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Meza G 《Neurochemical research》2008,33(8):1634-1642
GABA and glutamate have been postulated as afferent neurotransmitters at the sensory periphery inner ear vestibule in vertebrates. GABA has fulfilled the main criteria to act as afferent neurotransmitter but may also be a putative efferent neurotransmitter, mainly due to cellular localization of its synthesizing enzyme glutamate decarboxylase derived from biochemical, immunocytochemical, in situ hybridization and molecular biological techniques, whereas glutamate afferent neurotransmission role is supported mainly by pharmacological evidences. GABA and Glu could also act as afferent co-neurotransmitters based upon immunocytochemical techniques. This multiplicity was not considered earlier and postulates a peripheral modulation of afferent information being sent to higher vestibular centers. In order to make a definitive cellular assignation to these putative neurotransmitters it is necessary to have evidences derived from immunocytochemical and pharmacological experiments in which both substances are tested simultaneously. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ricardo Tapia.  相似文献   

In invertebrates and vertebrates, carotenoids are ubiquitous colorants, antioxidants, and provitamin A compounds that must be absorbed from dietary sources and transported to target tissues where they are taken up and stabilized to perform their physiological functions. These processes occur in a specific and regulated manner mediated by high-affinity carotenoid-binding proteins. In this mini-review, we examine the published literature on carotenoid-binding proteins in vertebrate and invertebrate systems, and we report our initial purification and characterization of a novel lutein-binding protein isolated from liver of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica).  相似文献   

1. The effect of phentolamine on the response properties of insect mechanoreceptors and on the conduction in their axons was examined using electrophysiological techniques. 2. Phentolamine blocked conduction of action potentials along axons, an effect which exhibited 3 characteristics typical of local anesthetics: the effect was frequency-dependent, reversible and varied for nerves with different diameters. 3. The concentration of phentolamine required to block axonal conduction (1-2 x 10(-3) M) was significantly higher than that required to abolish the response of receptors to mechanical stimulation (3-5 x 10(-4) M). 4. All mechanoreceptors that were examined in Locusta migratoria and Periplaneta americana were inactivated by phentolamine (Table 1). The type I receptors (chordotonal, campaniform and hair sensilla) were inactivated within 5-15 min following phentolamine application. The only type II receptor examined (forewing stretch-receptor) underwent a phase of repetitive discharge before being inactivated. 5. Tolazoline and metoclopramide inactivated, like phentolamine, mechanoreceptors at lower concentrations than necessary to block axonal conduction. However, yohimbine and chlorpromazine inactivated mechanoreceptors and blocked axonal conduction at similar concentrations. 6. These findings suggest that phentolamine affects sense-organ specific ionic processes that are more sensitive to the drug than the ionic processes along the axons.  相似文献   

Single mechanoreceptor cells in filiform hair sensilla on the cercus of Acheta domesticus were stimulated adequately by steplike deflections in their plane of least restraint and inadequately by ultrasound. Ultrasound was fed either into the cercus or into the thread-hair as substrate-borne sound of 110–120 kHz. The receptor responds to deflections of the thread-hair (adequate stimuli) with phasic receptor potentials which can be picked up transepithelially. These responses can be either depolarizing (excitatory responses) or hyperpolarizing (inhibitory responses). Ultrasound applied simultaneously or shortly preceding the adequate stimulus reduces both kinds of responses in a graded way. The receptor can respond to ultrasound alone. At small intensities the responses are predominantly inhibitory; with increasing intensity they may become excitatory. In both cases the responses to ultrasound are tonic and do not reach the peak responses to saturating adequate stimuli. The off-effect, which follows adequate stimuli and leads to inhibitory responses after excitatory stimuli and vice versa, typically does not occur or is exitatory at the end of sonication. The observed effects of sonication are totally reversible. The correlation between transepithelial voltage, spike frequencies and spike amplitudes in the unsonicated and sonicated sensilla allows the responses to be attributed to sonication to the same conductance, which is also modulated by adequate stimuli. A model is discussed, according to which ultrasound exerts its effects by facilitating dissipative relaxation in the dendritic membrane, which is assumed to be involved in stimulus-energy transfer.  相似文献   

Directional selectivities of mechanoreceptors that innervate filiform hairs on the crayfish tailfan were investigated with unidirectional, sinusoidal, water-motion stimuli. These recordings provide the first representative sample from filiform hair sensilla on the entire tailfan. The filiform hair receptors exhibit unimodal directional selectivity patterns that were well fitted by a cardioid function with a half-width of 122°. The preferred directions correspond to the major axis of hair motion, and are perpendicular to the orientation of lateral branches on the main hair shaft. Pooled plots of preferred directions demonstrate quadrimodal patterns on the telson and endopods which are associated with hair location, and a bimodal pattern on the exopods. For each appendage, the combination of the overall pattern of preferred directions with “coarse coding” of direction by individual receptors provides sensitivity to a full 0–360° range of water motion and the potential to discriminate the direction of water motion throughout this range. The results demonstrate several similarities to the wind-sensitive cercal receptor system in orthopteroid insects, and suggest that crustacean filiform hair receptors provide a sufficient sensory basis for behavioral orientation to water currents and shorelines. Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Honeybees learn and discriminate excellently between different surface structures and different forms of objects, which they scan with their antennae. The sensory plate on the antennal tip plays a key role in the perception of mechanosensory and gustatory information. It is densely covered with small tactile hairs and carries a few large taste hairs. Both types of sensilla contain a mechanoreceptor, which is involved in the antennal scanning of an object. Our experiments test the roles of the mechanoreceptors on the antennal tip in tactile antennal learning and discrimination. Joints between head capsule and scapus and between scapus and pedicellus enable the bee to perform three-dimensional movements when they scan an object. The role of these joints in tactile antennal learning and discrimination is studied in separate experiments. The mechanoreceptors on the antennal tip were decisive for surface discrimination, but not for tactile acquisition or discrimination of shapes. When the scapus–pedicellus joint or the headcapsule–scapus joint was fixed on both antennae, tactile learning was still apparent but surface discrimination was abolished. Fixing both scapi to the head capsule reduced tactile acquisition.  相似文献   

To distinguish biological molecular processes of osmotic stress occurring in inner medulla, we utilized microarrays to monitor expression profiles. RNAs from three segments (cortex, outer medulla, and inner medulla) of mouse kidney were isolated and applied to microarrays. We found 35 genes expressed highly in inner medulla. Next, microarrays for the RNAs from mouse medullary collecting duct cell line (mIMCD) cells and osmotically adapted mIMCD cells (HT cells) were performed (designed as resistant to 1270mOsm/H(2)O). Of 35 genes highly expressed in inner medulla, 6 genes such as; B-cell translocation gene protein (BTG), myc-basic motif homologue, gelsolin, cell surface glycoprotein, laminin beta2, and tubulo-interstitial nephritis antigen, were also expressed highly in HT cells. Using real-time PCR, we confirmed the expression of six genes. Additionally acute osmotic stress induced the BTG. By comparing the inner medulla to a mIMCD3, we identified genes which respond to acute and chronic hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

This report describes morphological alterations of the chinchilla stria vascularis seen 30 days after exposure to impulse noise. The observed changes included a dramatic increase in strial melanin content which occurred in 7 of 36 animals exposed to electronically synthesized impulses presented in various temporal patterns at either 135 or 150 dB peak SPL. In these animals, densely pigmented areas of stria 1.5 to 3 mm in length were found in the basal cochlear turn. Light and electron microscopic study revealed that these areas contained large numbers of melanin granules situated primarily in pale-staining cells of the middle layer of the stria. Unlike the pigment granules present in normal chinchilla stria, the melanosomes found in the noise-exposed material clearly showed ultrastructural features characteristic of eumelanin. Melanin granules were also observed in marginal and basal cells of the noise-exposed stria. In some cases, pigment granules which had apparently been expelled from the marginal cells were present in the endolymphatic space beneath Reissner's membrane and on the strial surface. These findings support the view that the melanin-bearing cells of the inner ear are capable of markedly increased activity in response to stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Inner ear melanocytes are mainly present in the cochlea, vestibular organ, and endolymphatic sac, but their exact biological function has not been determined. In this investigation, we study the pigment cells in the membranous labyrinth of the gerbil. The inner ear melanocytes of M. unguiculatus show an irregular dendritic shape with cytoplasmic processes. These cells are disposed following the distribution of striai marginal and vestibular dark cells that have an important metabolic activity. Gerbil inner ear melanocytes are characterized by the presence of melanosomes, which are homogeneously dense organelles, of variable size and shape, that are surrounded by a membrane. In these cells, the Golgi apparatus plays a important role in melanin synthesis. When melanocytes were incubated in L-DOPA solution, the vesicles and cisterns of the Golgi apparatus exhibited a positive tyrosinase reaction. An interesting observation is the relation between melanocytes and inner ear capillaries. Sometimes, near to sensory vestibular areas, the melanocytes were in contact with Schwann cells and with myelinated fibres of vestibular nerve. The ultrastructural findings of this investigation are consistent with the hypothesis that melanocytes may have functional significance in the inner ear.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of three isolated primate petrosal fragments from the fossiliferous locality of Chambi (Tunisia), a primate-bearing locality dating from the late early to the early middle Eocene. These fossils display a suite of anatomical characteristics otherwise found only in strepsirhines, and as such might be attributed either to Djebelemur or/and cf. Algeripithecus, the two diminutive stem strepsirhine primates recorded from this locality. Although damaged, the petrosals provide substantial information regarding the ear anatomy of these advanced stem strepsirhines (or pre-tooth-combed primates), notably the patterns of the pathway of the arterial blood supply. Using μCT-scanning techniques and digital segmentation of the structures, we show that the transpromontorial and stapedial branches of the internal carotid artery (ICA) were present (presence of bony tubes), but seemingly too small to supply enough blood to the cranium alone. This suggests that the ICA was not the main cranial blood supply in stem strepsirhines, but that the pharyngeal or vertebral artery primitively ensured a great part of this role instead, an arterial pattern that is reminiscent of modern cheirogaleid, lepilemurid lemuriforms and lorisiforms. This could explain parallel loss of the ICA functionality among these families. Specific measurements made on the cochlea indicate that the small strepsirhine primate(s) from Chambi was (were) highly sensitive to high frequencies and poorly sensitive to low frequencies. Finally, variance from orthogonality of the plane of the semicircular canals (SCs) calculated on one petrosal (CBI-1-569) suggests that Djebelemur or cf. Algeripithecus likely moved (at least its head) in a way similar to that of modern mouse lemurs.  相似文献   

Sato K  Yamashita T  Ohuchi H  Shichida Y 《Biochemistry》2011,50(48):10484-10490
VA/VAL opsin is one of the four kinds of nonvisual opsins that are closely related to vertebrate visual pigments in the phylogenetic tree of opsins. Previous studies indicated that among these opsins, parapinopsin and pinopsin exhibit molecular properties similar to those of invertebrate bistable visual pigments and vertebrate visual pigments, respectively. Here we show that VA/VAL opsin exhibits molecular properties intermediate between those of parapinopsin and pinopsin. VAL opsin from Xenopus tropicalis was expressed in cultured cells, and the pigment with an absorption maximum at 501 nm was reconstituted by incubation with 11-cis-retinal. Light irradiation of this pigment caused cis-to-trans isomerization of the chromophore to form a state having an absorption maximum in the visible region. This state has the ability to activate Gi and Gt types of G proteins. Therefore, the active state of VAL opsin is a visible light-absorbing intermediate, which probably has a protonated retinylidene Schiff base as its chromophore, like the active state of parapinopsin. However, this state was apparently photoinsensitive and did not show reverse reaction to the original pigment, unlike the active state of parapinopsin, and instead similar to that of pinopsin. Furthermore, the Gi activation efficiency of VAL opsin was between those of pinopsin and parapinopsin. Thus, the molecular properties of VA/VAL opsin give insights into the mechanism of conversion of the molecular properties from invertebrate to vertebrate visual pigments.  相似文献   

A fixed combination of aescin and troxerutin has been developed for treating inner ear perfusion problems of different aetiology. The efficacy of this combination is tested versus pentoxyfyllin in a randomized clinical study as group comparison with 34 patients for each group. The improvement of hearing after 40–44 days of treatment is determined as end point of treatment. Hearing was measured by threshold, whereby a difference of more than 10 dB is judged as a significant improvement. After the treatment with the combination of aescin and troxerutin hearing is significantly improved, in 23 of 34 patients the threshold is changed more than 10 dB, which is checked by sign-test with p<0.05. With pentoxyfyllin hearing is also improved, although to a lesser degree. Both drugs are well tolerated, major adverse drug effects are not observed with either treatment.  相似文献   

渗透压反应元件结合蛋白(OREBP)是Rel家族的最新成员,是迄今为止唯一已知的哺乳动物细胞渗透压反应调节因子。它最初是作为一种促进渗透压保护基因表达的蛋白在肾髓质细胞中被发现的。最近研究表明,它在胚胎发育、炎症反应、肌生成、HIV复制以及肿瘤细胞的增殖转移等过程中也发挥了十分重要的作用。然而有关高渗环境下OREBP调控机制的认识还很不完整。许多因素参与了OREBP的调控,这些因素都是高渗环境下激活OREBP所必需的,但又都不能独立完成对OREBP的调控。本文对上述因素在高渗环境下OREBP调控中的作用以及它们之间的相互关系进行了综述。  相似文献   

The response of yeast cells to osmotic pressure variations of the medium were studied through the kinetics of cell-volume modifications corresponding to the mass transfer of water and solutes. Osmotic variations were made by modification of the concentration of an external binary solution (polyol/water) without nutritive components. Two phases were distinguished in the thermodynamic response. A transient phase following an osmotic shift, which is characterised by rapid water transfer across the cell membrane and whose kinetics determine cell viability; then, a steady-state phase is reached when the cell volume becomes quasi-constant. The response of the cell during the transient phase depends on the level of the osmotic stress, and hence of the osmotic pressure of the medium. In the range of weak osmotic pressures, the metabolism of the cell is preserved through the maintenance of the intracellular turgor pressure. On the other hand in the range of high osmotic pressures of the medium, yeast cells behave as osmometers and no further metabolism occurs.  相似文献   

Summary The cochleas from chinchilla inner ears were processed in the cold through Lowicryl K4M, and cured by UV light. Thick (2 m) sections were reacted with primary antibodies raised against actin, and anti-actin antibodies localized by FITC epifluorescence. On thin sections from the same blocks anti-actin antibodies were localized ultrastructurally with secondary antibodies coupled to colloidal gold.In the hair cells, actin was present in the stereocilia and cuticular plate, regions where thin filaments were observed by electron microscopy. Colloidal gold was uniformly distributed over these regions and over the stereocilia rootlets demonstrating that actin was present in this region although previously in permeabilized cells, the rootlet was not decorated with myosin subfragment S-1. Actin was present in the pillar and Deiters supporting cells at the reticular lamina and at the basilar membrane, where a meshwork of thin filaments was seen by electron microscopy. Colloidal gold particles were also localized over the thin processes of the pillar and Deiters cells, and over the region of the Deiters cell which envelops the base of the outer hair cell. In these regions actin co-localized with microtubules along the entire length of the supporting cells.  相似文献   

Soga K  Wakabayashi K  Kamisaka S  Hoson T 《Planta》2004,218(6):1054-1061
Hypergravity caused by centrifugation inhibits elongation growth of shoots by decreasing the cell wall extensibility via suppression of xyloglucan breakdown as well as by the thickening of cell walls. The mechanism of graviperception in hypergravity-induced growth inhibition was investigated in Arabidopsis [A. thaliana (L.) Heynh.] hypocotyls and azuki bean (Vigna angularis Ohwi et Ohashi) epicotyls. Hypergravity caused growth suppression in both sgr1-1 and pgm1, which are Arabidopsis mutants deprived of gravitropism, as in wild-type plants, suggesting that the graviperception in hypergravity-induced growth inhibition of shoots is independent of that in gravitropism. Hypergravity had no effects on growth of azuki bean epicotyls or Arabidopsis hypocotyls in the presence of lanthanum or gadolinium, which are blockers of mechanoreceptors. Moreover, lanthanum or gadolinium at the same concentration had no influence on gravitropism of azuki bean epicotyls and Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Hypergravity had no effects on cell wall extensibility and affected neither xyloglucan metabolism nor the thickness of cell walls in the lanthanum- or gadolinium-treated azuki bean epicotyls. Lanthanum or gadolinium inhibited the hypergravity-induced increase in the pH of the apoplastic fluid in the epicotyls, which is involved in the processes of the suppression of xyloglucan breakdown due to hypergravity. These findings suggest that plants perceive the hypergravity stimuli by mechanoreceptors in the plasma membrane, and utilize the perceived signal to regulate the growth rate of their shoots.Abbreviations HC-I Hemicellulose-I - HC-II Hemicellulose-II  相似文献   

In vitro, streptomycin and amiloride block the mechano-electrical transduction channels in isolated auditory hair cells of mammals and birds. The present in vivo experiments investigate their action in the intact pigeon inner ear. Streptomycin dissolved in artificial endolymph at concentrations between 1.0 and 6.2 mmol/l was applied into the scala media. After a bolus injection (0.09 to 0.36 l) the endocochlear potential (EP) was elevated from 6.8 to 7.9 mV. Similarly applied boli of 0.09 to 0.55 l of amiloride in concentrations of 1–2 mmol/l did not significantly elevate EP (8.7 versus 9.4 mV). Compound action potential (CAP) frequency threshold curves (FTCs) were elevated by both streptomycin and amiloride. The threshold elevation increased with frequency. With streptomycin injection, a complete loss of CAPs was found at frequencies above 1.2 kHz. With amiloride, the loss in sensitivity was 40 dB for the same frequency range. Single fibre recordings showed elevated thresholds and decreased sharpness of tuning with both drugs. With streptomycin, the evoked activity was affected regard-less of stimulation frequencies (above or below the fibre's characteristic frequency). Amiloride, however, preferentially elevated thresholds at frequencies above characteristic frequency. Thus amiloride seems to interfere with hair cell tuning mechanisms. Spontaneous activity decreased by about 30%, following the application of streptomycin. In contrast, injections of amiloride into the scala media were followed by an increase in spontaneous discharge rates.When the drugs were applied into scala tympani, streptomycin reduced CAP amplitudes within 2 min. Amiloride produced no effect if applied into the scala tympani.Abbreviations EP endocochlear potential - CAP compound action potential - FTC frequency threshold curve - CF characteristic frequency - ACh acetylcholin - ECG electro-cardiogram - CM cochlear microphonic - SPL sound pressure level  相似文献   

The fish otolith consists mainly of calcium carbonate and organic matrices, the latter of which may play important roles in the process of otolith formation. We previously identified two otolith matrix proteins, named otolith matrix protein-1 (OMP-1) and otolin-1, from the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and the chum salmon, O. keta. In this study, recombinant proteins corresponding to OMP-1 and otolin-1 were synthesized using yeast and bacterial expression systems, respectively, to produce specific antibodies against each protein. Immunohistochemical analysis using these antisera revealed that in the otoliths of adult fish, OMP-1 and otolin-1 were colocalized along the daily rings possibly formed by alternate deposition of calcium carbonate and organic matrices. In the adult inner ear, OMP-1 was produced at most of the saccular epithelium, while otolin-1 was produced at a limited part of cylindrical cells located at the marginal zone of the sensory epithelium. In the embryonic inner ear, these proteins had already existed in the otolith primordia when calcification had commenced. In addition, otolin-1 was localized in the fibrous materials connecting otolith primordia and sensory epithelium at this stage. These results indicate that these proteins are required as essential components for otolith formation and calcification.  相似文献   

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