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DNA sequencing by capillary electrophoresis has been reviewed with an emphasis on progress during the last four years. The effects of sample purification, composition of sieving matrices, electric field strength, temperature, wall coating and DNA labeling on the DNA sequencing performance are discussed. Multicapillary array instrumentation is compared with one-capillary systems. Integrated systems that perform the whole DNA sequencing operation online starting from the DNA amplification through base calling and data processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiwavelength detection of laser induced fluorescence for dideoxynucleotide DNA sequencing with four different fluorophores and separation by capillary gel electrophoresis is described. A cryogenically cooled, low readout noise, 2-dimensional charge-coupled device is used as a detector for the on-line, on-column recording of emission spectra. The detection system has no moving parts and provides wavelength selectivity on a single detector device. The detection limit of fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides meets the high sensitivity requirements for capillary DNA sequencing largely due to the efficient operation of the CCD detector with a 94% duty cycle. Using the condition number as a selectivity criterion, multiwavelength detection provides better analytical selectivity than detection with four bandpass filters. Monte Carlo studies and analytical estimates show that base assignment errors are reduced with peak identification based on entire emission spectra. High-speed separation of sequencing samples and the treatment of the 2-dimensional electropherogram data is presented. Comparing the DNA sequence of a sample separated by slab gel electrophoresis with sequence from capillary gel electrophoresis and multiwavelength detection we find no significant difference in the amount of error attributable to the instrumentation.  相似文献   

D Chen  H R Harke    N J Dovichi 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(18):4873-4880
We report a modification to the peak-height encoded DNA sequencing technique of Tabor and Richardson. As in the original protocol, the sequencing reaction uses modified T7 polymerase with manganese rather than magnesium to produce very uniform incorporation of each dideoxynucleoside. To improve sequencing accuracy, two fluorescently labeled primers are employed in separate sequencing reactions. As an example, one sequencing reaction uses a FAM-labeled primer with dideoxyadenosine triphosphate and dideoxycytosine triphosphate; the concentrations of ddATP and ddCTP are adjusted to produce a 2:1 variation in the relative intensity of fragments. The second sequencing reaction uses a TAMRA labeled primer with dideoxythymidine triphosphate and dideoxyguanidine triphosphate; the concentrations of ddTTP and ddGTP are adjusted to produce a 2:1 variation in relative intensity of fragments. The pooled reaction products are separated by capillary gel electrophoresis and identified by one of three different detector systems. Use of a 2:1 peak height ratio typically produces a sequencing accuracy of 97.5% for the first 350 bases; a 3:1 peak height ratio improves accuracy to 99.5% for the first 400 bases. For these experiments, capillary electrophoresis is performed at an electric field of 200 V/cm; two to three hours are required to separate sequencing fragments up to 400 nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

The progress of antisense DNA therapy demands development of reliable and convenient methods for sequencing short single-stranded oligonucleotides. A method of phosphorothioate antisense DNA sequencing analysis using UV detection coupled to capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been developed based on a modified chain termination sequencing method. The proposed method reduces the sequencing cost since it uses affordable CE-UV instrumentation and requires no labeling with minimal sample processing before analysis. Cycle sequencing with ThermoSequenase generates quantities of sequencing products that are readily detectable by UV. Discrimination of undesired components from sequencing products in the reaction mixture, previously accomplished by fluorescent or radioactive labeling, is now achieved by bringing concentrations of undesired components below the UV detection range which yields a 'clean', well defined sequence. UV detection coupled with CE offers additional conveniences for sequencing since it can be accomplished with commercially available CE-UV equipment and is readily amenable to automation.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of an electric field strength gradient on DNA sequencing efficiency using capillary array electrophoresis. Several types of gradients were applied to DNA sequencing and tested in terms of read length and accuracy. Our original method improved the accuracy of DNA sequencing for longer fragments at high temperature.  相似文献   

We report a capillary-based DNA sequencing read length of 100 bases in 16 min using end-labeled free-solution conjugate electrophoresis (FSCE) with a monodisperse poly-N-substituted glycine (polypeptoid) as a synthetic drag-tag. FSCE enabled rapid separation of single-stranded (ss) DNA sequencing fragments with single-base resolution without the need for a viscous DNA separation matrix. Protein-based drag-tags previously used for FSCE sequencing, for example, streptavidin, are heterogeneous in molar mass (polydisperse); the resultant band-broadening can make it difficult to obtain the single-base resolution necessary for DNA sequencing. In this study, we synthesized and HPLC-purified a 70mer poly-N-(methoxyethyl)glycine (NMEG) drag-tag with a molar mass of - 11 kDa. The NMEG monomers that comprise this peptoid drag-tag are interesting for bioanalytical applications, because the methoxyethyl side chain's chemical structure is reminiscent of the basic monomer unit of polyethylene glycol, a highly biocompatible commercially available polymer, which, however, is not available in monodisperse preparation at an - 11 kDa molar mass. This is the first report of ssDNA separation and of four-color, base-by-base DNA sequencing by FSCE through the use of a chemically synthesized drag-tag. These results show that high-molar mass, chemically synthesized drag-tags based on the polyNMEG structure, if obtained in monodisperse preparation, would serve as ideal drag-tags and could help FSCE reach the commercially relevant read lengths of 100 bases or more.  相似文献   

The application of recombinant-DNA methods for the production of therapeutic proteins has, over the past decade, driven the development of new technology for the analysis and characterization of biological molecules. High performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) has generated enormous interest among biochemists, analytical chemists and chromatographers, and is emerging as an extremely high-resolution separation technique, that may rival high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in its efficiency and breadth of application.  相似文献   

The LIGA (Lithographie Galvanoformung Abformung) process using synchrotron radiation lithography is applied to the microfabrication of capillary array electrophoresis (CAE) device. Laser-induced fluorescence detection system for the CAE device has been constructed by the modification of laser confocal fluorescence microscopy. DNA molecules were detected during migrating in the microchannels filled with polymer separation matrices under electric field to optimize the separation conditions for DNA analysis. Based on this observation, we demonstrated that microfabricated CAE device is realized the fast separation of DNA.  相似文献   

Fluorescently labeled deoxynucleotides were used for internal labeling of DNA sequencing fragments generated in a two-color peak-height encoded protocol. Sequenase and a manganese-containing buffer were used to generate uniform peak heights. Tetramethyl rhodamine - dATP was used in a labeling step, followed by termination with ddATP and ddCTP in a 3:1 ratio. Fluorescein - dATP was used in a second reaction, followed by termination with ddGTP and ddTTP in a 3:1 ratio. The fragments were pooled and separated by capillary gel electrophoresis. The results were compared with peak-height encoded sequencing based on fluorescently labeled primers. The dye-labeled primers produced higher resolution separations for shorter fragments. However, dye-labeled primer fragments suffered from an earlier onset of biased reptation and produced shorter sequencing reads. Fragments from 50 to at least 500 bases in length could be sequenced with the internal labels.  相似文献   

Rapid DNA sequencing by horizontal ultrathin gel electrophoresis.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A horizontal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis apparatus has been developed that decreases the time required to separate the DNA fragments produced in enzymatic sequencing reactions. The configuration of this apparatus and the use of circulating coolant directly under the glass plates result in heat exchange that is approximately nine times more efficient than passive thermal transfer methods commonly used. Bubble-free gels as thin as 25 microns can be routinely cast on this device. The application to these ultrathin gels of electric fields up to 250 volts/cm permits the rapid separation of multiple DNA sequencing reactions in parallel. When used in conjunction with 32P-based autoradiography, the DNA bands appear substantially sharper than those obtained in conventional electrophoresis. This increased sharpness permits shorter autoradiographic exposure times and longer sequence reads.  相似文献   

Elkin C  Kapur H  Smith T  Humphries D  Pollard M  Hammon N  Hawkins T 《BioTechniques》2002,32(6):1296, 1298-1300, 1302
We have developed an automated purification method for dye-terminator-based DNA sequencing products using a magnetic bead approach. This 384-well protocol generates sequence fragments that are essentially free of template DNA, salt, and excess dye-terminator products. In comparison with traditional ethanol precipitation protocols, this method uses no centrifugation, is rapid, completely automated, and increases the phred-20 read length by an average of 40 bases. To date, we have processed over 4 million samples with 94% averaging 641 phred-20 bases on the MegaBACE 1000 and 4000 and the ABI PRISM 3700 capillary instruments.  相似文献   

An integrated system with a nano-reactor for cycle-sequencing reaction coupled to on-line purification and capillary gel electrophoresis has been demonstrated. Fifty nanoliters of reagent solution, which includes dye-labeled terminators, polymerase, BSA and template, was aspirated and mixed with the template inside the nano-reactor followed by cycle-sequencing reaction. The reaction products were then purified by a size-exclusion chromatographic column operated at 50°C followed by room temperature on-line injection of the DNA fragments into a capillary for gel electrophoresis. Over 450 bases of DNA can be separated and identified. As little as 25 nl reagent solution can be used for the cycle-sequencing reaction with a slightly shorter read length. Significant savings on reagent cost is achieved because the remaining stock solution can be reused without contamination. The steps of cycle sequencing, on-line purification, injection, DNA separation, capillary regeneration, gel-filling and fluidic manipulation were performed with complete automation. This system can be readily multiplexed for high-throughput DNA sequencing or PCR analysis directly from templates or even biological materials.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing with direct blotting electrophoresis.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
S Beck  F M Pohl 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(12):2905-2909
A method for transferring the DNA molecules of sequencing reaction mixtures onto an immobilizing matrix during electrophoresis has been developed. A blotting membrane moves with constant speed across the end of a very short, denaturing gel and collects the molecules according to size. A constant distance between bands for molecules differing in length by one nucleotide is obtained over a large range (approximately 600 nucleotides with a 5% gel), simplifying the determination of DNA sequences considerably. Reliable sequences of 500 nucleotides can be read and sequence features up to greater than 1000 nucleotides are revealed in a single experiment. The sequencing of a potential Z-DNA-forming fragment from Escherichia coli DNA is given as an example and possible further developments are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents a mathematical approach that allows one to determine the shortest electrophoresis time and migration path length required for DNA sequencing. The calculation was applied to the capillary electrophoresis of a DNA sequencing separation and showed that acceptable resolution could be obtained using a shorter path length than anticipated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to observe the motions and configurations of large DNA molecules undergoing capillary electrophoresis (CE). A simple device to perform CE horizontally under microscopic observation is designed and images of single DNA molecules inside the capillary are obtained using an epi-fluorescence microscope. DNA molecules moved towards the negative electrode when an electric field was applied. The mobilities of three types of DNA (T4 and lambda bacteriophage DNA and PBR322 plasmid DNA) were measured at different electric field strength. The mobility vs. electric field strength curves of these three large DNAs showed that the mobility remained constant at high electric field strength (200-600 Volt/cm) and increased significantly at low electric field strength (less than or equal to 50 Volt/cm.). The apparent mobilities of the large DNA molecules were independent of molecular weight. At electric field strengths greater than or equal to 400 Volt/cm., big aggregates (snowballs) of DNA molecules formed and moved upstream towards the positive electrode. When the field was turned off, the aggregates dissociated into a cloud of single DNA molecules, and diffused into the solution.  相似文献   

This work deals with annealing of single-stranded DNA and the binding of a serum respond factor to a DNA probe containing specific binding site. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) method is explored and compared with the mobility-shift gel electrophoresis (GE) procedure. The results indicate the CE method offers direct and rapid annealing of the DNA strands. It requires no prior incubation with additives (polynucleotides, proteins) to reduce nonspecific DNA-protein interactions. Unwanted nonspecific interactions are not observed in the CE method. The presence of a fluorescein tag to the DNA probe yields identical results to those with the radioactive label. A fluorescein tag in the CE work can be used without any adverse effects. The dissociation constant (Kd) of this protein-DNA complex by the CE method was similar to those determined by the GE method (approximately 10(-6) M). The proposed method is extremely powerful, highly sensitive, quantitative, and fast. It can determine even very small conformational differences of the DNA probe.  相似文献   

The Human Genome has been sequenced in large part owing to the invention of capillary electrophoresis. Although this technology has matured enough to allow such amazing achievements, the physical mechanisms at play during separation have yet to be completely understood and optimized. Recently, new separation regimes and new physical mechanisms have been investigated. The use of free-flow electrophoresis and new modes of pulsed-field electrophoresis have been suggested, while we have observed a shift towards single nucleotide polymorphism analysis and microchip technologies. A strong theoretical basis remains essential for the efficient development of new methods.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic separation of oligonucleotides in denaturing polyacrylamide gels is primarily a function of length-dependent mobility. The 3' terminal nucleotide sequence of the oligonucleotide is a significant, secondary determinant of mobility and separation. Oligomers with 3'-ddT migrate more slowly than expected on the basis of length alone, and thus are better separated from the preceding, shorter oligomers in the sequencing ladder. Oligomers with 3'-ddC are relatively faster than expected, and are therefore less separated. At the 3' penultimate position, -dC- increases and -dT- reduces separation. Purines at the 3' terminal or penultimate positions of oligonucleotides affect separation less than the pyrimidines. These results suggest specific interactions among neighboring nucleotides with important effects on the conformation of oligonucleotides during electrophoresis. These interactions are compared to compression artifacts, which represent more extreme anomalies of length-dependent separation of oligonucleotides. Knowledge of base-specific effects on electrophoretic behavior of DNA oligomers supplements the usual information available for determination of sequences; additionally it provides an avenue to thermodynamic and hydrodynamic investigations of DNA structure.  相似文献   

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