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We examined auditory tuning and the morphology of the anatomical structures underlying acoustic communication in female Hyla microcephala and H. ebraccata and compared our findings to data from a previous study (Wilczynski et al. 1993) in which we showed species differences in the traits that in males relate to differences in the species-typical calls. Female species differences in the best excitatory frequency (BEF) of the basilar papilla (BP) were similar to the differences seen in males, and females had a significantly lower BEF in H. ebraccata, but not H. microcephala. In both species, females had lower BP thresholds. Snout-vent length, head width, and tympanic membrane diameters were sexually dimorphic in both species and larger in females, whereas laryngeal components were sexually dimorphic and larger in males. Middle and inner ear volumes were not sexually dimorphic. Despite the significant species differences in laryngeal morphology seen in males, female larynges are not significantly different. Furthermore, the interaction of species and sex differences resulted in significantly different degrees of sex dimorphism in the species, particularly for the larynx, which is more sexually dimorphic in H. microcephala, and measures of body size, which are more dimorphic in H. ebraccata. Accepted: 6 December 1996  相似文献   

The effect of gender on left ventricular systolic function and exercise haemodynamics in healthy young subjects was studied during 30-s all-out sudden strenuous dynamic exercise. A group of 22 men [19.3 (SD 1) years] 20 women [19.1 (SD 1) years] volunteered to participate in this study. Two-dimensional direct M-mode and Doppler echocardiograph studies were performed with the subject in the sitting position. The Doppler examination of flow was located with continuous-wave, interrogating ascending aorta measurements. The subjects completed the study without showing any electrocardiograph abnormalities. An interaction effect with stroke volume (P < 0.05) was characterized by a decrease in the men and an increase of stroke volume in the women. Cardiac output rose significantly (P < 0.05) up to 14.5 (SD 6) l · min−1) for the men and 12.1 (SD 4) l · min−1 for the women compared to the rest values [5.8 (SD 0.4) and 4.7 (SD 0.5) l · min−1, respectively]. Flow velocity integral and acceleration time differed significantly between the two groups at rest (P < 0.05). During exercise these differences showed an interaction effect (P < 0.05). These results would indicate that normal men and women respond to sudden strenuous exercise by reducing their left ventricular systolic function, with a significantly greater decrease in women (P < 0.05). The gender differences in the haemodynamic responses during the present study, may, as suggested by others, be attributable to differences in energy metabolism. In addition, changes in Doppler parameters of aortic flow, haemodynamics and blood pressure responses during sudden strenuous exercise differed markedly from those seen before with endurance exercise. Accepted: 8 January 1997  相似文献   

The present study investigated the mechanism of diving bradycardia. A group of 14 healthy untrained male subjects were examined during breath-holding either out of the water (30–33°C), in head-out immersion, or in whole-body submersion (27–29°C) in a diving pool. Blood velocity, blood volume flow in the carotid artery, diastolic blood pressure and electrocardiogram were measured and recorded during the experiments. The peak blood velocity increased by 13.6% (P < 0.01) and R-wave amplitude increased by 57.1% (P < 0.005) when the subjects entered water from air. End-diastolic blood velocity in the carotid artery increased significantly during breath-holding, e.g. increased from 0.20 (SD 0.02) m · s−1 at rest to 0.33 (SD 0.04) m · s−1 (P < 0.001) at 50.0 s in breath-hold submersion to a 2.0-m depth. Blood volume flow in the carotid artery increased by 26.6% (P < 0.05) at 30 s and 36.6% (P < 0.001) at 40 s in breath-hold submersion to a 2.0-m depth. Diastolic blood pressure increased by 15.4% (P < 0.01) at 60 s during breath-holding in head-out immersion. Blood volume flow, and diastolic blood pressure increased significantly more and faster during breath-holding in submersion than out of the water. There was a good negative correlation with the heart rate: the root mean square correlation coefficient r was 0.73 (P < 0.001). It was concluded that an increased accumulation of blood in the aorta and arteries at end-diastole and decreased venous return, caused by an increase in systemic peripheral resistance during breath-holding, underlies diving bradycardia. Accepted: 22 November 1996  相似文献   

 Low-temperature (LT) induced genes of the Wcs120 family in wheat (Triticum aestivum) were mapped to specific chromosome arms using Western and Southern blot analysis on the ditelocentric series in the cultivar Chinese Spring (CS). Identified genes were located on the long arms of the homoeologous group 6 chromosomes of all 3 genomes (A, B, and D) of hexaploid wheat. Related species carrying either the A, D, or AB genomes were also examined using Southern and Western analysis with the Wcs120 probe and the WCS120 antibody. All closely related species carrying one or more of the genomes of hexaploid wheat produced a 50 kDa protein that was identified by the antibody, and a Wcs120 homoeologue was detected by Southern analysis in all species. In the absence of chromosome arm 6DL in hexaploid CS wheat no 50 kDa protein was produced and the high-intensity Wcs120 band was missing, indicating 6DL as the location of Wcs120 but suggesting silencing of the Wcs120 homoeologue in the A genome. Levels of proteins that cross-reacted with the Wcs120 antibody and degrees of cold tolerance were also investigated in the Chinese Spring/Cheyenne (CS/CNN) chromosome substitution series. CNN chromosome 5A increased the cold tolerance of CS wheat. Densitometry scanning of Western blots to determine protein levels showed that the group 5 chromosome 5A had a regulatory effect on the expression of the Wcs120 gene family located on the group 6 chromosomes of all three hexaploid wheat genomes. Received: 10 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

Temperature dependent changes in the mode of energy metabolism and in acid-base status were studied in the range from −1.7 to 26 °C in two populations of Arenicola marina collected in summer as well as in winter from intertidal flats of the North Sea (boreal) and the White Sea (subpolar). Extreme temperatures led to an accumulation of anaerobic end products, indicating the existence of both a low and a high critical temperature, beyond which anaerobic metabolism becomes involved in energy production. In summer animals from the North Sea the high critical temperature was found at temperatures above 20 °C, and the low critical temperature below 5 °C. Latitudinal or seasonal cold adaptation lead to a more or less parallel shift of both high and low critical temperature values to lower values. Between critical temperatures intracellular pH declined with rising temperature. Slopes varied between −0.012 and −0.022 pH- units/°C. In summer animals from the North Sea, the slope was slightly less than in White Sea animals, but differences appeared independent of the season. However, slopes were no longer linear beyond critical temperatures. A drop in intracellular pH at low temperatures coincided with the accumulation of volatile fatty acids in the body wall tissue of North Sea animals. A failure of active pHi adjustment is held responsible for the reduced ΔpHi/ΔT at temperatures above the high critical temperature. Extracellular pH was kept constant over the whole temperature range investigated. The ability of North Sea animals to adapt to temperatures beyond the critical temperature is poor compared to White Sea specimens. The larger range of temperature fluctuations at the White Sea is seen as a reason for the higher adaptational capacity of the subpolar animals. A hypothesis is proposed that among other mechanisms critical temperature values are set by an adjustment of mitochondrial density and thus, aerobic capacity. Accepted: 20 August 1996  相似文献   

Sex differences in giraffe foraging behavior at two spatial scales   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We test predictions about differences in the foraging behaviors of male and female giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi Matchie) that derive from a hypothesis linking sexual size dimorphism to foraging behavior. This body-size hypothesis predicts that males will exhibit specific behaviors that increase their dry-matter intake rate relative to females. Foraging behavior was examined at two hierarchical levels corresponding to two spatial and temporal scales, within patches and within habitats. Patches are defined as individual trees or shrubs and habitats are defined as collections of patches within plant communities. Males were predicted to increase dry-matter intake rate within patches by taking larger bites, cropping bites more quickly, chewing less, and chewing faster. Within habitats, males were expected to increase intake rate by increasing the proportion of foraging time devoted to food ingestion as opposed to inter-patch travel time and vigilance. The predictions were tested in a free-ranging population of giraffes in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania. Males spent less total time foraging than females but allocated a greater proportion of their foraging time to forage ingestion as opposed to travel between patches. There was no sex difference in rumination time but males spent more time in activities other than foraging and rumination, such as walking. Within patches, males took larger bites than females, but females cropped bites more quickly and chewed faster. Males had longer per-bite handling times than females but had shorter handling times per gram of intake. Within habitats, males had longer average patch residence times but there was no significant sex difference in inter-patch travel times. There was no overall difference between sexes in vigilance while foraging, although there were significant sex by habitat and sex by season interactions. Although not all the predictions were confirmed, overall the results agree qualitatively with the body-size hypothesis. Sex-related differences in foraging behavior led to greater estimated intake rates for males at the within-patch and within-habitat scales. Received: 20 November 1995 / Accepted: 5 November 1996  相似文献   

We have isolated seven genomic chalcone synthase (CHS) genes and six classes of CHS cDNA from elicitor-treated pea tissues. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the coding regions revealed the existence of eight members of the CHS gene family in pea. These can essentially be divided into three groups (PSCHS1, 2 and 8; PSCHS3, 4 and 5; and PSCHS6 and 7) on the basis of nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence comparisons of the coding regions, introns and promoter regions. We previously reported that the accumulation of CHS mRNAs is induced by elicitor treatment. Accumulation of CHS mRNA was observed mainly in roots and very little was found in floral organs. To specifically detect expression of each CHS gene in various types of pea cells, S1 nuclease protection assays were performed. Interestingly, the classification of the eight members of the CHS gene family based on the sequence identity was found to reflect their expression patterns as determined by the S1 nuclease protection assay. The first group of CHS genes, PSCHS1, 2 and 8, was strongly induced not only by elicitor treatment and UV irradiation but is also constitutively expressed in root and flower tissues. The second group, PSCHS3, 4 and 5, was also strongly induced by elicitor treatment and UV irradiation but is constitutively expressed only in root. Expression of the third group, PSCHS6 and 7 was barely detectable in any of the organs tested and was not influenced by environmental stimuli such as elicitor or UV. Furthermore, sequence analysis of the promoter region of each member of the CHS gene family revealed that putative cis-regulatory elements, such as Box-I, Box-II and G-Box, were conserved only in PSCHS1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. From these results we propose that an ancestral CHS gene might have given rise to defense response-related (UV irradiation- and elicitor-responsive) and -unrelated (unresponsive) genes at an early stage of evolution, followed by divergence within these subclasses based upon the developmental program in pea. Received: 5 November 1996 / Accepted: 6 February 1997  相似文献   

The occurrence, longevity, and contribution of axillary bud banks to population maintenance were investigated in a late-seral perennial grass, Bouteloua curtipendula, and a mid-seral perennial grass, Hilaria belangeri, in a semiarid oak-juniper savanna. Axillary buds of both species were evaluated over a 2-year period in communities with contrasting histories of grazing by domestic herbivores. A double staining procedure utilizing triphenyl tetrazolium chloride and Evan's blue indicated that both viable and dormant axillary buds remained attached to the base of reproductive parental tillers for 18–24 months which exceeded parental tiller longevity by approximately 12 months. Bud longevity of the late-seral species, B. curtipendula, exceeded bud longevity of the mid-seral species, H. belangeri, by approximately 6 months. Younger buds located on the distal portion of the tiller base were 3.2 and 1.4 times more likely to grow out than older proximal buds of B. curtipendula and H. belangeri, respectively. The percentage of older proximal buds, which included comparable portions of viable and dormant buds, that grew out to produce tillers following mortality of parental tillers was 6.0% for B. curtipendula and 8.4% for H. belangeri. In spite of the occurrence of relative large axillary bud banks for both species, the magnitude of proximal bud growth did not appear sufficient to maintain viable tiller populations. We found no evidence to support the hypothesis of compensatory bud growth on an individual tiller basis for either species. Grazing history of the communities from which the buds were collected did not substantially affect the number, status, longevity, or outgrowth of axillary buds on an individual tiller basis for either species. However, long-term grazing by domestic herbivores influenced axillary bud availability by modifying population structure of these two species. Bud number per square meter for B. curtipendula was 25% lower in the long-term grazed compared to the long-term ungrazed community based on a reduction in both tiller number per plant and plant number per square meter. In contrast, bud number per square meter for H. belangeri was 190% greater in the long-term grazed than in the long-term ungrazed community based on a large increase in plant density per square meter. Minimal contributions of axillary bud banks to annual maintenance of tiller populations in this mid- and late-seral species underscores the ecological importance of consistent tiller recruitment from recently developed axillary buds. Consistent tiller recruitment in grasslands and savannas characterized by intensive grazing and periodic drought implies that (1) bud differentiation and maturation must be remarkably tolerant of adverse environmental conditions and/or (2) tiller recruitment may resume from buds that mature following the cessation of severe drought and/or grazing, rather than from mature buds that survive these disturbances. These scenarios warrant additional research emphasis given the critical importance of this demographic process to tiller replacement in species populations and the maintenance of relative species abundance in grasslands and savannas. Received: 12 August 1996 / Accepted: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

 Five water monitor lizards, Varanus salvator salvator, and four clouded monitor lizards, Varanus bengalensis nebulosus, were caught on Tioman island in Malaysia. A radio-thermistor transmitter was implanted into the buccal cavity of each animal, and they were released into an enclosure measuring 5.5 × 6.5 metres. The lizards were observed for 9 and 8 days, respectively, before and after the parietal eye was covered with aluminium foil. With uncovered parietal eye, both species showed a clear diurnal rhythm, being active only during day time. After covering the parietal eye, the mean locomotor activity of five V. s. salvator decreased from 791 to 107 min · day–1 but remained unchanged around 850 min · day–1 for V. b. nebulosus. The mean duration of locomotor activity decreased in V. s. salvator and V. b. nebulosus after the parietal eye was covered, but V. b. nebulosus maintained its locomotor activity by increasing the number of locomotor bouts. The water monitor spent very little time on thermoregulation. Its body temperature ranged between 26.3 and 28.4 °C, which decreased after the parietal eye was covered. The clouded monitor thermoregulated around 28.8–36.0 °C, which remained unchanged after the parietal eye was covered. In both species, there was a strong correlation between body temperature and ambient temperature. Behavioural abnormalities were recorded among V. s. salvator with covered parietal eye. They were often observed to be active by night and often slept outside a burrow. The circadian rhythm of V. b. nebulosus appeared unaffected by shielding of its parietal eye. Captivity combined with shielded parietal eye induced agonistic behaviour in both species. Accepted: 11 September 1996  相似文献   

The gltA gene encoding a glutamate synthase (GOGAT) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus sp. KOD1 was cloned as a 6.6 kb HindIII-BamHI fragment. Sequence analysis indicates that gltA encodes a 481- amino acid protein (53 269 Da). The deduced amino acid sequence of KOD1-GltA includes conserved regions that are found in the small subunits of bacterial GOGAT: two cysteine clusters, an adenylate-binding consensus sequence and an FAD-binding consensus sequence. However, no sequences homologous to the large subunit of bacterial GOGAT were found in the upstream or downstream regions. In order to examine whether GltA alone can act as a functional GOGAT, GltA was overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells using an expression plasmid. GltA was purified to homogeneity and shown to be functional as a homotetramer of approximately 205 kDa, which is equivalent to the molecular weight of the native GOGAT from KOD1, thus indicating that KOD1-GOGAT is the smallest known active GOGAT. GltA is capable of both glutamine-dependent and ammonia-dependent synthesis of glutamate. Synthesis of glutamate by KOD1-GltA required NADPH, indicating that this enzyme is an NADPH-GOGAT (EC The optimum pH for both activities was 6.5. However, GltA exhibited different optimum temperatures for activity depending on the reaction assayed (glutamine-dependent reaction, 80° C; ammonia-dependent reaction, 90° C). Received: 30 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the metabolite phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate (PRPP) is required for purine, pyrimidine, tryptophan and histidine biosynthesis. Enzymes that can synthesize PRPP can be encoded by at least four genes. We have studied 5-phospho-ribosyl-1(α)-pyrophosphate synthetases (PRS) genetically and biochemically. Each of the four genes, all of which are transcribed, has been disrupted in haploid yeast strains of each mating type and although all disruptants are able to grow on complete medium, differences in growth rate and enzyme activity suggest that disruption of PRS1 or PRS3 has a significant effect on cell metabolism, whereas disruption of PRS2 or PRS4 has little measurable effect. Using Western blot analysis with antisera raised against peptides derived from the non-homology region (NHR) and the N-terminal half of the PRS1 gene product it has been shown that the NHR is not removed by protein splicing. However, the fact that disruption of this gene causes the most dramatic decrease in cell growth rate and enzyme activity suggests that Prs1p may have a key structural or regulatory role in the production of PRPP in the cell. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1996  相似文献   

The phonotactic response of cricket females was investigated on a locomotion compensator to determine the temporal parameters of the male's calling song which are important for species recognition. Two sympatric species (Teleogryllus commodus, T. oceanicus) that show different syllable periods in the chirp and trill parts of their calling songs were used. By their responses T. commodus females exhibited two temporal filters for syllable periods, which were tuned to the species-specific syllable periods occurring during chirp and trill. For song recognition both filters had to be activated and for both a minimum number of three to five consecutive syllable periods was necessary. In contrast, T. oceanicus females showed only one sharply tuned filter corresponding to the chirp part of the male's calling song. This filter was sufficient for calling song recognition. Syllable periods of the trill part also influenced calling song recognition, but these played only a minor role. Carrier frequency was also important for positive phonotaxis. Calling song recognition by T. commodus females is largely based on central nervous processing, while for T. oceanicus both peripheral frequency filtering and central temporal filtering is important. Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

The physiological responses to forced exercise were studied in yellowbelly and marbled rockcod (Notothenia coriiceps and N. rossii), and the haemoglobinless icefish (Chaenocephalus aceratus), from blood samples obtained via indwelling catheters. The maximal exertion tolerable by N. coriiceps was 3–5 min, although N. rossii was not fully exhausted by this effort, and it proved difficult to elicit sustained maximal activity in C. aceratus. Arterial O2 tension reflected the relative degree of exhaustion, showing a significant fall in the case of N. coriiceps, little change in N. rossii, and even a rise in C. aceratus as a result of hyperventilation. Such changes in the red-blooded species were not caused by altered O2 carrying capacity, as there was no change in haematocrit. In Notothenia spp. the decrease in arterial pH was better correlated with a rise in arterial CO2 tension than with blood lactate concentration, which is reflected in a modest net metabolic acid load. In contrast, the icefish showed an attenuated hypercapnia and a more pronounced lactacidosis, but an insignificant net metabolic acid load. Disturbance in ionoregulation following exercise was limited to an elevated [Cl] in Notothenia, while circulating catecholamine levels remained unusually low in all specimens. The response to stress appears to reflect lifestyle and/or endemic speciation, rather than specific adaptations to the stenothermal environment. Accepted: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

Philip E. Hulme 《Oecologia》1997,111(1):91-98
The post-dispersal fate of seeds and fruit (diaspores) of three vertebrate-dispersed trees, Crataegus monogyna, Prunus mahaleb and Taxus baccata, was studied in the Andalusian highlands, south-eastern Spain. Exclosures were used to quantify separately the impact of vertebrates and invertebrates on seed removal in relation to diaspore density and microhabitat. The three plant species showed marked differences in the percentage of diaspores removed, ranging from only 5% for C. monogyna to 87% for T. baccata. Although chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) fed on diaspores, rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus) were the main vertebrate removers of seed and fruit. Two species of ant (Cataglyphis velox and Aphaenogaster iberica) were the only invertebrates observed to remove diaspores. However, the impact of ants was strongly seasonal and they only removed P. mahaleb fruit to any significant extent. While removal of seed by rodents was equivalent to predation, ants were responsible for secondary dispersal. However, their role was limited to infrequent, small-scale redistribution of fruit in the vicinity of parent trees. Rodents and ants differed in their use of different microhabitats. Rodents foraged mostly beneath trees and low shrubs and avoided open areas while the reverse was true of ants. Thus, patterns of post-dispersal seed removal will be contigent on the relative abundance and distribution of ants and rodents. Studies which neglect to quantify separately the impacts of these two guilds of seed removers may fail to elucidate the mechanisms underlying patterns of post-dispersal seed removal. The coincidence of both increased seed deposition by the main avian dispersers (Turdus spp.) and increased seed predation with increasing vegetation height suggested that selection pressures other than post-dispersal seed predation shape the spatial pattern of seed dispersal. Rather than providing a means of escaping post-dispersal seed predators, dispersal appears to direct seeds to microhabitats most suitable for seedling survival. Nevertheless, the reliance of most vertebrate-dispersed trees on regeneration by seed and the absence of persistent soil seed banks imply that post-dispersal seed predators may exert a strong influence on the demography of the plants whose seeds they consume. Even where microsites are limited, the coincidence of the most suitable microhabitats for seedling establishment with those where seed predation is highest provide a means by which selective seed predators can influence community composition. Received: 19 August 1996 / Accepted: 25 January 1997  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption of the honeybee Apis mellifera ligustica was measured as a function of the flow rate supply of sucrose solution at an automatic feeder located inside a respirometric chamber. Trained bees freely entered the respirometric chamber and collected the sucrose solution supplied. The mean value of the O2 consumption rate per visit increased with the sucrose flow rate, and for a given flow rate, with increasing locomotor activity. However, when no locomotor activity was displayed, O2 consumption also increased with increasing nectar flow rate. Crop load attained at the end of the visit showed a positive relationship with the nectar flow rate; however, for a given flow rate, O2 consumption showed either no correlation or a negative one with the final crop load attained. It is concluded that the energy expenditure of the foraging bee is controlled by a motivational drive whose intensity depends on the reward rate at the food source. Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

In order to test whether an increased export of carbohydrates by leaves and starch mobilization are critical for floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana, the Columbia ecotype as well as its starchless mutant pgm and starch-in-excess mutant sex1 were investigated. Induction of flowering was achieved by exposure of plants to either one long day (LD) or one displaced short day (DSD). The following conclusions were drawn: (i) Both the pgm and sex1 mutants have a late-flowering phenotype in days shorter than 16 h. (ii) When inductive treatments cause a large percentage of induced plants, there is always a large, early and transient increase in carbohydrate export from leaves. By contrast, when an inductive treatment results in only a low percentage of induced plants (pgm plants exposed to one DSD), the export of carbohydrates from leaves is not increased, supporting the idea that phloem carbohydrates have a critical function in floral transition. (iii) Starch mobilization is not required to obtain an increased carbohydrate export when induction is by one LD (extended period of photosynthesis), but is absolutely essential when induction is by one DSD (period of photosynthesis unaffected). (iv) Floral induction apparently increases the capability of the leaf phloem-loading system. Received: 27 August 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

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