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Although it is often assumed that males and females have mating preferences for larger individuals of the other sex, potential underlying differences between male and female preferences for body size are not commonly investigated. Here, sexual differences in body size preferences are examined in the poeciliid fish, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora. Females preferred larger males to smaller males, but preference did not appear to be affected by female size. One population-level analysis for males did not indicate an overall preference for larger females. A closer examination, however, revealed an effect of male size on preference; larger males preferred larger females, while smaller males preferred smaller females. It appears then that females, regardless of size, share a preference for large males, but males differ in their behaviour, depending on their body size. In addition, while the degree of difference in size between paired females did not appear to affect male preference, the degree of difference in size between paired males strongly affected female preference; the greater the difference, the more strongly females preferred the larger male. Thus, intersexual selection is found to operate in both sexes, but how it operates appears to differ. Intrasexual and intersexual differences in mating behaviour may be missed when evaluating population-wide preferences. That is, there can be underlying differences in how the sexes respond and the consequences of such differences should be considered when investigating mate choice. The results are considered in terms of the evolution of mating preferences, alternative mating strategies, assortative mating, the maintenance of trait variation in a population, and current methods to evaluate mating preferences.  相似文献   

Good genes models of mate choice predict additive genetic benefits of choice whereas the compatibility hypothesis predicts nonadditive fitness benefits. Here the Chinese rose bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus, a freshwater fish with a resource‐based mating system, was used to separate additive and nonadditive genetic benefits of female mate choice. A sequential blocked mating design was used to test female mate preferences, and a cross‐classified breeding design coupled with in vitro fertilizations for fitness benefits of mate choice. In addition, the offspring produced by the pairing of preferred and nonpreferred males were reared to maturity and their fitness traits were compared. Finally, the MHC DAB1 gene was typed and male MHC genotypes were correlated with female mate choice. Females showed significant mate preferences but preferences were not congruent among females. There was a significant interaction of male and female genotype on offspring survival, rate of development, growth rate, and body size. No significant male additive effects on offspring fitness were observed. Female mate preferences corresponded with male genetic compatibility, which correlated with MHC dissimilarity. It is proposed that in the rose bitterling genetic compatibility is the mechanism by which females obtain a fitness benefit through mate choice and that male MHC dissimilarity, likely mediated by odor cues, indicates genetic compatibility.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of sexual selection predict that both males and females of many species should benefit by selecting their mating partners. However, empirical evidence testing and validating this prediction is scarce. In particular, whereas inbreeding avoidance is expected to induce sexual conflicts, in some cases both partners could benefit by acting in concert and exerting mutual mate choice for non-assortative pairings. We tested this prediction with the gregarious cockroach Blattella germanica (L.). We demonstrated that males and females base their mate choice on different criteria and that choice occurs at different steps during the mating sequence. Males assess their relatedness to females through antennal contacts before deciding to court preferentially non-siblings. Conversely, females biased their choice towards the most vigorously courting males that happened to be non-siblings. This study is the first to demonstrate mutual mate choice leading to close inbreeding avoidance. The fact that outbred pairs were more fertile than inbred pairs strongly supports the adaptive value of this mating system, which includes no "best phenotype" as the quality of two mating partners is primarily linked to their relatedness. We discuss the implications of our results in the light of inbreeding conflict models.  相似文献   

According to the theory of mate choice based on heterozygosity, mates should choose each other in order to increase the heterozygosity of their offspring. In this study, we tested the 'good genes as heterozygosity' hypothesis of mate choice by documenting the mating patterns of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and microsatellite loci. Specifically, we tested the null hypotheses that mate choice in Atlantic salmon is not dependent on the relatedness between potential partners or on the MHC similarity between mates. Three parameters were assessed: (i) the number of shared alleles between partners (x and y) at the MHC (M(xy)), (ii) the MHC amino-acid genotypic distance between mates' genotypes (AA(xy)), and (iii) genetic relatedness between mates (r(xy)). We found that Atlantic salmon choose their mates in order to increase the heterozygosity of their offspring at the MHC and, more specifically, at the peptide-binding region, presumably in order to provide them with better defence against parasites and pathogens. This was supported by a significant difference between the observed and expected AA(xy) (p = 0.0486). Furthermore, mate choice was not a mechanism of overall inbreeding avoidance as genetic relatedness supported a random mating scheme (p = 0.445). This study provides the first evidence that MHC genes influence mate choice in fish.  相似文献   

Although females are traditionally thought of as the choosy sex, there is increasing evidence in many species that males will preferentially court or mate with certain females over others when given a choice. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, males discriminate between potential mating partners based on a number of female traits, including species, mating history, age, and condition. Interestingly, many of these male preferences are affected by the male''s previous sexual experiences, such that males increase courtship toward types of females that they have previously mated with and decrease courtship toward types of females that have previously rejected them. Dmelanogaster males also show courtship and mating preferences for larger females over smaller females, likely because larger females have higher fecundity. It is unknown, however, whether this preference shows behavioral plasticity based on the male''s sexual history as we see for other male preferences. Here, we manipulate the sexual experience of Dmelanogaster males and test whether this manipulation has any effect on the strength of male mate choice for large females. We find that sexually inexperienced males have a robust courtship preference for large females that is unaffected by previous experience mating with, or being rejected by, females of differing sizes. Given that female body size is one of the most common targets of male mate choice across insect species, our experiments with Dmelanogaster may provide insight into how these preferences develop and evolve.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the possibility that genetic compatibility may drive mate choice, including gamete choice, particularly from the perspective of understanding why females frequently mate with more than one male. Mate choice for compatibility differs from other forms of choice for genetic benefits (such as 'good genes') because individuals are expected to differ in their mate preferences, changing the evolutionary dynamics of sexual selection. Recent experiments designed to investigate genetic benefits of polyandry suggest that mate choice on the basis of genetic compatibility may be widespread. However, in most systems the mechanisms responsible for variation in compatibility are unknown. We review potential sources of variation in genetic compatibility and whether there is any evidence for mate choice driven by these factors. Selfish genetic elements appear to have the potential to drive mate compatibility mate choice, though as yet there is only one convincing example. There is abundant evidence for assortative mating between populations in hybrid zones, but very few examples where this is clearly a result of selection against mating with genetically less compatible individuals. There are also numerous cases of inbreeding avoidance, but little evidence that mate choice or differential fertilization success driven by genetic compatibility occurs between unrelated individuals. The exceptions to this are a handful of situations where both the alleles causing incompatibility and the alleles involved in mate choice are located in a chromosome region where recombination is suppressed. As yet there are only a few potential sources of genetic compatibility which have clearly been shown to drive mate choice. This may reflect limitations in the potential for the evolution of mate choice for genetic compatibility within populations, although the most promising sources of such incompatibilities have received relatively little research.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the strength of male mate choice should vary depending on male quality when higher-quality males receive greater fitness benefits from being choosy. This pattern extends to differences in male body size, with larger males often having stronger pre- and post-copulatory preferences than smaller males. We sought to determine whether large males and small males differ in the strength (or direction) of their preference for large, high-fecundity females using the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We measured male courtship preferences and mating duration to show that male body size had no impact on the strength of male mate choice; all males, regardless of their size, had equally strong preferences for large females. To understand the selective pressures shaping male mate choice in males of different sizes, we also measured the fitness benefits associated with preferring large females for both large and small males. Male body size did not affect the benefits that males received: large and small males were equally successful at mating with large females, received the same direct fitness benefits from mating with large females, and showed similar competitive fertilization success with large females. These findings provide insight into why the strength of male mate choice was not affected by male body size in this system. Our study highlights the importance of evaluating the benefits and costs of male mate choice across multiple males to predict when differences in male mate choice should occur.  相似文献   

Mate choice for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) compatibility has been found in several taxa, although rarely in birds. MHC is a crucial component in adaptive immunity and by choosing an MHC-dissimilar partner, heterozygosity and potentially broad pathogen resistance is maximized in the offspring. The MHC genotype influences odour cues and preferences in mammals and fish and hence olfactory-based mate choice can occur. We tested whether blue petrels, Halobaena caerulea, choose partners based on MHC compatibility. This bird is long-lived, monogamous and can discriminate between individual odours using olfaction, which makes it exceptionally well suited for this analysis. We screened MHC class I and II B alleles in blue petrels using 454-pyrosequencing and quantified the phylogenetic, functional and allele-sharing similarity between individuals. Partners were functionally more dissimilar at the MHC class II B loci than expected from random mating (p = 0.033), whereas there was no such difference at the MHC class I loci. Phylogenetic and non-sequence-based MHC allele-sharing measures detected no MHC dissimilarity between partners for either MHC class I or II B. Our study provides evidence of mate choice for MHC compatibility in a bird with a high dependency on odour cues, suggesting that MHC odour-mediated mate choice occurs in birds.  相似文献   

Mate choice is often assumed to be a prerogative of females because of their putatively larger reproductive investment than males. However, recent evidence suggests that spermatogenesis is far from being limitless and that males show a high selectivity towards their mates, thus maximizing their reproductive success. We investigated mutual mate choice in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii through two experiments. The first experiment explored the effects of body size, chelar size and chelar symmetry and social status of a potential partner. In the second experiment, we asked whether this species can discriminate between partners of the same body size but with different mating status. We used a binary choice test paradigm, in which two 'targets' with opposing characteristics were simultaneously presented to a test animal, the 'chooser'. The results showed that P. clarkii males are more selective than expected. Similar to the other sex, they were significantly attracted by targets with large body sizes, but not by individuals with larger and symmetric chelae or with a dominant status. An inter-sexual difference was found in the second experiment, in which only males seemed to select virgin potential mates. The several adaptive explanations for these preferences, still under debate, are finally discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that, when body size is correlated with fecundity, there should be fitness advantages for mate choice of the largest females. Moreover, because larger males are expected to monopolise the largest females, this should result in an assortative mating based on body size. Although such patterns could be expected in both explosive and prolonged breeders, non‐assortative mating should be more widespread in species under time constraints. However, patterns of sexual selection are largely unexplored in explosive breeding species, and contrasting patterns have been found previously. We expect that the active choice of partners may be particularly risky when the time period during which sexual partners are available is severely limited. Therefore, to avoid missing an entire reproductive act, males and females should pair irrespective of traits, such as body size. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the mating patterns of the Pacific horned toad, Ceratophrys stolzmanni, a short‐lived fossorial species inhabiting Neotropical dry forests. This species is particularly adequate to test our prediction because it reproduces explosively over the course of a single night per year. Although the number of eggs laid was proportional to the size of females, and individuals of both sexes showed variation in body size, there was no assortative mating based either on size, body condition or age of mates. Egg size was not influenced by either female size or clutch size. The larger body size of females compared to males is likely due to fecundity selection, that is, the selective pressure that enhances reproductive output. Although we cannot dismiss the possibility that individuals could select their partners based on other criteria than those related to size or age, the results fit well our prediction, showing that the explosive breeding makes improbable an active choice of partners in both sexes and therefore favours a random mating pattern.  相似文献   

Assortative mating, an ubiquitous form of nonrandom mating, strongly impacts Darwinian fitness and can drive biological diversification. Despite its ecological and evolutionary importance, the behavioural processes underlying assortative mating are often unknown, and in particular, mechanisms not involving mate choice have been largely ignored so far. Here, we propose that assortative mating can arise from ‘prudent habitat choice’, a general mechanism that acts under natural selection, and that it can occur despite a complete mixing of phenotypes. We show that in the cichlid Eretmodus cyanostictus size‐assortative mating ensues, because individuals of weaker competitive ability ignore high‐quality but strongly competed habitat patches. Previous studies showed that in E. cyanostictus, size‐based mate preferences are absent. By field and laboratory experiments, here we showed that (i) habitat quality and body size are correlated in this species; (ii) territories with more stone cover are preferred by both sexes in the absence of competition; and (iii) smaller fish prudently occupy vacant territories of worse quality than do larger fish. Prudent habitat choice is likely to be a widespread mechanism of assortative mating, as both preferences for and dominance‐based access to high‐quality habitats are generic phenomena in animals.  相似文献   

There is currently considerable interest in testing the effects of genetic compatibility and heterozygosity on animal mate preferences. Evidence for either effect is rapidly accumulating, although results are not always clear-cut. However, correlations between mating preferences and either genetic similarity or heterozygosity are usually tested independently, and the possibility that similarity and heterozygosity may be confounded has rarely been taken into account. Here we show that measures of genetic similarity (allele sharing, relatedness) may be correlated with heterozygosity, using data from 441 human individuals genotyped at major loci in the major histocompatibility complex, and 281 peafowl (Pavo cristatus) individuals genotyped at 13 microsatellite loci. We show that average levels of allele sharing and relatedness are each significantly associated with heterozygosity in both humans and peafowl, that these relationships are influenced by the level of polymorphism, and that these similarity measures may correlate with heterozygosity in qualitatively different ways. We discuss the implications of these inter-relationships for interpretation of mate choice studies. It has recently become apparent that mating preferences for 'good genes' and 'compatible genes' may introduce discordant choice amongst individuals, since the optimal mate for one trait may not be optimal for the other, and our results are consistent with this idea. The inter-relationship between these measures of genetic quality also carries implications for the way in which mate choice studies are designed and interpreted, and generates predictions that can be tested in future research.  相似文献   

Abstract. For simultaneous hermaphrodites, a male-to-female shift in sex allocation with growth, and weak sexual selection on the male function, is predicted by many theories, although empirical data for both predictions are insufficient for internally fertilizing hermaphrodites with nonreciprocal mating. To address these issues, I studied mating and egg-laying behavior of the sea hare, Aplysia kurodai (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) in the laboratory. Both frequency and duration of egg laying increased with body weight, indicating that fecundity increased with weight. On the other hand, frequency and duration of mating as males did not increase with body weight, suggesting that sperm usage was independent of weight. Therefore, sex allocation shifted from male to female functions with growth. The lack of a relationship between body weight and mating activities as males also suggests that there was no "female" choice for large partners. However, the frequency of mating as females increased with body weight, suggesting "male" choice for large partners. This "male" choice is further supported by the presence of size-assortative mating and a longer duration of mating when the female partner was large. In addition, the variance in mating frequency as females was larger than that as males. As a whole, the mating behavior in A. kurodai can be summarized as choosy as males and unchoosy as females, the opposite of the patterns known in most gonochoric and hermaphroditic animals.  相似文献   

Why do females of many species mate with more than one male? One of the main hypotheses suggests that female promiscuity is an insurance mechanism against the potential detrimental effects of inbreeding. Accordingly, females should preferably mate with less related males in multiple or extrapair mating. Here we analyse paternity, relatedness among mating partners, and relatedness between parents and offspring, in the socially monogamous North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). In contrast to the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis, we found that extrapair mating partners were more related than expected by random choice, and tended to be more related than social partners. Furthermore, extrapair mating resulted in genetic parents being more related to their extrapair young than to their withinpair young. We propose a new hypothesis for extrapair mating based on kin selection theory as a possible explanation to these findings.  相似文献   

Although females are the choosier sex in most species, male mate choice is expected to occur under certain conditions. Theoretically, males should prefer larger females as mates in species where female fecundity increases with body size. However, any fecundity‐related benefits accruing to a male that has mated with a large female may be offset by an associated fitness cost of shared paternity if large females are more likely to be multiply mated than smaller females in nature. We tested the above hypothesis and assumption using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) by behaviourally testing for male mate choice in the laboratory and by ascertaining (with the use of microsatellite DNA genotyping) patterns of male paternity in wild‐caught females. We observed significant positive relationships between female body length and fecundity (brood size) and between body length and level of multiple paternity in the broods of females collected in the Quaré River, Trinidad. In laboratory tests, a preference for the larger of two simultaneously‐presented virgin females was clearly expressed only when males were exposed to the full range of natural stimuli from the females, but not when they were limited to visual stimuli alone. However, as suggested by our multiple paternity data, males that choose to mate with large females may incur a larger potential cost of sperm competition and shared paternity compared with males that mate with smaller females on average. Our results thus suggest that male guppies originating from the Quaré River possess mating preferences for relatively large females, but that such preferences are expressed only when males can accurately assess the mating status of encountered females that differ in body size.  相似文献   

Although females in numerous species generally prefer males with larger, brighter and more elaborate sexual traits, there is nonetheless considerable intra‐ and interpopulation variation in mating preferences amongst females that requires explanation. Such variation exists in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, an important model organism for the study of sexual selection and mate choice. While female guppies tend to prefer more ornamented males as mates, particularly those with greater amounts of orange coloration, there remains variation both in male traits and female mating preferences within and between populations. Male body size is another trait that is sexually selected through female mate choice in some species, but has not been examined as extensively as body coloration in the guppy despite known intra‐ and interpopulation variation in this trait among adult males and its importance for survivorship in this species. In this study, we used a dichotomous‐choice test to quantify the mating preferences of female guppies, originating from a low‐predation population in Trinidad, for two male traits, body length and area of the body covered with orange and black pigmentation, independently of each other. We expected strong female mating preferences for both male body length and coloration in this population, given relaxation from predation and presumably relatively low cost of choice. Females indeed exhibited a strong preference for larger males as expected, but surprisingly a weaker (but nonetheless significant) preference for orange and black coloration. Interestingly, larger females demonstrated stronger preferences for larger males than did smaller females, which could potentially lead to size‐assortative mating in nature.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is potentially important in marine zooplankton, presumably the most abundant metazoans on earth, but it has never been documented. We examine the conditions for sexual selection through mate choice and describe mating preferences in relation to size in a marine zooplankter, the pelagic copepod Acartia tonsa. Males produce spermatophores at a rate (~1 day−1) much lower than known female encounter rates for most of the year and the decision to mate a particular female thus implies lost future opportunities. Female egg production increases with female size, and males mating larger females therefore sire more offspring per mating event. Similarly, females encounter males more frequently than they need to mate. Large males produce larger spermatophores than small males and the offspring production of female increases with the size of the spermatophore she receives. Additionally, large spermatophores allow females to fertilize eggs for a longer period. Thus, mating with large males reduces the female’s need for frequent matings and she may sire sons that produce more offspring because size is heritable in copepods. Finally, we show that both males and females mate preferentially with large partners. This is the first demonstration of sexual selection by mate choice in a planktonic organism.  相似文献   

Female choice for male ornamental traits is widely accepted as a mechanism by which females maximize their reproductive success and/or offspring quality. However, there is an increasing empirical literature that shows a fitness benefit of genetic diversity and a tendency for females to use genetic dissimilarity as a criterion for mate choice. This genetic compatibility hypothesis for female mate choice presents a paradox. How can females use both an absolute criterion, such as male ornamentation, and a relative criterion, such as genetic dissimilarity, to choose their mates? Here, we present potential solutions for this dilemma and the empirical evidence supporting them. The interplay between these two contrasting forms of female mate choice presents an exciting empirical and theoretical challenge for evolutionary ecologists.  相似文献   

Female mating preferences are often based on more than one cue.In empirical studies, however, different mate choice cues aretypically treated separately ignoring their possible interactions.In the current work, we studied how male body size and sizeof the male's nest jointly affect mate preferences of femalesand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus. The females were givena binary choice between males that differed either in body sizeor size of their nest or both. We found that neither body sizenor size of the nest alone affected male attractiveness, buttogether these 2 cues had a significant effect. Specifically,large males were more popular among females when they had alarge nest than when they occupied a small nest. The resultssuggest that if interaction effects between multiple mate choicecues are not considered, there is a danger of ignoring or underestimatingthe importance of these cues in sexual selection by female choice.  相似文献   

The water spider Argyroneta aquatica is the only spider spending its whole life under water, and one of the few spider species in which males are larger than females. Previous studies indicated that males can cannibalize females, which is uncommon among spiders. Here we aimed to further test for a potential influence of sexual selection on male body size. We examined the importance of female choice by testing whether females prefer the larger of two simultaneously presented males as mating partners. Further, we examined the influence of male–male competition by comparing the fighting behaviour between large and small males when alone or when together with a female, and we determined the outcome of fights. We found that females approach and choose large males as mating partners, despite the risk of male cannibalism. Additionally, males intensively compete for females, and large males clearly win against smaller ones. Hence sexual selection seems to be important for the evolution of the peculiar sexual size dimorphism of water spiders, as large size is beneficial for males in both the intra‐ and intersexual context. Previous studies have suggested an important role of natural selection in the sex‐specific body size of water spiders, but natural and sexual selection mechanisms apparently work in the same direction, favouring large male size.  相似文献   

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