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2009 年7 月(丰水期)和12 月(枯水期)分别对沙田水库4 个样点进行浮游植物采集。检测出浮游植物58 种(含变种), 隶属7 门8 纲18 目31 科46 属。丰、枯水期均出现的优势种分别为史氏棒胶藻(Rhabdogloea smithii)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、微小多甲藻(Peridinium pusillum)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris); 仅在丰水期形成的优势种分别为简单棕鞭藻(Ochromonas simplex)、梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、针形纤维藻(Ankistrodesmus aciculars)和柯氏并联藻(Quadrigula chodatii); 而枯水期形成的优势种分别为分歧锥囊藻(Dinobryon divergens)、水溪绿球藻(Chlorococcum infusionum)。丰、枯水期丰度分别为(8.36±1.37)×105 cell·L-1 和(3.60±1.81)×105 cell·L-1; 生物量分别为1.34±0.55 mm3·L-1 和0.43±0.43 mm3·L-1; Shannon-Weaver 多样性指数变化范围在1.25-2.75 之间, 丰、枯水期水质分别为中营养和富营养水平。与2000 年结果比较, 浮游植物群落的物种组成由绿藻型更替为绿硅藻型, 丰度组成由蓝-绿藻型更替为绿-蓝-甲藻型; 清洁水体的优势种消失/减少, 耐污种类优势种增加, 其中绿藻优势种存在向小型、单细胞种类更替的趋势。 相似文献
本文就鄂尔多斯高原毛乌素沙地油蒿群落不同演替阶段的特征进行了研究。结果表明:流动沙地质地疏松,植物种类少、稀疏,群落冠层温度变化剧烈,相对湿度低,油蒿生长旺盛,其叶的含水量、水势、蒸腾强度高;固定沙地,植物种类增多、覆盖度大、生物量高,缓冲气象因子的能力强。但蒸腾失水量大,致使土壤含水量低,在某种程度上限制了油蒿生长;具结皮的固定沙地,植物种类最多,密度最大,但土壤紧实,油蒿生长微弱,其叶的含水量、水势最低,但蒸腾最大,加速失水。其演替趋势为流动沙地→流动沙地油蒿群落→固定沙地油蒿群落→具结皮的固定沙地油蒿+本氏针茅群落→本氏针茅群落。 相似文献
沙蒿(Artemisia intramongolica)群落是半干旱草原地区沙地的重要植被类型,分别在植物的生长前期、中期、盛期和后期采用便携式光合测定仪和大型同化分析仪测定了沙蒿叶片和沙蒿群落的光合动态。单叶和群落的光合速率日进程类型随气候的不同而异,瞬时光合速率主要决定于光合有效辐射强度(PAR)。土壤干旱大大降低了单叶和群落的光合能力,晴天土壤湿润时气温和空气湿度控制着叶片的光合速率,午间大气湿度降低是光合午休的主要外因。叶片的蒸腾速率与气温呈显著线性相关,植物的光能和水分利用效率也主要取决于PAR和气温,随着PAR和气温的升高利用效率下降。沙蒿叶片光能利用效率在后期也能保持较高水平。沙蒿对土壤干旱和高温具有一定的适应性,在土壤湿润时能迅速提高光合速率,形成较大的生物量。但是沙蒿的蒸腾速率高,水分利用效率低。研究认为,沙蒿通过对土壤干旱和高温的忍耐机制而保持长时间较高的光能利用效率,并在土壤湿润时迅速提高光合能力和积累干物质来适应半干旱的沙地环境,而且依靠高蒸腾速率和强的水分吸收能力来竞争性抑制其他植物的生长。 相似文献
基于野外调查数据, 应用重要值、物种多样性指数和物种生长特征, 结合时空代替法分析了江苏东台沿海滩涂2005-2013 年垦区植物群落演替及植被梯度变化特征。结果表明: (1)主要优势物种互花米草和盐地碱蓬, 主要分布于2013 年垦区内, 且二者重要值此消彼长; 2009 及2005 年垦区内物种间重要值差异较大。(2)物种多样性受围垦年限及离海距离共同影响, 总体上, 物种丰富度随围垦年限及离海距离增加而增加; 2013 及2009 年垦区内群落多样性指数和均匀度指数随离海距离增加整体增加; 2005 年垦区内自然植被较少, 无明显规律。(3)2013 年垦区内互花米草群落存在单峰现象, 群落中部长势最好, 盐地碱蓬于近光滩处株高及冠幅最大, 远光滩处盖度及株数最大, 总体随着围垦年限增加呈变差趋势, 这一变化特征与水盐条件变化密切相关。 相似文献
洋河水库浮游植物组成及优势种演替规律研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在洋河水库设置6个采样点, 对浮游植物进行了周年研究, 并在夏季进行了每周一次的加密采样, 以揭示水华期间藻类优势种演替规律。结果表明洋河水库全年共检测到浮游植物8门41属49种, 群落季节变化与温度密切相关。春季隐藻门的啮齿隐藻(Cryptomonas erosa)为优势, 夏季初期表层水温在25℃以下时, 绿藻门的波吉卵囊藻(Oocystis borgei)占主要优势; 当表层水温升至25℃以上, 微囊藻(Microcystis spp.)迅速取代其成为绝对优势。秋季硅藻门的克洛脆杆藻(Fragiaria crotomensis)和隐藻门的啮齿隐藻(C. erosa)为优势。空间分布上水库北部浅水区域隐藻和硅藻生物量普遍高于南部; 受东南风影响, 蓝藻生物量在西洋河口S2点位最大。CCA分析表明夏季水华主体微囊藻的生物量与氮浓度正相关, 螺旋鱼腥藻在夏季仅作为第二优势种短暂出现于西洋河口处, 其出现与否受到磷营养盐的限制。
以甘南高寒草甸演替过程中5个阶段的典型群落为研究对象,对围封样地内不同演替阶段群落叶片功能性状进行比较,分析了围封地内各演替阶段群落水平上主要物种叶性状与环境因子的关系。结果显示:(1)此围封地形成了一个从草本到灌木的演替过程。随着演替的进行,Margalef指数显著增加,Shannon-Wiener指数呈先增加后降低的趋势。(2)从演替前期到演替后期,土壤有机碳(SOC)、土壤全氮(STN)、土壤含水量(SWC)逐渐升高,光照度(LI)、土壤温度(ST)逐渐降低,土壤全磷(STP)呈先降低后增加趋势;叶片有机碳(LCC)、全氮(LNC)、含水量(LWC)逐渐升高;比叶面积(SLA)、磷利用效率(PUPE)、稳定碳同位素(δ13C)逐渐下降,叶片全磷(LPC)先降低后升高,而氮利用效率(PUNE)先升高后降低。(3)RDA冗余分析表明,在此围封样地内,演替前期植物群落叶性状主要受到LI和ST的限制作用。而在演替的中后期SWC[WTBZ]是主要影响因子。此研究有助于我们认识高寒草甸生态系统的退化过程所导致的生态环境问题,进而寻求更好的草地恢复和重建方法。 相似文献
秦岭太白山弃耕地植物群落演替的生态学研究 Ⅱ演替系列的群落α多样性特征 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
应用物种丰富度、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Alatalo均匀度指数研究了太白山弃耕地植物群落次生演替过程中的群落α多样性动态特征,结果表明,群落在由一年生草本植物群落阶段向多年生草本植物群落、灌丛、混交林阶段的演替过程中,群落多样性指数逐渐上升,至混交林阶段达到最高值。若以分布在这一垂直地带的代表性森林群落锐齿栎林为演替进一步发展的方向,则由多样性指数在锐齿栎混交林、锐齿栎林阶段呈下降趋势。不同演替阶段不同生长型的多样性指数变化规律为:在演替的初期,草本层多样性指数>灌木层>乔木层;在混交林阶段,这3个不同生长型的多样性指数相差无几,乔木生长型稍占优势;在锐齿栎混交林和锐齿栎林阶段,灌木生长型的物种多样性最大,草本次之,乔木生长型的物种多样性则迅速降低。首次利用群落各生长型的叶层相对厚度和相对盖度作为加权参数,对群落总体的物种多样性指数进行了测度,结果表明,这种加权处理是比较合理的。 相似文献
本项研究通过对典型顶极森林群落和群落演替过程分析,表明处于演替顶极阶段顶极群落发育过程中,优势树种总体分布有由集群向随机的扩散趋势,各优势树种在此过程也由集群分布减幅波动地扩散为随机分布,而且是朝着优势树种种间联结关系和相关关系减弱的方向随机扩散。发育成熟的顶极森林群落中,优势树种的总体呈随机分布格局,各优势树种也呈随机分布格局镶嵌于总体的随机格局中。这种镶嵌形式,可使绝大多数优势树种种间联结关系和线性相关关系均达不到显著程度。该分布格局反映在成熟的顶级群落中,绝大多数优势树种个体间的相互影响很小,对微环境选择的差异较大 相似文献
阿拉善荒漠不同密度白沙蒿人工种群生长、繁殖与土壤水分的关系 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12
研究了阿拉善荒漠飞播建植的不同密度人工白沙蒿 (Artemisia sphaerocephala)种群的生长、繁殖与土壤水分的关系 ,主要结果是 :(1)不同密度白沙蒿人工种群的生长与繁殖特征存在明显差异 ,它反映在白沙蒿单株地上生物量、根量、生殖枝数和种子产量随着种群密度的增加而下降。 (2 )不同密度白沙蒿种群的存活率明显不同 ,当种群密度超过 3.1株 /m2时 ,个体植物生长发育不良 ,并出现密度制约死亡 (自疏 )现象 ,植株死亡率急剧上升。(3)不同密度白沙蒿草地不同深度土壤含水量存在明显差异 ,特别是 0~ 2 0和 2 0~ 4 0 cm两个土层的土壤含水量随种群密度的增加显著下降 ,与水资源容量相适应的白沙蒿种群密度约为 2 .1株 /m2 ,在该密度下土壤水分含量基本上能够满足白沙蒿的生理生态需水。 (4 )回归分析显示 ,白沙蒿单株地上生物量与0~ 2 0和 2 0~ 4 0 cm的土壤含水量呈显著正相关 ,而与 4 0 cm以下土层的土壤含水量无显著相关性 ,表明白沙蒿种群的生长主要受 0~ 4 0 cm土层土壤含水量的影响 相似文献
滇西北高原碧塔湖滨沼泽植物群落分布与演替 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
滇西北高原碧塔海湖滨带狭长型沟谷和宽广型沟谷设置了两条沼泽研究样带,研究了沼泽群落种类组成特征、群落分布与演替规律及其驱动因素.结果表明:两条样带总计调查到43种植物,隶属21科35属;群落中均以稀有种占多数,但总体上狭长型沟谷沼泽群落的均匀程度高于宽广型沟谷;α多样性各指数与沼泽水位均呈显著正相关,但β多样性与沼泽水位无相关性;沿水分梯度,沼泽群落呈现出挺水植物群落→沼泽植物群落→沼泽化草甸植物群落的生态序列分布,但是也在局部微地形作用下形成群落复合体;生态序列分布与湖岸特点和沟谷类型有关:狭长型沟谷具有陡坡湖岸,沼泽群落倾向于间断分布,宽广型沟谷具有缓坡湖岸,沼泽群落倾向于连续分布.以水分因子为主、以地形等因子为辅的综合环境因素是决定碧塔海湖滨沼泽群落植物多样性和生态序列分布格局的驱动因素,相应地植物群落演替特点为渐变式演替和跳跃式演替两种模式并存,但演替方向一致. 相似文献
A comparative study of the seedbanks of heathland and successional habitats in Dorset, Southern England 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1 Many areas of lowland heaths are being lost due to invasion by Betula spp., Pinus sylvestris, Pteridium aquilinum, Rhododendron ponticum and Ulex europaeus. One of the factors influencing the success of restoration of heathland on such sites will be the content of their viable seedbanks.
2 Ten heathland areas in the Poole Basin area of Dorset, where succession to one or more of the above species had occurred were studied. The viable seedbanks of the successional sites were compared with those of nearby heathland using Canonical Discriminant Analysis.
3 The seedbanks of all the successional stages were significantly different from the seedbank of the heath.
4 The seedbanks from the Pinus sylvestris and Pteridium aquilinum successional stages contained significantly lower numbers of heathland species than did the heathland seedbank, although few non heathland species were present.
5 The seedbanks from the Betula spp., Rhododendron ponticum and Ulex europaeus successional sites contained both significantly lower numbers of heathland species and significantly higher numbers of non heathland species than the heathland seedbank.
6 The results are discussed in relation to the restoration of heathland on successional sites and the use of the seedbank as a source of propagales for the establishment of heathland species. 相似文献
2 Ten heathland areas in the Poole Basin area of Dorset, where succession to one or more of the above species had occurred were studied. The viable seedbanks of the successional sites were compared with those of nearby heathland using Canonical Discriminant Analysis.
3 The seedbanks of all the successional stages were significantly different from the seedbank of the heath.
4 The seedbanks from the Pinus sylvestris and Pteridium aquilinum successional stages contained significantly lower numbers of heathland species than did the heathland seedbank, although few non heathland species were present.
5 The seedbanks from the Betula spp., Rhododendron ponticum and Ulex europaeus successional sites contained both significantly lower numbers of heathland species and significantly higher numbers of non heathland species than the heathland seedbank.
6 The results are discussed in relation to the restoration of heathland on successional sites and the use of the seedbank as a source of propagales for the establishment of heathland species. 相似文献
Summary The effects of spring grazing by sheep and of natural levels of insect herbivory were studied in 1985 on a limestone field abandoned from arable land for four years. A split-plot design was adopted in which paddocks, arranged in Latin squares, were either left ungrazed or heavily grazed by sheep for ten days in April. Within each paddock plots were either sprayed regularly with Malathion-60 or untreated.Natural levels of insect herbivory, compared to the reduced levels in insecticide-treated plots, had effects of similar magnitude to those from the short burst of spring grazing. Many attributes of the grazed/insecticide-treated sward were either increased or decreased by a factor of two within a season. Both types of herbivore caused changes in the direction of plant succession as well as in its rate. Effects on early successional species were large and similar when caused by either type of herbivore. Effects on later successional species were often smaller, but also showed differences in the action of the two herbivore types, as did effects on sward height, species richness and total cover. The effects of sheep and insect herbivory were not always additive or in the same direction.The results suggest that manipulations of both mammal and insect herbivores may be powerful tools for directing changes in plant community composition. 相似文献
Few studies have examined the succession of plant communities in the alpine zone. Studying the succession of plant communities is helpful to understand how species diversity is formed and maintained. In this study, we used species inventories, a molecular phylogeny, and trait data to detect patterns of phylogenetic and functional community structure in successional plant communities growing on the mounds of Himalayan marmots (Marmota himalayana) on the southeast edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We found that phylogenetic and functional diversities of plant communities on marmot mounds tended to cluster during the early to medium stages of succession, then trended toward overdispersion from medium to late stages. Alpine species in early and late stages of succession were phylogenetically and functionally overdispersed, suggesting that such communities were assembled mainly through species interactions, especially competition. At the medium and late stages of succession, alpine communities growing on marmot mounds were phylogenetically and functionally clustered, implying that the communities were primarily structured by environmental filtering. During the medium and late stages of succession the phylogenetic and functional structures of plant communities on marmot mounds differed significantly from those on neighboring sites. Our results indicate that environmental filtering and species interactions can change plant community composition at different successional stages. Assembly of plant communities on marmot mounds was promoted by a combination of traits that may provide advantages for survival and adaptation during periods of environmental change. 相似文献
黄河三角洲潮沟形态特征对湿地植物群落演替的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过野外调查明确黄河三角洲潮上带、潮间带、潮下带内潮沟的形态特征及植物群落演替特征, 并在此基础上探讨潮沟对植物群落的影响。结果表明: 1)潮沟共包括4级, 沿海到内陆方向, 呈现出潮沟分叉增加、级别增多、曲率变大的发育趋势。潮上带和潮下带均出现较大的宽深比, 潮间带的潮沟密度和分汊率较大; 2)共统计到植物10科15属15种, 大部分为草本植物。植物演替的方向为碱蓬-柽柳-芦苇和香蒲, 物种生态位宽度最大值随着演替的进行, 由碱蓬变为柽柳再到芦苇和香蒲; 3)潮沟曲率、潮沟密度和潮沟宽度与群落演替方向呈正相关, 而潮沟分汊率和潮沟深度与群落演替方向呈负相关。植物群落演替对潮沟分汊率的变化的反应最敏感, 潮沟密度次之。 相似文献
乌兰布和沙漠沙蒿与油蒿群落的物种组成与数量特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
沙蒿与油蒿群落均是我国最典型的沙地植被类型,在沙漠地区发挥了重要的生态防护作用,掌握其分布、组成及其数量特征对沙漠化防治具有一定的指导作用。调查研究表明,沙蒿与油蒿群落是乌兰布和沙漠典型的沙地植被类型,其中沙蒿群落多分布于沙漠中东部、南部和东北部,而油蒿群落仅分布于沙漠东部、东北部和东南部;其群落类型可划分为沙蒿群落、油蒿群落、沙蒿+油蒿群落、沙蒿+沙竹群落、沙蒿+花棒+沙拐枣群落、油蒿+白刺群落、沙蒿伴生群落和油蒿伴生群落;群落的物种组成比较简单,其中沙蒿群落共有9科21属22种,油蒿群落共有10科35属37种。草本植物是沙蒿与油蒿群落的主体,所占总物种数的比例均超过70%;Simpson、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数高,反映了沙蒿与油蒿群落具有较高的物种多样性。与沙蒿群落相比,油蒿群落物种丰富度、单位面积个体数、盖度、Simpson和Shannon物种多样性指数均明显大于沙蒿群落,而群落相似性显著低于沙蒿,说明乌兰布和沙漠油蒿群落较沙蒿群落具有更丰富的物种组成、多样性和群落结构,更具保护和人工促进潜力。研究结果可为乌兰布和沙漠沙蒿、油蒿群落的保护及人工促进提供理论基础,对区域沙漠治理物种选择具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
Mediterranean ecosystems comprise the second biodiversity hotspot area after tropical rain forests and will be most affected by global climate change. Therefore, it is important to understand community dynamics for effective conservation in this region. We investigated the relationships between soil moisture, nitrogen forms and community structuring in Quercus ilexL., Erica arborea L. and Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach communities, representing different successional stages, distributed as Mediterranean enclaves on the Sinop Peninsula (Turkey). The soil moisture, ammonium, nitrate and nitrite content were measured seasonally. Differences in these abiotic parameters within and between communities over seasons were tested. Previously collected biotic data were then used to analyze the relationship between soil parameters and community structure. Significant differences in soil parameters within and between seasons were found within and between communities. Our results show that there are different relationships between soil moisture, nitrogen forms and community structure in Mediterranean plant communities representing different successional stages. Differentiation in vegetation structure during succession cause changes especially in the water and nitrate content of the soil, and these changes in turn affect the continuity of community structure in Mediterranean plant communities. 相似文献
Sándor Bartha Szilárd Szentes András Horváth Judit Házi Zita Zimmermann Csaba Molnár István Dancza Katalin Margóczi Róbert W. Pál Dragica Purger Dávid Schmidt Miklós Óvári Cecília Komoly Zsuzsanna Sutyinszki Gábor Szabó András István Csathó Melinda Juhász Károly Penksza Zsolt Molnár 《应用植被学》2014,17(2):201-213