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Summary Embryo development was examined in reciprocal crosses of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Great Northern and P. coccineus cv. Scarlet Runner. The formation of abnormal (shrunken and underdeveloped) embryos constituted the primary crossing barrier between the two species when P. coccineus was the female parent. Plants of P. coccineus X P. vulgaris were obtained by embryo culture. Although the P. vulgaris X P. coccineus cross resulted in normal seed development, the fertility of the resulting hybrids was much lower (27%) than that of the reciprocal hybrids (81%). Three classes of F2 embryos, normal, shrunken, and underdeveloped were formed on reciprocal F1s and the frequencies did not differ between reciprocal populations. Thus, the interactions between embryo and endosperm and/or maternal parent rather than cytoplasmic-nuclear effects seem to be important in the determination of the extent of embryo growth. The examination of pollen fertility of F2 plants and the development of F2 and F3 embryos suggests that the formation of abnormal embryos and reduced male fertility are independent events. The P. vulgarisP. coccineus crosses may be useful in studying the possible involvement of interspecific differences in hormonal metabolism in the development of hybrid embryos.  相似文献   

A. Bennici  P. G. Cionini 《Planta》1979,147(1):27-29
Phaseolus coccineus embryos at the heartshaped and the middle cotyledonary stages were cultured in vitro on media added with different concentrations of zeatin (Z) or zeatin riboside (Zr). Growth of early embryos was clearly favored by concentrations of Z from 10-8 M to 10-5 M, lower concentrations having no effect. Zr also promoted in vitro growth of early embryos, but in concentrations from 10-12 M to 10-10 M, higher concentrations being inhibitory. More developed embryos were scarcely sensitive to the presence in the culture medium of either Z or Zr at any concentration.Abbreviations Stage A heart-shaped embryo - stage B middle cotyledonary embryo - Z zeatin - Zr zeatin riboside  相似文献   

By combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry the gibberellin present in suspensors of heart-shaped embryos of Phaseolus coccineus has been identified as Gibberellin A1 (GA1). The amount of GA1 in 2000 suspensors (452 mg), as estimated by gas chromatography. was 4g. The presence of GA1 in suspensors of P. coccineus is discussed in relation to our present knowledge of the occurrence of many gibberellins in developing seeds and immature fruits of the same species.Abbreviations FID flame ionization detector - GA gibberellin - GC gas chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - PGC preparative gas chromatography - Stage A heart-shaped embryo - Stage B cotytedonary embryo - TMS trimethylsilyl  相似文献   

Summary The influence of genotypic combinations on the growth of hybrid embryos between Phaseolus vulgaris and P. lunatus, and between P. vulgaris and P. acutifolius was examined. All embryos obtained from P. vulgaris × P. lunatus crosses developed only to a stage which appears to be comparable to the pre-heart-shape stage of selfed embryos. Reciprocal crosses were attempted, but pods abscised at a very early stage. Embryos derived from P. vulgaris × P. acutifolius and reciprocal crosses attained the cotyledon stage although no mature seeds were formed. A distinct characteristic of these embryos was the uneven development of the two cotyledons. The rate of growth and final size of these hybrid embryos seemed to be influenced by the genotypes of both parents.Immature embryos were cultured on defined medium and the effects of glutamine and gibberellin (GA3) were examined. Glutamine was effective in increasing the survival rate; gibberellin had no apparent effect. Plants derived from cultured embryos of P. vulgaris × P. lunatus, P. vulgaris × P. acutifolius and P. acutifolius × P. vulgaris were obtained.Technical paper No. 00 of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Research was supported by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, the Research Council of Oregon State University (National Institute of Health Biomedical Research Support Grant RR07079) and the Processor Research Council of Oregon. A.R. is supported by an African Graduate Fellowship from the African-American Institute  相似文献   

Summary Meiosis and fertility of interspecific hybrids obtained from reciprocal crosses between Phaseolus vulgaris and P. acutifolius were examined. Bivalents as well as univalents were found at Metaphase I. The majority of the microsporocytes had four or more univalents and the average was 6.3 univalents per cell. The average number of lagging chromosomes at Anaphase I was 2.3 per cell and the most frequent chromosome distribution at late Anaphase I was 10–12. The lower than expected number of lagging chromosomes as compared with the number of univalents at Metaphase I suggests the possible occurrence of precocious separation of bivalents. The male fertility as measured by pollen stainability was 17%, however, the frequency of pollen germination in selfing was 3.5%. Upon selfing of the interspecific hybrids, no dividing embryos were found even though 7 and 26% of the ovules were fertilized at 12 hours and four days after pollination. In backcrosses to P. vulgaris (male), 6 and 20% of the ovules were fertilized and 0 and 4% of the ovules contained dividing embryos at the same sampling times. When P. acutifolius was the male parent, respective values were 8 and 31% for fertilization and 0 and 13% for ovules with dividing embryos. The frequencies of backcross embryos recovered at 14–26 days were in agreement with the frequencies of dividing embryos at four days. The ability to obtain backcross plantlets demonstrates the feasibility to further utilize interspecific hybrids for the improvement of P. vulgaris Technical paper No. 5311 of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Research was supported by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, the Science and Education Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture under Grant 5901-0410-8-0028-0 from the Competitive Research Grants Office, the Research Council of Oregon State University (NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant RR 07079) and the Processor Research Council of Oregon, A.R. and C T.S. are respectively supported by an African Graduate Fellowship from the African-American Institute and a fellowship from the National Science Council of the Republic of China  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific crosses were made between seven Lilium species, viz. L. candidum, L. concolor, L. dauricum, L. henryi, L. longiflorum, L. nepalense and L. rubellum. A complete diallel cross was carried out between these seven species, including self- and intraspecific pollinations using three pollination methods: normal pollination on the stigma, pollination on the ovary after cutting the style, and pollination on the stigma with the aid of mentor (non-functional, compatible) pollen. Embryo rescue, starting 35 days after pollination, was applied to all interspecific combinations. The percentage of successful crosses was about 2.8% after normal pollination, 5.4% after cut-style pollination and 3.8% with the mentor pollen technique. Crosses with L. nepalense were exceptional in that embryos died during the embryo culture phase. Seventeen cross combinations (including 4 reciprocals) yielded 62 embryo plantlets from 839 interspecific pollinations.  相似文献   

Summary Using a modified embryo callus culture technique, hybrids between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. peruvianum were developed and their usefulness as bridge lines for facilitating interspecific gene transfer was evaluated. Four of these lines showed a high level of sexual compatibility with several other L. peruvianum var. typicum accessions, as well as with accessions of L. peruvianum var. humifusum and L. peruvianum var. glandulosum and L. esculentum. These bridge line x L. peruvianum hybrids could be crossed with L. esculentum to introgress genes from L. peruvianum into L. esculentum.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the mechanisms of seed failure in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of Solanum two diploid, S. commersonii and Group Phureja, and one tetraploid species, S. acaule, species were crossed and the seeds were analyzed for embryo and endosperm development. Many seeds of certain crosses observed seven days after pollinations were found to contain abnormal embryos and degenerating endosperms. In some cases seeds contained an embryo with no endosperm, or an endosperm with no embryo. Other interspecific crosses which were predicted to fail actually produced seeds with normally developed embryos and endosperms. To further characterize the intra- and interspecific embryos and endosperms the nuclear DNA was measured. There are several ways to explain the ploidy levels of embryos and endosperms among the crosses, the occurrence of unreduced gametes in some cases and genomic instability in other cases. The latter resulted in chromosome loss at meiotic and mitotic divisions. Genomic balance in interspecific seeds is critical to both embryo and endosperm development.Scientific Journal Series Article No. 14636 of the Minnesota Experiment Station  相似文献   

Summary Three triploid (2n=3x=36) blueberry hybrids were obtained by hand-pollinating approximately 7,000 flowers of tetraploid highbush blueberry cultivars (based on Vaccinium corymbosum L.) with pollen from the diploid species V. elliottii Chapm. Meiotic analysis of these triploids revealed trivalents, bivalents and univalents in all metaphase I cells, with lagging chromosomes evident at anaphase I. Pollen of the three triploids was mostly aborted and did not stain with acetocarmine. However, the three triploids did produce from 0.9%–1.3% giant pollen grains that stained with acetocarmine and were present as monads, dyads or triads, rather than the normal tetrads. Pollination of 10,853 flowers of hexaploid V. ashei Reade cultivars with pollen from the triploids produced 266 berries, which averaged fewer than two fully-developed seeds per berry. One triploid clone showed partial female fertility when crossed to hexaploids, self-pollinated, or intercrossed with other triploids. Ploidy levels of the resulting hybrids were determined.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 8672  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific hybridization between Vigna unguiculata and V. vexillata always failed: no seed was obtained in both crossing directions. Two different barriers to crossability were found: a pre-zygotic barrier and a post-zygotic one. Many abnormalities were observed in pollen-tube development, which reduced the percentage of fertilization to 18–30%. Differences in the percentage of fertilization were detected between the two accessions of V. vexillata involved in the interspecific crosses. The development of the interspecific embryo was analyzed and the embryo and endosperm nuclei always degenerated 5–8 days after pollination. The growth of the embryo stopped at a globular stage, which is too early for excision and in vitro culturing.  相似文献   

In this study of embryo development in Phaseolus vulgaris L., we found that immature embryonic axes placed in culture show a growth lag before germinating. The length of this lag phase varies according to axis age at excision, but is not affected by transfer to fresh medium, alteration of sucrose concentration between 0.5 and 2%, or whether the culture medium is liquid or agar-solidified. The lag phase was shortened by both actinomycin D and cordycepin treatment, and by treatment with 10-5 to 10-6 M benzyladenine. The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) varied with concentration: below a certain level, it had no effect on the lag phase, but above that level it inhibited, germination. This threshold concentration was 10-7 M for 20-d-old axes but increased to 10-5 M by the time the axes were 32 to 34 d old. To determine whether the axes were continuing their embryonic development during the lag phase, we tested them for desiccation-tolerance and for synthesis of phaseolin, a seed storage protein which is specific for embryos of P. vulgaris. The ability to germinate after rapid desiccation was acquired by axes at 26 d past anthesis; when axes younger than this were placed in culture, they developed desiccation-tolerance during the lag phase of growth, indicating that they were continuing embryonic maturation. Phaseolin was present in isolated axes, although at lower levels than in cotyledons. It accumulated during axis development in parallel with total protein, staying at about 1% of total protein content. When isolated immature axes were pulsed with 3H-or 14C-amino acids, they incorporated label into phaseolin, shown by precipitation with anti-phaseolin antibody. Isolated axes from mature seeds, however, did not synthesize detectable amounts of phaseolin. Immature axes cultured in vitro for a period of one to several days continued synthesizing phaseolin until the day prior to visible germination. Treatment of cultured axes with ABA increased the amount of precursor amino acids incorporated into protein, but had a small or no effect on the relative proportion of phaseolin synthesized. We conclude that P. vulgaris axes in culture continue to develop embryonically for a period of time which seems to be under intrinisc control by the axis. This contrasts with precocious germanation, a pattern of embryo behavior seen in many other species. When such embryos are excised from seeds while immature and placed in culture, they switch promptly from embryo development into germination. If ABA or water stress is responsible for preventing precocious germination, it may be that a high level of ABA is maintained or synthesized internally by embryonic axes of Phaseolus, while in other embryos the maternal environment supplies ABA and/or causes water stress.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine  相似文献   

Embryo rescue technique was used successfully to produce interspecific hybrids by crossing peach (P. persica) as a female parent with apricot (P. armeniaca) and plum (P. salicica). In those crosses that had ‘Yuhualu’ or ‘Zhonghuashoutao’ as female parents, hybrid embryos aborted from the 7th or 8th week after pollination mainly due to post-pollination incompatibility. An embryo rescue protocol was established to rescue such embryos and recover hybrid plants. Modified half-strength MS medium containing 4 mg l−1 6-BA and 0.5 mg l−1 IBA produced up to 90% germination in the embryos. Modified MS medium with 1.0 mg l−1 6-BA and 1.0 mg l−1 IBA gave the highest bud induction and multiplication whereas modified MS medium containing 0.5 mg l−1 IAA and 0.2 mg l−1 NAA gave the best rooting percentage. All the hybrids obtained using this embryo rescue technique were verified using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A series of pollen treatments were carried out to partially overcome pre-pollination incompatibility, and it was found accidentally that pollen treatment with electrostatic field not only improved pollen germination but also increased the multiplication coefficient of embryo-induced shoots.  相似文献   

Summary Hordeum arizonicum (2n=42) and H. lechleri (2n=42) were crossed with both H. bulbosum (2n=14 or 28) and H. vulgare (2n=14 or 28) and progeny plants were obtained through embryoculture. Crosses of arizonicum with diploid bulbosum invariably resulted in haploids (2n=21) of arizonicum, whereas arizonicum by tetraploid bulbosum or diploid vulgare crosses produced both hybrids and haploids of arizonicum. The lechleri by diploid bulbosum or diploid vulgare crosses resulted in haploids of lechleri, while lechleri by tetraploid bulbosum resulted in well differentiated embryos which failed to germinate.Hybrid embryos derived from the haploid producing crosses exhibit chromosome variability, suggesting that chromosome elimination leads to haploid formation.The results also indicate that the ratio of the parental genomes in the zygote is a critical factor which determines the chromosome elimination or stability in any cross combination. Furthermore, both arizonicum and lechleri appear to be of similar genetic strength in eliminating bulbosum and vulgare chromosomes. The possibility of stability factors in overcoming elimination and manipulation towards elimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific crosses of Hordeum brachyantherum (2n = 28) and H. depressum (2n = 28) with H. bulbosum (2n = 14 or 28) and H. vulgare (2n = 14 or 28) were made. Crosses between brachyantherum and diploid bulbosum resulted in dihaploids (2n = 14) of brachyantherum and hybrids (2n = 21), whilst the crosses of brachyantherum by tetraploid bulbosum or vulgare gave hybrid progeny. Similarly, crosses between H. depressum and diploid bulbosum resulted in dihaploids (2n = 14) of depressum and hybrids (2n = 21), whereas depressum by tetraploid bulbosum or vulgare invariably produced hybrids.Cytological observations on 12 day old embryos obtained from these crosses revealed chromosome variability down to 14 in crosses with diploid bulbosum indicating thereby that chromosome elimination leads to haploid formation. Embryonic cells from the brachyantherum by diploid vulgare cross also exhibited a certain degree of chromosomal instability as micronuclei.The results indicate that the ratio of parental genomes in the zygote determines whether haploids or hybrids will be produced in crosses of brachyantherum or depressum with bulbosum. Furthermore, brachyantherum appears to be more efficient in eliminating bulbosum chromosomes in comparison with depressum.  相似文献   

Summary Flowering hybrid plants were obtained from reciprocal crosses between N. tabacum L. (2n=48) and N. repanda Willd. (2n = 48), in which cross incompatibility and hybrid inviability were manifested. Stylar pollination and ovule culture were used to overcome the cross incompatibility of stylar barriers and ovular death. It was shown that application of 2 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) during the growth period, from the fiveto six-leaf stage to the flowering stage, is a useful and easy method to overcome hybrid inviability.  相似文献   

A crossing programme including 30 species and 40 cytotypes within the genusHordeum was undertaken. Viable hybrids were obtained in 302 combinations, 15 of which were intraspecific. Differences in seed set and in germination were observed in crosses between different groups of species. Obtaining crosses between different taxonomic groups was generally more difficult when diploid material was used. Some species, e.g.,H. lechleri, H. jubatum, andH. brachyantherum showed a higher crossability than others. The chromosome numbers of the hybrids were usually those expected from the parental numbers but aneuploid series around the expected numbers were rather frequent. Three cases of unreduced gametes were found. Selective chromosome elimination was restricted to combinations including eitherH. vulgare orH. bulbosum.—Despite a very diverse morphology, all South American diploid species together with the two North American diploidsH. intercedens andH. pusillum appear to be closely related. The hexaploid American speciesH. procerum, H. lechleri, andH. arizonicum are also related. The two North American tetraploid speciesH. jubatum andH. brachyantherum sometimes form semifertile hybrids. The Asiatic speciesH. roshevitzii appears to be related to both North and South American taxa.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific and reciprocal interspecific crosses involving Zinnia angustifolia clones and Z. elegans lines showed that in both species, sporophytic self-incompatibility (SI) systems were present. Intensity of SI varied among clones and lines, and high self seed set was associated with a concomitant decrease in callose fluorescence in papillae and pollen tubes. Incomplete stigmatic inhibition of pollen germination and tube growth was observed in reciprocal interspecific crosses and associated with callose synthesis, suggesting S-gene activity. Seed set and progeny obtained following Z. angustifolia×Z. elegans matings was comparable to intraspecific compatible matings of Z. angustifolia although the rate of pollen tube growth through the style was slower. In Z. elegans × Z. angustifolia matings, additional prezygotic barriers were present and acted between pollen tube penetration of the stigma and syngamy. SI X SI interspecific incompatibility was essentially unilateral, with no embryos or progeny obtained when Z. elegans was the pistillate parent. It was hypothesized that nonfunctioning of Z. elegans × Z. angustifolia crosses was due to S-gene expression at the stigmatic surface and to other isolating mechanisms in the stylar or ovarian transmitting tissue.Scientific Article No. A-4448, Contribution No. 7439 of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of HorticultureA portion of this paper was presented in the report: Boyle TH, Stimart DP (1986) Incompatibility relationships in intra- and interspecific crosses of Z. elegans Jacq. and Z. angustifolia HBK (Compositae). In: Mulcahy D (ed) Biotechnology and ecology of pollen. Springer, New York  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization is an effective method to generate a new crop in a short time that exhibits available traits. Nine interspecific hybrids between Allium fistulosum and A. macrostemon were produced through reciprocal crossings by ovary culture. This is the first report of hybrid development in the cross-combination. When A. macrostemon, a vegetative propagated plant, was used as the mother plant, no hybrid was obtained, but it was obtained by removal of bulbils and separation of the flower stalk, as with cut flowers. Ovary culture was performed on phytohormone-free B5 medium modified by Dunstan and Short (BDS) medium containing 30 g l−1 sucrose 7 days after pollination. Germinated embryos were transferred to BDS medium containing 1 mg l−1 6-benzylaminopurine and 15 g l−1 sucrose for 21 days. The plantlets were subcultured on phytohormone-free B5 medium for subsequent rooting. Hybridity was confirmed using cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region and chromosome observation. In addition, the hybrids showed intermediate traits: they had fistulous leaves like those of A. fistulosum and bulbs like those of A. macrostemon. They displayed vigorous growth and propagated vegetatively by tillering. These results show the important discovery that vegetatively propagated plants are useful for cross breeding.  相似文献   

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