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Results of the revision of black swallowers (Chiasmodon) made by Melo (2009) are reconsidered. It is shown that separation of species by this author is based on individually varying characters investigated by this author on a limited number of fish, and some conclusions made in this study are based on factual mistakes. Validity of C. lavenbergi Prok. is restored, and C. asper Melo is included to its synonymy. It is shown that C. pluriradiatus Parr, as all other nominal species of the genus Chiasmodon, should be place in C. niger s. lato. Variation of C. niger-complex by dentition of gill arches and by some other meristic characters is pointed out. By armament of the gill apparatus, along with the typical form, forms α and β are discerned. The latter form is described in detail by two specimens from the eastern part of the Indian Ocean. It is found that form β corresponds to characters of the holotype of C. braueri while form α does not correspond to neither of the nominal taxa, attributed to C. niger s. l.  相似文献   

Two new genera, ten new species, and two new subspecies: Uvaroviella izerskyi sp. n., U. morona sp. n., U. ucayali sp. n., U. pastaza sp. n., U. affinis sp. n., U. bolivia sp. n., U. bora atalaya subsp. n., Kevanacla orientalis contraria subsp. n., Peruacla solitaria gen. et sp. n., Ecuadoracla propria gen. et sp. n., Adelosgryllus spurius sp. n., and A. phaeocephalus sp. n. are described. The tribe Paragryllini is divided into three subtribes: Paragryllina Desutter, 1988 stat. n., Neoaclina Desutter, 1988 stat. n., and Strogulomorphina Desutter 1988, stat. n. The composition of the genera Uvaroviella Chop. and Neoacla Desutter is discussed. The species from Costa Rica and the Antilles are supposed to belong to these genera and subgenera. New synonymy [U. trinidadi Gorochov, 2007 = U. enodos Otte et Perez-Gelabert, 2009, syn. n. and N. multivenosa (Chopard, 1937) = Selvacla choreutes Otte, 2006, syn. n.] is proposed.  相似文献   

North Pacific Pseudoscopelus sagamianus (from the Kuroshio zone) are characterized morphologically in detail. The neotype is established. The North Pacific population and the group of populations from the Atlantic and Indian oceans are compared in detail, significant differences are found between them in coloration of the orobranchial cavity and in the pattern of photophores of series trf and prcf. In the author’s opinion, these differences are of the subspecies level. Potential areas of subspecies are discussed, and the area of the whole species is verified. A possibility of validity of the name P. pierbartus Spitz et al., 2007, for the group of populations from the Atlantic and Indian oceans is considered. Additions and changes to methods of investigations of Pseudoscopelus suggested by Melo et al. (2007) are critically discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships and classification of nemacheiline loaches belonging to the line with lost preethmoideum I are investigated. With consideration of the analysis of 29 apomorphous states of 23 characters, the following hypothesis of relationships within this line is suggested: Oxynoemacheilus + Indoreonectes + Dzihunia + (Seminemacheilus (Afronemacheilus + Nun)) + Iskandaria (Paracobitis + Troglocobitis) + Metaschistura + Paraschistura + (Schistura gr. B (Acanthocobitis + Nemacheilus s. str. + Schistura gr. A)))). Revision of the generic classification of loaches of this line inhabiting water bodies from the Near East and Ethiopia to middle Asia and the Indus upper reaches is made. Key to genera of this region is suggested. Four new genera are described: Afronemacheilus Golubtsov and Prok., g. n. (type species A. abyssinicus), Iskandaria Prok., g. n. (type species I. kuschakewitschi), Metaschistura Prok., g. n. (type species M. cristata), and Paraschistura Prok., g. n. (type species P. sargadensis). Independence of the genera Oxynoemacheilus and Troglocobitis is confirmed. The Oriental Schistura are subdivided into two groups (A and B). Schistura gr. A form a monophyletic line with the genera Acanthocobitis and Nemacheilus s. str. It is noted that the south-China genus Homatula cannot be related to Paracobitis or Schistura as it has no ventral axillar lobe, but it may turn out to be identical to the genus Oreias from the same region.  相似文献   

Two new species, Pristigenys geminus and Reproprca surcula spp. n. were described from the lower part of Morozkina Balka Horizon (Upper Part of Lower Oligocene) of the Northern Caucasus. It is found that all fossil species of Priacanthidae from Maikop Deposits of the Caucasus except “P.” artis Dan. should be referred to as belonging to genus Pristigenys Ag. The synonymy of Apscheronichthys bogatshovi Prok. and Peproprca sumgaitica Bann. should be rejected.  相似文献   

New taxa of Achilini (Achilidae) are described from Baltic amber: Paratesum rasnitsyni gen. et sp. nov., Protomenocria notata gen. et sp. nov., Psycheona variegata gen. et sp. nov., P. striata sp. nov. Protepiptera kaweckii Usinger, 1939 (= Cixidia christinae Lefebvre, Bourgoin et Nel, 2007, syn. nov.) is redescribed with designation of a neotype. “Cixius” testudinarius Germar et Berendt, 1856, “C.” longirostris Germar et Berendt, 1856 and “Oliarus” oligocenus Cockerell, 1910 are transferred to Achilini. A key to the genera of Achilidae known from Baltic amber is provided.  相似文献   

New data on synonymy and typification of Dasya species of the western Mediterranean are provided, including: D. baillouviana (S. G. Gmel.) Mont., D. corymbifera J. Agardh, D. hutchinsiae Harv., D. ocellata (Gratel.) Harv., D. rigescens Zanardini, D. rigidula (Kütz.) Ardiss., D. sessilis Yamada and D. punicea (Zanardini) Menegh. in Zanardini. Data on synonymy and a brief nomenclatural story are shown for each species, a lectotype and a neotype are selected respectively for D. rigidula and D. punicea and clarification of neotype designation is discussed for D. corymbifera.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):369-375

T. bealeyensis R. Br. ter, is reduced to synonymy with T. anderssonii Ångstr. and T. paehyneura Dix. to synonymy with Barbula ealobolax C. Müll.B. calobolax and B. calobolax var. angustinervia C. Müll. are transferred to the genus Willia. T. petriei Broth. is reduced to a subspecies of T. arenae (Besch.) Broth. Differences between this taxon and the ssp. arenae are outlined and T. arenae ssp. arenae is reported for the first time from the Auckland Islands. A lectotype is chosen for T. rubra Mitt, and T. subantaretiea Sainsb. is reduced to a variety of T. rubra. New Zealand plants referred to T. serrulata Hook. et Grev. are more correctly assigned to T. serrata Dix., which is endemic to New Zealand.  相似文献   

New synonymy and distribution records for the genus Macromitrium Brid. in sub-Saharan Africa are presented. Seven names are placed in synonymy, reducing the number of accepted taxa for Macromitrium in sub-Saharan Africa to 33. Macromitrium anomodictyon Cardot was found to be conspecific with M. serpens (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid.; M. mauritianum Schwägr. and M. sanctae-mariae Renauld & Cardot are placed in synonymy with M. subtortum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. and M. belangeri Müll.Hal., M. seriatum Paris & Broth., M. bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and M. trollii Dixon in Herz. are all placed in synonymy with M. sulcatum (Hook.) Brid. subsp. sulcatum. The precise lectotypification is implemented for six species within the genus. Macromitrium chloromitrium (Besch.) Wilbraham and M. orthostichum Nees ex Schwägr. are reported new to Tanzania and M. chloromitrium new to continental Africa.  相似文献   

Genus Parapholidoptera is revised and three species, P. yoruka sp.n., P. bolkarensis sp.n. and P. salmani sp.n., are described. Parapholidoptera delineata Stolyarov is placed in synonymy with P. ziganensis Karaba?. Parapholidoptera bodenheimeri Karaba? and P. distincta bodenheimeri Karaba? are placed in synonymy with P. distincta (Uvarov). Parapholidoptera flexuosa Karaba?, previously a subspecies of P. castaneoviridis (Brunner von Wattenwyl), is recognized as a separate species. A key to world species is provided. Cladistic analysis revealed the monophyly of the genus with two major clades. A short account of distribution is presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a survey of spider species that have not been previously recorded for Israel. Twenty species, twelve genera and two families (Mysmenidae and Phyxelididae) are recorded for the first time in Israel. Nine species, Agroeca parva Bosmans, 2011, Aulonia kratochvili Dunin et al., 1986, Ero flammeola Simon, 1881, Hogna ferox (Lucas, 1838), Maculoncus parvipalpus Wunderlich, 1995, Neon rayi (Simon, 1875), Pardosa aenigmatica Tongiorgi, 1966 and Phyxelida anatolica Griswold, 1990, are illustrated. Tarentula jaffa Strand, 1913, syn. n. is synonymised with Hogna ferox (Lucas, 1838), and Hahnia carmelita Levy, 2007, syn. n. is synonymised with Hahnia nava (Westring, 1851). A possible synonymy of the widespread Prodidomus rufus Hentz, 1847 with P. hispanicus Dalmas, 1919 known from the Iberian Peninsula is discussed. An original combination is restored for Trochosa urbana O.P.-Cambridge, 1876.  相似文献   

Abstract. The tribe Hoplophorionini Goding, 1926, includes 105 species of treehoppers in 10 genera. All are apparently subsocial and lack mutualism with honeydew-collecting hymenopterans. In many species, parental investment in offspring is unique because of a specialized kicking defence (described herein) and construction of extra-ovipositional punctures in the host tissue through which nymphs feed. The tribe occurs from Canada to Chile, with most generic diversity in Central America but most species diversity near the equator. Three genera, Stalotypa Metcalf, Ramosella, new genus and Stirpis, new genus, are endemic to the Greater Antilles but do not constitute a monophyletic group; the first two genera appear most closely related to Turrialbia, new genus, from Costa Rica. Host plant specializations and other biological attributes are summarized for genera and species. A phylogenetic analysis of 23 hoplophorionine species produced 9 minimal-length cladograms that were similar in many respects. Potnia Stål appears to have retained the greatest number of ancestral features. Aposematic teneral coloration of adults probably evolved once. The modification of the ancestral kicking behaviour by the first hoplophorionines appears to have released them from a constraint on pronotal form. Diagnoses are given for adults of all genera and, when possible, for immatures. A key is presented for the 10 genera; three are described as New Genera based on the cladistic analysis: Ramosella, Stirpis, and Turrialbia. Three New Species are described: Ramosella thalli, Stirpis jamaicensis, and Turrialbia felina. The genus Micropepla Sakakibara is considered a junior synonym of Ochropepla Stal, New Generic Synonymy. Umbonia terribilis Walker is moved from synonymy under Alchisme virescens (Fairmaire) to a New Synonymy under Umbonia reducta Walker. The subspecies Platycotis vittata vittata (Fabricius), P. vittata lineata (Fairmaire), and P. vittata quadrivittata (Say) are returned to synonymy with Platycotis vittata (Fabricius), Reinstated Specific Synonymies. Three species are Reinstated as valid: Alchisme obscura (Walker) and A. veruta (Fowler), both from synonymy under A. turrita (Germar); and Umbonia reducta Walker, from synonymy under U. crassicomis (Amyot & Serville). Five New Combinations are proposed: Alchisme antigua (Funkhouser), referred from Umbonia; A. sordida (Germar), referred from Platycotis; A. sagittata (Germar), elevated from subspecific rank under Platycotis vittata; Ochropepla mourei (Sakakibara), referred from Micropepla; and Ramosella dominicensis (Ramos), referred from Platycotis. Platycotis nigrorufa (Walker), P. cornuta Plummer, P. salvini (Fowler), and P. fuscata (Fowler) were previously unplaced to subgenus; the first is referred to Platycotis (Lophopelta Stal) and the others to Platycotis (Platycotis Stål). Microschaema nigrostrigata Buckton is moved from synonymy under Alchisme recurva (Stål) to a New Synonymy under Ennya dorsalis (Fairmaire) of the tribe Polyglyptini, subfamily Smiliinae. A checklist with critical synonymies and indexes to hoplophorionine taxa and host plant associations are provided. Lectotypes are designated for Centrotus vittatus Fabricius, Hoplophora lineata Fairmaire, Membracis venosa Germar, Potnia affinis Buckton, and Triquetra obtusa Fowler.  相似文献   

The ophidiid fish genusHomostolus is revised on the basis of 44 specimens. Meristic and morphometric characters strongly indicate that the genus as presently known contains a single species,Homostolus acer Smith et Radcliffe, 1913, withHomostolus japonicus Matsubara, 1943, reduced to synonymy. Geographical variations found in certain meristic characters indicate thatH. acer expanded its range from Philippine waters into both northern and southern waters. The species is distributed on deep-sea floors from the Pacific Ocean off central Japan, to the Indian Ocean off northern Western Australia, and to the Tasman Sea off New South Wales, at bathyal depths from about 400 to 700 m.  相似文献   

Gill diplectanid monogeneans from the camouflage grouper Epinephelus polyphekadion (Bleeker) collected in the coral reef lagoon of New Caledonia, South Pacific, comprise four species. Very few monogeneans were found in most fish examined. Pseudorhabdosynochus dionysos n. sp. has a sclerotised vagina with a robust trumpet, a robust primary canal and two chambers of similar size; it is close to P. bacchus Sigura, Chauvet & Justine, 2007. P. viscosus n. sp. has a sclerotised vagina with a robust trumpet, long primary canal with an extremely thin wall and two small chambers, and a male quadriloculate organ with a characteristic thickening at the extremity of its cone. P. crassus n. sp., the most abundant species, has a sclerotised vagina with a thin-walled trumpet, thin-walled primary canal which is always coiled anteriorly and two small chambers. P. huitoe Justine, 2007, P. manifestus Justine & Sigura, 2007 and P. crassus have very similar sclerotised vaginae; however, species of this ‘huitoe complex’ can be distinguished by measurements of the haptoral hard parts. A few diplectanid specimens found in a single specimen of E. polyphekadion were attributed to P. huitoe, a species originally described from E. maculatus (Bloch) and also rarely found in E. cyanopodus Richardson in New Caledonia; specimens from these three fish species are morphologically indistinguishable.  相似文献   

The type series of Progynotaenia evaginata Fuhrmann, 1909 from Burhinus senegalensis in Sudan, P. foetida Meggitt, 1928 from B. oedicnemus in Egypt and Angularia australis Maplestone, 1921 from B. grallarius in Australia are redescribed. As a comparative material, specimens of P. evaginata from B. oedicnemus in Kazakhstan were studied. The type-series of P. evaginata and P. foetida were found to be heterogeneous due to the presence of scoleces and fragments of cestodes of the genus Stenovaria Spasskii & Borgarenko, 1973 (Dilepididae). For P. foetida, a lectotype is designated. P. foetida is recognised as a synonym of P. evaginata (new synonymy). Angularia australis, previously considered a member of the Dilepididae, is transferred to the Progynotaeniidae as a synonym of P. evaginata (new synonymy). The synonymy of P. indica Johri, 1963 with P. evaginata, proposed by Ryzhikov & Tolkacheva (1981), is supported. The host range and the geographical distribution of P. evaginata are restricted to birds of the genus Burhinus from the Eastern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Revision of Passiflora subgenus Passiflora section Dysosmia DC. (Passifloraceae). The twenty one species and 10 varieties (31 taxa) comprising subgenus Passiflora section Dysosmia DC are described and some are illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Two species, Passiflora vesicaria L. and Passiflora ciliata (Dryand) Mast., are removed from synonymy and reinstated to species rank. Passiflora baraquiniana Lemaire is removed from synonymy and given varietal status. The species Passiflora santiagana (Killip) Borhidi is reduced in rank to varietal status. Of the 38 varieties of Passiflora foetida L. described by E. P. Killip in his 1938 monograph, 28 are reduced to synonymy, four are reassigned as varieties of other species and four remain as varieties of P. foetida. A new variety, Passiflora foetida var. ellisonii Vanderplank, is described with photographs and line drawings.  相似文献   

Three new genera, one new subgenus, and 13 new species (Strogulomorpha separata sp. n., S. davidi sp. n., S. proxima sp. n., Luzarida lata sp. n., Luzara venado sp. n., L. sapani sp. n., Ucayacla pulchella gen. et sp. n., Peruzara atalaya gen. et sp. n., P. loreto sp. n., Amazonacla imitata gen. et sp. n., A. primitiva sp. n., Leptopsis (Leptopsis) ucayali sp. n., and L. (Aberracla subgen. n.) morona sp. n.) are described. The composition of the tribes Paragryllini and Luzarini and of the genera Luzarida Heb. and Luzara Walk is discussed. The new synonymies Luzarida Hebard, 1928 = Ecuazarida Nischk et Otte, 2000, syn. n.; Lerneca Walker, 1869 = Doposia Otte et Perez-Gelabert, 2009, syn. n.; Nemoricantor Desutter-Grandcolas et Hubbell, 1993 = Kumalorina Otte et Perez-Gelabert, 2009, syn. n. are given. The systematic position of some previously described species is corrected.  相似文献   

In this paper the data on fossils of the family Cerophytidae are reviewed. New synonymy on generic names Necromera Martynov 1926 (proposed in composition of the family Oedemeridae); Idiomerus Dolin in Dolin et al. 1980, n. syn. (proposed in composition of Elateridae) and Leptocnemus Hong & Wang 1990, n. syn. (proposed without any family attribution) is established. New materials on this family from Mesozoic deposits of Asia are cited. As a result, it was established that this spreads in deposits of both Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous. Mercata festira Lin 1986 described from Lower Jurassic as member of Silphidae and Abrotus reconditus Dolin in Dolin et al. 1980 described from Upper Jurassic as a member of Elateridae are transferred to Cerophytidae. Diagnoses of the genus Necromera and family Cerophytidae in compression fossils are elaborated. Necromera admiranda n. sp. is described from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous in Liaoning, China. The historical development of the family from the Lower Jurassic is discussed.  相似文献   

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