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Under the endosymbiont hypothesis, over a billion years ago a heterotrophic eukaryote entered into a symbiotic relationship with a cyanobacterium (the cyanobiont). This partnership culminated in the plastid that has spread to forms as diverse as plants and diatoms. However, why primary plastid acquisition has not been repeated multiple times remains unclear. Here, we report a possible answer to this question by showing that primary plastid endosymbiosis was likely to have been primed by the secretion in the host cytosol of effector proteins from intracellular Chlamydiales pathogens. We provide evidence suggesting that the cyanobiont might have rescued its afflicted host by feeding photosynthetic carbon into a chlamydia-controlled assimilation pathway.  相似文献   

Many of the immune and metabolic changes occurring during normal pregnancy also describe metabolic syndrome. Gut microbiota can cause symptoms of metabolic syndrome in nonpregnant hosts. Here, to explore their role in pregnancy, we characterized fecal bacteria of 91 pregnant women of varying prepregnancy BMIs and gestational diabetes status and their infants. Similarities between infant-mother microbiotas increased with children's age, and the infant microbiota was unaffected by mother's health status. Gut microbiota changed dramatically from first (T1) to third (T3) trimesters, with vast expansion of diversity between mothers, an overall increase in Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, and reduced richness. T3 stool showed strongest signs of inflammation and energy loss; however, microbiome gene repertoires were constant between trimesters. When transferred to germ-free mice, T3 microbiota induced greater adiposity and insulin insensitivity compared to T1. Our findings indicate that host-microbial interactions that impact host metabolism can occur and may be beneficial in pregnancy.  相似文献   

Identifying the tissues in which a microRNA is expressed could enhance the understanding of the functions, the biological processes, and the diseases associated with that microRNA. However, the mechanisms of microRNA biogenesis and expression remain largely unclear and the identification of the tissues in which a microRNA is expressed is limited. Here, we present a machine learning based approach to predict whether an intronic microRNA show high co-expression with its host gene, by doing so, we could infer the tissues in which a microRNA is high expressed through the expression profile of its host gene. Our approach is able to achieve an accuracy of 79% in the leave-one-out cross validation and 95% on an independent testing dataset. We further estimated our method through comparing the predicted tissue specific microRNAs and the tissue specific microRNAs identified by biological experiments. This study presented a valuable tool to predict the co-expression patterns between human intronic microRNAs and their host genes, which would also help to understand the microRNA expression and regulation mechanisms. Finally, this framework can be easily extended to other species.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that 3D target-oriented human arm reaches can be represented as linear combinations of discrete submovements, where the submovements are a set of minimum-jerk basis functions for the reaches. We have also demonstrated the ability of deterministic feed-forward Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to predict the parameters of the submovements. ANNs were trained using kinematic data obtained experimentally from five human participants making target-directed movements that were decomposed offline into minimum-jerk submovements using an optimization algorithm. Under cross-validation, the ANNs were able to accurately predict the parameters (initiation-time, amplitude, and duration) of the individual submovements. We also demonstrated that the ANNs can together form a closed-loop model of human reaching capable of predicting 3D trajectories with VAF >95.9% and RMSE ≤4.32 cm relative to the actual recorded trajectories. This closed-loop model is a step towards a practical arm trajectory generator based on submovements, and should be useful for the development of future arm prosthetic devices that are controlled by brain computer interfaces or other user interfaces.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of the latent phase of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) infection is the global repression of lytic viral gene expression. Following de novo KSHV infection, the establishment of latency involves the chromatinization of the incoming viral genomes and recruitment of the host Polycomb repressive complexes (PRC1 and PRC2) to the promoters of lytic genes, which is accompanied by the inhibition of lytic genes. However, the mechanism of how PRCs are recruited to the KSHV episome is still unknown. Utilizing a genetic screen of latent genes in the context of KSHV genome, we identified the latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) to be responsible for the genome-wide recruitment of PRCs onto the lytic promoters following infection. We found that LANA initially bound to the KSHV genome right after infection and subsequently recruited PRCs onto the viral lytic promoters, thereby repressing lytic gene expression. Furthermore, both the DNA and chromatin binding activities of LANA were required for the binding of LANA to the KSHV promoters, which was necessary for the recruitment of PRC2 to the lytic promoters during de novo KSHV infection. Consequently, the LANA-knockout KSHV could not recruit PRCs to its viral genome upon de novo infection, resulting in aberrant lytic gene expression and dysregulation of expression of host genes involved in cell cycle and proliferation pathways. In this report, we demonstrate that KSHV LANA recruits host PRCs onto the lytic promoters to suppress lytic gene expression following de novo infection.  相似文献   



To assess the feasibility of renal proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy for quantification of triglyceride content and to compare spectral quality and reproducibility without and with respiratory motion compensation in vivo.

Materials and Methods

The Institutional Review Board of our institution approved the study protocol, and written informed consent was obtained. After technical optimization, a total of 20 healthy volunteers underwent renal proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the renal cortex both without and with respiratory motion compensation and volume tracking. After the first session the subjects were repositioned and the protocol was repeated to assess reproducibility. Spectral quality (linewidth of the water signal) and triglyceride content were quantified. Bland-Altman analyses and a test by Pitman were performed.


Linewidth changed from 11.5±0.4 Hz to 10.7±0.4 Hz (all data pooled, p<0.05), without and with respiratory motion compensation respectively. Mean % triglyceride content in the first and second session without respiratory motion compensation were respectively 0.58±0.12% and 0.51±0.14% (P = NS). Mean % triglyceride content in the first and second session with respiratory motion compensation were respectively 0.44±0.10% and 0.43±0.10% (P = NS between sessions and P = NS compared to measurements with respiratory motion compensation). Bland-Altman analyses showed narrower limits of agreement and a significant difference in the correlated variances (correlation of −0.59, P<0.05).


Metabolic imaging of the human kidney using renal proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a feasible tool to assess cortical triglyceride content in humans in vivo and the use of respiratory motion compensation significantly improves spectral quality and reproducibility. Therefore, respiratory motion compensation seems a necessity for metabolic imaging of renal triglyceride content in vivo.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite harbors a relict plastid called the apicoplast and its discovery opened a new avenue for drug discovery and development due to its unusual, nonmammalian metabolism. The apicoplast is essential during the asexual intraerythrocytic and hepatic stages of the parasite, and there is strong evidence supporting its essential metabolic role during the mosquito stages of the parasite. Supply of the isoprenoid building blocks isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) is the essential metabolic function of the apicoplast during the asexual intraerythrocytic stages. However, the metabolic role of the apicoplast during gametocyte development, the malaria stages transmitted to the mosquito, remains unknown. In this study, we showed that production of IPP for isoprenoid biosynthesis is the essential metabolic function of the apicoplast during gametocytogenesis, by obtaining normal gametocytes lacking the apicoplast when supplemented with IPP. When IPP supplementation was removed early in gametocytogenesis, developmental defects were observed, supporting the essential role of isoprenoids for normal gametocytogenesis. Furthermore, mosquitoes infected with gametocytes lacking the apicoplast developed fewer and smaller oocysts that failed to produce sporozoites. This finding further supports the essential role of the apicoplast in establishing a successful infection in the mosquito vector. Our study supports isoprenoid biosynthesis as a valid drug target for development of malaria transmission-blocking inhibitors.  相似文献   

The apical and basolateral surfaces of airway epithelial cells demonstrate directional responses to pathogen exposure in vivo. Thus, ideal in vitro models for examining cellular responses to respiratory pathogens polarize, forming apical and basolateral surfaces. One such model is differentiated normal human bronchial epithelial cells (NHBE). However, this system requires lung tissue samples, expertise isolating and culturing epithelial cells from tissue, and time to generate an air-liquid interface culture.Calu-3 cells, derived from a human bronchial adenocarcinoma, are an alternative model for examining the response of proximal airway epithelial cells to respiratory insult1, pharmacological compounds2-6, and bacterial7-9 and viral pathogens, including influenza virus, rhinovirus and severe acute respiratory syndrome - associated coronavirus10-14. Recently, we demonstrated that Calu-3 cells are susceptible to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in a manner consistent with NHBE15,16 . Here, we detail the establishment of a polarized, liquid-covered culture (LCC) of Calu-3 cells, focusing on the technical details of growing and culturing Calu-3 cells, maintaining cells that have been cultured into LCC, and we present the method for performing respiratory virus infection of polarized Calu-3 cells.To consistently obtain polarized Calu-3 LCC, Calu-3 cells must be carefully subcultured before culturing in Transwell inserts. Calu-3 monolayer cultures should remain below 90% confluence, should be subcultured fewer than 10 times from frozen stock, and should regularly be supplied with fresh medium. Once cultured in Transwells, Calu-3 LCC must be handled with care. Irregular media changes and mechanical or physical disruption of the cell layers or plates negatively impact polarization for several hours or days. Polarization is monitored by evaluating trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and is verified by evaluating the passive equilibration of sodium fluorescein between the apical and basolateral compartments17,18 . Once TEER plateaus at or above 1,000 Ω×cm2, Calu-3 LCC are ready to use to examine cellular responses to respiratory pathogens.  相似文献   

Twin and family studies have established the contribution of genetic factors to variation in metabolic, hematologic and immunological parameters. The majority of these studies analyzed single or combined traits into pre-defined syndromes. In the present study, we explore an alternative multivariate approach in which a broad range of metabolic, hematologic, and immunological traits are analyzed simultaneously to determine the resemblance of monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs, twin-spouse pairs and unrelated, non-cohabiting individuals. A total of 517 participants from the Netherlands Twin Register, including 210 MZ twin pairs and 64 twin-spouse pairs, took part in the study. Data were collected on body composition, blood pressure, heart rate, and multiple biomarkers assessed in fasting blood samples, including lipid levels, glucose, insulin, liver enzymes, hematological measurements and cytokine levels. For all 51 measured traits, pair-wise Pearson correlations, correcting for family relatedness, were calculated across all the individuals in the cohort. Hierarchical clustering techniques were applied to group the measured traits into sub-clusters based on similarity. Sub-clusters were observed among metabolic traits and among inflammatory markers. We defined a phenotypic profile as the collection of all the traits measured for a given individual. Average within-pair similarity of phenotypic profiles was determined for the groups of MZ twin pairs, spouse pairs and pairs of unrelated individuals. The average similarity across the full phenotypic profile was higher for MZ twin pairs than for spouse pairs, and lowest for pairs of unrelated individuals. Cohabiting MZ twins were more similar in their phenotypic profile compared to MZ twins who no longer lived together. The correspondence in the phenotypic profile is therefore determined to a large degree by familial, mostly genetic, factors, while household factors contribute to a lesser degree to profile similarity.  相似文献   

Many viruses subvert the host cell''s ability to mount and complete various DNA damage responses (DDRs) after infection. HCMV infection of permissive fibroblasts activates host DDRs at the time of viral deposition and during replication, but the DDRs remain uncompleted without arrest or apoptosis. We believe this was in part due to partitioning of the damage response and double strand break repair components. After extraction of soluble proteins, the localization of these components fell into three groups: specifically associated with the viral replication centers (RCs), diffused throughout the nucleoplasm and excluded from the RCs. Others have shown that cells are incapable of processing exogenously introduced damage after infection. We hypothesized that the inability of the cells to process damage might be due to the differential association of repair components within the RCs and, in turn, potentially preferential repair of the viral genome and compromised repair of the host genome. To test this hypothesis we used multiple strategies to examine repair of UV-induced DNA damage in mock and virus-infected fibroblasts. Comet assays indicated that repair was initiated, but was not completed in infected cells. Quantitative analysis of immunofluorescent localization of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) revealed that after 24 h of repair, CPDs were significantly reduced in viral DNA, but not significantly changed in the infected host DNA. To further quantitate CPD repair, we developed a novel dual-color Southern protocol allowing visualization of host and viral DNA simultaneously. Combining this Southern methodology with a CPD-specific T4 endonuclease V alkaline agarose assay to quantitate repair of adducts, we found efficient repair of CPDs from the viral DNA but not host cellular DNA. Our data confirm that NER functions in HCMV-infected cells and almost exclusively repairs the viral genome to the detriment of the host''s genome.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and affect a great number of people worldwide. Essential oils, take effects through inhalation or topical application, are believed to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Although clinical studies suggest that the use of essential oils may have therapeutic potential, evidence for the efficacy of essential oils in treating medical conditions remains poor, with a particular lack of studies employing rigorous analytical methods that capture its identifiable impact on human biology. Here, we report a comprehensive gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) based metabonomics study that reveals the aromas-induced metabolic changes and the anxiolytic effect of aromas in elevated plus maze (EPM) induced anxiety model rats. The significant alteration of metabolites in the EPM group was attenuated by aromas treatment, concurrent with the behavioral improvement with significantly increased open arms time and open arms entries. Brain tissue and urinary metabonomic analysis identified a number of altered metabolites in response to aromas intervention. These metabolic changes included the increased carbohydrates and lowered levels of neurotransmitters (tryptophan, serine, glycine, aspartate, tyrosine, cysteine, phenylalanine, hypotaurine, histidine, and asparagine), amino acids, and fatty acids in the brain. Elevated aspartate, carbohydrates (sucrose, maltose, fructose, and glucose), nucleosides and organic acids such as lactate and pyruvate were also observed in the urine. The EPM induced metabolic differences observed in urine or brain tissue was significantly reduced after 10 days of aroma inhalation, as noted with the loss of statistical significance on many of the metabolites in the aroma-EPM group. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that the metabonomics approach can capture the subtle metabolic changes resulting from exposure to essential oils and provide the basis for pinpointing affected pathways in anxiety-related behavior, which will lead to an improved mechanistic understanding of anxiolytic effect of essential oils.  相似文献   

The infection outcome of the Parvoviridae largely relies on poorly characterized intracellular factors modulated by proliferation, differentiation, and transformation of host cells. We have studied the interactions displayed by the highly homologous p and i strains of the murine parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM), with a series of transformed cells of rat (C6) and human (U373, U87, SW1088, SK-N-SH) nervous system origin, seeking for molecular mechanisms governing parvovirus host range. The MVMp infection of C6 and U373 cells was cytotoxic and productive, whereas the other nervous cells behaved essentially as resistant to this virus. In contrast, MVMi did not complete its life cycle in any of the human nervous cells, though it efficiently killed the astrocytic tumor cells by two types of nonproductive infections: (i) normal synthesis of all viral macromolecules with a late defect in infectious virion maturation and release to the medium in U373; and (ii) high levels of accumulation of the full set of viral messenger RNAs and of both nonstructural (NS-1) and structural (VP-1 and VP-2) proteins, under a very low viral DNA amplification, in U87 and SW1088 cells. Further analyses showed that U87 was permissive for nuclear transport of MVMi proteins, leading to efficient assembly of empty viral capsids with a normal phosphorylation and VP1-to-VP2 ratio. The DNA amplification blockade in U87 occurred after conversion of the incoming MVMi genome to the monomeric replicative form, and it operated independently of the delivery pathway used by the viral particle, since it could not be overcome by transfection with cloned infectious viral DNA. Significantly, a chimeric MVMi virus harboring the coding region of the nonstructural (NS) gene replaced with that of MVMp showed a similar pattern of restriction in U87 cells as the parental MVMi virus, and it attained in U373 cultures an infectious titer above 100-fold higher under equal levels of DNA amplification and genome encapsidation. The results suggest that the activity of complexes formed by the NS polypeptides and recruited cellular factors restrict parvovirus DNA amplification in a cell type-dependent manner and that NS functions may in addition determine MVM host range acting at postencapsidation steps of viral maturation. These data are relevant for understanding the increased multiplication of autonomous parvovirus in some transformed cells and the transduction efficacy of nonreplicative parvoviral vectors, as well as a general remark on the mechanisms by which NS genes may regulate viral tropism and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Members of the gram-negative, strictly aerobic genus Comamonas occur in various environments. Here we report the complete genome of Comamonas testosteroni strain CNB-2. Strain CNB-2 has a circular chromosome that is 5,373,643 bp long and has a G+C content of 61.4%. A total of 4,803 open reading frames (ORFs) were identified; 3,514 of these ORFs are functionally assigned to energy production, cell growth, signal transduction, or transportation, while 866 ORFs encode hypothetical proteins and 423 ORFs encode purely hypothetical proteins. The CNB-2 genome has many genes for transportation (22%) and signal transduction (6%), which allows the cells to respond and adapt to changing environments. Strain CNB-2 does not assimilate carbohydrates due to the lack of genes encoding proteins involved in glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathways, and it contains many genes encoding proteins involved in degradation of aromatic compounds. We identified 66 Tct and nine TRAP-T systems and a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle, which may allow CNB-2 to take up and metabolize a range of carboxylic acids. This nutritional bias for carboxylic acids and aromatic compounds enables strain CNB-2 to occupy unique niches in environments. Four different sets of terminal oxidases for the respiratory system were identified, and they putatively functioned at different oxygen concentrations. This study conclusively revealed at the genomic level that the genetic versatility of C. testosteroni is vital for competition with other bacteria in its special niches.The members of the genus Comamonas are gram-negative, strict aerobes and frequently occur in diverse habitats, including activated sludge, marshes, marine habitats, and plant and animal tissues (4, 12, 13). They grow on organic acids, amino acids, and peptone, but they rarely attack carbohydrates. Some species, such as Comamonas testosteroni, can also mineralize complex and xenobiotic compounds, such as testosterone (17) and 4-chloronitrobenzene (CNB) (54). Their diversified niches make Comamonas species environmentally important and also suggest that the genus Comamonas represents a group of bacteria that can adapt very well, both ecologically and physiologically, to environments.To understand better how environmental microbes adapt to their environments, many well-known environmental microbes, such as Pseudomonas putida (53) and Rhodococcus sp. strain RAH1 (31), have been sequenced. The genome data for these organisms, as well as other environmental microbes, provide not only an understanding of physiological and environmental functions at the genetic level but also a starting point for systems biology analyses of these microbes. Until now, none of the Comamonas species has been sequenced, although these organisms represent an important group of environmental microbes.C. testosteroni strain CNB-1 was isolated from CNB-contaminated activated sludge and grows with CNB as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen, and it has been used successfully for rhizoremediation of CNB-polluted soil (25). Strain CNB-1 has a circular chromosome and a large plasmid, and the genes involved in the degradation of CNB on plasmid pCNB1 were identified previously (28). In the present study, the genome of strain CNB-2, which was derived from strain CNB-1, was sequenced, and a genome analysis was performed parallel to physiological experiments. The aim of this work was to obtain genetic insight into how C. testosteroni adapts to changing and diverse environments.  相似文献   

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