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大鼠心肌线粒体内、外膜磷脂动态结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
我们以DPH为荧光探针.用毫微秒荧光分光光度计测定了大鼠心肌线粒体及线粒体内、外膜的动态微细结构;用HPLC分析了磷脂组成.实验结果提示.完整线粒体膜流动性主要反映了线粒体外膜的运动状态.线粒体内膜微粘度及磷脂分子摇动角大于外膜,扩散速率小于外膜.除去了蛋白质的线粒体内、外膜磷脂脂质体膜流动性无明显差异.提示线粒体内膜的高微粘度与膜中所含有的多量蛋白有关.  相似文献   

The surface charge of intact mitochondria and submitochondrial particles was examined by the technique of preparative free flow electrophoresis. When submitochondrial preparations obtained by a swelling-contraction procedure were examined with this technique, two fractions were observed. One of these fractions exhibited the same electrophoretic properties as intact mitochondria, which indicated that it was derived from the outer limiting membrane of the mitochondrion. This fraction was found to contain the enzymes monoamine oxidase and rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase which have been reported to be localized in the outer mitochondrial membrane. The other fraction exhibited an electrophoretic mobility which was different from that of intact mitochondria, and this fraction contained enzymes characteristic of the inner membrane-matrix fraction such as soluble and particulate enzymes of the Krebs cycle. Microsomes exhibited an electrophoretic mobility which was almost identical with that of the outer mitochondrial membrane. In addition to resolving the localization of enzymes in mitochondrial membranes, these data indicate that the outer limiting membrane of the mitochondrion is the sole determinant of the surface charge of mitochondria.  相似文献   

A prediction of the velocity of sedimentation of rat liver mitochondria in sucrose gradients is made on the basis of recent measurements of the size of isolated mitochondria suspended in sucrose medium and the model proposed by Bentzel and Solomon to describe the osmotic behavior of mitochondria. The experimentally observed velocity is extremely close to the predicted value and confirms by a different approach the estimate of mitochondrial volume made by Baudhuin and Berthet on the basis of electron microscopic measurements. Because cortisone treatment of rats is known to result in a marked increase in mitochondrial size as observed under the electron microscope, mitochondria were co-isolated from livers of control and cortisone-treated animals, and the sedimentation behavior of the mixtures was examined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Mitochondria from cortisone-treated animals were found to sediment 1.4 times as rapidly as those from control animals, indicating that their increased size cannot entirely be due to an increased imbibition of fluid from the surrounding sucrose medium, and that the change in size must at least in part be due to a change in content of nondiffusible mitochondrial components. Although the increase in sedimentation velocity of mitochondria from cortisone-treated animals is striking, it is less than that predicted solely on the basis of their size relative to that of control mitochondria. It is concluded that the increases in mitochondrial size and content of nondiffusible components produced by cortisone treatment are accompanied by alterations in mitochondrial composition as well.  相似文献   

Abstract— For the GABA shunt to operate in rivo , GABA must be able to enter brain mitochondria. GABA causes reduction of intra-mitochondrial NAD+; glutamate or 2-oxoglutarate stimulate this reduction at concentrations at which they do not themselves cause reduction. This stimulation is not abolished by Triton X-100. The rates of swelling of brain and liver mitochondria are similar in iso-osmotic GABA and in several analogues. The rate of swelling is proportional to the concentration of GABA in the iso-osmotic suspension medium. GABA penetrates 60% of the mitochondrial matrix volume, this value is unaffected by energizing the mitochondria. The activity of GABA-oxoglutarate aminotransferase is not latent. We conclude that GABA diffuses into both brain and liver mitochondria as a species with no net charge at rates which are able to sustain maximum activity of the GABA shunt.  相似文献   

Through the use of combined spectrophotometric and electron microscope techniques, large amplitude swelling of rat liver mitochondria has been described as an ordered sequence of ultrastructural transitions. Prior to the actual swelling, mitochondria undergo two major conformational changes: condensed to twisted form and twisted to orthodox form. This sequence is independent of (a) the nature of swelling agents and (b) the time of onset of swelling. Agents that delay the onset of swelling act to increase the duration of the twisted conformation. Agents that prevent extensive swelling hold mitochondria in intermediate conformations. Gross swelling, immediately preceded by a decrease in electron opacity of the matrix, involves the rupture of the outer membrane and expansion of the inner compartment of the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

The localization of the enzymes of ketogenesis in isolated rat liver mitochondria has been investigated. Mitochondrial subfractions were isolated after disruption of this subcellular organelle by (a) hypotonic lysis in water, which permitted the ultracentrifugal separation of the soluble and membranous compartments of the mitochondrion, or by (b) a procedure involving swelling, contraction, and ultrasonic treatment, which permitted the isolation from discontinuous sucrose gradients of subfractions rich in intermembrane space protein, outer membrane, and inner membrane-matrix particles. Two membrane subfractions were invariably present as distinct bands at the lower interface of the discontinuous gradient. The upper of these two bands was found to be a highly purified preparation of outer mitochondrial membrane. Subfractions rich in matrix and in inner membrane were isolated from inner membrane-matrix particles after hypotonic treatment. The content of the various mitochondrial compartments in all subfractions was assessed from their enzymic and electron microscopic characteristics. The ketogenic activity of each subfraction was determined by measuring its capacity to form ketone bodies from acetyl CoA. The activity of this process was markedly enhanced by dithiothreitol. These measurements of ketone body formation, together with assays of individual enzymes of the ketogenic pathway, show that thiolase, HMGCoA synthase, and HMGCoA cleavage enzyme are localized in the matrix of the inner membrane-matrix particles. The rates of ketone body formation indicate that the HMGCoA synthase is the rate-limiting enzyme of the pathway in subfractions of high matrix content. Studies with sodium chloride indicate that a large portion of the HMGCoA synthase, which remains present in membrane subfractions derived from water-treated mitochondria, is bound by ionic interaction to component(s) of the membrane.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to determine the effects of parenteral administration of cortisone on mitochondrial numbers of rat liver cells. Observations were made in three ways: (1) after osmic acid fixation and appropriate stain, (2) by phase microscopy on intact cells, (3) by actual enumeration of mitochondria and nuclei to provide data on mitochondria per cell. The results of the experiments indicate that the mitochondria per cell are significantly reduced under the conditions used. Each experimental approach provided similar data, and each tended to support the results obtained from the others.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondria allowed to accumulate maximal amounts of Ca++ and HPO4= ions from the suspending medium in vitro during respiration have a considerably higher specific gravity than normal mitochondria and may be easily separated from the latter by isopycnic centrifugation in density gradients of sucrose or cesium chloride. When the mitochondria are allowed to accumulate less than maximal amounts of Ca++ and HPO4= from the medium, they have intermediate specific gravities which are roughly proportional to their content of calcium phosphate. Maximally "loaded" mitochondria are relatively homogeneous with respect to specific gravity. Correlated biochemical and electron microscopic studies show that Ca++-loaded mitochondria contain numerous dense granules, of which some 85 per cent are over 500 A in diameter. These granules are electron-opaque not only following fixation and staining with heavy metal reagents, but also following fixation with formaldehyde, demonstrating that the characteristic granules in Ca++-loaded mitochondria have intrinsic electron-opacity. The dense granules are almost always located within the inner compartment of the mitochondria and not in the space between the inner and outer membranes. They are frequently located at or near the cristae and they often show electron-transparent "cores." Such granules appear to be made up of clusters of smaller dense particles, but preliminary x-ray diffraction analysis and electron diffraction studies have revealed no evidence of crystallinity in the deposits. The electron-opaque granules decrease in number when the Ca++-loaded mitochondria are incubated with 2,4-dinitrophenol; simultaneously there is discharge of Ca++ and phosphate from the mitochondria into the medium.  相似文献   

运动性内源自由基对大鼠肝线粒体的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用大鼠耗竭游泳作为动物运动模型,用戊巴比妥酸(TBA)法测定脂质过氧化水平,薄层色谱—定磷法测定心磷脂含量,细胞色素C还原法测定细胞色素C氧化酶活性。结果如下:耗竭运动时,肝线粒体脂质过氧化水平升高24%;心磷脂含量下降21%;细胞色素C氧化酶活性下降25%。上述结果表明:耗竭运动时,机体内源自由基的产生是运动损伤和整体疲劳的原因之一。  相似文献   

Suspensions of isolated parenchymal cells were prepared from rat liver by incubation with collagenase and hyaluronidase followed by mechanical treatment. Utilization of 0.15% collagenase together with 0.15% hyaluronidase yielded adequate numbers of cells for experimental purposes. As shown by light and electron microscopy, approximately 75% of the isolated cells retain their structural integrity. The cell suspensions are capable of maintaining endogenous respiration in the presence of 1% albumin for periods of time up to 8 hr. These cell preparations consist almost entirely of parenchymal cells and offer a unique tissue preparation for the study of hepatic metabolism.  相似文献   

Water compartments, permeability, and the possible active translocation of various substances in rat liver microsomes were studied by using radioactive compounds and ultracentrifugation. The total water of the microsomal pellet, 3.4 µl/mg dry weight, is the sum of water in the extramicrosomal and intramicrosomal spaces, or 56 and 44%, respectively. Sucrose space accounts for 77% of the intramicrosomal water and the hydration water ~ 14%, leaving almost no sucrose-impermeable space when using the ultracentrifugation approach. With increasing sucrose concentration, microsomes do not show an osmotic response. The intramicrosomal water decreases greatly in the presence of Cs+ and Mg++ in rough but not in smooth microsomes. Uncharged substances of molecular weight of up to at least 600 freely penetrate microsomal membranes, which already become impermeable to charged substances at a molecular weight of 90. These substances also induce an osmotic response. The vesicles can be made permeable to charged substances after water treatment and cooling, which, however, does not increase glucose-6-phosphatase and inosine diphosphatase (IDPase) activities, and these enzymes can still be activated by deoxycholate. IDPase, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-cytochrome c reductase, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent hydroxylation reactions, performed in vitro, also disproved the hypothesis of an accumulation of charged substances inside of vesicles of being a major pathway. The products of the enzymic reactions as well as the glucuronidated form of a hydroxylated product can be recovered on the cytoplasmic side of membranes, and little accumulation occurs in the intravesicular compartment.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the fixation of isolated rat liver mitochondria was undertaken. If the criterion is adopted that after processing, the mitochondria should resemble as closely as possible rat liver mitochondria in situ, the procedure found to produce such preservation was that of fixation in suspension in veronal-buffered 2% potassium permanganate. Fixation in osmium tetroxide produced variable results, while mitochondria fixed in glutaraldehyde were contracted. We suggest that in cases where fixation procedures modify the morphological appearance of mitochondria, the significance of such changes must be treated with caution.  相似文献   

Rat liver rough microsomes were labeled enzymatically with 125I using lactoperoxidase and glucose oxidase. In intact microsomes only proteins exposed on the outside face of the microsomal membrane were iodinated. Low concentrations of detergent (0.049% deoxycholate) were used to allow entrance of the iodination system into the vesicles without disassembling the membranes. This led to iodination of the soluble content proteins and to an increased labeling of the membrane proteins. The distribution of radioactivity in microsomal proteins was analyzed after separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Most membrane proteins were labeled when intact microsomes were iodinated. No major membrane proteins were exclusively labeled in the presence of low detergent concentrations or after complete membrane disassembly. Therefore it is unlikely that there are major membrane proteins, other than glycoproteins, present only on the inner membrane face or completely embedded within the microsomal membrane. Microsomal proteins were also labeled by incubating rough microsomes with [3H]-NaBH4 after reaction with pyridoxal phosphate. Microsomal membranes were permeable to these small molecular weight reagents as shown by the fact that proteins in the vesicular cavity as well as membrane proteins were labeled with this system.  相似文献   

STUDY OF MITOCHONDRIA IN RAT LIVER : Quantitative Electron Microscopy   总被引:2,自引:13,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The electron microscope has been used to determine the weight distribution of isolated subcellular particles from normal rat liver. The following results are reported: (1) There exist at least two well defined weight populations of subcellular particles; their respective median weights are 1.3 x 10-14 and 11 x 10-14 gm. The lighter fraction is considered to consist of lysosomes, the heavier of mitochondria. (2) The mitochondrial fraction shows a log-normal distribution of the particle weight. (3) By the introduction of morphologic criteria, the mitochondrial fraction is divided into two groups, one consisting of a spherical, the other of an oblong type of particle. The data found support the following concepts: (a) Mitochondria increase their weight from a certain size up by linear growth. (b) Mitochondria divide. The division is not necessarily symmetric; in all cases, however, one part of the division product is a spherical particle. It is felt that these results constitute a valuable demonstration of the general capabilities of quantitative electron microscopy and may stimulate many other useful applications of this technique in cytology, bacteriology, and virology.  相似文献   

The vacuolar surface of Nitella is covered with a non-aqueous film too thin to be visible as a separate membrane. The motion of the protoplasm may subject this film to a good deal of mechanical disturbance. Apparently this does not rupture the film for no dye escapes into the protoplasm as the result of such disturbance when the vacuolar sap is deeply stained with neutral red or brilliant cresyl blue. When the deeply stained central vacuole breaks up into several smaller vacuoles, leaving the outer protoplasmic surface in its normal position, there is no evidence of the escape of dye into the protoplasm through the film surrounding the vacuole.  相似文献   

Treatment of the inner membrane matrix fraction of rat liver mitochondria with the nonionic detergent Lubrol WX solubilized about 70% of the total protein and 90% or more of the following matrix activities: malate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP). The Lubrol-insoluble fraction was enriched in cytochromes, phospholipids, and a Mg++-stimulated ATPase activity. Less than 2% of the total mitochondrial activity of monoamine oxidase, an outer membrane marker, or adenylate kinase, an intracristal space marker could be detected in this inner membrane fraction. Electron micrographs of negatively stained preparations showed vesicles (≤0.4 µ diameter) literally saturated on the periphery with the 90 A ATPase particles. These inner membrane vesicles, which appeared for the most part to be inverted with respect to the normal inner membrane configuration in intact mitochondria, retained the succinicoxidase portion of the electron-transport chain, an intact phosphorylation site II with a high affinity for ADP, and the capacity to accumulate Ca++. A number of biochemical properties characteristic of intact mitochondria and the inner membrane matrix fraction, however, were either absent or markedly deficient in the inner membrane vesicles. These included stimulation of respiration by either ADP or 2,4-dinitrophenol, oligomycin-sensitive ADP-ATP exchange activity, atractyloside sensitivity of adenine nucleotide requiring reactions, and a stimulation of the Mg++-ATPase by 2,4-dinitrophenol.  相似文献   

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