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Recent studies have found methyl-6-adenosine in thousands of mammalian genes, and this modification is most pronounced near the beginning of the 3' UTR. We present a perspective on current work and new single-molecule sequencing methods for detecting RNA base modifications.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry is a very powerful and fairly straightforward method for determining the presence, subcellular localization, and relative abundance of an antigen of interest, most commonly a protein, in cultured cells. This protocol presents an easy-to-follow series of steps that will enable researchers to conserve primary and secondary antibodies while getting high quality, reproducible qualitative and quantitative data out of their staining. There are two aspects of this protocol that help to conserve the volume of antibody necessary for staining. For one, the cells are grown on small, circular coverslips that are placed in wells of a tissue culture plate. After fixation, the cells on coverslips can be removed from the wells of the plate. For antibody staining, the coverslip with cells is inverted onto a small drop of antibody solution on parafilm and is covered with a second piece of parafilm to prevent drying. Using this method, only approximately 25 microl of antibody solution is needed for each coverslip (or sample) to be stained. This protocol describes immunostaining of human neural stem/precursor cells (hNSPCs), but can be used for many other cell types.  相似文献   

Zhang QB  Ji XY  Huang Q  Dong J  Zhu YD  Lan Q 《Cell research》2006,16(12):909-915
Understanding of the differentiation profile of brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs), the key ones among tumor cell population, through comparison with neural stem cells (NSCs) would lend insight into the origin of glioma and ultimately yield new approaches to fight this intractable disease. Here, we cultured and purified BTSCs from surgical glioma specimens and NSCs from human fetal brain tissue, and further analyzed their cellular biological behaviors, especially their differentiation property. As expected, NSCs differentiated into mature neural phenotypes. In the same differentiation condition, however, BTSCs exhibited distinguished differences. Morphologically, cells grew flattened and attached for the first week, but gradually aggregated and reformed floating tumor sphere thereafter. During the corresponding period, the expression rate of undifferentiated cell marker CD 133 and nestin in BTSCs kept decreasing, but 1 week later, they regained ascending tendency. Interestingly, the differentiated cell markers GFAP and β-tubulinlII showed an expression change inverse to that of undifferentiated cell markers. Taken together, BTSCs were revealed to possess a capacity to resist differentiation, which actually represents the malignant behaviors of glioma.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the exact number of viable cells in a given volume of a cell suspension is required for many routine tissue culture manipulations, such as plating cells for immunocytochemistry or for cell transfections. This protocol describes a straightforward and fast method for differentiating between live and dead cells and quantifying the cell concentration and total cell number using a hemacytometer. This procedure first requires detaching cells from a growth surface and resuspending them in media. Next, the cells are diluted in a solution of Trypan blue (ideally to a concentration that will give 20-50 cells per quadrant) and placed in the hemacytometer. Finally, averaging the counts of viable cells in several randomly selected quadrants, dividing the average by the volume of one 1 mm(2) quadrant (0.1 microl) and multiplying by the dilution factor gives the number of cells per l. Multiplying this cell concentration by the total volume in microl gives the total cell number. This protocol describes counting human neural stem/precursor cells (hNSPCs), but can also be used for many other cell types.  相似文献   

The ability to manipulate human neural stem/precursor cells (hNSPCs) in vitro provides a means to investigate their utility as cell transplants for therapeutic purposes as well as to explore many fundamental processes of human neural development and pathology. This protocol presents a simple method of culturing and passaging hNSPCs in hopes of standardizing this technique and increasing reproducibility of human stem cell research. The hNSPCs we use were isolated from cadaveric postnatal brain cortices by the National Human Neural Stem Cell Resource and grown as adherent cultures on flasks coated with fibronectin (Palmer et al., 2001; Schwartz et al., 2003). We culture our hNSPCs in a DMEM:F12 serum-free media supplemented with EGF, FGF, and PDGF and passage them 1:2 approximately every seven days. Using these conditions, the majority of the cells in the culture maintain a bipolar morphology and express markers of undifferentiated neural stem cells (such as nestin and sox2).  相似文献   

The adult bone marrow contains a subset of non-haematopoietic cells referred to as bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have attracted immense research interest in the field of regenerative medicine due to their ability to be cultured for successive passages and multi-lineage differentiation. The molecular mechanisms governing the self-renewal and differentiation of MSCs remain largely unknown. In a previous paper we demonstrated the ability to induce human clonal MSCs to differentiate into cells with a neuronal phenotype (DMSCs). In the present study we evaluated gene expression profiles by Sequential Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) and microRNA expression profiles before and after the neuronal differentiation process. Various tissue-specific genes were weakly expressed in MSCs, including those of non-mesodermal origin, suggesting multiple potential tissue-specific differentiation, as well as stemness markers. Expression of OCT4, KLF4 and c-Myc cell reprogramming factors, which are modulated during the differentiation process, was also observed. Many peculiar nervous tissue genes were expressed at a high level in DMSCs, along with genes related to apoptosis. MicroRNA profiling and correlation with mRNA expression profiles allowed us to identify putative important genes and microRNAs involved in the differentiation of MSCs into neuronal-like cells. The profound difference in gene and microRNA expression patterns between MSCs and DMSCs indicates a real functional change during differentiation from MSCs to DMSCs.  相似文献   

In the resurging field of RNA modifications, quantification is a bottleneck blocking many exciting avenues. With currently over 150 known nucleoside alterations, detection and quantification methods must encompass multiple modifications for a comprehensive profile. LC–MS/MS approaches offer a perspective for comprehensive parallel quantification of all the various modifications found in total RNA of a given organism. By feeding 13C-glucose as sole carbon source, we have generated a stable isotope-labeled internal standard (SIL-IS) for bacterial RNA, which facilitates relative comparison of all modifications. While conventional SIL-IS approaches require the chemical synthesis of single modifications in weighable quantities, this SIL-IS consists of a nucleoside mixture covering all detectable RNA modifications of Escherichia coli, yet in small and initially unknown quantities. For absolute in addition to relative quantification, those quantities were determined by a combination of external calibration and sample spiking of the biosynthetic SIL-IS. For each nucleoside, we thus obtained a very robust relative response factor, which permits direct conversion of the MS signal to absolute amounts of substance. The application of the validated SIL-IS allowed highly precise quantification with standard deviations <2% during a 12-week period, and a linear dynamic range that was extended by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

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Vertebrate neural crest development depends on pluripotent, migratory precursor cells. Although avian and murine neural crest stem (NCS) cells have been identified, the isolation of human NCS cells has remained elusive. Here we report the derivation of NCS cells from human embryonic stem cells at the neural rosette stage. We show that NCS cells plated at clonal density give rise to multiple neural crest lineages. The human NCS cells can be propagated in vitro and directed toward peripheral nervous system lineages (peripheral neurons, Schwann cells) and mesenchymal lineages (smooth muscle, adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic cells). Transplantation of human NCS cells into the developing chick embryo and adult mouse hosts demonstrates survival, migration and differentiation compatible with neural crest identity. The availability of unlimited numbers of human NCS cells offers new opportunities for studies of neural crest development and for efforts to model and treat neural crest-related disorders.  相似文献   

Conceptual and technical advances in neural stem cell biology are being applied to the study of human brain tumours. These studies suggest that human brain tumours are organized as a hierarchy and are maintained by a small number of tumour cells that have stem cell properties. Most of the bulk population of human brain tumours comprise cells that have lost the ability to initiate and maintain tumour growth. Although the cell of origin for human brain tumours is uncertain, recent evidence points towards the brain's known proliferative zones. The identification of brain tumour stem cells has important implications for understanding brain tumour biology and these cells may be critical cellular targets for curative therapy.  相似文献   

张慧  李秀国  任妍 《生物磁学》2009,(16):3179-3181
神经干细胞是中枢神经系统中具有增殖、自我更新能力以及多种分化潜能的细胞,对它的研究已经成为神经生物学、发育生物学以及脑科学研究的一个热点。随着神经干细胞(特别是胚胎神经干细胞)的分离、培养成功,神经干细胞移植已被尝试用于神经系统损伤等疾病的治疗。但是,关于胚胎神经干细胞的研究尚处于初级阶段,特别是人胚胎神经干细胞的研究、报道还比较少。本文对国内、外近几年来关于人胚胎神经干细胞的基础及应用研究进展作了综述。  相似文献   

The neural crest is a transient population of multipotent progenitors contributing to a diverse array of tissues throughout the vertebrate embryo. Embryonic stem (ES) cells are able to form embryoid body and spontaneously differentiate to various lineages, following a reproducible temporal pattern of development that recapitulates early embryogenesis. Embryoid bodies were triturated and the dissociated cells were processed for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and more than 1% of cells were identified as frizzled-3+/cadherin-11+. Expression of marker genes associated with various terminal fates was detected for chondrocytes, glia, neurons, osteoblasts and smooth muscles, indicating that the FACS-sorted frizzled-3+/cadherin-11+ cells were multipotent progenitor cells capable of differentiating to fates associated with cranial neural crest. Moreover, the sorted cells were able to self-renew and maintain multipotent differentiation potential. The derivation of cranial neural crest-like multipotent progenitor cells from ES cells provides a new tool for cell lineage analysis of neural crest in vitro.  相似文献   



Circular RNAs (circRNAs) have recently been found to be expressed in human brain tissue, and many lines ofevidence indicate that circRNAs play regulatory roles in neurodevelopment. Proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs) are critical parts during development of central nervous system (CNS).To date, there have been no reports ofcircRNA expression profiles during the differentiation of mouse NSCs. We hypothesizethat circRNAs mayregulate gene expression in the proliferation anddifferentiation of NSCs.


In this study, we obtained NSCs from the wild-type C57BL/6 J mouse fetal cerebral cortex. We extracted total RNA from NSCs in different differentiation stagesand then performed RNA-seq. By analyzing the RNA-Seq data, we found 37circRNAs and 4182 mRNAs differentially expressedduringthe NSC differentiation. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of thecognate linear genes of these circRNAsrevealed that some enriched GO terms were related to neural activity. Furthermore, we performed a co-expression network analysis of these differentially expressed circRNAs and mRNAs. The result suggested a stronger GO enrichmentin neural features for both the cognate linear genes of circRNAs and differentially expressed mRNAs.


We performed the first circRNA investigation during the differentiation of mouse NSCs. Wefound that12 circRNAs might have regulatory roles duringthe NSC differentiation, indicating that circRNAs might be modulated during NSC differentiation.Our network analysis suggested the possible complex circRNA-mRNA mechanisms during differentiation, and future experimental workis need to validate these possible mechanisms.

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