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We have investigated the kinetics of mitochondrial Ca 2+ influx and efflux and their dependence on cytosolic [Ca 2+] and [Na +] using low-Ca 2+-affinity aequorin. The rate of Ca 2+ release from mitochondria increased linearly with mitochondrial [Ca 2+] ([Ca 2+] M). Na +-dependent Ca 2+ release was predominant al low [Ca 2+] M but saturated at [Ca 2+] M around 400 μM, while Na +-independent Ca 2+ release was very slow at [Ca 2+] M below 200 μM, and then increased at higher [Ca 2+] M, perhaps through the opening of a new pathway. Half-maximal activation of Na +-dependent Ca 2+ release occurred at 5-10 mM [Na +], within the physiological range of cytosolic [Na +]. Ca 2+ entry rates were comparable in size to Ca 2+ exit rates at cytosolic [Ca 2+] ([Ca 2+] c) below 7 μM, but the rate of uptake was dramatically accelerated at higher [Ca 2+] c. As a consequence, the presence of [Na +] considerably reduced the rate of [Ca 2+] M increase at [Ca 2+] c below 7 μM, but its effect was hardly appreciable at 10 μM [Ca 2+] c. Exit rates were more dependent on the temperature than uptake rates, thus making the [Ca 2+] M transients to be much more prolonged at lower temperature. Our kinetic data suggest that mitochondria have little high affinity Ca 2+ buffering, and comparison of our results with data on total mitochondrial Ca 2+ fluxes indicate that the mitochondrial Ca 2+ bound/Ca 2+ free ratio is around 10- to 100-fold for most of the observed [Ca 2+] M range and suggest that massive phosphate precipitation can only occur when [Ca 2+] M reaches the millimolar range. 相似文献
Summary Calcium signaling systems in nonexcitable cells involve activation of Ca 2+ entry across the plasma membrane and release from intracellular stores as well as activation of Ca 2+ pumps and inhibition of passive Ca 2+ pathways to ensure exact regulation of free cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration ([Ca 2+]
). A431 cells loaded with fura-2 cells were used as a model system to examine regulation of Ca 2+ entry and intracellular release. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-) both stimulated Ca 2+ entry and release while bradykinin appeared only to release Ca 2+ from intracellular stores. The possible role of protein kinase C (PKC) in modulating the [Ca 2+]
response to these agonists was examined by four methods. Low concentrations of TPA (2×10 –10
m) had no effect on Ca 2+ release due to EGF, TGR- or bradykinin but resulted in a rapid return of [Ca 2+]
to baseline levels for EGF or TGF-. Addition of the PKC inhibitor staurosporine (1 and 10 nm)_completely inhibited the action of TPA on EGF-induced [Ca 2+]
changes. An inhibitor of diglyceride kinase (R59022) mimicked the action of TPA. Down-regulation of PKC by overnight incubation with 0.1 or 1 m TPA produced the converse effect, namely prolonged Ca 2+ entry following stimulation with EGF or TGF-. To show that one effect of TPA was on Ca 2+ entry, fura-2 loaded cells were suspended in Mn 2+ rather than Ca 2+ buffers. Addition of EGF or TGF- resulted in Ca 2+ release and Mn 2+ entry. TPA but not the inactive phorbol ester, 4--phorbol-12,13-didecanoate, inhibited the Mn 2+ influx. Thus, PKC is able to regulate Ca 2+ entry due to EGF or TGF- in this cell type. A431 cells treated with higher concentrations of TPA (5×10 –8
m) inhibited not only Ca 2+ entry but also Ca 2+ release due to EGF/TGF- but had no effect on bradykinin-mediated Ca 2+ release, suggesting differences in the regulation of the intracellular stores responsive to these two classes of agonists. Furthermore, sequential addition of EGF or TGF- gave a single transient of [Ca 2+]
, showing a common pool of Ca 2+ for these agonists. In contrast, sequential addition of EGF (or TGF-) and bradykinin resulted in two [Ca 2+]
transients equal in size to those obtained with a single agonist. Ionomycin alone was able to fully deplete intracellular Ca 2+ stores, whereas ionomycin following either EGF (or TGF-) or bradykinin gave an elevation of the [Ca 2+]
signal equal to that of the second agonist. These data indicate that there are separate pools of intracellular Ca 2+ for EGF-mediated Ca 2+ release which also respond differently to TPA. 相似文献
We isolated cDNA clones for novel protein kinases by expression screening of a cDNA library from the basidiomycetous mushroom Coprinus cinereus. One of the isolated clones was found to encode a calmodulin (CaM)-binding protein consisting of 488 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 53,906, which we designated CoPK12. The amino acid sequence of the catalytic domain of CoPK12 showed 46% identity with those of rat Ca 2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) I and CaMKIV. However, a striking difference between these kinases is that the critical Thr residue in the activating phosphorylation site of CaMKI/IV is replaced by a Glu residue at the identical position in CoPK12. As predicted from its primary sequence, CoPK12 was found to behave like an activated form of CaMKI phosphorylated by an upstream CaMK kinase, indicating that CoPK12 is a unique CaMK with different properties from those of the well-characterized CaMKI, II, and IV. CoPK12 was abundantly expressed in actively growing mycelia and phosphorylated various proteins, including endogenous substrates, in the presence of Ca 2+/CaM. Treatment of mycelia of C. cinereus with KN-93, which was found to inhibit CoPK12, resulted in a significant reduction in growth rate of mycelia. These results suggest that CoPK12 is a new type of multifunctional CaMK expressed in C. cinereus, and that it may play an important role in the mycelial growth. 相似文献
Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), the most abundant kinase at the postsynaptic density (PSD), is expected to be involved in activity-induced regulation of synaptic properties. CaMKII is activated when it binds calmodulin in the presence of Ca 2+ and, once autophosphorylated on T-286/7, remains active in the absence of Ca 2+ (autonomous form). In the present study we used a quantitative mass spectrometric strategy (iTRAQ) to identify sites on PSD components phosphorylated upon CaMKII activation. Phosphorylation in isolated PSDs was monitored under conditions where CaMKII is: (1) mostly inactive (basal state), (2) active in the presence of Ca 2+, and (3) active in the absence of Ca 2+. The quantification strategy was validated through confirmation of previously described autophosphorylation characteristics of CaMKII. The effectiveness of phosphorylation of major PSD components by the activated CaMKII in the presence and absence of Ca 2+ varied. Most notably, autonomous activity in the absence of Ca 2+ was more effective in the phosphorylation of three residues on SynGAP. Several PSD scaffold proteins were phosphorylated upon activation of CaMKII. The strategy adopted allowed the identification, for the first time, of CaMKII-regulated sites on SAPAPs and Shanks, including three conserved serine residues near the C-termini of SAPAP1, SAPAP2, and SAPAP3. Involvement of CaMKII in the phosphorylation of PSD scaffold proteins suggests a role in activity-induced structural re-organization of the PSD. 相似文献
NO is known to modulate calcium handling and cellular signaling in the myocardium, but key targets for NO in the heart remain unidentified. Recent reports have implied that NO can activate calcium/calmodulin (Ca 2+/CaM)-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in neurons and the heart. Here we use our novel sensor of CaMKII activation, Camui, to monitor changes in the conformation and activation of cardiac CaMKII (CaMKIIδ) activity after treatment with the NO donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). We demonstrate that exposure to NO after Ca 2+/CaM binding to CaMKIIδ results in autonomous kinase activation, which is abolished by mutation of the Cys-290 site. However, exposure of CaMKIIδ to GSNO prior to Ca 2+/CaM exposure strongly suppresses kinase activation and conformational change by Ca 2+/CaM. This NO-induced inhibition was ablated by mutation of the Cys-273 site. We found parallel effects of GSNO on CaM/CaMKIIδ binding and CaMKIIδ-dependent ryanodine receptor activation in adult cardiac myocytes. We conclude that NO can play a dual role in regulating cardiac CaMKIIδ activity. 相似文献
The effect of clozapine on the intracellular concentration of calcium ([Ca2+](i)) in rat submandibular acinar cells was tested. By itself clozapine had no effect on the mobilization of intracellular pools of calcium or on the uptake of extracellular calcium. It inhibited the increase of the [Ca2+](i) in response to carbachol (half-maximal inhibitory concentrations, IC(50)=100nM) and to norepinephrine and epinephrine (IC(50)=10nM) without affecting the response to substance P, extracellular ATP or thapsigargin. Clozapine inhibited the uptake of extracellular calcium in response to epinephrine but not to substance P, ATP or thapsigargin. It also decreased the production of inositol phosphates elicited by epinephrine but not by substance P or fluoride. It is concluded that, by itself, clozapine has no effect on the [Ca2+](i) in rat salivary acinar cells. It selectively inhibits muscarinic and adrenergic receptors in the acinar plasma membrane. 相似文献
In Xenopus laevis oocytes, overexpression of calreticulin suppresses inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca 2+ oscillations in a manner consistent with inhibition of Ca 2+ uptake into the endoplasmic reticulum. Here we report that the alternatively spliced isoforms of the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+-ATPase (SERCA)2 gene display differential Ca 2+ wave properties and sensitivity to modulation by calreticulin. We demonstrate by glucosidase inhibition and site-directed mutagenesis that a putative glycosylated residue (N1036) in SERCA2b is critical in determining both the selective targeting of calreticulin to SERCA2b and isoform functional differences. Calreticulin belongs to a novel class of lectin ER chaperones that modulate immature protein folding. In addition to this role, we suggest that these chaperones dynamically modulate the conformation of mature glycoproteins, thereby affecting their function. 相似文献
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are responsible for lung damage during inhalation of cold air. However, the mechanism of the ROS production induced by cold stress in the lung is still unclear. In this work, we measured the changes of ROS and the cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration ([Ca 2+] c) in A549 cell. We observed that cold stress (from 20 to 5 °C) exposure of A549 cell resulted in an increase of ROS and [Ca 2+] c, which was completely attenuated by removing Ca 2+ from medium. Further experiments showed that cold-sensing transient receptor potential subfamily member 1 (TRPA1) agonist (allyl isothiocyanate, AITC) increased the production of ROS and the level of [Ca 2+] c in A549 cell. Moreover, HC-030031, a TRPA1 selective antagonist, significantly inhibited the enhanced ROS and [Ca 2+] c induced by AITC or cold stimulation, respectively. Taken together, these data demonstrated that TRPA1 activation played an important role in the enhanced production of ROS induced by cold stress in A549 cell. 相似文献
We show that Ca 2+/calmodulin(CaM)-dependent protein kinase I (CaMKI) is directly inhibited by its S-glutathionylation at the Cys 179. In vitro studies demonstrated that treatment of CaMKI with diamide and glutathione results in inactivation of the enzyme, with a concomitant S-glutathionylation of CaMKI at Cys 179 detected by mass spectrometry. Mutagenesis studies confirmed that S-glutathionylation of Cys 179 is both necessary and sufficient for the inhibition of CaMKI by diamide and glutathione. In transfected cells expressing CaMKI, treatment with diamide caused a reversible decrease in CaMKI activity. Cells expressing mutant CaMKI (179CV) proved resistant in this regard. Thus, our results indicate that the reversible regulation of CaMKI via its modification at Cys 179 is an important mechanism in processing calcium signal transduction in cells. 相似文献
In this review we will attempt to summarise the complex and sometimes contradictory effects that mitochondria have on different forms of calcium signalling. Mitochondria can influence Ca 2+ signalling indirectly by changing the concentration of ATP, NAD(P)H, pyruvate and reactive oxygen species — which in turn modulate components of the Ca 2+ signalling machinery i.e. buffering, release from internal stores, influx from the extracellular solution, uptake into cellular organelles and extrusion by plasma membrane Ca 2+ pumps. Mitochondria can directly influence the calcium concentration in the cytosol of the cell by importing Ca 2+ via the mitochondrial Ca 2+ uniporter or transporting Ca 2+ from the interior of the organelle into the cytosol by means of Na +/Ca 2+ or H +/Ca 2+ exchangers. Considerable progress in understanding the relationship between Ca 2+ signalling cascades and mitochondrial physiology has been accumulated over the last few years due to the development of more advanced optical techniques and electrophysiological approaches. 相似文献
Rationale: Transient receptor potential channels of the ankyrin subtype-1 (TRPA1) are non-selective cation channels that show high permeability to calcium. Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that TRPA1 ion channels are expressed in adult mouse ventricular cardiomyocytes (CMs) and are localized at the z-disk, costamere and intercalated disk. The functional significance of TRPA1 ion channels in the modulation of CM contractile function have not been explored. Objective: To identify the extent to which TRPA1 ion channels are involved in modulating CM contractile function and elucidate the cellular mechanism of action. Methods and Results: Freshly isolated CMs were obtained from murine heart and loaded with Fura-2 AM. Simultaneous measurement of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and contractility was performed in individual CMs paced at 0.3 Hz. Our findings demonstrate that TRPA1 stimulation with AITC results in a dose-dependent increase in peak [Ca2+]i and a concomitant increase in CM fractional shortening. Further analysis revealed a dose-dependent acceleration in time to peak [Ca2+]i and velocity of shortening as well as an acceleration in [Ca2+]i decay and velocity of relengthening. These effects of TRPA1 stimulation were not observed in CMs pre-treated with the TRPA1 antagonist, HC-030031 (10 µmol/L) nor in CMs obtained from TRPA1?/? mice. Moreover, we observed no significant increase in cAMP levels or PKA activity in response to TRPA1 stimulation and the PKA inhibitor peptide (PKI 14–22; 100 nmol/L) failed to have any effect on the TRPA1-mediated increase in CM contractile function. However, TRPA1 stimulation resulted in a rapid phosphorylation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) (1–5 min) that correlated with increases in CM [Ca2+]i and contractile function. Finally, all aspects of TRPA1-dependent increases in CM [Ca2+]i, contractile function and CaMKII phosphorylation were virtually abolished by the CaMKII inhibitors, KN-93 (10 µmol/L) and autocamtide-2-related peptide (AIP; 20 µmol/L). Conclusions: These novel findings demonstrate that stimulation of TRPA1 ion channels in CMs results in activation of a CaMKII-dependent signaling pathway resulting in modulation of intracellular Ca2+ availability and handling leading to increases in CM contractile function. Cardiac TRPA1 ion channels may represent a novel therapeutic target for increasing the inotropic and lusitropic state of the heart. 相似文献
The mechanism by which Bcl-2 inhibits apoptosis is unknown. One proposal is that Bcl-2 regulates intracellular Ca 2+ fluxes thought to mediate apoptosis. In the present study, we investigated Bcl-2's mechanism of action by determining the effect of Bcl-2 on intracellular Ca 2+ fluxes in the WEH17.2 mouse lymphoma cell line, which does not express Bcl-2, and its stable transfectant, which expresses a high level of Bcl-2. Treatment with the endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin produced marked alterations in intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis in both WEH17.2 and W.Hb12 cells, including elevation of free cytosolic Ca 2+, endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ pool depletion, capacitative entry of extracellular Ca 2+, and increased loading of Ca 2+ into mitochondria. Similar changes in intracellular Ca 2+ occurred spontaneously in both cell lines following exponential growth. In both situations, W.Hb12 cells maintained optimal viability despite marked alterations in intracellular Ca 2+' whereas WEH17.2 cells underwent apoptosis. Treatment with the glucocorticoid hormone, dexamethasone, induced apoptosis in WEH17.2 cells, but not in W.HB12 cells, even though dexamethasone treatment did not alter intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis in either cell line. These findings indicate that Bcl-2 acts downstream from intracellular Ca 2+ fluxes in a pathway where Ca 2+-dependent and Ca 2+-independent death signals converge. 相似文献
Fertilization activates development by stimulating a plethora of ATP consuming processes that must be provided for by an up-regulation of energy production in the zygote. Sperm-triggered Ca 2+ oscillations are known to be responsible for the stimulation of both ATP consumption and ATP supply but the mechanism of up regulation of energy production at fertilization is still unclear. By measuring [Ca 2+] and [ATP] in the mitochondria of fertilized mouse eggs we demonstrate that sperm entry triggers Ca 2+ oscillations in the cytosol that are transduced into mitochondrial Ca 2+ oscillations pacing mitochondrial ATP production. This results, during fertilization, in an increase in both [ATP] mito and [ATP] cyto. We also observe the stimulation of ATP consumption accompanying fertilization by monitoring [Ca 2+] cyto and [ATP] cyto during fertilization of starved eggs. Our observations reveal that lactate, in contrast to pyruvate, does not fuel mitochondrial ATP production in the zygote. Therefore lactate-derived pyruvate is somehow diverted from mitochondrial oxidation and may be channeled to other metabolic routes. Together with our earlier findings, this study confirms the essential role for exogenous pyruvate in the up-regulation of ATP production at the onset of development, and suggests that lactate, which does not fuel energetic metabolism may instead regulate the intracellular redox potential. 相似文献
To gain further insights into the function of extracellular Ca2+ in alleviating salt stress, Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts (GCPs) were patch-clamped in a whole-cell configuration. The results showed that 100 mM NaCl clearly induced Na+ influx across the plasma membrane in GCPs and promoted stomatal opening. Extracellular Ca2+ at 10 mM efficiently blocked Na+ influx and inhibited stomatal opening, which was partially abolished by La3+ (an inhibitor of plasma membrane Ca2+ channel) or catalase (CAT, a H?O? scavenger), respectively. These results suggest that the plasma membrane Ca2+ channels and H?O? possibly mediate extracellular Ca2+-blocked Na+ influx in GCPs. Furthermore, extracellular Ca2+ activated the plasma membrane Ca2+ channels under NaCl stress, which was partially abolished by CAT. These results, taken together, indicate that hydrogen peroxide (H?O?) likely regulates Na+ uptake by activating plasma membrane Ca2+ channels in GCPs. In accordance with this hypothesis, H?O? could mimic extracellular Ca2+ to activate Ca2+ channels and block Na+ influx in guard cells. A single-cell analysis of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+](cyt)) using Fluo 3-AM revealed that extracellular Ca2+ induced the accumulation of cytosolic Ca2+ under NaCl stress, but had few effects on the accumulation of cytosolic Ca2+ under non-NaCl conditions. All of these results, together with our previous studies showing that extracellular Ca2+ induced the generation of H?O? in GCPs during NaCl stress, indicate that extracellular Ca2+ alleviates salt stress, likely by activating the H?O?-dependent plasma membrane Ca2+ channels, and the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ appears to block Na+ influx across the plasma membrane in Vicia guard cells, leading to stomatal closure and reduction of water loss. 相似文献
Patch-clamp experiments revealed that near isogenic ET8 (Al-tolerant) and ES8 (Al-sensitive) wheat cultivars differed significantly in slow vacuolar channel properties. Under control conditions, whole vacuole currents displayed faster deactivation in ES8. Application of 1.4 microM vacuolar Al3+ caused a 20 mV increase in the activation threshold and slowed activation kinetics in ET8 but not in ES8. Channel density was about 30% higher in ES8 than ET8, and was not altered by 24 h aluminium pre-treatment. However, the activation threshold was reduced in Al-pre-treated ES8. Overall, our data suggests that Alt1 locus may control more than the plasma membrane malate channel in wheat. 相似文献
Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase alpha (CaMKKalpha) plays critical roles in the modulation of neuronal cell survival as well as many other cellular activities. Here we show that 14-3-3 proteins directly regulate CaMKKalpha when the enzyme is phosphorylated by protein kinase A on either Ser74 or Ser475. Mutational analysis revealed that these two serines are both functional: the CaMKKalpha mutant with a mutation at either of these residues, but not the double mutant, was inhibited significantly by 14-3-3. The mode of regulation described herein differs the recently described mode of 14-3-3 regulation of CaMKKalpha. 相似文献
Calmodulin, the ubiquitous and multifunctional Ca 2+-binding protein, mediates many of the regulatory effects of Ca 2+, including the contractile state of smooth muscle. The principal function of calmodulin in smooth muscle is to activate crossbridge cycling and the development of force in response to a [Ca 2+] i transient via the activation of myosin light-chain kinase and phosphorylation of myosin. A distinct calmodulin-dependent kinase, Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, has been implicated in modulation of smooth-muscle contraction. This kinase phosphorylates myosin light-chain kinase, resulting in an increase in the calmodulin concentration required for half-maximal activation of myosin light-chain kinase, and may account for desensitization of the contractile response to Ca 2+. In addition, the thin filament-associated proteins, caldesmon and calponin, which inhibit the actin-activated MgATPase activity of smooth-muscle myosin (the cross-bridge cycling rate), appear to be regulated by calmodulin, either by the direct binding of Ca 2+/calmodulin or indirectly by phosphorylation catalysed by Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Another level at which calmodulin can regulate smooth-muscle contraction involves proteins which control the movement of Ca 2+ across the sarcolemmal and sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes and which are regulated by Ca 2+/calmodulin, e.g. the sarcolemmal Ca 2+ pump and the ryanodine receptor/Ca 2+ release channel, and other proteins which indirectly regulate [Ca 2+] i via cyclic nucleotide synthesis and breakdown, e.g. NO synthase and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. The interplay of such regulatory mechanisms provides the flexibility and adaptability required for the normal functioning of smooth-muscle tissues. 相似文献
Intercellular Ca 2+ waves are commonly observed in many cell types. In non-excitable cells, intercellular Ca 2+ waves are mediated by gap junctional diffusion of a Ca 2+ mobilizing messenger such as IP 3. Since Ca 2+ is heavily buffered in the cytosolic environment, it has been hypothesized that the contribution of the diffusion of Ca 2+ to intercellular Ca 2+ waves is limited. Here, we report that in the presence of plasma membrane Ca 2+ ATPase inhibitors, locally-released Ca 2+ from the flash-photolysis of caged-Ca 2+ appeared to induce further Ca 2+ release and were propagated from one cell to another, indicating that Ca 2+ was self-amplified to mediate intercellular Ca 2+ waves. Our findings support the notion that non-excitable cells can establish a highly excitable medium to communicate local responses with distant cells. 相似文献
Tunicamycin effect on thapsigargin-induced store-operated calcium entry was investigated. Ca 2+ influx was stimulated by 50% upon exposure of Jurkat cells to tunicamycin. Moreover, tunicamycin efficiently prevented the inhibition of store-operated calcium entry caused by dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential. Protective action of tunicamycin on store-operated Ca 2+ entry was also partially preserved in Jurkat cells depleted of ATP, while Ca 2+ entry into ATP-deprived cells grown in tunicamycin-free medium was almost completely inhibited. Tunicamycin-evoked changes in cellular Ca 2+ fluxes coincided with decreased glycosylation of STIM1 protein. Although the latter observation is correlative and needs additional confirmation it may suggest that deglycosylation of STIM1 protein deprives store-operated calcium entry system of an important regulatory mechanism. This study suggests a novel mechanism of modulation of the activity of store-operated calcium channels in lymphoidal cells. 相似文献