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The gene coding for the pneumococcal DNA adenine methylase that recognizes the sequence 5'-GATC-3' was cloned in a strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae that lacked both restriction endonucleases DpnI and DpnII. The gene was cloned as a 3.7-kilobase fragment of chromosomal DNA from a DpnII-containing strain inserted in both possible orientations in the multicopy plasmid vector pMP5 to give recombinant plasmids pMP8 and pMP10. Recombinant plasmids were selected by their resistance to DpnII cleavage. Cells carrying the recombinant plasmids modified phage in vivo so that it was restricted by DpnI- but not DpnII-containing hosts. They also showed levels of DNA methylase activity five times higher than that in cells of the original DpnII strain. No DpnII activity was observed in the clones; therefore, it was concluded that the insert did not contain an intact DpnII endonuclease gene and that methylation of host DNA did not turn on a latent form of the gene.  相似文献   

The spontaneous development of competence by cultures of Streptococcus pneumoniae in casein hydrolysate medium was strongly dependent on the initial pH of the culture medium. Cells growing in cultures beginning with a wide range of initial pH values (6.8 to 8.0) all developed competence, as measured by [3H]DNA uptake, [3H]DNA degradation and genetic transformation; but the initial pH of the medium affected both the timing of the occurrence of competence and the number of times the culture became competent. In cultures grown in media of lower initial pH, competence occurred only once, at high population densities, while in more alkaline media a succession of competence cycles occurred, beginning at lower cell densities. The critical population density required for the initiation of competence varied tenfold over the pH range studied. Successive competence cycles in an alkaline medium were not equivalent: while the percentage of competent cells in the first competence cycle was high (approximately 80%), that in the second competence cycle was lower (approximately 12%). Correspondingly, competence-specific proteins were less prominent in the labelled-protein pattern of the second competence cycle than in that of the first. These features of the physiology of competence control make it possible to adjust the expression of competence to suit various experimental requirements.  相似文献   

Plasmid transfer via the transformation pathway of Streptococcus pneumoniae was weakly restricted by the DpnI or DpnII restriction endonuclease, either of which gave a reduction only to 0.4, compared with phage infection, which was restricted to 10(-5). The greater sensitivity of plasmid transfer compared with chromosomal transformation, which was not at all restricted, can be attributed to partially double-stranded intermediates formed from two complementary donor fragments. However, clustering of potential restriction sites in the plasmids increased the probability of escape from restriction. The recombinant plasmid pMP10 , in which the gene for the DpnII DNA methylase was cloned, can be transferred to strains that contain neither restriction enzyme or that contain DpnII as readily as can the vector pMP5 . Introduction of pMP10 raised the level of methylase by five times the level normally present in DpnII strains. Transfer of pMP10 to DpnI -containing strains was infrequent, presumably owing to the suicidal methylation of DNA which rendered it susceptible to the host endonuclease. The few clones in which pMP10 was established had lost DpnI . Loss of the plasmid after curing of the cell eliminated the methylase but did not restore DpnI . Although this loss of DpnI could result from spontaneous mutation, its relatively high frequency, 0.1% suggested that the loss was due to a regulatory shift.  相似文献   

Three proteins, two DNA methylases and an endonuclease, from the DpnII restriction system of Streptococcus pneumoniae recognize the DNA sequence 5' GATC 3' but have very different amino acid sequences, which make them interesting subjects for structural determination. A purification procedure was developed that conveniently yields milligram amounts of the DpnM methylase. The DpnM protein tends to precipitate at reduced ionic strength, and this property was exploited to yield well-formed bipyramidal crystals. By X-ray diffraction, the crystals of DpnM were found to be orthorhombic, with cell dimensions a = 56.9 A, b = 68.2 A, c = 84.5 A; systematic absences identify the space group as P2(1)2(1)2(1). Diffraction extends beyond 3 A, so the crystals may allow structural determination at atomic resolution.  相似文献   

The ability of pneumococci to take up naked DNA from the environment and permanently incorporate the DNA into their genome by recombination has been exploited as a valuable research tool for 80 years. From being viewed as a marginal phenomenon, it has become increasingly clear that horizontal gene transfer by natural transformation is a powerful mechanism for generating genetic diversity, and that it has the potential to cause severe problems for future treatment of pneumococcal disease. This process constitutes a highly efficient mechanism for spreading β-lactam resistance determinants between streptococcal strains and species, and also threatens to undermine the effect of pneumococcal vaccines. Fortunately, great progress has been made during recent decades to elucidate the mechanism behind natural transformation at a molecular level. Increased insight into these matters will be important for future development of therapeutic strategies and countermeasures aimed at reducing the spread of hazardous traits. In this review, we focus on recent developments in our understanding of competence regulation, DNA acquisition and the role of natural transformation in the dissemination of virulence and β-lactam resistance determinants.  相似文献   

Competence for DNA uptake and genetic transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae is regulated by a quorum-sensing system. A competence-stimulating polypeptide (CSP) is secreted by the bacteria and acts back on the cells via a transmembrane histidine kinase. This enzyme phosphorylates a response regulator that activates synthesis of a SigH-like protein. The new sigma factor enables expression of a set of proteins transcribed from a novel promoter. A mutation called trt had been found that circumvented this regulation. The mutant cells are constitutively competent; that is, they can be transformed at low cell densities, in the presence of proteases that attack CSP, or during growth at low pH. In this work, cells containing trt were shown to be competent even in the presence of a comAB mutation that blocks secretion of CSP. The trt mutation was localized to comD, the gene encoding the transmembrane histidine kinase. A DNA segment of the trt mutant corresponding to comCDE was cloned, and it was shown to contain the trt mutation by its ability to confer constitutive competence. A two-step assay, which was based on transfer of trt to a wild strain and screening for transformability in the presence of trypsin, served to locate the trt mutation precisely. It corresponds to a GC-->AT transition, which changes Asp299 in the histidine kinase to Asn. This alteration in the carboxyl terminal half of the protein, which is cytoplasmically located and contains the phosphorylase activity, presumably alters the enzyme conformation so that it is permanently activated, independent of signals from the transmembrane domain. These results may help illuminate the mechanism by which external signals affect kinase action in two-component regulatory systems, and they may be of practical value in facilitating genetic studies by rendering pneumococcal strains permanently competent.  相似文献   

Uptake of DNA and genetic recombination proceeded normally in competent Streptococcus pneumoniae despite inhibition of DNA replication by 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil. Immediately after a brief uptake period, 68% of donor DNA label was in eclipse complex form, and 22% was in low-molecular-weight products; by the completion of integration at 10 min, 23% was integrated into the chromosome, and the rest was lost from the cell. Throughout the process, less than 1% was found as free single strands. The DNA in eclipse complex is therefore an intermediate in the integration process.  相似文献   

More than 100 BOX elements are randomly distributed in intergenic regions of the pneumococcal genome. Here we demonstrate that these elements can affect expression of neighboring genes and present evidence that they are mobile. Together, our findings show that BOX elements enhance genetic diversity and genomic plasticity in Streptococcus pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Competence for genetic transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae is coordinated by the competence-stimulating peptide (CSP), which induces a sudden and transient appearance of competence during exponential growth in vitro. Models of this quorum-sensing mechanism have proposed sequential expression of several regulatory genes followed by induction of target genes encoding DNA-processing-pathway proteins. Although many genes required for transformation are known to be expressed only in response to CSP, the relative timing of their expression has not been established. Overlapping expression patterns for the genes cinA and comD (G. Alloing, B. Martin, C. Granadel, and J. P. Claverys, Mol. Microbiol. 29:75-83, 1998) suggest that at least two distinct regulatory mechanisms may underlie the competence cycle. DNA microarrays were used to estimate mRNA levels for all known competence operons during induction of competence by CSP. The known competence regulatory operons, comAB, comCDE, and comX, exhibited a low or zero initial (uninduced) signal, strongly increased expression during the period between 5 and 12 min after CSP addition, and a decrease nearly to original values by 15 min after initiation of exposure to CSP. The remaining competence genes displayed a similar expression pattern, but with an additional delay of approximately 5 min. In a mutant defective in ComX, which may act as an alternate sigma factor to allow expression of the target competence genes, the same regulatory genes were induced, but the other competence genes were not. Finally, examination of the expression of 60 candidate sites not previously associated with competence identified eight additional loci that could be induced by CSP.  相似文献   

In Streptococcus pneumoniae expression of pyruvate oxidase (SpxB) peaks during the early growth phase, coincident with the time of natural competence. This study investigated whether SpxB influences parameters of competence, such as spontaneous transformation frequency, expression of competence genes, and DNA release. Knockout of the spxB gene in strain D39 abolished spontaneous transformation (compared to a frequency of 6.3 × 10−6 in the parent strain [P < 0.01]). It also reduced expression levels of comC and recA as well as DNA release from bacterial cells significantly during the early growth phase, coincident with the time of spontaneous competence in the parent strain. In the spxB mutant, supplementation with competence-stimulating peptide 1 (CSP-1) restored transformation (rate, 1.8 × 10−2). This speaks against the role of SpxB as a necessary source of energy for competence. Neither supplementation with CSP-1 nor supplementation with the SpxB products H2O2 and acetate altered DNA release. Supplementation of the parent strain with catalase did not reduce DNA release significantly. In conclusion, the pneumococcal spxB gene influences competence; however, the mechanism remains elusive.  相似文献   

Mutations affecting heteroduplex DNA mismatch repair in Streptococcus pneumoniae were localized in two genes, hexA and hexB, by fractionation of restriction fragments carrying mutant alleles. A fragment containing the hexA4 allele was cloned in the S. pneumoniae cloning system, and the hexA+ allele was introduced into the recombinant plasmid by chromosomal facilitation of plasmid transfer. Subcloning localized the functional hexA gene to a 3.5-kilobase segment of the cloned pneumococcal DNA. The product of this gene was shown in Bacillus subtilis minicells to be a polypeptide with an Mr of 86,000. Two mutant alleles of hexA showed partial expression of the repair system when present in multicopy plasmids. A model for mismatch repair, which depends on the interaction of two protein components to recognize the mismatched base pair and excise a segment of DNA between strand breaks surrounding the mismatch, is proposed.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans develops competence for genetic transformation in response to regulatory circuits that sense at least two peptide pheromones. One peptide, known as CSP, is sensed by a two-component signal transduction system through a membrane receptor, ComD. The other, derived from the primary translation product ComS, is thought to be sensed by an intracellular receptor, ComR, after uptake by oligopeptide permease. To allow study of this process in a medium that does not itself contain peptides, development of competence was examined in the chemically defined medium (CDM) described by van de Rijn and Kessler (Infect. Immun. 27:444, 1980). We confirmed a previous report that in this medium comS mutants of strain UA159 respond to a synthetic peptide comprising the seven C-terminal residues of ComS (ComS(11-17)) by increasing expression of the alternative sigma factor SigX, which in turn allows expression of competence effector genes. This response provided the basis for a bioassay for the ComS pheromone in the 100 to 1,000 nM range. It was further observed that comS(+) (but not comS mutant) cultures developed a high level of competence in the late log and transition phases of growth in this CDM without the introduction of any synthetic stimulatory peptide. This endogenous competence development was accompanied by extracellular release of one or more signals that complemented a comS mutation at levels equivalent to 1 μM synthetic ComS(11-17).  相似文献   

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