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利用多重PCR反应同时筛选番茄Cf-9和Tm-1基因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用同一PCR反应体系,对分别与番茄抗叶霉病的Cf-9基因和抗番茄烟草花叶病毒病的Tm-1基因紧密连锁的PCR标记进行了同时扩增筛选,扩增的特异性片段与单引物扩增片段吻合。其中与Cf-9基因紧密连锁的CAPs标记在抗感试材均可扩增出560bp的特异片段,且都存在TaqⅠ酶切位点,抗病基因型酶切后分别产生了450bp、330bp和290bp的不同特异性片段,而感病基因型试材酶切后产生450bp和290bp的特异性片段;与Tm-1基因紧密连锁的SCAR标记为显性标记,只有抗病试材产生750bp的特异片段,不能被TaqⅠ酶切。经反复验证,结果稳定准确,可用于在同一PCR反应体系中对两个抗病基因进行同时筛选鉴定。该体系的建立不仅省时、省工、节省费用,而且可用于苗期辅助选育,加快番茄抗病育种进程。  相似文献   

番茄蔗糖代谢关键基因的分子生物学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
姜晶  李天来 《生物技术》2005,15(1):82-85
蔗糖代谢相关的酶类主要有转化酶、蔗糖合成酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶。该文着重对番茄中这些酶的编码基因表达与转基因方面的近期研究进行分析评述。  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important vegetable crops in the world. However, the tomato production is severely affected by many diseases. The use of host resistance is believed to be the most effective approach to control the pathogens. In this study, a total of 1003 resistance‐like genes were identified from the tomato genome using individual full‐length search and conserved domain verification approach. Of the predicted resistance genes, serine/threonine protein kinase was the largest class with 384 genes followed by 212 genes encoding receptor‐like kinase, 107 genes encoding receptor‐like proteins, 68 genes encoding coiled‐coil–nucleotide‐binding site (NBS)–leucine‐rich repeat (LRR) and 19 genes encoding Toll interleukin‐1 receptor domain‐NBS‐LRR. Physical map positions established for all predicted genes using the tomato WGS chromosomes SL2.40 information indicated that most resistance‐like genes clustered on certain chromosomal regions. Comparisons of the sequences from the same resistance‐like genes in S. pimpinellifolium and S. lycopersicum showed that 93.5% genes contained single nucleotide polymorphisms and 19.7% genes contained insertion/deletion. The data obtained here will facilitate isolation and characterization of new resistance genes as well as marker‐assisted selection for disease resistance breeding in tomato.  相似文献   

The conditions required for the electroporation of a plasmidwhich harbored the gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase(CAT) into protoplasts from cultivated tomato leaves were optimizedat 666 or 7,000 V/cm (single discharge) using a 47-µFcapacitor in the presence of 10-100 µg DNA. The CAT genewas strongly expressed by when under the control of the promoterfor the 35S RNA from cauliflower mosaic virus and CAT activitywas detected in cells 10 days after electroporation. (Received July 28, 1988; Accepted March 23, 1989)  相似文献   

TNAC是一组茄科植物特有的NAC基因,目前尚未见有关番茄TNAC基因的报道。前期研究中,我们将来自于番茄、拟南芥和水稻三个物种的NAC蛋白构建进化树,发现有一分支仅包含番茄的26个SlNAC蛋白,本研究对其进一步鉴定和分析。结果显示,其中10个SlNAC蛋白具备TNAC典型序列特征。进而,采用实时定量PCR分析番茄TNAC基因在不同组织器官中的表达情况及对不同胁迫处理的响应模式。除一个番茄TNAC基因的转录产物未被检测到之外,2个在所有器官中均表达,7个均显示出明显的器官特异性。分别用250 mmol·L-1 NaCl、15% PEG 6000和4℃处理番茄幼苗后,8个TNAC基因对至少一种胁迫有明显的响应。研究结果为预测这些SlNACs的生物学功能提供重要线索,也为深入理解这类茄科植物特有的NAC基因扮演的角色提供新的资料。  相似文献   

根据前期耐盐芯片研究提供的两条EST序列设计引物,利用RACE技术从番茄耐盐品种Edkawi中克隆了其5’和3’片段,并拼接成全长cDNA,分别命名为SISRGl和SISRG2。两个基因序列在GenBank中的登录号为EU670751和EU670752,其大小分别为1300bp和1810bp,编码蛋白分别为309和499个氨基酸。半定量RT,PCR表明SISRGl在番茄茎、叶、花中表达较强,在所检测的其它组织中表达很弱,SISRG2在叶和花中表达量最高,其次为茎和根,在果实中表达微弱。盐胁迫表达谱结果显示SISRGl在盐处理的Edkawi中缓慢增强,SISRG2则在盐胁迫后表达迅速增强,在未进行盐胁迫的对照中,两个基因的表达趋势均为减弱。本研究为番茄抗逆研究提供了新的候选基因资源。  相似文献   

番茄复三螺旋基因响应外源激素和非生物胁迫的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复三螺旋(double trihelix)基因在植物形态建成和植株抗逆性方面发挥关键作用。该研究以番茄自交品种AC++为试验材料,运用生物信息学方法与qRT PCR技术对5个复三螺旋成员(SlGTL1~SlGTL5)在番茄体内不同器官的表达模式、以及基因对激素与非生物胁迫的响应进行表达分析,以探讨番茄复三螺旋基因的功能。结果表明:(1)生物信息学分析显示,番茄中含有5个复三螺旋基因(SlGTL1~SlGTL5);进化树分析表明,番茄复三螺旋基因具有物种特异性。(2)qRT PCR分析显示,番茄SlGTL3基因在根和茎中特异表达,其他4个基因均在果实中较高表达,表明不同番茄复三螺旋基因的表达具有组织特异性。(3)激素诱导表达结果显示,SlGTL1只响应ABA(1种)激素,而SlGTL5基因可响应4种激素,且速度较快。(4)非生物胁迫诱导证实,SlGTL3、SlGTL5基因可响应盐胁迫,SlGTL3~SlGTL5基因可响应极端温度,SlGTL3和SlGTL4基因可响应机械损伤;SlGTL1、SlGTL4和SlGTL5可响应脱水胁迫。研究认为,SlGTL3的功能可能与植株形态建成和非生物胁迫有关,其他4个基因的功能可能与果实的发育有关;推测SlGTL1可能与ABA信号途径有关,SlGTL5快速响应多种激素,可能位于信息传递的节点,其功能可能与信号传递有关。  相似文献   

In a previous study, tomato race 3 (T3) strains of Xanthomonas perforans became predominant in fields containing both X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans races T1 and T3, respectively. This apparent ability to take over fields led to the discovery that there are three bacteriocin-like compounds associated with T3 strains. T3 strain 91-118 produces at least three different bacteriocin-like compounds (BCN-A, BCN-B, and BCN-C) antagonistic toward T1 strains. We determined the relative importance of the bacteriocin-like compounds by constructing the following mutant forms of a wild-type (WT) T3 strain to evaluate the antagonism to WT T1 strains: Mut-A (BCN-A), Mut-B (BCN-B), Mut-C (BCN-C), Mut-AB, Mut-BC, and Mut-ABC. Although all mutant and WT T3 strains reduced the T1 populations in in planta growth room experiments, Mut-B and WT T3 were significantly more effective. Mutants expressing BCN-B and either BCN-A or BCN-C reduced T1 populations less than mutants expressing only BCN-A or BCN-C. The triple-knockout mutant Mut-ABC also had a significant competitive advantage over the T1 strain. In pairwise-inoculation field experiments where plants were coinoculated with an individual mutant or WT T3 strain and the T1 strain, the mutant strains and the WT T3 strain were reisolated from more than 70% of the lesions. WT T3 and Mut-B were the most frequently reisolated strains. In field experiments where plants were group inoculated with Mut-A, Mut-B, Mut-C, Mut-ABC, and WT T1 and T3 strains, Mut-B populations dominated all three seasons. In greenhouse and field experiments, the WT and mutant T3 strains had a selective advantage over T1 strains. Bacterial strains expressing both BCN-A and BCN-C appeared to have a competitive advantage over all other mutant and WT strains. Furthermore, BCN-B appeared to be a negative factor, with mutant T3 strains lacking BCN-B having a selective advantage in the field.  相似文献   

The wild tomato species Solanum chilense and S. peruvianum are a valuable non-model system for studying plant adaptation since they grow in diverse environments facing many abiotic constraints. Here we investigate the sequence evolution of regulatory regions of drought and cold responsive genes and their expression regulation. The coding regions of these genes were previously shown to exhibit signatures of positive selection. Expression profiles and sequence evolution of regulatory regions of members of the Asr (ABA/water stress/ripening induced) gene family and the dehydrin gene pLC30-15 were analyzed in wild tomato populations from contrasting environments. For S. chilense, we found that Asr4 and pLC30-15 appear to respond much faster to drought conditions in accessions from very dry environments than accessions from more mesic locations. Sequence analysis suggests that the promoter of Asr2 and the downstream region of pLC30-15 are under positive selection in some local populations of S. chilense. By investigating gene expression differences at the population level we provide further support of our previous conclusions that Asr2, Asr4, and pLC30-15 are promising candidates for functional studies of adaptation. Our analysis also demonstrates the power of the candidate gene approach in evolutionary biology research and highlights the importance of wild Solanum species as a genetic resource for their cultivated relatives.  相似文献   

Closing gaps in our current knowledge about biological pathways is a fundamental challenge. The development of novel computational methods along with high-throughput experimental data carries the promise to help in the challenge. We present an algorithm called MORPH (for module-guided ranking of candidate pathway genes) for revealing unknown genes in biological pathways. The method receives as input a set of known genes from the target pathway, a collection of expression profiles, and interaction and metabolic networks. Using machine learning techniques, MORPH selects the best combination of data and analysis method and outputs a ranking of candidate genes predicted to belong to the target pathway. We tested MORPH on 230 known pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana and 93 known pathways in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and obtained high-quality cross-validation results. In the photosynthesis light reactions, homogalacturonan biosynthesis, and chlorophyll biosynthetic pathways of Arabidopsis, genes ranked highly by MORPH were recently verified to be associated with these pathways. MORPH candidates ranked for the carotenoid pathway from Arabidopsis and tomato are derived from pathways that compete for common precursors or from pathways that are coregulated with or regulate the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Leaf mold of tomato is caused by the biotrophic fungus Cladosporium fulvum which complies with the gene-for-gene system. The disease was first reported in Japan in the 1920s and has since been frequently observed. Initially only race 0 isolates were reported, but since the consecutive introduction of resistance genes Cf-2, Cf-4, Cf-5 and Cf-9 new races have evolved. Here we first determined the virulence spectrum of 133 C. fulvum isolates collected from 22 prefectures in Japan, and subsequently sequenced the avirulence (Avr) genes Avr2, Avr4, Avr4E, Avr5 and Avr9 to determine the molecular basis of overcoming Cf genes. Twelve races of C. fulvum with a different virulence spectrum were identified, of which races 9, 2.9, 4.9, 4.5.9 and 4.9.11 occur only in Japan. The Avr genes in many of these races contain unique mutations not observed in races identified elsewhere in the world including (i) frameshift mutations and (ii) transposon insertions in Avr2, (iii) point mutations in Avr4 and Avr4E, and (iv) deletions of Avr4E, Avr5 and Avr9. New races have developed by selection pressure imposed by consecutive introductions of Cf-2, Cf-4, Cf-5 and Cf-9 genes in commercially grown tomato cultivars. Our study shows that molecular variations to adapt to different Cf genes in an isolated C. fulvum population in Japan are novel but overall follow similar patterns as those observed in populations from other parts of the world. Implications for breeding of more durable C. fulvum resistant varieties are discussed.  相似文献   

Abscission facilitates growth and reproduction and improves plant defenses against pathogens. This tightly regulated process is triggered by environmental cues and hormones such as ethylene and auxin. Because auxin is crucial for abscission, auxin response factors (ARFs) may play important roles in this process. Here, we examined changes in gene expression during abscission in tomato, focusing on regulation of genes encoding ARFs. Specifically, we analyzed the pattern of ARF gene expression in tomato flower pedicel explants treated with ethylene, the ethylene blocker 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), or auxin to determine how auxin and ethylene affect ARF gene expression. In addition, we examined the spatial and temporal distribution of IAA during abscission by examining transgenic tomato plants expressing an IAA-inducible promoter fused to the GUS reporter gene (the P5::GUS ‘Chico III’ line). Flower removal from the explants quickly induced abscission by ethylene, which was inhibited by exogenous auxin or 1-MCP. During early abscission, auxin (or 1-MCP) regulated the expression of various ARFs, including ARF1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8-1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 13-1, 14, and 17, whereas ethylene had the opposite effect on most of these genes. Further analysis shows that during this stage, auxin may mediate the expression of ARF8-1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 13-1, and 14, whereas ethylene may mediate ARF13-1. During the later stage of abscission, ARF2, 8, 10, 11, and 19 were upregulated, and 8-1, 12, 13, and 13-1 were downregulated, compared with nonabscising parts of plants. Fluorometric GUS analysis indicated that GUS activity in the abscission zone remained stable at 4 h and sharply decreased after 8 h until abscission was complete (32 h).  相似文献   

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