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1. The uptake of 125I-labelled high density lipoproteins (HDL) in various organs of the rat was determined after an intravenous injection. The uptake of 125I-labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone in the same organs was determined in order to assess uptake by fluid endocytosis. The uptake/organ was highest for the liver. The adrenals showed the highest uptake/unit weight of the organs studied. The liver, the kidneys and the spleen showed comparable values for uptake/g of tissue. The uptake of 125I-labelled HDL exceeded by far that of 125I-labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone in the liver, the kidneys, the spleen and the adrenals, indicating that the uptake of 125I-labelled HDL was mediated by adsorptive endocytosis. 2. The in vivo uptake of 125I-labelled HDL was determined in purified hepatocytes and non-parenchymal cells prepared by collagenase perfusion of livers from animals after intravenous injections of 125I-labelled HDL. When expressed per cell, the hepatocytes and the non-parenchymal liver cells took up about the same amount of 125I-labelled HDL. 3. The in vitro uptake and degradation of 125I-labelled HDL in isolated rat hepatocytes was studied. The uptake at increasing concentrations of 125I-labelled HDL was saturable indicating uptake mediated through binding sites. 125I-labelled HDL were easily degraded by contaminating proteases from the perfusate. 4. Subcellular fractionation by isopycnic centrifugation indicated that the accumulation of 125I-labelled HDL did not take place in the lysosomes, but rather on the plasma membrane and possibly in the endosomes (phagosomes). 5. 125I-labelled HDL were internalized into the cells and degraded in the lysosomes. Leupetin and chloroquine, inhibitors of the lysosomal function effectively inhibited the formation of 125I-labelled acid-soluble radioactivity by the cells. Chloroquine, but not the protease inhibitor leupeptin, reduced the hydrolysis of the cholesteryl ester moiety of HDL.  相似文献   

The uptake of formaldehyde-treated 125I-labelled human serum albumin in rat hepatocytes and nonparenchymal liver cells was measured in vivo and in vitro. Isolated liver cells were prepared by treating the perfused liver with collagenase. Purified hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cells were obtained by differential centrifugation. Human serum albumin was found to be taken up exclusively or almost exclusively by nonparenchymal cells in vitro and in vivo (after intravenous injection). The maximal rate of human serum albumin-uptake in vitro was comparable to that in vivo. Nonparenchymal cells degraded human serum albumin in vitro as indicated by release of trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity. Degradation started about 20-30 min after addition of human serum albumin to cells and rate of degradation was proportional to rate of uptake. Human serum albumin-degradation could be studied without interference of concurrent uptake by separating cells that had been preincubated with human serum albumin from the medium and then reincubating them with human serum albumin-free medium. The lag phase before human serum albumin-degradation starts and the inhibitory effect of chloroquine on degradation indicate that human serum albumin is degraded in lysosomes. The data obtained show that enzymatically prepared nonparenchymal liver cells retain their endocytic activity in vitro. Denatured human serum albumin should be useful both as a marker for rat liver macrophages and for the study of intracellular proteolysis in these cells.  相似文献   

Laminin antigens are known to be present in the blood of normal individuals. In the present study we have investigated the fate of laminin-related molecules in the circulation. After intravenous injection in rats, the native laminin-nidogen complex, as well as the separated proteins, were rapidly eliminated from the blood (half-lives 2-10 min) by the liver. The large laminin fragments E1 and E8 (Mr 400,000 and 280,000 respectively), which contain the major cell-adhesion-promoting activities of laminin, were also cleared from the blood mainly by the liver, but the rate of uptake was an order of magnitude lower for these fragments than for laminin. This indicates that the uptake of laminin did not occur via cell-adhesion receptors. The endothelial cells of liver were the most important cell type in the uptake of laminin-nidogen complex, nidogen, laminin and fragment E1, whereas the parenchymal cells were responsible for more than 50% of the uptake of E8 in the liver. Studies in vitro with cultured liver endothelial cells and parenchymal cells demonstrated that the ligands were endocytosed and degraded independently of plasma factors. The results reveal that the level of laminin antigens in blood is a very complex parameter. It is not only dependent on the turnover of basement membranes, but also on the degree of degradation of the material released into the blood and on the functional state of the liver, particularly the liver endothelial cells.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to measure the concentration of chloroquine in lysosomes isolated from the liver of rats. It employs 3H2O and [U-14C]sucrose to determine the intralysosomal water volume of purified lysosomes obtained by free flow electrophoresis. Twelve h after a single dose, the concentration of chloroquine in lysosomes was 6.3 mM and at 24 h it rose to 16.5 mM. With continued treatment, lysosomal chloroquine concentrations were 61 and 74 mM at 48 and 72 h. The lysosomal concentrations of chloroquine attained were sufficient to block intralysosomal phospholipase A1 activity. The lysosomal content of phospholipid rises 1.7-fold and 2.6-fold over that of control at 12 and 24 h, respectively. At 72 h, lysosomal phospholipid was 3.7-fold greater than that of control. Lysosomes show an increased negative surface charge with chloroquine administration which is due in part to an increased ratio of acidic to neutral phospholipids in the lysosomal membrane. The phosphatidylinositol content of lysosomes rose rapidly with chloroquine treatment and accounted for the early increase in the ratio. Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate, an acidic phospholipid synthesized only in lysosomes, increased later in the course of chloroquine treatment and accounted for the continued increase in acidic phospholipids.  相似文献   

The effect of serum factors other than luteinizing hormone on Leydig cell testosterone secretion was examined using an in vitro bioassay system based on the stimulation of purified adult rat Leydig cells during a 20 h incubation in the presence of a maximal dose of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Charcoal-extracted serum and testicular interstitial fluid (IF) from normal adult male rats were separated into lipoprotein and lipoprotein-deficient fractions by density ultracentrifugation. Stimulatory bioactivity was found in the lipoprotein fraction of both serum and IF, although the levels of lipoprotein and corresponding bioactivity recovered from IF were significantly lower (25%) than those of serum. There was no difference between the effects of serum lipoproteins on Leydig cell testosterone production stimulated by either hCG or dibutyryl cAMP. In time-course studies, the serum lipoprotein fraction had no effect on hCG-stimulated testosterone production in vitro at 3.0 or 6.0 h, but partially prevented the normal decline in hCG-stimulated testosterone production after 6.0 h. In contrast, unfractionated serum was stimulatory at all time-points. In the absence of hCG, the lipoprotein fraction was stimulatory at both 6.0 and 20 h, although not at 3.0 h. The lipoprotein-deficient protein fraction of serum had no effect on hCG-stimulated testosterone production alone, but significantly enhanced the bioactivity of the lipoprotein fraction, and caused a dose-dependent stimulation of testosterone production in the presence of a constant concentration of serum lipoproteins. Both a stimulatory peak of activity (apparent MW 40-80 kDa), and a large MW (> 100 kDa) inhibitor of testosterone production were identified in serum after fractionation by gel filtration (Sephadex G-100). The data indicate that (i) the stimulatory effect of serum on short-term hCG-stimulated Leydig cell testosterone production in vitro is predominantly due to the serum lipoprotein fraction, possibly by providing additional precursors for testosterone synthesis, (ii) the biological activity of the lipoproteins is influenced by both stimulatory and inhibitory serum proteins in addition to luteinizing hormone, and (iii) that serum lipoproteins may be involved in supporting Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Tenascin is a major glycoprotein constituent of the extracellular matrix with a strong affinity to fibronectin; its distribution is believed to be temporarily and spatially limited. Tenascin gene expression is increased during wound healing processes. As repair mechanisms in chronic liver diseases resemble wound healing we studied tenascin gene expression in rat liver and in isolated rat liver cells. In normal rat liver a tenascin specific antiserum stains sinusoidal cells with fiber-like prolongations, which at the same time are desmin-positive (ITO-cells). In the CCl4-acutely-damaged liver a strong tenascin staining is detected in cells located among the mononuclear cells of the inflammatory infiltrates in the areas of necrosis and in cells of the sinusoids. In CCl4-chronically-damaged liver a strong tenascin staining is demonstrable in the connective tissue septa. In both cases, many of the tenascin-positive cells can be identified as desmin-positive by means of the double-staining fluorescence technique. The wall of larger vessels is always tensacin-negative. The staining pattern obtained with a fibronectin-specific antiserum is somewhat comparable with that of tenascin but the vessel wall was positive. hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, ITO-cells and endothelial cells were isolated from rat liver and studied for their capacity to express the tenascin gene. Biosynthetically labeled tenascin was immunoprecipated from supernatants and cell lysates obtained from cultured ITO-cells and to a much lesser extent from intracellular lysates obtained from endothelial cells; its synthesis in ITO-cells increased during the time in culture. Tenascin was also identified immuno-cytochemically in increasing amount in ITO-cells in culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The metabolic turnover of the Hepatic Binding Protein (HBP) was investigated in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. We have already shown that diabetes induced a decreased ligand binding capacity while the immunoreactive HBP was normal. To explore the eventual modifications due to diabetic state upon the turnover of HBP, we followed the in vivo degradation of HBP and its biosynthesis in vitro. After in vivo labelling with L-[3H] leucine and purification of HBP from rat livers, we found a 20% decrease in diabetic HBP half-life. By in vitro incubations of freshly isolated hepatocytes and a 2 h-pulse in the presence of L-[35S] methionine, we showed that diabetes provokes an increased uptake of L-[35S] methionine in hepatocytes allowing an augmented synthesis of HBP although the L-[35S] methionine incorporation into total proteins was less efficient.  相似文献   

Nowadays, many degradable polymers are being used under the form of interference screws to fix the bone-tendon-bone autograft in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. However, little is known about the post-implantation fate of these screws, especially about the formation of crystalline residues which seems to be a critical factor for the success of surgery with temporary implants based on lactic and glycolic acid derived polymers (PLAGA). In an attempt to bring in some new insights, various high molecular weight stereoregular poly(lactide)s (PLAX with X = percentage of L-lactyl units) obtained by ring-opening polymerization of lactides in the presence of zinc-metal (PLA98-Zn), zinc lactate (PLA98-Znlac) or stannous octoate (PLA100-Sn), were processed by injection-molding to make interference screws to be compared. In vivo data were collected from screws implanted in sheep knees with follow ups ranging from 6 months to 5 years. Histology confirmed the heterogeneous degradation mechanism introduced nearly 10 years ago from in vitro investigations of homemade implants having simpler geometry. The effects of the initiator system (zinc- or tin derivatives) used to polymerize the lactide monomer on the properties of injection molded interference screws was also investigated in vitro in a phosphate buffer solution at 37 degrees C. Major differences in terms of hydrophilicity, hydrolysis rate and loss of mechanical properties were observed between PLA-Zinc and PLA-Tin. Discussion of the behavior of interference screws of different compositions was made on the basis of the present understanding of PLAGA morphology and degradation characteristics.  相似文献   

Sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate has been shown to be present in extracts of normal rat liver. Its concentration in this tissue, estimated by colorimetric and enzymatic assays, is in the range of 5–7 nmol/g tissue. The concentration of sedoheptulose 7-phosphate in these extracts was 110 nmol/g tissue. Also present were mono- and bisphosphate esters of d-glycero-d-ido-octulose and d-glycero-d-altro-octulose, in concentrations ranging from 1–10 nmol/g tissue. Sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate may function as a reservoir for erythrose 4-phosphate. The possible origin of the eight-carbon sugars and their function are discussed.  相似文献   

Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-remnants, prepared by extrahepatic circulation of VLDL, labeled biosynthetically in the cholesterol (ester) moiety, were injected intravenously into rats in order to determine the relative contribution of parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells to the hepatic uptake of VLDL-remnant cholesterol (esters). 82.7% of the injected radioactivity is present in liver, measured 30 min after injection. The non-parenchymal liver cells contain 3.1±0.1 times the amount of radioactivity per mg cell protein as compared to parenchymal cells. The hepatic uptake of biosynthetically labeled (screened) low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterolesters amounts to 26.8% and 24.4% of the injected dose, measured 6 h after injection. The non-parenchymal cells contain 4.3±0.8 and 4.1±0.7 times the amount of radioactivity per mg cell protein as compared to parenchymal cells for LDL and HDL, respectively. It is concluded that in addition to parenchymal cells, the non-parenchymal cells play an important role in the hepatic uptake of cholesterolesters from VLDL-remnants, LDL and HDL.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 32P into nuclear nonhistone proteins was compared in rat liver in vivo, in liver slices incubated in vitro, and in isolated nuclei incubated with gamma-[32P]ATP. The highest specific activities of nuclear phosphorproteins were obtained by incubating isolated nuclei. However, the Radioactivity profiles of polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms of these proteins differed from those obtained in vivo or in liver slice experiments. A group of low molecular weight nonhistone proteins exhibited a very high incporation of labelled phosphate. These proteins could be obtained from the interface when the phosphoproteins were isolated by the buffered phenol extraction procedure. Phosphorylated proteins were also obtained from three cytoplasmic fractions (mitochondria, microsomes, and cytosol). The specific activities of these proteins were much lower than of the nuclear phosphoproteins.  相似文献   

Rat liver endothelial cells in primary cultures take up and degrade 125I-labelled human very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) in a saturable fashion at physiological triacylglycerol concentrations. The iodinated VLDL are readily taken up by the freshly isolated endothelial cells and degradation products appear in the medium about 30 min after the addition of VLDL to the cultures. Uptake and degradation at 37 degrees C are effectively inhibited by unlabelled human VLDL, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins and lymph chylomicrons, but only modestly by acetylated LDL. Purified apolipoproteins E and C-III:1 also compete with the uptake of iodinated VLDL, but when degradation was studied for longer periods of time, such a competition could not be demonstrated. This may be due to the fact that the added apolipoproteins become associated with the lipoproteins. In binding experiments at 7 degrees C, iodinated apolipoprotein C III:1 bound to the liver endothelial cells in a manner characteristic of receptor binding with a dissociation constant of 0.5 microM. This binding could not only be inhibited by unlabelled apolipoprotein C-III:1 but also by unlabelled apolipoprotein E. The results indicate that rat liver endothelial cells carry receptors for VLDL and that these recognize the apolipoproteins E, C-III and B on the lipoprotein surface. Considering the large endothelial surface and high blood flow through the liver, significant quantities of lipoproteins can be taken up and degraded, thus influencing the levels of circulating lipoproteins in the in vivo situation.  相似文献   

The present study describes the (xanthine:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC synthesis and degradation of chick liver xanthine dehydrogenase in vivo and in organ cultures. The results indicate that control of xanthine dehydrogenase activity is mediated by changes in the rate of enzyme synthesis, but that degradation rates are unaffected. The results also suggest that xanthine dehydrogenase synthesis occurs through a previously unreported intermediate. Detected in cultures of liver tissue, this intermediate apparently is not converted into an active enzyme. A model of synthesis and degradation for xanthine dehydrogenase proposes that the synthesis of the enzyme is proportional to messenger RNA and includes an inactive enzyme precursor and a second inactive intermediate prior to degradation. Integrated mathematical solutions describing the concentration of intermediates as a function of time can be found explicitly for simple models. The appendix to this paper extrapolates solutions for one-, two- and three-step models to generate a mathematical solution for an 'n'-step model containing 'n' intermediates. The rate constants in the solutions can be found experimentally.  相似文献   

Turbidity developed when phenformin was added to human serum; this turbidity increased in a sigmoidal fashion with rising concentrations of phenformin (5–50 nmole/1). Centrifugation produced clearing of the solution, with collection of particulate matter on the surface of the sera.Extraction of control, and phenformin-treated sera with petroleum ether for 15 min. revealed that cholesterol and triglyceride were responsible for the turbidity. Different sera produced different turbidities with a given concentration of phenformin. No significant simple correlation existed between turbidity and serum cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels. The turbidities, produced by the addition of a constant concentration of phenformin to a series of diluted serum samples, were linearly related to the amount of serum present.The turbidities acquired by purified very-low density (VLDL), low-density (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) fractions with phenformin were additive, and the turbidity of phenformin-treated serum was accounted for by these lipoprotein fractions. Serum free of lipoproteins did not become turbid when exposed to phenformin. Phenformin added to serum which had previously been delipidated, failed to produce turbidity. The turbidity produced by phenformin was reversible, because it could easily be cleared by dialysis.No significant differences in quantitative immunochemical reactivities were observed when control serum was compared with the subnatant of phenformin-treated serum, as determined by single radial immunodiffusion with LDL antibodies.These in vitro observations may be related to the in vivo hypolipidemic action of phenformin on hyperlipidemic subjects.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of rat liver transhydrogenase in vivo and in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biosynthesis of pyridine dinucleotide transhydrogenase, a homodimeric inner mitochondrial membrane redox-linked proton pump, has been studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. Newly synthesized transhydrogenase, having an apparent molecular weight identical to the enzyme of isolated liver mitochondria, was selectively immunoprecipitated from detergent extracts of isolated hepatocytes which were labeled with [35S]methionine. That the enzyme is a nuclear gene product is indicated since 1) synthesis was inhibited by cycloheximide, but not by chloramphenicol and 2) no synthesis could be demonstrated in hepatocyte ghosts which are competent only in mitochondrial translation. In addition to the mature form of the enzyme, a species about 2000 daltons larger was also immunoprecipitated from pulse-labeled cells. The half-life of the larger form during a subsequent chase at 37 degrees C was about 2 min, whereas the mature form was not degraded. The relationship between the two forms of the enzyme was established by in vitro studies. A protein approximately 2000 daltons larger than mature transhydrogenase was immunoisolated from a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system programmed with sucrose gradient fractionated rat liver mRNA. This protein was converted to a species having the same size as mature enzyme after incubation with either intact rat liver mitochondria or a soluble matrix fraction derived from mitoplasts. These studies indicate that transhydrogenase is synthesized in the cytoplasm as a higher molecular weight precursor which is post-translationally processed to the mature protein by a soluble matrix protease during or after membrane insertion.  相似文献   

Isolation and separation of rat liver cells into endothelial, Kupffer, and parenchymal cell fractions were performed at different times after injection of human 125I-acetyl low density lipoproteins (LDL). In order to minimize degradation and redistribution of the injected lipoprotein during cell isolation, a low temperature (8 degrees C) procedure was applied. Ten min after injection, isolated endothelial cells contained 5 times more acetyl-LDL apoprotein per mg of cell protein than the Kupffer cells and 31 times more than the hepatocytes. A similar relative importance of the different cell types in the uptake of acetyl-LDL was observed 30 min after injection. For studies on the in vitro interaction of endothelial and Kupffer cells with acetyl-LDL, the cells were isolated with a collagenase perfusion at 37 degrees C. Pure endothelial (greater than 95%) and purified Kupffer cells (greater than 70%) were obtained by a two-step elutriation method. It is demonstrated that the rat liver endothelial cell possesses a high affinity receptor specific for the acetyl-LDL because a 35-fold excess of unlabeled acetyl-LDL inhibits association of the labeled compound for 70%, whereas unlabeled native human LDL is ineffective. Binding to the acetyl-LDL receptor is coupled to rapid uptake and degradation of the apolipoprotein. Addition of the lysosomotropic agents chloroquine (50 microM) or NH4Cl (10 mM) resulted in more than 90% inhibition of the high affinity degradation, indicating that this occurs in the lysosomes. With the purified Kupffer cell fraction, the cell association and degradation of acetyl-LDL was at least 4 times less per mg of cell protein than with the pure endothelial cells. Although cells isolated with the cold pronase technique are also still able to bind and degrade acetyl-LDL, it appeared that 40-60% of the receptors are destroyed or inactivated during the isolation procedure. It is concluded that the rat liver endothelial cell is the main cell type responsible for acetyl-LDL uptake.  相似文献   

The administration of l-tryptophan to both intact and adrenalectomized animals results in a marked increase in the activity of tyrosine aminotransferase. Maximal increases in enzyme activity are stimulated by doses of l-tryptophan much lower than those required for maximal stimulation of tryptophan oxygenase activity in vivo. When l-tryptophan was administered to animals that had been given cortisone 5 hr earlier, a further sustained increase in enzyme activity was demonstrated. 5-Hydroxy-dl-tryptophan and indole administration in amounts equimolar to l-tryptophan also result in similar increases in activity whereas α-methyl-dl-tryptophan produces little or no increase.Utilizing pulse-labeling in vivo with quantitative immunochemical precipitation of tyrosine aminotransferase by specific antisera, it was demonstrated that the administration of tryptophan caused an increase in enzyme amount with no concomitant increase in the rate of enzyme synthesis. In animals given cortisone, subsequent injections of tryptophan caused the amount of enzyme to continue to increase while both the amount of enzyme in control animals, as well as the rates of synthesis in both tryptophan-treated and control animals, decreased in a parallel fashion. Prelabeling of tyrosine aminotransferase in vivo after the enzyme had been induced with cortisone demonstrated that the subsequent administration of tryptophan caused a marked inhibition in the decay of the radioactive enzyme, as well as in enzyme activity. These data support the proposal that the amino acid, tryptophan, has a special role both in the maintenance of hepatic protein synthesis and in the regulation of specific enzyme degradation in rat liver.  相似文献   

Yeast invertase injected intravenously in rats is rapidly taken up by the liver, reaching levels in that organ of 20% or more of the injected dose in about 12 h. At early time points, the bulk of the liver invertase appears in the sedimentable homogenates but, with time, there is a progressive increase in the fraction in the soluble phase, which remains at a constant proportion as the total hepatic invertase declines. The uptake of polyvinylpyrrolidone by the liver is much slower, as is its redistribution to the soluble fraction of homogenates. Separation of cell types from livers containing the markers revealed that the invertase was almost exclusively in the nonparenchymal cell population, while polyvinylpyrrolidone was distributed relatively indiscriminately between parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells. Measurements of uptake of invertase by liver cell preparations in vitro confirmed that nonparenchymal cells were much more active than parenchymal cells in this regard. Furthermore, the process was saturable with the former cell types and inhibitable by α-methylmannoside. Thus, it may be concluded that the uptake of invertase is via fluid pinocytosis in parenchymal cells and adsorptive pinocytosis in the nonparenchymal cells.  相似文献   

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