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The complete nucleotide sequence of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid CloDF13   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete nucleotide sequence of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid CloDF13 has been determined. The plasmid consists of 9957 base pairs (molecular weight 6.64 X 10(6] with a GC content of 54.4%. At this moment 16 identified biological functions can be assigned to the primary structure of the CloDF13 DNA. The functions include those of eight protein encoding genes, two untranslated RNA species, and six DNA sites. We discuss these functions in relation to the structure of CloDF13 DNA. For convenience we have divided the CloDF13 genome into five defined regions: region I (origin of vegetative replication, priming and control of replication, type I incompatibility), region II (cloacin DF13, cloacin immunity, cloacin release, cloacin operon control), region III (double-stranded DNA-phage interaction, type II incompatibility, multimer resolution), region IV (inhibition of male specific RNA phages and transfer of Flac), and region V (mobility proteins, basis of mobility).  相似文献   

Cells carrying the thermosensitive nrdA101 allele are able to replicate entire chromosomes at 42°C when new DNA initiation events are inhibited. We investigated the role of the recombination enzymes on the progression of the DNA replication forks in the nrdA101 mutant at 42°C in the presence of rifampin. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), we demonstrated that the replication forks stalled and reversed during the replication progression under this restrictive condition. DNA labeling and flow cytometry experiments supported this finding as the deleterious effects found in the RecB-deficient background were suppressed specifically by the absence of RuvABC; however, this did not occur in a RecG-deficient background. Furthermore, we show that the RecA protein is absolutely required for DNA replication in the nrdA101 mutant at restrictive temperature when the replication forks are reversed. The detrimental effect of the recA deletion is not related to the chromosomal degradation caused by the absence of RecA. The inhibition of DNA replication observed in the nrdA101 recA mutant at 42°C in the presence of rifampin was reverted by the presence of the wild-type RecA protein expressed ectopically but only partially suppressed by the RecA protein with an S25P mutation [RecA(S25P)], deficient in the rescue of the stalled replication forks. We propose that RecA is required to maintain the integrity of the reversed forks in the nrdA101 mutant under certain restrictive conditions, supporting the relationship between DNA replication and recombination enzymes through the stabilization and repair of the stalled replication forks.  相似文献   

Excretion of cloacin DF13 was studied in Escherichia coli cells harboring different CloDF13 insertion and deletion mutant plasmids. Insertions of a transposon at position 9.8 or 11.5% of the CloDF13 plasmid blocked the expression of gene H and strongly reduced the specific excretion of cloacin DF13 into the culture medium, but had no effect on the production of cloacin DF13. Insertions in or deletions of regions of the CloDF13 DNA upstream the cloacin operon did not affect the excretion or production of the bacteriocin. Introduction of a CloDF13 plasmid that encodes for the gene H product in cells harboring a CloDF13 plasmid with an insertion in gene H stimulated the excretion of cloacin DF13 significantly in mitomycin C-induced and in noninduced cultures. Cloacin DF13 in cloacinogenic cells that did not produce the gene H protein was found to be about 90% located in the cytoplasm. In cells that did produce the gene H product, about 30% of the cloacin DF13 molecules were found in the cytoplasm, about 18% were found in the periplasm, about 2% were in the membranes, and about 50% were located in the culture supernatant. Cyclic AMP stimulated the production but not the excretion of cloacin DF13 in cells cultivated in the presence of glucose.  相似文献   

The production and the mechanism of excretion of cloacin DF13 were investigated in noninduced and mitomycin C-induced cell cultures. A mitomycin C concentration was selected which did not cause lysis of cloacinogenic cells, but at the same time induced a maximal production of cloacin DF13. Native cloacin DF13, possessing killing activity, was first released into the cytoplasm. Shortly thereafter, the bacteriocin was transported through the cytoplasmic membrane and accumulated in the periplasm. Finally, cloacin DF13 was excreted into the culture medium. A small amount of cloacin DF13 remained associated with the cell surface. Producing cells did not become permeable for the cytoplasmic enzyme beta-galactosidase. Apparently the cloacin DF13 leaves the producing cells by an excretion process which is not similar to the mechanism proposed for bacterial secretory proteins. The processes of excretion by producing cells and of uptake by susceptible cells were also not identical because mutant cloacin DF13, which was not transported through the outer membrane into susceptible cells, was excreted like the wild-type cloacin DF13. The composition of the culture medium greatly affected production of cloacin DF13. The presence of sugars known to cause catabolite repression not only inhibited the production but also strongly reduced the excretion of cloacin DF13 into the culture medium.  相似文献   

Summary Approximately 200,000 clones of Escherichia coli carrying mutagen-treated colicinogenic plasmid E1 (ColE1) were examined for irreversible loss of the plasmid at 43°. Thirty of these clones that appeared to be most defective in plasmid DNA replication at the non-permissive temperature were selected for the study of: (a) the kinetics of plasmid and chromosomal DNA replication during a temperature shift in either the presence or absence of chloramphenicol; (b) the temperature stability of the plasmid DNA-protein relaxation complex; and (c) the temperature effect on F-promoted conjugal transfer. Two mutant plasmids, pJC307 and pJC301, showed defects in their relaxation complex. The relaxation complex of pJC307 exhibited an altered temperature stability in vitro. Reversion to temperature resistant replication resulted in four out of five cases in a concomitant change in the temperature stability of the relaxation complex. Conjugal mobility of this mutant was not markedly reduced at the permissive or non-permissive temperature. Plasmid pJC301 could not be isolated in the form of a relaxation complex and it was very poorly mobilized in an F-promoted conjugation. These results indicate that the ColE1 plasmid codes for at least one of the proteins of the relaxation complex and that the relaxation complex is involved in ColE1 DNA replication. In addition, the properties of the mutant plasmid pJC301 are consistent with a role for the complex in the mobilization of ColE1 during conjugation.  相似文献   

The incompatibility properties of IncFII R plasmid NR1 were compared with those of two of its copy number mutants, pRR12 and pRR21. pRR12 produced an altered incompatibility product and also had an altered incompatibility target site. The target site appeared to be located within the incompatibility gene, which is located more than 1,200 base pairs from the plasmid origin of replication. The incompatibility properties of pRR21 were indistinguishable from those of NR1. Lambda phages have been constructed which contain the incompatibility region of NR1 or of one of its copy mutants fused to the lacZ gene. In lysogens constructed with these phages, beta-galactosidase was produced under the control of a promoter located within the plasmid incompatibility region. Lysogens containing prophages with the incompatibility regions from pRR12 and pRR21 produced higher levels of beta-galactosidase than did lysogens containing prophages with the incompatibility region from the wild-type NR1. The introduction into these inc-lac lysogens of pBR322 plasmids carrying the incompatibility regions of the wild-type or mutant plasmids resulted in decreased levels of beta-galactosidase production. For a given lysogen, the decrease was greater when the pBR322 derivative expressed a stronger incompatibility toward the plasmid from which the fragment in the prophage was derived. This suggested that the incompatibility product acts on its target to repress gene expression in the plasmid replication region.  相似文献   

Summary We determined the effect of various Bacillus subtilis dna(Ts) mutations on pUB110 and chromosomal replication. Leading strand DNA synthesis of pUB110, starting by a nick at the plasmid replication origin (oriU), is performed by DNA polymerase III, since replication is blocked at non-permissive temperature in thermosensitive mutants dnaD, dnaF, dnaH and dnaN known to cause thermosensitivity of the various subunits of DNA polymerase III. When the lagging strand origin (oriL) is exposed, the DnaG protein (DNA primase) alone, or in association with unknown protein(s) binds asymmetrically to oriL to form a primer that is also extended by DNA polymerase III. In oriL - plasmids like pBT32, leading and lagging strand DNA syntheses are decoupled from each other. The DnaB protein, that is not required for pUB110 replication, may be associated with priming at a second unidentified lagging strand origin on pBT32. At non-permissive temperature, the dnaC30 and dnaI2 mutations affect both pUB110 and chromosomal DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Temperature sensitivity of DNA polymerization and growth of a dnaX(Ts) mutant is suppressible at 39 to 40 degrees C by mutations in the initiator gene, dnaA. These suppressor mutations concomitantly cause initiation inhibition at 20 degrees C and have been designated Cs,Sx to indicate both phenotypic characteristics of cold-sensitive initiation and suppression of dnaX(Ts). One dnaA(Cs,Sx) mutant, A213D, has reduced affinity for ATP, and two mutants, R432L and T435K, have eliminated detectable DnaA box binding in vitro. Two models have explained dnaA(Cs,Sx) suppression of dnaX, which codes for both the tau and gamma subunits of DNA polymerase III. The initiation deficiency model assumes that reducing initiation efficiency allows survival of the dnaX(Ts) mutant at the somewhat intermediate temperature of 39 to 40 degrees C by reducing chromosome content per cell, thus allowing partially active DNA polymerase III to complete replication of enough chromosomes for the organism to survive. The stabilization model is based on the idea that DnaA interacts, directly or indirectly, with polymerization factors during replication. We present five lines of evidence consistent with the initiation deficiency model. First, a dnaA(Cs,Sx) mutation reduced initiation frequency and chromosome content (measured by flow cytometry) and origin/terminus ratios (measured by real-time PCR) in both wild-type and dnaX(Ts) strains growing at 39 and 34 degrees C. These effects were shown to result specifically from the Cs,Sx mutations, because the dnaX(Ts) mutant is not defective in initiation. Second, reduction of the number of origins and chromosome content per cell was common to all three known suppressor mutations. Third, growing the dnaA(Cs,Sx) dnaX(Ts) strain on glycerol-containing medium reduced its chromosome content to one per cell and eliminated suppression at 39 degrees C, as would be expected if the combination of poor carbon source, the Cs,Sx mutation, the Ts mutation, and the 39 degrees C incubation reduced replication to the point that growth (and, therefore, suppression) was not possible. However, suppression was possible on glycerol medium at 38 degrees C. Fourth, the dnaX(Ts) mutation can be suppressed also by introduction of oriC mutations, which reduced initiation efficiency and chromosome number per cell, and the degree of suppression was proportional to the level of initiation defect. Fifth, introducing a dnaA(Cos) allele, which causes overinitiation, into the dnaX(Ts) mutant exacerbated its temperature sensitivity.  相似文献   

We have constructed a mini-F derivative (pKP1013) consisting of a 5.4 kilobase pairs (kb) segment (44.0 to 49.4 kb) of mini-F and fragments carrying the chloramphenicol and spectinomycin resistance genes that originated from the R plasmid NR1. The plasmid pKP1013 replicates autonomously in a manner indistinguishable from that of the parental mini-F. An amber mutant defective in replication has been isolated from pKP1013 by localized mutagenesis using N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The virtual absence of incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into the plasmid DNA as well as the kinetics of appearance of plasmid-free segregants suggest that plasmid DNA synthesis is primarily affected under nonpermissive conditions. The amber mutation has been mapped within the 530 base pairs (bp) region that extends from 45.25 (XmaI) to 45.78 Kb (PstI) by extensive analysis of in vitro recombinants constructed from rep+ and rep- plasmids.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence from about 100 base-pairs downstream to about 600 base pairs upstream the CloDF13 replication origin has been determined. A comparison of this sequence with the corresponding ColE1 origin sequence reveals that: The sequence at the origin of replication is conserved. There are large differences in the nucleotide sequence downstream the replication origin, whereas there is a large homology in the region of about 410 base-pairs upstream the replication origin. This conserved region might code for a largely homologous basic, arginine rich polypeptide of about 45 amino-acids, for both ColE1 and CloDF13. Although there are large differences in the primary structure of the region coding for the 100 nucleotide RNA, the secondary structure of this region seems to be conserved.  相似文献   

Incompatibility of the R plasmid Rts1 and its replication mutant pTW2 was studied in recA host cells of Escherichia coli. When the R plasmid R401, belonging to the same incompatibility group as Rts1, was used as a test plasmid, R401 was eliminated preferentially from (Rts-R401)+ cells irrespective of the direction of transfer. In contrast, pTW2 and R401 were mutually excluded. The decreased incompatibility of pTW2 was confirmed by a direct incompatibility test in which a derivative of Rts1 expelled pTW2 exclusively. Alkaline sucrose gradients of pTW2 and Rts1 DNA indicated that approximately one-fourth of the Rts1 genome was deleted in pTW2. In addition, both the various temperature-dependent properties of Rts1 and the inhibitory effect on phage T4 development were also lost in pTW2. A possible mechanism that regulates the stringent replication of Rts1 is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitomycin C treatment of Escherichia coli K-12 cells containing the nonconjugative plasmid CloDF13 resulted in inhibition of host chromosome protein synthesis and a high rate of synthesis of two CloDF13-specified proteins whose molecular weights correspond to cloacin and immunity protein. Five molecules of immunity protein were synthesized for each cloacin DF13 molecule. Mitomycin C-treated cells containing a copy mutant of CloDF13 made three to four times as much of each protein as cells containing wild-type CloDF13. CloDF13 plasmids that contained the transposon Tn1 were isolated. Two did not induce after mitomycin C treatment, failing both to inhibit host cell synthesis and to produce the two new proteins. In minicells, they showed reduced CloDF13-specified protein synthesis and produced three Tn1-specified proteins.  相似文献   

The P1 plasmid origin has an array of five binding sites (iterons) for the plasmid-encoded initiator protein RepA. Saturation of these sites is required for initiation. Iterons can also pair via their bound RepAs. The reaction, called handcuffing, is believed to be the key to control initiation negatively. Here we have determined some of the mechanistic details of the reaction. We show that handcuffed RepA-iteron complexes dissociate when they are diluted or challenged with cold competitor iterons, suggesting spontaneous reversibility of the handcuffing reaction. The complex formation increases with increased RepA binding, but decreases upon saturation of binding. Complex formation also decreases in the presence of molecular chaperones (DnaK and DnaJ) that convert RepA dimers to monomers. This indicates that dimers participate in handcuffing, and that chaperones are involved in reversing handcuffing. They could play a direct role by reducing dimers and an indirect role by increasing monomers that would compete out the weaker binding dimers from the origin. We propose that an increased monomer to dimer ratio is the key to reverse handcuffing.  相似文献   

Mini-P1 plasmid replication: the autoregulation-sequestration paradox   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
D K Chattoraj  R J Mason  S H Wickner 《Cell》1988,52(4):551-557
It has been proposed that the initiator protein RepA is rate limiting for mini-P1 plasmid replication, and that the role of the plasmid copy number control locus is to sequester the initiator and thus reduce replication. This proposal appears inconsistent with the observation that RepA is autoregulated, since the protein lost by sequestration should be replenished. A resolution of this autoregulation-sequestration paradox is possible if the sequestered RepA, unavailable for replication, is still available for promoter repression. We demonstrate that RepA binds to the control locus and to the promoter region simultaneously, causing the intervening DNA to loop. DNA looping could provide the requisite mechanism by which RepA bound to the control locus might exert repression.  相似文献   

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