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Clonal plant species have been shown to adopt different strategies to persist in heterogeneous environments by changing relative investments in sexual reproduction and clonal propagation. As a result, clonal diversity and genetic variation may be different along environmental gradients. We examined the regional and local population structure of the clonal rhizomatous forest herb Paris quadrifolia in a complex of forest fragments in Voeren (Belgium). Relationships between population size (the number of shoots), shoot density (the number of shoots per m2) and local growth conditions were investigated for 47 populations. Clonal diversity and genetic variation within and among 19 populations were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. To assess the importance of sexual reproduction, seed set, seed weight and germination success were determined in 18 populations. As predicted, local growth conditions largely affected population distribution, size and density of P. quadrifolia. Populations occurring in moist and relatively productive sites contained significantly more shoots. Here, shoots were also much more sparsely distributed compared to populations occurring in dry and relatively unproductive sites, where shoots showed a strongly aggregated distribution pattern. Clonal diversity was relatively high, compared with other clonal species (G/N ratio = 0.43 and Simpson’s D=0.81). Clonal diversity significantly (P<0.01) decreased with increasing shoot density while molecular genetic variation was significantly (P<0.01) affected by population size and local environmental conditions. Lack of recruitment and out-competition of less-adapted genotypes may explain the decreased genetic variation in dry sites. Analysis of molecular variance revealed significant genetic variation among populations (Φ ST=0.42, P<0.001), whereas pairwise genetic distances were not correlated to geographic distances, suggesting that gene flow among populations is limited. Finally, the number of generative shoots, the number of seeds per fruit and seed weight were significantly and positively related to population size and local growth conditions. We conclude that under stressful conditions populations of clonal forest plant species can slowly evolve into remnant populations characterized by low levels of genetic variation and limited sexual reproduction. Conservation of suitable habitat conditions is therefore a prerequisite for effective long-term conservation of clonal forest plant species.  相似文献   

1 We used isozyme variation to examine the genet structure of Uvularia perfoliata patches in gap and closed canopy habitats in a temperate deciduous forest in Maryland, USA.
2 A large patch in a gap habitat was composed of a small number of widely spread genets with many ramets, and a large number of genets with more restricted distribution and few ramets. Genets with many ramets were patchily distributed at a metre scale. Analysis of genet structure on a scale of square centimetres, however, revealed that the genets were highly intermingled with no clear boundaries between them. The presence at both scales of sampling of many genets with unique multilocus genotypes indicated continuing genet recruitment within the population.
3 In the closed canopy habitat, the patches examined were each composed of a single unique multilocus genotype, suggesting that each had developed by asexual propagation following the establishment of a single genet.
4 The clonal structure of U. perfoliata patches in both gap and closed canopy habitats therefore appears to depend on recruitment patterns of genets. Populations in closed canopy habitats are characterized by a 'waiting' strategy, in which asexual ramet production maintains populations until genet recruitment by seed production can occur under the more optimal conditions associated with canopy gaps. Extended sampling suggests that the genetic diversity of U. perfoliata populations is primarily controlled by the disturbance regime of the forest canopy.  相似文献   

We analysed the change of spatial genetic structure (SGS) of reproductive individuals over time in an expanding Pinus halepensis population. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study to analyse the temporal component of SGS by following the dynamics of successive cohorts of the same population over time, rather than analysing different age cohorts at a single time. SGS is influenced by various factors including restricted gene dispersal, microenvironmental selection, mating patterns and the spatial pattern of reproductive individuals. Several factors that affect SGS are expected to vary over time and as adult density increases. Using air photo analysis, tree-ring dating and molecular marker analysis we reconstructed the spread of reproductive individuals over 30 years beginning from five initial individuals. In the early stages, genotypes were distributed randomly in space. Over time and with increasing density, fine-scale (< 20 m) SGS developed and the magnitude of genetic clustering increased. The SGS was strongly affected by the initial spatial distribution and genetic variation of the founding individuals. The development of SGS may be explained by fine-scale environmental heterogeneity and possibly microenvironmental selection. Inbreeding and variation in reproductive success may have enhanced SGS magnitude over time.  相似文献   

濒危植物鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)目前仅零散分布于我国亚热带及越南北部地区, 残存居群生境片断化较为严重。研究濒危植物片断化居群的遗传多样性及小尺度空间遗传结构(spatial genetic structure)有助于了解物种的生态进化过程以及制定相关的保育策略。本研究采用13对微卫星引物, 对鹅掌楸的1个片断化居群进行了遗传多样性及空间遗传结构的研究, 旨在揭示生境片断化条件下鹅掌楸的遗传多样性及基因流状况。研究结果表明: 鹅掌楸烂木山居群内不同生境斑块及不同年龄阶段植株的遗传多样性水平差异不显著(P>0.05), 居群内存在寨内和山林2个遗传分化明显的亚居群。烂木山居群个体在200 m以内呈现显著的空间遗传结构, 而2个亚居群内的个体仅在20 m的距离范围内存在微弱或不显著的空间遗传结构。鹅掌楸的空间遗传结构强度较低(Sp = 0.0090), 且寨内亚居群的空间遗传结构强度(Sp = 0.0067)要高于山林亚居群(Sp = 0.0053)。鹅掌楸以异交为主, 种子较轻且具翅, 借助风力传播, 在一定程度上降低了空间遗传结构的强度。此外, 居群内个体密度及生境特征也对鹅掌楸的空间遗传结构产生了一定影响。该居群出现显著的杂合子缺失, 近交系数(FIS)为0.099 (P < 0.01), 表明生境片断化的遗传效应正逐渐显现。因此, 对鹅掌楸的就地保护应注意维护与强化生境的连续性, 促进基因交流。迁地保护时, 取样距离应不小于20 m, 以涵盖足够多的遗传变异。  相似文献   

Genetic responses to environmental changes take place at different spatial scales. While the effect of environment on the distribution of species' genetic diversity at large geographical scales has been the focus of several recent studies, its potential effects on genetic structure at local scales are understudied. Environmental effects on fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS) were investigated in four Alpine conifer species (five to eight populations per species) from the eastern Italian Alps. Significant FSGS was found for 11 of 25 populations. Interestingly, we found no significant differences in FSGS across species but great variation among populations within species, highlighting the importance of local environmental factors. Interannual variability in spring temperature had a small but significant effect on FSGS of Larix decidua, probably related to species‐specific life history traits. For Abies alba, Picea abies and Pinus cembra, linear models identified spring precipitation as a potentially relevant climate factor associated with differences in FSGS across populations; however, models had low explanatory power and were strongly influenced by a P. cembra outlier population from a very dry site. Overall, the direction of the identified effects is according to expectations, with drier and more variable environments increasing FSGS. Underlying mechanisms may include climate‐related changes in the variance of reproductive success and/or environmental selection of specific families. This study provides new insights on potential changes in local genetic structure of four Alpine conifers in the face of environmental changes, suggesting that new climates, through altering FSGS, may also have relevant impacts on plant microevolution.  相似文献   

A total of 892 individuals sampled from a wild soybean population in a natural reserve near the Yellow River estuary located in Kenli of Shandong Province (China) were investigated.Seventeen SSR (simple sequence repeat) primer pairs from cultivated soybeans were used to estimate the genetic diversity of the population and its variation pattern versus changes of the sample size (sub-samples),in addition to investigating the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within the population.The results showed relatively high genetic diversity of the population with the mean value of allele number (A) being 2.88,expected heterozygosity (He) 0.431,Shannon diversity index (/) 0.699,and percentage of polymorphic loci (P) 100%.Sub-samples of different sizes (ten groups) were randomly drawn from the population and their genetic diversity was calculated by computer simulation.The regression model of the four diversity indexes with the change of sample sizes was computed.As a result,27-52 individuals can reach 95% of total genetic variability of the population.Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that the genetic patch size of this wild soybean population is about 18 m.The study provided a scientific basis for the sampling strategy of wild soybean populations.  相似文献   

Visualizing the pattern of variation using microsatellites within a Eucalyptus globulus forest on the island of Tasmania provided surprising insights into the complex nature of the fine-scale spatial genetic structure that resides in these forests. We used spatial autocorrelation and principal coordinate analysis to compare fine-scale genetic structure between juvenile and mature cohorts in a study area, 140 m in diameter, located within a typical, continuous E. globulus forest. In total, 115 juvenile and 168 mature individuals were genotyped with eight highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. There was no significant difference in the level of genetic diversity between cohorts. However, there were differences in the spatial distribution of the genetic variation. Autocorrelation analysis provided clear evidence for significant spatial genetic structure in the mature cohort and significant, but weaker, structure in the juvenile cohort. The spatial interpolation of principal coordinate axes, derived from ordination of the genetic distance matrix between individuals, revealed a spatially coherent family group which was evident in both cohorts. Direct comparison of the genetic structure within each cohort allowed visualization of a shift in the spatial distribution of genetic variation within the population of approximately 10 m. As the shift coincided with the direction of prevailing winds, it is hypothesized that this phenomenon is due to downwind dispersal of seeds and is indicative of the important role of prevailing winds in forcing eastward gene flow in these high-latitude forests.  相似文献   

A total of 892 individuals sampled from a wild soybean population in a natural reserve near the Yellow River estuary located in Kenli of Shandong Province (China) were investigated. Seventeen SSR (simple sequence repeat) primer pairs from cultivated soybeans were used to estimate the genetic diversity of the population and its variation pattern versus changes of the sample size (sub-samples), in addition to investigating the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within the population. The results showed relatively high genetic diversity of the population with the mean value of allele number (A) being 2.88, expected heterozygosity (He) 0.431, Shannon diversity index (I) 0.699, and percentage of polymorphic loci (P) 100%. Sub-samples of different sizes (ten groups) were randomly drawn from the population and their genetic diversity was calculated by computer simulation. The regression model of the four diversity indexes with the change of sample sizes was computed. As a result, 27–52 individuals can reach 95% of total genetic variability of the population. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that the genetic patch size of this wild soybean population is about 18 m. The study provided a scientific basis for the sampling strategy of wild soybean populations. __________ Translated from Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science), 2006, 45(3): 322–327 [译自: 复旦学报 (自然科学版)]  相似文献   

Abstract The extent of clonality within populations strongly influences their spatial genetic structure (SGS), yet this is hardly ever thoroughly analysed. We employed spatial autocorrelation analysis to study effects of sexual and clonal reproduction on dispersal of the dioecious seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. Analyses were performed both at genet level (i.e. excluding clonal repeats) and at ramet level. Clonal structure was characterized by the clonal subrange, a spatial measure of the linear limits where clonality still affects SGS. We show that the clonal subrange is equivalent to the distance where the probability of clonal identity approaches zero. This combined approach was applied to two meadows with different levels of disturbance, Cadiz (stable) and Alfacs (disturbed). Genotypic richness, the proportion of the sample representing distinct genotypes, was moderate (0.38 Cadiz, 0.46 Alfacs) mostly due to dominance of a few clones. Expected heterozygosities were comparable to those found in other clonal plants. SGS analyses at the genet level revealed extremely restricted gene dispersal in Cadiz (Sp = 0.052, a statistic reflecting the decrease of pairwise kinship with distance), the strongest SGS found for seagrass species, comparable only to values for selfing herbaceous land plants. At Cadiz the clonal subrange extended across shorter distances (20-25 m) than in Alfacs (30-35 m). Comparisons of sexual and vegetative components of gene dispersal suggest that, as a dispersal vector within meadows, clonal spread is at least as important as sexual reproduction. The restricted dispersal and SGS pattern in both meadows indicates that the species follows a repeated seedling recruitment strategy.  相似文献   

Stands of canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis, Fagaceae) are maintained for fuelwood, fire management, recreation, and as habitat for wildlife. Information about the link between the oak's reproductive ecology and its extent of genetic diversity is important in developing land management policies that will maintain the long-term viability of populations. Basal sprouting is the primary means of reproduction following fire or cutting, and stands frequently include groups of visibly connected trees in a clustered distribution that suggests cloning. We determined the extent to which clusters of trees were clonal and defined the spatial pattern and diversity of genotypes for six populations across nearly the entire east-west extent of the San Bernardino Mountains in southern California. We mapped over 100 trees at each of five sites and genotyped each tree for allozymes at seven polymorphic loci. We identified clones using these multilocus genotypes and detected an average of 34.4 ± 7.3 (SD) clones per site, most of which had unique genotypes. In general, clustered trees belong to single clones and most clones consist of few trees (mean = 3.4 ± 0.6 trees per clone). However, clone size increased significantly with increased individual heterozygosity, suggesting that selection may favor highly heterozygous clones. Clonal diversity and evenness were high relative to reports for most other clonal species; an average of 97% of clones had distinct genotypes, and Simpson's index of diversity averaged 0.95 ± 0.02. Population genetic analyses of 319 clones from six sites revealed high genetic diversity within sites (mean HS = 0.443). Only a small proportion of the total genetic diversity was explained by variation among sites (mean GST = 0.018), which is consistent with high gene flow among sites (Nm = 9.5). We found no significant substructure among plots within sites, and fixation indices within sites were generally small, suggesting that either little inbreeding occurs, and/or few inbred progeny survive. However, spatial autocorrelation analysis of clones indicated fine-scale genetic structure at distances under 4 m, possibly due to limited seed dispersal. Our data suggest that guidelines for seed collection of canyon live oak for use in restoration can be specified in a manner similar to that recommended for conifer species within the region studied.  相似文献   

Knowledge about genetic diversity and population structure is useful for designing effective strategies to improve the production, management and conservation of farm animal genetic resources. Here, we present a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of genetic diversity, population structure and admixture based on 244 animals sampled from 10 cattle populations in Asia and Africa and genotyped for 69 903 autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) mainly derived from the indicine breed. Principal component analysis, STRUCTURE and distance analysis from high-density SNP data clearly revealed that the largest genetic difference occurred between the two domestic lineages (taurine and indicine), whereas Ethiopian cattle populations represent a mosaic of the humped zebu and taurine. Estimation of the genetic influence of zebu and taurine revealed that Ethiopian cattle were characterized by considerable levels of introgression from South Asian zebu, whereas Bangladeshi populations shared very low taurine ancestry. The relationships among Ethiopian cattle populations reflect their history of origin and admixture rather than phenotype-based distinctions. The high within-individual genetic variability observed in Ethiopian cattle represents an untapped opportunity for adaptation to changing environments and for implementation of within-breed genetic improvement schemes. Our results provide a basis for future applications of genome-wide SNP data to exploit the unique genetic makeup of indigenous cattle breeds and to facilitate their improvement and conservation.  相似文献   

Determining the degree of genetic variability and spatial structure of arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) may help in identifying where strains that potentially cause epidemics or epizootics occur. Genetic diversity in arboviruses is assumed to reflect relative mobility of their vertebrate hosts (and invertebrate vectors), with highly mobile hosts such as birds leading to genetic similarity of viruses over large areas. There are no empirical studies that have directly related host or vector movement to virus genetic diversity and spatial structure. Using the entire E2 glycoprotein-coding region of 377 Buggy Creek virus isolates taken from cimicid swallow bugs (Oeciacus vicarius), the principal invertebrate vector for this virus, we show that genetic diversity between sampling sites could be predicted by the extent of movement by transient cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) between nesting colonies where the virus and vectors occur. Pairwise F(ST) values between colony sites declined significantly with increasing likelihood of a swallow moving between those sites per 2-day interval during the summer nesting season. Sites with more bird movement between them had virus more similar genetically than did pairs of sites with limited or no bird movement. For one virus lineage, Buggy Creek virus showed greater haplotype and nucleotide diversity at sites that had high probabilities of birds moving into or through them during the summer; these sites likely accumulated haplotypes by virtue of frequent virus introductions by birds. Cliff swallows probably move Buggy Creek virus by transporting infected bugs on their feet. The results provide the first empirical demonstration that genetic structure of an arbovirus is strongly associated with host/vector movement, and suggest caution in assuming that bird-dispersed arboviruses always have low genetic differentiation across different sites.  相似文献   

Preformation of organs involves the initiation of vegetative and generative tissues at least one season before they are actually produced. It is a strategy to deal with environments characterized by predictable seasonality as it enables fast growth of plants at the onset of favorable conditions. However, early preformation also strongly restricts plants in their response to unpredictable environmental changes and disturbance. In this study we investigated the response of the clonal forest understory herb Uvularia perfoliata to disturbance and resource limitation. In U. perfoliata shoot characteristics, as well as vegetative and sexual reproduction are determined at the end of the previous growing season. Plants were grown under two light levels and the rhizome connection between parent and offspring ramets were severed at various times during the growing period. Disturbance did not affect total biomass accumulation but it did affect the relative allocation and survival probability of parents and offspring ramets. Early severing resulted in increased survival chance and future fitness of the parent ramet, while late severing resulted in a higher survival chance and increased fitness of offspring ramets. The response was mediated by plant size and resource availability. These results show that the life history of U. perfoliata includes the possibility to alleviate the effects of disturbance even though the species is characterized by strong developmental canalization through organ preformation.Co-ordinating editor: J. Tuomi  相似文献   

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