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This study examined the effects of low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells undergoing chondrogenic differentiation. Aggregates of mesenchymal stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells seeded in three dimensional matrices were cultured in a defined chondrogenic medium and subjected to LIPUS for the first 7 days of culture. At 1, 7, 14 and 21 days, samples were harvested for histology, immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, and quantitative DNA and matrix macromolecule analysis. Cell aggregates with daily treatment for 20 minutes showed no significant differences for proteoglycan and collagen content during chondrogenic differentiation. However ultrasound application for 40 minutes daily resulted in a statistically significant increase of the proteoglycan and collagen content after 21 days in culture. Aggregates treated for 20 minutes daily showed decreased expression of chondrogenic genes at all time points. In contrast, 40 minutes of daily treatment of aggregates resulted in a significant increase of chondrogenic marker genes after an initial decrease at day 7 with time in culture. Ultrasound treated cell-scaffold constructs showed a significant increase of chondrogenic marker gene expression and extracellular matrix deposition. This study indicates that LIPUS can be used to enhance the chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells in cell aggregates and cell-scaffold constructs. We have found a dependency on the specific treatment parameters. We hypothesize that LIPUS can be used for an improved in vitro preparation of optimized tissue engineering implants for cartilage repair. Furthermore this non-invasive method could also be of potential use in vivo for regenerative therapy of cartilage in the future.  相似文献   

Kinetic parameters and regulatory properties of UDPGDH extracted from cultured human skin fibroblasts were determined and compared with those of UDPGDH from cornea and epiphysial-plate cartilage. Fibroblast enzyme showed an affinity for UDPG 7 times higher than cartilage enzyme and 42 times higher than cornea enzyme. UDP-xylose acted as a co-operative allosteric inhibitor, but under the same experimental conditions fibroblast enzyme was significantly less inhibited. These results were in agreement with the different GAG production of the cells we studied. Fibroblast UDPGDH activity was regulated by the NAD/NADH ratio and it was also affected by modifications of extracellular matrix composition. A significant increase of UDPGDH affinity for UDPG was observed after the treatment of the monolayers with Chase ABC.  相似文献   

The main aspects of the free radical conception of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the stimulating action of low-intensity radiation in the red region of the spectrum were considered. These are: (1) Primary acceptors of incident radiation are endogenous porphyrins, which may act as photosensitizers giving initiator-radicals for secondary free radical reactions. (2) Target cells for light irradiation during quantum therapy may be blood leukocytes, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endotheliocytes, etc. (3) The initiation of the secondary free radical reactions due to lipid peroxidation of cell membranes (in particular, of leukocytes) brings about an increase in ion permeability including that for calcium. The increase in intracellular calcium concentration leads to phagocytes priming, i.e., to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under subsequent stimulation of the cell. (4) Photosensitized generation of ROS in the cytoplasm of some cells induces a free-radical activation of synthesis of proteins, the most significant in the light of the present concept being the de novo synthesis of inducible NO-synthase, superoxide dismutase, and various cytokines. The experimental evidence for the basic statements of the conception of free radical mechanisms for the stimulating action of low-intensity laser and noncoherent radiations is presented. A relation between the primary mechanisms of the stimulating action of light and the secondary effects that determine the sanative effect of quantum therapy in the process of wound healing (bactericidity, cell proliferation, and improved microcirculation) was established. Moreover, it was shown that nitrosyl complexes of heme proteins, such as hemoglobin and cytochrome c, are the primary chromophores of laser radiation. Upon irradiation, they can easily dissociate to produce free nitric oxide. In turn, released nitric oxide may be responsible for blood vessel relaxation and activation of mitochondrial respiration. This phenomenon is just observed during phototherapy by means of low-intensity laser radiation.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of human skin fibroblast heparan sulphate was examined by specific chemical or enzymic depolymerization and high-resolution separation of the resulting oligosaccharides and disaccharides. Important features of the molecular organization, disaccharide composition and O-sulphate disposition of this heparan sulphate were identified. Analysis of the products of HNO2 hydrolysis revealed a polymer in which 53% of disaccharide units were N-acetylated and 47% N-sulphated, with an N-/O-sulphate ratio of 1.8:1. These two types of disaccharide unit were mainly located in separate domains. Heparitinase and heparinase scission indicated that the iduronate residues (37% of total hexuronate) were largely present in contiguous disaccharide sequences of variable size that also contained the majority of the N-sulphate groups. Most of the iduronate residues (approx. 70%) were non-sulphated. About 8-10% of disaccharide units were cleaved by heparinase, but only a minority of these originated from contiguous sequences in the intact polymer. Trisulphated disaccharide units [alpha-N-sulpho-6-sulphoglucosaminyl-(1----4)-iduronate 2-sulphate], which are the major structural units in heparin, made up only 3% of the disaccharide units in heparan sulphate. O-Sulphate groups (approx. 26 per 100 disaccharide units) were distributed almost evenly among C-6 of N-acetylglucosamine, C-2 of iduronate and C-6 of N-sulphated glucosamine residues. The results indicate that the sulphated regions of heparan sulphate have distinctive and potentially variable structural characteristics. The high content of non-sulphated iduronate in this heparan sulphate species suggests a conformational versatility that could have important implications for the biological properties of the polymer.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo establish an axon regeneration regulatory network for optimal selection, and explore the role of low intensity pulsed ultrasound in the network.MethodsThe axon regeneration regulatory network involving axon regeneration-related proteins NGF, BDNF and PirB was constructed by using GO and KEGG. The maximum possible pathway acting on axon regeneration was screened by Bayesian network theory. The node of low - intensity pulsed ultrasound in NGF - involved axon regeneration network was complemented by combining literature methods.ResultsThe NGF, BDNF and PirB-involved axonal regeneration regulatory pathway was successfully constructed. The low intensity pulsed ultrasound played a role in axon regeneration by acting on ERK1/2-CREB pathway and GSK-3β. NGF-TrKA-Rap1-ERK1/2-CREB-Bcl-2 was optimized as optimal pathway by Bayesian theory.ConclusionThe regulatory pathway of axon regeneration involving nerve growth related factors and low intensity pulsed ultrasound was initially established, which provided a theoretical basis for further study of axon regeneration, and also new ideas for action of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on axon regeneration regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

125I-labeled low density lipoprotein (LDL) covalently bonded to Sepharose beads was not degraded by normal human fibroblasts nor did it trigger inhibition of sterol synthesis. The Sepharose beads loaded with LDL bound very tightly to the surface both of normal fibroblasts and fibroblasts from a subject with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; control Sepharose beads (activated sites covered with glycine) did not adhere to either cell type. LDL was extracted by a modification of the method of Gustafson (Gustafson, A. (1965) J. Lipid Res. 6, 512-517), so as to remove essentially all cholesterol, cholesterol ester and triglyceride. This modified LDL was bound, internalized and degraded as well as or better than native LDL. However, it failed to suppress sterol synthesis. These results provide additional evidence that the sterol moiety of the LDL is the key component affecting sterol synthesis. They also imply that the neutral lipids of LDL play a minor role in the binding of LDL to cell membranes and that the apoprotein rather than molecular size and shape is the critical factor.  相似文献   

Hyaluronidase expression in human skin fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hyaluronidase activity has been detected for the first time in normal human dermal fibroblasts (HS27), as well as in fetal fibroblasts (FF24) and fibrosarcoma cells (HT1080). Enzymatic activity was secreted predominantly into the culture media, with minor amounts of activity associated with the cell layer. In both classes of fibroblasts, hyaluronidase expression was confluence-dependent, with highest levels of activity occurring in quiescent, post-confluent cells. However, in the fibrosarcoma cell cultures, expression was independent of cell density. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 3.7 and on hyaluronan substrate gel zymography, activity occurred as a single band corresponding to an approximate molecular size of 57 kDa. The enzyme could be immunoprecipitated in its entirety using monoclonal antibodies raised against Hyal-1, human plasma hyaluronidase. PCR confirmed that fibroblast hyaluronidase was identical to Hyal-1. The conclusion by previous investigators using earlier technologies that fibroblasts do not contain hyaluronidase activity should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Ultrasound of 0,2 Wt/cm2 intensity affects the ionic transport across the mitochondrial membrane in vitro. In the presence of 1 mM EGTA in the incubation medium ultrasound slows down K+ exit into the external medium after the addition of an uncoupling agent (2,4-dinitrophenol). With the addition of 100 divided by 400 mM Ca2+ to the starting medium ultrasound makes the amount of Ca2+ absorbed by mitochondrial decrease and the rate of Ca2+/H+ electroneutral exchange increase. Without Ca2+ ultrasound does not influence the rate of coupled and 2,4-dinitrophenol uncoupled respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, i.e. does not produce strong functional changes.  相似文献   

A variety of mechanotransduction pathways mediate the response of fibroblasts or chondrocytes to ultrasound stimulation. In addition, regulatory pathways that co-ordinate stimulus-specific cellular responses are likely to exist. In this study, analysis was confined to the hypothesis that ultrasound stimulation (US) influences the chromatin structure, and that these changes may reflect a regulatory pathway that connects nuclear architecture, chromatin structure and gene expression. Murine fibroblasts seeded on tissue culture plates were stimulated with US (5.0 MHz (14 kPa), 51-s per application) and the thermal denaturation profiles of nuclei isolated from fibroblasts were assessed by dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC). When compared to the thermal profiles obtained from the nuclei of non-stimulated cells, the nuclei obtained from stimulated cells showed a change in peak profiles and peak areas, which is indicative of chromatin remodeling. Independently, US was also observed to impact the histone (H1):chromatin association as measured indirectly by DAPI staining. Based on our work, it appears plausible that US can produce a remodeling of chromatin, thus triggering signal cascade and other intracellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation-activated chloride channels in human skin fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C E Bear 《FEBS letters》1988,237(1-2):145-149
A chloride-selective channel has been found using patch-clamp electrophysiology in human skin fibroblasts and it exhibits many of the biophysical properties of the Cl- channel found in airway epithelia. As in the case of epithelial Cl- channels, Cl- channels in fibroblasts are activated at depolarized membrane potentials in excised patches, rectifying in an outward direction with a unit conductance of 33 pS at 0 mV. Furthermore, the agonists forskolin and prostaglandin E2 evoke Cl- channel activity in cell-attached patches. The effect of these agonists can be mimicked by direct application of catalytic subunit of protein kinase A with ATP and Mg2+ to the internal membrane surface of excised, inside-out patches. The Cl- channel is also sensitive to inhibition by the stilbene derivative, DIDS. These results indicate that fibroblasts may provide a convenient and available model for the study of epithelial Cl- channel regulation and accelerate efforts to determine the regulatory defect expressed in cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Collagen and noncollagen protein synthesis in cultured human skin fibroblasts was studied in relation to different growth phases. In order to quantify collagen synthesis, we determined the release of incorporated radioactivity using purified bacterial collagenase. Collagen as well as noncollagen protein synthesis markedly decreased during fibroblast growth. On the other hand, we found a 3-fold increase in relative collagen synthesis (i.e. collagen synthesis compared to total protein synthesis) comparing cells in the log growth phase with cells in the stationary growth phase.  相似文献   

(1) The receptor mediated endocytosis of homologous LDL by human skin fibroblasts can be significantly enhanced by prior incubation of the cells with sphingolipids. Gangliosides GM1 or GD1a, their desialylated derivatives and sphingosine stimulate binding and uptake to LDL by up to 40% of normal values. The effect is observed in normal fibroblasts, LDL receptor deficient fibroblasts or in tunicamycin-treated cells with a reduced number of functional receptors but is dependent on the time of preincubation of the cells and the concentration of the sphingolipid in the medium. (2) Detailed studies on the ganglioside effect revealed, that cell bound gangliosides intensify the LDL-induced supression of [14C]acetate incorporation into cholesterol. (3) The receptor dependence and relative receptor specificity of the sphingolipid effect is evident from the fact that (a) after complete suppression of receptor synthesis gangliosides fail to stimulate uptake of LDL, that (b) fatty acids or lipids not containing sphingosine are without effect and that (c) the receptor specific internalisation of α2-macroglobulin or epidermal growth factor is not influenced by exogenous sphingolipids.  相似文献   

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