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The synthesis, biological activity, and pharmacokinetic profile of novel CCR1 antagonists are described.  相似文献   

Respiratory flow in obstructed airways   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang XL  Liu Y  Luo HY 《Journal of biomechanics》2006,39(15):2743-2751
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common diseases in human community. The COPD always results in inflammation that leads to narrowing and obstruction of the airways. The obstructive airways have significant effect on respiratory flow. In order to understand the flow phenomenon in such obstructive airways, four three-dimensional four-generation lung models based on the 23-generation model of Weibel [1963. Morphometry of the Human Lung. Springer, Academic Press, Berlin, New York] are generated. The fully three-dimensional incompressible laminar Navier-Stokes equations are solved using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver on unstructured tetrahedral meshes. Therein, a symmetric four-generation airway model is served as the reference, the other three models are considered to be obstructed at each generation, respectively. The calculation results show that the obstructive airway has significant influence on the air flow in both up- and down-stream airways and it even results in flow separation in the conjunction region. The re-circulation cell blocks the air from entering the downstream branches. This may be the reason why COPD patients should breathe gently, and this also provides some valuable information for medicine powder deposition.  相似文献   

A plasma membrane fraction has been prepared from rat testis using an aqueous double-phase polymer system containing dextran, poly(ethylene glycol) 6000 and Zn2+. The membrane-associated gonadotropin receptor for lutropin and human choriogonadotropin can be markedly stabilized by a thawing-washing step of frozen membranes which prolongs the apparent half-life of the unoccupied membrane-associated receptors from less than 1 h at 37°C to greater than 5 h. Also, no degradation of 125I-labeled human choriogonadotropin was detected following incubation with the membrane fraction. The equilibrium binding was characterized by an apparent association constant of 1.6 · 1010 M?1 and a receptor content of 33 fmol/mg protein. Binding kinetic yielded an association rate constant of 1.0 · 108 M?1, while the dissociation rate constant for human choriogonadotropin was too low to be accurately determined under the conditions used. In contrast, ovine lutropin could be reversibly bound to the membranes leaving the previously occupied receptors available for binding by 125I-labeled human choriogonadotropin.  相似文献   

Many promising therapeutics are currently awaiting their clinical application. Due to their low capability of cell membrane crossing, these compounds do not reach their site of action. One way to overcome this problem might be the fusion of these agents to cell-penetrating peptides (CPP), which are able to shuttle various cargoes across cellular membranes. One disadvantage in using CPP in drug delivery is their low metabolic stability. The aim of our work was to increase the proteolytic resistance of the CPP hCT(9-32), a truncated C-terminal fragment of human calcitonin. Thus, we synthesised six modified N-terminally carboxyfluorescein labelled hCT(9-32) derivatives by replacing positions 12 and/or 16 of hCT(9-32) with either N-methylphenylalanine or d-phenylalanine, respectively. By using confocal laser scanning microscopy we showed that the modifications did neither affect the peptide internalisation efficiency in HeLa nor HEK 293T cells. The metabolic stability of the peptides was investigated in human blood plasma and HEK 293T cell culture supernatant. To analyse the degradation patterns, we used RP-HPLC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. However, we found for all of the new derivatives high metabolic stabilities. In blood plasma, the half-lives for five of the six peptides increased compared to unmodified hCT(9-32). The degradation patterns showed a distinct stabilisation in the N-terminal part of the modified peptides, in the C-terminal part, we found some cleavage to a minor extent. Furthermore, we studied the conformation of the peptides by CD spectroscopy and demonstrated that they possess no cell toxicity. Since our metabolically more stable compounds are still able to pass the cell membrane they provide powerful tools as drug delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Lim KH  Huang H  Pralle A  Park S 《Biochemistry》2011,50(40):8682-8691
Although streptavidin's high affinity for biotin has made it a widely used and studied binding protein and labeling tool, its tetrameric structure may interfere with some assays. A streptavidin mutant with a simpler quaternary structure would demonstrate a molecular-level understanding of its structural organization and lead to the development of a novel molecular reagent. However, modulating the tetrameric structure without disrupting biotin binding has been extremely difficult. In this study, we describe the design of a stable monomer that binds biotin both in vitro and in vivo. To this end, we constructed and characterized monomers containing rationally designed mutations. The mutations improved the stability of the monomer (increase in T(m) from 31 to 47 °C) as well as its affinity (increase in K(d) from 123 to 38 nM). We also used the stability-improved monomer to construct a dimer consisting of two streptavidin subunits that interact across the dimer-dimer interface, which we call the A/D dimer. The biotin binding pocket is conserved between the tetramer and the A/D dimer, and therefore, the dimer is expected to have a significantly higher affinity than the monomer. The affinity of the dimer (K(d) = 17 nM) is higher than that of the monomer but is still many orders of magnitude lower than that of the wild-type tetramer, which suggests there are other factors important for high-affinity biotin binding. We show that the engineered streptavidin monomer and dimer can selectively bind biotinylated targets in vivo by labeling the cells displaying biotinylated receptors. Therefore, the designed mutants may be useful in novel applications as well as in future studies in elucidating the role of oligomerization in streptavidin function.  相似文献   

Many promising therapeutics are currently awaiting their clinical application. Due to their low capability of cell membrane crossing, these compounds do not reach their site of action. One way to overcome this problem might be the fusion of these agents to cell-penetrating peptides (CPP), which are able to shuttle various cargoes across cellular membranes. One disadvantage in using CPP in drug delivery is their low metabolic stability. The aim of our work was to increase the proteolytic resistance of the CPP hCT(9-32), a truncated C-terminal fragment of human calcitonin. Thus, we synthesised six modified N-terminally carboxyfluorescein labelled hCT(9-32) derivatives by replacing positions 12 and/or 16 of hCT(9-32) with either N-methylphenylalanine or d-phenylalanine, respectively. By using confocal laser scanning microscopy we showed that the modifications did neither affect the peptide internalisation efficiency in HeLa nor HEK 293T cells. The metabolic stability of the peptides was investigated in human blood plasma and HEK 293T cell culture supernatant. To analyse the degradation patterns, we used RP-HPLC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. However, we found for all of the new derivatives high metabolic stabilities. In blood plasma, the half-lives for five of the six peptides increased compared to unmodified hCT(9-32). The degradation patterns showed a distinct stabilisation in the N-terminal part of the modified peptides, in the C-terminal part, we found some cleavage to a minor extent. Furthermore, we studied the conformation of the peptides by CD spectroscopy and demonstrated that they possess no cell toxicity. Since our metabolically more stable compounds are still able to pass the cell membrane they provide powerful tools as drug delivery vectors.  相似文献   

The possible mechanism of wheeze generation in tracheostenosis was identified by measuring inspiratory and expiratory flow in a "morphological and distensible" realistic tracheostenosis model. The shape of the model was based on CT (Computed Tomography) images of a patient that had tracheostenosis. A trachea consists of tracheal cartilage rings and smooth muscle. Spatial variation of wall distensibility was achieved in the model by varying the wall thickness based on the elastic modulus measured in pig airways. The spatial variation influenced the flow in the airway and the turbulence production rate decreased faster at smooth muscles. Using the model, we investigated the mechanism of wheeze generation by focusing on the turbulence intensity. The turbulence intensity in expiratory flow was about twice that in inspiratory flow, and larger vortices existed in post-stenosis in expiratory flow, and thus might contribute to wheeze generation.  相似文献   

The calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor has been implicated in the pathogenesis of migraine. A class of urethanamide derivatives has been identified as potent inhibitors of the CGRP receptor. Compound 20 was found to be among the most potent (IC50 = 17 pM). It was shown to retain excellent aqueous solubility (>50 mg/mL, pH 7) while dramatically improving solution stability as compared to our previously disclosed development candidate, BMS-694153 (1).  相似文献   

Since respiratory muscles fail when blood flow is inadequate, we asked whether their blood flow would be maintained in severe hypotensive states at the expense of other vital organs (brain, heart, kidney, gut, spleen). We measured blood flow (radiolabeled microspheres) to respiratory muscles and vital organs in 11 dogs breathing against an inspiratory elastic load, first with normal blood pressure (BP) and then hypotension produced by cardiac tamponade. With the elastic load alone, there was no change in BP or cardiac output; diaphragmatic blood flow (Qdi) increased from 12.8 +/- 7.0 to 34.1 +/- 15.6 ml/100 g, and total respiratory muscle flow (QTR) increased from 56.5 +/- 19.1 to 97.4 +/- 36.5 ml/100 g, but except for the brain, there was no change in blood flow to other organs. With tamponade (mean BP = 79 +/- 16 mmHg), flow decreased to all organs, whereas Qdi (39.0 +/- 19.4) did not change. QTR decreased, but not significantly, to 88.6 +/- 49.5. With more tamponade (mean BP = 53 +/- 13 mmHg), flow to all vital organs decreased as well as QTR (57.9 +/- 47.18), but Qdi did not significantly decrease and had the same relationship to respiratory force as with normal BP. Thus, with severe inspiratory elastic loading and severe hypotension, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles did most of the respiratory work, and their flow was maintained at the expense of other vital organs.  相似文献   

The discharge rates of premotor, brain-stem neurons that create eye movements modulate in relation to eye velocity yet firing rates of extraocular motoneurons contain both eye-position and eyevelocity signals. The eye-position signal is derived from the eye-velocity command by means of a neural network which functioins as a temporal integrator. We have previously proposed a network of lateral-inhibitory neurons that is capable of performing the required integration. That analysis centered on the temporal aspects of the signal processing for a limited class of idealized inputs. All of its cells were identical and carried only the integrated signal. Recordings in the brain stem, however, show that neurons in the region of the neural integrator have a variety of background firing rates, all carry some eye-velocity signal as well as the eye-position signal, and carry the former with different strengths depending on the type of eye movement being made. It was necessary to see if the proposed model could be modified to make its neurons more realistic.By modifying the spatial distribution of afferents to the network, we demonstrate that the same basic model functions properly in spite of afferents with nonuniform background firing rates. To introduce the eye-velocity signal a double-layer network, consisting of inhibitory and excitatory cells, was necessary. By presenting the velocity input to only local regions of this network it was shown that all cells in the network still carried the integrated signal and that its cells could carry different eye-velocity signals for different types of eye movements. Thus, this model stimulates quantitatively and qualitatively, the behavior of neurons seen in the region of the neural integrator.  相似文献   

Wang X  Liu X  Yan X  Zhao P  Ding Y  Xu P 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24207


Applications involving biomolecules, such as enzymes, antibodies, and other proteins as well as whole cells, are often hampered by their unstable nature at extremely high temperature and in organic solvents.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We constructed enzyme-NPG biocomposites by assembling various enzymes onto the surface of nanoporous gold (NPG), which showed much enhanced biocatalytic performance and stability. Various enzymes with different molecular sizes were successfully tethered onto NPG, and the loadings were 3.6, 3.1 and 0.8 mg g−1 for lipase, catalase and horseradish peroxidase, respectively. The enzyme-NPG biocomposites exhibited remarkable catalytic activities which were fully comparable to those of free enzymes. They also presented enhanced stability, with 74, 78 and 53% of enzymatic activity retained after 20 successive batch reactions. Moreover, these novel biocomposites possessed significantly enhanced reaction durability under various thermal and in organic solvent systems. In a sample transesterification reaction, a high conversion rate was readily achieved by using the lipase-NPG biocomposite.


These nano-biocomposite materials hold great potential in applications such as biosensing, molecular electronics, catalysis, and controlled delivery.  相似文献   

Large interfacial gaps between the stem and the bone in cementless total hip arthroplasty may prevent successful bone ingrowth at the sites, and can also be a passage for wear particles. Furthermore, interfacial gaps between the stem and the bone are believed to compromise the primary stability of the implant. Thus, a broaching method that serves to reduce gaps is expected to give clinically preferable results. A modified broach system with a canal guide is introduced to enhance the accuracy of femoral canal shaping in comparison with the conventional broach system for a Versys fibermetal taper stem. The primary stability of the hip systems and the ratios of the stem surface in contact with the femur were measured in a composite femur model. With the conventional method, an average of 67% of the stem surface was shown to be in contact with the bone, and an average stem micromotion/migration of 35 microm 290 microm was observed under 1000 cycles of stair climbing loads. With the modified method, the stem-bone contact ratio significantly increased to 82% (p<0.05), and the average micromotion/migration reduced to 29 microm 49 microm, respectively (p<0.05 for migration). Our finite element models of the hip systems supported that the difference in micromotion could be attributed to the difference in interfacial contact. Interfacial gaps occurring with the conventional broach system were effectively reduced by the proposed method, resulting in improved primary stability.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to develop a facile and efficient method to enhance the stability and activity of lactoperoxidase (LPO) by using its immobilization on graphene oxide nanosheets (GO-NS).


Following the LPO purification from bovine whey, it was immobilized onto functionalized GO-NS using glutaraldehyde as cross-linker. Kinetic properties and stability of free and immobilized LPO were investigated.


LPO was purified 59.13 fold with a specific activity of 5.78 U/mg protein. The successful immobilization of LPO on functionalized GO-NS was confirmed by using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The overall results showed that the stability of the immobilized LPO was considerably improved compared to free LPO. Apparent Km and Vmax of LPO also indicated that the immobilized enzyme had greater affinity to the substrate than the native enzyme.


Graphene oxide nanosheets are effective means for immobilization of LPO.

Summary The variation in sensitivity of the mitochondrial genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to ethidium bromide-induced petite mutation in response to changes in glucose concentration has been studied. Growth in high glucose considerably depressed the mutation rate, whilst small variations are observed in response to step-up or step-down in glucose concentration. Variations in mitochondrial DNA and respiratory activity during the mutagenic process are described. Effects of non-metabolizable sugars which repress mitochondrial biogenesis and a number of antimitochondrial drugs have been investigated. The results are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms of modulation of the mutation rates.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that interactions among eight parameters of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems that determine the loop gain (LG) of the respiratory CO2 feedback control system might account for the degree of stability or instability of breathing patterns in healthy sleeping volunteers as well as in familial dysautonomia (FD) and congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) patients. The predictability of cycle duration was tested as well. We measured the values of CO2 sensitivity, CO2 delivery capacity in the circulation, circulation delay, mean lung volume for CO2, and mixed venous PCO2 in 8 FD patients, 2 CCHS patients, and 19 healthy controls. The values of these parameters were used in a mathematical model to compute the LG of the respiratory control system during sleep for each epoch of respiration analyzed. The strength of the ventilatory oscillations (R) was quantified using power density spectra of the ventilation time series. All subjects were studied at inspiratory O2 concentrations (FIO2) of 0.21 and 0.15; CCHS patients and controls were also studied at 0.12 FIO2 to examine the effect of steady-state hypoxia on respiratory system stability. In 2 FD patients, LG was elevated at both levels of FIO2 and periodic breathing was observed; the values of R were elevated. Elevated mixed venous PCO2 and reduced CO2 delivery capacity were chiefly responsible for the abnormally high LG observed. In three healthy volunteers, high LG and unstable patterns were associated with high chemosensitivity. The CCHS patients, however, remained stable even at 0.12 FIO2 because LG remained equivalent to zero due to a lack of chemosensitivity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

One of the major problems in the biotechnology industry is the selection of cell lines well suited for production of biopharmaceutical proteins. Usually, the most important selection criterion is the cell specific production rate. Nevertheless, a good producer cell line should have a number of additional advantageous properties, which allow the cell line to perform well in the type of bioreactor chosen for the process. However, the time and work required to select for high production rates as well as the lack of methods to specifically select for other cellular properties, usually prevents researchers from including such criteria into their screening program.With the Single Cell Secretion Assay it is possible to measure the specific production rates of individual cells by catching secreted product in an artificial matrix applied to the cell surface. Flow cytometric cell sorting then allows selection of rare cells with high production rates, which occur at frequencies as low as 10(-6). By combining this method with culture conditions that bring out a desired cellular property, we were able to isolate subclones with similar production rates, but improved performance from a recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cell line producing a human monoclonal antibody. The two desired cellular properties screened for were a non-growth associated production kinetic and improved stability in the absence of selective pressure.  相似文献   

In order to improve its stability, immobilized Concanavalin A (Con A) on Toyopearl adsorbents was conjugated with monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol) succinimidyl propionate (mPEG-SPA) with different molecular weight. A colorimetric method using ninhydrin is proposed to determine the degree of PEGylation; this method has proved to be easy applicable and reproducible. The PEGylation reaction was studied in detail to elucidate how parameters such as molar ratio of mPEG-SPA to Con A and molecular weight of mPEG-SPA affect the degree of PEGylation. The adsorption isotherms of glucose oxidase (GOD) onto native and PEGylated Con A adsorbents showed that the modification did not alter substantially the specificity of the carbohydrate binding ability of Con A. However, the binding capacity for GOD was slightly reduced probably due to the steric hindrance caused by mPEG chains. Adsorption kinetic studies revealed a lower adsorption rate after PEGylation which was attributed to the steric effect. The dynamic adsorption capacity for modified Con A depended very much on the degree of PEGylation and the molecular weight of mPEG derivatives. The adsorption capacity could be highly preserved for Toyopearl Con A modified by mPEG2k (90% of the original adsorption capacity) even with a degree of PEGylation up to 20% (the ratio of primary amino groups of PEGylated immobilized Con A to that of native immobilized Con A). Studies show that the binding capacity of PEGylated Con A was highly preserved under mild process conditions. PEGylated Con A also exhibited obviously higher stability against more stressful conditions such as the exposure to organic solvents and high temperatures. Conjugation of Con A with mPEG2k provided better adsorption performance thus has greater potential for application in affinity separation processes compared with mPEG5k. The fact that PEGylation stabilizes the properties of Con A may greatly expand the range of applications of unstable proteins to bioprocessing (e.g. biocatalysis and downstream separation) as well as other protein applications (e.g. medication, industrial use, etc.).  相似文献   

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