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Sixty km2 of the southern Hula Valley (northern Israel) peat lands were flooded in 1994 as part of the Hula Valley Restoration Project. The small, shallow lake (110 ha, mean depth < 1 m) and network of ca. 90 km of canals created were designed to ameliorate problems (e.g., underground fires, soil subsidence, increased nutrient loading downstream to Lake Kinneret) resulting from drying the Lake Hula wetlands in the 1950s. This new wetland area now serves as the focus for developing eco-tourism in northern Israel. The initial development of this new ecosystem has been followed closely by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, with an emphasis on water quality in the new lake and the potential impact of the project on Lake Kinneret. Here we report an overview of developments in general water chemistry of Lake Agmon during its first three years (1994–1996). Water quality in Agmon was within general expectations for a shallow lake situated on peat. The first year of Agmon was characterized by the heavy influence of stream and drainage inflows with high pH, alkalinity, turbidity and electrical conductivity and high concentrations of sulfate and total dissolved solids. By the third year, however, many in lake processes (e.g., nutrient cycling and algal and macrophytic production) were well-developed and thus strongly affected lake water quality. Excessive phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in the lake have led to hypertrophy, characterized by low dissolved oxygen concentrations and prolific blooms of nuisance algae. The management of this new ecosystem in the near future will require persistent, and innovative measures.  相似文献   

For arid-region lakes, management conflicts are likely to occur between quantity and quality of water supplied: increasing quantity of water supply can lead to water quality deterioration. Such conflicts can best be resolved within an effective management program based on awareness and cooperation at all levels of water management from policy makers to experts. We propose a general framework for designing effective water resource management programs for lakes based on concrete definitions of management criteria such as water quality. The proposed system requires close interaction between policy makers, water resource managers, water suppliers and users, hydrological engineers and limnologists. The significance of mathematical modeling as a self-organizing tool of the management program is emphasized, especially with regards to designing limnological investigations directed toward lake management. We illustrate the application of this approach to water resource management in arid-region lakes (Lake Kinneret, Israel and Lake Sevan, Armenia), where artificial variability of lake morphometry due to water use is a forcing function affecting water quality.  相似文献   

1. The photosynthetic efficiencies of the mixotrophic ciliate Ophrydium naumanni and the autotrophic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium paradoxum were investigated using laboratory and field experiments in Lake Moreno Oeste (41°5′S and 71°33′W, 758 m a.s.l.), in the Nahuel Huapi System (North Patagonia, Argentina). 2. The effect of different underwater light intensities on net primary production (NPP) was assessed during one summer. Additionally, laboratory experiments were carried out to obtain photosynthesis‐irradiance response curves for each species. 3. Ophrydium naumanni and G. paradoxum dominated the metalimnetic (30 m depth) deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in the lake. 4. Despite these deep higher abundances, the cell‐specific production of both species was higher at 10 m than at 30 m (DCM) depth. In addition, at 5 m depth, NPP was reduced by PAR + UV‐A radiation. 5. Both species exhibited a positive NPP at very low irradiance but the mixotrophic ciliate was more efficient in exploiting the DCM irradiance level both in situ and at comparable light intensities in laboratory experiments. Light acclimatised O. naumanni showed a higher NPP at lower irradiances and photoinhibition at medium and high irradiances. 6. Under the strong wind‐driven turbulence commonly found in Patagonian lakes, organisms cannot select their position in the epilimnetic water column and will be dragged to potentially harmful UV radiation levels. Thus, metalimnetic DCM colonisation by these two species represents a tradeoff between higher survival and lower cell‐specific NPP.  相似文献   

1. The abundance of cysts of the bloom‐forming dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense in the sediments of Lake Kinneret and the effects of environmental conditions on encystment were studied in relation to bloom dynamics. Peak cyst formation coincided with the highest growth rate of the population, prior to bloom peak. 2. Peridinium cysts were counted in water and sediment corer samples from 2000 to 2003 and in archived sediment trap samples collected during 1993–94. The cyst data were examined in relation to ambient temperature and nutrient records, and revealed no direct correlation. 3. In laboratory encystment experiments with Peridinium cells collected from the lake, 0.2–3% of the vegetative cells encysted. Temperature, light and cell density had no significant effect on the percentage of encystment. 4. Cysts were always present in the lake sediments but their abundance in ‘non Peridinium’ years was much lower than after a massive bloom. Vegetative cells were always present in the water column after the collapse of the annual dinoflagellate bloom, potentially serving as the inoculum for the next bloom. We propose that the hardy cysts serve as an emergency ‘gene bank’ to initiate population build up following catastrophic die outs.  相似文献   

The differential impact of microbial sulfate reduction and methanogenesis on the mineralization of particulate organic carbon (POC) in warm monomictic Lake Kinneret (LK), Israel was studied during three consecutive lake cycles. The hypolimnetic accumulation of total sulfide and dissolved methane was examined in relation to the physical forcing of the water column and the settling flux of particulate matter. With the on-set of thermal stratification in spring, both solutes increased concomitantly with the depletion of oxygen, first in the benthic boundary layer, followed by the upper hypolimnion. Methane production was restricted to the sediments as emphasized by the persistently linear concentration gradient in the hypolimnion. Sulfate reduction occurred both in the sediments and the water column as revealed by the hypolimnetic distribution of sulfide and recurring metalimnetic sulfide peaks. Annual differences in the accumulation pattern of both solutes appeared to be primarily linked to the settling flux of POC and the length of the stratified season. Relatively lower hypolimnetic concentrations of dissolved methane during the stratified season of 2000 coincided with increased ebullition of gaseous methane, likely as the result of a nearly a 2 m drop in the lake level. Overall, sulfate reduction accounted for more than 60% of the POC settling flux, a finding that differs from similar studies made in temperate lakes where methanogenesis was shown to be the primary mode of terminal carbon mineralization. Intensive organic carbon turnover at the sediment water interface and comparatively high sulfate concentrations in LK are the most likely reason.  相似文献   

Tafas  T.  Danielidis  D.  Overbeck  J.  Economou-Amilli  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,344(1-3):129-139
The physical and chemical status of Trichonis – the largestanddeepest natural lake in Greece – is examined over two annualcycles (1985–86 and 1988–89). A correlation between lakenutrientpatterns and phytoplankton biomass is attempted. Limnologicalfeatures are compared with data from other warm and temperatelakes.With regard to its thermal regime, Trichonis is classified asawarm monomictic lake. The lake's stratification pattern andannualheat budget resemble those of other temperate lakes. Trichonisisa carbonate type, low conductivity lake (class II, lowsalinitywarm lake). Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were ratherlow.The inorganic nitrogen content fluctuated widely over the twoannual cycles examined. On the contrary, phosphorusconcentrationsshowed no significant changes. The limiting factor during1985–86was P, while N was limiting during stratification in 1988–89.Aweak correlation was found between the plankton communityfeatures(species abundance, biomass, chlorophyll-a) and lightpenetration. At present the eutrophication process fromoligotrophytowards mesotrophy has not been essentiallyaccelerated.  相似文献   

Based on microstructure measurements of temperature and horizontalcurrent velocity the physical structure in the water column of Lake Kinneretwascharacterized as a five layer system consisting of a surface mixed layer, lowerepilimnion, metalimnion, upper hypolimnion and benthic boundary layer. Usingoxygen and hydrogen sulfide as natural chemical tracers, the time scale ofchemical change was identified in relation to advection, mixing and biologicalprocesses. Rapid changes due to advection that took place on an hourly timescale were removed by referring the data back to the temperature of the water.Biological activity dominated the hydrochemical changes observed in the meta-and upper hypolimnion. These were expressed by DO depletion rates of 2.0 and0.4g m–2 d–1, respectively.Verticaland horizontal mixing were shown to occur on a seasonal time scale. Once thechemical stratification process was completed the slow mixing through thebenthic boundary layer became the limiting factor for subsequent reactions inthe water column.  相似文献   

Link  Jason 《Hydrobiologia》1998,384(1-3):101-110
Lake Torrens, a large ( 6000 km2), episodic, saline playa lake in arid central Australia, filled for the first recorded time in March 1989. This unique event followed unprecedently heavy rain over its catchment. Water remained in the lake until early 1990. Salinities remained low (<40 g l-1) until November 1989, then increased rapidly to >200 g l-1 before the water evaporated completely. Na and Cl probably dominated the ions. Twenty-nine taxa of aquatic animals were recorded. Crustaceans dominated and of these Parartemia minuta (anostracan), Daphniopsis queenslandensis and Moina baylyi (cladocerans), and several species of ostracods were the most important. Other significant taxa included Tanytarsus barbitarsis (chironomid), Brachionus plicatilis (rotifer) and Craterocephalus eyresii (fish). The fauna was dominated by widespread forms that are either part of a distinct assemblage found widely in central Australian salt lakes (especially P. minuta, D. queenslandensis, M. baylyi and Trigonocypris subglobusus [ostracod]), or cosmopolitan forms (B. plicatilis), or forms found widely in Australian salt lakes (e.g. Diacypris compacta, Tanytarsus barbitarsis). However, possibly three new species also occurred: a new species of a new genus of mytilocypridinid, Branchinella nov.sp. and Heterocypris nov. sp. Their occurrence is anomolous. It is suggested that further work will show that they too are widely distributed. Both genera of the latter two taxa are typical of temporary waters and specimens may have been washed in from nearby water-bodies. Sixty-four species of bird were recorded when the lake contained water, many breeding. The breeding of the banded stilt (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus) was notable; breeding of this species had been unknown in South Australia since 1930. A large population built up until breeding was stopped by predation from the silver gull (Larus novaehollandiae). When dry, the lake has a depauperate but well-defined and regionally restricted terrestrial fauna (scorpions, spiders, beetles, ants).  相似文献   

Ian Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(1):69-79
The responses of phytoplankton populations to seasonal changes in radiation flux in two Antarctic lakes with extensive winter ice-cover are described. A phytoplankton capable of photosynthesis was found throughout the year in both systems. During winter, low incident radiation combined with thick layers of snow and ice prevented in situ photosynthesis becoming detectable. The beginning of spring was marked by a reduction in snow cover which resulted in a considerable increase in surface penetrating radiation. Planktonic algae rapidly adapted to utilise these increased levels efficiently, though they still showed characteristics of strong shade adaptation.Loss of ice cover at the start of the short open water period further increased the radiation levels and a summer population developed which was much less shade adapted. Saturation and photoinhibition effects were widespread during this period as the algae proved unable to utilise high radiation levels efficiently. They were however effective at the radiation fluxes prevalent in the lower part of the rapidly circulating water columns.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term investigation of seasonal and interannual variations of plankton in Mono Lake (California), we developed a methodology using airborne imaging spectrometry to synoptically measure chlorophyll concentrations. Images of Mono Lake were acquired with NASA's Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and were atmospherically corrected by applying a version of the radiative transfer model MODTRAN. Using a predictive equation for calculation of chlorophyll based on a band ratio of remote sensing reflectances (R { rs}; R { rs} 490 nm/R { rs} 550 nm), spatial distributions of chlorophyll throughout the lake were determined; broad east to west gradients in chlorophyll and gyres are evident.  相似文献   

Seven large lakes in the Naknek River drainage and four in the Alagnak River drainage within the Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, were surveyed once a summer during the period 1990–92 to determine baseline limnological conditions. All of the lakes are oligotrophic based on Secchi depth (SD) transparency and light penetration. Overall, SD transparency varied from 4.4 m to 17 m, the vertical light extinction coefficient (K d) ranged from 0.411 m-1 to 0.070 m-1 and the depth of 1% light penetration (I1%) varied from 11 m to 67 m. However, because of greater light scattering, the percent of photosynthetic radiation (PAR) at SD was nearly twice as much in Battle Lake (30.4%) and Naknek Lake (32.8%), compared with the other nine lakes (mean 16%). Consequently, the ratio of I1% to SD was about 4 in these two lakes compared to a mean value of 2.6 for the other lakes. However, Battle Lake is a deep blue calcium sulfate lake with little phytoplankton, whereas Naknek Lake contains some inorganic glacial flour and volcanic ash, as well as planktonic algae, but where sampled exhibits minimal turbidity. Biomass of planktonic algae (indexed by total chlorophyll concentration) explained most of the variation in SD (r 2=0.66), K d (r 2=0.75), and I 1% (r 2=0.85). In contrast, neither color nor turbidity were significant predictors of any optical variable. Considering all 11 lakes, there was a significant linear relationship between SD and both K d (r 2=0.80) and I 1% (r 2=0.72); however, most of the unaccounted for variation was attributed to Battle Lake and Naknek Lake. Although changes in water transparency are often linked to changes in algal biomass (chlorophyll), simple measures of SD transparency alone may not be appropriate for assessing whole-scale watershed or regional changes toward oligotrophication or eutrophication in lakes of the remote and pristine Katmai National Park and Preserve.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton community of the Belarus Lakes Naroch, Myastro and Batorino, which have a Trophic State Index of 42.3, 60.7 and 66.8, respectively, underwent drastic changes to their structure during the period between 1968 and 2012. Thanks to an extensive monitoring program, these changes were well-documented and were qualitatively interpreted as signs of the community destabilization. The main objective of this study was the quantification of the ecological stability of the phytoplankton community in the Naroch Lakes. The approach to the quantification of ecological stability was based on defining the stability index as an inverse of the Euclidean Distance between the current and the reference states of the algal community (EuD-approach). The stability of the phytoplankton community was characterized by two indices: a “combined” index (SI[Comb]), and a “total community” index (SI[TotB]). SI[Comb] was calculated based on the individual taxonomic group biomasses and thus characterizes the stability of a community structure. SI[TotB] was calculated based on the values of the total algal biomass. Analyses of the results of this study extended the plausibility of the EuD-approach for the quantification of lake phytoplankton stability and allowed us to identify the dynamics of the stability of the Naroch Lakes phytoplankton. For the Naroch Lakes, we observed relatively larger SI[TotB] values in comparison with the SI[Comb] values. The results enabled us to examine the relationship between the lake trophic status and the stability of the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

Light limitations to algal growth in tropical ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Spatial and temporal variations in algal concentrations are controlled in many aquatic ecosystems by the availability of solar irradiance, rather that nutrients or grazing. In such light limiting conditions, changes in the optical or hydrological characteristics of the water column will directly impact biomass concentrations. Here we develop and test an approach based on the relationship between available solar irradiance within the mixed layer and algal biomass concentrations. 2. As with most nutrient/biomass relationships, an increase in available solar energy favours an increase in biomass when light limitation prevails. The ratio between light/biomass is then used to determine a critical light requirement that can be used to estimate critical depth and compensation irradiance and open the way to exploring how changes in mixing depth and vertical attenuation may influence algal biomass concentrations. 3. This approach is used to describe real conditions in two disparate algal communities; the phytoplankton community in Lake Victoria, East Africa and the microphytobenthos community in the lacustrine system of Esteros del Iberá (South America). 4. Differences in the critical light requirement were used to examine the relative efficiency of the algal communities in their use of available solar energy. The tropical phytoplankton community showed similar energetic requirements to theoretical estimates and were found to be less efficient when compared with the phytobenthos community.  相似文献   

The increase in human development in the downstream portion of the Pyramid Lake drainage basin has resulted in increased nutrient loading to the lake. Since this is a deep, terminal lake, concern over nutrient build up and change in trophic status exists. On the basis of lake chemistry which shows consistently high concentrations of total reactive-P (mean = 55 µg P l–1) relative to dissolved inorganic-N (DIN) (mean = 15 µg N 1–1), it has been hypothesized that Pyramid is N-limited. However, no systematic study of nutrient limitation had been undertaken. Nutrient enrichment bioassays conducted throughout an entire year clearly showed that additions of DIN resulted in a 350–600% stimulation of chlorophyll production. Phosphate, when added singly or in combination with DIN, had no effect. This positive response to N-addition was significant at all times of the year except, (1) immediately after complete lake mixing in February when a large pool of hypolimnetic nitrate was injected into the euphotic zone, and (2) during a fall bloom of the nitrogen fixing species Nodularia spumigena. The positive response to N-addition in the bioassay experiments was strong between March and November. However, the seston exhibited only a gradual depletion of nitrogen relative to carbon over this same period. PN:PC ratios suggested no N-deficiency in phytoplankton biomass in February, March and April, moderate N-deficiency in May, June and July and, severe N-deficiency from August until winter turnover. The appearance of nitrogen fixing blue-green algae in September supports the hypothesis of N-limitation in the summer-autumn. In evaluating the nutrient status of a lake, the concepts of nutrient stimulation versus nutrient deficiency versus nutrient limitation must clearly be defined.This paper is dedicated to G. Evelyn Hutchinson who first visited Pyramid Lake in 1933.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic picoplankton was isolated from Lake Kinneret, Israel. This green picoplankton is spheroidal or ovoidal in shape. The cell wall has a network of ribs on its surface. The chloroplast is cup- or mantel-shaped without a pyrenoid. The morphology and cellular structure of this autosporic alga is identical with Mychonastes homosphaera (Skuja) Kalina et Pun?ochá?ová. The phylogenetic tree based on 18S ribo-somal RNA gene sequence data showed that M. homosphaera is placed in the Chlorophyceae and located at the base of a branch leading to the other algae possessing directly opposed orientation of the flagellar apparatus.  相似文献   

Lake Chisholm is a polyhumic, warm monomictic forest lake in western Tasmania. Its large relative depth and sheltering forest result in nine months stratification. The high humic content is a dominant feature, producing a sharp, shallow thermocline, a shallow euphotic depth (< 1 m) and an underwater light climate dominated by red wavelenghts. The hypolimnion is anoxic and sulphide-laden and even in winter circulation is sluggish. For much of the year the lake resembles a biogenically meromictic lake, and though there is only slight chemical enrichment of the hypolimnion there is nonetheless considerable vertical structure in the water column. Chromophyte flagellates are the dominant algae, a few species often forming monospecific blooms in a sporadic manner. Lake Chisholm is seen as an oceanic, mid-latitude counterpoint to dimictic, polyhumic, flagellate haunts in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

持续常温弱光(25℃/18℃,l00umol m-2 s-1)、低温弱光(12℃/12℃,100 umol m-2 s-1和7℃/7℃,l00μmolm-2s-1)均导致黄瓜生长减慢或停滞、叶绿素含量、气孔导度和净光合速率、光合电子传递速率下降以及胞间CO2浓度上升.常温弱光和12℃弱光处理对光系统II的最大光化学效率Fv/Fm无显著影响,而7℃弱光处理导致Fv/Fm的可逆性下降.常温弱光和7℃、12℃弱光处理均导致了光化学反应速率的降低以及天线热耗散和反应中心过剩能量的增加.在胁迫后,12℃弱光0比7℃弱光更有利于植株光合功能的恢复.  相似文献   

The turnover times of glucose, averaged for 0–10 m in the upper waters of Lake Kinneret and measured by the addition of single or multiple concentrations of substrate, ranged from 23 to 188 hours and 1 to 87 hours respectively. Potential uptake rates (estimated as Vmax) ranged from 0.095 to 1.94 µg glucose l–1h–1, while measured uptake rates varied from 0.09 to 1.1 µg glucose l–1h–1. Concentrations of dissolved carbohydrates and glucose averaged 0.71 mg glucose equivalents l–1 and 39 µg glucose l–1 respectively. No evident relationships between glucose cycling and any fractions of dissolved organic matter, phytoplankton biomass or primary productivity were found. Turnover times were generally most rapid immediately after the decline of the spring Peridinium bloom. The respiration percentage of incorporated glucose ranged from 25% to 61% with highest values during the summer months. Respiration may be influenced by the nature of the indigenous bacterial population as well as by temperature. Daily heterotrophic glucose carbon uptake was about 9% of the photosynthetic incorporation and could provide a bacterial yield of about 7 × 104 ml–1d–1.  相似文献   

Sex ratio (F/M) values of adult Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) populations in Lake Kinneret during 1970 and 1974 showed a periodic pattern of winter (January–March) and summer (August–October) female peaks. It is suggested that water temperature governs the appearance of both peaks but through different pathways.Contribution no. 163, Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd.  相似文献   

Metabolic activities of herbivores zooplankton in Lake Kinneretduring 1972–1977 were analysed, based on experimentaldata. Two multiannual cycles of activity were observed: I-1972-1974;II-1975-1977. Some changes of nutritional value of the grazedmaterial in the 1975–1977 cycle are suggested.  相似文献   

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