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Various nucleoside di- and triphosphates have been compared with respect to their ability to protect rat brain hexokinase (ATP: d-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC activity against inactivation by chymotrypsin, glutaraldehyde, heat, and 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic) acid. ATP could be distinguished from other nucleoside triphosphates in these comparisons, which may be related to the specificity with which ATP is utilized as a substrate. All nucleoside derivatives examined provided substantial protection against two or more of the above inactivating agents, indicating relatively nonspecific binding of nucleotides by brain hexokinase, consistent with a similar lack of specificity in the inhibition of this enzyme by nucleoside derivatives. The fluorescence of 2-p-toluidinylnaphthalene-6-sulfonate (TNS) and of tetraiodofluorescein (TIF) was enhanced by binding to brain hexokinase. TNS binding was not affected by the presence of various relevant metabolites (Glc, glucose 6-phosphate, ATP), nor did TNS inhibit the enzyme. In contrast, substantial (approximately 70%) decreases in the fluorescence of bound TIF resulted from the addition of various nucleoside derivatives, and TIF served as a competitive inhibitor of brain hexokinase. These observations are consistent with the view that TIF binds to a nucleotide binding site of the enzyme. The inability of nucleotides to totally displace TIF was taken to indicate the existence of an additional TIF binding site (or sites) discrete from the catalytic site, and probably identical to the site(s) at which TNS binds with no effect on catalytic activity. The effects of saturating levels of ATP and ADP were not additive indicating that both compounds were displacing TIF from the same site i.e., a common nucleotide binding site. Glc, mannose, and 2-deoxyglucose greatly enhanced the ability of nucleotides to displace TIF, while fructose, galactose, and N-acetylglucosamine did not, indicating the existence of interactions between hexose and nucleotide binding sites; the hexoses themselves were not effective at displacing TIF. The enhanced binding of nucleotides in the presence of the first three hexoses but not the latter three can be directly correlated with the relative ability of these hexoses to induce specific conformational changes in the enzyme. The hexoses themselves were not effective at displacing TIF. Glucose 6-phosphate and 1,5-anhydroglucitol 6-phosphate could also displace TIF, and as with the nucleotides, a maximum of approximately 70% decrease in fluorescence was observed and the effectiveness of glucose 6-phosphate was enhanced in the presence of Glc. Other hexose 6-phosphates tested were not effective at displacing TIF. The specificity with which hexose 6-phosphates displaced TIF could be correlated with their ability to induce specific conformational change in the enzyme. The results are discussed as they relate to the kinetic mechanism and allosteric regulation by nucleotides that have been proposed for this enzyme.  相似文献   

Brain hexokinase (HKI) is inhibited potently by its product glucose 6-phosphate (G6P); however, the mechanism of inhibition is unsettled. Two hypotheses have been proposed to account for product inhibition of HKI. In one, G6P binds to the active site (the C-terminal half of HKI) and competes directly with ATP, whereas in the alternative suggestion the inhibitor binds to an allosteric site (the N-terminal half of HKI), which indirectly displaces ATP from the active site. Single mutations within G6P binding pockets, as defined by crystal structures, at either the N- or C-terminal half of HKI have no significant effect on G6P inhibition. On the other hand, the corresponding mutations eliminate product inhibition in a truncated form of HKI, consisting only of the C-terminal half of the enzyme. Only through combined mutations at the active and allosteric sites, using residues for which single mutations had little effect, was product inhibition eliminated in HKI. Evidently, potent inhibition of HKI by G6P can occur from both active and allosteric binding sites. Furthermore, kinetic data reported here, in conjunction with published equilibrium binding data, are consistent with inhibitory sites of comparable affinity linked by a mechanism of negative cooperativity.  相似文献   

The binding of glucose to bovine brain hexokinase, isozyme I, exhibited one binding site per 100,000 molecular weight. Glucose-6-P binding was examined in the absence and presence of ATP. ATP and glucose-6-P were shown to compete for the same binding site on the enzyme. A model was proposed to account for these findings and the previously reported data that glucose-6-P and Pi exhibit mutually exclusive, non-cooperative binding to the enzyme. The model shows that brain hexokinase exists in two rapidly interconvertible states, either with or without Pi and that glucose-6-P binding to the phosphate associated enzyme form is relatively very poor. This proposal has been tested kinetically and the data appear to support the suggested model.  相似文献   

A study of the reverse reaction of rat brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC has been performed using a photometric method based on a mutarotase-glucose oxidase-peroxidase-chromogen system to trap and visualize glucose, plus a glycerol kinase-glycerol system to trap ATP. Glucose 6-phosphate or 2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate were used as phosphoryl donors at different concentrations of ADP. Variation of glucose 6-phosphate concentrations resulted in a biphasic curve from which apparent Km and Ki values of ca. 0.2 mM were calculated. In contrast, variation of 2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate concentrations resulted in Michaelian kinetics with an apparent Km of 2 mM. The Km value for MgADP was 16 mM irrespective of the nature and concentration of the hexose 6-phosphate substrate. These results are fully consistent with an allosteric site for glucose 6-phosphate as an explanation for the inhibition of animal hexokinases by glucose 6-P and further indicate that the maximal rate is the parameter affected. From these observations and previous knowledge, the possible occurrence in animal hexokinases of a regulatory site for ATP to account for the competition between glucose 6-phosphate and ATP in the forward reaction is postulated.  相似文献   

A difference in the mode of inhibition of hexokinase [EC] isoenzymes by p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate was confirmed with respect to glucose between two Type I isoenzyme preparations purified from the kidney and spleen of rat. Essentially the same difference was observed when galactose was used as the substrate in place of glucose, as the kidney Type I isoenzyme was inhibited in a competitive manner while the spleen counterpart was inhibited in a non-competitive manner by sulfhydryl inhibitor. Both the Type I isoenzymes, however, were competitively inhibited by other mercurial sulfhydryl inhibitors, methyl and butyl mercuric chlorides. On the other hand, the Type II hexokinase isoenzymes purified from the muscle, heart, and spleen were all inhibited competitively by p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate with respect to glucose. The mechanism of competitive inhibition of the hexokinase isoenzymes by sulfhydryl inhibitors was discussed in view of the difference in the mode of action of the mercurials with different isoenzymes.  相似文献   

Binding of ADP to rat brain hexokinase provided protection against inactivation of the enzyme by glutaraldehyde or by chymotryptic digestion. Graphical analysis of the inactivation experiments was, in both cases, consistent with the existence of a single ADP binding site and a Kd ≈ 3mM for the hexokinase-ADP complex. Both Cibacron Blue F3GA and tetraiodofluorescein, previously found to have a general affinity for nucleotide binding sites, were competitive (vs. ATP) inhibitors of the enzyme, suggesting that they bound only to the site occupied by the nucleotide substrate, ATP. While alternate interpretations cannot be excluded, it is felt that these results are most consistent with the view that there is a single nucleotide binding site on the enzyme. They thereby may serve to stimulate a search for alternative explanations for the complex inhibitory pattern of ADP which had previously been attributed to the existence of two ADP binding sites on the enzyme (J. Ning, D.L. Purich, and H.J. Fromm, J. Biol. Chem. 244, 3840–3846 (1969).  相似文献   

Treatment of brain mitochondria with glucose-6-P releases the hexokinase (ATP: d-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC, normally associated with the outer mitochondrial membrane, in soluble form. The glucose-6-P solubilized enzyme sediments during sucrose density gradient centrifugation at a rate compatible with a molecular weight of approx. 100,000. In contrast, in agreement with the results of Craven and Basford [Biochim. Biophys. Acta255, 620 (1972)], the enzyme is eluted in the void volume when chromatographed on Sephadex G-200 in 0.3 m mannitol-0.1 mm EDTA, suggesting a molecular weight much greater than 100,000. The resolution of this paradox is found in the observation that glucose-6-P solubilized hexokinase and several other proteins behave anomalously when chromatographed under these conditions; thus, elution in the void volume is not a satisfactory basis for estimating molecular weight.The glucose-6-P solubilized enzyme can be rebound to the mitochondria in the presence of added divalent cation. Phospholipase C treatment of the enzyme greatly hinders this reassociation but has no effect on hexokinase activity, suggesting the involvement of phospholipid in the interaction of the enzyme with the mitochondria. Based on the observation that sedimentation through a sucrose density gradient does not decrease binding ability, it is suggested that the required phospholipid is bound to the enzyme. After purification to homogeneity, however, the enzyme does not contain appreciable lipid (<0.7 mole phospholipid per mole enzyme), nor can it be rebound to mitochondria. Apparently the lipid, required for binding, is dissociated during purification. The potential significance of lipid in determining the intracellular distribution of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Replacement of Mg (II), the natural activator of brain hexokinase (EC by paramagnetic Mn (II) without affecting the physiological properties of the enzyme, has rendered brain hexokinase accessible to investigations by magnetic resonance methods. Based on such studies, a site on the enzyme, where Mn (II) binds directly with high affinity has been identified and characterized in detail. Use ofβ,γ-bidentate Cr (III) ATP as an exchange-inert analogue for Mn (II) ATP has shown that Mn (II) binding directly to the enzyme has no catalytic role but another Mn (II) ion binding simultaneously and independently to the enzyme through the nucleotide bridge participates in enzyme function. However, using this direct binding Mn (II) ion and a covalently bound spin label as paramagnetic probes a beginning has been made in mapping the ligand binding sites of the enzyme. Ultra-violet difference spectroscopy has revealed the presence of at least two glucose 6-phosphate locations on the enzyme one of which presumably is the high affinity regulatory site modulated by substrate glucose. Elution behaviour of the enzyme on a phosphocellulose column suggests that glucose induces a specific phosphate site on the enzyme to which the phosphate bearing regulatory ligands of the enzyme may bind.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of brain hexokinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Catecholamine stimulation of brain hexokinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

α-Glucose 1,6-diphosphate is a much better inhibitor of hexokinase II than 1,5-anhydroglucitol 6-phosphate or glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) at pH 6–7 and poorer at higher pH. Because the Ki of Glc-6-P is pH independent, the observed pH effects are attributed to the phosphate group at C-1 which is bound as a monoanion to a specific site but which is excluded as a dianion. None of the following kinetic properties of the hexokinase II reaction varies greatly with pH: V, Km of glucose and Km of ATP.  相似文献   

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