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Temperate terrestrial ecosystems are currently exposed to climatic and air quality changes with increased atmospheric CO2, increased temperature and prolonged droughts. The responses of natural ecosystems to these changes are focus for research, due to the potential feedbacks to the climate. We here present results from a field experiment in which the effects of these three climate change factors are investigated solely and in all combinations at a temperate heath dominated by heather (Calluna vulgaris) and wavy hair-grass (Deschampsia flexuosa).Climate induced increases in plant production may increase plant root exudation of dissolved organic compounds such as amino acids, and the release of amino acids during decomposition of organic matter. Such free amino acids in soil serve as substrates for soil microorganisms and are also acquired as nutrients directly by plants. We investigated the magnitude of the response to the potential climate change treatments on uptake of organic nitrogen in an in situ pulse labelling experiment with 15N13C2-labelled glycine (amino acid) injected into the soil.In situ root nitrogen acquisition by grasses responded significantly to the climate change treatments, with larger 15N uptake in response to warming and elevated CO2 but not additively when the treatments were combined. Also, a larger grass leaf biomass in the combined T and CO2 treatment than in individual treatments suggest that responses to combined climate change factors cannot be predicted from the responses to single factors treatments.The soil microbes were superior to plants in the short-term competition for the added glycine, as indicated by an 18 times larger 15N recovery in the microbial biomass compared to the plant biomass. The soil microbes acquired glycine largely as an intact compound (87%), with no effects of the multi factorial climate change treatment through one year.  相似文献   

Shrub abundance is expected to increase with enhanced temperature and nutrient availability in the Arctic, and associated changes in abundance of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi could be a key link between plant responses and longer-term changes in soil organic matter storage. This study quantifies the response in EM fungal abundance to long-term warming and fertilization in two arctic ecosystems with contrasting responses of the EM shrub Betula nana. Ergosterol was used as a biomarker for living fungal biomass in roots and organic soil and ingrowth bags were used to estimate EM mycelial production. We measured 15N and 13C natural abundance to identify the EM-saprotrophic divide in fungal sporocarps and to validate the EM origin of mycelia in the ingrowth bags. Fungal biomass in soil and EM mycelial production increased with fertilization at both tundra sites, and with warming at one site. This was caused partly by increased dominance of EM plants and partly by stimulation of EM mycelial growth. We conclude that cycling of carbon and nitrogen through EM fungi will increase when strongly nutrient-limited arctic ecosystems are exposed to a warmer and more nutrient-rich environment. This has potential consequences for below-ground litter quality and quantity, and for accumulation of organic matter in arctic soils.  相似文献   

The natural abundance of 15N in plant biomass has been used to infer how N dynamics change with elevated atmospheric CO2 and changing water availability. However, it remains unclear if atmospheric CO2 effects on plant biomass 15N are driven by CO2-induced changes in soil moisture. We tested whether 15N abundance (expressed as δ15N) in plant biomass would increase with increasing soil moisture content at two atmospheric CO2 levels. In a greenhouse experiment we grew sunflower (Helianthus annuus) at ambient and elevated CO2 (760 ppm) with three soil moisture levels maintained at 45, 65, and 85% of field capacity, thereby eliminating potential CO2-induced soil moisture effects. The δ15N value of total plant biomass increased significantly with increased soil moisture content at both CO2 levels, possibly due to increased uptake of 15N-rich organic N. Although not adequately replicated, plant biomass δ15N was lower under elevated than under ambient CO2 after adjusting for plant N uptake effects. Thus, increases in soil moisture can increase plant biomass δ15N, while elevated CO2 can decrease plant biomass δ15N other than by modifying soil moisture.  相似文献   

Summary The availability and turnover in different soil fractions of residual N from leguminous plant material and inorganic fertilizer was studied in a pot culture experiment using wheat as a test crop. Plants utilized 64% of the residual fertilizer N and 20% of the residual legume N. 50–60% of the N taken up by plants was recovered in grain and 4–8% in roots. After harvesting wheat up to 35% and 38% of the residual legume N and fertilizer N, respectively was found in humic compounds. A loss of humus N derived from legume and fertilizer was found during wheat growth but the unlabelled N increased in this fraction. Biomass contained 6% and 8% of the residual legume and fertilizer N, respectively when both were available. The mineralizable component contained upto 28% of both the residual legume and residual fertilizer N. Only a small percentage of the soil N (3–4%) was observed in biomass whereas the mineralizable component accounted for 7–14% of the soil N. In this fraction legume derived N increased during wheat growth whereas unlabelled N increased in both the mineralizable component and microbial biomass. Some loss of N occurred from residual legume and fertilizer N. Nevertheless, a positive total N balance was observed and was attributed to the addition of unlabelled N in the soil-plant system by N2 fixation. The gain in N was equivalent to about 38% of the plant available N in the soil amended with leguminous material. The additional N was concentrated mainly in the mineralizable fraction and microbial biomass, although some addition was also noted in humus fractions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the influence of soil water potential, depth of N placement, timing, and cultivar on uptake of a small dose of labeled N applied after anthesis by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Understanding postanthesis N accumulation should allow better control of grain protein concentration through proper manipulation of inputs. Two hard, red spring-wheat cultivars were planted in early and late fall each yr of a 2-yr field experiment. Less than 1 kg N ha–1 as K 15NO3 was injected into the soil at two depths: shallow (0.05 to 0.08 m) and deep (0.15 to 0.18 m). In both years an irrigation was applied at anthesis, and injections of labeled N were timed 4, 12, and 20 days after anthesis (DAA). Soil water potential was estimated at the time of injection. Mean recovery of 15N in grain and straw was 57% of the 15N applied. Recovery did not differ between the high-protein (Yecora Rojo) and the low-protein (Anza or Yolo) cultivars. Mean recovery from deep placement was 60% versus only 54% from shallow placement (p < 0.01). Delaying the time of injection decreased mean recovery significantly from 58% at 4 DAA to 54% at 20 DAA. This decrease was most pronounced in the shallow placement, where soil drying was most severe. Regressions of recovery on soil water potential of individual cultivar x yr x planting x depth treatments were significant only under the driest conditions. Stepwise regression of 15N recovery on soil water potential and yield parameters using data from all treatments of both years resulted in an equation including soil water potential and N yield, with a multiple correlation coefficient of 0.64. The translocation of 15N to grain was higher (0.89) than the nitrogen harvest index (0.69), and showed a highly significant increase with increase in DAA. This experiment indicates that the N uptake capacity of wheat remains reasonably constant between 4 and 20 DAA unless soil drying is severe.  相似文献   

Nutrient uptake by forest trees is dependent on ectomycorrhizal (EM) mycelia that grow out into the soil from the mycorrhizal root tips. We estimated the production of EM mycelia in root free samples of pure spruce and mixed spruce-oak stands in southern Sweden as mycelia grown into sand-filled mesh bags placed at three different soil depths (0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm). The mesh bags were collected after 12 months and we found that 590±70 kg ha–1 year–1 of pure mycelia was produced in spruce stands and 420±160 kg ha–1 year–1 in mixed stands. The production of EM mycelia in the mesh bags decreased with soil depth in both stand types but tended to be more concentrated in the top soil in the mixed stands compared to the spruce stands. The fungal biomass was also determined in soil samples taken from different depths by using phospholipid fatty acids as markers for fungal biomass. Subsamples were incubated at 20°C for 5 months and the amount of fungal biomass that degraded during the incubation period was used as an estimate of EM fungal biomass. The EM biomass in the soil profile decreased with soil depth and did not differ significantly between the two stand types. The total EM biomass in the pure spruce stands was estimated to be 4.8±0.9×103 kg ha–1 and in the mixed stands 5.8±1.1×103 kg ha–1 down to 70 cm depth. The biomass and production estimates of EM mycelia suggest a very long turnover time or that necromass has been included in the biomass estimates. The amount of N present in EM mycelia was estimated to be 121 kg N ha–1 in spruce stands and 187 kg N ha–1 in mixed stands. The 13C value for mycelia in mesh bags was not influenced by soil depth, indicating that the fungi obtained all their carbon from the tree roots. The 13C values in mycelia collected from mixed stands were intermediate to values from pure spruce and pure oak stands suggesting that the EM mycelia received carbon from both spruce and oak trees in the mixed stands. The 15N value for the EM mycelia and the surrounding soil increased with soil depth suggesting that they obtained their entire N from the surrounding soil.  相似文献   

Globally, land-use change is occurring rapidly, and impacts on biogeochemical cycling may be influenced by previous land uses. We examined differences in soil C and N cycling during long-term laboratory incubations for the following land-use sequence: indigenous forest (soil age = 1800 yr); 70-year-old pasture planted after forest clearance; 22-year-old pine (Pinus radiata) planted into pasture. No N fertilizer had been applied but the pasture contained N-fixing legumes. The sites were adjacent and received 3–6 kg ha–1 yr–1volcanic N in rain; NO3 -N leaching losses to streamwater were 5–21 kg ha–1 yr–1, and followed the order forest < pasture = pine. Soil C concentration in 0–10 cm mineral soil followed the order: pasture > pine = forest, and total N: pasture > pine > forest. Nitrogen mineralization followed the order: pasture > pine > forest for mineral soil, and was weakly related to C mineralization. Based on radiocarbon data, the indigenous forest 0–10 cm soil contained more pre-bomb C than the other soils, partly as a result of microbial processing of recent C in the surface litter layer. Heterotrophic activity appeared to be somewhat N limited in the indigenous forest soil, and gross nitrification was delayed. In contrast, the pasture soil was rich in labile N arising from N fixation by clover, and net nitrification occurred readily. Gross N cycling rates in the pine mineral soil (per unit N) were similar to those under pasture, reflecting the legacy of N inputs by the previous pasture. Change in land use from indigenous forest to pasture and pine resulted in increased gross nitrification, net nitrification and thence leaching of NO3 -N.  相似文献   

15N natural abundances and N use by tundra plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant species collected from tundra ecosystems located along a north-south transect from central Alaska to the north coast of Alaska showed large and consistent differences in 15N natural abundances. Foliar 15N values varied by about 10% among species within each of two moist tussock tundra sites. Differences in 15N contents among species or plant groups were consistent across moist tussock tundra at several other sites and across five other tundra types at a single site. Ericaceous species had the lowest 15N values, ranging between about –8 to –6. Foliar 15N contents increased progressively in birch, willows and sedges to maximum 15N values of about +2 in sedges. Soil 15N contents in tundra ecosystems at our two most intensively studied sites increased with depth and 15N values were usually higher for soils than for plants. Isotopic fractionations during soil N transformations and possibly during plant N uptake could lead to observed differences in 15N contents among plant species and between plants and soils. Patterns of variation in 15N content among species indicate that tundra plants acquire nitrogen in extremely nutrient-poor environments by competitive partitioning of the overall N pool. Differences in plant N sources, rooting depth, mycorrhizal associations, forms of N taken up, and other factors controlling plant N uptake are possible causes of variations in 15N values of tundra plant species.  相似文献   

In the tropics, cowpea is often intercropped with maize. Little is known about the effect of the intercropped maize on N2-fixation by cowpea or how intercropping affects nitrogen fertilizer use effiency or soil N-uptake of both crops. Cowpea and maize were grown as a monocrop at row spacings of 40, 50, 60, 80, and 120 cm and intercropped at row spacing of 40, 50, and 60 cm. Plots were fertilized with 50 kg N as (NH4)2SO4; microplots within each plot received the same amount of15N-depleted (NH4)2SO4. Using the15N-dilution method, the percentage of N derived from N2-fixation by cowpea and the recovery of N-fertilizer and soil N-uptake was measured for both crops at 50 and 80 days after planting.Significant differences in yield and total N for cowpea and maize at both harvest periods were dependent on row spacing and cropping systems. Maize grown at the closer row spacing accumulated most of its N during the first 50 days after planting, whereas maize grown at the widest row spacing accumulated a significant portion of its N during the last 30 days before the final harvest, 80 days after planting.Overall, no significant differences in the percentage of N derived from N2-fixation for monocropped or intercropped cowpea was observed and between 30 and 50% of its N was derived from N2.At 50 DAP, fertilizer and soil N uptake was dependent on row spacing with maize grown at the narrowest row spacing having a higher fertilizer and soil N recovery than maize grown at wider spacings. At 50 and 80 DAP, intercropped maize/cowpea did not have a higher fertilizer and soil N uptake than monocropped cowpea or maize at the same row spacing. Monocropped maize and cowpea at the same row spacing took up about the same amount of fertilizer or soil N. When intercropped, maize took up twice as much soil and fertilizer N as cowpea. Apparently intercropped cowpea was not able to maintain its yield potential.Whereas significant differences in total N for maize was observed at 50 and 80 DAP, no significant differences in the atom %14N excess were observed. Therefore, in this study, the atom %14N excess of the reference crop was yield independent. Furthermore, the similarity in the atom %14N excess for intercropped and monocropped maize indicated that transfer of N from the legume to the non-legume was small or not detectable.  相似文献   

The effect of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM) on field bean and spring wheat dry matter production and on phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron and manganese uptake was determined under greenhouse conditions. Nutrient availability was varied by using different sizes of pots and by diluting the soil with sand. VAM increased plant dry matter production under all sets of growth conditions. VAM were found to directly increase the uptake of P, Zn, Cu and Fe by field beans and of P and Zn for wheat in both experiments. Increased uptake of the other nutrients measured was attributed to increased dry matter production or other factors. The effect of VAM decreased as the pot size holding the host plants decreased, but was not affected by the ratio of soil to sand if the pot size was kept constant. Nutrient uptake by beans as a proportion of total amount of nutrient present increased as the amount of nutrient decreased. Increase in root-soil contact and altered chemical equilibria are probable reasons for increased efficiency of nutrient uptake by beans as the level of available nutrient decreased. For wheat, which has a relatively fibrous root system, decreasing the nutrient availability had minimal effects on nutrient uptake in these experiments. Increases in total uptake of a particular nutrient resulting from inoculation with VAM are not necesarily indicative of a direct uptake of that nutrient by the VAM.  相似文献   

Intact amino acid uptake by northern hardwood and conifer trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Empirical and modeling studies of the N cycle in temperate forests of eastern North America have focused on the mechanisms regulating the production of inorganic N, and assumed that only inorganic forms of N are available for plant growth. Recent isotope studies in field conditions suggest that amino acid capture is a widespread ecological phenomenon, although northern temperate forests have yet to be studied. We quantified fine root biomass and applied tracer-level quantities of U–13C215N-glycine, 15NH4 + and 15NO3 in two stands, one dominated by sugar maple and white ash, the other dominated by red oak, beech, and hemlock, to assess the importance of amino acids to the N nutrition of northeastern US forests. Significant enrichment of 13C in fine roots 2 and 5 h following tracer application indicated intact glycine uptake in both stands. Glycine accounted for up to 77% of total N uptake in the oak–beech–hemlock stand, a stand that produces recalcitrant litter, cycles N slowly and has a thick, amino acid-rich organic horizon. By contrast, glycine accounted for only 20% of total N uptake in the sugar maple and white ash stand, a stand characterized by labile litter and rapid rates of amino acid production and turnover resulting in high rates of mineralization and nitrification. This study shows that amino acid uptake is an important process occurring in two widespread, northeastern US temperate forest types with widely differing rates of N cycling.  相似文献   

In the recent past considerable attention is paid to minimize dependence on purchased inputs such as inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. Green manure in the form of flood-tolerant, stem-nodulatingSesbania rostrata andAeschynomene afraspera is an alternative N source for rice, which may also increase N use efficiency. Therefore research was conducted to determine the fate of N applied to lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the form ofSesbania rostrata andAeschynomene afraspera green manure and urea in two field experiments using15N labeled materials.15N in the soil and rice plant was determined, and15N balances established. Apparent N recoveries were determined by non-tracer method. 15N recoveries averaged 90 and 65% of N applied for green manure and urea treatments, respectively. High partial pressures of NH3 in the floodwater, and high pH probably resulted from urea application and favoured losses of N from the urea treatment. Results show that green manure N can supply a substantial proportion of the N requirements of lowland rice. Nitrogen released fromSesbania rostrata andAeschynomene afraspera green manure was in synchrony with the demand of the rice plant. The effect of combined application of green manure and urea on N losses from urea fertilizer were also investigated. Green manure reduced the N losses from15N labeled urea possibly due to a reduction in pH of the floodwater. Positive added N interactions (ANIs) were observed. At harvest, an average of 45 and 25% of N applied remained in the soil for green manure and urea, respectively.Contribution from IRRI, Los Baños, Philippines and Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, GermanyContribution from IRRI, Los Baños, Philippines and Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany  相似文献   

Summary White clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants grown in pots and supplied with the same concentration x days of15N labelled nitrate, but in contrasting patterns and doses had similar N concentrations but differed in the proportions devived from N2 fixation and nitrate. N2-fixation and nodule dry weight responded rapidly (2–3 days) to changes in nitrate availability. Plants exposed frequently to small doses of nitrate took up more nitrate (and hence relied less on N2-fixation) and had greater dry weights and shoot: root ratios than those exposed to larger doses less often. In mixed ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)/clover communities clover's ability to either successfully compete for nitrate or fix N2 gave it consistently higher N concentrations than grass whether they were given high or low nitrate nutrient. This higher N concentration was accompanied by greater dry weights than grass in the low nitrate swards but not where high levels of nitrate were applied.  相似文献   

Summary Field studies to determine the effect of zero and shallow (10 cm) cultivation on microbial biomass were conducted on several Chernozemic soils in western Canada. Using the CHCl3 fumigation method, the distribution of microbial biomass N and the immobilization and subsequent release of added15N (15N-urea) from the microbial biomass were determined in the A horizon, at the 0 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm depth, during the growing season for spring wheat.Temporal variation in microbial biomass N, associated with the development of the rhizosphere, was characterized by an increase between Feekes stage 1 and 5 or 10 and decrease at Feekes stage 11.4. Over the long term, the variation in biomass N between tillage systems corresponded with crop residue distribution. Immobilization of fertilizer N was related to the increase in biomass N from Feekes stage 1, which in turn, was associated with the incorporation of recent crop residues or levels of labile organic matter in the surface soil. The study demonstrated the relatively rapid remineralization of immobilized fertilizer N under field conditions and emphasized the role of the microbial biomass N as both a sink and source of mineral N.  相似文献   

Translocation of carbon and nitrogen within a single source-sink unit, comprising a trifoliated leaf, the axillary pod and the subtending internode, and from this unit to the rest of the plant was examined in soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Akishirome) plant by feeding 13CO2 and 15NO3. The plants were grown at two levels of nitrogen in the basal medium, i.e. low-N (2 g N m–2) and high-N (35 g N m–2) and a treatment of depodding was imposed by removing all the pods from the plant, except the pod of the source sink unit, 13 days after flowering. The plants at high-N accumulated more biomass in its organs compared to low-N and pod removal increased the weight of the vegetative organs. When the terminal leaflet of the source-sink unit was fed with 13CO2, almost all of the radioactive materials were retained inside the source-sink unit and translocation to rest of the plants was insignificant under any of the treatments imposed. Out of the13C exported by the terminal leaflet, less than half went into the axillary pod, as the lateral leaflets claimed equal share and very little material was deposited in the petiole. Pod removal decreased 13C export at high-N , but not at low-N. Similar to 13C, the source-sink unit retained all the 15N fed to the terminal leaflet at high-N. At low-N, the major part of 15N partitioning occurred in favour of the rest of the plant outside the source-sink unit, but removal of the competitve sinks from the rest of the plants nullified any partitioning outside the unit. Unlike the situation in 13C, no partitioning of 15N occurred in favour of the lateral leaflets from the terminal leaflet inside the unit. It is concluded that sink demand influences partitioning of both C and N and the translocation of carbon is different from that of nitrogen within a source-sink unit. The translocation of the N is more adjustive to a demand from other sink units compared to the C.  相似文献   

A triple-resonance pulse scheme is described which records15N, NH correlations of residues that immediately follow amethyl-containing amino acid. The experiment makes use of a15N, 13C and fractionally deuterated proteinsample and selects for CH2D methyl types. The experiment isthus useful in the early stages of the sequential assignment process as wellas for the confirmation of backbone 15N, NH chemical shiftassignments at later stages of data analysis. A simple modification of thesequence also allows the measurement of methyl side-chain dynamics. This isparticularly useful for studying side-chain dynamic properties in partiallyunfolded and unfolded proteins where the resolution of aliphatic carbon andproton chemical shifts is limited compared to that of amide nitrogens.  相似文献   

Tjepkema  J.D.  Schwintzer  C.R.  Burris  R.H.  Johnson  G.V.  Silvester  W.B. 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):285-289
Substantial enrichment of some plant parts in 15N relative to the rest of the plant is unusual, but is found in the nitrogen-fixing nodules of many legumes. A range of actinorhizal plants was surveyed to determine whether the nodules of any of them are also substantially enriched in 15N. The nonlegume Parasponia, nodulated by a rhizobium, was also included. Four of the actinorhizal genera and Parasponia were grown in N-free culture, and three actinorhizal genera were collected from the field. Nodules of Parasponia, Casuarina and Alnus were15N enriched relative to other plant parts, but only Parasponia approached the degree of enrichment found in some legume nodules. The nodules of Datisca, Myrica, Elaeagnus, Shepherdia, and Coriaria were depleted in 15N. Thus many actinorhizal nodules are depleted in 15N compared to other plant parts and enrichment is modest when it does occur. Whole plant 15N content (15N) in four actinorhizal plants and Parasponia showed a relatively narrow range of –1.41 to –1.90. Hence regardless of the degree of nodule enrichment or depletion, whole plant 15N content appears to vary little in plants grown in N-free culture.  相似文献   

The ability of the external mycelium in arbuscular mycorrhiza for N uptake and transport was studied. The contribution of the fungal symbiont to N acquisition by plants was studied mainly under waterstressed conditions using 15N. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) was the host for two isolates of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus mosseae and G. fasciculatum. The experimental pots had two soil compartments separated by a fine mesh screen (60 m). The root system was restricted to one of these compartments, while the fungal mycelium was able to cross the screen and colonize the soil in the hyphal compartment. A trace amount of 15NH 4 + was applied to the hyphal compartment 1 week before harvest. Under water-stressed conditions both endophytes increased the 15N enrichment of plant tissues; this was negligible in nonmycorrhizal control plants. This indicates a direct effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on N acquisition in relatively dry soils. G. mosseae had more effect on N uptake and G. fasciculatum on P uptake under the water-limited conditions tested, but both fungi improved plant biomass production relative to nonmycorrhizal plants to a similar extent.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that plant roots can take up small amounts of low-molecular weight (LMW) compounds from the surrounding soil. Root uptake of LMW compounds have been investigated by applying isotopically labelled sugars or amino acids but not labelled organic matter. We tested whether wheat roots took up LMW compounds released from dual-labelled (13C and 15N) green manure by analysing for excess 13C in roots. To estimate the fraction of green manure C that potentially was available for root uptake, excess 13C and 15N in the primary decomposers was estimated by analysing soil dwelling Collembola that primarily feed on fungi or microfauna. The experimental setup consisted of soil microcosm with wheat and dual-labelled green manure additions. Plant growth, plant N and recoveries of 13C and 15N in soil, roots, shoots and Collembola were measured at 27, 56 and 84 days. We found a small (<1%) but significant uptake of green manure derived 13C in roots at the first but not the two last samplings. About 50% of green manure C was not recovered from the soil-plant system at 27 days and additional 8% was not recovered at 84 days. Up to 23% of C in collembolans derived from the green manure at 56 days (the 27 days sampling was lost). Using a linear mixing model we estimated that roots or root effluxes provided the main C source for collembolans (54−79%). We conclude that there is no solid support for claiming that roots assimilated green manure derived C due to very small or no recoveries of excess 13C in wheat roots. During the incubation the pool of green manure derived C available for root uptake decreased due to decomposition. However, the isotopic composition in Collembola indicated that there was a considerable fraction of green manure derived C in the decomposer system at 56 days thus supporting the premise that LMW compounds containing C from the green manure was released throughout the incubation. Responsible Editor: A. C. Borstlap.  相似文献   

Direct uptake of organic nitrogen (ON) compounds, rather than inorganic N, by plant roots has been hypothesized to constitute a significant pathway for plant nutrition. The aim of this study was to test whether tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Huying932) can take up ON directly from the soil by using 15NH4Cl, K15NO3, 1, 2-13C215N-glycine labeling techniques. The 13C and 15N in the plants increased significantly indicating that a portion of the glycine-N was taken up in the form of intact amino acids by the tomatoes within 48 h after injection into the soil. Regression analysis of excess 13C against excess 15N showed that approximately 21% of the supplied glycine-N was taken up intact by the tomatoes. Atom% excesses of 15N and 13C in the roots were higher than in any shoots. Results also indicated rapid turnover of amino acids (e.g., glycine) by soil microorganisms, and the poor competitive ability of tomatoes in absorbing amino acids from the soil solution. This implies that tomatoes can take up ON in an intact form from the soil despite the rapid turnover of organic N usually found under such conditions. Given the influence of climatic change and N pollution, further studies investigating the functional ecological implications of ON in horticultural ecosystems are warranted.  相似文献   

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