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PRMT5 is a type II protein arginine methyltranferase that catalyzes monomethylation and symmetric dimethylation of arginine residues. PRMT5 is functionally involved in a variety of biological processes including embryo development and circadian clock regulation. However, the role of PRMT5 in oligodendrocyte differentiation and central nervous system myelination is unknown. Here we show that PRMT5 expression gradually increases throughout postnatal brain development, coinciding with the period of active myelination. PRMT5 expression was observed in neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. siRNA-mediated depletion of PRMT5 in mouse primary oligodendrocyte progenitor cells abrogated oligodendrocyte differentiation. In addition, the PRMT5-depleted oligodendrocyte progenitor and C6 glioma cells expressed high levels of the inhibitors of differentiation/DNA binding, Id2 and Id4, known repressors of glial cell differentiation. We observed that CpG-rich islands within the Id2 and Id4 genes were bound by PRMT5 and were hypomethylated in PRMT5-deficient cells, suggesting that PRMT5 plays a role in gene silencing during glial cell differentiation. Our findings define a role of PRMT5 in glial cell differentiation and link PRMT5 to epigenetic changes during oligodendrocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

ENPP1 (ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-1) is an established regulator of tissue mineralization. Previous studies demonstrated that ENPP1 is expressed in differentiated osteoblasts and that ENPP1 influences matrix mineralization by increasing extracellular levels of inorganic pyrophosphate. ENPP1 is also expressed in osteoblastic precursor cells when stimulated with FGF2, but the role of ENPP1 in preosteoblastic and other precursor cells is unknown. Here we investigate the function of ENPP1 in preosteoblasts. We find that ENPP1 expression is critical for osteoblastic differentiation and that this effect is not mediated by changes in extracellular concentration levels of phosphate or pyrophosphate or ENPP1 catalytic activity. MC3T3E1(C4) preosteoblastic cells, in which ENPP1 expression was suppressed by ENPP1-specific shRNA, and calvarial cells isolated from Enpp1 knock-out mice show defective osteoblastic differentiation upon stimulation with ascorbate, as indicated by a lack of cellular morphological change, a lack of osteoblast marker gene expression, and an inability to mineralize matrix. Additionally, MC3T3E1(C4) cells, in which wild type or catalytic inactive ENPP1 expression was increased, exhibited an increased tendency to differentiate, as evidenced by increased osteoblast marker gene expression and increased mineralization. Notably, treatment of cells with inorganic phosphate or pyrophosphate inhibited, as opposed to enhanced, expression of multiple genes that are expressed in association with osteoblast differentiation, matrix deposition, and mineralization. Our results indicate that ENPP1 plays multiple and distinct roles in the development of mineralized tissues and that the influence of ENPP1 on osteoblast differentiation and gene expression may include a mechanism that is independent of its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease comprised of distinct subtypes predictive of patient outcome. Tumors of the basal-like subtype have a poor prognosis due to inherent aggressiveness and the lack of targeted therapeutics. Basal-like tumors typically lack estrogen receptor-α, progesterone receptor and HER2/ERBB2, or in other words they are triple negative (TN). Continued evaluation of basal-like breast cancer (BLBC) biology is essential to identify novel therapeutic targets. Expression of the pi subunit of the GABA(A) receptor (GABRP) is associated with the BLBC/TN subtype, and herein, we reveal its expression also correlates with metastases to the brain and poorer patient outcome. GABRP expression in breast cancer cell lines also demonstrates a significant correlation with the basal-like subtype suggesting that GABRP functions in the initiation and/or progression of basal-like tumors. To address this postulate, we stably silenced GABRP in two BLBC cell lines, HCC1187 and HCC70 cells. Decreased GABRP reduces in vitro tumorigenic potential and migration concurrent with alterations in the cytoskeleton, specifically diminished cellular protrusions and expression of the BLBC-associated cytokeratins, KRT5, KRT6B, KRT14, and KRT17. Silencing GABRP also decreases phosphorylation of extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) in both cell lines and selective inhibition of ERK1/2 similarly decreases the basal-like cytokeratins as well as migration. Combined, these data reveal a GABRP-ERK1/2-cytokeratin axis that maintains the migratory phenotype of basal-like breast cancer. GABRP is a component of a cell surface receptor, thus, these findings suggest that targeting this new signaling axis may have therapeutic potential in BLBC.  相似文献   

The K-Cl cotransporter (KCC) regulates red blood cell (RBC) volume, especially in reticulocytes. Western blot analysis of RBC membranes revealed KCC1, KCC3, and KCC4 proteins in mouse and human cells, with higher levels in reticulocytes. KCC content was higher in sickle versus normal RBC, but the correlation with reticulocyte count was poor, with inter-individual variability in KCC isoform ratios. Messenger RNA for each isoform was measured by real time RT-quantitative PCR. In human reticulocytes, KCC3a mRNA levels were consistently the highest, 1-7-fold higher than KCC4, the second most abundant species. Message levels for KCC1 and KCC3b were low. The ratios of KCC RNA levels varied among individuals but were similar in sickle and normal RBC. During in vivo maturation of human erythroblasts, KCC3a RNA was expressed consistently, whereas KCC1 and KCC3b levels declined, and KCC4 message first increased and then decreased. In mouse erythroblasts, a similar pattern for KCC3 and KCC1 expression during in vivo differentiation was observed, with low KCC4 RNA throughout despite the presence of KCC4 protein in mature RBC. During differentiation of mouse erythroleukemia cells, protein levels of KCCs paralleled increasing mRNA levels. Functional properties of KCCs expressed in HEK293 cells were similar to each other and to those in human RBC. However, the anion dependence of KCC in RBC resembled most closely that of KCC3. The results suggest that KCC3 is the dominant isoform in erythrocytes, with variable expression of KCC1 and KCC4 among individuals that could result in modulation of KCC activity.  相似文献   

Isoflavones (ISOs) are bioactive food ingredients of the traditional East Asian diet and currently discussed as alternatives to classical hormone replacement therapies and for reducing the prevalence of hormone-dependent cancers. Although there are many studies on ISOs, not much is known about their long-term effects.Therefore, we performed an animal experiment analyzing the effects of three different diets: a phytoestrogen-free diet, a diet supplemented with genistein (700 μg/g diet) and an ISO-high diet (232 μg daidzein and 240 μg genistein/g) at two distinct time points, juvenile (21 days) and adult (97 days). Exposure started prior to mating of the parents and throughout the life of the offspring.We observed a stronger increase of uterine wet weights in juvenile offspring with genistein exposure (1018 ± 350 mg/kg BW) than with ISO-high diet (497 ± 133 mg/kg BW). Whereas the expression of proliferation related genes (PCNA; Ki67; IGF-1; IGF-1R), analyzed by real-time-qPCR and Western blot, were significantly down-regulated in juvenile animals exposed to genistein. Additionally, genistein exposure led to estrogenic responses, observed upon increase of complement C3 and decrease of estrogen receptors gene expressions, while the exposure to ISO-high diet did not show these effects.In conclusion, both the time point on which phytoestrogen exposure starts together with the composition of the ingested phytoestrogen containing diet are of great importance for the biological response of the offspring.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (Gsk-3) isoforms, Gsk-3α and Gsk-3β, are constitutively active, largely inhibitory kinases involved in signal transduction. Underscoring their biological significance, altered Gsk-3 activity has been implicated in diabetes, Alzheimer disease, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Here, we demonstrate that deletion of both Gsk-3α and Gsk-3β in mouse embryonic stem cells results in reduced expression of the de novo DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a2, causing misexpression of the imprinted genes Igf2, H19, and Igf2r and hypomethylation of their corresponding imprinted control regions. Treatment of wild-type embryonic stem cells and neural stem cells with the Gsk-3 inhibitor, lithium, phenocopies the DNA hypomethylation at these imprinted loci. We show that inhibition of Gsk-3 by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-mediated activation of Akt also results in reduced DNA methylation at these imprinted loci. Finally, we find that N-Myc is a potent Gsk-3-dependent regulator of Dnmt3a2 expression. In summary, we have identified a signal transduction pathway that is capable of altering the DNA methylation of imprinted loci.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylase 9 (HDAC9), like most Class II HDACs, catalyzes the removal of acetyl moieties from the ε-amino groups of conserved lysine residues in the N-terminal tail of histones. Biologically, HDAC9 regulates a wide variety of normal and abnormal physiological functions, including cardiac growth, T-regulatory cell function, neuronal disorders, muscle differentiation, development, and cancer. In a biochemical approach to identify non-histone substrates of HDAC9, we found that HDAC9 co-purifies specifically with the ataxia telangiectasia group D-complementing (ATDC; also called TRIM29) protein. HDAC9 deacetylates ATDC, alters the ability of ATDC to associate with p53, and consequently inhibits the cell proliferation-promoting activity of ATDC. These results implicate the importance of non-histone deacetylation by HDAC9 and confirm and further extend the multifunctions of this Class II deacetylase.  相似文献   

Rac1 activity, polarity, lamellipodial dynamics, and directed motility are defective in keratinocytes exhibiting deficiency in β4 integrin or knockdown of the plakin protein Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen 1e (BPAG1e). The activity of Rac, formation of stable lamellipodia, and directed migration are restored in β4 integrin-deficient cells by inducing expression of a truncated form of β4 integrin, which lacks binding sites for BPAG1e and plectin. In these same cells, BPAG1e, the truncated β4 integrin, and type XVII collagen (Col XVII), a transmembrane BPAG1e-binding protein, but not plectin, colocalize along the substratum-attached surface. This finding suggested to us that Col XVII mediates the association of BPAG1e and α6β4 integrin containing the truncated β4 subunit and supports directed migration. To test these possibilities, we knocked down Col XVII expression in keratinocytes expressing both full-length and truncated β4 integrin proteins. Col XVII-knockdown keratinocytes exhibit a loss in BPAG1e-α6β4 integrin interaction, a reduction in lamellipodial stability, an impairment in directional motility, and a decrease in Rac1 activity. These defects are rescued by a mutant Col XVII protein truncated at its carboxyl terminus. In summary, our results suggest that in motile cells Col XVII recruits BPAG1e to α6β4 integrin and is necessary for activation of signaling pathways, motile behavior, and lamellipodial stability.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2022,22(1):100578
Though endometriosis is benign, however, it shares certain characteristics with cancers, such as the ability to invade and metastasize. Previous studies have demonstrated that S-phase kinase associated protein2 (SKP2) promotes invasion, tumorigenesis, and metastasis. However, its correlation with adenomyosis is unclear. Herein, we aimed to look into SKP2 expression patterns and regulatory effects on endometrial stromal cell (ESC) proliferation and invasion, and its internal mechanism in adenomyosis. Western blot, qRT-PCR, and immunochemistry were carried out for detecting SKP2 and ZEB1 expression in ESC of adenomyosis and adenomyosis endometrial tissue. The primary ESCs were identified using immunofluorescence. SKP2 knockdown was accomplished in vitro by transfecting a particular lentivirus vector. The colony formation and CCK-8 assays were carried out for assessing cell proliferation, while cell invasion potential was assessed using the transwell assay. Both SKP2 and ZEB1 were found to be significantly upregulated in adenomyosis endometrial tissue. Knockdown of SKP2 inhibited adenomyotic ESC invasion and proliferation. Further experiments showed that knocking out SKP2 reduced ZEB1 expression in adenomyotic ESCs. Our results showed that SKP2 could regulate ZEB1 expression, and increased SKP2 may play a role in the pathogenesis of adenomyosis and stimulating ESC proliferation and invasion.  相似文献   

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