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Mobile stages of meiosis have been analysed by visualizing the spindle in fertile cereal F1 hybrids. We describe four different mechanisms of the formation of restitution nuclei in meiotic division: (1) centripetal migration of telophase chromosome groups from the poles of a curved spindle at early telophase; (2) centripetal migration of the chromosome groups at late telophase when cell plate formation has failed; (3) preferable migration of univalents to one of the poles although spindle appearance is morphologically normal; and (4) in the absence of chromosome segregation where kinetochore fibers have failed to form.  相似文献   

卢宝荣  Bj 《生物多样性》2004,12(2):213-226
在同倍体(homoploid)植物杂交-分化的物种形成(speciation)过程中,杂交后代与亲本之间的有效生殖隔离是新物种形成的关键。杂种与亲本在时间、空间、生态环境和基因水平上的隔离,保证了杂种后代的分化和稳定,并逐渐形成新物种。为了研究披碱草属(Elymus)含StY基因组四倍体物种的系统演化关系,本文对来自亚洲不同地理分布区的26种披碱草属植物进行了大规模的种间杂交和杂种F1减数分裂染色体配对行为的分析。结果表明各物种之间有不同程度的杂交亲合力,杂交结实率在各杂交组合之间有较大的变异(在4.8%-100%之间);但各物种之间的杂种F1完全不育。证明各物种之间形成了明显的生殖隔离。种间杂种F1减数分裂中期-I染色体配对分析的结果进一步表明,StY基因组随各披碱草属物种地理分布的不同而有不同程度的分化。来自同一分布区(如东亚或西亚分布区之内)物种的StY基因组分化程度较低,但来自不同分布区(如东亚和西亚)物种之间相同的StY基因组具有显著的分化。表明地理隔离对含StY基因组物种的分化起到了十分重要的作用。通过对种间和种内杂种F1的减数分裂异常现象和染色体配对频率变化规律的分析,作者认为细胞学水平的变化,如基因组同源性的分化和染色体结构的变异等都在杂种后代与亲本之间产生生殖隔离并逐渐形成新物种的进化过程中起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

It has long been known that processes occurring within a species may impact the interactions between species. For example, as competitive ability is sensitive to parameters including reproductive rate, carrying capacity and competition efficiency, the outcome of interspecific competition may be influenced by any process that alters these attributes. Although several such scenarios have been discussed, the influence of selfish genetic elements within one species on competition between species has not received theoretical treatment. We show that, with strong competition, sex‐ratio meiotic drive systems can result in a significant shift in community composition because the effective birth rate in the population may be increased by a female‐biased sex ratio. Using empirical data, we attempt to estimate the magnitude of this effect in several Drosophila species. We infer that meiotic drive elements, selfish genetic elements within species, can provide a substantial competitive advantage to that species within a community.  相似文献   

The mode of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) inheritance was investigated in the genus Larrea (Zygophyllaceae) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of cpDNA fragments using three pairs of chloroplast universal primers. A total of 20 F(1)s from interspecific crosses among five different taxa in the section Bifolium was examined. Twelve F(1)s were from six crosses between L. cuneifolia (4x) and L. divaricata (2x) (Peru or Argentina) or L. tridentata (2x or 4x). Eight F(1)s were from two sets of reciprocal crosses between L. divaricata (2x) (Argentina) and L. tridentata (2x). Length polymorphism was observed in all three regions of cpDNA that separated L. cuneifolia parents from L. divaricata and L. tridentata parents and in one of the three cpDNA regions that differentiated L. divaricata (Argentina) parents from L. tridentata (2x) parents. In each case, it was the paternal cpDNA marker that appeared in the F(1) individuals. This was further confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the amplified cpDNA fragments. Larrea may be the fifth genus reported in angiosperms with a paternal bias in cpDNA transmission. Possible mechanisms that may result in paternal cpDNA inheritance were briefly reviewed. Based on the observed uniparental paternal inheritance of cpDNA, restriction analysis of the three cpDNA regions and previous cytogenetic studies, L. divaricata was probably the maternal progenitor of L. cuneifolia.  相似文献   

The serological reactions of Fraction I proteins from interspecific hybrids in the genusNicotiana have been examined by immunodiffusion in agar gels using antisera to crystalline Fraction I proteins fromN. glutinosa, N. gossei, andN. tabacum. The serological reactions of the proteins from the hybrids resembled the reactions of the proteins from the maternal parent species but not from the paternal species. Changes in ploidy level did not affect the serological reactions of Fraction I proteins from hybrids. It is suggested that serological examination of Fraction I proteins from polyploid species and their known progenitors can indicate the direction of the cross giving rise to the polyploid species.  相似文献   

Callus was induced from hybrids between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare) and ten species of wild barley (Hordeum L.) as well as from one backcross line ((H. lechleri x H. vulgare) x H. vulgare). Successful callus induction and regeneration of plants were achieved from explants of young spikes on the barley medium J 25–8. The capacity for plant regeneration was dependent on the wild parental species. In particular, combinations with four related wild species, viz. H. jubatum, H. roshevitzii, H. lechleri, and H. procerum, regenerated high numbers of plants from calli.  相似文献   

Hybrids from crosses of different species have been reported to display decreased developmental stability when compared to their pure species, which is conventionally attributed to a breakdown of coadapted gene complexes. Drosophila subobscura and its close relative D. madeirensis were hybridized in the laboratory to test the hypothesis that genuine fluctuating asymmetry, measured as the within-individual variance between right and left wings that results from random perturbations in development, would significantly increase after interspecific hybridization. When sires of D. subobscura were mated to heterospecific females following a hybrid half-sib breeding design, F1 hybrid females showed a large bilateral asymmetry with a substantial proportion of individuals having an asymmetric index larger than 5% of total wing size. Such an anomaly, however, cannot be plainly explained by an increase of developmental instability in hybrids but is the result of some aberrant developmental processes. Our findings suggest that interspecific hybrids are as able as their parents to buffer developmental noise, notwithstanding the fact that their proper bilateral development can be harshly compromised. Together with the low correspondence between the co-variation structures of the interindividual genetic components and the within-individual ones from a Procrustes analysis, our data also suggest that the underlying processes that control (genetic) canalization and developmental stability do not share a common mechanism. We argue that the conventional account of decreased developmental stability in interspecific hybrids needs to be reappraised.  相似文献   

Cui C  Ge X  Gautam M  Kang L  Li Z 《Genetics》2012,191(3):725-738
Interspecific hybridization and allopolyploidization contribute to the origin of many important crops. Synthetic Brassica is a widely used model for the study of genetic recombination and "fixed heterosis" in allopolyploids. To investigate the effects of the cytoplasm and genome combinations on meiotic recombination, we produced digenomic diploid and triploid hybrids and trigenomic triploid hybrids from the reciprocal crosses of three Brassica diploids (B. rapa, AA; B. nigra, BB; B. oleracea, CC). The chromosomes in the resultant hybrids were doubled to obtain three allotetraploids (B. juncea, AA.BB; B. napus, AA.CC; B. carinata, BB.CC). Intra- and intergenomic chromosome pairings in these hybrids were quantified using genomic in situ hybridization and BAC-FISH. The level of intra- and intergenomic pairings varied significantly, depending on the genome combinations and the cytoplasmic background and/or their interaction. The extent of intragenomic pairing was less than that of intergenomic pairing within each genome. The extent of pairing variations within the B genome was less than that within the A and C genomes, each of which had a similar extent of pairing. Synthetic allotetraploids exhibited nondiploidized meiotic behavior, and their chromosomal instabilities were correlated with the relationship of the genomes and cytoplasmic background. Our results highlight the specific roles of the cytoplasm and genome to the chromosomal behaviors of hybrids and allopolyploids.  相似文献   

In order to investigate instances of genetic instability in divergent cell hybrids, we studied several RAT-resistant colonies recovered from fusions between HPRT or TK-deficient rodent cells and marsupial or monotreme cells. Most of these colonies proved to lack HPRT or TK activity and to have survived by acquiring resistance to aminopterin; such aminopterin-resistant lines were never recovered from parent cells subjected to HAT selection. Two of the aminopterin-resistant hybrids over-produced DHFR, and possessed either double minutes or an abnormally banded region, the cytological manifestations of gene amplification. Selection in higher aminopterin concentrations yielded a highly resistant line with 100X wild-type DHFR activity and a large homogeneously staining region. We suggest that interspecific cell hybrids are predisposed to gene amplification and may also show many other types of genetic and chromosomal instability, possibly thein vitro equivalent of the “genomic shock” phenomena described for interstrain or interspecies hybrids of plants or animals. This paper, no. II in a series by these authors, reached the Editorial Office on the date given, although it had been mailed earlier than paper no. III; the latter paper also appears in this number — Eds.  相似文献   

观光木群落优势树种生态位和种间联结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解君子峰自然保护区极小种群观光木群落的种间关系和生态联系,加强观光木野生资源的保护,对群落优势树种的生态位特征和种间联结性进行研究。结果表明: 观光木、浙江润楠、木荷、赤杨叶的生态位宽度优势明显,是主要建群种;20个优势树种的190组种对中,有50.5%的种对生态位重叠值大于0.5,物种间生态位分化程度一般;观光木与其他19个物种生态位重叠度普遍较高,当资源不足时,有竞争风险;优势树种的总体联结性表现为显著正联结,群落处于相对稳定的演替后期;χ2检验、联结系数和Pearson相关系数检验结果均显示,种间联结性的显著率极低,种间独立性较强;种间联结性与生态位重叠之间呈正相关。君子峰观光木群落较为成熟,资源利用充分,种间关系稳定,为促进观光木种群恢复和壮大,可适当限制与观光木生态位重叠度大、有显著负联结的种群规模,提高与之有正相互作用的物种比例,为观光木营造良好的生境。  相似文献   

Three closely related species of theG. linearis group are differentiated by their basic numbers and ploidy levels. The change in basic number involves Robertsonian fusion, but the species also differ by interchange and cryptic structural changes revealed by meiotic pairing in F1 hybrids.Chromosome Evolution in theGibasis linearis Group (Commelinaceae), II.—Part I:Kenton (1981a).  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) methods were used to detect different genome components within Brassica amphidiploid species and to identify donor chromatin in hybrids between Brassica napus and Raphanus sativus. In Brassica juncea and Brassica carinata the respective diploid donor genomes could be reliably distinguished by GISH, as could all R-genome chromosomes in the intergeneric hybrids. The A- and C-genome components in B. napus could not be clearly distinguished from one another using GISH, confirming the considerable homoeology between these genomes. GISH methods will be extremely beneficial for monitoring chromatin transfer and introgression in interspecific Brassica hybrids. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

The complete process of meiosis was investigated in Pinus wallichiana, P. strobus and their artificial hybrid (F1) using microsporocytes. It is revealed that there were slightly lower chiasma frequency, lower ring bivalent frequency, lower meiotic index and distinctly higher frequency of aberrance (chromosomal bridges, fragments or micronuclei) in pollen mother cells (PMCs) of the hybrid (F1) than those of the parental species, which showed a certain degree of differentiation between homologous chromosomes of the two parents. However, relatively higher frequency of ring bivalents and higher meiotic index in all the three entities indicate the great stability of genomes of parental species, and the differentiation of genomes between the two parents must have been slight. Total nineteen signal loci of 18S rDNA were observed in nine bivalents of the hybrid (F1), among which one bivalent bears two loci, while the others have only one. It is suggested that distinct differentiation at genetic level existed in homologous chromosomes of the two parental species, whereas only slight differentiation at karyotypic and genomic levels take place between the parent species.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of microsporogenesis was carried out in three diploid lily cultivars (2n=2x=24) and three diploid interspecific hybrids (2n=2x=24) using DNA in situ hybridisation methods (GISH and FISH). In cvs. Gelria (Lilium longiflorum; L genome), Connecticut King and Mont Blanc (both Asiatic hybrids; Agenome) meiosis was regular and only haploid gametes were formed while the three interspecific hybrids between L. longiflorum×Asiatic hybrid (LA) showed a variable frequency of meiotic nuclear restitution and stainable 2n-pollen formation ranging from 3% to 30%. An analysis of meiotic chromosome behaviour of the LA hybrids through GISH and FISH revealed that: (1) the parental chromosomes could be clearly discriminated into univalents, half-bivalents and bivalents in the PMCs; (2) in some of the PMCs the entire complement was present either as univalents or half-bivalents which had the potential to divide equationally (following centromere division) during the first division leading to first division restitution (FDR) gametes; (3) more frequently, however, in one and the same PMC the univalents and half-bivalents divided equationally whereas the bivalents disjoined reductionally at the same time giving rise to 2n-gametes that could vary from the well-known FDR or SDR 2n-gametes. We indicate this novel type of restitution mechanism as Indeterminate Meiotic Restitution (IMR). In order to confirm the occurrence of IMR gametes, the chromosome constitutions of eight triploid BC1 progenies derived from backcrossing the 2n-gamete producing the LAhybrids to the Asiatic hybrid parents were analysed through in situ hybridisation. The results indicated that there were seven BC1 plants in which FDR 2n-gametes, with or without homoeologous recombinations, were functional, whereas in one case the 2n-gamete resulting from IMR was functional. In the latter, there was evidence for the occurrence of genetic recombination through homoeologous crossing-over as well as through the assortment of homoeologous chromosomes. A singular feature of the IMR 2n-gamete was that although it transmitted a euploid number of 24 chromosomes to the BC1 progeny, the number of chromosomes transmitted from the two parental species was dissimilar: 9 L-genome chromosomes and 15 A-genome chromosomes instead of 12 of each. Received: 15 May 2000 / Accepted: 4 December 2000  相似文献   

Interspecific and intergeneric hybridizations were carried out in an investigation of genome homology between Hystrix patula and other species of Hystrix , as well as the generic relationships between H. patula and its related species. Meiotic pairing in the hybrids H. patula  ×  H. duthiei ssp. longearistata (Ns–), H. patula  ×  Pseudoroegneria spicata (St), H. patula  ×  Pse. libanotica (St), Elymus sibiricus (StH) ×  H. patula , H. patula  ×  E. wawawaiensis (StH), Roegneria ciliaris (StY) ×  H. patula , H. patula  ×  R. grandis (StY), and H. patula  ×  Psathyrostachys huashanica (Nsh) averaged 1.32, 6.53, 5.62, 10.08, 12.83, 3.57, 3.98, and 0.29 bivalents per cell, respectively. The results indicate that: (1) H. patula has no genome homology with H. duthiei ssp. longearistata or the Ns genome from Psathyrostachys ; (2) H. patula contains the same StH genomes as the Elymus species, and the St genome is homologous to the genome of Pse. spicata and Pse. libanotica ; and (3) H. patula has a low genome affinity with the StY genomes of Roegneria . Therefore, it is reasonable to treat H. patula Moench as E. hystrix L.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 213–219.  相似文献   

Organelle inheritance in intergeneric hybrids of Festuca pratensis and Lolium perenne was investigated by restriction enzyme and Southern blot analyses of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). All F1 hybrids exhibited maternal inheritance of both cpDNA and mtDNA. However, examination of backcross hybrids, obtained by backcrossing the intergeneric F1 hybrids to L. Perenne, indicated that both uniparental maternal organelle inheritance and uniparental paternal organelle inheritance can occur in different backcross hybrids.  相似文献   

Several wine isolates of Saccharomyces were analysed for six molecular markers, five nuclear and one mitochondrial, and new natural interspecific hybrids were identified. The molecular characterization of these Saccharomyces hybrids was performed based on the restriction analysis of five nuclear genes (CAT8, CYR1, GSY1, MET6 and OPY1, located in different chromosomes), the ribosomal region encompassing the 5.8S rRNA gene and the two internal transcribed spacers, and sequence analysis of the mitochondrial gene COX2. This method allowed us to identify and characterize new hybrids between Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces kudriavzevii, between S. cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus, as well as a triple hybrid S. bayanusxS. cerevisiaexS. kudriavzevii. This is the first time that S. cerevisiaexS. kudriavzevii hybrids have been described which have been involved in wine fermentation.  相似文献   

Meiotic drivers have been proposed as a potent evolutionary force underlying genetic and phenotypic variation, genome structure, and also speciation. Due to their strong selective advantage, they are expected to rapidly spread through a population despite potentially detrimental effects on organismal fitness. Once fixed, autosomal drivers are cryptic within populations and only become visible in between‐population crosses lacking the driver or corresponding suppressor. However, the assumed ubiquity of meiotic drivers has rarely been assessed in crosses between populations or species. Here we test for meiotic drive in hybrid embryos and offspring of Timor and Australian zebra finches—subspecies that have evolved in isolation for about two million years—using 38,541 informative transmissions of 56 markers linked to either centromeres or distal chromosome ends. We did not find evidence for meiotic driver loci on specific chromosomes. However, we observed a weak overall transmission bias toward Timor alleles at centromeres in females (transmission probability of Australian alleles of 47%, nominal p = 6 × 10–5). While this is in line with the centromere drive theory, it goes against the expectation that the subspecies with the larger effective population size (i.e., the Australian zebra finch) should have evolved the more potent meiotic drivers. We thus caution against interpreting our finding as definite evidence for centromeric drive. Yet, weak centromeric meiotic drivers may be more common than generally anticipated and we encourage further studies that are designed to detect also small effect meiotic drivers.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Although there is evidence that both allopolyploid and homoploid hybridization lead to rapid genomic changes, much less is known about hybrids from parents with different basic numbers without further chromosome doubling. Two natural hybrids, Narcissus × alentejanus (2n = 19) and N. × perezlarae (2n = 29), originated by one progenitor (N. cavanillesii, 2n = 28) and two others (N. serotinus, 2n = 10 and N. miniatus, 2n = 30, respectively) allow us to study how DNA content and composition varies in such hybrids.


Flow cytometry measurements with two staining techniques, PI and DAPI, were used to estimate 2C values and base composition (AT/GC ratio) in 390 samples from 54 wild populations of the two natural hybrids and their parental species. In addition, 20 synthetic F1 hybrid individuals were also studied for comparison.

Key Results

Natural hybrids presented 2C values intermediate between those found in their parental species, although intra-population variance was very high in both hybrids, particularly for PI. Genome size estimated from DAPI was higher in synthetic hybrids than in hybrids from natural populations. In addition, differences for PI 2C values were detected between synthetic reciprocal crosses, attributable to maternal effects, as well as between natural hybrids and those synthetic F1 hybrids in which N. cavanillesii acted as a mother.


Our results suggest that natural hybrid populations are composed of a mixture of markedly different hybrid genotypes produced either by structural chromosome changes, consistent with classic cytogenetic studies in Narcissus, or by transposon-mediated events.  相似文献   

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