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This paper presents data on the food and energy utilization budgets of two sympatric species of nonhuman primates living in the quasi-rain forest of Tikal, Guatemala. Seven researchers working in teams obtained approximately 1200 hours of animal-observer contact time, representing approximately 2400 hours in the field. The following information is herein presented: (1) data on the estimated energy expenditure of the cebidae population living in the study site; (2) the nutritional composition of some foods eaten by Tikal's howler and spider population; (3) an estimate of the nutritional intake of howlers and spiders; and (4) an estimate of the carrying capacity of the habitat. The above types of data were combined in an attempt to answer the following question: To what extent are population density and size an indication of the carrying capacity of the habitat either in terms of food availability or quality? Data presented in this paper suggest that low population density and small group size are not necessarily the result of a nutritionally poor environment. The Tikal study site is capable of supporting 8,500 animal/km2. In the absence of other comparable quantitative socio-bioenergetic surveys it is herein suggested that the concept of food resource limitation is largely a myth among primatologists.  相似文献   

Uncertainties as to the nature and implications of osteoarthritis and calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) in primates were subject to critical review through examination of 153 prosimians and 1,250 Old World non-prosimian primates. Osteoarthritis, calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease, and infectious arthritis/osteomyelitis were relatively rare phenomena, affecting only 1.7% and 2.5%, respectively, of free-ranging prosimians and other Old World non-prosimian primates. Frequency of infection in Indri and Presbytis appears to reflect a unique susceptibility or exposure. Papio may have a unique predisposition to CPPD. The dichotomy (frequency and joint distribution) between free-ranging and artificially restrained animals suggests caution in interpretation of osteoarthritis or CPPD in non-free-ranging animals.  相似文献   

Proceptive behaviours are used by animals to indicate interest in opposite-sex conspecifics. These behaviours can be affected by an individual's nutritional status. Two mutually exclusive hypotheses have been proposed to account for the effects of food availability on reproduction. These are the metabolic fuels hypothesis and the reproduction at all costs hypothesis. It is not known if food availability affects proceptive behaviours such as scent marking, over-marking, and self-grooming. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that food-deprived and nonfood-deprived meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, differ in the number of scent marks they deposit, the proportion of over-marks they deposit, and the amount of time they spend self-grooming when they encounter the scent marks of opposite-sex conspecifics. We tested this hypothesis by exposing meadow voles that either had continuous access to food or were food-deprived for either 6hours or 24hours to the scent marks of an opposite-sex conspecific. Due to differences in the natural history of male and female meadow voles, we predicted that female voles' behaviour will best be explained by the metabolic fuels hypothesis whereas males' behaviour will best be explained by the reproduction at all costs hypothesis. We found that both male and female voles deprived of food for either 6hours or 24hours spent less time self-grooming compared to nonfood-deprived voles. However, food availability did not affect the scent marking and over-marking behaviour of male and female voles. Differences in the effects of food availability on these proceptive behaviours are discussed within the context of the natural history of meadow voles.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the feeding behavior and activities of mangabeys (Cercocebus albigena) in the Ngogo study area, Kibale Forest, Uganda. Mangabeys spend 47% of activity observations feeding, 27% moving, and the remainder of the activity observations is accounted for by grooming, playing, vocalizing, copulating, etc. Feeding on fruit constitutes 58% of feeding records, arthropods 25%, young leaves and flowers 10%, cambium 5% and rare and unidentified items 2%. 29 tree species are used as sources of vegetable food and 31 tree species are used as substrate for arthropod search. Mangabeys move an average distance of 1,299 m per day, and use an average of 28,50 X 50 m quadrats per day. The activity patterns, the types and number of food species, the daily distances traveled, and the number of quadrats used per day, are not significantly different from those found in the literature for mangabeys in the Kanyawara research area, Kibale Forest, Uganda. Mangabey population density in Ngogo is approximately 1.46 times that of the Kanyawara mangabeys. The difference in density is associated with Ngogo exhibiting a greater mangabey food tree density than is found at Kanyawara. The higher mangabey density in Ngogo is associated with an average group size similar to that at Kanyawara, and an increase in the number of groups per unit area. The greater number of groups is accommodated by the mangabey having smaller home ranges, and less home range overlap than do the Kanyawara mangabeys. I suggest that these results are compatible with an interpretation based on disease control via regulation of group size, and social and spatial isolation between groups. The role of food availability in regulation of group size, or determining land tenure systems remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Summary From 1977 through 1983 we conducted experiments on a desert rodent community where supplemental seeds were added or certain rodent species and ants were removed from 0.25-ha fenced plots in a Chihuahuan Desert site in southeastern Arizona, USA. In this paper we examine the patterns of microhabitat use relative to vegetative cover by 11 rodent species. The results show that: i) removal of the largest seed-eating species, Dipodomys spectabilis, produced the most pervasive and dramatic shifts in microhabitat use by the remaining rodent species; ii) adding seeds or removing ants had little effect on the spatial use of microhabitats by rodents in this community; and iii) non-granivores were just as likely as granivores to shift microhabitat use when other granivores were removed. We believe these results indicate that both food and foraging microsites are limited but the relegation of subdominant species to lesspreferred microhabitats by the large Dipodomys spectabilis is the major factor underlying the spatial organization of this community. Results also demonstrate that strong interactions among species increase the probability that pathways of indirect interactions through intermediary species are important; these complex linkages may include species that overlap little in food preferences.  相似文献   

鼠类种群动态:食物资源影响力的实验评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在美国伊利诺斯州中东部测定了中等食物质量(莓系属的牧草)和低食物质量(高杆草牧场)栖息地内橙腹田鼠(Microtusochrogaster)和草原田鼠(M.pennsylvanicus)种群对附加食物的响应。在中等食物质量栖息地内投放附加食物,橙腹田鼠种群的波动幅度高于对照样地,但同类型食物质量栖息地内,种群平均密度和波动模式无显著的差异。仅在低等食物质量的高杆草栖息地内,投放附加食物可导致草原田鼠的种群密度高于对照样地。附加食物不直接影响两种栖息地内橙腹田鼠的成活率或成熟率,在中等食物质量栖息地中投放附加食物,繁殖活跃的成熟雌性个体比例及雄性成体的体重高于对照。附加食物不影响莓系属牧草内草原田鼠,也不能影响该动物在高杆草环境中的存活率。然而,投放附加食物,可缩短低等食物质量栖息地内草原田鼠的成熟期,提高繁殖活跃雌性的比例和迁入个体比例,增加并引起雄性个体体重增加。据此,本研究证明食物资源在橙腹田鼠和草原田鼠种群动态中只起极小的作用。  相似文献   

Friction of volar skin on wood is not proportional to load in human beings and prosimians, but to load raised to a fractional power. This meets theoretical expectations for the frictional characteristics of convex elastic surfaces. Although this enables small clawless primates to cling to steeper slopes and larger vertical supports than would otherwise be possible, the magnitude of the effect is not great enough to overcome the disadvantages of clawlessness in climbing vertical or steeply-sloping tree trunks and branches. In human subjects, friction appears to be more nearly proportional to load than in small prosimians used as experimental subjects. It is suggested that this is due to the fact that the small animals have discrete, elevated volar pads. Pad coalescence in large primates may be an adaptation for increasing the power to which load must be raised to become proportional to friction; increasing this exponent yields more friction per unit of adduction force on supports that are small relative to the animals' dimensions and weights.  相似文献   

We studied experimentally how heterospecific attraction may affect habitat selection of migrant passerine birds in Finnish Lapland. We manipulated the densities of resident tit species (Parus spp.). In four study plots residents were removed before the arrival of the migrants in the first study year, and in four other plots their densities were increased by releasing caught individuals. In the second year the treatments of the areas were reversed, allowing paired comparisons within each plot. We also investigated the relative abundance of arthropods in the study plots by the sweep-net method. This allowed us to estimate the effect of food resources on the abundance of birds. The heterospecific attraction hypothesis predicts that densities of migrant species (especially habitat generalists) would be higher during increased resident density. Results supported this prediction. Densities and number of the most abundant migrant species were significantly higher when resident density was increased than when they were removed. On the species level the redwing (Turdus iliacus) showed the strongest positive response to the increased abundance of tits. Migrant bird abundances seemed not to vary in parallel with relative arthropod abundance, with the exception of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) which showed a strongly positive correlation with many arthropod groups. The results of the experiment indicate that migrants can use resident tit species as a cue to a profitable breeding patch. The relationship between the abundance of the birds and arthropods suggests that annual changes in food resources during the breeding season probably do not have a very important effect on bird populations in these areas. The results stress the importance of positive interspecific interactions in structuring northern breeding bird communities. Received: 1 September 1997 / Accepted: 22 January 1998  相似文献   

Summary We use field and laboratory experiments to determine whether Hyphydrus ovatus, a predatory aquatic beetle, is food limited, and whether any food shortage results from depletion of prey by these predators (intrinsic food shortage) or is independent of predation by these beetles (extrinsic food shortage). In the laboratory, differences in feeding rate influence body fat content, thus making fat content a useful index of recent feeding history. H. ovatus collected during the breeding season have fat contents significantly greater than those of H. ovatus starved for 25 days, but not significantly different from those of H. ovatus fed ad libitum for 25 days, indicating that natural feeding rates are near the maximum possible. H. ovatus confined at a density 60 times greater than natural show reduced fat content and feeding rate relative to natural, indicating that at very high densities H. ovatus is capable of depleting its prey. Addition of supplemental natural prey (primarily Cladocera) to experimental enclosures resulted in an order of magnitude increase in prey availability, and a significant increase in fat content and feeding rate of confined H. ovatus. Adults of this species do not appear to be food limited during the breeding season, and extraordinarily high densities of adults seem to be necessary to produce intrinsic food shortage. These results suggest that feeding links between H. ovatus an its principal prey do not have major effects on population dynamics under typical field conditions, and call into question the assumption that closely coupled predator-prey interactions are the sole explanation for observed food-web patterns.  相似文献   

社会玩耍是指两个或两个以上个体共同参与的一种互作性玩耍行为,个体间的行为彼此适应并相互影响。社会玩耍行为在灵长类物种的社会交往过程中普遍发生,作为未成年个体一种重要的发育行为,其对个体的生存技能和成年后的繁殖成功具有重要影响。灵长类物种的社会玩耍不仅仅表现为追逐、摔跤、跳跃等一些常见行为,部分物种还发展出自己特有的行为。一般而言,社会玩耍在婴儿后期和青少年早期的发生频率最高,然后随着年龄增长直到成年时期,这类行为的平均发生频率将逐渐下降。未成年雄性个体要比同年龄段的雌性个体更喜欢玩耍,但常因物种、研究对象年龄等因素表现不同甚至相反;很多物种的个体喜欢与有亲缘关系的个体玩耍,或者与性别相同、年龄相仿、等级相近的个体玩耍。总之,非人灵长类个体社会玩耍的发育不但受环境参量如食物、场地等的影响,而且还与个体的年龄、性别、等级、亲缘关系等社群因素紧密相关。未成年个体在玩耍过程中,获得了身体机能的快速发育、完善了生存技能、建立了个体间的友好关系、增强了认识自身及适应周围环境的能力,从而为顺利过渡到成年期和履行自己的职能打好基础,但有时却需要承担玩耍过程中受伤甚至死亡的风险。玩耍作为灵长类社会的一种行为文化,对其研究有助于对人类自身行为进化的不断认识,相信这方面的理论将会得到后来者的不断创新和丰富,也期望这方面的理念及经验能被及时运用到保护繁育等实践活动中。  相似文献   

In this report we provide detailed data on the patterns and frequency of heel contact with terrestrial and arboreal supports in primates. These data can help resolve the question of whether African apes and humans are uniquely “plantigrade” (Gebo [1992] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 89:29–58; Gebo [1993a] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 97:382–385; Gebo [1993b] Postcranial Adaptation in Nonhuman Primates), or if plantigrady is common in other primates (Meldrum [1993] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 91:379–381). Using biplanar and uniplanar videotapes, we recorded the frequency and timing of heel contact for a variety of primates (32 species) walking on the ground and on simulated arboreal supports at a range of natural speeds. Our results indicate that Pongo as well as the African apes exhibit a “heel-strike” at the end of swing phase. Ateles and Hylobates make heel contact on all supports shortly after mid-foot contact, although spider monkeys do so only at slow or moderate speeds. Data available from uniplanar videotapes suggest that this pattern occurs in Alouatta and Lagothrix as well. No other New or Old World monkey or prosimian in this study made heel contact during quadrupedalism on any substrate. Thus, heel contact occurs in all apes and atelines, but only the great apes exhibit a heel-strike. We suggest that heel contact with the substrate is a by-product of an active posterior weight-shift mechanism involving highly protracted hindlimbs at touchdown. Force plate studies indicate that this mechanism is most extreme in arboreally adapted primate quadrupeds walking on arboreal supports. Although heel contact and heel-strike may have no evolutionary link, it is possible that both patterns are the result of a similar weight shift mechanism. Therefore, the regular occurrence of heel contact in a variety of arboreal primates, and the absence of a true biomechanical link between limb elongation, heel contact, and terrestriality, calls into question the claim that hominid foot posture was necessarily derived from a quadrupedal terrestrial ancestor. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Experiments in which animals strategically interact with one another or search over some controlled domain are becoming common. While these experiments often promise to illuminate sophisticated animal behavior, the analyses brought to bear on these data are often quite coarse. For example, many papers simply tally the number of observations consistent with a behavioral theory. This analysis is simple, but ignores a potentially rich source of information by failing to take into account patterns and systematic variation among observations inconsistent with the theory. Using a new data set generated by cotton-top tamarin monkeys playing a repeated food-exchange game, we apply a maximum-likelihood estimation technique (more commonly used to study human economic behavior) which utilizes much more of the information in these data, and which uncovers unexpectedly sophisticated cooperative behavior from our subjects. Tamarin cooperation remains stable as long as both actors consistently cooperate, but requires at least two consecutive unexpected acts of cooperation to restart cooperation after it has collapsed, a strategy that resembles two-tits for a tat. We conclude by enumerating the benefits of a maximum-likelihood approach in experimental settings such as ours, and suggest other areas in which these techniques may be fruitful.  相似文献   

The social organization of Galago zanzibaricus was studied for the first time and the study included data from two different sites in the coastal forests of Kenya. A combination of mark-recapture and radio-tracking techniques was used to investigate patterns of inter- and intrasexual home range overlap. Associations in sleeping groups indicated social ties between individuals. Patterns of range use were established by radio-tracking focal individuals. Adult males generally had nonoverlapping ranges, shared with one or two females and their offspring with which the male regularly slept. Young females remained longer in their natal ranges than males and reproduced within their natal ranges. Range size and distance traveled per night were similar between the sexes; both sexes probably defended territories. None of the other galago (bushbaby) species studied to date show the degree of close male-female association found in G. zanzibaricus. This study thus extends the variety of social organization documented in nocturnal prosimians.  相似文献   

The social organization of Galago garnettii was studied for the first time and the study included data from two different sites in the coastal forests of Kenya. A combination of mark-recapture and radio-tracking techniques was used to investigate patterns of inter- and intrasexual home range overlap. Patterns of range use were established by radio tracking focal individuals. Adult females of different ages shared highly overlapping ranges, while like-aged females showed little range overlap. Females matured and had their first infants in their natal ranges. Adult males' ranges were larger than those of females and overlapped them extensively. Resident adult males showed little range overlap with each other, unless they were of different ages. Turnover of males was frequent in both populations. Males probably dispersed from their natal ranges. Adults rarely slept together. The social organization of G. garnettii is relatively similar to that of the closely related G. crassicaudatus of southern Africa but contrasts with that of its sympatric congener, G. zanzibaricus. The differences and similarities between these three species are discussed in relation to diet and body size.  相似文献   

Little is known about ingested food size (Vb) in primates, even though this variable has potentially important effects on food intake and processing. This study provides the first data on Vb in strepsirrhine primates using a captive sample of 17 species. These data can be used for generating and testing models of feeding energetics. Strepsirrhines are of interest because they are hypometabolic and chewing rate and daily feeding time do not show a significant scaling relationship with body size. Using melon, carrot, and sweet potato we found that maximum Vb scales isometrically with body mass and mandible length. Low dietary quality in larger strepsirrhines might explain why Vb increases with body size at a greater rate than does resting metabolic rate. Relative to body size, Vb is large in frugivores but small in folivores; furthermore scaling slopes are higher in frugivores than in folivores. A gross estimate of dietary quality explains much of the variation in Vb that is not explained by body size. Gape adaptations might favor habitually large bites for frugivores and small ones for folivores. More data are required for several feeding variables and for wild populations. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:625–635, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

William R. DeMott 《Oecologia》1995,103(2):230-240
Laboratory radioisotope experiments were used to investigate the effects of phytoplankton seasonal succession on the selectivity and clearance rates of a suspension-feeding copepod in two Indiana lakes. Responses to particle size and quality were tested by allowing adult female Diaptomus birgei feeding in natural seston to select between a small (6×7 m) flagellate (Chlamydomonas reinhardii) and a large, poor quality food (heat-killed Carteria olivieri, 22×25 m). Short-term responses were tested in one lake by additional treatments in which copepods were acclimated for 5–6 h in filtered lake water (starved) or natural seston with added Chlamydomonas (enriched). Copepods from both lakes fed selectively on the small live flagellate during the spring bloom of edible phytoplankton but fed selectively on the larger, poor quality particle during the clear water phase when food was scarce. These results are interpreted as an interaction between the concentration-dependent selectivity for high quality foods predicted by optimal diet theory and a perceptual bias for large-sized particles. Selectivity for high-quality food was intermediate and clearance rates were depressed when total phytoplankton abundance was high but dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria. In each experiment copepods also responded to the short-term manipulations by exhibiting weaker discrimination against the poor quality particle in the starvation treatment and stronger discrimination in the enriched treatment. A two-way mixed model ANOVA revealed substantial short term (37%) and seasonal (53%) components to the total variance in selectivity. Clearance rates were also influenced by both phytoplankton succession and the short-term resource manipulations. As expected, clearance rates on the poor quality food were more sensitive to the abundance of alternative foods. These results show how the feeding behavior of a freshwater copepod is modulated by both seasonal and short-term variation in natural food.  相似文献   

Ciliated protozoa (ciliates) play vital roles in biological wastewater-treatment processes, however, combined effects of abiotic and biotic factors as well as the importance of species-specificity of bacterial food organisms on population growth dynamics remain poorly understood, which are hampering the management and optimization of biological wastewater treatment processes. This study investigated the effects of food resources and ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) exposure, both independently and in combination, on the population growth of the bacterivorous ciliate Paramecium caudatum. Results showed that, when fed with two different bacterial food organisms, population growth performance of P. caudatum differed significantly and increased with the addition of protozoa pellet medium. When exposed to NH4+ population growth declined and metabolic enzyme activities were altered. The negative effects of NH4+ on population growth could be weakened by supplementing the food resource with protozoa pellet media. In brief, it was confirmed that the existence of interactive effect of food resources and ammonium nitrogen, as well as the importance of species-specificity of bacterial food organisms on the population growth performance of ciliates. These findings might lead to the development of a valuable strategy for improving the performance of biological wastewater-treatment processes.  相似文献   

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