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Partial acid hydrolysis was studied as a per treatment to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis, such a pretreatment was carried out in a continuous flow reactor on oak corn Stover, newsprint, and Solka Floc at temperatures ranging from 160 to 220°C, acid concentration ranging from 0 to 1.2%, and a fixed treatment time of 0.22 min. The resulting slurries and solids were than hydrolyzed with Trichoderma ressei QM 9414 cellulase at 50°C for 48 hr. For all substrates except Solka Floc, increased glucose yields were achieved during enzymatic hydrolysis of the pretreated materials as compared to hydrolysis of the original substrate. In several cases, after pretreatment, 100° of the potential glucose content of the substrate was converted to glucose after 24hr of enzymatic hydrolysis. It is felt that the increased glucose yields achieved after this pretreatment are due to acid's removal of hemicellulose, reduced degree of polymerization, and possibly due to a change in the crystal structure of the cellulose.  相似文献   

It has been shown that simultaneous attrition of cellulose in an attritor containing stainlesssteel beads results in a substantial enhancement of the enzymatic hydrolysis. The attrition exerts two opposing effects, continuous delamination and comminution of the substrate with formation of new reactive sites and a gradual denaturation and inactivation of the enzyme. Consequently, the hydrolysis proceeds very rapidly at first and levels off at about 70% saccharification of the substrate. Accumulation of hydrolysis products is also responsible for inhibition of the enzyme. The attrition method is effective for the saccharification of cottonwood in which the cellulosic microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of lignin and hemicelluloses. A comparison between the saccharification of wood, lignocellulose, holocellulose, and cellulose with simultaneous attrition showed that the lignin component provided more hindrance toward the saccharification process than hemicelluloses, which are themselves subject to enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated lignocellulosic substrates has emerged as an interesting option to produce sugars that can be converted to liquid biofuels and other commodities using microbial biocatalysts. Lignocellulosic substrates are pretreated to make them more accessible to cellulolytic enzymes, but the pretreatment liquid partially inhibits subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. The presence of pretreatment liquid from Norway spruce resulted in a 63% decrease in the enzymatic saccharification of Avicel compared to when the reaction was performed in a buffered aqueous solution. The addition of 15 mM of a reducing agent (hydrogen sulfite, dithionite, or dithiothreitol) to reaction mixtures with the pretreatment liquid resulted in up to 54% improvement of the saccharification efficiency. When the reducing agents were added to reaction mixtures without pretreatment liquid, there was a 13-39% decrease in saccharification efficiency. In the presence of pretreatment liquid, the addition of 15 mM dithionite to Avicel, α-cellulose or filter cake of pretreated spruce wood resulted in improvements between 25 and 33%. Positive effects (6-17%) of reducing agents were also observed in experiments with carboxymethyl cellulose and 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose. The approach to add reducing agents appears useful for facilitating the utilization of enzymes to convert cellulosic substrates in industrial processes.  相似文献   

Effective dilute acid hydrolysis of dairy manure which contains roughly 12% hemicellulose on a dry matter basis can produce a variety of mono-sugars such as arabinose, xylose and galactose, as well as to further benefit utilization of cellulose in the manure. To enhance the effectiveness of this dilute acid hydrolysis, the effect of manure nitrogen content was studied because some reactions such as the browning reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars and acid-base reactions involving ammonia and acid interfere with the hydrolysis. Two dairy manure samples were used to study this nitrogen effect; the original manure and the pretreated manure derived from a solid/liquid separation pretreatment. The pretreated manure had a total nitrogen content of 1.3% dry matter (DM) while the original dairy manure had twice that amount with a total nitrogen content of 2.6% DM. Results found that the optimal conditions for hydrolysis of manure hemicellulose were 2 h reaction time, 1% sulfuric acid concentration, 135 degrees C, and 10% sample concentration using the pretreated dairy manure as raw material. Under these conditions the corresponding sugar yield from hemicellulose was 111% and sugar concentration in the solution reached 16.5 g/l. At the same time, the hydrolyzed solid had 43% DM of cellulose, which was much higher than both the original manure containing 22% and the pretreated manure with 32%.  相似文献   

Although cellulosic materials of plant origin are the most abundant utilizable biomass resource, the amino acid-producing organism Corynebacterium glutamicum can not utilize these materials. Here we report the engineering of a C. glutamicum strain expressing functional minicellulosomes containing chimeric endoglucanase E bound to miniCbpA from Clostridium cellulovorans that can hydrolyze cellulosic materials. The chimeric endoglucanase E consists of the endoglucanase E catalytic backbone of Clostridium thermocellum fused with the endoglucanase B dockerin domain of C. cellulovorans. The resulting strain degraded cellulose efficiently by substrate targeting via the carbohydrate binding module. The assembly of minicellulosomes increased the activity against carboxymethyl cellulose approximately 2.8-fold compared with that for the corresponding enzymes alone. This is the first report of the formation of Clostridium minicellulosomes by C. glutamicum. The development of C. glutamicum strain that is capable of more effective cellulose hydrolysis brings about a realization of consolidated bioprocessing for the utilization of cellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

Summary Four strains of Fusarium oxysporum and a strain of Monilia brunnae were screened for their ability to convert cellulosic substrates into ethanol/acetic acid. These strains were found to utilize cellulose and produce extracellular cellulases. However, only F. oxysporum 841 was found to convert glucose, xylose, and cellulose into ethanol and acetic acid as major end-products under microaerobic conditions. Acetic acid at a level of 4.7 g/l resulted in a single-step process on potato pulp medium, indicating the potential of the strain for converting cellulosic substrates into acetic acid. Offprint requests to: K. Schügerl  相似文献   

Fenton’s reagent that generates reactive hydroxyl radical species was evaluated for its effectiveness as a pretreatment agent on cotton cellulosic substrates to increase its susceptibility to cellulase enzyme. Response surface methodology was used to optimize four different process variables viz., time of reaction; substrate size and concentrations of Fe2+ and H2O2. Overall, the cellulose substrates treated at 0.5 mM concentration of Fe2+, 2% concentration of H2O2 for a reaction period of 48 h gave the highest enzyme activity as determined using the response surface methodology. Cellulose substrates with high aspect ratio recorded better enzyme response than that with low aspect ratio which is supported by copper number estimation. The cellulosic substrate prepared using a combination of optimized Fenton’s pretreatment conditions and/or enzyme hydrolysis were studied and characterized by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Additionally, degree of polymerization analysis gives further insight into the degradation during Fenton’s reaction.  相似文献   

Crystalline cellulose and cellulosic wastes have been treated with various concentrations of peracetic acid and other reagents at 100°C for various times, washed with water, ethanol and air dried. For each treated cellulose, the degree of enzymatic solubilization was measured with Trichoderma viride cellulase [1,4-(1,3;1,4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC]. Cellulosic wastes such as sunflower stalks, wheat straw and sugar-cane bagasse were solubilized effectively by the enzyme. Delignification of wheat straw with 1% sodium hydroxide and treatment of this straw with peracetic acid enhanced the degree of enzymatic solubilization. Infrared spectra of the untreated and treated cellulosic wastes were recorded.  相似文献   

Chemical pre-treatment enhanced saccharification of agricultural lignocellulosic residues usingAspergillus niger cellulase by between 16 and 38%. Maximum saccharification (76%) of alkali-treated bagasse was with 0.5% substrate over 48 h using 0.3 U enzyme/ml.
Résumé Le pré-traitement chimique augmente de 16 à 38% la saccharification de résidus agricoles ligno-cellulosiques lorsque l'on utilise la cellulase d'Aspergillus niger. On a obtenu la saccharification maximum (76%) de la bagasse traitée à l'alcali avec 0.5% de substrat en 48 h de traitement avec 0.3 unités d'enzyme par ml.

This review will cover a number of physical and chemical pretreatment methods for cellulosic substrates which enhance their hydrolysis by cellulase or consumption by microorganisms. While the emphasis is on the literature of the last two years, some earlier work is cited which has influenced the work in the pretreatment field. In order to interpret the effects of a pretreatment method, emphasis in the past has been on crystallinity index (CI) and lignin content. Although these parameters happen often to correlate with the rate or extent of hydrolysis, it is suggested that a more basic parameter is the pore size distribution of the wet substrate and the associated surface area available to the cellulase that is the major factor in determining the effectiveness of a pretreatment method.  相似文献   

Cellulosic sludge from paper mills making bleached products can be enzymatically converted to glucose. A kinetic model that accounts for product inhibition was used to estimate the cost:benefits of the process. In the proposed scheme, the sludge is enzymatically hydrolyzed in a sequence of CSTRs, the ash separated, and the product glucose concentrated through reverse osmosis. The water recovered is mostly recycled. By far, the most important economic variable is the value of the glucose. However, even if the glucose is assumed to be of no value the avoided cost of sludge disposal approximately offsets the process costs. The approach should generate significant revenue if the glucose is valued at market.  相似文献   

The present work deals with maltodextrin hydrolysis by glucoamylase immobilized onto corn stover in a fluidized bed reactor. An industrial enzyme preparation was covalently grafted onto corn stover, yielding an activity of up to 372 U/g and 1700 U/g for support particle sizes of 0.8 and 0.2 mm, respectively. A detailed kinetic study, using a differential reactor, allowed the characterization of the influence of mass transfer resistance on the reaction catalyzed by immobilized glucoamylase. A simple and general mathematical model was then developed to describe the experimental conversion data and found to be valid.  相似文献   

A cyclone reactor for microbial fermentation processes was developed with high oxygen transfer capabilities. Three geometrically similar cyclone reactors with 0.5?l, 2.5?l and 15?l liquid volume, respectively, were characterized with respect to oxygen mass transfer, mixing time and residence time distribution. Semi-empirically correlations for prediction of oxygen mass transfer and mixing times were identified for scale-up of cyclone reactors. A volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient k L a of 1.0?s?1 (available oxygen transfer rate with air: 29?kg?m?3?h?1) was achieved with the cyclone reactor at a volumetric power input of 40?kW?m?3 and an aeration gas flow rate of 0.2?s?1. Continuous methanol controlled production of formate dehydrogenase (FDH) with Candida boidinii in a 15?l cyclone reactor resulted in more than 100% improvement in dry cell mass concentration (64.5?g?l?1) and in about 100% improvement in FDH space-time yield (300?U?l?1?h?1) compared to steady state results of a continuous stirred tank reactor.  相似文献   

Alcohol fermentation has traditionally been carried out in aqueous environments because of the ready solubility of reactant (sugar) and product (ethanol). However, extraction of the product ethanol into a nonmiscible phase can result in kinetic benefits due to reduced inhibition of the fermentation reactions. In this study, we report the development of a novel simultaneous saccharification and extractive fermentation (SSEF) process. Ethanol productivity was increased by up to 65% over conventional (nonextractive) fed-batch simultaneous saccharification systems when calculated on the basis of aqueous phase volume. The amount of water required for SSEF reactions was dramatically reduced from that required for conventional SSF. In batch SSEF reactors with 2.5% aqueous phase, 50% conversion of 25% (aqueous phase concentration) Solka Floc could be achieved in 48 h using 2 FPU/g cellulase. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Sorption of Talaromyces emersonii cellulase on cellulosic substrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sorption characteristics of the cellulase system of Talaromyces emersonii on various cellulosic substrates were examined. Analysis of reaction mixture supernatants by electrophoresis and enzyme assay showed that all components of the cellulase system were rapidly adsorbed by cellulose and then gradually returned to the liquid phase as the hydrolysis of the substrate progressed. The extent of adsorption in the rapid phase was influenced by pH, temperature, the nature of the substrate, and its concentration.  相似文献   

Cellulase reaction mechanism was investigated with the use of following pure cellulosic substrates: Microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel), α‐cellulose (Sigma), filter paper, cotton, and non‐crystalline cellulose (NCC). NCC is amorphous cellulose prepared in our laboratory by treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid. When hydrolyzed with cellulase, NCC produces significant amount of cello‐oligosaccharides (COS) as reaction intermediates along with glucose and cellobiose. The COS produced by cellulase were categorized into two different moieties based upon their degree of polymerization (DP): low DP (less than 7) COS (LD‐COS) and high DP COS (HD‐COS). Endo‐glucanase (Endo‐G) reacts rapidly on the NCC reducing its DP to 30–60, after which the Endo‐G reaction with NCC ceases. HD‐COS is produced from NCC by the action of Endo‐G, whereas LD‐COS is produced by exo‐glucanase (Exo‐G). β‐Glucosidase (β‐G) hydrolyzes LD‐COS to produce cellobiose, but it does not hydrolyze HD‐COS. DP of NCC affects the action of Exo‐G in such a way that the overall yield is high for high DP NCC. This is in line with previous findings that substrate‐recognition by Exo‐G requires binding on β‐glucan chain with DP of 10 for the hydrolysis to take place. The individual cellulose chain residues within solid having DP less than 10 therefore remain unreacted. The percentage of the unreacted portion would be lower for high DP NCC, which results high overall conversion. The surface area and the number of reactive sites on the substrate facilitate adsorption of enzyme therefore the initial rate of the hydrolysis. The overall extent of conversion of cellulose, however, is controlled primarily by its inherent characteristics such as DP and crystallinity. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1570–1581. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sakaki K  Itoh N 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(19):1591-1595
Racemic 2-hydroxy octanoic acid methyl ester was optically resolved by lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis in a biphasic membrane reactor using hydrophilic/hydrophobic capillary membranes. In a buffer/hexane biphasic membrane reactor using hydrophilic ultrafiltration membranes, (S)-2-hydroxy octanoic acid was recovered from the aqueous phase at 59–67% yield and 0.9–0.92 enantiomeric excess (ee), and the ester of (R)-isomer was recovered from the organic phase at 73–75% yield and 0.92–0.99 ee.  相似文献   

Following a previous study on kinetics of enzymatic starch hydrolysis with Termamyl 120l (Novo Nordisk) in batch reactor, this paper deals with kinetics in a continuous recycled membrane reactor (CRMR). Starting from results obtained in various working conditions, an equation relating the production rates of small oligosaccharides (DP ranging from 1 to 5) to the sum of concentrations of oligosaccharides with a higher degree of polymerisation is proposed. This equation looks like the one already reported for a batch system, with the exception that in the CRMR the enzyme activity varies: an exponential decay of activity as a function of time must be introduced to smooth carefully data points.  相似文献   

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