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云斑尖塘鳢胚胎和早期仔鱼的发育   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对云斑尖塘鳢(Oxyeleotris marmoratus)胚胎和早期仔鱼的发育进行了观察,详细描述了各发育阶段的形态特征。在28℃定水温条件下,云斑尖塘鳢的胚胎发育历时80h 30min,可分为24个发育分期。在整个发育过程中,眼、耳囊、心脏、消化道、肾脏、鳔、胸鳍和尾鳍等得到了优先发育。  相似文献   

本文采用酶学分析方法研究了云斑尖塘鳢在正常摄食状态与饥饿的状态下胃、肠及肝胰脏组织中蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶的活性。结果显示,在30℃的条件下,正常摄食组样本在酸性条件下的蛋白酶活力表现为:胃后肠肝胰脏前肠,中性和碱性条件下:后肠肝胰脏前肠及胃;饥饿组样本仅有胃表现出较高的酸性蛋白酶活性,其他器官的蛋白酶活性均很低。在正常和饥饿实验组中肝胰脏的淀粉酶活性均高于其他器官,胃肠的淀粉酶活性均较低。正常摄食组中脂肪酶活力后肠肝胰脏;而在饥饿组中仅有肝胰脏检测到脂肪酶活性。结果表明,云斑尖塘鳢适度饥饿组较正常摄食组消化酶活性大幅降低;其高蛋白酶活力及中等脂肪酶活力与其肉食性相一致;此外云斑尖塘鳢也具备少量的淀粉消化能力。  相似文献   

以云斑尖塘鳢为对象,对其扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)体系中的连接、预扩增、选择扩增等关键步骤的参数进行了对比实验。结果表明,在采用磷酸化接头,预扩增PCR增加延伸反应及20倍稀释预扩增产物的条件下,可得到清晰稳定的电泳图谱。所筛选的48个引物组合中,14个引物组合的产物带型稳定清晰,分布均匀,扩增片段为50-70条。本研究获得的AFLP优化参数及引物能够运用于云斑尖塘鳢群体遗传分析及分子辅助育种研究。  相似文献   

人工养殖云斑尖塘鳢的生长特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了人工养殖条件下云斑尖塘鳢(Oxyeleotris marmoratus)的生长特性。结果表明:经过2个月的生长期,云斑尖塘鳢的平均体长从最初的(17.36±0.99)cm增加到(19.05±0.57)cm,体质量从(139.13±12.90)g增加到(205.50±15.78)g,体长增加10%,体质量增加48%。不同的养殖时间除对摄食率(FR)无显著影响外(P〉0.05),对特定生长率(SGR)、饵料转化效率(FCR)和生长效率(GE)都有显著影响(P〈0.05)。体长生长与时间表现为线性相关,体质量生长与时间表现为指数相关。云斑尖塘鳢体质量与体长之间呈幂函数关系,不同养殖时间下,幂指数b值都接近3,表明云斑尖塘鳢的体长和体质量呈等速生长。  相似文献   

云斑尖塘鳢肿大细胞病毒属虹彩病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年10月, 广东顺德地区一云斑尖塘鳢养殖场暴发不明病因疾病, 发病尖塘鳢体长15-18 cm不等,死亡率约85%, 濒死尖塘鳢从池塘底层游至水面, 呈现游动失衡状态直至死亡。死亡尖塘鳢腹部膨大,剖检可见肝脏、脾脏、肾脏肿大, 有出血斑点, 从内脏器官肝脏、脾脏和肾脏未分离到致病菌。病鱼内脏组织研磨过滤除菌后,腹腔注射20尾尖塘鳢, 7d后开始出现死亡, 10d后全部死亡, 对照组无死亡。自然发病鱼和人工感染鱼的病理切片显示肝脏、脾脏和肾脏出现大量肿大细胞,超薄切片经电子显微镜观察, 肝脏、脾脏和肾脏观察到大量病毒颗粒。电镜下病毒呈六边形,直径约135 nm,形态与虹彩病毒相似。针对虹彩病毒主衣壳蛋白(Major capsid protein,MCP)序列设计引物,提取自然发病鱼和人工感染鱼的DNA作为模板, 均能扩增出预期大小的特异性产物。利用NCBI的Blast搜索, 结果显示扩增序列与肿大细胞病毒属的传染性脾肾坏死病毒(ISKNV)、闪电丽鱼虹彩病毒(DGIV)和条石鲷虹彩病毒(RBIV)MCP核苷酸序列同源性分别为98.8%、98.1%和94.7%。利用MCP序列构建的系统发育树显示, 导致云斑尖塘鳢发病死亡的病毒为肿大细胞病毒属虹彩病毒, 暂命名云斑尖塘鳢虹彩病毒(MSGIV)。    相似文献   

线纹尖塘鳢仔、稚鱼的形态发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对池养条件下线纹尖塘鳢(Oxyeleotris lineolatus)的胚后发育进行定期观察,胚后发育大致可分为前期仔鱼、后期仔鱼、稚鱼和幼成鱼期。观察发现,线纹尖塘鳢的初孵仔鱼个体较小,仅2.875mm,前期仔鱼,包括混合营养仔鱼期,时间短,仅为5d,属较早建立起外源性营养摄食机制的鱼类;器官发育主要在后期仔鱼阶段完成;鳞的出现和鳞被形成在稚鱼发育阶段完成;在池塘自然水温26~30℃条件下,从初孵仔鱼到稚鱼发育期完成历时43~44d。  相似文献   

水温23±1℃时,对鲇仔鱼自然光照、持续光照和持续黑暗下的日摄食节律研究表明,3种光照周期下,鲇仔鱼有明显的日摄食节律.持续光照与自然光照的日摄食节律基本一致,但持续黑暗与自然光照的日摄食节律不同;鲇仔鱼在自然及持续光照周期下均属典型的夜晚摄食类型,而在持续黑暗周期下不属于此类型;光照周期的改变对鲇仔鱼日摄食率的影响显著(P<0.05).  相似文献   

河川沙塘鳢视觉器官的发育及其与摄食的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用光学显微镜观察了河川沙塘鳢(Odontobutis potamophila)视觉器官的发育,并对其发育与摄食的关系进行了研究。河川沙塘鳢的眼囊起源于神经外胚层。当胚胎发育至心跳期时,眼囊内陷形成视杯;之后,视杯内表面的外胚层形成晶状体而与视杯分离,视杯进一步发育形成视网膜。随着胚胎的进一步发育,晶状体的直径增加,结构逐步发育完善。胚胎发育至眼黑色素出现期时,视网膜分化为6层,其中,外核层、内核层和神经节细胞层3个核层明显;胚胎发育至孵化前期时,视网膜已分化为10层。孵出后1d的仔鱼,其视网膜已能行使功能,仔鱼逐渐开口摄食。随着稚、幼鱼的发育,视网膜厚度进一步增加,结构发育完善。视网膜的结构和视觉特性显示河川沙塘鳢是要求光照条件好、白昼活动并具有较好视觉功能的鱼类。  相似文献   

不同光照条件下叉尾斗鱼仔鱼摄食节律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在自然光照、持续光照和持续黑暗3种光照条件下,研究了孵化后第5、8和12日龄的叉尾斗鱼仔鱼的摄食节律。结果表明:自然光照下,3个日龄的叉尾斗鱼仔鱼在午后12:00—16:00表现出明显的摄食高峰,而持续光照组与持续黑暗组未表现出明显的摄食峰谷。持续光照下,叉尾斗鱼仔鱼的昼夜摄食活动均很活跃,全日各时段平均摄食量显著增加,尤其是夜晚20:00—翌日4:00各时段平均摄食量极显著高于同一时段自然光照组。而在持续黑暗下,与自然光照相比全日各时段平均摄食量明显减少,尤其是白天8:00—16:00各时段的平均摄食量极显著降低。叉尾斗鱼仔鱼属于典型的白天摄食类型,其摄食节律与光照条件密切相关。  相似文献   

尖塘鳢属鱼类线粒体12SrRNA基因序列分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用PCR技术扩增和测序了线纹尖塘鳢、云斑尖塘鳢和海丰沙塘鳢线粒体12SrRNA基因,结合从GenBank中下载的部分同源序列,共分析了5种鱼类的系统发育关系。在Kimura2-parameter模型构建的邻接树中,原产泰国的云斑尖塘鳢与原产澳州线纹尖塘鳢均为单系类群,二者为亲缘关系最为密切的姐妹群,海丰沙塘鳢与其它群体的亲缘关系较远,支持将尖塘鳢属从塘鳢属中分出的传统分类处理。尖塘鳢属内云斑尖塘鳢和线纹尖塘鳢鱼类种内DNA序列无差异,而种间差异明显,表明线粒体12SrRNA基因可作为塘鳢科鱼类种类鉴定的良好分子标记。  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm and feeding behaviour (bite rate) of 16 Scottish Blackface ewes of which eight were fitted with a lightweight (863 g) GPS collar were examined. The collar consisted of a leather harness and a 0.5 l aluminium box and represented 2.2% of the average body mass of the study ewes. No differences in circadian rhythm and bite rate were found between ewes fitted with the collars and ewes that were not. The relevance of using collar weight as a proportion of body mass as a guide to gauge its impact on the feeding behaviour of small ruminant (35–75 kg) herbivores is questioned.  相似文献   

Feeding larvae of marine invertebrates fuel development from both endogenous egg energy and exogenous energy obtained from the planktonic environment. Although both sources of energy likely influence certain larval stages, only the effects of exogenous food have been well studied. Despite the lack of research on the effects of egg size on larval stages, investigators have hypothesized that egg size influences the duration of the facultative feeding stage—the stage in which larvae can feed but do not have to because development is still being fueled by egg energy. To test this hypothesis, we investigated six species of sand dollars with different sized eggs and quantified the duration of the larval facultative feeding period of each species by comparing when fed and starved larvae diverged in size. Regardless of whether phylogeny was taken into account, the duration of the facultative feeding period was positively correlated with egg size. We further determined that our conclusions were not sensitive to either our estimation of the duration of the facultative feeding period, or the branch lengths of the phylogeny we used. This relationship is likely a result of larger eggs being provisioned with more energy, and may affect how well larvae can cope with natural variability in food concentrations. Furthermore, our results support an assumption of a theoretical model developed to understand the evolution of different life-history strategies in marine invertebrate larvae, which suggests that this relationship has important evolutionary consequences.  相似文献   

食蚊鱼昼夜摄食节律观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以分时段采样法研究入侵物种食蚊鱼的夏季昼夜摄食节律。食蚊鱼夏季种群内有雌鱼、雄鱼和幼鱼三个不同的摄食类群,这三个类群的摄食节律差异明显。雌鱼摄食节律成双峰型,第一高峰在10:00,而最高峰在22:00,此时肠道食物团平均重量11.70±11.60mg,饱满指数为190.22±155.61。幼鱼也成双峰型,分别在6:00和18:00有两个摄食高峰,以清晨6:00为最高,肠道食物团平均重1.08±1.09mg,饱满指数为128.44±105.49。雄鱼则成单峰型,摄食高峰出现午后14:00左右,肠道食物团平均重0.71±0.96mg,饱满指数为71.80±107.65。食蚊鱼不同摄食类群间的摄食高峰交错出现,是其协调种内关系,降低种内竞争的一种有效行为机制。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of early weaning on circadian rhythm and the behavioral satiety sequence in adult rats. Male Wistar rat pups were weaned for separation from the mother at 15 (D15), 21 (D21) and 30 (D30) days old. Body weight and food intake was measured every 30 days until pups were 150 days old. At 90 days of age, the circadian rhythm of food intake was evaluated every 4 h for three days. Behavioral satiety was evaluated at 35 and 100 days of age. This work demonstrated that body weight and food intake were not altered, but the behavioral satiety sequence demonstrated that the D15 group delayed satiety compared with the D30 group at 100 days of age. In the circadian rhythm of the food intake study, early weaning (D15) changed food intake in the intermediary period of the light phase and in the intermediary period of the dark phase. In conclusion, our study showed that early weaning may alter the feeding behavior mainly in relation to satiety and the circadian rhythm of feeding. It is possible that the presence of other environmental stimuli during early weaning can cause hyperphagia and deregulate the mechanisms of homeostasis and body weight control. This study supports theories that depict insults during early life as determinants of chronic diseases.  相似文献   


The possible endogenous circadian rhythm in the feeding activity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was investigated using individual fish previously trained for self‐feeding. Under LD 12:12 conditions, the fish showed a diurnal behaviour, in many cases with a feeding rhythm with two main peaks of food demand at dawn and dusk, with an 8h interval of low feeding activity, and the actograms showed an expected 24 h rhythm. Fish kept under constant conditions (L : L, 15°±0.5°C), showed free‐running feeding activity for about 12 days. Food demands were concentrated at dawn, with a periodogram of 25.3 hour, under continuous environmental conditions. Results showed evidence for the endogenous origin of the circadian rhythm of feeding in this species.  相似文献   

为研究褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)视觉器官发育与生态习性及摄食行为之间的关系,用组织学方法对人工培育条件下的褐菖鲉仔、稚鱼的视觉器官发育特征进行了详细观察。结果表明,褐菖鲉为卵胎生鱼类,其视觉器官的分化速度较一般鱼类快,从母体产出时,仔鱼视网膜神经细胞层和原始晶状体已形成;1日龄仔鱼的视网膜分化为6层,晶状体出现纤维化,直径约72 μm,仔鱼开始具有一定趋光性;2日龄仔鱼视网膜分化完成,可见10层结构,巩膜出现,与仔鱼开口摄食相适应,游泳能力增强;5 ~ 7日龄晶状体直径达99 μm,晶状囊形成;17日龄,仔鱼角膜结构分化完成,脉络膜趋于完善;37日龄稚鱼的视觉器官各部分已经发育完全。  相似文献   

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