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We quantified the differences in floral characters and attractiveness to flower visitors under natural conditions between the sexual types in the gynodioecious plant Glechoma longituba. We also manipulated flowers by altering corolla size or nectar volume, or by removing anthers, to examine the effect of these primary and secondary attractants (i.e. rewards and advertisements) on attractiveness. A change in corolla size and shape reduced visiting frequency and pollen load. Removal of anthers did not affect visiting rates, but significantly reduced pollination rates and stigmatic pollen load. A decrease in the nectar volume of a flower was associated with a reduction in handling time and pollen loads on stigmas. These results show that corolla size is an important advertisement to pollinators (particularly at greater distance), which associate hermaphrodite flowers with a larger corolla and a larger volume of nectar than female flowers. We found that artificial changes in population structure affected the behavior of pollinators as well as the pollination rates of flowers. We suggest that the pattern of distribution of hermaphrodite and female clones in a population may serve to avoid pollen limitation in a female clone or patch. This effect may ensure female reproductive success and allow for the maintenance of female individuals in natural populations of this gynodioecious plant.  相似文献   

Many zoophilous plants attract their pollinators by offering nectar as a reward. In gynodioecious plants (i.e. populations are composed of female and hermaphrodite individuals) nectar production has been repeatedly reported to be larger in hermaphrodite compared to female flowers even though nectar production across the different floral phases in dichogamous plants (i.e. plants with time separation of pollen dispersal and stigma receptivity) has rarely been examined. In this study, sugar production in nectar standing crop and secretion rate were investigated in Geranium sylvaticum, a gynodioecious plant species with protandry (i.e. with hermaphrodite flowers releasing their pollen before the stigma is receptive). We found that flowers from hermaphrodites produced more nectar than female flowers in terms of total nectar sugar content. In addition, differences in nectar production among floral phases were found in hermaphrodite flowers but not in female flowers. In hermaphrodite flowers, maximum sugar content coincided with pollen presentation and declined slightly towards the female phase, indicating nectar reabsorption, whereas in female flowers sugar content did not differ between the floral phases. These differences in floral reward are discussed in relation to visitation patterns by pollinators and seed production in this species.  相似文献   

An enduring puzzle in gynodioecious species is the great variation in female frequency seen among populations. We quantified sex ratio in 44 populations of gynodioecious Kallstroemia grandiflora. Then, we measured pollinator visitation, pollen deposition, autonomous selfing rate and pollen limitation of females. Finally, using experimental populations, we tested whether female fitness responds to the frequency of female plants. We found broad variability in sex ratio among populations (0-44% female). Hermaphrodite flowers received more pollinator visits and pollen grains than females, and bagged hermaphrodite flowers produced fruits. However, we found no evidence of pollen limitation in females. In experimental populations, female plants showed no evidence of frequency-dependent pollinator visitation, fruit set, seed set or total seed mass. These results do not support frequency-dependent variation in fitness as a major mechanism affecting female frequencies in K. grandiflora. Within the context of this study, pollinators are abundant and pollinator movement appears to operate at a large enough scale to overcome the potential reproductive disadvantages of producing solely female flowers.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious plant species, females are expected to have more resources available for maturing seeds because pistillate flowers are smaller, do not produce pollen, and are thus less costly that perfect flowers. The potential female advantage arising from more abundant resources is, however, likely to vary depending on whether seed production is limited by resource or pollen availability. Here we experimentally investigated the influence of pollen and resource limitation on female advantage in a gynodioecious species using two levels of pollination. Total seed production of females was always greater than that of hermaphrodites: females produced more flowers and more fruits that contained similar numbers of seeds of similar mass. Under low pollination, female and hermaphrodite plants allocated resources to increased flower production rather than to increased seed size or quality. We did not detect any influence of pollen or resource limitation on female advantage, which remained similar under low (= abundant resources) and full pollination. Outcrossed fruits performed better than selfed fruits when the same plant received both selfed and outcrossed pollen on different flowers. These differences were not greater under high pollination, possibly because resources available for each fruit did not differ between our pollen intensity treatments.  相似文献   

Aims The evolution of the outstanding variation of reproductive systems in angiosperms has been considered an important driver of lineage diversification. Closely related hermaphroditic and dioecious species with biotic pollination provide the opportunity to study and compare traits related to pollinator attraction and their consequences on reproductive components. A higher predictability of pollination syndromes is expected in dioecious species, which are dependent on pollinators, than in self-compatible hermaphroditic taxa. Dioecious species may suffer pollen limitation depending on the quality of floral rewards and the kind and abundance of pollinators, whereas no pollen limitation is expected in hermaphroditic species with autonomous self-pollination. Additionally, in the absence of pollen limitation, more or better seeds are expected in dioecious species, according to the sexual specialization hypothesis.Methods In natural populations of the hermaphroditic Fuchsia fulgens and Fuchsia arborescens and dioecious Fuchsia parviflora and Fuchsia obconica, all endemic to Mexico, we first described flower phenology, flower production and longevity and nectar volume and concentration. Then, we evaluated the correspondence between floral visitors and pollination syndromes. In hermaphrodite plants, we determined the level of herkogamy and the potential for autonomous self-pollination. Finally, we evaluated the effect of pollen limitation on fruit set and seed number and assessed seed germination for all species.Important findings In contrast to our prediction, dioecious species did not show a higher correspondence between pollination syndromes and floral visitors than did hermaphrodites; however, male flowers exhibited a higher correspondence than female flowers. No pollen limitation was detected in dioecious species, for which visitation rate did not differ between male and female flowers. The hermaphroditic F. fulgens showed pollen limitation for seed number, despite the presence of autonomous selfing. Fruit set from autonomous pollination was higher in F. arborescens, which showed a lower level of herkogamy compared with F. fulgens. Finally, dioecious species produced fewer but heavier seeds compared with hermaphrodite species. Although Fuchsia is classified as an outcrossing genus, both hermaphroditic species showed autonomous self-pollination. The heavier but lower number of seeds per fruit in dioecious species may be related to the more efficient resource allocation expected from sexual specialization. This could play an important role in the evolution of dioecy; however, a comparative phylogenetic approach is required to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The distribution area, phenology, sex polymorphism, floral characteristics and breeding system of Silene stockenii (Caryophyllaceae), a narrowly endemic annual species of southern Spain, were studied. Only five populations were found in a total area of 2 ha. Silene stockenii is a gynodioecious species with fully female, fully hermaphrodite and intermediate plants bearing hermaphrodite, male-sterile, and partially male-sterile flowers. Male-sterile flowers are typically smaller than hermaphrodites. Nectar production was significantly higher in hermaphrodite plants and during the female phase of hermaphrodite flowers. The red flowers appear during the spring (March-May) and are pollinated by long-tongued Bombyliidae. Hand pollinations revealed that the species is self-compatible; however, natural self-pollination is rare due to marked protandry. Hand pollination significantly increased the number of seeds per fruit and seed set, indicating limited pollination in the field. In controlled pollinations female plants of S. stockenii produced higher seed set than hermaphrodite plants, but in freely pollinated plants fruit set and seed production was similar in both morphs, indicating that pollinators do not discriminate in favour of hermaphrodite plants.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the phenomenon of having both hermaphrodite and female (i.e. male‐sterile) individuals within the same population, is an important intermediate step in the evolution of separate sexes in flowering plants. In this study, we investigated the floral micromorphology and microsporogenesis of the gynodioecious herb Glechoma longituba from four natural populations in Korea. The floral micromorphological characters of the different sex morphs were examined and compared using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the ultrastructure of microspores during microsporogenesis was studied. We also examined the development of anthers and pollen grains in the three sexual morphs (i.e. hermaphrodites, females, and gynomonoecious, i.e. individuals with a mixture of female and hermaphroditic flowers) by embryological investigation. The major difference in anther development between the three phenotypes was the early disintegration of the tapetal cells in the anthers of female flowers. While mature fertile pollen grains were found in both hermaphrodite and gynomonoecious phenotypes, females did not produce any pollen grains. In addition, both fertile and sterile pollen grains in gynomonoecious phenotypes were frequently observed. The results of the present study indicate that floral micromorphological characters were not distinct between sexual morphs of G. longituba, except for the structure of the inner cell surfaces of the anther. The observed tapetum abnormalities and degeneration of pollen grains in both gynomonoecious phenotypes and females may be the consequence of inbreeding depression in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

A study of the morphology and function of flowers in Cirsiumchikushiense revealed that the species was distinctly gynodioecious.Self-incompatible hermaphrodite florets produced both seedsand pollen grains, while female ones produced seeds but no pollengrains at all. The degenerated stamens of females were not onlysmaller but also sometimes occurred at a lower position insidethe floral tube than in hermaphrodites. The stigmata of femalesoften developed more fully than those of hermaphrodites. Thefrequencies of female plants in natural populations varied from15·5 to 50%. Almost all the pollinators stayed on bothfemale and hermaphrodite heads only to collect nectar. The femaleplants of this species may be more specialized in their genderby saving the cost of not only pollen grains but also stamens,and may be maintained by sufficient pollinators in natural populations.This gynodioecy may provide an example of nuclear-cytoplasmicmale sterility.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Sex expression, gynodioecy, Cirsium chikushiense, Compositae, male sterility, degenerated stamen, female frequency  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The scarcity and unpredictability of active pollinators during late winter in temperate areas tends to favour extended flowering seasons and increased floral longevity in early blooming species, which are usually pollinated by diverse sets of insects. Daphne laureola is a gynodioecious woody perennial that flowers from January to April in southern Spain, a period characterized by cold temperatures, frequent rains and irregular snowfalls. METHODS: Pollinators were excluded at four different times during the flowering season in order to determine the effect of decreased exposure to pollinators on fruit set in female and hermaphrodite individuals. The role of nocturnal and diurnal pollination on reproductive success in each gender was simultaneously evaluated by selective exclusion. KEY RESULTS: A 50 % reduction in the flowering period decreased fruit set of females by 50 %, whereas the corresponding decrease in self-compatible hermaphrodites was only approx. 25 %. Day-active hymenopterans and lepidopterans were infrequent visitors, and nocturnal pollinators were inefficient, suggesting that pollen beetles, Meligethes elongatus, were the main pollinators of D. laureola in the study region. CONCLUSIONS: Beetles were less abundant in pollenless females, although discrimination did not apparently result in pollination limitation of female reproduction. A preference of beetles for sunny locations emphasized the relevance of abiotic conditions for pollination of this early blooming shrub.  相似文献   

Plastic responses to pollination and/or pollen removal may shift a flower's realized longevity closer to an optimal longevity that maximizes reproductive output per unit resource input. In particular, conditional responses to pollen removal and pollen deposition are expected in flowers of protandrous species in which the lengths of the male and female phases may be adjusted independently. We investigated plasticity in floral longevity in Campanula americana, a protandrous, insect-pollinated herb. In greenhouse studies, we found that the longevity of the morphological male phase was shortened by pollen removal and that the longevity of the morphological female phase was shortened by pollen deposition. In a natural population, male and female sexual functions saturated within a few hours of morphological gender phase onset. In contrast to theory, morphological gender phases did not terminate immediately upon saturation of sexual function. These findings are discussed in the context of current floral longevity theory.  相似文献   

花寿命是指花保持开放且具有功能的时间长度。不同物种的花寿命具有显著的差异, 但一定程度上的可塑性反映了植物对传粉环境变化的适应性。本研究以青藏高原高寒草甸不同海拔(2,900 m和3,600 m)的11种开花植物为研究对象, 通过套袋、补充授粉以及自然授粉处理分别测量了植物的潜在花寿命、最短花寿命以及实际花寿命。分析了不同海拔植物花寿命的变异, 以及对套袋处理(潜在花寿命与实际花寿命之差)和补充授粉处理(实际花寿命与最短花寿命之差)的响应及其可塑性(潜在花寿命与最短花寿命之差)的变异。结果表明: 无论是高海拔还是低海拔, 套袋显著延长了花寿命, 而补充授粉显著缩短了花寿命, 即, 潜在花寿命>实际花寿命>最短花寿命。高海拔群落中植物的实际花寿命和潜在花寿命均显著延长, 而最短花寿命在海拔间差异不显著。相对于低海拔群落, 高海拔植物的花寿命对补充授粉处理更敏感, 花寿命的可塑性更大。本研究说明传粉者稀少的高寒环境中, 植物通过提高花寿命及其可塑性来增加授粉机会, 获得更高的适合度。  相似文献   

  • In sexually dimorphic species, hermaphrodite flowers in gynodioecious species or male flowers in dioecious species are often larger and produce more nectar than their conspecific female flowers. As a consequence, hermaphrodite or male flowers frequently receive more pollinator visits.
  • Sex ratio, flower size, floral display, nectar production and floral visits were evaluated in two natural populations of Fuchsia thymifolia, a morphologically gynodioecious but functionally subdioecious insect‐pollinated shrub.
  • Sex ratio did not differ from the expected 1:1 in the two studied populations. As expected, hermaphrodite flowers were larger than female flowers, but in contrast to the general pattern, hermaphrodite flowers did not produce nectar or produced much less than female flowers. Flower visitors were flies (68%) and bumblebees (24%), both of which showed a preference for female flowers. No sex difference was detected in either flower longevity or floral display across the flowering season.
  • Higher nectar production by females may attract more pollinators, and may be a strategy to enhance female reproductive success in this species. Finally, floral dimorphism and insect preferences did not seem to hamper the maintenance of sub‐dioecy or prevent the evolution of dioecy in F. thymifolia.

The within-season modification or adjustment of sex expression was studied in the gynodioecious herb Glechoma longituba. The results from seven natural populations indicated that the seed sets of hermaphrodite ramets were relatively stable compared to those of female ramets. However, a negative correlation was detected between the seed set of female ramets and their frequency of occurrence in a population. Moreover, a negative correlation was also detected between the degree of gender modification in the late flowering period and the seed set in female ramets. Controlled experiments on both wild and cultivated plants indicated that the resource adjustment, presumably caused by flower removal or the hand pollination of flowers, in the early-middle flowering season could induce a greater degree of gender modification in later flowers from female to hermaphrodite and vice versa. However, the ranges of degree of gender modification were different between the two sex morphs, and the variation in females was greater than in hermaphrodites. This phenomenon could not be adequately explained based on the sequential adjustment of investment hypothesis which has been invoked in previous studies. We propose that the results of this study may provide a variation to the model of sequential adjustment of investment in serial flowering annual gynodioecious plants, including Glechoma longituba. We postulate that the variation of sex expression might be beneficial for the female in order to avoid pollen limitation and, further, to obtain a selective advantage.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, a state where female and hermaphrodite plants coexist in populations, has been widely proposed an intermediate stage in the evolutionary pathway from hermaphroditism to dioecy. In the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway, hermaphrodites may gain most of their fitness through male function once females invade populations. To test this prediction, comprehensive studies on sex ratio variation across populations and reproductive characteristics of hermaphrodite and female phenotypes are necessary. This study examined the variation in sex ratio, sex expression, flower and fruit production and sexual dimorphism of morphological traits in a gynodioecious shrub, Daphne jezoensis, over multiple populations and years. Population sex ratio (hermaphrodite:female) was close to 1:1 or slightly hermaphrodite‐biased. Sex type of individual plants was largely fixed, but 15% of plants changed their sex during a 6‐year census. Hermaphrodite plants produced larger flowers and invested 2.5 times more resources in flower production than female plants, but they exhibited remarkably low fruit set (proportion of flowers setting fruits). Female plants produced six times more fruits than hermaphrodite plants. Low fruiting ability of hermaphrodite plants was retained even when hand‐pollination was performed. Fruit production of female plants was restricted by pollen limitation under natural conditions, irrespective of high potential fecundity, and this minimised the difference in resources allocated to reproduction between the sexes. Negative effects of previous flower and fruit production on current reproduction were not apparent in both sexes. This study suggests that gynodioecy in this species is functionally close to a dioecious mating system: smaller flower production with larger fruiting ability in female plants, and larger flower production with little fruiting ability in hermaphrodite plants.  相似文献   

Eritrichum aretioides is a gynodioecious species with female and hermaphrodite individuals. In populations on Pennsylvania Mountain in central Colorado (USA), the frequency of females ranges from 22 to 41%. Flower number and the number of seeds produced per flower were similar in hermaphrodites and females. However, hermaphrodites produced larger flowers, while females produced larger seeds (P < 0.05 for both). In the field, seed germination was higher for seeds from females than for seeds from hermaphrodites (20 vs. 9% germination; P < 0.05). Unvisited flowers and open-pollinated flowers of hermaphrodites had similar pollen receipt (approx 20 pollen grains per stigma), but seed set following autogamous pollination was significantly lower than seed set following natural pollination. This finding indicates that hermaphrodites have a barrier to selfing and implies that the larger seed size and greater establishment advantage of offspring from females is unlikely to have resulted from female outcrossing advantage. Rather, differences in the quality of seed progeny between morphs probably reflect a trade-off in sexual allocation or pleiotropic effects of the sex-determining genes.  相似文献   

Prolonged floral longevity and bumblebees as dominate pollinators in alpine ecosystem have been suggested to overcome pollination limitation of alpine plants arising from the decrease of pollinator activity with increasing altitude. However, this conclusion has never been examined in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), the highest and largest plateau in the world. In this study, we intended to test year-to-year correlations between floral longevity, visiting frequency and pollen limitation of this species between two populations (at 3200 m and 4000 m) of Gentiana straminea in this plateau. Pollinator exclusion elongated both male and female phases greatly at both sites, and durations of both male and female phases in natural condition varied greatly over three years. The visiting frequency of bumblebees varied greatly at the higher altitude, but seemed to be stable at the lower altitude. Seed production was pollination limited in both populations in most studied years. The floral durations, pollinator frequency and pollination limitation showed no significant and consistent variations with the increase of altitude. The previous hypothesis that the prolonged floral longevity of alpine plants can compensate for low levels of pollinator visitation therefore could not be confirmed, and our results further suggested that in the QTP platform, the altitude shows no consistent effect on the reproductive performance of this species, despite that the fluctuation of visit frequency intensified at the higher altitude.  相似文献   

Floral traits and sexual systems in angiosperms are strategies that enhance outcrossing within hermaphrodite flowers and among individuals in a population. Sexual systems with unisexual flowers have also evolved among angiosperms, resulting in sex specialization. Furthermore, the interaction of floral traits and floral visitors determines successful plant reproduction. Globose cacti are bee pollinated, and variation in the diversity of their pollinator assemblages is strongly associated with floral phenotype. Our objective was to describe the floral biology of the cactus Coryphantha elephantidens and to determine its relationship with pollinators. Floral traits were studied by direct observations in live and fixed flowers. The breeding system was determined using two estimators based on floral morphology: pollen grains to ovules per flower (P/O) ratio and outcrossing index. Pollination treatments were conducted to determine the mating system. Floral visitors were recorded using direct observation. Flowers of C. elephantidens are variable in color, protandric, herkogamous and nectarless. Estimators of the breeding system indicated xenogamy, which is consistent with the obligate outcrossing revealed by the pollination experiment. Thirty-seven percent of the plants have female flowers that do not produce pollen, making this population functionally gynodioecious. Both fruit and seed set were high compared to other globose cacti. Pollinators included eight species of native bees, a more diverse pollinator assemblage than other globose cacti. Given the high pressure on pollen due to functional gynodioecy, nectarless flowers, an outcrossing mating system, and the necessity of pollinators to set seeds, we concluded that native bees are highly efficient pollinators that play a crucial role in the sexual reproduction of C. elephantidens.  相似文献   

Andrea L. Case  Tia‐Lynn Ashman 《Oikos》2009,118(8):1250-1260
Populations of gynodioecious species vary in the ratio of female versus hermaphroditic individuals they contain, and many exhibit higher frequencies of females under poor resource conditions. One important factor limiting female frequencies within populations is predicted to be pollen limitation of seed production, caused by either low abundance of pollen donors or insufficient pollen transfer. However, empirical studies measuring variation in pollen limitation with population sex ratios or resource gradients in gynodioecious plants are inconsistent. Part of this inconsistency may be that pollen limitation and its causes are context-dependent. Another possibility is that sex-specific daily flower production and/or sex-biased visitation are more relevant to the likelihood of pollen limitation than sex ratio based on counting individual plants. In this study, we examined context-dependent pollen limitation in gynodioecious/subdioecious Fragaria virginiana . We specifically examined the potential for resource availability to influence sex-specific daily flower production, sex-biased pollinator visitation, and their relationships with pollen limitation in experimental populations that contained either high or low frequencies of female plants. High resource availability reduced apparent female frequency by increasing daily flower production by hermaphrodites relative to females. This is important because pollinators increasingly discriminated against female flowers as floral sex ratios became more female-biased. Contrary to expectation, females in high-female populations were not consistently more pollen limited than those in low-female populations. The level of pollen limitation of females was better explained by sex–biased pollinator foraging and visitation frequency than by the plant sex ratio or floral sex ratio. Thus, negative frequency dependence of female pollen limitation was evident only considering sex ratio bias mediated by pollinator visitation.  相似文献   

Summary Individual plants in gynodioecious populations ofPhacelia linearis (Hydrophyllaceae) vary in flower gender, flower size, and flower number. This paper reports the effects of variation in floral display on the visitation behaviour of this species' pollinators (mainly pollen-collecting solitary bees) in several natural and three experimental plant populations, and discusses the results in terms of the consequences for plant fitness. The working hypotheses were: (1) that because female plants do not produce pollen, pollen-collecting insects would visit hermaphrodite plants at a higher rate than female plants and would visit more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female; and (2) that pollinator arrival rate would increase with flower size and flower number, the two main components of visual display. These hypotheses were generally supported, but the effects of floral display on pollinator visitation varied substantially among plant populations. Hermaphrodites received significantly higher rates of pollinator arrivals and significantly higher rates of visits to flowers than did females in all experimental populations. Flower size affected arrival rate and flower visit rate positively in natural populations and in two of the three experimental populations. The flower size effect was significant only among female plants in one experimental population, and only among hermaphrodites in another. The effect of flower number on arrival rate was positive and highly significant in natural populations and in all experimental populations. In two out of three experimental populations, insects visited significantly more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female and visited more flowers on many-flowered plants than on few-flowered plants, but neither effect was detected in the third experimental population. Because seed production is not pollen-limited in this species, variation in pollinator visitation behaviour should mainly affect the male reproductive success of hermaphrodite plants. These findings suggest that pollinator-mediated natural selection for floral display inP. linearis varies in space and time.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species that exhibit among-population variation in breeding system are particularly suitable to study the importance of the ecological context for the stability and evolution of gender polymorphism. Geographical variation in breeding system and sex ratio of Daphne laureola (Thymelaeaceae) was examined and their association with environmental conditions, plant and floral display sizes, and pollination environment in a broad geographic scale was analysed. METHODS: The proportion of female and hermaphrodite individuals in 38 populations within the Iberian Peninsula was scored. Average local temperature and precipitation from these sites were obtained from interpolation models based on 30 years of data. Pollination success was estimated as stigmatic pollen loads, pollen tubes per ovule and the proportion of unfertilized flowers per individual in a sub-set of hermaphroditic and gynodioecious populations. KEY RESULTS: Daphne laureola is predominantly gynodioecious, but hermaphroditic populations were found in northeastern and southwestern regions, characterized by higher temperatures and lower annual precipitation. In the gynodioecious populations, female plants were larger and bore more flowers than hermaphrodites. However, due to their lower pollination success, females did not consistently produce more seeds than hermaphrodites, which tends to negate a seed production advantage in D. laureola females. In the northeastern hermaphroditic populations, plants were smaller and produced 9-13 times fewer flowers than in the other Iberian regions, and thus presumably had a lower level of geitonogamous self-fertilization. However, in a few southern populations hermaphroditism was not associated with small plant size and low flower production. CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight that different mechanisms, including abiotic conditions and pollinator service, may account for breeding system variation within a species' distribution range and also suggest that geitonogamy may affect plant breeding system evolution.  相似文献   

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