内的12个种进行了扫描电镜观察。结果显示贯众属的叶表皮细胞为多边形或不规则形,垂周壁近平直、弓形、浅波状、波状至深波状。贯众属的气孔器分布于叶片下表皮,有无规则型、横列型和极附型三种类型,其中无规则型是主要的气孔器类型。气孔器表面观为宽椭圆形,长椭圆形,稀为近圆形,气孔外拱盖内缘近平滑、浅波状至啮齿-浅波状。大多数种类叶片表面角质膜具条纹,并常有条状隆起,或具颗粒等附属物。目前研究未发现可作为邢公侠二系四亚系诊断特征的明显的叶解剖特征。  相似文献   

贯众的繁殖方法及栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用贯众根茎及孢子的繁殖方法,为扩大药源及开发利用提供参考.  相似文献   

刺齿贯众及贯众配子体发育的培养观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用腐叶土为基质培养刺齿贯众和贯众的孢子,在光学显微镜下观察其配子体的发育过程.结果表明.刺齿贯众和贯众的配子体发育特征极为相似:孢子均为单裂缝,具周壁,培养5~7 d后萌发;原丝体形态多样;35.d后发育为原叶体,心形,具毛状体;60 d后性器出现,多数为雌雄异株;85~90d后配子体发育出幼孢子体.  相似文献   

In apogamous ferns, all offspring from a parent are expected to be clonal. However, apogamous 'species' frequently demonstrate a large amount of morphological and genetic variations. Cyrtomium fortunei composed of four varieties (C. fortunei var. fortunei, var. clivicola, var. intermedium, and var. atropunctatum), is all reported to be apogamous triploids, but demonstrates large and continuous morphological variation. In previous studies, we showed that considerable genetic diversity was observed in many local populations of the apogamous fern 'species'. We hypothesized that genetic segregation has occurred, because neither sexual type nor intraspecific polyploidy have been observed in C. fortunei in Japan. Of 732 progeny examined (250 gametophytes and 482 sporophytes), obtained from a parental sporophyte whose pgiC genotype was estimated as aab, 11 (4.4%) gametophytes and 8 (1.7%) sporophytes showed a different genotype (aaa) from that of the parent sporophyte. We showed that genetic segregation occurs in apogamous C. fortunei in relatively high frequency. Moreover, we could first show that the segregation frequency in gametophytes is significantly higher than that in sporophytes of the next generation (χ (2)?=?4.90, P?=?0.027). It may suggest the existence of deleterious genes, which are expressed during the morphogenesis and growth of sporophytes.  相似文献   

eterachopsis was proposed by the senior author as an independent genus of the family Aspleniaceae in 1940 with 2 species. Since then much study on its morphology, anatomy, gametophyte and palynology has been carried out by Nayar, Bir, Chandra & Nayar and Chang et al., and they are of the opinion that the genus like Ceterach, is a comparatively primitive element in the family Aspleniaceae. The queer zigzag patern of cutting of lanceolate fronds appears extraordinary in the family Aspleniaceae, and also suggests its antiquity in evolution. So far only 3 species (C. dalhousiae, C. paucivenosa and C. magnifica) are recognized, the former from W. Himalayas, also known from Africa, while the latter two from W. S. China (Yunnan). However, in the past forty years the Chinese botanists have discovered 2 more species as new in N. W. Yunnan, thus bringing the total known species of the genus up to 5. The present paper is a brief summary on the genus Ceterachopsis, which will be published in detail in the Flora Sinica vol. 4. Pteridologists are also divided in their views regarding the generic status of Ceterachopsis with 5 well-defined species in Yunnan and the East Himalayas. We prefer to mintain it as a genus separate from Asplenium on account of its distinct morphological features. It is to be hoped that more species may come to light in the mountainsin N. W. Yunnan through further exploration now under way.  相似文献   

BELL  P. R. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(4):475-481
The maturing egg of Histiopteris incisa has many features incommon with that of Pteridium, with which the species may berelated. The nuclear evaginations are however conspicuous inrespect of the extensive development of internal membrane systems,involving dilatation of the perinuclear space. In some in stancesthe inner membrane of the nuclear envelope, the proliferationof which gives rise to the dilatations, was strikingly tenuous,possibly indicating an extensive interchange between the perinuclearspace and that part of the nucleoplasm sequestered in the evaginations.The evaginations frequently contain an aggregate of electron-opaquematerial resembling structurally and in staining propertiessimilar aggregates in Pteridium, but in contrast to Pteridiumthere was no evidence that these aggregates were organized inor near the nucleolus. Histiopteris inciso (Thunb.)J. Smith, Pteridophyta, egg maturation, nucleocytoplasmic interaction, ultrastructure  相似文献   

In the present study, a homogenous polysaccharide (DFPW) was isolated and purified from the dried rhizome of Drynaria fortunei, and its protective effect against osteoporosis was investigated in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Histological analysis indicated that oral administration of DFPW (100 and 400 mg/kg) for 12 weeks significantly improved trabecular bone mass, as demonstrated by the increase in trabecular area, trabecular thickness and its number in OVX rats. Furthermore, the decline of bone mineral density and bone mineral content including Ca, P and Mg induced by OVX was reversed by the DFPW administration. This function was achieved by the decreased levels of the bone turnover markers, such as serum ALP, urinary deoxypyridinoline (DPD), Ca and P excretions. Besides, DFPW improved biomechanical parameters (maximum load, energy, Young's, modulus and maximum stress) to strengthen the hardness and strength femoral diaphysis in OVX rats. These results strongly suggested that DFPW might be a hopeful alternative therapeutics to treat postmenopausal osteoporosis.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching sect. Lepisorus in China was revised based on herbarium specimen examinations, field observations, and microscopic study of rhizome scales, soral paraphyses, leaf epidermis, and spores. As a result, nine species were recognized: Lepisorus macrosphaerus (Baker) Ching, Lepisorus asterolepis (Baker) Ching, Lepisorus marginatus Ching, Lepisorus kuchenensis (Y.C. Wu) Ching, Lepisorus megasorus (C. Chr.) Ching, Lepisorus kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa, Lepisorus subsessilis Ching & Y.X. Lin, Lepisorus affinis Ching, and Lepisorus nudus (Hook.) Ching. Lepisorus kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa was reinstated; Lepisorus gyirongensis Ching & S.K. Wu and Lepisorus longus Ching were reduced to synonyms ofL. nudus and L. affinis, respectively. The subdivision ofLepisorus macrosphaerus was not accepted. Rhizome scales and paraphyses are the most useful characters for species delimitation as well as for infrageneric classification. Characteristics of the leaf epidermis and spore ornamentation are usually stable and thus of great significance in understanding the relationships among groups within the genus.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching sect. Lepisorus in China was revised based on herbarium specimen examinations, field observations, and microscopic study of rhizome scales, soral paraphyses, leaf epidermis and spores. As a result nine species were recognized: Lepisorus macrosphaerus (Baker) Ching, L. asterolepis (Baker) Ching, L. marginatus Ching, L. kuchenensis (Y. C. Wu) Ching, L. megasorus(C. Chr.) Ching, L. kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa, L. subsessilis Ching & Y. X. Lin, L. affinis Ching and L. nudus (Hook.) Ching. Lepisorus kawakamii (Hayata) Tagawa was reinstated; L. gyirongensis Ching & S. K. Wu and L. longus Ching were reduced to synonyms of L. nudus and L. affinis respectively. The subdivision of L. macrosphaerusis was not accepted. Rhizome scales and paraphyses are the most useful characters for species delimitation as well as for infrageneric classification. Characteristics of the leaf epidermis and spore ornamentation are usually stable and thus of great significance in understanding the relationships among groups within the genus.  相似文献   

Stein DB 《Plant physiology》1971,48(4):416-418
Treatment of the homosporous fern Ceratopteris thalictroides L. sporophyte with gibberellic acid results in fertile fronds appearing 3 to 5 weeks after treatment. The hetero-blastic leaf sequence is markedly reduced, and the entire life cycle can be completed in 3 months on defined medium. Treatment with gibberellic acid also stimulates the accumulation of starch in mature leaves.  相似文献   

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