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Jiggins FM  Tinsley MC 《Genetics》2005,171(3):1115-1124
Sex-ratio-distorting microbes are common parasites of arthropods. Although the reasons they have invaded and spread though populations are well understood, their subsequent dynamics within those populations are virtually unknown. We have found that different strains of a male-killing Rickettsia bacterium infecting the beetle Adalia bipunctata are associated with distinct mitochondrial haplotypes, which is expected as both the mitochondria and the bacteria are maternally transmitted. These mitochondrial haplotypes shared a common ancestor >2 million years ago, and their overall diversity is significantly greater than expected under neutrality from comparisons with a nuclear gene. Furthermore, a variety of statistical tests show strong deviations from neutrality in mitochondrial but not in nuclear genes. We therefore conclude that natural selection is probably maintaining a polymorphism of different Rickettsia strains in this species. Despite the age of the different mitochondrial haplotypes, there is very little genetic diversity within them. Furthermore, there is considerable variation in mitochondrial haplotype and bacterial strain frequency between populations, despite it being thought that this species has fairly low levels of population structure. We conclude that the fitness of these male killers may be negatively frequency dependent or different strains may be favored in different populations. These hypotheses await experimental confirmation.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is an endosymbiotic bacterium widely present in arthropods and animal-parasitic nematodes. Despite previous efforts, it has never been identified in plant-parasitic nematodes. Random sequencing of genes expressed by the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis resulted in several sequences with similarity to Wolbachia genes. The presence of a Wolbachia-like endosymbiont in this plant-parasitic nematode was investigated using both morphological and molecular approaches. Transmission electron microscopy, fluorescent immunolocalisation and staining with DAPI confirmed the presence of the endosymbiont within the reproductive tract of female adults.16S rDNA, ftsZ and groEL gene sequences showed that the endosymbiont of R. similis is distantly related to the known Wolbachia supergroups. Finally, based on our initial success in finding sequences of this endosymbiont by screening an expressed sequence tag (EST) dataset, all nematode ESTs were mined for Wolbachia-like sequences. Although the retained sequences belonged to six different nematode species, R. similis was the only plant-parasitic nematode with traces of Wolbachia. Based on our phylogenetic study and the current literature we designate the endosymbiont of R. similis to a new supergroup (supergroup I) rather than considering it as a new species. Although its role remains unknown, the endosymbiont was found in all individuals tested, pointing towards an essential function of the bacteria.  相似文献   

Endosymbiotic bacteria from the genus Bacillus were isolated from different compartments of the gut of various members of insects (Hexapoda) and millipedes (Diplopoda). They were grown in submerged culture and investigated by biological assays and HPLC-diode array analysis regarding their production of bioactive metabolites, which were isolated and determined in structure. Known compounds and yet unknown derivatives from the primary metabolism were detected, as well as antibacterially and antifungally acting peptide antibiotics.  相似文献   

The extent and biological relevance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in eukaryotic evolution remain highly controversial. Recent studies have demonstrated frequent and large-scale HGT from endosymbiotic bacteria to their hosts, but the great majority of these transferred genes rapidly become nonfunctional in the recipient genome. Here, we investigate an ancient HGT between a host metazoan and an endosymbiotic bacterium, Wolbachia pipientis. The transferred gene has so far been found only in mosquitoes and Wolbachia. In mosquitoes, it is a member of a gene family encoding candidate receptors required for malaria sporozoite invasion of the mosquito salivary gland. The gene copy in Wolbachia has substantially diverged in sequence from the mosquito homolog, is evolving under purifying selection, and is expressed, suggesting that this gene is also functional in the bacterial genome. Several lines of evidence indicate that the gene may have been transferred from eukaryotic host to bacterial endosymbiont. Regardless of the direction of transfer, however, these results demonstrate that interdomain HGT may give rise to functional, persistent, and possibly evolutionarily significant new genes.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of antibiotics involved in bacterial DNA, RNA and protein synthesis and host protein synthesis on the early infection process of the bacterium Holospora obtusa, a macronucleus-specific symbiont of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum. Infection of the host macronucleus by the bacterium was not inhibited by mitomycin C, rifampicin and chloramphenicol. However, ingestion of the bacterium into the host digestive vacuoles and escape of the bacterium from the vacuoles to the host cytoplasm were significantly arrested with emetine. The results suggest that newly synthesized host proteins play an important role in the early infection process.  相似文献   

Lee J  Shin SC  Kim SJ  Kim BK  Hong SG  Kim EH  Park H  Lee H 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(11):3010-3011
Sphingomonas sp. strain PAMC 26617 has been isolated from an Arctic lichen Umbilicaria sp. on the Svalbard Islands. Here we present the draft genome sequence of this strain, which represents a valuable resource for understanding the symbiotic mechanisms between endosymbiotic bacteria and lichens surviving in extreme environments.  相似文献   

The bacterium Holospora obtusa is a macronuclear-specific symbiont of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum. H. obtusa-bearing paramecia could survive even after the cells were quickly heated from 25 degrees C to 35 degrees C. To determine whether infection with H. obtusa confers heat shock resistance on its host, we isolated genes homologous to the heat shock protein genes hsp60 and hsp70 from P. caudatum. The deduced amino acid sequences of both cDNAs were highly homologous to hsp family sequences from other eukaryotes. Competitive PCR showed that H. obtusa-free paramecia expressed only trace amounts of hsp60 and hsp70 mRNA at 25 degrees C, but that expression of hsp70 was enhanced immediately after the cells were transferred to 35 degrees C. H. obtusa-bearing paramecia expressed high levels of hsp7O mRNA even at 25 degrees C and the level was further enhanced when the cells were incubated at 35 degrees C. In contrast, the expression pattern of hsp60 mRNA was the same in H. obtusa-bearing as in H. obtusa-free paramecia. These results indicate that infection with its endosymbiont can confer a heat-shock resistant nature on its host cells.  相似文献   



Wolbachia (wBm) is an obligate endosymbiotic bacterium of Brugia malayi, a parasitic filarial nematode of humans and one of the causative agents of lymphatic filariasis. There is a pressing need for new drugs against filarial parasites, such as B. malayi. As wBm is required for B. malayi development and fertility, targeting wBm is a promising approach. However, the lifecycle of neither B. malayi nor wBm can be maintained in vitro. To facilitate selection of potential drug targets we computationally ranked the wBm genome based on confidence that a particular gene is essential for the survival of the bacterium.  相似文献   

A thermophilic sulfate-reducing vibrio isolated from thermal vent water in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA is described. The gram-negative, curved rod-shaped cells averaged 0.3 m wide and 1.5 m long. They were motile by means of a single polar flagellum. Growth was observed between 40° and 70 °C with optimal growth at 65 °C. Cultures remained viable for one year at 27 °C although spore-formation was not observed. Sulfate, thiosulfate and sulfite were used as electron acceptors. Sulfur, fumarate and nitrate were not reduced. In the presence of sulfate, growth was observed only with lactate, pyruvate, hydrogen plus acetate, or formate plus acetate. Pyruvate was the only compound observed to support fermentative growth. Pyruvate and lactate were oxidized to acetate. Desulfofuscidin and c-type cytochromes were present. The G+C content was 29.5 mol%. The divergence in the 16S ribosomal RNA sequences between the new isolate and Thermodesulfobacterium commune suggests that these two thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria represent different genera. These two bacteria depict a lineage that branches deeply within the Bacteria domain and which is clearly distinct from previously defined phylogenetic lines of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Strain YP87 is described as the type strain of the new genus and species Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii. Yellowstone Lake (Wyoming, USA) is located within one of the most tectonically active regions in the world (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). Hydrothermal springs, hot gas fumaroles and elevated substrata temperatures have been observed within the lake itself (e.g., Remsen et al. 1990). Hydrothermal vent waters were reported to be anoxic, high in dissolved nutrients relative to the lake water and to have temperatures in excess of 80 °C (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). Sulfate concentrations averaged 380 M in vent waters and 80 M in bulk lake water (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). On the basis of on these physical and chemical characteristics, and the observation (e.g., Zeikus et al. 1983) that microbial sulfate reduction is prevalent in the thermal aquatic environments of Yellowstone National Park, we hypothesized that hydrothermal vent waters in Yellowstone Lake could support the growth of thermophilic sulfate reducers.Here we describe the general characteristics of a new thermophilic sulfate reducing bacterium, Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii, which was isolated from hydrothermal vent water in Sedge Bay of Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA. In addition, we report on the phylogenetic relationship of this new isolate with other thermophilic and mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria.Dedicated to the memory of Friedhelm Bak  相似文献   

The secondary intracellular symbiotic bacterium (S-symbiont) of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum was investigated to determine its prevalence among strains, its phylogenetic position, its localization in the host insect, its ultrastructure, and the cytology of the endosymbiotic system. A total of 14 aphid strains were examined, and the S-symbiont was detected in 4 Japanese strains by diagnostic PCR. Two types of eubacterial 16S ribosomal DNA sequences were identified in disymbiotic strains; one of these types was obtained from the primary symbiont Buchnera sp., and the other was obtained from the S-symbiont. In situ hybridization and electron microscopy revealed that the S-symbiont was localized not only in the sheath cells but also in a novel type of cells, the secondary mycetocytes (S-mycetocytes), which have not been found previously in A. pisum. The size and shape of the S-symbiont cells were different when we compared the symbionts in the sheath cells and the symbionts in the S-mycetocytes, indicating that the S-symbiont is pleomorphic under different endosymbiotic conditions. Light microscopy, electron microscopy, and diagnostic PCR revealed unequivocally that the hemocoel is also a normal location for the S-symbiont. Occasional disordered localization of S-symbionts was also observed in adult aphids, suggesting that there has been imperfect host-symbiont coadaptation over the short history of coevolution of these organisms.  相似文献   

Spiroplasma poulsonii is a vertically transmitted endosymbiont of Drosophila melanogaster that causes male‐killing, that is the death of infected male embryos during embryogenesis. Here, we report a natural variant of S. poulsonii that is efficiently vertically transmitted yet does not selectively kill males, but kills rather a subset of all embryos regardless of their sex, a phenotype we call ‘blind‐killing’. We show that the natural plasmid of S. poulsonii has an altered structure: Spaid, the gene coding for the male‐killing toxin, is deleted in the blind‐killing strain, confirming its function as a male‐killing factor. Then we further investigate several hypotheses that could explain the sex‐independent toxicity of this new strain on host embryos. As the second non‐male‐killing variant isolated from a male‐killing original population, this new strain raises questions on how male‐killing is maintained or lost in fly populations. As a natural knock‐out of Spaid, which is unachievable yet by genetic engineering approaches, this variant also represents a valuable tool for further investigations on the male‐killing mechanism.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) occurs when one predator species attacks another predator species with which it competes for a shared prey species. Despite the apparent omnipresence of intraguild interactions in natural and managed ecosystems, very few studies have quantified rates of IGP in various taxa under field conditions. We used molecular analyses of gut contents to assess the nature and incidence of IGP among four species of coccinellid predators in soybean fields. Over half of the 368 predator individuals collected in soybean contained the DNA of other coccinellid species indicating that IGP was very common at our field site. Furthermore, 13.2% of the sampled individuals contained two and even three other coccinellid species in their gut. The interaction was reciprocal, as each of the four coccinellid species has the capacity to feed on the others. To our knowledge, this study represents the most convincing field evidence of a high prevalence of IGP among predatory arthropods. The finding has important implications for conservation biology and biological control.  相似文献   

Molecules in the midgut of the tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidiae) are thought to play an important role in the life cycle of African trypanosomes by influencing their initial establishment in the midgut and subsequent differentiation events that ultimately affect parasite transmission. It is thus important to determine the molecular composition of the tsetse midgut to aid in understanding disease transmission by these medically important insect vectors. Here, we report that the most abundant protein in the midguts of teneral (unfed) Glossina morsitans morsitans is a 60 kDa molecular chaperone of bacterial origin. Two species of symbiotic bacteria reside in the tsetse midgut, Sodalis glossinidius and Wigglesworthia glossinidia. To determine the exact origin of the 60 kDa molecule, a protein microchemical approach involving two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry was used. Peptide mass maps were compared to virtual peptide maps predicted for S. glossinidius and W. glossinidia 60 kDa chaperone sequences. Four signature peptides were identified, revealing that the source of the chaperone was W. glossinidia. Comparative 2-D gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting further revealed that this protein was localized to the bacteriome and not the distal portion of the tsetse midgut. The possible function of this highly abundant endosymbiont chaperone in the tsetse midgut is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine biologically important effects of the cytoplasmic endosymbiont Wolbachia, two substrains of the same Drosophila melanogaster strain have been studied, one of them infected with Wolbachia and the other treated with tetracycline to eliminate the bacterium. Female D. melanogaster infected with Wolbachia are more resistant to the fungus Bauveria bassiana (an insect pathogen) than uninfected females; infected females also exhibited changes in oviposition substrate preference. Males infected with the bacterium are more competitive than uninfected males. The possible role of Wolbachia in the formation of alternative ecological strategies of D. melanogaster is discussed.  相似文献   

Reproductive manipulations of hosts by maternally inherited bacterial endosymbionts often result in an increase in the proportion of infected female hosts in the population. When this involves the conversion of incipient males to genetic or functional females, it presents unique difficulties for symbionts invading hosts with sex-specific reproductive behaviours, such as the autoparasitic Encarsia pergandiella. In sexual forms of this species, female eggs are laid in whitefly nymphs and male eggs are laid in conspecific or heterospecific parasitoids developing within the whitefly cuticle. Further, eggs laid in the 'wrong' host do not ordinarily complete development. This study explored the role of a bacterial symbiont, Cardinium, in manipulating oviposition behaviour in a thelytokous population of E. pergandiella. Oviposition choice was measured by the number and location of eggs deposited by both infected and uninfected adult waSPS in arenas containing equal numbers of hosts suitable for the development of male and female waSPS. Uninfected waSPS included antibiotic-treated female waSPS and (untreated) daughters of antibiotic-treated female waSPS. The choices of waSPS in the thelytokous population treatments were compared with those of a conspecific sexual population. We found that offspring of antibiotic-cured thelytokous waSPS reverted to the behaviour of unmated sexual waSPS, laying their few eggs almost exclusively in hosts appropriate for male eggs. Infected thelytokous waSPS distributed their eggs approximately evenly between host types, much like mated sexual female waSPS. The antibiotic-treated female waSPS exhibited choices intermediate to waSPS in the other two treatments. The change in the observed behaviour appears sufficient to allow invasion and persistence of Cardinium in sexual populations. Lastly, our results suggest a reduction in host discrimination as a possible mechanism by which Cardinium influences this change.  相似文献   

Abstract A novel caldoactive filamentous bacterium was isolated from a New Zealand hot spring. Optimum conditions for growth were pH 7.0 and 73°C in aerobic conditions. Growth also occurred anaerobically. Acetamide, lactose, nitrilotriacetic acid, succinate and starch could all act as sole carbon source. Carotenoids could be extracted and had a peak absorbance at 450 nm. The organism was Gram-negative.
Long chains of cells were formed and showed characteristic coiling, necridia, and bulbs. The organism is compared to other caldoactive filamentous organisms and is sufficiently different to make it probable that it represents a new taxonomic group capable of life at high temperatures.  相似文献   

蚜虫与体内布赫纳氏菌及其次生共生菌的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李献辉  李保平 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):443-447
对蚜虫与其内共生细菌共生关系的研究进展进行综述。布赫纳氏菌Buchnera普遍存在于蚜虫体内特殊的菌胞中,与蚜虫形成专性共生关系,为宿主蚜虫提供多种必需氨基酸和B族维生素。蚜虫体内的菌胞数量是一个动态变量,受蚜虫体内、外环境因子的影响。在某些蚜虫体内菌胞中还发现有若干种类次生共生细菌,其功能尚不完全清楚,可能与蚜虫的生态学特征有关。对蚜虫与其体内共生菌相互关系的研究提出一些新的问题。  相似文献   

Hydrogen-oxidizing acetogenic bacteria in pure culture are presently represented by the two mesophilic species, Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium aceticum. From Lake Kivu we have isolated a Gram negative, chemolithotrophic, thermophilic anaerobe (LKT-1) that oxidizes hydrogen and reduces carbon dioxide to acetic acid. It is a non-motile, non-sporeforming rod, about 0.7m in width and 2–7.5m in length, often occuring in pairs or chains. The cell wall has a banded appearance; the surface layer contains a regular array of particles with six-fold rotational symmetry. No outer membrane is present. The temperature optimum for growth is 66°C, and the pH optimum is 6.4. Organic growth substrates include glucose, mannose, fructose, pyruvate, and formate; acetate is the principal product. The doubling time for growth on hydrogen and carbon dioxide is about 2h. Vitamins are neither required nor stimulatory. Yeast extract and Trypticase enhance the final yield but do not affect the growth rate. Cysteine or sulfide are required and cannot be replaced by thioglycolate or dithiothreitol. LKT-1 was mass cultured on hydrogen and carbon dioxide in a 24.1 fermentor with a yield of 34g (wet weight) of cells. The DNA base composition as determined by buoyant density is 38 mol % guanine plus cytosine. LKT-1 appears only distantly related to physiologically similar bacteria. A new genus Acetogenium is proposed, and the species is Acetogenium kivui.  相似文献   

Summary A bacterium, isolated from a Danish watercourse, was studied with special regard to nitrogen fixing ability, and it was found that this strain was able to fix elemental nitrogen in amounts up to 1.6 mg. per g. of carbohydrate decomposed. This nitrogen-fixing ability was confirmed definitively by an isotope experiment. Free oxygen was found to have a clearly depressing effect on nitrogen fixation.The systematic position of this bacterium is difficult to establish with certainty, but in all probability it belongs to the genusAchromobacter Bergey et al., although not identical with any of the species described inBergeys Manual (1948).  相似文献   

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